I never woud have taken you for a pro-handgun person…..
Maybe KC might have had the funding to help serve this order, if they hadn’t spent that extra 1/2 million on protecting the “war protestors”.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
How many of you empty skirts are in favor of banning handguns? Just make ’em illegal…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Our legal system, in general, isn’t tough enough. Stalkers should be locked up. Period. They’re given too many chances. The first time a restraining order is violated, they should be gone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened on the U.W. campus. I remember a case, years ago, where an estranged husband walked into the U.W. office where his wife worked and blew her head off with a sawed-off shotgun, right in front of her co-workers. As in today’s case, he then had the good sense to reload and turn the gun on himself.
I’m a pro-responsible use of firearms person. Seeing how the cops can’t protect everyone, some folks should at least consider availing themselves of their constitutional right to protect themselves.
That said, the NRA is a corrupt, boot-licking, Bush-loving bunch of syncophants (sp?).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Will, the truth is, a handgun in unskilled hands makes a person less, not more, safe. You are more likely to have the gun taken away from you and used against you, than you are to be able to use it effectively, unless you’ve had plenty of training. There are few situations where a gun can be used advantageously, and defending yourself with a gun is a tricky business, not only legally, but tactically. Training, training, training. Don’t leave home with a gun without it. The permit is a meaningless scrap of paper if you don’t know what to do, and are able to do it under the extreme stress of a life-threatening confrontation.
Classes or other training is what I call “responsible” gun ownership. I think new gun owners should have mandatory classes on all the ins and outs of owning a gun.
headless lucyspews:
re 8: How right you are on this one, Roger. If you pull a gun on a serious thug, you’d better fire instantly.
Proud to be an Assspews:
Damn. They didn’t tell us if the perp’s name was “Mark”. If only….(just sayin’)
How many of you empty skirts are in favor of banning handguns? Just make ‘em illegal…
Well, Mr. Redneck. I’m one of those liberals that is very much in favor of handgun control. So much so that I have a ribbon from the Navy that says how well I can control one.
Of all the Amendments, I’ve always thought that the second was the most poorly written, but for the most part, we’ve found a pretty good balance, although I’m greatly troubled by a comparison of murder rates between the US and Britain. (Our murder rate is over five times theirs. Ref: U.S. Department of Justice )
And Roger. I really haven’t seen any data about violations of restraining orders. Do you have any? I don’t think it would have done any good in this case, but is there any data beyond anecdotal evidence that there is a problem with people violating restraining orders?
Yet another woman terrorized and then killed by a man in her life. For all the mythologizing about obsessive females (see Fatal Attraction, Play Misty for Me etc.), it is men byy an large who are responsible for domestic violence deaths. What the f*ck is wrong with guys?
There isn’t anything wrong with “guys”. There is something wrong with individuals who act like they own other people and would rather see them dead than with another.
Hey Roger,
Are you a member of the NRA? I notice you’re OK with gun ownership, so I thought you might support the folks working for the Second Amendment.
But Milo, why are these “people” more often than not men?
Tlaz @14
Men tend to act out in more aggressive ways than women. It doesn’t mean there is something inherent in men that make them go over the deep end. I don’t have stats, but I would be suprised if the # of men who have restraining orders agin them is very high when compared with the total # of men in the pop.- ie., it is a very small % of guys who are so possessive to require a restraining order.
I agree the % of women who do this is probably infintesimal (sp?). Women may be more apt to knock off their rival – see Nutty astronaut, Tony Buttafucca’s mistress, etc., ..I don’t think its fair to put the rap on “maleness.”
Notice how MTR is always wanting to look under our clothes? Rape any babies lately MTR? Cheated anyone out of their bet money lately? Is life lonely over there on McNeil Island?
I woudn’t advocate banning firearms in this country. Even disregarding the Second Amendment, there are already so many guns here it would be like locking an empty barn.
I would, however, still favor prohibiting the possesion of lethan weapons of any sort by the criminally insane. This would prohibit ownership by most if not all Republicans.
Men tend to act out in more aggressive ways than women
Agreed – but don’t you think this is inappropriate much of the time? And the other question is why men tend to act out this way, especially when it is so counterproductive. Please don’t tell me it’s the testosterone. Maybe it’s because society give boys a pass for acting out aggressively? Boys will be boys, and all that….
She wouldn’t have used it anyway, even if she could have had a gun permit. She had pepper spray, and I believe that she thought that was enough. She wasn’t prepared for this.
You have to love the stereotypes. I am a Democrat, a hunter and I certainly have more than one gun in the house.
With that I can’t stand the NRA though I imagine I fit their target demographic quite well in many respects. A formerly solid hunters’ group has been hijacked by folks who are only interested in running a shell organization for Republicans.
Look at what the bastards did to Jim Zumbo – who is more of a hunter and more of a true American than Charlton Heston will ever be. Any hunter worth their salt knows assault weapons are only good for killing a lot of people very quickly.
They are military weapons and belong in a military context.
We don’t let any nutcase own a howitzer and we don’t let folks buy C4 from Safeway. Sure they are fun to shoot but if having fun is your standard then there are not many laws that you are going to keep around at all.
I think it goes way, way back – back to prehistoric times when men were charged with bringing down the wooly mamoths so everyone could eat. Aggressive behavior was a successful survival trait a gazillion years ago, and I think that behavior has become hard-wired in much of the men. Heck, just 1,500 years ago, Europe was pretty much ruled by nasty barbarian tribes. 1,500 years isn’t very long in terms of evolution, so, if you’re a descendant of Northern and Western Eupropeans, you’re not too far away from your barbarian roots, in terms of time.
Civilization is just a veneer, and a thin one at that!
I totally understand. I don’t want to frame it as “if she had a gun, she would have lived.” She didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just sad.
Jack Burtonspews:
Silly Rabbit: responsible people with carry permits usually insure they get the training.
Those without permits either cannot get them or don’t bother to try and are therefore not responsible and in some cases criminals.
