The New York Times editorial board draws the obvious conclusion from Tom Delay’s fall:
The only surprise about Tom DeLay’s decision to finally drop out of the House leadership is that it took so long for Congressional Republicans to realize that they needed to untie that rope from around their collective necks. Mr. DeLay’s welcome decision to abandon his effort to remain the House majority leader came just as his colleagues were circulating a petition calling for his ouster.
But it wasn’t a sudden fit of ethics that seized the House Republicans. It was last week’s guilty plea to corruption charges by Jack Abramoff, the Republican megalobbyist, and fear about which names Mr. Abramoff would drop in cooperating with federal prosecutors. The remaining questions for Mr. DeLay are whether he will be snared by Mr. Abramoff’s net, whether he can beat the other criminal charges pending against him and whether his home district voters will do the rest of the country a favor in November and send Mr. DeLay back to private life.
Republican Congressional leaders are now jousting over whether to support Roy Blunt of Missouri or John Boehner of Ohio for Mr. DeLay’s old job – neither of them likely to be the people’s champion of bipartisanship or ethics. So mired are the Republicans in Mr. Abramoff’s web that Mr. Blunt’s and Mr. Boehner’s first task will be to convince their colleagues that they won’t be the next ones caught up in the scandal.
Of course, as the NY Times notes, any focus on ethics would be more effort than that from the House Ethics Committee under Rep. Richard “Do-Nothing Doc” Hastings’ chairmanship. DeLay installed Hastings not just for his loyalty, but for his well-earned reputation for doing absolutely nothing during his long tenure in Congress. The disgraced DeLay certainly got his money’s worth.
So I’m guessing one of the new majority leader’s first tasks in any effort to restore a perception of congressional ethics will be to dump Hastings from his post. Perhaps 4th CD voters might do the same, if like me, they read the NY Times, and thus understood what a national embarrassment Hastings has been to their district and our state?
Or… perhaps they’d understand this if our local papers actually bothered covering Hastings abject failure as Ethics chair? The Yakima Herald has gently pushed Hastings on ethics issues from time to time, but where’s the booming voice of The Seattle Times, which aspires to be the state’s paper of record? Where’s the editorial chastising Hastings from for his lack of action, or the expose on his ties to DeLay?
Hell… the Seattle Times editorial board once expended precious op/ed space to take a swipe at lowly me. If a political prankster was worthy of an editorial, you’d think a WA congressman embarrassing our state by shutting down the Ethics Committee while the House is in the midst a raging ethics crisis… just maybe might be worthy of a scathing editorial or two, huh?
The “Do-Nothing Doc” deathwatch is on. I suppose the Seattle Times will content itself with covering Hastings ultimate demise as chairman, rather than taking the lead in urging it on.
we always must remember that the Times was founded to be the voice of Conservatism in Seattle.
Is he related to “take money Patty”?
Hey, I was enjoying the thread on PROFESSIONAL UNION BAGGAGE HANDLERS. You know, the ones who pet each dog and give him a biscuit before gently loaded Fluffy into the jet??
LeftFoot was working overtime with his shovel on that one!!!!
Cyniclown, fuck you. I would call you a horses ass, but that would be giving horses asses everywhere a bad name. Now, you are not addressing the issue. Delay and Abramoff. What say you? Delay is dirty, your party is dirty, you are personally filthy and the shower you are about to get is going to be very cleansing. Bend over buddy, here comes the cavity search. You can write Delay, I am sure he will give you some pointers on how to submit to the body cavity search.
windie @ 1:
Do you think the Seattle Times veered off course?
My Left Foot @ 4:
Don’t use terms like “what say you.” People will think you’re Bill O’Reilly.
Not to take the thread too far off topic from Hastings failure (and the Media’s failure to point it out), but, man, those folks at the Seattle Times sure had no sense of humor about your initiative in 2003. They seem to have missed the point entirely!
Very Funny Mr. Cyn. Not as hysterical as The interview on Fox TV from “Hammer” Delay about the Conspiracy Between Democrats, The District Prosecutor and 8 Grand Juries to convict him:
DELAY: And because of that rule, the Democrats used this runaway District Attorney here in Austin, Texas to abuse that rule. Eight grand juries indicted me, and the only reason to indict me is to get me to step aside.
but funny none the less. I understand that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected his request to throw out or speed up the trial.Maybe they are part of the Conspiracy:
A thought floating in my head for months, a bit off topic.
