A couple weeks ago I quipped:
What do Judy Miller and Stefan Sharkansky have in common? They’ve both been booted from their respective papers.
Truth is, I hadn’t bothered to look into the circumstances surrounding Stefan’s departure from The Stranger… my unsupported insinuation was just a little friendly dig, mostly intended to serve as a springboard for linking to the Judy Miller story.
But a couple of “the Shark’s” sycophants expressed displeasure in my comment thread, so in the interest of fairness, I thought I’d point you towards BlatherWatch, where Michael has the inside scoop on the sudden end to Stefan’s strange tenure at The Stranger.
This came to a halt, we’re told by someone inside The Stranger, when Sharkansky attended a pair of press conferences wearing a different hat to each.
According to our source, Sharkansky attended the Republicans’ press conference first, where he was hailed as a hero; invited to stand up in front, got the “googly eyes from Kathy Lambert” (not that hard to get, actually, if you’re of the male species) and perhaps even spoke to them. Then shoving his Republican political operative hat back in his pocket, he donned his journalist hat, (made with duct tape and Superglue on PhotoShop, no doubt) and as a Stranger reporter, went to the Elections Department presser, where he presumably asked searing questions ala Mike Wallace.That a reporter would stand as a party operative, and then be a reporter on the same afternoon would embarrass any news organization. Feit was not amused to say the least, according to our source. He decided then and there to kick him off the paper after the election.
So, apparently Stefan was dumped by The Stranger. Lucky guess.
But gee… I sure hope I had something to do with it when I wrote about his fake press conference back on 10/13.
But perhaps the most embarrassing detail for Irons and his GOP comrades is that they seemed unembarrassed to stand there side by side with WA state’s most famous conspiracy theorist, our friend Stefan of (un)Sound Politics, whose tireless efforts to find patterns of fraud in KC’s voter databases borders on numerology, and whose aluminum-hat-analyses have earned him every last drop of incredulity he enjoys. Stefan actually had the temerity to stand before the assembled media throng and claim he was one of them, ignoring the fact that real journalists cover press conferences… they don’t conduct them.
It was bound to end sometime. Stefan was never a very good fit at The Stranger, not so much for his politics, but because he’s such an extraordinarily godawful boring writer. The Stranger’s hip cultural coverage is totally lost on me (I’m hip-challenged), and I occasionally find their political analysis a tad annoying, but Dan Savage has certainly populated the staff with gifted and entertaining writers… and, well… Stefan… not so much.
So am I happy to see Stefan lose his weekly soapbox? Hell yeah. And is it unprofessional of me to rub salt in his wounds this way? Yeah, sure… I suppose. But then, unlike Stefan, I’ve never pretended to be a professional journalist.
In the comment thread, Dan Savage (or at least, somebody claiming to be Dan Savage… how should I know?) claims that Stefan was not in fact dumped for the “two hats” incident. I suppose Dan (if it is Dan) would know.
Whatever. The Stranger is still better off without him.
MY-OH-MY! Stefan, the truth hurts and Goldy just hit you in the face with big cream pie of truth. Drivel, complaining and sour grapes do not qualify as writing.
I never understood why the Stranger (a paper that I’m a rabid fan of, despite my unhipness) hired Sharkansky, and now I’m glad that I don’t have to understand. The problem is exactly how you state it: It wasn’t his politics, it was the sheer banality of his writing. He was a total mismatch for the paper, and thankfully his reign of tree blight was painlessly short.
It always amuses me how the right, while jumping to stifle opposing voices, ceaselessly caterwauls about their own supposed “censorship” by the (all together, now) “liberal media”. But when granted a platform, they have nothing of interest to say. I read The Stranger for the news, as well as for the arts and parties, and Mr. S. never had anything new to tell me. His regurgitation of hard-right G.O.P. shouting points was always entirely predictable, right down to the last punctuation mark. And he had to add that other trick, obligatory for modern self-appointed moralizers: an ethical lapse so brazen that an honest employer had no other option than to fire him immediately. ‘Tis pity that George Will and Judith Miller did not have editors with the ethics of Mr. Feit; we might have been spared the horrors of needless war.
Goldy, What paper pays you? Certainly not the Wall Street Journal. Maybe Pravda?? [hehe….Democrats: social parasites]
JCH @4,
You actually raise an interesting point for a change. In answer, no paper pays me… which means some enterprising editor out there still has the opportunity to add a smart, entertaining, sometimes-controversial columnist to their staff.
So if any of the papers out there are looking for a columnist… I’m looking for a column.
Sorry, you are not entertaining and also not controversial. We all know where you stand…no controversy here :-)
But I find your blog entertaining by reading all the various “opinions”, especially about Rogers Vasectomy and other surgical implants.
But one question to you: What is this obsession with Stephan. Not a week goes by when there is not a big space dedicated to him, etc. Can’t you stand on your own merits or controversies as you call them ? Can’t you just be yourself without comparing yourself to him and his blog…?
I read his column and liked it. Style and content.
Did you have a bad childhood? Why the fixation on Shark? Is it like blacks and successful conservative blacks…having a conservative Jew threatens you?
WrongOne –
Face it. Shark and Goldy have similar styles and feed off one another to some extent. Both are outrageous at times and are good at drawing attention to themselves. Both have driven each others readership to some extent. I found out about Goldy from (un)SP and coming here was like finding an oasis in the desert. I’m sure all the trolls here found out about Goldy the same way.
Minnow spews drivel and Goldy call him on it. Minnow pretends Goldy hardly exists except with dismissive “moonbat” bleat.
Minnow has lost again and again and will continue to lose because he’s disconnected from reality like most if not all of his readership and he slavishly supports the similarly disconnected talkings points of the GOP.
Goldy on the other hand has gone for the jugular on the wingut’s unreal obsessions and the GOP’s corruption e.g. The “Orange” Revolution, Tim Eyman, Mike Brown, the BIAW and David Irons. He keeps winning because the other side makes it easy.
I think Goldy is Us/People while Shark is Nat Review.
9 – you’re entitled to your opinion (1st ammendment and all) but Goldy gets results and Minnow gets booted – Goldy is the scurrilous political pamphleteer and Minnow is getting more like Art Bell every day.
Goldy has been instrumental in getting an incompetent, Cabinet crony appointee exposed and forced to resign.
Stefan, despite his incessant, petulant bleatings, has been unable to sell his bogus bill of goods to a Bush-appointed U.S. Attorney, a Republican King County prosecutor, a superior court judge in a conservative forum-shopped county, or the King County electorate. In the marketplace of ideas, Stefan is a serial bankruptee.
To his credit, SS has drawn some merited attention to an inept KCRE office, but FTC at 10 is right, he sounds more like Art Bell and the old John Birchers every day.
Savage and Feit also wear two hats and are as partisan as Sharkansky. Decent people don’t display their schadenfreude so openly. Really decent people don’t even feel the ugly emotion.
Stefan has done great work in exposing errors in KCRE. If you are a regular reader of his, which I am, you would know that many of his “finds” were on his blog one to two days before they were picked up by the Seattle Times and/or the PI. That ‘culture’ as Judge Bridges called it has been in KCRE for years, it’s been exposed several times over the last 10 years, and fixed several times, and it continues, but it most certainly better than it was in the past.
Whatever your political persuasion, you better believe that Stefan and Goldy have made a big dent in the Main Stream Media’s armor. And we, the people, win! It is a lot harder these days for Democrats or Republicans to hide corruption. The status quo has changed considerably, people are “on notice,” and it’s a good thing.
Decent people
Like the Minnow, yeah right. Minnow’s goal is to remove Dean Logan from his job. This is glorified mob rule. A secondary goal is to get an elected county elections auditor as if the scrutiny on KCREALS and the participation of the parties and volunteers hasn’t been enough. All we need is another partisan office.
Does KCREALS have problems, shortcomings? Sure. So does every other county elections office in this state. As a whole they’re understaffed and underequipped. Hardly anyone pays them attention except when there’s a large screwup and the parties try to make hay of it.
KCREALS had in 2004 43 full time equivalent employees handling Records, Elections and Licensing. They did a remarkable job by any metric in a record turnout election. Now they have more people (15 more I think) and lot more support from the Sec of State’s office. There will miniscule problems in 2006 and beyond. And they really should get a building so they’re not scattered in four places. Maybe after 2006.
As for 2004:
The wingnuts had no problem with the 1st count. Good job KCREALS!!
The wingnuts had no problem with the 2nd count. Good job KCREALS!
B.S. Lust for power by the unhinged right, nothing more.
But you see, Goldy, the BIG question is this: If Stefan wins his lawsuit against King County, is he going to share the proceeds with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who paid for his lawsuit, or keep all the money for himself like a selfish prick?
“Sorry, you are not entertaining and also not controversial.”
Would Goldy be more entertaining and controversial if he wrote that conservatives should be put in concentration camps and executed? That’s how Ann Coulter got her column.
Yeah, sure… I suppose. But then, unlike Stefan, I’ve never pretended to be a professional journalist.
Hear hear. I would never put Stephan in the same league as a professional journalist either. Well at least a professional journalists who work for the MSM. He can not lie good enough and can’t back it up with a fake memo.
I am a huge fan of the Stranger, and I thought it a bit ballsy for Josh Feit to hire a controversial figure. But I was dissapointed to find that… he’s so fucking boring as a writer. The Stranger is known for punchy, interesting writing, letting conservatives (Andrew Sullivan) and folks with other differing views write for the paper. I was hoping it would work out for Stefan, but the topics were usually an odd choice for the paper, and his commentary was usually flat. That ain’t good. Shark should go write for that piece of shit Weekly.
@6 (continued)
Personally, I don’t find Coulter either entertaining or amusing; and if she shows up on my doorstep with a TV crew and the intention of arresting Roger Rabbit for being a liberal, I’ll take her word at face value and exercise my legal right to self-defense and my trigger finger!
We must admire The Stranger for (a) recognizing that it made a bad decision and (2) doing something about it. Can you imagine Tha Seattle Inbred Times moving that fast on, well, anything?
Can always count on a wingfuck to play the race-religion card … at least righton doesn’t try to hide the fact he’s a racist and an anti-Semite …
Comment on 9
“Minnow pretends Goldy hardly exists”
He pretends Roger Rabbit DOESN’T exist — because he’s scared shitless of a 9 lb., 1 oz. bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail! Minnow is a gutless wonder. He’s terrified of The Rabbit’s simple, straightforward question: Is he going to stiff his supporters and keep the money for himself?
Once again, another example of LEFTIST PINHEADS only wanting opinions of those who think likemindedly. The Stranger cries for Free Speech, bashes Bush, supports LEFTIST candidates….then complains because Stefan challenges those in POWER (Ron Sims & KingCo Elections).
CLOWNS to the LEFT of ME for sure….
The rationale of the Stranger is mighty strange when there very own conduct in the name of NEWS is even worse.