So..Let’s make it hard for lawful and usually responsible citizen to exercise their constitutional right leaving them at the mercy of the criminals.
Good plan NOT!
headless lucyspews:
re 22: Hunting wooly mammoths with a spear is one activity no one ever took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for.
The cooperation learned from the hunt was equally as important as the aggression — which was directed at the mammoth — not their women.
headless lucyspews:
My thin veneer of civilization is akin to the fresh coat of varnish applied yearly to classic cigarette racing boats.
How ’bout yours, Lib.?
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
It’s a sad day today. If these liberal judges would put teeth behind their keep away orders less people would die.
headless lucyspews:
re 24: Let’s make it easy, Jack, for sleeper cell terrorists to buy .50 caliber sniper rifles.
I think we have.
headless lucyspews:
The “gun control liberal” is a straw man that no longer exists.
We want to have guns for when your right wing masters send you out on your KRYSTALNACHT.
I thought the exact same thing when I read about that completely unnecessary tragedy today. Why on earth that woman
A) didn’t at least alert campus police to her problem or
B) didn’t take concrete steps to make sure she could equalize any fight that might arise is just beyond me.
Ladies…for the love of God…learn to use a handgun—preferably a revolver (as they don’t have the jamming problems automatics do). Do you honestly think some psycho ex-boyfriend is going to mess with you if he knows you are armed and able to deal with him if necessary? Come on! Get real!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Conservative Students At Religious College Say Cheney Persona Non Grata
“PROVO, Utah (April 2) – Some students and faculty on one of the nation’s most conservative campuses want Brigham Young University to withdraw an invitation for Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement later this month. …
“The private university, which is owned by the Mormon church, has ‘a heavy emphasis on personal honesty and integrity in all we do,’ said Warner Woodworth, a professor at BYU’s business school. ‘Cheney just doesn’t measure up,’ he said. …
“The display of dissent is rare for a university that has been voted the nation’s most ‘stone-cold sober’ school nine years in a row in the annual Princeton Review of party schools.”
@9 One of my law school classmates got dead by shooting a burglar with a .22; unfortunately for her, he had a 38.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not that I recommend trying to defend yourself with a .38. Another acquaintance of mine, also confronted by an intruder, shot the guy twice in the upper torso with a .38 and he was out of the hospital within 3 days. The prosecutor didn’t file charges against the intruder because he decided the guy had been “punished enough” by getting shot twice with a .38. You gotta be kidding me! A .38 slug practically bounces off!!! If you absolutely gotta have a gun, get one that will knock a bad guy down on his can and keep him down. A 12-gauge with 0-0 buck is good. Aim slightly above the waist and cut him in half.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A 12-gauge is what I carried in Vietnam when I pulled road convoy guard duty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 A 12-gauge dramatically lowers recidivism rates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Year in, year out, approximately 50 women lose their lives to domestic violence in Washington state. Every fucking year. Obviously we’re either not locking up enough people, or we’re locking up the wrong people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14. No. The NRA doesn’t own the 2nd Amendment, or have a trademark on it, although they (and the GOP) would like people to believe otherwise. The NRA does some good things, like hunter education. But some of their political positions are just plain nuts. Why bother to have a background check law at all, if you’re going to have a gun show loophole? Sorry, Richard, but I can’t go along with the NRA folks’ brainless, unthinking, dogmatic, blind opposition to any gun regulation whatsoever, no matter how reasonable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
15, 16 There’s nothing “inherent” in men that makes them more aggressive or violent. Our culture teaches girls to play with dolls, and teaches boys to play war. It’s the culture. If you want to know where the violence in our culture comes from, look no further than TV and movies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Boys are given more than a pass, they’re encouraged to act aggressively. We take sixth graders out on a football field and teach them to “hit hard” and if they don’t, they don’t make the team. BTW, I see in today’s news that a former NFL player (lasted 2 days with the Saints) threw his 65-year-old neighbor off a third floor balcony just for the hell of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 As a rabbit, I can’t say I’m a big fan of hunting; but given how crazy, angry, and aggressive the average rightwing whackjob is, I do think keeping a gun near the front door is a damn necessary precaution these days.
Bush’s friends are starting to tell the truth. How long do you right wing traitors think you can keep up the charade?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 No, I think this shit comes from watching violent TV shows and movies. Most people can’t remember their species’ woolly mammoth hunting days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “Jack Burton says: responsible people with carry permits usually insure they get the training.”
I wasn’t talking about them. I was talking about the other 99% with carry permits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I didn’t say anything about tighter regulation of handgun possession, Jack. All I said was it’s not a good idea for untrained, inexperienced people to pack guns; it’s not a good idea to let civilians own sniper rifles; and the gun show loophole is not a good idea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I also said it’s not a good idea to try to defend yourself with a .22 or, for that matter, with a .38 — and made clear what my personal preference in defensive arms is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Not much the judges can do when tightwads like you refuse to pay taxes for jails. Where are they supposed to incarcerate these people, in cardboard boxes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’re releasing felons due to lack of cell space, but you probably were too busy complaining about taxes to notice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If she had plugged him when she had the chance, that would have solved both the cell space and recidivism problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So much for internet dating.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Never had one jam yet. Regular cleaning is recommended. Also, if you use hollowpoint ammo, you need to have a gunsmith tune your piece because most semi-autos won’t eat that stuff they way they come out of the box. They need to be throated and ramped.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see in today’s news that Justice Dep’t gal who took the fifth is an alumna of Oral Roberts U.
Richard Popespews:
The University of Washington needs to stop denying 2nd amendments rights to its faculty, staff and student. If are you an employee or student at the University of Washington, you can be fired or expelled for carrying a firearm to protect yourself:
WAC 478-124-020(2)(e) purports to prohibit firearm possession on the University of Washington campus. Hell, it even purports to prohibit “Mace” personal protection sprays, which fall in the category of “dangerous chemicals”.
Under WAC 478-124-030(1), if a member of the general public carries a firearm on campus, the only “sanction” that can be imposed is that a uniformed UW police officer can ask the person to leave the campus. This conduct is certainly not a crime, except to the extent it might be under general criminal law (i.e. felons can’t have firearms, gun permit needed for concealed weapon, etc.).