One of the reasons that I think Hillary Clinton can be elected is Bill, Bill and Bill.
He will use all his skills at speaking and rallying folks and raising millions to help her. He is hyped at the thought of being back in the center of power. Historic, redeeming, very Clinton.
Sort of the total, total, reverse of keeping Bill stashed which was a capital Gore campaign mistake, and it cost Gore the presidency.
In addition, the glow of the Clinton years will project like a line of blast furnaces in the old mills. Even the sexual – so inflated scandal will pale to nothing compared to the corruption investigations now underway.
De facto, voters will be voting for the DREAM team. IMO, it is a two ace deal for Hillary at this point. Possible flush coming up.
Commander Ogg
Yes, as I understand it the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is made up of nine elected, Republican judges. It’s a certainty the Democratic partisans are behind his loss on appeal.
The more the Times riles at Doc Hastings, the more votes he gets in his district. They don’t like Seattle telling them —- anything.
He is very bright, just has become lazy party hack. Goldy – look at his total political record, is is a true rank right winger. Uber right.
Someone might challenge him better, unseat him, no. Think Mc Dermott disrict in reverse.
Lib: I’m sayin’ more its a case of ‘them not surprising anyone by being less than eager to make waves for the GOP… until their hands are forced’
Libertarian @ 6,
I am sure that will never happen. He tall, ugly, rude and opinionated. I am short, ruggedly handsome, vulgar and opinionated.
Bill Clinton is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Law of Unintended Consequences that ever walked the earth. If Ross Perot hadn’t run against George Bush in ’92, Clinton would not have won.
at 10, Daddy L.
I think you just coined the modern metaphor for 100 per cent political pariah.
The fallen from the heights Tom Delay, kicked around by nine R judges in an upper jusristiction Texas Court.
Can this be the face of Wrathful Amazonian Justice so often mocked….
The best chuckle I have had in days.
Lib, he was elected twice. How do you explain that?
I have alway thought that was the Perot strategy. Show case his case for balanced budget, and elect Clinton.
My Left foot @ 16:
He had the home court advantage.
Alos the Republicans nominated Bob dole in ’96 to run against Clinton. this was a mistake because Dole was too old to be effective in a campaign.
Plus the ladies liked clinton.
Has anyone checked Doc’s pulse lately? I’m thinking his absolute inactivity is due to him being deceased. Hell, even George Will is complaining about the House Republicans failing to do anything about Bob Ney’s chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee. Wouldn’t you think the House Ethics Committee would stir around a little, maybe mouth some platitudes or something, about a purchased congressman heading the Appropriations Committee?
Hasting lack of action as the Chairman on the **snicker, snicker** House Ethics committee while indictments and guilty pleas are flying around D.C. is the epitome of the Culture of Corruption the Republicans have created for themselves.
After Howard Dean’s comments last Sunday on Wolf Blitzer’s show that NO Democrats took money from Abramoff, the silence from the RNC on the issue is deafening.
As the federal prosecutor’s criminal investigation proceeds this winter and spring with Abramoff’s cooperation and no Democrats are involved as Dean has said, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that there will be a majority change in the House this fall. Especially, if the next majority leader gets nailed by Abramoff’s testimony in this widespread criminal investigation.
“Doc” Hastings, he’s such a Good little German, isn’t he?
Just think, on January 4th, 2007, the 110th congress will be sworn in and then, the impeachment of George W. Bush will begin.
Thanks, “Doc”, your lack of moral clarity by not taking ANY action on Republicans who have clearly violated the law, besides House ethic rules, only enhances the Culture of Corruption preception you have helped create.
We couldn’t have done it without ya’.
Honky Tonk Badonkadonk!
[W]here’s the booming voice of The Seattle Times, which aspires to be the state’s paper of record?”
Easy. Doc has apparently sold out on the Blethen Family Inheritance Act, so King Frank won’t allow anyone to criticise him.
Now, I’m no fan of Doc Hastings, and I’d love to see him go down in ’06, but isn’t part of the problem with the Ethics Committee a devil’s bargain the Democrats made with the Republicans not to file any ethics complaints against anyone?
