Either that, or one of our most logorrheic troll/commenters has been channeling him.
Bonus quote of the day (April 26, 2013), Taegan Goddard’s PoliticalWire:
This administration has so many Muslim brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.
— Louie Gohmert (R-TX-01)
Said troll/commenter will go especially batshit-crazy when I tip my hat to Hunter at DailyKos, whose frontpage post alerted me to the latest “wisdom” from Mr. Gohmert.
Needless to say, the Congressman’s latest idiotic pronouncement was uttered on WorldNutDaily Radio.
I doubt Louie is intelligent enough to understand that his words are treated with the respect they deserve.
No it’s just a Republican circle jerk. They all drink from the same poison well and spew the latest talking points. Bob’s the designated mouthpiece here on HA.
What about the morons who vote for them?
“Nutz in Seattle”: Nice indirect attack. You have NOT PROVEN why the FBI change the lexicon in their training manuals as reported by CBS News. And Gohmert proved it before the Boston Bombing. Now who influenced this “nuance” “Nutz in Seattle”? Puddy suggested and Gohmert has also suggested when Obummer came into office those references previously made before Obummer’s “ascension” are now gone due to “friendly pressures”.
So your running to Daily Kooks proves Puddy point… CNN wrote about how the FBI missed the connection. Well it isn’t in their training guides anymore. Provide counter Proof “Nutz in Seattle”! Mine came directly from Napolitano’s DHS! Where’s yours? Puddy dares ya!
If Gohmenrt trolls here, he is a troller, not a troll. A troller trolls. Trolling is a form of fishing. A “troll” as a noun comes from Scandinavian mythology.
Ten Years After,
“If Gohmenrt trolls here, he is a troller, not a troll.”
Incorrect. Via OED:
“A troller trolls. Trolling is a form of fishing. A “troll” as a noun comes from Scandinavian mythology.”
Your definition captures but a limited subset of the contemporary use of the word. For example, “troll” is also a verb, both in fishing and on the internet.
Oh…and, the etymology of this form of the noun and verb is not Norse mythology. Rather…
Person Playing Puddybud,
Thank you for your character’s archetypal incomprehensible, batshit-crazy, paranoid reaction, as foreshadowed by N in Seattle.
Be sure your character checks under the bed for The Muslim Brotherhood tonight.
You know the comedy will ensue after a sentence like that.
I’m doubt that Gohmert is dumb. He graduated from law school and was class president at Baylor. More likely he’s an unprincipled hack exploiting the ignorance and bigotry of the rednecks who elect him. He really doesn’t care what he votes for; he’s in it for the salary and perks. A Congress gig beats practicing law any day.
Damn… I don’t know which troll you are talking about!
Um, they’re just quoting the same shit they all get in their comfy little echo chamber.
The technical term is epistemic closure, but I suppose that’s being way too polite since the determined ignorance of these morons is a feature, not a bug. They glory in it.
And Roger, Rep. Goober (Teatard, Tx) is from Texas, meaning stupid until proven otherwise. There are lots of stupid people who have graduated from college and become class president, particularly in Texas.
From wiki:
“On January 3, 2013, Gohmert broke ranks with the House leadership to nominate outspoken Florida Representative Allen West for Speaker of the House, even though West lost his bid for re-election in November 2012 and was no longer a member of Congress.”
Yeah, dumber’n a sack of dogshit.
Law School doesn’t count anything toward measuring intelligence. What is does mean is that someone is good at memorizing shit until they can pass the tests. Apparently, his military service was as a JAG lawyer, as a defense attorney. I wonder if he wasn’t flat out asked to leave. I’d bet he’s the worst lawyer anyone could have.
Hey, man! When you comin’ out this way? The weather’s supposed to be pretty nice all week. Let me know.
Would love to…sorry last time didn’t work out…
@11 “is from Texas, meaning stupid until proven otherwise”
You’ve got a point there.
@13 During one of their debates, Tom Foley and George Nethercutt agreed that if Nethercutt was elected to fill the seat but the Democrats retained control of the House, the majority could under the chamber’s rules at the time vote Foley to continue as Speaker for the following term.
The fee to renew a driver’s license has increased at an average rate of 12.47% per year over the past five years. Too bad our investments don’t do as well.