But under the remainder of WAC 478-124-030, a student or employee can be disciplined even for lawfully carrying a firearm with a state concealed weapons permit, up to termination of employment or permanent expulsion from the university.
headless lucyspews:
“An armed society is a polite society.” Ted Nugent
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Here’s one for you America hating moonbats. Fuck all of you:
Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10
He stays up for days on end.
You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.
You complain of a “headache”, and call in sick.
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
You put on your anti war/don’t support the troops shirt, and go
meet up
with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.
You make sure you’re cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
You talk trash about your “buddies” that aren’t with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.
You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe
You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your
He doesn’t get to eat today.
Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are
You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn’t have time to brush his teeth today.
You’re angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He’s told he will be held over an extra 2 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love’s perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if
ever meet
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and
why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don’t.
He does exactly what he is told.
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep,
and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get
He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be
woken by
You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse
because of men like him.
If only there were more men like him!
If you support your troops, re-send this to everyone you know,
If it gets to another veteran who hasn’t received it yet, it will
bring back memories.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom
Richard Popespews:
“Gun control liberal Democrats” ARE to blame for this poor woman’s death. The regulations denying students and employees their right to defend themselves were adopted by a Board of Regents for the University of Washington that has been appointed by a series of liberal Democrat governors. There is not a single member of the UW Board of Regents that has been appointed by a Republican.
The UW Board of Regents even considered the anti-self-defense WAC rules three months ago, and decided to leave them in place:
Here’s my ultimate dream. One of the right wing cowards on this board makes the mistake of thinking he can attack kids in my neighborhood like he does his own. I catch the punk in the act, and show him what happens when a Democrat doesn’t believe in gun control.
Here’s another blow to the lapel-pin patriots who love the KKK and NASCAR !
FUCK YOU that’s what NASCAR’s been told. Better luck next time you cowardly cum-drunk rednecks.
re 56: You are so full of shit , your eyes are brown.
How much of your personal funds have you donated to buy these soldiers the protective equipment your wing-nut government prefers to give to Dubai/Halliburton.
And don’t try to tell me different you sanctimonius lying sack of poop.
headless lucyspews:
re 59: “Lapel pin Patriots” I like it!
The funniest thing about it is that most of them will take it for a compliment.
It always amazes me that people who would claim that civil liberties are so very, very important completely ignore the second amendment or claim that it’s all about the militia. The first ten articles in the bill of rights are restraints on the power of government with respect to the individual. Y’all would laugh me off the internet, if I claimed the freedom of the press only applied to the Seattle Times. Same deal for #2 as for #1.
Don’t get me started on how the 4th amendment protects a womans right to choose. Every single argument that can be made for legalized abortions under the 4th amendament can be applied to guns under the 2nd amendment and make hypocrites of the far left _and_ the far right. If you claim to be pro-choice, fine, pick your caliber while your at it. FWIW, I am pro-choice and pro-gun.
will get you to the best description of how to survive a gunfight. That being said, you have to have a gun to participate. Unarmed people are called “victims”, sadly proven true again today.
And the NRA is the counterbalance to Handgun Control Inc. and the Brady Campaign.
headless lucyspews:
re 57: Come on, Richard. Name one respectable college where all the students and faculty go around with concealed handguns.
You sound reasonable 3 weeks out of the month —– and then the hormonal surge kicks in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 That’s almost as weird as the legal situation on downtown Seattle streets, ergo, you can pack a gun (if you have a CCW permit) but God and the Public Defender help you if you’re caught with a knife!
The reason is, state law prevents cities from enacting gun laws more restrictive than state law (Washington has the most permissive gun laws in the nation), but does not prevent cities from regulating or prohibiting knives. So, the City Council has outlawed knives.
Moral: Don’t take a knife to a gun fight, unless you want to get a ticket and pay a fine!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Consequently, I never ever wander Seattle streets with a knife hidden in my fur. Besides, after tucking away all the handguns and rocket launchers, there isn’t room for one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 What sappy wingnut blog did you get that tripe off of? Dunno about Afghanistan, but in Nam we had generators to run the electric lights and fans, and to keep the beer cold and run the TVs in the off-duty lounge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 American soldiers haven’t lived like that since the Argonne.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see Redneck is still posting his crap here, so obviously HE didn’t die for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The only thing Redneck knows about soldiers is what he reads in Soldier of Fortune magazine during his breaks. A who won’t pay a $100 gambling debt isn’t likely to undertake the inconveniences of military service.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Click here for photo of Redneck working at his high-paying engineering job: http://tinyurl.com/2w9sol
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 No, Richard, she’s dead because she had a lousy family law lawyer. A possible name comes to mind …
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Headlice: At least Richard is reasonable three weeks of the month. YOU on the otherhand are libtard loony all the time. Tout le temps. Todo el tiempo.
Even some of the diehard lefties agree with us “neocons” on this one. You whack-nut-jobs can’t comprehend how a scumbag like that killer would have been stopped dead in his tracks with a pistol whipping mama.
Mr Stupid: Don’t misfire and hit yourself in the head. The extra metal may force us to elevate and call you Mr Dumb!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 It always amazes me that people who insist on reading the Constitution literally claim the 2nd amendment is about individual gun rights.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know … the amendment that starts, “A well regulated militia …”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, don’t get me wrong … I’m not against taking some liberties with the language of the 2nd amendment. Personally, I think liberals need to arm, because the wingnuts are armed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suspect their political discourse would be more polite if they were looking at the business end of a 12-gauge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Oral Roberts U.? Oh wait, that one’s not respectable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Only one I can think of is the FBI academy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But they’re not respectable, either. Used to be, but now it’s a crime organization.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
MTRK: Too bad the Libtards have no clue of the Bible or they would understand what Paul wrote in Galatians.
John Barelli: You think like them. Help these Moonbat!s understand WHY JESUS died for them! I would focus on Galatians 3&4 for starters!