Stefan was a OPINION Colummist, like Maureen Dowd, only Stefan has a brain and a conscience!!! How can you rationalize terminating an OPINION Columnis for having an opinion????
The LEFTIST PINHEADS are WORSE than what they claim to abhor!!!
Thank you once again Stranger for your predictable hipocrosy.
Rog sez—
“He pretends Roger Rabbit DOESN’T exist – because he’s scared shitless of a 9 lb., 1 oz. bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail!”
Hey Rog…you used to weigh 9lbs. 2 oz!!!
What happened….did they cut your dick off????
Is it true that Steffy ran a male escort service just like his hero, Mr. Gannon, the other faux republican reporter?
“If you are a regular reader of his, which I am”
Yes, we could tell right off the bat! Say, Sarge, since you’re such an admirer of Stefan and his rantings — what’s your take on the fact Stefan hasn’t done an expose of the GOP’s ham-fisted, error-riddled, voter challenges? Why isn’t he outraged that KCGOP and Lori Sotelo:
1) Waited until 2 days before an election to file nearly 2,000 challenges?
2) Targeted the challenges at Democratic precincts, instead of making an honest attempt to find ineligible voters throughout the state?
3) Falsely swore, under penalty of perjury, that she had personal knowledge of the ineligibility of these voters, when she had no personal knowledge about any of them?
4) Altered the affidavit form to add a basis for challenge that does not exist in the law?
5) Used a signature machine to sign the affidavits, instead of signing them personal? (Perhaps to beat a perjury rap by using the defense that she didn’t “sign” the false affidavits?)
Sergeant Mac — let me ask you this — rightwingers love to bray about how you and your fellow soldiers (and war veterans like me) put your lives on the line to secure our freedoms. And this is true; and all who have worn the uniform deserve our perpetual gratitude. But WHY are honorable people like you so cravenly blind to brazen schemes to DISENFRANCHISE legal voters? Is it, in your mind, okay to take away someone’s right to vote if they’re inclined to vote for Democrats? Is the right to vote worth securing, worth fighting for, worth dying for, worth defending, only if it’s a Republican vote?
Stefan is a brazen apologist and cheerleader for people who are committing election fraud, to wit: Chris Vance and Lori Sotelo. How can an honorable person such as yourself align yourself with these bottom feeders? How can you fail to see there is nothing honest or honorable about what they did, and this scheme had nothing to do with cleaning up the voter rolls?
“Hey Rog…you used to weigh 9lbs. 2 oz!!! What happened….did they cut your dick off????”
No, I used to weigh 8 7/8 lbs., and if you want to know if they cut my dick off, why don’t you come over to Green Lake Park and rub my furry dick and find out for yourself? ha ha ha ha ha ha
The doctor said I should take it easy on posting today because I’m still under the influence of painkillers. Apparently these medications can cause garbled typing.
Face it. Shark and Goldy have similar styles -Comment by For the Clueless— 11/26/05 @ 10:19 am
Um, no.
Goldstein, the beer beggar can’t get through a paragraph without insulting his readers… not unlike foul-mouthed rap stars who earn big bux insulting their listeners… entertaining but totally classless.
On the other hand, Sepfan treats his readers with respet and comes from the premise that they are thinking adults.
Personally, I don’t find Coulter either entertaining or amusing; and if she shows up on my doorstep with a TV crew -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 12:17 pm
Snicker… in your delusional bunny hallucinations sweetcheeks.
A 9 pound bunny could feed a family of 10 katrina dumb asses.
Better and tastier than eating each other. ALSO Ann Coulter
is HOT and so SMART that the DEMS miss 90% of her humor.
It must be GENETIC to be a liberal. I chuckle to myself.
Humor and sarcasm are lost on the smug, oh so serious and self-important elite thinkers…
Why don’t you come over and try to feed Roger Rabbit to 10 Katrina victims … better yet, why don’t you and Ann come together? hee heee heeee hee he (click-click)
If Ann Coulter is such a comedian, how come she didn’t get a gig on the Katrina Relief fundraising tour? Is she TOO funny?
I don’t doubt that you also see humor in Josef Goebbels’ speeches …
It seems that Stefan is on your mind a lot, how come?
Maybe that’s why I can see that tinge of green on your face……
Suggestion: instead of wasting your reader’s time discussing this kind of drivel, how about doing some real blogging?
ProudASS @ 29
“Goldstein, the beer beggar can’t get through a paragraph without insulting his readers… not unlike foul-mouthed rap stars who earn big bux insulting their listeners… entertaining but totally classless.”
ProudASS, on the other hand, cannot write a post on Goldy’s site without insulting Goldy. What a fucking asshole! She probably shits on people’s carpets when she visits their homes, too.
You notice the people in Texas had no trouble at all dealing
with their hurricane. Wonder why? HMMM
The goldy monkey butt is back!!! Hiya derriere jape!
Annoy @6,
Yes, well, whenever I write about Stefan I get the “why are you obsessed” with him line, but for some reason, nobody ever accuses me of being obsessed with Frank Blethen whenever I opine on the Seattle Times editorial board’s frequent shilling for repealing the estate tax. I write on “politics and the press.” Like it or not, (u)SP is part of the press. Thus Stefan is fair game.
As to why I choose to write about Stefan, well, quite obviously, I’m trying to discredit him. And I do it by relentlessly pointing out how often he is either intentionally misleading in the way he presents his “facts” and/or is dead wrong in his analysis. And it doesn’t hurt my case when he unethically abuses his position at The Stranger to pretend to be something he’s not… an incident that surely doesn’t play well with the journalists we are both trying to influence.
But it’s nothing personal. It wouldn’t surprise me if a majority of WA voters still wrongly believe that Dino Rossi actually won the 2004 election, and Stefan deserves a lot of credit for this. He was extremely successful in shaping media coverage of the election contest controversy, particularly early on — much more successful than I would have predicted — and I’m simply trying to undermine him so he doesn’t have that opportunity again. This is just good strategy on my part.
And on top of all this, kicking Stefan while he’s down is, well… fun. I have every right to gloat… a year after we both really got into this, Christine Gregoire is still governor, Ron Sims is still executive, and (pending the recommendations of the turn around team) Dean Logan is still running KCRE. Meanwhile, I’ve established a track record of moving headlines, impacting elections, and bringing down incompetent White House appointees, while the state GOP should be asking Stefan “what have you done for me lately?”
The fact is, despite my irreverent domain name and occasional use of foul language, I simply have more credibility than he does. And it is both useful and satisfying for me to occasionally point this out.
Goldy, a bit of advice….show some of that infamous liberal compassion…. give the monkey that grafted himself up your derriere a bit of attention… the jape is suffering greatly from unrequited love and he is quite forlorn.
“Knock! Knock!”
“Who’s there?”
“President George W. Bush. I’m just trying to escape!”
I’ll go Goldy @ 39 one better. Shark’s achievements are in negative territory.
He and his buddies at SoundPolitics and KVI successfully led the state GOP out on limbs that wouldn’t bear their weight. The recount, I-912, 330 and the registration challenge fiasco. Fringe-Republican overreach gives state Dem’s the Big Mo, and leaves mainstream Republicans musing “WTF?”.
Hell hath no fury like a clueless republican scorned.
Goldy, will Stephan file for unemployment? Will he update his resume? Only the Shadow knows!
ProudASS @ 40
“Goldy, a bit of advice….show some of that infamous liberal compassion…. give the monkey that grafted himself up your derriere a bit of attention… the jape is suffering greatly from unrequited love and he is quite forlorn.”
Wooowwwww…Now that is intelligent stuff, ProudASS!
“ProudASS: not the dumbest, but certainly the biggest FOOL ’round here.”
“You notice the people in Texas had no trouble at all dealing
with their hurricane. Wonder why? HMMM”
Because they vote Republican?
“Like it or not, (u)SP is part of the press.”
Uh … no, Goldy, it’s not — this debases the term “press” — Stefan is merely a small cog in the Republican noise machine.
“show some of that infamous liberal compassion…. give the monkey that grafted himself up your derriere a bit of attention”
See #40
By the way — isn’t it interesting that ASS, a confessed winger, uses the adjective “infamous” with the word “compassion?” Very revealing — she has unintentionally demonstrated what wingers think of compassion. Jesus is for sissies, hey ASS? Don’t forget to say “Seig Heil” today!
oops that should say “See #41”
Hey Roger, I hope you feel better, I hate having teeth pulled and wisdom teeth are pretty awful too. Stefan blasted the party for the errors. In three or four different posts he let his dissappointment and disapproval be known and he called for all errors to be withdrawn and a personal apology issued. The posters also blasted the errors, moreso than I did. I think the timing of the challenges was to get the canvassing board involved. If you make a challenge more than 30 days out, I think I read that they are determined by Dean Logan alone. They were filed with Logan about a week before and he had to write letters to all of the challenged voters.
Listen up sweetcheeks… (oooh, doesn’t the image of dj with his monkey head grafted up the beer beggars butt just give new meaning to the description sweetcheeks) …. the truth is the truth and if you perceive it as an insult on behalf of your unrequited love… well, toots, that fallS into the category of YOUR PROBLEM!
dj, let our personal asswipe keep up her diatribe. It gives all someone to laugh at……lmao@our own condescending asswipe
ProudASS @ 51
“(oooh, doesn’t the image of dj with his monkey head grafted up the beer beggars butt just give new meaning to the description sweetcheeks)”
Whatever trips your trigger, ASS. But, I would suggest you seek some professional help.
ProudASS @ 51
“…. the truth is the truth and if you perceive it as an insult on behalf of your unrequited love… well, toots, that fallS into the category of YOUR PROBLEM!”
Quite a little fantisy world you have created for youself, ASS. Get help. Soon. I may not be too late!
I believe after many years of careful & detailed research, I have come up with both the PROBLEM and more importantly the cure for what ails the great State of Washington.
It appears the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS suffer from a rather common affliction caused by a back-up of fecal matter that has caused massive swelling and dysfunction of the “reasoning” area of the brain.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, here is the solution!
“A COLOSTOMY is done when the lower large intestine, rectum, or anus is unable to function normally or needs rest from normal functions. Intestinal obstruction with associated inflammation, as in diverticulitis, is a common indication for colostomy.”
We owe this major medical, political and philosophical break thru to myself, Puddybud, PACMAN, HowCan and many others on the RIGHT who repeatedly have recognized how FULL OF SHIT the CLOWNS are!
Just one huge group COLOSTOMY of the LEFTIST PINHEADS and things are certain to improve!!!!!!!
We’re talkin’ Nobel Prize here Pudster!
I will be a soldier till I die, but I am retired, and yes like you, I am a combat veteran (two combat zones.) You can be guaranteed that I wouldn’t disenfranchise legal voters. I don’t care who they voted for. Stefan wouldn’t either. I met him, several times in Seattle, I was one of his many volunteers on his research project. I have personally looked through boxes of ballots in the archives. The provisional ballot envelopes are an absolute disaster. There were two boxes of all kinds of ballots that weren’t counted at all and there were many ballots still in envelopes and I did see lots of ballots for Gregoire in those uncounted ballots. They counted provisionals for many unregistered voters, it was marked clearly on the envelopes that the voter wasn’t registered.