@18 “Too bad our investments don’t do as well.”
My investments have made 15.3% since January 1, and anyone who bought an S&P 500 ETF on January 1 would have made 12.8% without a penny of dividends, so what’s your problem?
From 19,
So, how has your investment portfolio done over the past five years? (Make sure you annualize your returns.)
The point is that the average investment portfolio has not grown by an average rate of 12.47% over the past five years. Yes, there are some out there, but darn few.
Since this license renewal fee has gone from a $25 charge to a $45 dollar charge, it does not mean the DOL is doing a better job of doing whatever it does. The DOL just increased the rate by an average of 12.47% over th past five years. What did it do to deserve that five-year increase?
One other thing: they make us get new license plates after the plates are seven years old. This so the cops can use electronic scanners to read plates without worrying about old plates being obscured with a little age.
The plates are fine and serviceable, but we’re required to buy new ones (for a nice fee) even though the old plates are still good. Isn’t this a waste of resources? Why not let the plates stay on the car until the car finally goes to the junkyard?
@20 I can’t calcuate an annualized percentage for 2012 because I was feeding cash into the market at irregular intervals throughout the year, so I’ll give you my results for the five years 2007-2011:
2007 +21.6%, 2008 -44.8%, 2009 +73.8%, 2010 +20.5%, 2011 +1.9%, cumulative total +43.2%, annual average +8.6%.
My raw gain (i.e., non-annualized) for 2012 was 12.2%. The annualized gain would be much higher because I owned many of those stocks for only a partial year.
I liquidated a bunch of positions in late 2008 and was sitting on a mountain of cash at the market bottom in 2009; if you average those two years, I made +29% for the two years or an average of 14.5% for each year.
2011 is an outlier; I made some buys in 2010 and 2011 that didn’t work out. On average, I make about in the range of 12% to 15% a year, but that should go up a couple percent because I’ve made a substantial shift from speculative stocks to blue chip dividend stocks in the last couple years, and I seem to have timed that move very nicely.
@22 And also so the red-light cameras can read them; the glittery stuff wears off.
@21 “Since this license renewal fee has gone from a $25 charge to a $45 dollar charge, it does not mean the DOL is doing a better job of doing whatever it does.”
DOL doesn’t get the extra $20, it goes to your local transportation district. So, DOL has raised its vehicle tab fee 0% in the last 5 years.
@21, 22
Why do you hate America?
As for what DOL does, it issues business, occupational, and driver licenses; vehicle and vessel titles, registrations, and permits; acts as repository for trade name registrations and UCC Article 9 security interest filings; and conducts driver testing and license suspension/revocation hearings. With over 7 million residents and over 225,000 businesses in our state, DOL has a large workload, and handles it efficiently. Unlike some places, you don’t have to wait 5 years or bribe a bunch of officials to get a vehicle, driver, or business license. You oughta be grateful for what you have here.
@26 Because he’s one of those libertarian assholes who thinks no government is the only good government. (He should move to Somalia and see for himself how that works.)
Roger Rabbit,
“So, DOL has raised its vehicle tab fee 0% in the last 5 years.”
In fact, if the fees kept up with inflation, they should have been closer to $25.45 this year.
So, notwithstanding his pathetic whining, Ten Years After paid lower tab fees this year than last. (And, in real dollars, his state gas excise tax went down, too.)
Two things to remember about Ten Years After:
1) Alvin Lee is dead.
2) They were a one-hit-wonder. Their hit was, I’d Love to Change the World. If you’ll recall, the chorus was:
I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you
@ 21
Since this license renewal fee has gone from a $25 charge to a $45 dollar charge, it does not mean the DOL is doing a better job of doing whatever it does.
No, it doesn’t. It could, however, mean that costs of doing what the DoL does no longer receive any subsidized funding from other parts of the State’s budget.
The charge still stands:
CBS News… not Fox News… Not NewsMAX… Not Ace of Spades… Not Washington Times… etc. etc. etc.
Ahhh yes, the standard in ad hominem attacks SCHMUCKO, attacks Puddy instead of proving there is no change in the FBI lexicon for terrorism. FACTS just don’t jibe with SCHMUCKOS sad commentary.
And Da Perfessa… you are becoming a real piece of work these days.
