The Anti Defamation League (ADL) denounced the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) yesterday for a bizarre and offensive newsletter article comparing environmentalists to Nazis (“Hitler s Nazi party: They were eco extremists“), demanding an immediate apology:
“This article showed a deplorable lack of judgment on the part of the Building Industry Association of Washington,” said Ellen Bovarnick, ADL Pacific Northwest Regional Director. “Any attempt to compare the policies Hitler and the Nazis, which led to World War II and ultimately the death of six million Jews and millions of others in the Holocaust, to the actions of environmentalists is inappropriate and offensive and has no place in a debate over environmental regulation.”
ADL calls on the organization to repudiate the article and to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by the comparison, especially Holocaust survivors and their families.
“While the industry may have concerns about regulation, it is outrageous and false to compare environmentalists and government regulators to Nazis,” said Ms. Bovarnick. “Such comparisons only serve to trivialize the history of the Holocaust.”
Ironically, at the very same time the ADL was drafting its sternly worded press release, Republican Grand Old Party Party candidate for governor, Dino Rossi was a featured speaker at the BIAW’s annual membership meeting at Skamania Lodge, where he was introduced by BIAW president Brad Spears as a “candidate who believes as BIAW believes.”
[audio:]Um… the BIAW believes a lot of things Dino, some more offensive than others. So if you don’t believe as they do, that DOE’s stormwater regulations are the moral equivalent of the Holocaust, isn’t it time you set the record straight and denounce your patrons at the BIAW (an organization that has made your election their top priority in 2008) for their violent, offensive and over-the-top rhetoric?
I’m just askin’.
What exactly in the article isn’t true? Sounds like they nailed you guys dead on.
Speaking of eco-extremism, did you see your Gawd is a fucking hypcrite?
Godwin’s Law. BIAW loses.
MTR @1,
Okay Mark, at least you’re on the record confirming that you believe that DOE stormwater regulations are the moral equivalent of the Holocaust. Good for you. I appreciate your honesty.
So when is your candidate, Dino Rossi, going to stand up and be just as honest?
Dino Rossi is in the pocket of the BIAW. Mark the no-brain has so little abiltiy to tell truth from fiction that his partisan right wing rantings ewpose him as the true idiot he is.
Nazis do not equal environmentalists or environmental laws and every looney right winger that keeps trying to make that arguments helps to drive this state more democratic. Thanks Mark – for demonstrating the intellectual bankruptcy of the republican party and Dino Rossi in Washington state. By this next election, republicans will be a sorry minority in our fair state, thanks to the likes of you.
hehehe. Rossi is a lying BIAW puppet trying to greenwash himself. So weak.
When’s your Souljah moment coming with BIAW Dino?
Heh. Never. You don’t have the stones..
So prove me wrong. Explain how you’re NOT like Nazis.
Rossi should just as well have filed his candidacy as “Prefers BIAW Party” he is so in their pocket.
MTR @6,
Um, I’ve never murdered a single Jew, let alone exterminated 6 million of them. If you can’t distinguish between genocide and environmental regulations, it explains a lot.
You guys are the ultimate arrogant fucking tyrants. You want control of everything. You hate freedom. You hate liberty. Your beliefs are based entirely on hate and envy and greed. You the most arrogant hateful mother fuckers on the planet. That’s why you think a community activist can be president and why you think a fucking idiot like maxine waters can run a fucking oil company.
You are nazis in every definition of the word.
Nazis tend to lose wars.
Sounds more like your folks, Mark.
MTR @6 – Prove to me how you’re not a racist and an idiot.
Mark, Mark, Mark…
You just can not both drink your first beer and try to make a coherent statement on these message boards at the same time.
A man’s gotta know his limitations….
Dino Rossi isn’t the moderate Republican he pretends to be to lull gullible voters into voting for him. He’s an over-the-top extremist like his BIAW sponsors, and when voters figure this out, he’ll get clobbered at the polls.
@6 This crap doesn’t deserve a reply and won’t get one from me.
I can’t believe the BIAW ad I just heard on the radio that Christine Gregoire is now responsible for child molesters and rapists. These guys are unbelievable and I suspect very few people will actually believe them. Only bigots like some of them posting here.
ShitForBrains 15 – Let me refresh your memory. Mrs. Gregoire is directly and solely responsible for letting this asshole roam free.
MTR @ 1&6,
How about if I ask my stepfather, who was born in Germany in the early 1930s, if he is interested in debating you on this issue?
My stepfather could talk about how it felt to have the Nazis slaughter his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and you can talk about the trials and tribulations of separating recycleables into different containers.
Mark, you give rednecks and gamblers a bad name.
But let’s talk about environmental regulation. BIAW and Rossi would turn our country and state into a Russia, if they got the chance.
Russia is one of the filthiest places on earth. (China is the other one.) For decades, the Soviet regime disregarded environmental degradation as they single-mindedly pursued policies of rapid industrialization and military supremacy. Now they are paying the price both economically and public health-wise.
Today, Russia has severely polluted air and water, ruined soils, and their country is full of toxic waste. First of all there’s the hundreds of square miles surrounding Chernobyl which have been rendered permanently uninhabitable. There’s a lake in Russia which has so much radioactive waste in it that standing on the beach for 60 minutes would kill you. Haphazard mining, logging, and grazing practices have despoiled vast stretches of countryside. Over half of Russia’s water resources are unfit for human consumption. Acid rain is wiping out vast swathes of forest. Their agricultural lands have been so abused that food production is dropping. In the cities, living conditions are so unhealthy that lifespans in Russia are declining.
