Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo notes a Times of London article speculating that we Yanks could be treated to the ultimate hail-mary pass by the McCain campaign, in the form of televised nuptials between Sarah Palin’s daughter and her fiance.
Marshall is correct in warning us to take the British press with a grain of salt, but the televised wedding idea somehow seems so, well, Republican. In other words, cheap, cynical and designed to distract. From the Times of London:
In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.
Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider. “You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week.”
If nothing else, such a stunt would seem to be the penultimate test of what might be called the Maher Axiom, a reference to comedian Bill Maher, who has repeatedly expressed his fear that Americans are too stupid to be governed.
This just in: McCain challenges Obama to suspend both campaigns “so they both can go and personally drill for oil offshore.”
Obama has the missouri law enforcement to target lies and misleading political ads.
They said with bush as president free speech would be outlawed, damn, those liberals were right.
Does that mean that ad about mcsame being out of touch and not using email will be evidence in the legal case against obama or is this like the fairness doctrine, only against the ads by republicans.;shu=1
The governor of missouri said–
Marvin, you old goat fucker, I say this with affection, but you are truly an idiot fool who will believe anything any fucking wingut puts out there, as along as it fits with your wingnut views.
I’ve read that post twice Marvin. I can’t figure out just what exactly Obama was using Missouri law enforcement to do and why they work for him.
Please explain!
Information about obama and he “me too me too” bracelet is starting to get out, no thanks to the liberal media.
There’s a link to the march 2008 radio show.
Thankfully for obama the liberal media won’t talk about this. You know the game, the media might be disgusted by what a democrat does but they won’t report it.
Exactly the same as-
Sarah Palin claims that John McCain rode dinosaurs in his youth!
Fuck yeah, let’s put her in charge!
The wingnuts are getting really desperate.
This is so good! I am so enjoying this.
Later. I’m going out to canvas in order to elect the next President of the United States:
Barack Obama.
Can you picture McCain and a T-Rex, both of them waving their arms around. In case you’re confused, the T-Rex is the larger of the two.
Once again, use the words of obama in the primaries when he had to track left to contradict his words in the general when he has to track right. It sucks that democrats always have to flip-flop to get elected, but it does prove the liberal agenda does not go over well with america.
Can you picture obama in the military protecting this country?
@8 Oh. My. God!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!
Another story about obama trying to use the courts to protect him from his own words.
Gotta love how liberals/democrats always need the court and not the votes of the citizens to advance the planks of their agenda.
If obama is trying to stop free speech now, just imagine what he would do if the country screws up and votes for the empty suit with the gigantic ego.
@11 Try picturing Obama as leader of the free world. Struggling with that? Don’t worry. It’ll be a lot easier for you come November.
This is the video that liberals/democrats refuse to watch.
It’s waaaay too scary.
@13 Does the judge has a penis pump hidden under his robe? That’d make him a Republican.
The racist democrats when in the privacy of the closed curtains will guarantee that won’t happen.
The racist democrats when being polled will of course pretend they like the bright and clean african american, but once their identity is a secret they will do what they do best.
@15 Here’s the internet site that troll perverts refuse to visit.
Hits them waaaay too close to home.
Somewhere somebody said to Google “Obama” and
“stutter”. I did and saw one where his telepromter went on the fritz. Holy shit.
There is something really really wrong with
that hero of “you people!”
@19 “There is something really really wrong”
But you’re cool with this, right?
I thought so.
The article doesn’t mention his political party.
That means he’s a democrat.
Even a fan of goat sex like you should have been able to figure that out.
@21 “Even a fan of goat sex”
No, I’m a fan of Republican goat sex.
“Baaaa” mean no, Marvin. That goes for you, too.
It’s sadly funny that you cling to goat sex as an insult.
Sad because you’re over 50 and have nothing better to offer…
Funny because you’re over 50 and have nothing better to offer.
Enjoy yourself with your goat sex obsession. Isn’t there a new kind of cialis for people your age?
No matter how many times I watch it, I can’t stop laughing at obama for his “me too” comment about the bracelet and then him stumbling for the name and having to read it off his wrist.
No matter how many times I read it, I just can’t stop laughing at the Republican judge from Oklahoma and his infamous penis pump.
@24 If you depraved freaks didn’t fuck goats I’d be hard pressed to insult you for it. But since you do fuck goats you can expect the insults to keep coming your way.
Republican family values.
– heh
Want proof that democrats are stupid??
Both the presidential nominee and his veep pick say obama is not ready to be president.
Obama says he’s not ready to be president
Biden says obama is not ready to be president.
Palin says that McCain rode dinosaurs in his youth! Yeah, let’s put her in charge! She’s ready to lead!
Boy, this has just gotta suck for the goatfuckers. Their favorite poller, Rassmussen, has Obama up 50 to 44.
It’ll only get worse for you when the polls come out following the VP debate on Thursday.
I take it that Marvin is having a relapse. So sad.
