Dick Cheney is under fire for shooting birds. The Vice President has come under attack from an animal rights group for participating in a “canned hunt” in which he reportedly killed pheasants that were released for the purpose of being shot by hunters.
Now, Karl Rove:
The first thing Karl Rove plans to do when he leaves the White House at the end of this month is go dove hunting in West Texas, The Sleuth has learned.
“He loves to go hunting,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says.
Uh, that’s hunting? Really? To me, hunting usually means the hunter doesn’t know where the prey is. Thus, he’s got to “hunt” it. You know? To me, hunting is not a Rubbermaid container full of quail released so some limp dick Republican can blow them away. That’s faggy douche bag hunting.
And to think, the NRA endorsed these assclowns.
Faggy douche bag hunting for chickenhawk worthless turds.
“faggy”? I know giggles of fags and I don’t know any who hunt. animals with guns, that is–there is plenty of man hunting going on, but I don’t think that’s what you meant.
“metrosexual”, perhaps?
Yeah, hunting within a fenced perimeter is faggy. (nothing like a good gay slur on a left-wing blog)
This isn’t hunting, this is shooting to kill for fun. Real hunters enjoy the chase more than the kill, and then they eat what they kill.
If these clowns wanted to prove that they were real hunters, they ought to have gone hunting with someone, say….like Ted Nugent. Not only politically copacetic, but just the guy they need to prove their manhood…….
No, that’d never work. Ted’s just too manly for them, actually going out into the woods to hunt his quarry! They’d just wuss out and go get manicures……and Ted would (hopefully) shoot them for their wussiness. Or at least fire a round over their heads…..
I’m a certified fag, and I’d enjoy Rove hunting. With a weapon, that is, any other version would be fairly nauseating.
I formally invite Dickhead Cheney to come hunt pheasant here in Eastern Washington with yours truly. We would have a great time!! But no wheelchairs allowed.
I used to be an undertaker in the Yakima valley, I could come in handy…..
Hey Limpdick-Hyphen-Name
Have ya ever gone hunting? Have ya ever fired a gun? Could you even hang onto one? Would your master even let you try?
You pathetic piece of shit…
Mark is projecting again.
No matter how you slice it, hunting in an enclosed or controlled environment is not hunting. As the poster above pointed out, it is pure and simple killing for sport and ego gratification. I find it no different than what Michael Vick is about to plead guilty to.
Mark, you are the pathetic piece of shit here. No one else.
Fuck you!
My idea of hunting.
Forest. Mark. Two day head start. Shotgun with salt loads.
How ’bout it Mark. Up for a round of the “Most Dangerous Game”?
Mark has absolutely no life. This is the only thing he can do to get any attention.
TRULY pathetic when your highest achievement in life is vandalism.
MLF – WTF is wrong with what Vick did? The dogs were HIS property. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with them.
Anything to get a rise out of people, Mark….Just another simian throwing feces to get attention.
What a sicko.
I love how that pig-fucking mormon Romney pretended to be a hunter and got caught lying – which is of course all Publicans do.
I personally hunt often. I hunt Publican pussy to fuck and steal away from the Limpdick Publican assholes who can’t keep their women from bending over whenever they see me.
Um… You’re the only person with a hyphen in your name on the thread.
People like you are part of the reason I got rid of my guns and stopped hunting.
Merciless killing reminds me of a current Karl Rove joke: They tell us Karl Rove resigned to spend more time with his family, and everybody snickers and wonders what’s his real reason for leaving.
I believe Turd blossom is leaving to spend more time with his family, especially his son beginning first year in college. Being a dutiful father, Rove must feel the need to mentor his son in the ways of evil and warn him about the perils of liberal thought.
Rove might be doing pre-emptory ‘damage control’ to keep junior from telling any family secrets. “Remember son, every co-ed is a potential spy for the enemy, the batted eyelash a shot across the bow”, Daddy Karl might scold.