Plus the ladies liked clinton. -Comment by Libertarian— 1/10/06 @ 12:25 pm
That’s an insult to LADIES everywhere.
Sluts liked Clinton.
Bimbos liked Clinton.
Dumb as a goat, barely out of jail bait range nitwits liked Clinton.
Harlots, whores and trailer trash liked Clinton.
A power hungry megalomaniacal bitch likes Clinton.
And he likes them all back… he fits in so well in that particular societal gutter.
Daddy Love, If Bug master Tom gets his ass convicted in the Republican state of Texas, the noise machine and their Pre$$sttute lapdogs will still find a way to spin it into a Democratic conspiracy. They have lots of money from the four sisters:
and no shame.
The bargain made by the Democrats was to block the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, as the ethics panel is officially known, from organizing for the new Congress. This was the reason why:
Republicans touched off a political uproar in January by changing a rule that had required the ethics committee to continue considering a complaint against a House member if there was a deadlock between the committee’s five Republicans and five Democrats. The January change reversed this, calling for automatic dismissal of an ethics complaint when a deadlock occurs.
Speaking of death watches, California is getting ready to execute Clarence Allen, 77, this week.
This guy is a bad hombre; according to USA Today, “Allen was convicted in the 1974 murder of a 17-year-old robbery accomplice who had snitched on him.” Then, “While in prison, he ordered the murders of three witnesses who had testified against him.”
But Allen’s lawyers are seeking clemency from Gov. Terminator. Their argument? “The Supreme Court has found capital punishment acceptable under the Eighth Amendment on two grounds: retribution or deterrence. Allen’s lawyers argue that neither purpose would be served because he’s so ill – physically and mentally. ‘He’s been fully punished and deterred by the 23 years he’s spent on death row facing execution,’ [his lawyer] says.”
Oh … if your lawyers can drag on your appeals long enough, you should get out of it?
If that doesn’t work, they can try this one: Executing Allen wouldn’t serve the purpose of retribution because he has outlived the families of his victims, except for one surviving sister of one of the victims.
[Bunny front paw extended forward, big toe pointing down]
Hey Ah-nold, if you need a volunteer, I’ll pull the switch on this thug!
Buh-bye, Clarence! Don’t let the Pearly Gates hit your ass on the way out of this world.
@ 26
You’re just mad that Clinton doesn’t want you.
In San Quentin, the executioner claims only 20% of death row inmates: “Only 12 killers have been executed since California reinstated the death penalty in 1977, but 48 others died before appeals ran their course. Thirty-one died from what the state Department of Corrections calls ‘natural causes.’ Suicide claimed 12, and ‘other’ causes such as drug overdoses claimed five.”
Hey, if they don’t kill themselves or each other, not to worry:
“The quality of health care in California’s 165,000-inmate prison system is under federal court scrutiny. Last month, a judge ordered Schwarzenegger to take immediate steps to resolve problems that result in the death of an average of one inmate a month.”
Hey, I’ll bet some of ’em aren’t even under a death sentence. Way to go, Ah-nold — cull the population of them thar Bad Boys!
proud leftist @ 20 — FYI, Ney doesn’t chair Appropriations. He chairs the Committee on House Administration. He’s literally the chair in charge of chairs (among other furnishing, services and amenities, including the House Gym).
In other news,
“CINCINNATI (Jan. 10) – The mummified body of a woman who didn’t want to be buried was found in a chair in front of her television set 2 1/2 years after her death, authorities said.
“Johannas Pope had told her live-in caregiver that she didn’t want to be buried and planned on returning after she died, Hamilton County Coroner O’Dell Owens said Monday. Pope died in August 2003 at age 61. Her body was found last week in the upstairs of her home on a quiet street. Some family members continued to live downstairs, authorities said.”
Yuck!!! Blechhh!!! Sickos!!!!
Must be Republicans. Only Republicans are capable of such sick, twisted, demented, ILLEGAL, behavior!
I’ll bet they were charging tourists a quarter to look at her, too. That’s something Republicans would do — anything for a quarter.
