Not continuing to subsidize a polluting business that closed down part of the operation for which it was given a subsidy in the first place is crazy! Or so says Don Brunell of the Association of Washington Business in his weekly advertisement column in The Columbian. (Still waiting for that weekly labor column from the paper. Yeah….)
The state budget may be horrific, but the bidness guys and gals gotta have their cut, even if they are from Canada. (Nothing against the fine regular citizens of Canada.)
I don’t know why liberals don’t understand the free market better, it’s really pretty simple. First a Columbian reporter writes an article highlighting a modest proposal from Sen. Craig Pridemore, D-Vancouver, then an editorial appears from Don Brunell or another writer, then the free market continues giving a foreign company tax breaks. Econ 101, people.
I say aim the budget ax at the wee kiddies instead, the little monsters. The ingrates certainly don’t deserve clean air, let alone instructors.
It’s called The Predator State, Jon.
If GE can own major news outlets, why not unions? That’s the only way we’ll beat them.
@3 Now there’s an idea. If a newspaper fails to make payroll or stiffs its pensioners, the employees’ union should get the keys.
You’ll have a better paper after you get rid of the rich white guy’s puppet editor.
‘Clean’ coal is a short-term solution at best. Nuclear can be a longer-term solution, but only if the civilian nuclear-power industry is allowed to take part in the nuclear-fuel reprocessing that the gov’t has been doing for years now, recycling old, unstable Soviet-era nuclear weapons into useful nuclear fuel.
With nuclear-fuel reprocessing, the amount of waste generated by a new generation of power plants would be greatly reduced, and instead of building the Yucca Mountain repository, they could stow the crap in a double-wide in the hills outside Goldfield, Nevada.