In some Chinese cities, the air is so polluted that people have to wear masks. Going outside is like being in a fog.
Who wants to live like that?
People like Mark the Redneck can be compared to mentally ill hermits whose homes are piled to the ceilings with junk, have urine stains on carpets and cat feces piled up behind the furniture, and whose kitchen sinks are piled high with dirty dishes, while rats and cockroaches hold conventions between the wall studs.
It’s one thing to live like that yourself; it’s something else to make other people live in your filth. Attitudes like MTR’s should be a hanging offense.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke! I don’t want to kill him. But we should lock him up in a mental institution where he can’t be a danger to himself or others.
If you stepfather had a fucking gun he could have killed the nazis. But the nazis disarmed the people. Just like you guys want to do.
Here’s the deal: If you can get people to believe that the planet is in peril, then ANYTHING is justified. No level of tyranny is out of bounds. And that’s exactly what you guys are doing with your “global warming” hoax. What’s scary is that so many gullible people are falling for it.
The sad thing about you and Rossi is that you lose your good points in the inanity of your extremism.
I call myself an Obamist. I am not a Reprican or a Dimocrat, I am equally willing to abuse either party when its policies are irrational and not in our interests as Americans.
If you do not like BHO then do the same, give me a rational argument. Otherwise, if you were smarter than the average Nazi idealogue, you would adopt Obama’s policies as your own. Asl Bill Clinton how best to do this!
Let me give you one example. Obama stands for contract schools and master teacher programs. How do the nut righters respond? They push fantasies. Vouchers??? No economist would support the idea that the measly dollars you wann spend this way would get a poor kid into Lakeside. Instead, vouchers create a price floor for crappy private schools.
Obamism is rational. His schools policy is well to the right of the NEA/AFT yet dumb repricans , unable to learn the lessons Clinton taught the Dems, are too caught up in their team to realize THEY should join rather than oppose Obama on this issue.
Same thing holds for McCain’s stance on Iraq. Read General Zini. Withdrawal or Victory is an idiotic comparison. Neiher can happen. Bush fucked us all. NOW the strategy needs to be how to get the best out of a bad situation .. or as BHO says, “We got in stupid, we need to get out smart.”
Here in Wastate, I have4 b=voted for Rossi in the past but will vote for Gregoire this year. Why? NOT because I think she is any sort of great leader, but at least she is rational. Like the Repricans I think our transportation system has been f’d up by the Dems. BUT, if you want MY vote, then damn it all give me a believeable plan! Rossi, instead, cooked up a mess of inedible plants, pored mole sauce over ti and said it smelled good. The Obamists, people like myself, could vote for DR, but he needs to show some evidence that he is rational.
You want more? You accuse Oldy of being a Nazi. Other than being your equivalent of calling him an SOB, calling any Jew a Nazi SHOULD take you more than a few seconds. OTOH, it is now months since a Reprican in Clark County posted racist remarks vs. Sen. Obama. Put another way, there is a memebr of the Clark County Reprican staff, who IS a Nazi. Tell me boobelah, exactly waht rational effort has Dino made to find this POS and eject her from your nest? A rational Obamist wants to know!
@9 There’s an old saying that your “freedom” to swing your fist stops where my nose starts. That’s what environmental regulation is all about. And if you don’t like it, think of these regulations as the well-deserved fist in the teeth that you got as a result of swinging your arm into someone else’s face. Fuck you, Mark. You’re going to obey our regulations, and if you don’t we’re going to fine you, jail you, and litigate you into oblivion. I repeat: Fuck you.
Rabbit – Thanks for making my point. Every example you cite is from a shithole socialist country. Add Cuba to the list.
Countries with free market economies don’t do the kind of shit that you list. It is not in the economic best interests of property owners to wreck their property. Educate yourself: google “tragedy of the commons”. Get back to me later with what you learned. Fucking idiot.
So why do you guys think we should head down the road of socialism? Especially when there are exactly ZERO cases where it has ever worked?
@19 We liberals are arming! Happy now?
How many of your LEFTIST KOMRADES have referred to President Bush, Dick Cheney or COnservatives as “Nazi’s”??
I’m not saying you have directly…but plenty of innuendo in many of your threads.
Seems like this is politics at it’s worst…
Will the ADL demand an apology from everyone who refers to someone or some Group as “Nazi’s”???
I doubt it.
Selectively pointing the finger at one group is not helpful to anyone.
How about the ADL demanding an apology from Reverend Wright who is pals with Farrakhan?
O-blah-blah sat & listened to Wrights racist rantings for 20 years.
Shouldn’t he apologize?
Where does it end?
Slippery slope on this one Goldy.
Let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the 1st stone.
@22 “Countries with free market economies don’t do the kind of shit that you list.”
I see. Love Canal was perpetrated by communist infiltrators in Hooker Chemical’s corporate hierarchy. All the other Superfund sites in America are also the work of Bolshevik saboteurs. I’m glad you clarified that.
Nobody here believes your tripe about having 4 college degrees, Mark. You’re too fucking stupid to have a high school diploma, let alone any college degrees. But if what you claim is true, then every college that issued you a degree should lose its accreditation for educational malpractice.
Jew – Name one accomplishment of your Messiah. Just one. He’s a great marxist ideologue, and according to joe biden he is “clean”. But what the fuck has ever done?
Maybe this guy can help you.