While I once was a strong advocate of Capital Punishment, my opinion has mellowed over the years. Many who support abolition of the death penalty sometimes make the mistake of forgetting that those convicted (Tookie, for example) are for the most part usually vicious individuals who deserve harsh punishment for their crimes.
But here is the wrench in the machinery:
DNA Tests Exonerate 2 Former Prisoners
Va. Governor Orders Broad Case Review
The result of the most recent test order by the Virginia Governor may show that an inmate executed in 1992 did not commit the crime. Up to now it is speculation. If proven by science that he was innocent, it will be harsh.
RonK @ 32
Thanks for correcting me. I should have confirmed my information before blathering.
Ogg (et. al.)
Looks like there WAS a truce, called after the bitter fights over Jim Wright and Little Newtie Gingrich. The truce was to let the Ethics Committe initiate inquiries but for Members to pass. Thsi truce was broken by a disgusted Texas Democrat in 2004, who filed a 187-page complaint against Tom DeLay, accusing him of illegally soliciting campaign contributions, laundering campaign contributions to influence state legislative races and improperly using his office to influence federal agencies. Of course, ol’ T. DeLay said “there is no substance” to the accusations. Hmmm…sure.
Anyway, THAT’S WHY DOC HASTINGS IS A PROBLEM. The Ethics Comitte HAS to initiate ethics investigations under today’s setup. And they aren’t.
Cdr Ogg @34
I actually agree with your overall theme. Capital Punishment should be reserved for the worst of the worst, and the State should take great pains to ensure no shred of doubt exists. As it is now, the system is a method for prosecutors to achieve higher office and/or notoriety while denying justice to those who most deserve it. If a prosecutor is going to seek special circumstance/capital punishment, the State needs to ensure all avenues (DNA testing included) are open to the defendant.
Think about it, a kidnapping child r-apist and murderer who gets caught with his pants down (um, just an example with an apt figure of speech) gets to spend 30 years appealing his conviction while living on death row away from the general population. That’s fair? Make the case, make it airtight, and make it stick. Once we get there, perhaps we can begin cutting the appeals down to manageable levels.
On the subject of Goldy’s post (well, more so rather than less):
Abramoff is a Republican scandal.
Attempting to say Murray or any other D is part and parcel to it is not gonna happen…
“The result of the most recent test order by the Virginia Governor may show that an inmate executed in 1992 did not commit the crime. Up to now it is speculation.”
And it’s still speculation. Let’s wait for the DNA results before we pass judgment on this one.
Most condemned killers deny their crimes. Some even talk themselves into honestly believing they didn’t do it. Subconscious denial, you know. There’s lots wrong with the death penalty, I won’t take time to delve into it right now because I have to go somewhere before 5:00, and I’m not arguing for wholesale executions. But California has executed only 12 of the nearly 700 inmates on its death row, so you can hardly argue the Sunshine State is running a death factory. For now, suffice to say that some criminals are so mean, and their crimes so hideous, that anything less than death seems insufficient.
Clarence Allen is one of them. The Carr brothers are two more, but unfortunately, their death sentences have been overturned on a technicality and they will serve mere life without parole.
“On the subject of Goldy’s post (well, more so rather than less):
Abramoff is a Republican scandal. Attempting to say Murray or any other D is part and parcel to it is not gonna happen… ”
This is classic Rovian playbook — their standard defense is offense — but this time, the GOP turkey ain’t gonna fly.
Rog sez–
““CINCINNATI (Jan. 10) – The mummified body of a woman who didn’t want to be buried was found in a chair in front of her television set 2 1/2 years after her death, authorities said.
“Johannas Pope had told her live-in caregiver that she didn’t want to be buried and planned on returning after she died, Hamilton County Coroner O’Dell Owens said Monday. Pope died in August 2003 at age 61. Her body was found last week in the upstairs of her home on a quiet street. Some family members continued to live downstairs, authorities said.”
Yuck!!! Blechhh!!! Sickos!!!!
Must be Republicans. Only Republicans are capable of such sick, twisted, demented, ILLEGAL, behavior!
I’ll bet they were charging tourists a quarter to look at her, too. That’s something Republicans would do – anything for a quarter.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/10/06 @ 2:56 pm”
Actually Rog, this petrified woman was a Jerry Springer fan recruited by MARIA CANTWELL when she learned her politics working on Crazy Jerry’s campaign!!! A DemoRat until the end and beyond!!!!! Probably voted for Cantwell last time and would have voted again in Washington if they hadn’t discovered her.