Will Rove junior steer the battleship of his political life straight for the firefight of self-righteousness or be waylaid and dashed upon the rocks of intellectualism?
I am shocked — shocked, I tell you — to see, on the leading liberal blog in this city, the term “faggy” used in a pejorative fashion. “Limp dick”, sure. “Douche bag”, no surprise there. But “faggy” is just over the top for this place.
Why so shocked we swear all the time. The use of “faggy” is right in line with our use of “butt sex.”
Look at yourselves.
What a sad pathetic bunch you are.
You ought to know by now that we’ll stop at nothing to shock the right.
Hey Toby,
I see you’re supporting Mitt Romney for Pres. becuase he has the “right positions on the right issues.” What’s Romney’s position on butt sex? Does Romney want to turn our country in to a peeping tom nanny state where butt sex is illegal?
Position, butt sex, get it? I’m funny, huh.
Don’t worry Micheal, no one is taking your right away from watching or even practicing butt sex. Enjoy!!
Thanks Dan!
I’m pro-choice when it comes to butt sex. I’m not into it myself, but I do support the right for everyone to make that decisions regarding butt sex for them selves. It’s their lives and their bodies after all.
Please, Michael, you’re getting Dan all excited. He’ll make even less sense in that condition.
You will, however, have no trouble guessing which position he’ll take…
@ 17
That’s just how I roll. So un-PC of me!
I don’t do trolls.
Trolls are impossible to embalm successfully, considering their already advanced state of decomposition, and it’s impossible to effectively remove all their shit: there’s nothing left thereafter. Then everybody wonders where the hell the smell is coming from.
Besides, they corrode even bronze caskets.
It doesn’t matter; nobody ever comes to their funerals.Sympathy cards are invariably replaced by expressions of relief.
Needless to say, the bill never gets paid, and there are too many names to fit on even the largest headstone.
I have no trouble, as a licensed professional, believing that you died in 1969, regardless of what your name(s) is/are now, because it’s damn near impossible ever to get rid of you. (see comment on “smell, origins of”, above).
Be sure and call on me if you start feeling worse. Believe me, I’ll try my best
Jesus! What happened to the comment that I just responded to??? Doesn’t make a lot of sense without the antecedent comment.
There was a comment there.
Michael @ 21:
To the best of my knowledge, Gov. Romney has not publicly stated a position on the subject.
Michael @ 22:
Funny, no. Amusing, yes.
We can make you our honorary PC police.
Mark @ 12:
The fact that you felt the need to ask that question speaks to your total lack of character, dignity, honor and intelligence.
It is my sincere hope that you do not own any pets (property). I am sure you would not think twice about taking your anger, from the daily ass kicking that you receive here, and kicking, electrocuting, hanging or body slamming your pet (property) in order to vent your frustration.
The problem with you is that your parents, the drug dealer and the crack whore, should be rethinking that decision not to abort. It is never too late.
Hunting is still not shooting caged animals. (to stay on topic).
What did you expect from slime?
He’ll simply do or say anything to get attention. His whole object is to gratify his pathology by pissing people off, and thereby getting recognition for SOMETHING. He does the same thing as Puddy, Dan Rather, etc, just far more crudely.
Why that scum is allowed in here beats me. This policy to admit everybody seems to be because Goldy is too lazy to screen out feces throwers, so he labels it “freedom”.
In their hearts, Cheney and Rove want to work in a slaughterhouse. Oh wait — they already do.
@10 Why give him a head start? Why not buckshot?*
* Just kidding! Humor ripped off from Ann Coulter Jokes, LLP, no royalties paid. If she doesn’t like it, she can sue me!
@12 Vick is the GOP’s Willie Horton.
@15 People like him are the reason I got my guns and bought some ammo too.
@17 It’s right in there with “Republican.”
@19 Why? Because we behave like Republicans? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on bad behavior? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing!
@24 After all, we don’t want to take the Republicans’ only form of recreation away from them.