I dunno Cyn… if Goldy has a colostomy, his dj may get hurt in the process… he’s a twerp, but I think it could be BE NICE TO TWERPS DAY.
Cynical Irrelevant Bozo @ 55
I bet you gave money to the R’s to pay Davis, Wright, Tremaine for the excellent case they made before Bridges. You were so sure “Goldstein is going to go down!”. Slam Dunk!
You went out and gathered signatures for I-912 from “Truman Democrats”. I-912 was going to make Gregoire a lame duck. Take that one to the bank…
David Irons was going to defeat Ron Sims by playing on resentment and playing low key Rovian stealth style that is, until Goldy repeated what the MSM reported years earlier.
What happened Cynical Bozo? Who keeps losing. Whose head is full of shit?
The real scam is that King County keeps paying all of these teams hundreds of thousands of dollars to evaluate KCRE, and not one of the teams has looked at one ballot. If the processes and procedures are in place and are being followed, you would not see the problems in KCRE that they have. You might see a few errors here or there, but not to the extent that they have been and it’s been ongoing for years. I think they are improving, maybe I am naive, but there is only so much slamming that one can take in the press, and Logan has been catching hell for months, hopefully, he’s taking action to ensure it doesn’t continue.
FOR YOU TWERP…ER, DJ…(with apologies)
I (dj) knew right from the start
that my love was going to be a tragedy
But tell me – what could I (dj) do?
My feelings were no longer controlled by me
A face that launched a thousand ships
And a smile that lit up the skies
I (dj) thought all that was imagination
Till Goldy stood before my eyes
I (dj) saw Goldy’s face in every place I (dj) looked
And heard Goldy’s voice everywhere
I (dj) longed to tell Goldy’s all this and more
That I (dj) dream of Goldy – and I care
All I (dj) want is for Goldy to be happy
I (dj) can’t bear to see Goldy in pain
I (dj) live for Goldy; and I’ll (dj) die for Goldy
If it’ll bring Goldy’s smile back again
Don’t be surprised for here’s a liberal (poeitc license)
With not one heart but two
Goldy stole my heart the day I (dj) saw him
So mine’s ticking inside Goldy too
A love like this there never has been
A love like this will never again be seen
In my heart I (dj) built a castle of love
And crowned Goldy its one and only queen (poetic license or …)
Time seems to fly when I’m with Goldy
Goldy makes me feel so happy
And every second away from Goldy
Seems to me like eternity
Life without Goldy seems so empty
Goldy’s become part of my destiny
God (or darwin) must have been thinking of Goldy
When he created me
With pain in my heart and tears in my eyes
I (dj) watch Goldy walk down to be fed (more poetic license)
What a beautiful life it would’ve been
If I (dj) could marry Goldy instead
Maybe this life is what Goldy deserves
Maybe Goldy’s read by someone better
As for me, till the day I (dj) die
I’ll live my life thinking of Goldy
Excuse me, but did it ever occur to you to ask, say, me or Josh why we decided to end Stefan’s column? That two hats stuff? This is the first I’ve heard of it. We’re not opposed to folks who participate in politics and public life also writing about it in the Stranger. Dominic Holden wrote up Hempfest for us, guys.
I already posted our reasons for retiring SoundBite on this site once, and I’m a little annoyed that you would continue to post total bullshit like this. Who, I’d like to know, are your sources inside the Stranger? Please name them. Not because I want to fire them, Goldy, but because I’m certain they do not exist.
Keep it up, HA, and we’ll put Stefan’s column back in the paper. Geez.
ProudASShole, don’t you have something more constructive to do? Like maybe picking your nose or the cling-ons on your proud ass.
Uh Oh Lassie… er, DJ!
Someone’s hurting Timmy…er, Goldy!!
Get ’em boy!
Sic ’em Lassie…Good boy
Ah, N, what could be more fun than exposing twerps, fruitcakes, mutburgers and fringies as the silly little insignificant fools they are…especially when they make it soooo darn easy!
The provisional ballot envelopes are an absolute disaster. There were two boxes of all kinds of ballots that weren’t counted at all and there were many ballots still in envelopes and I did see lots of ballots for Gregoire in those uncounted ballots. They counted provisionals for many unregistered voters, it was marked clearly on the envelopes that the voter wasn’t registered.
Comment by sgmmac— 11/26/05 @ 3:55 pm
sgmmac most of the folks on this website are ignoreing what you are saying, because they really don’t want to hear the truth nor deal with reality. Please don’t stop talking about the subject matter even though they show some bad matters. Some of the older folks forgot to take their med’s, and the other just join in from moveon.org. The only way for the problem to be fixed is to bring in the FED’s. This town has pick up some bad habits from Chicago and will be hard to break without some outside help. Keep the sectences short, use third grade language, misspell words, and don’t use words the express their political color. The filters are up on anything they dissagree with.
It’s always funny when bloggers start throwing stones at other bloggers. Especially when they have overly grandiose notions of their own importance.
Also, regards to Mr. Goldstein’s assertions of being/not being a journalist, I’ve read his comments on that subject so many times that it’s long since stopped being funny. One week he claims to be one, the next he claims never to have been one.
Excuse me, but did it ever occur to you to ask, say, me or Josh why we decided to end Stefan’s column? That two hats stuff? This is the first I’ve heard of it. We’re not opposed to folks who participate in politics and public life also writing about it in the Stranger. Dominic Holden wrote up Hempfest for us, guys.
I already posted our reasons for retiring SoundBite on this site once, and I’m a little annoyed that you would continue to post total bullshit like this. Who, I’d like to know, are your sources inside the Stranger? Please name them. Not because I want to fire them, Goldy, but because I’m certain they do not exist.
Keep it up, HA, and we’ll put Stefan’s column back in the paper. Geez.
Comment by Dan Savage— 11/26/05 @ 4:35 pm
So Goldy, who was your failed source???
Do you still stand by your post?????????????????????
Awww…gee whiz, ProudASS I am all flattered that you would devote so much of your day writing poems to me and all. But, I am afraid, your love will remain unrequited.
I just don’t go for angry old wingnut windbags!
But, good luck in your quest—hopefully you will find someone who can also help with your mental health “issue.”
Dan Savage @ 61 (or person posting as Dan Savage),
Sorry to hear that you are not in the loop, dude! This looks very bad for you, too. At least you have book royalties.
ReporterWard @ 66
“Also, regards to Mr. Goldstein’s assertions of being/not being a journalist, I’ve read his comments on that subject so many times that it’s long since stopped being funny. One week he claims to be one, the next he claims never to have been one. “
Really???? Where does Goldy claim to be a real journalist? Please do tell.
Or is this some idea you pulled out of your ass?
Goldy, discrediting Stefan has a certain amount of value, but pushed too far it merely gives him greater exposure. By the same token, gratuitously gloating about Stefan’s apparent misfortunes may be amusing (and satisfying to those of us on the left), but it can also be perceived as rather mean spirited by those who are supposedly paid to be fair minded. You want to cultivate reporters? This could come back and haunt you.
You’re quite gifted, but you also seem to suffer from a misplaced sense of invincibility. Pride before the fall, dude.
Wow ASS – your hate inspires you to poetry!
Instead of spending so much time trying to “discredit” Stefan, you should spend some time trying to educate some of your fans.
I have never seen so many shallow, hate filled, meaningless posts on a blog.
But then, I guess they feel at home here for some reason……
By the way, I believe there is an extreme case of envy that is driving you.
Where’s my proof?
You sure don’t seem very interested in actively participating in other threads like you seem to be doing here.
Hmmm, I wonder why………….?
Dan Savage @ 61
Don’t knock Goldy or HA.org. Goldy’s only repeating what Michael @ Blatherwatch reported – and Michael unlike Goldy is a REAL journalist.
So ask your question to Michael Hood.
I still think that your seemingly “obsessive” focus on Stefan is telling.
If you spent more time trying to educate your fans (referring to some of the comments here) you would be doing them a better service.
If it helps any (you seem to be starving for an “attaboy”) you are the reason for all of the recent democratic successes in King County lately (LOL).
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
Dan @61,
No, I didn’t bother asking you or Josh, because quite frankly, actual reporting type work takes too much effort to waste it on something inconsequential like this. I made it clear in my post that my original post comparing Stefan to Judy Miller was just a dig, with nothing to back it up. As to this post, I cited my source, Michael Hood at BlatherWatch. I’ve never claimed to have any sources of my own. If Michael is wrong, then certainly you and Josh are free to correct him in the comment threads here and on BlatherWatch. That’s the great thing about blogs (well… the ones that don’t edit the comments.)
But you know what…? It doesn’t really matter to me why Stefan’s column ended. I’ve made it clear to Josh, privately, that I thought his reporting was misleading, dishonest and blatantly partisan, and that his skill as a writer was far beneath The Stranger’s usual high standards. If you don’t think the incident at KCRE was worthy of axing him, that’s your decision, but I can tell that if, say Neil Modie of the P-I got up there as part of Democratic presser, and then proceeded to the cover a followup press conference, he would have been excoriated by Stefan and others… and rightly so.
Stefan didn’t just use The Stranger as a platform, he used his Stranger credentials to feign objectivity, and he deserved to be called for it.
Is that an apology??????????
It might be better to say “I’m a dumbass who repeats ANYTHING I’m told as long as it furthers my agenda”.
Jaybo @ 73
You (and some of the other wingnuts that post here) are strangly obsessed by the fact that Goldy discusses uSP and Sharkansky. I find that fucking creapy! Why are you so obsessive about this? Is this a sign of some insecurity about uSP? Or is it simple OCD?
I am not sure why anyone would find it surprising that the author of the largest liberal blog in the area would occasionally discuss the largest conservative blog in the area.
“If you spent more time trying to educate your fans (referring to some of the comments here) you would be doing them a better service.”
Right…well, since you obviously are a regular reader, I think it would be good if Goldy could provide you and the other wingnuts ’round here with a little “reality based” knowledge.
Keep reading and trying hard to follow the ideas, Jaybo. Maybe you will come out of your wingnut coma!
Great Editorial by Chris Vance in the P-I.
Vance should have done this weeks ago.
So based on Goldstein’s declaration that Stefan Sharkansky is a “godawful boring writer,” I’m left wondering what Goldstein thinks makes an exciting writer?
From what I can gather from Goldstein’s posts, it seems that his definition of exciting prose is a large portion of profanity, with an extra helping of sarcasm, and topped off with the myopic hauteur that one can only get from being an inexorable progressive.
The good news is that we can once again use The Stranger to kindle our hearths without fear of missing anything clashing with the party line.
Dan @61,
Re-reading my reply, I should add that if I got the circumstances wrong (via BlatherWatch) I apologize. Obviously, you and Josh know the real reasons for ending Stefan’s column.