Well, Mark @ 9 is in fine form today. Pretty much reveals his stripes, all emotion and no logic.
Mark, obviously you know NOTHING about the Nazis, or you wouldn’t even try defending this basically indefensible argument. You just hate anybody who doesn’t agree with you, and you figure that “Nazis” are the most despised name on the planet, so you carelessly try to link the two. Shame on you.
Once, on this forum, I mentioned that some Republican propoganda techniques was similar to that used by the Nazis. Someone called me on that, and I apologized. It wasn’t that I was wrong in my comparison (tactics are tactics, after all), it’s just that the Nazis crimes were so horrendous that very few individuals or groups deserve to be linked to them. I reserve that for those who willingly follow them, such as the Neo-Nazis and White Supremicists.
I would suggest that you do the same, especially since you really don’t know what you are talking about when you try to linke environmentalists to Nazis.
@24 Pooooor baaaaby!!! How’s that castor oil feel sliding down the old gullet, C? Whatsamatter can’t you wingers take a dose of your own medicine? You’ll get no sympathy from me. Buck up! Be a man! Take it! Because we’re going to dish out a lot more before we’re through with you sewer-crawling scum-sucking low-lifes.
@16 How do you figure that? But if you want to play this game, George W. Bush is directly responsible for letting Osama bin Laden roam free. Which makes you a traitor if you voted for him (as I suspect you did).
Hey Redneck! I want you to know something.
If you don’t like it, you can kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
I’m still waiting for SOMEBODY to name just one accomplishment of your Messiah.
Just one…
Hey Rabbit, how bout it? Can you come up with one? Jew seems sorta quiet. Wonder why…
Find the radio stations that carry BIAW program, that carry their show and harass the sponsors. That’s what I plan on doing here in Olympia. 1240 KGY
Tell them how could they carry such hate speech.
Radio Schedule
Tuesdays: Noon-1pm
1180 AM KLAY,Tacoma (LIVE!)
Saturdays: Noon-1pm
93.9 FM KTAC, Moses Lake & Othello
101.3 FM KGDN,Tri-Cities & Walla Walla
106.5 FM KSPO, Spokane
810 AM KTBI,Wenatchee & Central WA
930 AM KYAK,Yakima
Saturdays: 7-8 pm
1300 AM KKOL, Seattle
Sundays: 2-3pm
630 AM KTW, Spokane
Sundays: 8-9 pm
1240AM/96.9 FM KGY,Olympia
Mondays: 5-6pm
1230 AM KSBN, Spokane
@27 “Well, Mark @ 9 is in fine form today.”
Too much laughing gas at the dentist.
@31 He forgave even you, Redneck, and that’s quite an accomplishment. I couldn’t have done it.
Every time I hear or read the BIAW “Brown Shirts” rant, my blood runs cold. I would like to remind everyone that it is estimated that the Nazi killed an estimated 10 million people of which 60% were Jews. The remaining 40% were political opponents, trade unionist, etc. as well as my relatives that had the misfortune of being from a Slavic ethnic population. It seems to me that there is always someone who aspires to be an equal opportunity MOLESTER.
Mark @ 6 said: “…Your beliefs are based entirely on hate and envy and greed….”
Sounds like a pretty good description of the current Republican party, to me.
But since you started off complaining about stormwater regulations, I’m assuming you think it’s okay for a developer to pass on the cost or consequences of failing to adequately deal with stormwater runoff caused by his development to – somebody else. Anybody else. Anybody other than himself.
If you let polluted runnoff into the storm system, either it’s going to end up ruining some salmon streams (“gee, there goes an industry! too bad!!!!”), and/or polluting shellfish beds in the Sound (“there goes another industry, too bad!!!!”, or asking taxpayers to pay the cost of cleaning it up, either with expensive treatment plants or environmental remediation (at many times the cost it would have required simply to avoid the problem in the first place).
Current environmental regulations are based upon the concept that someone who profits from a development has a responsibility to mitigate the damages which result from it, and not simply pass on those costs or damages to others. It’s a pretty efficient system on the whole, in that it places responsibility upon the person (or corporation) who is in the best position to avoid the damages being incurred in the first place.
Sure, you can always argue about whether specific regulations are the most efficient way to achieve the protections desired. You could even argue about whether the regulations are worthwhile, with respect to the law of diminishing returns (think MTCA Method B Cleanups). I’m always open to a reasoned argument in that direction.
But instead, you equate all environmental regulations to Nazi war crimes. It would be pretty silly if it wasn’t so sick.
Bush’s proposal to open the Florida coast to oil drilling is splitting that state’s GOP and may cost McCain the state this fall. Even Bush’s brother Jeb opposes coastal drilling.
(Source: Newsweek)
@36 Responsible behavior is not what people like MTR and his fellow Republicans are about. Their holy grail is taking all the profits for themselves while shifting as many of the costs, risks, and responsibilities to others as they can get away with. They’re leeches.
Suppose we opened environmentally sensitive areas to oil development. In a few years the oil would be used up and we’d be back to square one. Then what? What will the Hummer owners do then?
Hey Redneck! Want to give me a hummer? Call 1-900-SUCK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
I’ve heard plenty of unhinged bullshit in my day but the redneck and cynical are really bringin it today.
The level of derangement represented by those two is truly amazing…and what’s worse is that there is a small, VERY vocal and well financed MINORITY that is willing to propagate the same thing.