Well… on second thought, you’d be wasting your fingers typing for no one on your side to read!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
It amazes ME that PelletHead doesn’t know who is on his side of the aisle and who is on my side of the aisle.
PelletHead: You are senile. You are alzheimic. Stop blogging now. You are embarrasing your fellow ‘tards.
Mrs PelletHead: Take the keyboard from PelletHead.
Delbert is one of yours stupid ASS!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Golly: PelletHead, you need to figure out who is on your side and who is on my side. Apparently you and Mr Stupid are proving it true. It’s all points agreement or you are the enemy.
No on second thought, keep blogging. You provide comedic relief everytime you attack one on your side!
Highstepping Jackbooted Fascist Thugs who are mind-numbed robots; looking to remove your right to have a weapon if you so choose for protection. That’s a libtard today!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Germany 1932. Highstepping Jackbooted Fascist Thugs who are mind-numbed robots removing guns from the German Populace.
That is Mr Racist, Mr Stupid and Mr PelletHead in 2007 wanting the same for the American populace. Anyone else fitting that category?
Kind of reminds me of Leo Penn in 1940 and Sean Penn in 2007. Same parallel in thinking processes. One was a American hater then and the other an American hater now!
headless lucyspews:
PudWax ________ You are such a big ass that people mistake you for a moonbat and a libtard.
Poor little Mr. Sensitive Minority Man. You can dish it out with the name-calling and labeling, but you can’t take it.
I really don’t care to take your crap. Have a glass of milk and an oreo and toddle off to bed now, little fella.
Well, Jesus shed his blood for Pudwacker, too. Frankly, I’d have found it difficult to be so generous.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Ahhhh I like it when I get under the skin of Headlice, typical ASSWipe. I can’t take name calling?
Let me see. Pudwhacker, Pudnutz, Pudbutt, Puddybuff, Pudwax, Pudwhacks, Pudpuller, etc.
You know the names you used. Funny Mr Clueless couldn’t find them but at least you admit to it again. See Mr Clueless, just enough goading and Headlice bubbles up to his least common demoninator and shines through.
Yeah right Headlice. Toddle off to bed. Have a glass of milk and an oreo? Ahh yes the subtle covert name calling. You’ll never change.
Trust me NO ONE thinks I’m on your side. I don’t pollute those minds full of mush with incorrect facts, gleaned from the Moonbat movement of today.
Hey Puffybutt – while I was fucking your wife up the ass last night, I told her to tell you that you can keep your fucking Bible. If you and your ilk are an example of what it is to be Christian, then fuck you and your god.
You missed my point, completely and totally.
“The first ten articles in the bill of rights are restraints on the power of government with respect to the individual.”
And they should be read “literally”.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
ArtFart: Charity begins in the home. And…
You were chartitable when…?
When is the last time your Bible was opened?
When was the last time you gave money to a homeless person on the street corner?
When is it the last time you shook you head sadly at Mr Stupid and Mr Racist?
Since the answers from Mr & Mrs ArtFart are NO to these and other questions, yes ArtFart Jesus even died for you!
I don’t understand why this woman didn’t press charges last month or why she lived with the guy for 4 years after they broke up. I’m not saying that excuses the murderer though…but it still doesn’t look like she took every measure available to her to stop the guy.
headless lucy says:
My thin veneer of civilization is akin to the fresh coat of varnish applied yearly to classic cigarette racing boats.
How ’bout yours, Lib.?
04/02/2007 at 4:55 pm
Mine is a normal yearly coat of paint that one would apply to a deck. I don’t know much about boats.
“John Barelli: You think like them. Help these Moonbat!s understand WHY JESUS died for them! I would focus on Galatians 3&4 for starters!”
I think enough like them to realize that if they aren’t already Christian, quoting Galatians to them isn’t going to do them much good.
I prefer the technique of Saint Francis of Assisi who said “Preach the gospel at all times — If necessary, use words.” Hopefully, I’m an example of what most Christians are, to offset some of those that feel a need to be hateful and obnoxious.
One of the reasons that I use my real name in posting is that it helps me remain polite. Since I’m known here as a Christian, my words should (as much as I am able) reflect that.
Again, Puddybud, feel free to contact me off-blog, and we can discuss this further.
People shouldn’t take religion, especially Christianity, so seriously. I’m sure Jesus was a wonderful person, but I don’t think he was the literal “Son of God.” A lot of stuff about Jesus was decided centuries after his death. I be;ieve the early Christian Church didn’t state Jesus was the “Son of God” until the Council of Nicea in about 386 CE. Far too evil has been done in the name of “God” (or “Allah” or any other name for the Supreme Being).
Follow the Golden Rule, and you have about 90% of the good part that religion brings to humans’ lives.
As for me, I’ll stick with being an armchair Neo-Pagan.
Pac Manspews:
Handguns don’t kill – people do!
If you left a loaded hand gun on a table fo 40 years without anyone around, the gun will do nothing but sat there. Bring one person in the room with selfish intentions and the gun will be fired within 24 hours.
We don’t need more handgun control laws, we already have nationwide laws. Unfortunately these laws are determined by each respective state…but we have them! What we need is a legal system who is not afraid to punish individuals, or groups who miss use handguns, or any weapon for that matter. Our liberal system like to make everyone a victim except the victim. Who cares why a person miss-used a hand gun. If they broke the law they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, despite their intentions, backgrounds, or reasons.
I personally do not own a hand gun but I am not against anyone who does (legally). What happened at the UW was unfortunate. What’s even more unfortunate is that the idiot shot himself before society had a chance at him. I think we should lock-and-load a 30 round magazine, using a M16A1 rifle on automatic blast and riddle his body with bullet holes and hang it out for public display with a note which reads…..”suicide does not exclude you from the law”
When that man walked into her office intent on killing her, her only chance was the gun in her desk, the gun that WASN’T THERE because of the UW weapons policy. That’s sick.
The UW weapons policy sans metal detectors doesn’t stop anyone with homicide on their mind – and if it doesn’t do that, it’s useless as it is right now.