That said, I stand by my main criticism… that Stefan is a boring writer who in the service of his agenda, often gets his analysis wrong. You have staffed The Stranger with great writers… but Stefan wasn’t one of them.
ASSwipe @ 64 I always thought you were rather ‘off your rocker’, now from your post, you want to ‘expose’ yourself? You fit your description to a tee!! Maybe you have been in Spokane too long for your own good…..
“They counted provisionals for many unregistered voters, it was marked clearly on the envelopes that the voter wasn’t registered.”
Sarge, you have no way of knowing this unless you checked each of these envelopes against the registration rolls.
ASS lives in Spokane!?!
ASS: Did you vote for Jim West? Did you vote for George “Term Limits” Nethercutt?
@56 (continued)
The problem with Sharansky and his volunteers is they are not objective or impartial. When partisans embark on “research” with preconceived ideas of what they want to find, why should anyone believe their “findings?”
How do you know the consultants haven’t looked at any ballots?
“sgmmac most of the folks on this website are ignoreing what you are saying, because they really don’t want to hear the truth nor deal with reality.”
No, we’re ignoring what she’s saying because the GOP spent $2 million trying to prove these allegations in court, and couldn’t.
Dan @61,
Re-reading your comment, I just noticed you said you commented on this once before. I didn’t see it. I don’t have the time or the stomach to read all of the comments on HA.
I thought about picking apart Vance’s pack-of-lies in the P-I, but I was busy. Quoting this piece of blather should suffice to discredit Mr. Vance’s screed:
“Democratic lawyers have contended that Republicans will have to provide the current residential address to successfully challenge each voter on our list. That is false.”
Now let’s see what RCW 29A.08.830(1) says:
“The person filing the challenge must furnish the address at which the challenged voter actually resides.”
Um, how’s that again, Chris? You are getting some really, really bad legal advice! But we already knew that.
Hey Chris — we’ll be happy to pit Jenny Durkan against Diane Tebelius any time you feel like doing this again! Two million dollars down the toilet!! HEEEE WHINNY NEIGH SNICKER HAW HAW HAW
(bet you didn’t know a bunny could do a horse laugh!)
I remember in the gubernatorial recount day some jamoke saying every other comment, “I’ve heard enough! Call in the Feds!”
I thought it strange that people who hated and distrusted the Federal Government were the 1st ones to call for a Fed. investigation into a state matter. Strange indeed! I guess they were so impressed with the Supreme Court stopping the legal counting in Florida and illegally appointing the loser president was such a good thing, maybe the “FEDS” could appoint Dino Rossi governor.
Conservatives are truly the thorn in the side of humanity.
Stefan intermittently babbles about KCRE’s alleged violations of the Public Disclosure Act. I’d like to call HA readers’ attention to RCW 42/17/340(4), which says:
“Any person who prevails against an agency in any action in the courts seeking the right to inspect or copy any public record or the right to receive a response to a public record request within a reasonable amount of time shall be awarded all costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with such legal action. In addition, it shall be within the discretion of the court to award such person an amount not less than five dollars and not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day that he or she was denied the right to inspect or copy said public record.”
In the interest of full disclosure and validating his claims, I wonder if Stefan would publish the amount of costs, attorney fees, and penalties that courts have awarded him against King County to date.
How about it Stefan? Are you and your attorney up to 1 cent yet?
Actually, Stefan hasn’t responded to any of my requests yet, because he’s a chickenshit who is scared shitless of a 9.1 lb. bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail.
Have you ever heard the expression, “putting your money where your mouth is?” Well, Stefan apparently doesn’t believe in his own lawsuit, because he solicited donations to a “legal action fund” from gullible fans so he WOULDN’T have to put HIS money where his mouth is.
Awww…gee whiz, ProudASS I am all flattered that you would devote so much of your day writing poems to me -Comment by dj— 11/26/05 @ 5:23 pm
Wow ASS – your hate inspires you to poetry! -Comment by For the Clueless— 11/26/05 @ 5:33 pm
Um girls… do you actually KNOW how to use a LINK????
Go ahead give it a try… or go to your little browser and type in ODE TO UNREQUITED LOVE and see how many just pop right up… geez do we have to tell these fringies, nutburgers, loonies and Goldybutt attachments everything????? How do you get through a day?
Maybe you have been in Spokane too long for your own good…..
-Comment by cougar— 11/26/05 @ 7:06 pm
You aren’t from around here are you??
Sorry sweetcheeks, had you been paying attention, and yes I know it’s hard, especially without your Ritalin, you would have seen over the months that the LOCAL politics I comment on is that right here in Corrupt Sims County… and I am in that great tax base on the east side that is anxious to declare our independence from King Ron.
Nice try though, son.
So if any of the papers out there are looking for a columnist… I’m looking for a column. -Comment by Goldy— 11/26/05 @ 9:47 am
I don’t have the time or the stomach to read all of the comments on HA. -Comment by Goldy— 11/26/05 @ 7:28 pm
Imagine that…no one wants to hire someone only willing to give a half-ASSED effort…and who brags about it, no less!
Although, with your experience and sterling reputation of a fellow ready, willing and able to harass demented old women, I’m sure one of those grocery tabloids might just give you a chance… think about it… you may be able to move up to drug addled former child celebrities pregnant by extraterrestrials, Mr Ed and/or Elvis.
Yeah yeah, Derriere Jape, I know, I’m picking on your one true love and as soon as you can get your sweetcheeks and nose free from up the beer beggars butt, you’ll express your indignation… again.
Goldy sez:
“Re-reading your comment, I just noticed you said you commented on this once before. I didn’t see it. I don’t have the time or the stomach to read all of the comments on HA.
Comment by Goldy— 11/26/05 @ 7:28 pm”
Amen to that Goldy!
Hell, I doubt if you even read what YOU post much less that of the other knuckleheads. I AM grateful that you read all of mine however….as do the other CLOWNS. They can’t help themselves!
There is a box on the right side of provisional envelopes for KCRE to annotate the status, address, voter ID number etc… lots of admin stuff. The ones I am talking about were very clearly marked by the staff with green ink pens. Lots of writing on them to include the words “Fatal Pends” on some but not all of them. Fatal Pends means that there is something wrong or incomplete with their voter registration. Stefan wrote about these ballots in an article published in the “Stranger.”
remember in the gubernatorial recount day some jamoke saying every other comment, “I’ve heard enough! Call in the Feds!”
I thought it strange that people who hated and distrusted the Federal Government were the 1st ones to call for a Fed. investigation into a state matter. Strange indeed! I guess they were so impressed with the Supreme Court stopping the legal counting in Florida and illegally appointing the loser president was such a good thing, maybe the “FEDS” could appoint Dino Rossi governor.
Florida stopped the donks before they could dip into their “bag-o-ballots” and fraudulently elect another president as they did with JFK. This state has too many donks. King County is just another Chicago. Calling in the FEDS was a last ditch attempt to stop the corruption, it didn’t work.
I have to admit. The Stefan at the Stranger era was interesting to follow. I think I caught most of his columns. He found out some interesting dirt about some election problems, but nothing truly earth-shattering. He even wrote a fairly intelligent column about bi-lingual education. But the bottom line is that someone who buys into the larger myths about the liberal-conservative divide is not going to last very long at the Stranger. Either they’ll be exposed as a fraud or they’ll be intellectually curious enough to just discover some of the basic divides that REALLY exist in politics, which as Goldy described, is just boring to read. Stefan ended up doing the latter, and for that, I’ll give him credit.
But the Stranger is too good of a paper to give that much space to a Kool-Aid drinker who just happened to smell a very small rat (and thinking it was a much bigger one).
Hey kiddies — once again it’s time to post a link to “The Chickenhawk Song” — but today I have an extra special treat: The lyrics!
Download link: http://www.roysongs.com/sounds/
“The Chickenhawk Song”
(copyright Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby)
“Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk ba-ba-baaaaaawk
“Well, my son asked me today, ‘Is this another Vietnam?’
I said, ‘Son, you know it’s, well, it’s, no, it’s hmmm, go ask your mom.’
“It brought back such precious memories of my days in business school
“My favorite stool
“Then my wife said, ‘Hey, I’m worried ’cause they’re starting to deploy.’
“I said, ‘Honey, don’t be silly, we’ll send someone else’s boy,
‘Cause we all make sacrifices, and in a war that’s what the poor …
“people are for.’
“I say, ‘Fight on for freedom’s sake,’
Long as I don’t shake ‘n bake
“[Chicken hawk!] Call me a chicken hawk
[Chicken hawk!] Proud to be a chicken hawk
A loyal armchair jock
“Let’s check that Lockheed stock
I didn’t walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk ba-ba-baaaaaawk
“Just because you might have seen some action there on the front line
“Don’t insult the guys who served their country here on the back nine
“I was gung ho for gunnin’ Ho
Guess I just had other priorities
Like feelin’ more at ease
“I say, ‘Bomb them to hell,’ but I’d
Rather not be Kentucky fried
“[Chicken hawk!] Call me a chicken hawk
[Chicken hawk!] Proud to be a chicken hawk
Watch while I bring democ-
“Racy to all Iraq
I didn’t walk the walk but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk ba-ba-baaaaaawk
“Why did the chicken cross the road
Well, I’ll tell ya, Pard
The chicken crossed the road
To join the Texas Air National Guard
“Roll call!
“Bush [bawk!]
Rove [bawk!]
Card [bawk!]
Ashcroft [bawk!]
Rumsfeld [bawk!]
Perle [bawk!]
Wolfowitz [bawk!]
Cheney [Go BAWK yourself!]
O’Reilly, Hannity, Hume [bawk, bawk, bawk!]
Bennett, Kristol, LimBAWK!
Hastert, Gingrich, Lott, Delay
Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, baaaaaaawk…..
“[Chicken hawk!] Call me a chicken hAWK!
[Chicken hawk!] Proud to be a chicken hAWK!
“Watch while I bring demAWK!
Racy to all IrAWK!
I didn’t walk the walk but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk ba-ba-baaaaaawk
“Let me make this perfectly clear…
The BAWK stops here!”
Roger, if I was partisan why would I tell you that I saw quite a few ballots for Gregoire that were NOT counted. There were Rossi ballots not counted also… These ballots didn’t even appear to have gone before the canvassing board either. Stefan has posted pictures of those ballots and the board marks up the ballot, so that the workers know how to duplicate it to run it through the machine.
Rabbits teeth (or lack thereof) drugs must have kicked in again… does your wife know you’re loose, bunnybutt?
Roger, Both the Democrats and the Republicans complained to Judge Bridges about KCRE NOT complying with disclosure requests. Neither party went into the archives and looked at ballots, they both relied on KCRE to fully disclose. If Jenny Durkin had seen those ballots that I looked at, she would have had a hissy fit! It is important for both sides that Dean Logan and his gang gets their ducks in a row and their bunnies in a straight line!
5 Goldy, Maybe The Onion, MoveOn.Org, or some left wing rag will pay you for your “progressive” crap. Try PBS, or the LA times, too.