Well…I’m glad their true colors are showing. In no way will they ever be remotely considered moderate or reasonable or attached in any way to reality here anymore. Good. I’m glad they are so miserable…I neither wish that on many nor do I like to see it happen to anyone…but they cannot be reasonable, funtioning sentient beings and harbor the rage and intolerance and sense of entitlement the two of them and the rest of their ilk do and not completely irrationally resent the rest of us who have and are figuring out how to go along, get along and try to live and work to make some kind of safe and reasonable, civil co-operative society.
Those men and their fellow travellers are really, really ill.
Where did I say that BHO was a Messiah? I said he is a rational man. That is step one in Obamism. Try taking it!
Dino could win. But he will nto do so unless he dumps the Reprican nut cases and offers some believable, rational strategies to improve Wastate.
So, if you wanna shove your name calling uner your seat, tell me one rational step McC or Rossi is offering to deal with any of our major needs?
international image?
keeping Boeing here?
fuel prices?
BTW. when you folks find your closet Nazi in Clark County, I suggest he or she be invited to address Mt. Zion Baptist Church and de Hirsch Sinai and ‘splain why we Americans should vote for folks like you.
Being a Republican means never having to say you’re sorry.
Being Dino Rossi means never having to say you’re Republican.
Red States In Play? Obama Could Take Georgia
A new poll by an Atlanta-based pollster shows McCain leading Obama by only 1 point in Georgia, 44% to 43%. Consequently, the Obama campaign is committing funds to that state.
(Source: Newsweek)
Roger; The Bushies and McCain’s twisted the current Florida governor’s arm, and today he’s calling for a “repeal” of the federal moratorium on offshore drilling (in place since the early days of the Reagan administration), in favor of each state getting to decide for itself.
What that means, of course, is that the Bushies in Florida (and their governor) who saw the impending death of their political futures pass before their eyes, can re-assure their voters that “No, it won’t ever happen HERE, of course, but they can do it ELSWHERE, such as California, or New Jersey, etc., etc., etc.”
They are side-stepping questions about how drilling off the shore of Alabama might affect the Florida west-coast beaches in the event of a spill. there are vague mentions of “new technology” which will prevent that from happening.
They are twisting themselves into all sorts of convulsions trying to give the oil companies drilling rights, promising cheap gas to voters, and at the same time promising that their own voters will never see an oil drilling platform or the results therefrom.
31 MTR
He won the nomination of the Democratic Party to be President of the United States.
GOP: Invading wombs since 1980!
29 RR
And George W. Bush is responsible for ignoring all the warnings from the intelligence community and the previous administration and allowing Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda to attack the US.
“Now watch this drive!”
re 1: The entire premise of the argument is false — that people who believe in saving the earth are the moral equivalent of the Nazis.
@41 “Dino could win. But he will nto do so unless he dumps the Reprican nut cases and offers some believable, rational strategies to improve Wastate.”
That’s like saying a dog could be the next Einstein if dogs were as smart as Einstein. Rossi doesn’t have the smarts, experience, or knowledge to do any of the above. He will never be anything but a greasy little real estate salesman shilling for greedy developers.
By the way, I’m printing out multiple copies of this thread, and I’m going to pass them out to my neighbors at our neighborhood barbeque tomorrow. Seeing Cynical’s & Marks comments should be enough to convert any remaining fence-sitters away from the Republican Party. Nobody wants to be associated with idots like that.
Thanks, Mark & Cynical!!!! Be sure to tell your sponsors how effective you are at converting possible Republican votes into confirmed votes AGAINST Rossi.
@44 Crist may have to run for re-election, but Jeb Bush doesn’t, and the monkey’s brother is still holding out for no drilling inside the 100-mile limit.
But all of this misses the main point. The U.S. consumes over 7 billion barrels of oil per year. Suppose they find a few billion barrels off Florida’s coasts. It buys us another year or two. After we go through that, then what?
We need to look beyond next year and figure out what our civilization will run on for the rest of our lives (and, if we have any sense of responsibility, for the rest of our children’s lives). One thing we can be sure of: It won’t be oil.
Uh, MY messiah wasn’t involved in politics, despite efforts of quite a few people to use him for their own political purposes. When he wouldn’t play ball, the politicians had him killed. He still won.
49 RR
Dino could win if he is successful in his attempt to keep the voters in this state from ever finding out–until it’s too late–where he really stands on the issues. We need to make sure people KNOW.
Same with Reichert, BTW. He also keeps his stances to himself and tap-dances away from questions.
Dino can’t come up with a transportation strategy. Because he can’t reconcile the different agendas of the interest groups which back him. The pro-development people want more highways, the anti-tax crowd wants no spending at all, and Eastern Washington wants more mony from the western part of the state. And he knows he can’t win without at least SOME votes from the Tacoma/Seattle/Everett corridor, which wants a solution to the traffic deadlock. It’s a no-win situation for him, so the best he can do is try a little obfuscation and do a little dance about how important the environment/highways/transportation are to this state, all the while promising to cut taxes.
Even if he were brilliant, he can’t reconcile the conflicts between those interest groups.
Oh, wait, maybe he could if he was Gov. Gregoire. Anybody that can get the doctors and lawyers to compromise between themselves is something of a miracle worker. But he’s no Gov. Gregoire.
Here is what I said…read it:
How many of your LEFTIST KOMRADES have referred to President Bush, Dick Cheney or COnservatives as “Nazi’s”??
I’m not saying you have directly…but plenty of innuendo in many of your threads.