10 MS
Except that Obama has been ahead of McCain since the primaries, both nationally and in that he is ahead in some Bush 2004 states, excepting McCain’s brief convention bounce. That means he was ahead before any conceivable tacking to the center (note: not “tracking,” you dolt). Therefore your conclusion (that “the liberal agenda does not go over well with America”) is not supported by your evidence.
In fact, what you think of as the liberal agenda is the mainstream of American thought. Americans want us out of Iraq by a sizable majority. Americans favor universal health care, marriage equality, and reproductive choice. Americans believe that government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves,” that Congress should increase the minimum wage, that “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes, and they support embryonic stem cell research.
There’s more in the link, but I’m sure you understand.
28 MS
And still he leads “Bucket List” McCain. Ready or not, here he comes!
@10 & @15
1/2 truths are just another form of lying. In the video referenced at 10 there is no flip flop. There are *a lot* of missile shield and missile defense programs running which are not proven. My favorite one is the giant laser mounted on the 747 that we’re spending a couple a bil on. Believing in missile defense and saying you will cut unproven technologies does not indicate a flip flop. This akin to saying that the statements, “I believe in energy independence” and “I’ll block all new coal plants” indicates a flip flop. Just not paying attention as far as I can see..
The second video is just a mash up of a number of hearings, not one as it claims to be. Secondly, it’s from 2004 when the republicans had majorities in both the house and senate. If this video were factual it would say a couple of things, both parties are liars, the ones in power with the ability to obtain cloture in the senate didn’t do what they claimed needed to be done. So, at first blush without any analysis this looks pretty bad but given that it’s a mash up of a number of hearings and edited very heavily, I’d have to go back to the congressional record to find out what really happened. But any thought beyond casual observance will lead you to different a conclusion than the one I’m sure the author intended.
Well back to the wedding idea; splendid and it would probably work to get attention but so what? But what will be interesting is if Bristol’s baby is later (or earlier) than they said? That way Palin can be the happy grandma before the election. Palin already manipulated one birth, why not another? She makes Lady Macbeth look like a piker.
Or, Palin will suddenly become “ill” on Thursday or the baby will be “sick” and she just can’t make the debate.
Marvin-I see you have an ad on Craigslist in the “goats wanted” section. Your name comes up after Mr. Cynical’s. Apparently the Republican Convention resulted in a severe goat shortage. Maybe you and Mr. Cynical can share. Don’t forget to wear your t-shirt.
@37 It’s no surpise that Marvin was caught telling a horrific lie regarding the mother of one of our fallen soldiers. It will also be no surpise when he repeats that same lie tomorrow.
Why does Marvin lie? The truth sucks for him.
@36 If you haven’t already sworn off goat cheese, now is the time to do so.
I’ll stop short of outright calling Marvn a liar. I will call him a dumb fuck who believes anything the rightwing noise machine tells him.
He probably believes McCains story that he suspended his campaign and brought both sides of Congress together to make this deal to save America from the next Great Depression. Only a week ago he said the fundamentals of the economy are fine. Now he’s saved us from disaster. The only reason these assholes get away with this shit is because they have followers like Marvin, who despite all the evidence of incompetence and mendacity and corruption over the past eight years still think the Republicans are worth voting for.
People’s belief in the Free Market religion is taking a gigantic hit. Soon America won’t be a superpower anymore, and all the vicarious thrills that folks got from our military ‘kicking ass’ all over the world will be gone. When that happens look out….
Steve – that Republican Offenders web site is the best!!!
It really is a darned good site, YLB. And there’s a number of them out there now. Puddy may have his head up his ass but there’s a lot of people picking up on what’s going on with these fucks.
The Republican pedophile/lewd behavior/goatfucking problem is so pervasive that no single site seems to be able to keep up with of all of them. For instance, as strange as the Washington State Rep Richard Curtis story is, what with being pulled over wearing a dress after having stiffed the male prostitute back at the motel, no site I’ve seen has picked up on it. I should bring the Rep Curtis story to their attention.
I keep forgeting about Spokane’s Mayor West. I wonder if anybody else saw that special on TV about him a year or two ago. On the surface, this stuff obviously angers me. But when we look deeper, like that special did, there’s some very tragic and painful stories out there. The Republican party gives these people no room but to loath themselves. And eventually they act out their needs and desires in loathsome fashion, often hurting the innocent, including their own loved ones and family.
Alas, too much is at stake. No mercy. Not now, anyway. Damned goatfuckers!
@40 That’s a damn fine screen name you’ve chosen for yourself. Well done.
I don’t know what Marvin’s real story is about. I can’t say that I care to know. I do believe, however, that a lot of our trolls are not so much ideological in their world view as they are simply evil. I think they just get off on watching the world around them burn.
The mother, like a true democrat flip-flopped on what she said. Since you missed the point…
Obama was asked back in February by the parents NOT to mention the bracelet in speeches or debates. But once mcsame mentioned a bracelet it was okay to mention her son so obama wouldn’t look lame.
What does it say about the mother to ask one thing then ONLY for political reasons punks her own son. Besides that she’s a typical democrat I mean.