Hey ahhhh Ling Cho… Don’t drink the Water
Premier visited this city in China’s northeast Saturday and expressed concern for the 3.8 million residents enduring a fourth day without running water while they wait for a spill of toxic benzene in a nearby river to pass.
The government warned residents that water supplies, suspended to protect the city after a chemical plant explosion, would not resume until 11 p.m. Sunday, a full day later than initially planned.
China has been criticized by environmentalists for its slow response to the disaster and is under pressure from neighboring Russia and the United Nations to release more information about the spill.
On Saturday, China made a rare public apology to Moscow for any harm that may be caused as the poisonous benzene headed downstream toward a far eastern Russian city.
Chinese Central Television’s nightly news broadcast showed Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergei Razov and paraphrased his apology.
“Li Zhaoxing expressed his sincere apology on behalf of the Chinese government for the possible harm that this major environmental pollution incident could bring to the Russian people downstream,” the news report said.
Ahhhh So Sarrry about making a generation of you ruski kids into fripper babies.
Wen Jiabao is however a very good writer.
ProudASShole @ 94
“…harass demented old women…”
Huh? You think Goldy is harassing you now?
ProudASSHole @ 95
“Yeah yeah, Derriere Jape, I know, I’m picking on your one true love…”
No…I don’t think you have a clue who my one true love is. This is, apparently, another manisfestation of your “ProudASS makebelieve land.” Seriously, get help while you can!
“and as soon as you can get your sweetcheeks and nose free from up the beer beggars butt, you’ll express your indignation… again.”
Hmmmmmmm…you seem to have a real obsession with posteriors, given your screen name, and recurrent posts about ’em.
Is that the only way you like it these days ProudASS? Too dry any other way? NOW I believe I understand your screen name!
sgmmac @ 107
My reaction, exactly! :-)
No dj, my only “obsession” is harassing YOU about your constantly pretending that you are riding your trusty mule to defend the beer beggar. As I said yesterday you have your nose so far up his ASS that you have become a grafted-on monkey appendage and as such are LAUGHABLE… I’m so sorry he doesn’t return your affections… keep the dream alive though, sweetcheeks, you are almost as good entertainment as that noisy bug was…. OMG!!! You ARE that noisy bug!!! I wondered what happened to him/her/it… now we know.
rightoff @ 9 “… Shark is Nat Review.”
I assume you mean “gnat review”.
sgmmac — my point is unless you conduct a comprehensive sutdy of what the “ballots in boxes” are, and track the accounting through the computers, you DON’T KNOW what you are looking at. You have no way of knowing what those ballots are, whether they’ve been counted, and why (or why not).
ProudASS @ 109
“No dj, my only “obsession” is harassing YOU about your constantly pretending that you are riding your trusty mule to defend the beer beggar.”
What the fuck?????? Pretending to ride a trusty mule to defend… wha? What??? Gwad…this is either an incredibly lame attempt to be clever, or signs that you are delusional!
“As I said yesterday you have your nose so far up his ASS that you have become a grafted-on monkey appendage and as such are LAUGHABLE…”
More delusional prattle, ASS? Your obsession with all things anal is bizarre!
“I’m so sorry he doesn’t return your affections… keep the dream alive though…”
Ummm…yeah…sorry, ASS these are your private delusions. They bear no resemblance to reality.
“sweetcheeks, you are almost as good entertainment as that noisy bug was…. OMG!!! You ARE that noisy bug!!! I wondered what happened to him/her/it… now we know.”
Bug?? Was that one of your “special friends” ASS? Perhaps it is too late for you….
Hey ProudASS,
Here is an idea for you. You know those old wire coat hangers? Take one of those, cut the top off and straighten it out.
Now, shove in and out of your ass repeatedly for 10 minutes.
That will:
1. Satisfy your anal cravings for awhile
2. Give “our favorite ASS” a lobotmy
Imagine…solving your anal obsessions and delusions simultaneously! Win-win!
my only “obsession” is harassing YOU about your constantly pretending that you are riding your trusty mule to defend the beer beggar
I seriously doubt you have only one obsession, but I would have to agree with dj that the human backside is a major one.
Eventually we’ll see an article in the Seattle PI about some backwater hick being arrested after soliciting an undercover police officer for a spanking, and on that same day ASS will conspicuously stop posting. Reality can’t be that far off, folks.
U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT), who is facing re-election next year, is a possible target of the Justice Department’s Abramoff influence-peddling investigation, according to a Montana newspaper citing the Wall Street Journal as its source.
Burns helped one of Abramoff’s clients, the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, obtain a $3 million federal grant for a school — even though the tribe is among the nation’s wealthiest, and pays each tribal member $70,000 a year from its gambling profits.
Abramoff and his associates have contributed over $150,000 to Burns since 2001.
The purpose of the federal policy giving tribes a near-monopoly on the casino gambling business is to help them become economically self-sufficient so taxpayers won’t have to support their members. In the case of the Saginaw Chippewas, the policy has been wildly successful. So why do they need $3 million from taxpayer for a school?
But the real question is, why aren’t our resident GOP trolls criticizing this obvious waste of taxpayer funds? Is government spending “waste, fraud, and abuse” only when the spending is for things Democrats want, e.g. food stamps for the hungry, medical and energy assistance for the poor, extended benefits for the unemployed?
Gawwwwd… it’s like catching goldfish with a net out of a teacup…. you libs, loonies and fringies are ohhhh soooo EASY!
Any bets as to how soon little dj-the-monkey-appendage will roar to defend his beloved beer beggar?
I give it less than 24 hours.
Roger, I do know what you mean, it’s just hard to explain. Stefan had his laptop there and checked several while we were there (Fatal Pends) with the database files from KCRE (He paid for them, public disclosure.) Now, those are different from the two boxes that I was talking about with the ballots. They were also different type boxes. The first boxes that we looked at were provisional ballot envelopes. They are alphabetized in big boxes. They are also stacked in the box in alphabetical order and rubber banded in batches. There is also a “watcher” employee from KCRE there at all times and anything that you bring in or out is checked by the Archives Supervisor. Those boxes contained the “fatal pends.” There was also another uncounted ballot still sealed in the envelope. I think Stefan found it.
The two boxes that I said contained ballots that were NOT counted contained all kinds of things, federal write-in ballots, absentee ballots, provisional ballots, submarine ballots, letters to KCRE, post-it notes, in other words, they looked like stuff from employee desks that they didn’t know what to do with and they just shoved them in two small boxes. There were lots and lots of ballots still in envelopes, they had been opened and looked at by someone. The ballots that were counted are stored in secure cages at KCRE and are kept separately from the envelopes. Once a ballot is counted they are secret, there arn’t any names, so there isn’t anything to look at unless you want to recount them. And you know we did that enough in Washington.
@117, me
Actually, I misspoke, first we looked at absentee envelopes, then provisionals. The provisionals was a different day.
A combination of tightened border patrols and the booming housing market threaten to leave southern California growers stranded without the farm laborers they need to pick their crops, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Most U.S. farm labor consists of foreigners, the majority of them undocumented. Some of the workers who do get across the border are leaving farm work for better paying jobs in construction.
If Mark the Redneck’s “invisible hand” works the way it’s supposed to, farmers will raise wages to attract the workers they need, then pass their higher labor costs on to consumers.
But that’s not what farmers want. Instead, they’re asking Congress and the administration to let in more undocumented aliens so they will continue to have a ready supply of cheap labor.
Now watch our resident GOP boot-licker trolls defend government interference with the “invisible hand.”
Rufus: You are uninformed about what happened in Florida. If you want to discuss it please don’t resurrect some old , long ago refuted, righty talking points. Repeating a lie does not make the lie true. Ask GWB when he gets that dad-burned door open!
“The door is locked from the other side. If the stage doors are locked, just walk off the stage.”
Toussaint le’ Oeverture
“they looked like stuff from employee desks that they didn’t know what to do with and they just shoved them in two small boxes”
Did you ask a KCRE staffer, or are you just assuming this? Speculation is not an adequate substitute for facts.
Sgt Mac — don’t read too much into my remarks above — I’m NOT saying King County elections is perfect. We all know they aren’t. When I reported for pollworker duty on Nov. 2, our inspector told us our team received kudos from KCE oversees because we were mistake-free in the primary. This implies (to me, at least) that not some polling place teams are NOT mistake-free, and the mistakes that do occur are attributable at least in part to the polling place workers — most of whom are trying to do the job right, but it’s not a simple job and things can go wrong.
Gawwwwd… it’s like catching goldfish with a net out of a teacup…. you libs, loonies and fringies are ohhhh soooo EASY!
Now that was an absolutely pathetic recovery attempt, ASS. It’s not enough to blather on about how easy it is to be a troll when you have nothing of substance to back up your retarded posturing. Like, for example, something with a creative flair to it or maybe a new insult or two. But this butchering of someone else’s poem or your repetitive “sweetcheeks” nonsense along with the sad butt fetish is truly amateur. Go ahead and crow about your exploits when your intent is not simply to cover or deflect attention from those times where you’ve been made the fool by your own attacks being turned against you. Otherwise you come off like your oft-mentioned hero Pee-Wee when he declares “I meant to do that!” after crashing his bike.
I said looked like, not is, in the Army we would have called it a clusterf…! and that’s probably the best description of all.
While I don’t claim King County elections are error-free or can’t be improved, I take issue with the wilfully careless flinging about of non-factual allegations intended to undermine public confidence in the election process. A lot of the accusations leveled by the GOP of voting fraud, mistakes, etc., are simply bullshit.
As far as the 2004 governor’s race goes, there can be no question of the accuracy of the manual recount in King County. I can’t speak for other counties, but they were supposed to use the same procedures, and the recount procedure is truly foolproof. I won’t go into the details here, other than to say, each ballot was counted by a Republican and a Democrat, and their counts had to agree; and for most of the ballots, this process was repeated three to six times by different counting teams, and their tallies had to agree. I feel very confident in saying the King County hand recount was not off by even 1 vote.
Does this mean the hand recount laid to rest all of the arguments? No, because there still were issues over whether certain ballots should be counted or not, and there was a significant number of ballots that required “interpretation.” You would be amazed by what some people do to their ballots! However, the law provides a process for resolving disputed ballots: The county canvassing board decides, and many of its decisions are judgment calls. But I believe they made those calls in good faith according to their best judgment.
Unfortunately, partisans with an axe to grind chose to publicly characterize judgment calls they disagreed with as “fraud.” Had the result gone the other way, you can be sure these folks would have been defending the canvassing board’s decisions. On a scale of integrity and intellectual honesty, I’ll trust the canvassing board over the partisan whiners anyday.
By the way, at the end of the hand recount, with all 39 counties reporting their results but before the King County Canvassing Board completed its review of several hundred disputed ballots, Gregoire led Rossi by eight (8) votes. She got another 121 net votes from the KCCB’s disposition of the disputed ballots, plus 4 more from the election contest lawsuit.