Seems like this is politics at it’s worst…
Will the ADL demand an apology from everyone who refers to someone or some Group as “Nazi’s”???
I doubt it.
Selectively pointing the finger at one group is not helpful to anyone.
How about the ADL demanding an apology from Reverend Wright who is pals with Farrakhan?
O-blah-blah sat & listened to Wrights racist rantings for 20 years.
Shouldn’t he apologize?
Where does it end?
Slippery slope on this one Goldy.
Let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the 1st stone.
The bottom-line is the Nazi-tag has been used many, many times….often by the LEFT. Are you denying it???
I agree it is not an appropriate analogy.
It simply deflects from whatever point the user is trying to make. Left or Right.
I simply want to know if the ADL will demand apologies from everyone who have used to Holocaust to attempt to demean a political opponent??
I doubt it.
This is political on their part….who put the ADL up to this is all I want to know.
Some individual brought this forward to their committee. WHO???????????????????
24 ‘How many of your LEFTIST KOMRADES have referred to President Bush, Dick Cheney or COnservatives as “Nazi’s”??
I’m not saying you have directly…but plenty of innuendo in many of your threads.’
OK…if ya want more than innuendo, how’s this:
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the gang of “neconservatives” are nazis.
That’s in addition to being fucking crooks, fucking liars, fucking murderers and fucking traitors.
There. Now, do you feel better?
@1 Idiot. From the bullshit article you linked to:
“In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.
Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month –1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations – at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration.”
Do the math. Gore’s house uses 19.3 times the usage of the average America home, not 232.
My home, with 8KW of electric heat, 4.5KW of electric water heat, and electric kitchen, averages 3,000 KWH per month. It peaks in the winter at 5,000 KWH. I use 36,000 KWH per year. Gore uses six times the KWH’s that my home consumes, not nineteen.
The article does not state the square footage of Gore’s house. Mine is under 2,000 Sq.Ft. His could be 12,000 Sq. Ft. and use power at the same rate as I do. I believe his home might be musch bigger than that, leaving his home more energy efficient than my own energy efficient home.
So, other than your whining and your obscuring facts, what’s the big deal? You got issues with rich people having big homes?
Mark The Cowardly, Dick-Sucking, Baby-raping, Traitor – you’re a perfect advocate for the GOP version of family values. Please keep posting the utter crap you spew regularly here. We’re copying this and sending it out to the people you regularly attack to let them know how stupid and worthless our opponents really are.
One more thing you ass-sucking punk – I dare you to walk down the street in the garment district in New York saying ANY of this shit out loud.
Did former KKK’er Sen. Robert Byrd(D-WV) apologize to the ADL when he compared the Bush media operation to that of Nazi Herman Goerring in his 10/18/03 ranting Senate speech:
” I shall close my remarks with a horror story, in the form of a quote from the book Nuremberg Diaries, written by G.M. Gilbert, in which the author interviews Hermann Goering.”
Of course not!!
We in Washington have no say in whether or not Mr. Byrd gets re-elected, we do have a say in whether or not Rossi does.
Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill)—O-blah-blah’s homie!–saud this:
“If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings,” Durbin said last week.
He then gave a forced apology days later.
“I am sorry if anything I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time. Nothing, nothing should ever be said to demean or diminish that moral tragedy.
“I am also sorry if anything I said cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military. … I never ever intended any disrespect for them. Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line. To them I extend my heartfelt apology,” Durbin said, choking on his words.
“They’re the best,” he said of U.S. service men and women.”
And so it goes—————-
@55 and 59
Christ, you’re stupid. We call you assholes Nazis because you are fucking Nazis.
I’ve called all sorts of people all sorts of things. I, however, am not running for any form of elected office.
59 He didn’t aplogize? Good!
Robert Byrd is a man who, like George Wallace, saw the errors of his life in earlier times, when racism and its public expression were commonplace, and has spent years living a better, more compassionate life.
So are a great many Americans. I, for one, am willing to admit that I’m still occasionally aware of the random seeds of prejudice that were implanted in my young mind by my upper-midwestern forbears. I’ve spent over half a century trying to eradicate them.
Then, there’s you…still supporting fascists and traitors, and smugly proud of it.
Steve @ 57:
while what you are saying is true there is also and error of omission on your part. Al Gore also purchases Green Energy credits @ 100% of his electrical usage.
Idiots like Mark The Unpatriotic Redneck welsher will say that just a tax to pollute freely. Which, of course, coming from a conservative you can bet it’s either a lie or complete uninformed bull shit.
What it really is, is an investment in Renewable Energy that the government should be making to get us off unsustainable energy sources. Al Gore, through the purchase of Green Energy credits is buying Green Power that is supplied into the electrical grid and is consumed by someone else to completely offset any carbons emissions his consumption emits.
If everyone did this then there would be no need for coal, nuclear, natural gas, or diesel generating electrical plants.
Liberals, doing good for America because we’re patriots who accept the truth about our energy dependence and the future of the planet.
Mr. Cynical,
You’re missing the bigger picture here, the United States of America, at the direction of President Bush, tortures human beings. People who could very well be innocent.
We have taken away the liberty of a free and innocent people and while in our custody, physically and emotionally tortured them.
For all the American soldiers who ever served, were wounded or gave their lives liberating people around the world did so to relieve innocent people from indefinite detention and torture, not so we could be like the Hiltlers, Stalins, and Saddam Husseins of this world.