You didn’t prove Gohmert wrong either. The graphics are FACTUAL. All you have is attacking Puddy in you repertoire. FACTS dude, FACTS. Sadly you haven’t provided any! Puddy provided the DHS manual, right from their site.
That’s the sad fact about liberalism… it is a mental disorder.
Puddybigot…the way logic and argument work, is that you make an assertion and then support that assertion with verifiable fact, and draw causal relationships. Those assertions need to be robust enough to withstand scrutiny.
You claim MOOSLUMBROTHERHOOOOOD infiltration of the Obama Administration, and further, that these sleeper agents are undermining TERRRRRORRRRR!!, simply by listing a bunch of names that sound Middle Eastern or South Asian, and you demand their exclusion from their jobs in government.
You’re not only a bigot, but a stupid bigot.
And that attack is not ad hominem, but rather directed against your actions.
You seem to believe that listing the funny-sounding names of people who might pray wrong (my assessment of your ‘logic’) is sufficient to make the case that improvements in government approaches to apprehending sociopaths is in fact tantamount to a subversive infiltration of government by moles and spies.
You linked to a lexicon of terms associated with this sort of law enforcement the other day, by way of ‘proof’, and many of those terms were focused on things like white supremacists, skinheads, militia extremists and anti-abortion terrorists – obviously this is upsetting to you and your ‘proof’ of MOOSLUMS!. Rather, the lexicon seems totally logical, since we know that most acts of domestic mass casualty violence are perpetrated by white men who self-identify as Christians. There is no demand for extraordinary or nefarious explanation for this focus, as it is self-evident that this is the most common threat.
You are the one who has made extraordinary claims, and therefore bear the responsibility to advance extraordinary proof. (I give you too much credit – you’re merely braying the hate and fear your read on Breitbart or heard in church – I doubt you’re intelligent enough to formulate such a theory yourself).
No one here owes you any sort of explanation or proof. It’s a sort of public service we do to disabuse you of these freakish and nasty accusations you hurl, to knock the legs from beneath your ‘arguments’. You have no basis to demand that we offer proof of some counter explanation for the ordinary, as if that were necessary to rebut your unhinged ravings. We merely need to point out the absolute lunacy of the raving accusations in the first place.
That’s all you deserve.
If you were a descent human, you would send an apology to each of those hard-working government functionaries you have repeatedly smeared on these threads, based solely on the sound of their names and your bigoted inferences about them, and beg forgiveness.
But we all know you’re not a decent human being.
@ 32 Puddy spews:
You have NOT PROVEN why the FBI changed the lexicon in their training manuals as reported by CBS News.
You didn’t prove Gohmert wrong either.
Clearly, Puddy has no concept of burden of proof. In both cases, Puddy is advancing unproven claims of nefarious motives, and demanding that we who are skeptical of such claims prove them to be false. It’s as if someone were to accuse Puddy of beating his wife and raping his children, and then demand that Puddy prove those allegations to be false.
Fortunately, our society generally operates under the premise of “innocent until proven guilty”. Under that premise, it’s Puddy’s onus to prove that the FBI changed the terrorism lexicon due to pressures from people who are sympathetic to the aims of terrorists. It’s up to Rep. Gohmert to prove that there are members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration, and to do so by means far more conclusive than merely citing their names.
Of course, neither Puddy nor Rep. Gohmert can meet this burden of proof, so they, instead, revert back to the days of Sen. McCarthy. And, like Sen. McCarthy, neither Puddy nor Rep. Gohmert have any shame.
Person Playing Puddy,
“You didn’t prove Gohmert wrong either.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? Where did I suggest I was trying to “prove Gohmert wrong”???
“The graphics are FACTUAL.”
What graphics are those? The only Gohmert video I “saw” was a radio interview, sans graphics.
“All you have is attacking Puddy in you repertoire.”
Au contraire, my little Puddyling, I was thanking you for instantiating N in Seattle’s prediction.
“FACTS dude, FACTS.”
Fuck…you wouldn’t recognize a “fact” if it hit you in the transentorhinal region.
“Puddy provided the DHS manual, right from their site.”
No…DHS provided a manual. You, apparently, linked to it for some reason likely known only to you and the other voices in your head.
Heh.. When our favorite troll says “we”…
It means it!