The truth is, nobody stole this election. It was closer than the margin of error that exists in all elections involving the handling and counting of over 2.8 million ballots. You simply can’t ensure that every single one of those ballots is valid and has been counted accurately, it’s humanly impossible. The critics of the 2004 outcome are demanding a perfection that isn’t attainable — or, more accurately, they’re exploiting the inherent imperfections of the election process to impugn the result because they don’t like the result.
Of America’s 3,000+ counties, only 1 county handles more absentee ballots than King County — Los Angeles County. Running KCE is not an entry level or training position. Given the magnitude of the job, King County should do whatever is necessary to recruit one of the nation’s top 3 election managers (with a proven track record) to run its elections. Dean Logan is not an amateur; he served as an elected county auditor, then as the Secretary of State’s top election manager — yet he does not have the managerial skills for the job. He knows elections, asnd he’s a nice guy who means well, but this job requires someone capable of running an aircraft carrier, a large corporation, or a major government department. Logan should not be fired, but he should not be King County’s chief elections executive, either. Someone with the requisite managerial talent and skills should be hired and placed above him.
Of one thing, though, I’m certain — the armchair second-guessers who haven’t spend the years of experience it takes to understand what you’re looking at and what the proper procedures are, are in no position to tell us what happened. They are mere pretenders. And the fact they have a partisan agenda to promote and are emotionally involved further detracts from their ability to observe accurately, and to understand what they are observing.
Reply to 122
“Looked like” isn’t good enough, Mac. We need to know the “is.” And telling the public that “looked like” is “is” is, well, misleading.
I am afraid Lucy you are the one mislead on Florida. The vote in 2000 would not have been as close as it was if Florida wasn’t called early for Gore which depressed much of the turnout in the pan handle who vote conservative. The vote in 2004 was much more representative then 2000. All the talk by the left of voter suppression is just propaganda, nothing more. The American Center of Voting rights, one of the few reputable organizations that investigates voter fraud, discovered that almost all voter fraud spawns from the democrats.
Did you ask a KCRE staffer, or are you just assuming this? Speculation is not an adequate substitute for facts.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 11:24 pm
WTF. You believe in the Diebold voting machine fairy tale and you are going to lecture someone about speculating to much!!!!
I’m a lawyer who has received training and attended seminars on election laws. I also went to observer training, and served as an observer both on Election Day and for the recounts. And this year, I’ve received pollworker training and worked as a pollworker.
Now let me say this about elections. This stuff is complicated — and that’s just the legal aspect. The forms, procedures, the mechanics of equipment setup and operation, the math work, ballot storage and handling, the accounting, doing the paperwork right — all of this is complicated and detail intensive, and unless you understand it exactly, you don’t know what you’re seeing and you’re at a high risk of jumping to conclusions that are wrong.
My initial impressions are that the greatest weaknesses in the system are, in order:
1. Voters who don’t follow instructions, mark ballots properly, forget to sign ballots, etc. — you’d swear some people can’t follow a one-step instruction given to them in one-syllable words.
2. Pollworkers who screw up various aspects of their not-so-simple job.
3. Temporary election workers hired to sort and count ballots who don’t do this often enough — only a few days a year — to learn how to do it exactly right, every time, the first time. Practice makes perfect, and nobody gets enough practice.
There are also some issues with the quality and oversight of KCE permanent elections staff. The fact more than one high profile supervisory employee of KCE was fired, suspended, or demoted after the election is proof of this. I have argued all along that KCE should be run by someone with management expertise, not elections expertise — and a certain kind and flavor of management expertise, at that — namely, the kind of runs-a-tight-ship and brooks-no-nonsense and failure-is-not-an-option type of guy (or gal) whose previous employment consisted supervising an aircraft carrier crew and carrier operations, or something of that nature. The military is full of people who have the right attitude, personality, and management style to do the head-cracking necessary to run a large urban county’s elections department with no errors. He (or she) doesn’t need to know anything about election laws or the technical details of election equipment, accounting, and procedures. That’s what you hire experts like Logan for. KCE’s boss needs to be an expert whip-cracker, and that’s what has been missing, and KCE will continue to have problems until that kind of person is hired.
“The American Center of Voting rights, one of the few reputable organizations that investigates voter fraud”
Hogwash! The so-called “American Center for Voting Rights” is a front organization set up by GOP operatives for the purpose of disseminating GOP propaganda on voting issues.
For more information (as opposed to bullshit) see the following links:
1. http://www.bradblog.com/ACVR.htm
2. http://markcrispinmiller.blogs.....oting.html
3. http://www.madison.com/post/bl.....38;ntpid=2
This is what Democrats.org says about ACVR:
“ACVR Report Riddled with Errors and Partisan Spin
“Washington, DC – Donna Brazile, Chair of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute and project director of the DNC’s report, ‘Democracy at Risk: The 2004 Election in Ohio,’ issued the following statement in response to the American Center for Voting Rights’ (ACVR) recent report:
“‘It’s surprising to see the RNC’s letter today, when you consider the RNC’s long and troubled history with regard to voting rights. For years the RNC has operated under a federal consent order due to their known history with voter suppression and intimidation. In fact, a federal judge reopened the case during the 2004 cycle to ensure voting rights were protected for the citizens in Ohio.
“‘Additionally, in 2004 numerous news organizations reported that the RNC spent millions hiring a questionable company called Sproul & Associates to do voter registration. Election and law enforcement officials in multiple states opened investigations into this group upon published reports that that they hired temporary workers to register only Bush supporters, Pro-life supporters and Republicans. Thousands of voter registration applications collected from Democrats by registration workers paid for by Sproul & Associates were reported to have been destroyed in a number of states.
“‘The RNC also traveled to all the battleground states alleging fraud and dialing up wild stories in order to scare voters and keep them at home. We called them on it in 2004 and will do the same in 2005 and beyond.
“‘The report calls for bipartisan support in adopting a zero-tolerance fraud and intimidation policy that calls for the prosecution of individuals and organizations who prevent eligible voters from exercising the right to vote. The Democratic Party has wholeheartedly supported this goal.
“‘Perhaps before falsely attacking others, the Republican Party and Republican operatives should police themselves and pledge, as Chairman Dean has, to do everything they can to ensure that every eligible American has the opportunity to vote and the assurance that their vote will be counted. We call on the RNC to join the DNC to ensure that with the GOP in firm control of both Chambers and the White House, it’s time they work with Democrats to protect and strengthen voting rights for all citizens.’
“Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement:
“‘It’s disappointing that Ken Mehlman and the RNC would attempt to make this a partisan issue. The DNC’s report sought to understand and analyze thoroughly the problems that had reportedly prevented many Ohio citizens from being able to vote and to have their votes counted, in order to develop a solid factual basis for advocating further reforms in our election system. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue, this is an American issue. It’s not about one party or another; this is about protecting our democracy. Our democracy depends on American’s believing that their voices will be heard when they cast their ballot. I re-issue my call to Chairman Mehlman and the Republican Party to review our report and to work with us to reform the way elections are conducted, and to ensure that we restore Americans’ confidence in our election system.'”
DOOFUS Loser @ 125
The American Center for Voting Rights is a Republican front group!
Doofus you’re a loser!
RUFUS @ 129
“The vote in 2000 would not have been as close as it was if Florida wasn’t called early for Gore which depressed much of the turnout in the pan handle who vote conservative.”
Do you have an authoritative source out this assertion? Or is this more Wingnut made-up bullshit?
It is just as easy to argue (sans actual empirical evidence) the effect of calling FL early was to reduce incentive for Dems to get out and vote and catalyze GOP to vote.
Which way did it really go? Beats the hell out of me, but my speculation makes more sense than yours!
@125 (continued)
Rufus says: “All the talk by the left of voter suppression is just propaganda, nothing more.”
The original case is DNC v. RNC, Civ. Action No. 81-3876, U.S. Dist. Ct. of New Jersey, and there have been a number of federal court cases since then citing the RNC for violating the Consent Decree. Here is an article that gives some background on the original and subsequent litigation: http://www.advancementproject.org/reptonat.pdf
In addition, here is a Columbus (OH) Dispatch article dated Oct. 30, 2004 that mentions the Consent Decree in the context of GOP voter suppression activities in the 2004 Ohio presidential election: http://www.columbusdispatch.co.....A1-00.html
You’ve been caught posting bullshit, Rufus.
Federal courts don’t issue orders based on “propaganda,” Rufus. To get a court order, you have to present evidence that proves material facts. The fact there has been a federal court order in place for nearly 25 years that restrains the Republican National Committee from engaging in specified voter suppression and intimidation practices is all the proof anyone needs that the GOP has, in fact, engaged in such practices. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire — and a federal court order is as smoky as you can get.
Roger, that is precisely my point, no-one knows what the “is” is. I know there are bunch of votes not counted, they are not annotated as to why, they should not be there the way they are. If you had seen all of the other boxes nice, neat, and organized, you would know the two I’m talking about here with just a bunch of different ballots, letters, stickers, etc piled in a box in no order what so ever, are indicative of a problem. There were problems with the regular boxes too, but those can be identified. Whatever the reasons for the 10 year continuing problem in KCRE, the taxpayers deserve better. But like I said, I hope that Logan is getting tired of getting slammed and that he is taking action to fix it. He’s living in a fishbowl. I hope you’re feeling better…….laters!
Anyone else enjoying the wonderful irony that the minnow’s site has been stuck with a top headline of “Problems with Comments” all weekend long? And a whole 17 posts. Says it all, really.
Strange that as the minnow slipped into paranoid delusion and banned all the contrarian voices that the vitality of his blog dried up.
Mr. Sharansky may have been able to do some good as a critic of KCRE if he had a goal other than to destroy, and some understanding of the issues and not just blind faith. There has seldom been better proof of a little learning being a bad thing. The minnows site may have helped to expose some of the problems with KCRE (while ignoring every error made in every Republican county), but then the minnow and his lackeys smother anything they find in conspiracy theories and slander in an attept to show that there was some grand conspiracy to commit eleciton fraud. The fact that they have been rebuffed by every mind of reason, be it Democrat or Republican (but of course, Maleng and Reed are both parts of the conspiracy, as are all of GWB’s federal appointments), has had no effect upon their paranoia.
Oh well, the minnow had his 15 minutes. Shame he did so little with it.
Roger Rabbit @ 130
“You’ve been caught posting bullshit, Rufus. “
The real challenge, of course, is to find a posting by Rufus that ISN’T bullshit.
True; but I’m focusing on that 1 post of his, because the only way you can eat something as big as an elephant is 1 bite at a time.
Reply to 132
My point is, elections have to produce a result. We need a president, a governor, a senator, etc., and somebody has to be declared the winner; we can’t wait for a perfect election for that to happen. We have to go with the election we’ve got.