This a dark and shameful period in American history brought to you by a man who lied our nation in to war in Iraq in the belief that we could impose the ideals of Liberty from the barrel of a gun.
That, in no uncertain terms, is completely un-American.
re 51: I think most people realize by now that the long term plan of the Iranians is to disrupt the flow of oil to the West (most likely, via the Straights of Hormuz). The Bush plan (although never explicitly stated) is to control the Iraqi oil supply and ship it, if neccessary, via pipeline into Afghanistan and Turkey.
This is good strategy, if you have incontrovertible evidence of the Iranian’s intentions. If not, you have to drum up an excuse to go to war in the region.
I can think of no other scenario that makes sense.
“The American way of life is not negotiable.” Richard Cheney
I don’t think that Cheney has any faith in the American public. The oil industry is to blame for this situation because they squelched development of alternative sources of energy in the Reagan administration.
We should nationalize our oil industry. If they want to use our political system to advance their aims, then they have opened the door to the people of America seizing their assets and using them for our own purposes.
After all:
“The American way of life is not negotiable.” Richard Cheney
Steve 57 – Read the numbers you fucking idiot. The key is knowing how many months are in a year. Hint: 12.
Do the fucking math shitforbrains.
“This is good strategy, if you have incontrovertible evidence of the Iranian’s intentions. If not, you have to drum up an excuse to go to war in the region.”
In the past, our present administration has viewed this as only a minor inconvenience.
Jew -Sure. Let’s run down your list:
healthcare?. Not a gummint function. If you want healthcare, get a fucking job. YOUR healthcare is not my problem.
immigration? Boot ’em out. Build a fence. Control who comes in. Make ‘ em assimilate.
transportation? – Pour concrete
international image? Who gives a fuck what the french think about anything.
keeping Boeing here? Uh… are they going someplace?
fuel prices? – Drill here. Drill now. Pay Less. You say “we can’t drill our way out”. Really> But apparently we can “hope” our way out? Please explain.
Hanford? – Splain it to BHO.
Salmon? – Catch them and grill them.
There. Any more?
So John McCain’s lying to us all again, telling white audiences that his first and only priority is to “control our borders,” but telling Latino audiences that he is for “comprehensive immigration reform.” Everyone knows what each of those phrases and approaches is, and we all know that they are totlally different. John McCain has nothing but contempt for our intelligence.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Bottom line? We won’t ge fooled again.
@68 Mark the stupid fucking troll
213,210 KWH divided by the 232 homes equals 919 KWH per year for the average home. However, the article states that the average home uses 11,040 KWH per year.
Which is it, you stupid fascist twit, 919 KWH or 11,040 KWH?
Oh, don’t bother. I already know that you’re too stupid for words. Like your idiot fascist friends, you all just make shit up as you go along.
Let me help you guys. Apparently you’re too fucking stoopid to convert between months and years, so here’s some math you should be able to understand.
Algore = Fucking Idiot hypocrite.
Mark = a fascist loser who makes shit up and then resorts to name calling when called out for his bullshit. Typical fascist behavior.
So since nuance and reasoned arguments are completely lost on the likes of you, I’ll lay my points out clearly:
1) mtr…you are a miserable prick and a real sick piece of shit…the same applies to your BIAW dick-sucking toady “mr. cynical”.
2) Bush and Cheney are thugs and criminals and should be indicted for war crimes and crimes against the People of the United States of America. They are traitors and a disgrace to their Offices and betrayers of the good people who voted for them.
Hey Mark The Redneck:
Tell us again, how much vaginmony were you sucked dry for by a crack whore??
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Yeah, pay your bet. Or are you just too poor?
Tell the truth and admit you can’t spare the $100 and maybe I’ll pay your debt for you.
Mark The Redneck al Qeada poster boy!!
Get used to these words:
President Obama!!
No matter what you say, no matter how much you whine about the Dems your pathetic bitter posts, it will not stop the blue tsumani that is about to completely wash over the country.
So, go on, bitch, complain and moan about how “bad” and “stoopid” the Democrats are. Far be it from me to take the last and only thing you have in politics.
By the time Republicans come to power again, you’ll be long since in the grave, not truly knowing if you’ve seen the last days of the Republican Party or not!!
Even in death we’re still going to be fucking with you. Now that’s the ultimate win!!
Go on, be a punk-ass bitch.
Since you’re an investor why is today a significant day for investors?
This is always one of my favorites for you type of people.
Explain the difference between “power” and “energy”. It’s not a trick question.
Uh… cause it’s the third friday at the end of second quarter?
And “speculators” worry about TWH. Us investors don’t GAS.
@80 Investor? That’s a laugh. Who isn’t? Got any more funny ones for us, Fascist-Boy?
MTR @ 80:
Care to elablorate on your answer a little bit?
You know, maybe just a smidge of information that demonstrates some, you know, facts.
The little bitch mtr is a common welsher…plain and simple.
Just heard your boy Hussein on the radio attacking McCain for wanting to drill.
“Drilling won’t reduce gas prices today, tomorrow, next year or five years from now.” I’m sure Rabbit’s bubble theory would disagree with The Messiah.
But here’s my message for your Messiah. “A Jimmy Carter style windfall profit tax won’t reduce gas prices today, tomorrow, next year, five years from now or EVER. But it will RAISE gas prices almost immediately. Just like when Carter was president.”
Why is it you guys can’t learn from history?
GBS – No, because I don’t give a shit.
So here’s one for you. Explain how OPEC decides how much oil to produce and how much it should cost.
