I guess, what I don’t understand about newspaper editorial boards could fill a book:
We were startled today to get a request for an editorial board meeting with Darcy Burner, the Democratic challenger itching for a rematch next year with Eighth District U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert.
It’s way too early, we told Burner’s eager scheduler. Call us next year.
“Startled”…? Really? They were actually startled? You know, like when somebody sneaks up on you from behind, or like when Jason Michael Myers from Halloween suddenly comes at you with a knife?
I dunno, I’d think it should be pretty obvious that Burner would want to start talking to opinion makers now that she has dispatched her only rival for the Democratic nomination, and I’d also think TNT editors might be eager to talk with her considering that many of the issues at the heart of her campaign are issues they’ll surely be editorializing about over the next fourteen months. If Reichert, a sitting congressman, were to come to them and ask for a meeting, would they tell him to “call us next year” as well? Would they be just as startled? (Well, probably, but only because Reichert carefully avoids unscripted conversations with the press.)
It is not uncommon for journalists to bitch about their lack of access to one public official or another. You’d think TNT editors might want to extend to candidate Burner the same sort of courtesy they’d expect a Rep. Burner to extend to them.
I’m just sayin’.
Interesting commentary ASSIE Voice on Darcy Moonbat! Why? It’s still 2007. I would think they’d have better things to report on like I-831 perhaps?
waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Somebody should tell the times that the 2008 Presidential race is going on.
I bet they will be equally startled, if not flummoxed. Maybe they will think they will are being bamboozled and get the vapors.
It is reactions by the MSM like this one that show how out of touch they are with the times we live in and the election cycle we are in.
Nothing in talking to Burner today precludes them doing so again in a year. Why not get to know the candidate better?
I was going to say that it is a bit early, but I’ll go with Daniel K’s thought instead. You’d think they’d be at least a little interested in seeing what all the hub-bub is about.
What and legitimize Darcy’s campaign? Have you been taking my painkillers?
@1 What’s newsworthy about Timmie Eyman being against taxes?
See one Eyman initiative, you’ve seen ’em all.
@2 FYI, in this case, the perp is the Tacoma News Tribune, not the Seattle Times.
Jason from Halloween? I think you’ve got your horror movies mixed up.
I think we should move all primary elections particular those for President up a notch. Ideally, the primaries for President should be held the Tuesday following the first Monday in December in years divisible by four. An example for the next Presidential set of primaries for 2012 would be held on December 8, 2008. That would give the winners four years to prove their worthiness to be President and four years to complain about the currently elected President. It would also prove interesting see the candidates for the November 2008 election being lectured by the primary candidates for the 2012 election. (Plus this would resolve all the current problems with states vying to be the ‘lead’ state in the dates for primaries.) :-)
Carl @9,
I’m too lazy to google it. Which slasher character am I thinking of?
Blanket blogger coverage may have TNT editors bored to tears with the subject matter. Unlike local liberal netroots, mainstream media does not exist on a diet of all Darcy all the time.
Probably Puddy’s son, Michael Myers.
Bored to tears is normal for Tacoma, Joel. Out here in Greater Spanaway, the Good Humor truck is a major musical event.
I use to live in Spanaway on Twinkle Drive back in 1972
As Chad pointed out Michael Myers is the slasher in the Halloween series of movies.
The TNT does not fool me. They don’t want to talk to her for fear of giving her any more publicity. You know, out of site…out of mind.
Jason was from Nightmare on Elm Street…soon followed by Elm Street 2,3,4,5,6, Return of Jason, 7,8,9 and “Jason’s Not Dead YET!”
Halloween starred Jaime Lee Curtis
all this useless crap floating around in my brain,,,sigh,,,
Joel @12,
Hmm. I thought the purpose of the TNT was to inform and entertain the readers, not the editors. My mistake.
Jason Voorhees – Friday the 13th series (10+ films)
Freddy Krueger – Nightmare on Elm Street (at least 6 or 7 films, plus TV series “Freddy’s Nightmares”, plus “Freddy vs. Jason”)
Michael Myers – Halloween (6 or so films, plus recent re-imagining, not remake, by Rob Zombie)
I HATE horror/slasher movies, and I know this crap better than you! I like old-school silliness and in Reno we have Zomboo playing the old-school silliness on Saturday nights!
(btw, http://www.zomboo.com for the details)
The worst thing the TNT could do would be to editorialize about the fact that Darcy’s positions are pretty much main stream these days, and her opponent’s positions are more radical than conservative.
Maybe they should do an article on how Reichert is helping Bush turn Iraq into the Killing Fields Part 2.
Maybe they could comment on the news story in Salon about when Tenet told Bush in ’02 that he knew for a fact that Saddam did not have any WMD’s, and Bush told him his intelligence was crap.
The wonderful thing about being a right winger, is the fact that you can believe any lie you want, pretend it is the truth, and pretend you are an American.
By the way, Matt Hasselback should join the Marines since he loves Bush so much.
I am having a special Seahawks jersey made up. The player name is Bush, and the number is 9-11.
Reichert is a talking head. His opinions are whatever his handlers say they are.
The only constant in Reichert’s positional arsenal is that he will be against the inheritance tax — and therefore close to the heart of old Blethen.
Why can’t Blethen smarten up and set up a ‘charity’ that will last in perpetuity with his heirs as bogus ‘administrators’.
That’s how it’s done now , Frank.
@10 We already do that. For example, the 2008 Democratic nominee was elected First Lady in 1992 and re-elected to that position in 1996, which is sort of an understudy job similar to vice president only more influential.
@12 And I read your column oncea year, Joel, which seems like a fair tradeoff.
@21 Just think — if we had shit-canned Washington’s inheritance tax, we might have kept Tom Stewart in our state, and if we had taxed the hoi-polloi 500 million bucks for an arena we might have kept the Sonics, but it’s still not too late to save Frank Blethen.
@24 Better hurry, though, because Frank may move his newspaper to Arizona any day now. Then Seattle will be a one-newspaper town.
Goldy “i’M Just Sayin…”
I think this illustrates where the blog movement is. While blogdom is growing , it still is not a true mass medium.
It would surprise me if 15% of the public blog reguolarly.
IMHO there breaktrhough blogger app has yet to be developed. There are several issues:
1. passive vs. particpatory
The mass medium are passive, you turn on the effin tube and there it is. Sit down, have beer.
2. cacophony vs. anchors
The great strength of blogdom is its multithreaded nature. BUT, this is confusing to most people.
3. Exemplars
WADR, there are really few blogs that strike me as looking much like what will one day be.
Does anyone know if Huff makes a buck?
I think a comparison of CCut and Huff is very informative.
CCut is a faint effort with a horrid interface and content hat ranges from curious ot boring. Huff is not full of links to too many other media. Huff features several writers simultaneously. Huff seems to have some mechanism to highlight specific writers. The Huff mosel seems to me to be ideal.
Bloid could do worse than clone Huff on a local level.
@26 SJ
But, some of us NEED a “content hat” that is “curious ot boring”.
We’re not all Darcy all the time; we’re mostly Darcy most of the time.
Just think how much less interseting my posts would be if I learned to type.
Congratulations on the link from Atrios!!!
I’m surprised no one from there is commenting…a little.
A little.
Goldie @11
yer prolly sceered of slasher/burner newt gingrich
Well, right off the bat I don’t believe anybody that doesn’t have a large rectangular lump sticking out of the back of their suit.