I never woud have taken you for a pro-handgun person…..
Maybe KC might have had the funding to help serve this order, if they hadn’t spent that extra 1/2 million on protecting the “war protestors”.
How many of you empty skirts are in favor of banning handguns? Just make ’em illegal…
Our legal system, in general, isn’t tough enough. Stalkers should be locked up. Period. They’re given too many chances. The first time a restraining order is violated, they should be gone.
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened on the U.W. campus. I remember a case, years ago, where an estranged husband walked into the U.W. office where his wife worked and blew her head off with a sawed-off shotgun, right in front of her co-workers. As in today’s case, he then had the good sense to reload and turn the gun on himself.
@ 1
I’m a pro-responsible use of firearms person. Seeing how the cops can’t protect everyone, some folks should at least consider availing themselves of their constitutional right to protect themselves.
That said, the NRA is a corrupt, boot-licking, Bush-loving bunch of syncophants (sp?).
Will, the truth is, a handgun in unskilled hands makes a person less, not more, safe. You are more likely to have the gun taken away from you and used against you, than you are to be able to use it effectively, unless you’ve had plenty of training. There are few situations where a gun can be used advantageously, and defending yourself with a gun is a tricky business, not only legally, but tactically. Training, training, training. Don’t leave home with a gun without it. The permit is a meaningless scrap of paper if you don’t know what to do, and are able to do it under the extreme stress of a life-threatening confrontation.
@ 7
Classes or other training is what I call “responsible” gun ownership. I think new gun owners should have mandatory classes on all the ins and outs of owning a gun.
re 8: How right you are on this one, Roger. If you pull a gun on a serious thug, you’d better fire instantly.
Damn. They didn’t tell us if the perp’s name was “Mark”. If only….(just sayin’)
Well, Mr. Redneck. I’m one of those liberals that is very much in favor of handgun control. So much so that I have a ribbon from the Navy that says how well I can control one.
Of all the Amendments, I’ve always thought that the second was the most poorly written, but for the most part, we’ve found a pretty good balance, although I’m greatly troubled by a comparison of murder rates between the US and Britain. (Our murder rate is over five times theirs. Ref: U.S. Department of Justice )
And Roger. I really haven’t seen any data about violations of restraining orders. Do you have any? I don’t think it would have done any good in this case, but is there any data beyond anecdotal evidence that there is a problem with people violating restraining orders?
Yet another woman terrorized and then killed by a man in her life. For all the mythologizing about obsessive females (see Fatal Attraction, Play Misty for Me etc.), it is men byy an large who are responsible for domestic violence deaths. What the f*ck is wrong with guys?
There isn’t anything wrong with “guys”. There is something wrong with individuals who act like they own other people and would rather see them dead than with another.
Hey Roger,
Are you a member of the NRA? I notice you’re OK with gun ownership, so I thought you might support the folks working for the Second Amendment.
But Milo, why are these “people” more often than not men?
Tlaz @14
Men tend to act out in more aggressive ways than women. It doesn’t mean there is something inherent in men that make them go over the deep end. I don’t have stats, but I would be suprised if the # of men who have restraining orders agin them is very high when compared with the total # of men in the pop.- ie., it is a very small % of guys who are so possessive to require a restraining order.
I agree the % of women who do this is probably infintesimal (sp?). Women may be more apt to knock off their rival – see Nutty astronaut, Tony Buttafucca’s mistress, etc., ..I don’t think its fair to put the rap on “maleness.”
Notice how MTR is always wanting to look under our clothes? Rape any babies lately MTR? Cheated anyone out of their bet money lately? Is life lonely over there on McNeil Island?
I woudn’t advocate banning firearms in this country. Even disregarding the Second Amendment, there are already so many guns here it would be like locking an empty barn.
I would, however, still favor prohibiting the possesion of lethan weapons of any sort by the criminally insane. This would prohibit ownership by most if not all Republicans.
Men tend to act out in more aggressive ways than women
Agreed – but don’t you think this is inappropriate much of the time? And the other question is why men tend to act out this way, especially when it is so counterproductive. Please don’t tell me it’s the testosterone. Maybe it’s because society give boys a pass for acting out aggressively? Boys will be boys, and all that….
She wouldn’t have used it anyway, even if she could have had a gun permit. She had pepper spray, and I believe that she thought that was enough. She wasn’t prepared for this.
You have to love the stereotypes. I am a Democrat, a hunter and I certainly have more than one gun in the house.
With that I can’t stand the NRA though I imagine I fit their target demographic quite well in many respects. A formerly solid hunters’ group has been hijacked by folks who are only interested in running a shell organization for Republicans.
Look at what the bastards did to Jim Zumbo – who is more of a hunter and more of a true American than Charlton Heston will ever be. Any hunter worth their salt knows assault weapons are only good for killing a lot of people very quickly.
They are military weapons and belong in a military context.
We don’t let any nutcase own a howitzer and we don’t let folks buy C4 from Safeway. Sure they are fun to shoot but if having fun is your standard then there are not many laws that you are going to keep around at all.
I think it goes way, way back – back to prehistoric times when men were charged with bringing down the wooly mamoths so everyone could eat. Aggressive behavior was a successful survival trait a gazillion years ago, and I think that behavior has become hard-wired in much of the men. Heck, just 1,500 years ago, Europe was pretty much ruled by nasty barbarian tribes. 1,500 years isn’t very long in terms of evolution, so, if you’re a descendant of Northern and Western Eupropeans, you’re not too far away from your barbarian roots, in terms of time.
Civilization is just a veneer, and a thin one at that!
@ 22
I totally understand. I don’t want to frame it as “if she had a gun, she would have lived.” She didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just sad.
Silly Rabbit: responsible people with carry permits usually insure they get the training.
Those without permits either cannot get them or don’t bother to try and are therefore not responsible and in some cases criminals.
So..Let’s make it hard for lawful and usually responsible citizen to exercise their constitutional right leaving them at the mercy of the criminals.