Not a trick question.
@84 Typical fascist lackey. Why should we open up more land when they don’t drill the leases they already have and won’t uncap existing wells? You have no answers because you’re a stupid fascist tool, making shit up.
@85 “I don’t give a shit.”
You fascist pricks obviously don’t give a shit about this country.
MTR “I” for Idiot:
OPEC does NOT set the price for oil. That’s a huge MISCONCEPTION for non-investor/traders like you.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
I’m savin’ this one for the ages. You’ll be seeing it agian Mark the RETARD
MTR “I” for IDIOT:
The reason you won’t elaborate is because you don’t know.
Like the old sayin’ goes “You gotta know before you can show.”
See, Idiot, you don’t know why today is significant for investors so you couldn’t show us whatcha know.
read the fucking question idiot. I said how much they should produce and what it should cost. Notice the order..
Explain it. Show me how smart you are.
Just so you fucking know MTR “I” for Idiot, back in the 70’s and until the mid 80’s OPEC did set oil prices. But that’s not the case today.
Today the price of oil is set through three major exhcnages: New York Mercantile Exchange, the International Petroleum Exchange in London, and the Singapore International Monetary Exchange.
Who buys more oil futures contracts than anybody else on the planet????
You ought know this investing 101 question. If you know the answer you’ll know about the Enron loophole.
Go ahead amaze us IDIOT!!
MTR IDIOT wrote:
“Explain how OPEC decides how much oil to produce and how much it should cost.”
Lemme ‘splain it to you. You said “Explain how OPEC decides how much oil to produce and HOW MUCH IT SHOULD COST!!”
Let me say that again. “Explain how OPEC decides how much it should cost.”
The word “and” is a conjunction word. Do I need to fucking explain that, too?????
You’re out of your league and your realm of knowledge, boy.
Who buys the most oil futures contracts???
Who is it, buddy boy??
Since we’re on the topic, I thought I should re-post this oldie but goodie:
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
Using “The Google” or the “internets” to try and find an answer??
If you knew it would fly off of your fingertips like it did for me.
How long does it take for you to type what you know.
@ 95:
Not the topic, c’mon, stop stalling. Answer the fucking question ass hole.
Yawwwwwwnnnnnm, MTR IDIOT just got caught yapping about shit he knows nothing about.
How’s life in the trailer park, IDIOT?
Good God, IDIOT.
No answer yet???
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
74. Steve spews:
“Mark = a fascist loser who makes shit up and then resorts to name calling when called out for his bullshit. Typical fascist behavior.”
62. Steve spews:
“Christ, you’re stupid. We call you assholes Nazis because you are fucking Nazis.”
Steve–thanks for proving my point!!
The ADL demands an apology from YOU!!!!!!
C’mon, boy, you said it’s not a trick question and yet you still can’t seem to provide the answer.
Could it be you simply just don’t know so you’re trying desperately to find it on the INTERNETS??
IT’s been a half an hour already. Jesus Christ.
Still don’t know what the fuck this means, but it’s amusing:
…The only way to battle the oil-paper-land casino is to opt out of it through micro-capitalism, localized production and consumption…
Commentby For the Clueless— 4/15/06@ 4:21 pm
Hey Mr. Cynical,
How’s the coal stocks treating you? I posted a link to an article regarding coal. Hope you read it.
JRCC just got upgraded to a target price of $72 a share, closed at $59.95 a share today.
ICO lost a bit, looks like profit takers swooped in today. I got called out on my ICO today as my $12.50 covered call play will be called away because it closed at $12.62.
And here’s a great one from GBS
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
Shut up MTR IDIOT, real investors are on the blog discussing real investing items.
This is where you need to leave so the adults can talk about making money by investing and not from your mommy’s allowance.
Is your penny jar full yet, big boy?
Hmmm….in this one thread Mark the Supposed “Professional Engineer” has revealed more than once that he’s not even capable of second-grade arithmetic.
Look at MTR IDIOT, reaching for old typos from what, 3 years ago, as a way of avoiding answering the question YOU posed that you obviously know nothing about??
Yeah, keeping shit like that on your desk top proves you’re a paid troll and not a serious investor.
How does Karl Rove’s dick taste?? Man, you must love it because you’re obviously cum drunk.
MTR IDIOT can’t answer his own question.
How fucking great is that??
OH, do tell, MTR IDIOT, how does OPEC set the price of oil??
Baaa haaa haaa haaa.
@100 Fool, there’s nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, or calling a fascist twit a fascist twit.
Speaking of fascist twits, why on earth are you shits too ashamed to admit that you’re goddamned America-hating fascists? There’s something weird about that.
Drilling? Who’s opposed to it? Certainly not me.
Meanwhile the major oil companies and their Republican stooges are pissing and moaning about how Everything Will Be Horrible if they don’t get handed a bunch of new offshore drilling leases.
Meanwhile, back on dry land, they collectively own drilling rights on 68 million acres of our own soil, which by their own estimates lie on enough oil reserves to supply the United States at present consumption for a decade and a half.
And they’re not drilling.
Just this week, they were officially handed exclusive control of all the oil in Iraq, notwithstanding the opinions of any Iraqis or the supposed “sovereignty” of their supposed “government”.
And they’re not pumping.
I dunno about the rest of you, but I can’t help but conclude that they (and their BushCo stooges) have turned off the spigot and are holding all of us hostage until they get control of the rest of the oil reserves on the entire planet, so they can sit on them and wait until we’re so desperate that they can sell us gas at, what….maybe 50 bucks a gallon?