132 (continued)
A further point is, a lot of the armchair quarterbacking and post-mortems is simply wrong. In the case of the Washington GOP, they created tales out of whole cloth to push their pre-conceived agenda, and it was dishonest as hell. If you were around last spring, you heard them (and their shills) telling the public there was massive voting fraud, that the Democrats and Gregoire herself engaged in a conspiracy to steal the election, etc. It was all bullshit.
For nearly 25 years, there has been a federal court order in place that restrains the Republican National Committee from engaging in specified voter intimidation and suppression practices. Not exactly the hallmark of a reputable political party to have the courts keep such an order in effect against you for a quarter-century, especially when your party controls the courts, is it?
Republicans are liars. Accept it — it’s a fact. The Republican King County voter challenges filed 2 business days before this year’s general election were a textbook GOP suppression operation that has been copied over and over all across the country. Accept it — it’s a fact. Most or all of those challenges are bogus, and will be thrown out, and had nothing to do with cleaning up the registration rolls, preventing illegal voting, or improving elections in our state. Accept it — it’s a fact. Republicans use dirty tricks to keep turnout down in Democratic precincts. Accept it — it’s a fact.
And by posting the GOP’s talking points here, you are shilling for a dishonorable party that does reprehensible things to interfere with the precious voting rights that you and your fellow soldiers served and fought to secure for your fellow citizens. I will tell you this straight: Your apologia for the GOP’s bullshit diminishes and nullifies your service. You may not want to believe that, but it does. Why do you think I’m a Democrat, even though I’m a Vietnam veteran? Because the GOP undermines what I fought for, that’s why — freedom of speech and dissent, voting rights, our right to privacy, etc. The GOP is the party that discriminates against minority voters, sends government men to spy into our private lives, bullies and intimidates dissenters, and seeks to force their religion on us in public schools and in public places. All of that is contrary to the U.S. Constitution and takes away the individual liberties I fought to preserve. Think about it, Mac. Your heart is in the right place, but you are on the wrong side of this country’s politics. We all get judged by the company we keep, and you will be no exception.
Rog sez:
“Think about it, Mac. Your heart is in the right place, but you are on the wrong side of this country’s politics. We all get judged by the company we keep, and you will be no exception.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 2:23 am”
Judged by the company you keep seems to be a huge problem on BOTH sides of the aisle Rog. Are you proud of Jesse Jackson? How about Mel Richardson…remember that pervert? How about Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy??? How about your pals in the FREEMOUNT District? The UGLY list on the LEFT goes on & on & on…..
You can criticize all you want Rog. And you can try to take the high road while standing in a cesspool….doesn’t work though. You associate with douchebags….the smell rubs off.
I’m a Libertarian and a true fiscal conservative who believes in smaller, less costly, less intrusive government. I am unhappy with BOTH major political party’s in this regard. Did you see the list of PORK some of our esteemed Senators brought home nationwide??? It’s unbelievable!
It is hilarious how Repugs are now denying their party an assuming the less odious term “Libertarian”. It is understandable of course, because identifying themselves as “Republican” is now akin to labeling themselves as child molesters.
This would be wonderful if they actually voted for the Libetrarian Party, but they won’t because they are still filthy lying, scum sucking Republicans.. and they will vote for their real party, but not do so aloud, for fear of being ridiculed. They are Republicans, so they will just lie about it. It is in their nature.
Yeah, Stefan can’t rely on Roger Rabbit to post 15x per hour, nor his multiple perosnality aliases
Donna–@139 sez:
“This would be wonderful if they actually voted for the Libetrarian Party, but they won’t because they are still filthy lying, scum sucking Republicans.. and they will vote for their real party, but not do so aloud, for fear of being ridiculed. They are Republicans, so they will just lie about it. It is in their nature.”
I did vote for Dino Rossi and George Bush. I also voted for 7 Democrats. I am disenchanted with both major Political Party’s and have been for some time. I voted for Ross Perot….twice.
Mindless CLOWNS like yourself are only against pretty much everything. In fact, I view DonF*CKINGGEDDON as the posterchild of LEFTIST PINHEADS…..King CLOWN!
Except for bigger, more costly, more intrusive Government.
And higher and higher taxes.
And ZERO accountability.
Just give Government everything they ask for and then some extra. Make sure it ALL comes from the RICH!!
Everyone DESERVES to be taken care of!
That’s all I ever hear from CLOWNS like DonDon!!
Donna the CLOWN!!
As I imagined you!
Donna the CLOWN
DonDon is merely another “bottom-feeder” totally reliant on the rest of us to care for all his needs & desires. Just another pathetic character courtesy of the LEFTIST PINHEADED agenda.
The World According to DonDon—
We all work for the “government” so DonDon can have the lifestyle he deserves.
I said looked like, not is, in the Army we would have called it a clusterf…! and that’s probably the best description of all.
Comment by sgmmac— 11/26/05 @ 11:36 pm
sgmmac as you can see the Wabbit still has some common sence, his only draw back is that he is and exlawyer. You and I know what happen in King County should have never happened, no excuses allowed. Logan can be a nice chap, you know many a good solider who screwed up had to pay the price, Dean should also fall on his own sord. If you are in charge you pay for your personal short comings. Wabbit thanks for the input you two produce good reads. Headless Lucy find yourself different conner to read in the library and try reading children books.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 12:18 pm
“Can always count on a wingf**k to play the race-religion card … at least righton doesn’t try to hide the fact he’s a racist and an anti-Semite … ” (expletive deleted)
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/26/05 @ 1:29 pm
“I don’t doubt that you also see humor in Josef Goebbels’ speeches … ”
So it took you all 49 minutes after criticizing righton to play the “Nazi card”. What a hypocrite.
Where are DOT’s priorities?
It’s no wonder Washington taxpayers are skeptical about the priorities of the Department of Transportation. What’s with $800,000 to build a bike path over Interstate 90 in Moses Lake? If the residents in Moses Lake feel this is a necessary project, raise funding and hire a local contractor for the job. This project will do nothing to improve transportation for the state. And what’s with the rockslide on I-90? I’m not an engineer but explosions are used to prevent snow slides, so why not use them to clear up this mess in short order. The method they’re using trying to knock the rocks down looks similar to how pyramids were built. Knock the rocks down with explosions, push the rocks to shore up the banks of the lake and open up the lanes.
Lois K. Chandler
Chandler they ship all the explosives over seas to make car bombs. Not anything that goes bang is allowed in this state. They can’t find government works that will use explosives and nobody else can get a permit in time to used it. The real botch project is the fool who gave a permit to build a convention center over a four-lane freeway. Big city run by real small minds and no vision.
klake the flake @ 145
You been tippling again?
yawn to the rabbit,
I’m trying to avoid reading your mindless and endless nonsense. Did see you referenced me as being anti semite? Why is that? I just wondered if Goldy is attacking Shark mostly cuz he dared to leave the reservation. I’ve yet to see you lefties have an honest debate without the slurs, whether is a black guy turning right, or a jewish guy turning right, or a hispanic, or a woman for that matter. You move from learning of their policies to slurring them in about 8 seconds or so. Yipes.
Waiting for the garbage in Goldy’s latest Nazi thread. I thought when it was sunny out you guys left the library and aired out your smelly parkas..
“I’m trying to avoid reading your mindless and endless nonsense.”
Looks like you’re not succeeding. How long have you had that uncontrollable knee jerk?
what mr. savage posted before: (for the record)
“We didn’t cut Stefan for any reason other than a feeling that it was time to shake up the news section a bit. Plus, the election cycle was over, and we saw Stefan’s column as a meta commentary on the 2004 election and how it played into the 2005 election locally. With that election over, it was time to turn the space back over to regular Stranger stuff – stuff like Police Beat, which was getting cut a lot to make room for Stefan’s column.
Bottom line, we enjoyed having Stefan in the paper, and feel he contributed good stuff to the Stranger over the last year. He’s got a strong POV. We dug having him, and we remain fans of his blog, despite the beatings he gives us on a regular basis.
Judy Miller fucked her paper, fucked her editors, and fucked her readers. Stefan didn’t fuck The Stranger, our readers, or the editors here. Please don’t read anything into the timing of this. We’ve also welcomed Stefan to contribute pieces to The Stranger in the future. ”
it just doesn’t jive. so, is he out of the loop or just another congenital liar?
Reply to 143
The immediately pertinent question is whether KCE staff knows what those ballots are. However, as a believer in transparent government and accountability (which Bush obviously doesn’t believe in), I think KCE should organize, label, store, and track EVERY BALLOT in such a way that citizen observers and other outside parties can see for themselves what the contents of a box are, what happened to a batch of ballots, and if they weren’t counted why they weren’t counted, etc. This may, however, be a question of resources; you get what you pay for; and if you want ballot handling systems that produce more access, visibility, and accountability you may have to pony up more tax money.
149, 150
For several years, I had an e-mail pen pal who ID’d himself as a “Libertarian,” but I couldn’t differentiate his ravings from thos of any other rightwing Republican, and I don’t believe he ever voted for a Libertarian candidate for any office. You are right, Don, today’s fad is for Republicans to slink around dressed in Libertarian clothing in a lame attempt to hide who (and what) they are.
Cynical — let me ask you this — it’s sort of a test — did you vote for Dino Rossi or Ruth Bennett? If you voted for Rossi, you’re a Republican, not a Libertarian.
Mr. Cynical says: “I did vote for Dino Rossi and George Bush. I also voted for 7 Democrats … I voted for Ross Perot…twice.”
Hmmm … that’s quite a catalog, Cyn. So … where’s the Libertarian?
@152 (continued)
Cute acronym, Cyn. Did you think of that yourself, or steal it from some other blog? In any case, it’s a perfect description of troglodyte trolls like you who are against highways, health care, education, and the environment. The only thing you guys are in favor of is war, corruption, torture, and treason.
“Are you proud of Jesse Jackson?”
The Democratic Party is a big tent, Cynical. You don’t have to be white to get in. Yes, I’m proud of one side of Jesse Jackson — the side that shows concern and compassion for the poor, and fights to improve the lot of the underdog. Is there another side of Jackson that I find not so admirable? You bet. Bottom line is, our party held a referendum on whether we wanted Jackson to be our standard bearer, and he lost. He doesn’t speak for all Democrats, or a majority of Democrats, not even close. He’s a failed candidate with a loyal but small following on the margins of our party.
“How about Mel Richardson…remember that pervert?”
No, never heard of him. Don’t know, don’t care. Whoever he is, he can’t be very important if I’ve never heard of him, so obviously he doesn’t speak for or represent the Democratic Party.
“How about Ted ‘The Swimmer’ Kennedy???”
Ted is a great public servant who was involved in a fatal drunk driving accident many years ago. Was that episode of his life admirable? Hell no. But in the interest of equal time, let’s mention that Laura Bush also was involved in a fatal driving accident many years ago, although contrary to some reports, she was not drunk when she ran over her ex-boyfriend — which in a way makes it worse (i.e., murder vs. manslaughter). Kennedy has spent his life fighting for the poor and the working class; Laura Bush has spent her life sucking up to and shilling for the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and working class. We have Ted, you guys have Laura, I don’t want to trade. I’ll take him over her any day of the week. Ted’s character and personal history have been voted on by the people of Massachusetts many times, and they’ve elected him many times, so I guess that lays it to rest. He’s their senator, not yours, so mind your own business. It’s not your place to tell the people of Massachusetts who should represent them in the Senate.