Good plan NOT!
re 22: Hunting wooly mammoths with a spear is one activity no one ever took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for.
The cooperation learned from the hunt was equally as important as the aggression — which was directed at the mammoth — not their women.
My thin veneer of civilization is akin to the fresh coat of varnish applied yearly to classic cigarette racing boats.
How ’bout yours, Lib.?
It’s a sad day today. If these liberal judges would put teeth behind their keep away orders less people would die.
re 24: Let’s make it easy, Jack, for sleeper cell terrorists to buy .50 caliber sniper rifles.
I think we have.
The “gun control liberal” is a straw man that no longer exists.
We want to have guns for when your right wing masters send you out on your KRYSTALNACHT.
I thought the exact same thing when I read about that completely unnecessary tragedy today. Why on earth that woman
A) didn’t at least alert campus police to her problem or
B) didn’t take concrete steps to make sure she could equalize any fight that might arise is just beyond me.
Ladies…for the love of God…learn to use a handgun—preferably a revolver (as they don’t have the jamming problems automatics do). Do you honestly think some psycho ex-boyfriend is going to mess with you if he knows you are armed and able to deal with him if necessary? Come on! Get real!
Conservative Students At Religious College Say Cheney Persona Non Grata
“PROVO, Utah (April 2) – Some students and faculty on one of the nation’s most conservative campuses want Brigham Young University to withdraw an invitation for Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement later this month. …
“The private university, which is owned by the Mormon church, has ‘a heavy emphasis on personal honesty and integrity in all we do,’ said Warner Woodworth, a professor at BYU’s business school. ‘Cheney just doesn’t measure up,’ he said. …
“The display of dissent is rare for a university that has been voted the nation’s most ‘stone-cold sober’ school nine years in a row in the annual Princeton Review of party schools.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/ytz79k
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like slippage in the “base” … Utah votes, what? 130% Republican? Something like that.
@6 The NRA thinks terrorists should be allowed to buy sniper rifles at gun shows without background checks.
@9 One of my law school classmates got dead by shooting a burglar with a .22; unfortunately for her, he had a 38.
Not that I recommend trying to defend yourself with a .38. Another acquaintance of mine, also confronted by an intruder, shot the guy twice in the upper torso with a .38 and he was out of the hospital within 3 days. The prosecutor didn’t file charges against the intruder because he decided the guy had been “punished enough” by getting shot twice with a .38. You gotta be kidding me! A .38 slug practically bounces off!!! If you absolutely gotta have a gun, get one that will knock a bad guy down on his can and keep him down. A 12-gauge with 0-0 buck is good. Aim slightly above the waist and cut him in half.
A 12-gauge is what I carried in Vietnam when I pulled road convoy guard duty.
@11 A 12-gauge dramatically lowers recidivism rates.
@12 Year in, year out, approximately 50 women lose their lives to domestic violence in Washington state. Every fucking year. Obviously we’re either not locking up enough people, or we’re locking up the wrong people.
@14. No. The NRA doesn’t own the 2nd Amendment, or have a trademark on it, although they (and the GOP) would like people to believe otherwise. The NRA does some good things, like hunter education. But some of their political positions are just plain nuts. Why bother to have a background check law at all, if you’re going to have a gun show loophole? Sorry, Richard, but I can’t go along with the NRA folks’ brainless, unthinking, dogmatic, blind opposition to any gun regulation whatsoever, no matter how reasonable.
15, 16 There’s nothing “inherent” in men that makes them more aggressive or violent. Our culture teaches girls to play with dolls, and teaches boys to play war. It’s the culture. If you want to know where the violence in our culture comes from, look no further than TV and movies.
@19 Boys are given more than a pass, they’re encouraged to act aggressively. We take sixth graders out on a football field and teach them to “hit hard” and if they don’t, they don’t make the team. BTW, I see in today’s news that a former NFL player (lasted 2 days with the Saints) threw his 65-year-old neighbor off a third floor balcony just for the hell of it.
@21 As a rabbit, I can’t say I’m a big fan of hunting; but given how crazy, angry, and aggressive the average rightwing whackjob is, I do think keeping a gun near the front door is a damn necessary precaution these days.
Liberals must arm!
Bush’s friends are starting to tell the truth. How long do you right wing traitors think you can keep up the charade?
@22 No, I think this shit comes from watching violent TV shows and movies. Most people can’t remember their species’ woolly mammoth hunting days.
@24 “Jack Burton says: responsible people with carry permits usually insure they get the training.”
I wasn’t talking about them. I was talking about the other 99% with carry permits.
@24 I didn’t say anything about tighter regulation of handgun possession, Jack. All I said was it’s not a good idea for untrained, inexperienced people to pack guns; it’s not a good idea to let civilians own sniper rifles; and the gun show loophole is not a good idea.
I also said it’s not a good idea to try to defend yourself with a .22 or, for that matter, with a .38 — and made clear what my personal preference in defensive arms is.
@27 Not much the judges can do when tightwads like you refuse to pay taxes for jails. Where are they supposed to incarcerate these people, in cardboard boxes?
We’re releasing felons due to lack of cell space, but you probably were too busy complaining about taxes to notice.
If she had plugged him when she had the chance, that would have solved both the cell space and recidivism problem.
So much for internet dating.
@30 Never had one jam yet. Regular cleaning is recommended. Also, if you use hollowpoint ammo, you need to have a gunsmith tune your piece because most semi-autos won’t eat that stuff they way they come out of the box. They need to be throated and ramped.
I see in today’s news that Justice Dep’t gal who took the fifth is an alumna of Oral Roberts U.
The University of Washington needs to stop denying 2nd amendments rights to its faculty, staff and student. If are you an employee or student at the University of Washington, you can be fired or expelled for carrying a firearm to protect yourself:
WAC 478-124-020(2)(e) purports to prohibit firearm possession on the University of Washington campus. Hell, it even purports to prohibit “Mace” personal protection sprays, which fall in the category of “dangerous chemicals”.