Say….isn’t Clay Bennett from Oklahoma? Isn’t that part of the old “oil patch”??? Seems all these guys do business the same way.
@107 A professional engineer??? Mark? Good grief, that’s a riot.
MTR IDIOT has said lots of stoooooopid things on this blog, but today, this takes the cake.
That moron actually thought OPEC sets the price of oil!!!!!
Now, I’d give a pass to most people because they don’t invest in the markets, but Mark The Retarded Professional RNC Paid Troll IDIOT who thinks of himself as an “investor” and a “producer” couldn’t even tick off the names of the major exchanges where the price of OIL is set.
Shit, man, he didn’t even address the Enron Loophole and how that effects the price of oil.
Damn, that fool couldn’t even tell me who the largest purchaser of oil futures contracts is. I mean, any half way serious “investor/producer” knows that off the top of their head.
What a moron. That was just a great way to end the day, the week and Triple Witching Hour.
BTW, MTR IDIOT, my overall portfolio grew by 19.4% since May 9th. Coal, it’s not clean energy, but is sure is paying good money. Thank God those Europeans need more of it!!
OK. I’ll tell you.
From what I understand George Bush sets the price of oil. He’s from Texas you know, and there’s oil there. Either that or Cheney and Halliburton. I forget which.
@114 Christ, Mark, you’re one dumbass motherfucker. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
Why is no one talking about the source of the money for all those BIAW radio ads?
They skim 10% of the Workers Compensation Insurance premiums that the state’s Dept of Labor & Industries requires businesses to carry for their employees. Don’t believe it? Ask anyone at BIAW where their “retro dollars” come from… and where they are spent.
The saddest thing is that even with Dem majorities in both houses AND a Dem Governor, this hideous loophole has not been closed.
C’mon, electeds, this has gone on long enough. Do something about it!
They skim 10% of the Workers Compensation Insurance premiums that the state’s Dept of Labor & Industries requires businesses to carry for their employees. Don’t believe it? Ask anyone at BIAW where their “retro dollars” come from… and where they are spent.
That is legitimate income. Not like the union dues the unions extort from closed shops and give to the democrats.
It’s not legitimate income if they hold a monopoly such that any business that wants to get a decent insurance rate HAS to use BIAW in order to survive.
It’s totally equivalent to union dues — only it pumps $4+ MILLION DOLLARS into the BIAW’s pockets EVERY YEAR. Show me any union that has anywhere near that much money in this state.
Um. Hello, can you say Reichsnaturschutzgesetz anyone? Eco Fascism got it’s start with the Nazi’s and continues on today with you liberal turd burglars.
These fucknutz like RHP and HomoNad Views are so fucking ignorant on anything that involves history because they, like most liberals “think for themselves” and don’t let facts get in the way of their self minded thoughts.
@119 Hmm, you strike me as possibly being one of those commie-fascist freaks I’ve heard so much about. Is it really true that you guys rape goats?? That’s strange shit, dude.
It’s just that most people consider fucking goats to be a little bit weird. You should know that. For the goat’s sake, if not for yours.
It’s not legitimate income if they hold a monopoly such that any business that wants to get a decent insurance rate HAS to use BIAW in order to survive.
They don’t have to use the BIAW dumbass. A business can go to many other organizations for the same service. It’s called competition… wait Iam talking to a liberal.. nevermind.
The BIAW is not even in the top five for retro refunds for crying out loud. If only the unions competed, of course that will never happen, it would destroy a cash cow for the dems.
How smart does one have to be to be an engineer. The train follows the tracks, all Mark would have to do is go and stop. Sounds simple. Kinda like 2nd grade math.
@122 and @123
“A business can go to many other organizations for the same service.” — REALLY? Name another retro provider with retrospective rates equivalent to BIAW’s. And, notice that the rates are not due to providing a superior service, just to size and how long they’ve been in the business. The State sets ’em, not BIAW, so don’t claim you’re doing such a great job for folks. You’re just pushing around paperwork and denying insurance claims.
“The BIAW is not even in the top five for retro refunds for crying out loud.” — REALLY? Name another retro provider that skims as much as BIAW. I guess your definition of top 5 is based on gross receipts; mine was based on total amount of premiums overpaid by small businesses that are NOT refunded to those businesses.
Well, you’d better get back to your desk job counting your BIAW money and placing those smear radio ads… obviously, the only person as well-versed in retro funding as you are (and who still defends it) must be on the BIAW payroll.
Thanks for the interesting conversation, now I’ll go off and do my best to shut off this spigot of money.
The BIAW is not even in the top five for retro refunds for crying out loud.” — REALLY? Name another retro provider that skims as much as BIAW. I guess your definition of top 5 is based on gross receipts; mine was based on total amount of premiums overpaid by small businesses that are NOT refunded to those businesses.
I know approach management services have some of the biggest retro refunds in the industry. Most of these retro programs charge money up front and then get the rest on the back end. The reason they make so much money is because we have too many liberals in Department of L&I who let workers live on Workmans comp. The retro programs find light duty work for anyone who can’t work at full strenth which improves and shortens the duration of a claim. I don’t know many companies with BIAW, but I am thinking of promoting them eventhough they might not be the best.
AGC is even better then approach management services. ABC is the biggest by far.
Workers Comp With Skimming obviously doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about…. of course that is standard operationg proceedure for most libs on this site. roof roof.