How about your pals in the FREEMOUNT District? The UGLY list on the LEFT goes on & on & on…..”
“How about your pals in the FREEMOUNT District? The UGLY list on the LEFT goes on & on & on…..”
Don’t know what you’re talking about. How about YOUR pals at the Enumclaw Horse Farm?
What I imagine Mr. Cynical looks like:
Klake the Flake @156
“many a good solider who screwed up had to pay the price, Dean should also fall on his own sord.”
Good principle, Flake. Too bad you guys don’t know how to use it. May I suggest some examples of people in addition to Dean Logan who should have a sword held in position for them to impale themselves on (or, if you prefer, the Japanese method of hara-kiri may be substituted):
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Karl Rove
Scooter Libby
Condoleeza Rice
Tom DeLay
Bill Frist
Dennis Hastert
Paul Wolfowitz
Douglas Feith
Richard Perle
Rush Limbaugh
Sean O’Reilly
Ann Coulter
Robert Novak
Antonin Scalia
Jack Abramoff
Rick Santorum
Trent Lott
Gee, did I leave anyone off the list? Yeah, I did, how about:
All Republican office holders
Every voter who voted Republican
I used to be able to do it in 48 minutes, but I’ve slowed down a bit in my old age.
“Where are DOT’s priorities?”
(For those who care to read — and know how to)
It’s a gas watching the trolls demonize WSDOT! Usually they go after Democrats and progressives. When they run out of people and furry little animals to hate — they hate inanimate objects like asphalt. They’re strange people.
Now you can confront those who wrong you, in a way that won’t result in your getting your ass beat up. Let the Urban Asshole cards do the talking for you, and put urban assholes in their place.
Each card is scored but not folded so you can present them as is or fold them up so that the recipient only sees “Congrats!” before they get “You’re An Asshole” and the hard truth on the other side.
Back of the card reads:
Congrats, You’re An Asshole
Assholes rarely know why they are the way they are, so here’s a clue for you on your journey of self-improvement:
Double parking
Parking in handicap space
Leaving dog in car
Not shovelling sidewalk
Creating your own parking space
Talking really loudly on cell phone while riding public transportation
Being a loud inconsiderate neighbour
Cutting in line
Bringing sixteen items to the fifteen-item express lane
Not tipping / not tipping enough
Not cleaning up after yourself
Not controlling dog
Not giving up seat on public transportation when someone obviously needs it more than you
Walking three abreast on city sidewalks
Leaving trash outside your apartment door
Not dealing with car alarm
Excessive car-horn honking
Leaving kids in car
Leaving your car idling while you run into the store
Snacking on produce and bulk items in grocery store
Opening car door without looking and endangering cyclists
Smoking in non-smoking areas
Taking up too much time with teller because you don’t understand how banking works
Using an ATM for 18 consecutive transactions when people are waiting
Not letting others cut grocery line if they have only a couple items
Berating servicepeople for things not their fault
Parking too close to other cars thereby blocking them in
Not letting others out of the train/bus/store/post office before pushing way in
Not making more coffee when you finish the pot
Wearing too much perfume or cologne
Stopping to chat or look around in front of doorway, elevator or escalator
Leaving laundry sitting idle in machine at laundromat
Talking loudly on cell phone
Not holding the door for the person behind you whose arms are full
Using Barnes & Noble as den
Bringing child to R-rated film
Stinking up office with foul meals and snacks
Trying to sneak through a yellow light, ending up parked in intersection, blocking traffic
Sneezing without covering nose and offering snotty handshake
Not wiping equipment down after you’ve gotten it sweaty at gym
Not washing hands after using washroom
It is with great pleasure that I present all you LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS with your much overdue reward…
Certificate of Upgrade
Complete Asshole
is awarded to
For The Clueless, DonnaF*ckingGeddon, rujax and ALL their miserable ilk!!
In recognition of your obnoxious attitude, ability to piss people off, complete asinine juvenile behavior and total dedication to personal gain without regard to the many hardships you have forced upon friends, family and other during your
lifetime, you have become a legend in your own mind.
To recognize your upgrade from half-assed to complete asshole, gives all concerned great satisfaction. If anyone, for any reason, doubts your status,
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
I agree about the transparancy and the disclosure. However; you do not always get what you pay for. Sometimes you pay too much for the product you receive and sometimes you just get screwed!
That’s scary and not very nice either.
I ‘ve read the list……. that’s where I found the sound walls and I found the landscaped lids in their detailed plans for the 520 and by the way, I agree with your assessment of the Seattle Way…… Soldiers call it “Hurry up and wait”, it’s a crisis you hurry and then you wait for someone, anyone to make a decision………
So we’re waiting to see how long it takes “them” to make a decision on the viaduct and the 520…….
Wanna make a bet, Roger? How many years?
I still want to see honest elections. As Goldy points out often, he is not in disagreement to using any means necessary to win an election. Ethics lapses will occur in that voter vacuum. Provisional ballots and absentee ballots add a larger cost to an election and are prone to fraud. In the face of all the doubt about the viability of the KCRE and the local elections, it will seem to be wise to retreat to polling places and valid voter id’s to restore some confidence to the election systme.
BIAW Bozo @ 175
Nope not in a million years would I sign such a POS. I won’t lower myself TO YOUR LEVEL.
All Republican office holders
Every voter who voted Republican
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 2:08 pm
Pssssst – Hey clueless…. it is a fake. You know kinda like a 60 minutes memo or a newsweek article.
How come I don’t get one? Is it because I’ve cleaned up my foul language? Fuck you, Cynical.
“it will seem to be wise to retreat to polling places”
You’d love that, wouldn’t you? All the people who vote absentee because they have to make a living out of town — truck drivers, commercial fishermen, pilots, merchant seamen, etc. –would be disenfranchised. Only trust fund babies, coupon clippers, and people who don’t have to work for a living would get to vote! Republican nirvana. You can shove that up your ass.
Notice to rightys: Hell will freeze over before we allow you to take away the right to absentee voting. This is non-negotiable.
I don’t do nice. I’m not a nice bunny. If you want a nice bunny, go to a pet store.
So, you admit you are a wild bunny and not a metrosexual bunny! That’s good to know. I have too many pets, so I’ll pass on the pet store. 3 cats & 9 birds and I’m working on taming the squirrels around my yard. I’ve got a couple who will run in my back door, sit up and take a peanut out of my hand!
This comment thread is hilarious, you should clip it and read it every night before bed time as you envision self improvement. Are you seriously not going to apologize for all the BS you spouted after Dan Savage in post 61 basically “kicked your ass”? And the whole business of you “campaigning” against Stefan at the Stranger, dissing him etc, seems pretty bizarre. Maybe you should get laid or something.
LOL dj 69 and clueless 74 for jumping in and defending Goldy’s discredited post, what a couple of troopers! Oh, sorry I meant LOSERS!
Goldy has about as much chance of getting laid by a REAL woman as 2 monorail trains smashing into each other!
HEY GOLDY===keep hope alive!
DJ Thread Policeman. You had nothing to say about post #120. So shove your thread policeman act up your ass.
Cynical was talking about lefties: “Not washing hands after using washroom” – I am in an airport at least twice a week. You can easily spot the donks in the airport. First they have no clue about article removal in the TSA line. Why? Those of us who work and travel for a living know the airport drill. Second, they “forget” to remove their shoes! After leaving the TSA inspection area and retying their shoe laces, they enter the airport bathroom and whip it out without washing their hands. Upon repacking, they leave without washing their hands. Others of us who think right approach the sink, wash our hands BEFORE pissing, and again after pissing. Hmmm… maybe their donkocratic wives know this and implement donkoinfantocide?
If absentee voting happened honestly we would way outvote you guys; far more Repubs living afar than the handful of truckdrivers you claim (by the way, truck drivers etc presumambly have a home somewhere…that little cab thing isn’t their home…)
FYI, I emailed Mr. Savage. Here is the thread.
Dan, just a quick question. Are you the Dan Savage posting in the
horsesass.org blog?
Dan Savage
c/o The Stranger
1535 11th Ave. Third Floor
Seattle, WA 98122”
@ 175
Great list, you only left off:
Having a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker.
Being a Republican.
Listening to KVI.
Believing and/or repeating anything Rush Limbaugh said.
Being a free lunch conservative.
Reading Scooter Libby’s book involving child rape.
Same goes for O’Reilly’s books.
Saying Sean Hannity is a “Great American.”
And finally, to anyone who supports political leaders who think that “Staying the course” is strategy for winning a war.
PuddyIdiot @ 192
“DJ Thread Policeman. You had nothing to say about post #120. So shove your thread policeman act up your ass. “
What the hell???? Where the fuck have I ever claimed to be (or offer to be) a “thread policeman.” Puddydipshit, you are just makin’ up shit again.
I am sure you THINK I said some such thing, but once again, you have shown your inability to read something without smothering other’s words with puddyworld fantasy interpretations.
Quit making up shit, you ignorant asshole!
zip @ all
I’m sure you’re going to stay warm with that hate in your heart for Gregoire. That rage. Let it out, zip. That hate is what you prefer to constructive solutions like reforming the tax system.
Failure is a bummer isn’t it? I-912? Don’t worry. Your bud, Timmy Eyman has more plans in the hopper for you.
In the meantime, Gregoire is pushing responsible government. I know who I’m backing.
In the meantime, Gregoire is pushing responsible government. I know who I’m backing. -Comment by For the Clueless— 11/29/05 @ 9:57 am
So little lemming, after she LIED in the campaign, LIED throughout her tenure as Attorney General, LIED in her sorority membership… you’ll just take her at her word now!
Makes perfect sense…with a Koolaid chaser.
ASS: you’re just a hater. You can’t see through the blinders of your hate.
Gregoire is pursuing moderate, reasonable government with transparency and accountability. And all you can do is just hate it.
The best thing the Republicans can do is reach across the ailse and work with the Democrats to reform the tax system. That means lower sales taxes, property taxes and taxes on small/medium business in exchange for a fair income tax like in other states.
But the Republicans will never do that because it is dominated by haters like you and the rest of the trolls you see here.
DJ: I gave you that name “Thread Policeman” My my you are a touchy sort today
And DJ, do I need to print your comments where it’s you who complains every time a person who thinks right leaves the thread reservation dj comes to the thread rescue? Naah you know what you write; you just don’t enforce your words on lefties!
I’d vote for that. I am tired of seeing articles from multi-billions slamming schools while they don’t pay any income tax in this state. If they lived in California, the state would lighten their bank accounts by millions every year at tax time.
The reports presented to the canvassing board are improved compared to last Nov………