Under WAC 478-124-030(1), if a member of the general public carries a firearm on campus, the only “sanction” that can be imposed is that a uniformed UW police officer can ask the person to leave the campus. This conduct is certainly not a crime, except to the extent it might be under general criminal law (i.e. felons can’t have firearms, gun permit needed for concealed weapon, etc.).
But under the remainder of WAC 478-124-030, a student or employee can be disciplined even for lawfully carrying a firearm with a state concealed weapons permit, up to termination of employment or permanent expulsion from the university.
“An armed society is a polite society.” Ted Nugent
Here’s one for you America hating moonbats. Fuck all of you:
Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10
He stays up for days on end.
You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.
You complain of a “headache”, and call in sick.
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
You put on your anti war/don’t support the troops shirt, and go
meet up
with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.
You make sure you’re cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
You talk trash about your “buddies” that aren’t with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.
You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe
You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your
He doesn’t get to eat today.
Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are
You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn’t have time to brush his teeth today.
You’re angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He’s told he will be held over an extra 2 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love’s perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if
ever meet
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and
why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don’t.
He does exactly what he is told.
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep,
and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get
He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be
woken by
You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse
because of men like him.
If only there were more men like him!
If you support your troops, re-send this to everyone you know,
If it gets to another veteran who hasn’t received it yet, it will
bring back memories.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom
“Gun control liberal Democrats” ARE to blame for this poor woman’s death. The regulations denying students and employees their right to defend themselves were adopted by a Board of Regents for the University of Washington that has been appointed by a series of liberal Democrat governors. There is not a single member of the UW Board of Regents that has been appointed by a Republican.
The UW Board of Regents even considered the anti-self-defense WAC rules three months ago, and decided to leave them in place:
Here’s my ultimate dream. One of the right wing cowards on this board makes the mistake of thinking he can attack kids in my neighborhood like he does his own. I catch the punk in the act, and show him what happens when a Democrat doesn’t believe in gun control.
Here’s another blow to the lapel-pin patriots who love the KKK and NASCAR !
FUCK YOU that’s what NASCAR’s been told. Better luck next time you cowardly cum-drunk rednecks.
re 56: You are so full of shit , your eyes are brown.
How much of your personal funds have you donated to buy these soldiers the protective equipment your wing-nut government prefers to give to Dubai/Halliburton.
And don’t try to tell me different you sanctimonius lying sack of poop.
re 59: “Lapel pin Patriots” I like it!
The funniest thing about it is that most of them will take it for a compliment.
It always amazes me that people who would claim that civil liberties are so very, very important completely ignore the second amendment or claim that it’s all about the militia. The first ten articles in the bill of rights are restraints on the power of government with respect to the individual. Y’all would laugh me off the internet, if I claimed the freedom of the press only applied to the Seattle Times. Same deal for #2 as for #1.
Don’t get me started on how the 4th amendment protects a womans right to choose. Every single argument that can be made for legalized abortions under the 4th amendament can be applied to guns under the 2nd amendment and make hypocrites of the far left _and_ the far right. If you claim to be pro-choice, fine, pick your caliber while your at it. FWIW, I am pro-choice and pro-gun.
will get you to the best description of how to survive a gunfight. That being said, you have to have a gun to participate. Unarmed people are called “victims”, sadly proven true again today.
And the NRA is the counterbalance to Handgun Control Inc. and the Brady Campaign.
re 57: Come on, Richard. Name one respectable college where all the students and faculty go around with concealed handguns.
You sound reasonable 3 weeks out of the month —– and then the hormonal surge kicks in.
@54 That’s almost as weird as the legal situation on downtown Seattle streets, ergo, you can pack a gun (if you have a CCW permit) but God and the Public Defender help you if you’re caught with a knife!
The reason is, state law prevents cities from enacting gun laws more restrictive than state law (Washington has the most permissive gun laws in the nation), but does not prevent cities from regulating or prohibiting knives. So, the City Council has outlawed knives.
Moral: Don’t take a knife to a gun fight, unless you want to get a ticket and pay a fine!
Consequently, I never ever wander Seattle streets with a knife hidden in my fur. Besides, after tucking away all the handguns and rocket launchers, there isn’t room for one.
@56 What sappy wingnut blog did you get that tripe off of? Dunno about Afghanistan, but in Nam we had generators to run the electric lights and fans, and to keep the beer cold and run the TVs in the off-duty lounge.
@56 American soldiers haven’t lived like that since the Argonne.
I see Redneck is still posting his crap here, so obviously HE didn’t die for you.
The only thing Redneck knows about soldiers is what he reads in Soldier of Fortune magazine during his breaks. A who won’t pay a $100 gambling debt isn’t likely to undertake the inconveniences of military service.
Click here for photo of Redneck working at his high-paying engineering job: http://tinyurl.com/2w9sol
@57 No, Richard, she’s dead because she had a lousy family law lawyer. A possible name comes to mind …
Headlice: At least Richard is reasonable three weeks of the month. YOU on the otherhand are libtard loony all the time. Tout le temps. Todo el tiempo.
Even some of the diehard lefties agree with us “neocons” on this one. You whack-nut-jobs can’t comprehend how a scumbag like that killer would have been stopped dead in his tracks with a pistol whipping mama.
Mr Stupid: Don’t misfire and hit yourself in the head. The extra metal may force us to elevate and call you Mr Dumb!
@62 It always amazes me that people who insist on reading the Constitution literally claim the 2nd amendment is about individual gun rights.
You know … the amendment that starts, “A well regulated militia …”
Hey, don’t get me wrong … I’m not against taking some liberties with the language of the 2nd amendment. Personally, I think liberals need to arm, because the wingnuts are armed.
I suspect their political discourse would be more polite if they were looking at the business end of a 12-gauge.
@63 Oral Roberts U.? Oh wait, that one’s not respectable.
@63 Only one I can think of is the FBI academy.
But they’re not respectable, either. Used to be, but now it’s a crime organization.
MTRK: Too bad the Libtards have no clue of the Bible or they would understand what Paul wrote in Galatians.