Liberal Scientist and Don Joe,
Thanks for putting Puddy’s bizarre rants into context. Perhaps I have been unfair to Puddy, in calling @4 “incomprehensible, batshit-crazy, paranoid”.
Let me see if I can further parse Puddy@4 and use the links he included for context.
Hmmm…not sure who it was an “indirect” attack against. N in Seattle made a DIRECT attack against Rep. Goober. Perhaps Puddy felt the “Indirect attack” was against Puddy? Who knows.
“You have NOT PROVEN why the FBI change the lexicon in their training manuals as reported by CBS News.”
Puddy gives a link NOT to a training manual, and NOT to CBS, but to a five (really, 4) page DHS memo that “standardize[s] the terms used in DHS products related to domestic terrorism and homegrown extremist violence.”
I can only presume that after this manual came out, the right-wing kook-o-sphere experienced collective apoplexy over one or more definitions about which they disagree. Apparently, the initial self pinching-festival has snowballed into a homegrown conspiracy theory.
Puddy accuses N as “not proving why” the FBI (sic) changed (sic) the lexicon in their training manuals (sic).
Apparently, to kooks like Puddy, it is not self evident that standardizing and disambuguating government publications has stand-alone merit.
Ooooh…here is where Rep. Goober comes in. First, I have to wonder what the heck was going through Puddy’s brain cells (both of ’em) that he felt the necessity to mention something about the timing of the Boston bombing. I mean, the Document of Contention is well over a year old.
The link goes to something from pjmedia that tallies word counts in three specific documents: The 9/11 commission reports, the DHS document, and something else. It turns out that the tome documenting a single major terrorist event uses more Mooslumy words than the 4-page document that defines 16 words.
Little known fact: The 9/11 Commission Report uses the word Fuck (2 times), Mother (6), Shit (1) Jerk (2), stroke (1) and high (100+) times. Which just goes to “prove” that the 9/11 Commission was under the influence of Radical Carlinestas!
…ask’s Puddybud, as he “gets lost” in a “dark world” of “conspiracy “theories”” and “overused” quote “marks” (“). Apparently, there is a “Lexicon Lobby” that does something for some reason to some documents with definitions. Perhaps an evil splinter group of the the Anti-Jargon League? Very sinister.
Oooooooohhhhhhh…now we are getting nowhere. I think Puddy is saying he and Goober predicted Obama would bow to “friendly pressure” to scrub previously made references.
Hmmm…not sure that helped, but it sure sounds like a claim that Obama is scrubbing past documents of something (“references”). Vewwy Vewwy stwange and suspiciwous!
“So your running to Daily Kooks proves Puddy point…”
Translation: Because N in Seattle taunted Puddy by mentioning DailyKos, it provides additional evidence of the aforementioned “scrubbing” activity. It’s like Puddy has found a wormhole into an alternate university where the rules of logic are totally different. But a more parsimonious explanation is that a worm has bored a wormhole through much of his grey matter.
Missed a connection?
“Well it isn’t in their training guides anymore.”
Oh??? Apparently, Puddybud has a copy of the FBI training guide. And the words have been scrubbed?
Ohhhh…Puddy has a DHS manual that proves somethingortheotherinanalternateuniverse. Gosh…it is sure hard to disprove somethingortheotherinanalternateuniverse. If only we had George Carlin here to help…
Ummm…yeah. Pretty much, “incomprehensible, batshit-crazy, paranoid”, there, Puddy-kiddo.
Puddly’s complaining about someone attacking the person not the facts? Puddly? That’s rich. Puddly’s stock-in-trade is attacking the person not the facts. How many times has Puddly been asked to provide some evidence for some declaration, only to respond with invective and name calling? Too many times to count, that’s how many.
Pathetic Piddler Puddly .
@37 “I have to wonder what the heck was going through Puddy’s brain cells (both of ‘em) …”
He has two? Coulda fooled me.
@37 Frankly, Darryl, I think Puddy’s whole shtick is simply creative straw-grasping by a guy whose unsupportable ideology otherwise has no arguments.
@38 And with a fall-back strategy of resorting to ad hominen (and
ad rabbitum) attacks when he runs out of straws.
@40; sorry, I can’t agree. There ain’t nothing creative about Puddly’s straws. He hasn’t had a single creative thought in the whole time he’s posted here.