John Barelli: You think like them. Help these Moonbat!s understand WHY JESUS died for them! I would focus on Galatians 3&4 for starters!
Well… on second thought, you’d be wasting your fingers typing for no one on your side to read!
It amazes ME that PelletHead doesn’t know who is on his side of the aisle and who is on my side of the aisle.
PelletHead: You are senile. You are alzheimic. Stop blogging now. You are embarrasing your fellow ‘tards.
Mrs PelletHead: Take the keyboard from PelletHead.
Delbert is one of yours stupid ASS!
Golly: PelletHead, you need to figure out who is on your side and who is on my side. Apparently you and Mr Stupid are proving it true. It’s all points agreement or you are the enemy.
No on second thought, keep blogging. You provide comedic relief everytime you attack one on your side!
Highstepping Jackbooted Fascist Thugs who are mind-numbed robots; looking to remove your right to have a weapon if you so choose for protection. That’s a libtard today!
Germany 1932. Highstepping Jackbooted Fascist Thugs who are mind-numbed robots removing guns from the German Populace.
That is Mr Racist, Mr Stupid and Mr PelletHead in 2007 wanting the same for the American populace. Anyone else fitting that category?
Kind of reminds me of Leo Penn in 1940 and Sean Penn in 2007. Same parallel in thinking processes. One was a American hater then and the other an American hater now!
PudWax ________ You are such a big ass that people mistake you for a moonbat and a libtard.
Poor little Mr. Sensitive Minority Man. You can dish it out with the name-calling and labeling, but you can’t take it.
I really don’t care to take your crap. Have a glass of milk and an oreo and toddle off to bed now, little fella.
Well, Jesus shed his blood for Pudwacker, too. Frankly, I’d have found it difficult to be so generous.
Ahhhh I like it when I get under the skin of Headlice, typical ASSWipe. I can’t take name calling?
Let me see. Pudwhacker, Pudnutz, Pudbutt, Puddybuff, Pudwax, Pudwhacks, Pudpuller, etc.
You know the names you used. Funny Mr Clueless couldn’t find them but at least you admit to it again. See Mr Clueless, just enough goading and Headlice bubbles up to his least common demoninator and shines through.
Yeah right Headlice. Toddle off to bed. Have a glass of milk and an oreo? Ahh yes the subtle covert name calling. You’ll never change.
Trust me NO ONE thinks I’m on your side. I don’t pollute those minds full of mush with incorrect facts, gleaned from the Moonbat movement of today.
Hey Puffybutt – while I was fucking your wife up the ass last night, I told her to tell you that you can keep your fucking Bible. If you and your ilk are an example of what it is to be Christian, then fuck you and your god.
You missed my point, completely and totally.
“The first ten articles in the bill of rights are restraints on the power of government with respect to the individual.”
And they should be read “literally”.
ArtFart: Charity begins in the home. And…
You were chartitable when…?
When is the last time your Bible was opened?
When was the last time you gave money to a homeless person on the street corner?
When is it the last time you shook you head sadly at Mr Stupid and Mr Racist?
Since the answers from Mr & Mrs ArtFart are NO to these and other questions, yes ArtFart Jesus even died for you!
I don’t understand why this woman didn’t press charges last month or why she lived with the guy for 4 years after they broke up. I’m not saying that excuses the murderer though…but it still doesn’t look like she took every measure available to her to stop the guy.
headless lucy says:
My thin veneer of civilization is akin to the fresh coat of varnish applied yearly to classic cigarette racing boats.
How ’bout yours, Lib.?
04/02/2007 at 4:55 pm
Mine is a normal yearly coat of paint that one would apply to a deck. I don’t know much about boats.
I think enough like them to realize that if they aren’t already Christian, quoting Galatians to them isn’t going to do them much good.
I prefer the technique of Saint Francis of Assisi who said “Preach the gospel at all times — If necessary, use words.” Hopefully, I’m an example of what most Christians are, to offset some of those that feel a need to be hateful and obnoxious.
One of the reasons that I use my real name in posting is that it helps me remain polite. Since I’m known here as a Christian, my words should (as much as I am able) reflect that.
Again, Puddybud, feel free to contact me off-blog, and we can discuss this further.
People shouldn’t take religion, especially Christianity, so seriously. I’m sure Jesus was a wonderful person, but I don’t think he was the literal “Son of God.” A lot of stuff about Jesus was decided centuries after his death. I be;ieve the early Christian Church didn’t state Jesus was the “Son of God” until the Council of Nicea in about 386 CE. Far too evil has been done in the name of “God” (or “Allah” or any other name for the Supreme Being).
Follow the Golden Rule, and you have about 90% of the good part that religion brings to humans’ lives.
As for me, I’ll stick with being an armchair Neo-Pagan.
Handguns don’t kill – people do!
If you left a loaded hand gun on a table fo 40 years without anyone around, the gun will do nothing but sat there. Bring one person in the room with selfish intentions and the gun will be fired within 24 hours.
We don’t need more handgun control laws, we already have nationwide laws. Unfortunately these laws are determined by each respective state…but we have them! What we need is a legal system who is not afraid to punish individuals, or groups who miss use handguns, or any weapon for that matter. Our liberal system like to make everyone a victim except the victim. Who cares why a person miss-used a hand gun. If they broke the law they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, despite their intentions, backgrounds, or reasons.
I personally do not own a hand gun but I am not against anyone who does (legally). What happened at the UW was unfortunate. What’s even more unfortunate is that the idiot shot himself before society had a chance at him. I think we should lock-and-load a 30 round magazine, using a M16A1 rifle on automatic blast and riddle his body with bullet holes and hang it out for public display with a note which reads…..”suicide does not exclude you from the law”
When that man walked into her office intent on killing her, her only chance was the gun in her desk, the gun that WASN’T THERE because of the UW weapons policy. That’s sick.
The UW weapons policy sans metal detectors doesn’t stop anyone with homicide on their mind – and if it doesn’t do that, it’s useless as it is right now.