Have any of you noticed the LEFTIST PINHEADS do have a dead-person stench to them?
Maria Cantwell====Jerry Springer’s campaign aid
What a resume builder that is!
RR @40
Wow! You are now comparing that post to Rove??? Rog, your eyesight may be great from all the carrots you eat, but your cognitive skills seem to be failing fast. Either that or you are indeed a paranoid schmuck…
‘Suggest, before knocking Seattle papers, that you check months of multiple comdemnations of Hastings in P-I column. And the Seattle Times is NOT the state’s paper of record. It just writes about itself more than even the most self-absorbed blogger.
Cyniclown, WTF is Honky Tonk Badonkadonk? I know you are full of shit, can’t spell or string a coherent sentence together, but this is a new level for you. I guess when faced with someone who can refute each of your “facts and stats” you turn into a blathering idiot. Moron.
My Left Foot, you have to be kinder to Mr Cynical. He has been spending his free time on my farm in Enumblaw and…well… know the rest. When he leaves here his eyes are bugging out of their sockets and he walks like that sidekick from Gunsmoke. It always takes him about 2 weeks before he can sit down at his desk and be comfortable. Imagine having to do everything while standing because you are to sore to sit down!
My Left Foot, you have to be kinder to Mr Cynical. He has been spending his free time on my farm in Enumclaw and…well… know the rest. When he leaves here his eyes are bugging out of their sockets and he walks like that sidekick from Gunsmoke. It always takes him about 2 weeks before he can sit down at his desk and be comfortable. Imagine having to do everything while standing because you are to sore to sit down!
PI > Times
ClubFoot sez:
Cyniclown, WTF is Honky Tonk Badonkadonk? I know you are full of shit, can’t spell or string a coherent sentence together, but this is a new level for you.
Comment by My Left Foot— 1/10/06 @ 5:29 pm”
Don’t you know who Trace Atkins is???
Country Western is a little too highbrow for a PINHEADED self-proclaimed PROGRESSIVE like you, huh???
Allow me to break it down for you ClubFoot….
Do you know what a honky tonk is? Simply put it’s a bar.
Something tells me however ClubFoot has no interest in the Badonkadonk!!!
Watch the video… may make a “Fancy Boy” like you come back from the darkside!
Ed @ 47,
ROFLMAO! That is so funny because it is true. I hope he doesn’t bend over for the soap when showering with his “wife”, I hate to have him suffer any longer than necessary.
I have really become facinated by the Rightwingnut species. The lack of compassion, selfishness and greed seem to be characteristic of the breed. Also noted is the lack of attention span and a predisposition to see conspiracy everywhere, when none exists. I have also observed that this species has a tendency to suffer from foot in mouth (usually the severe form of up to and including the knee), tunnel vision and a hearing loss when faced with cogent argument refuting their perception of reality and fact. Prevarication is also noted in the Rightwingnut flock.
Look your ego seems to be inflated without any justification, Cyniclown. I love country music. Faron Young, Waylon, Reba, T Graham Brown, Wynonna, etc etc…. You trying to get to know me better?
marks @43
It’s you who needs your eyes examined, and your head examined as well. In case you haven’t noticed, the Republifucks have been responding to their Abramoff implosion by saturating the ether with (false) accusations that “the Democrats did it, too.”
If that isn’t Rove, I’ll eat my fedora.
Cynical listens to country? I shoulda known. He probably has a radio in his pickup that runs on vacuum tubes and gets only one AM channel.
Mr Ed @ 47,
I should apologize to the Rightwingnut Mr. Cyniclown, but I won’t.
I have been studying the Rightwingnut species for years now. I find that this breed is characterized by selfishness (an inability to participate in herd activities) greed (taking things that don’t belong to them legally), tunnel vision, hearing loss and the ability to shout down others of the herd when the are caught in a lie or their view is proven wrong.
This species is also noted for its complete inability to learn from its mistakes. It will try the same set of tasks over and over, each time expecting a different result. This, by definition, is insanity.
“I have really become facinated by the Rightwingnut species. The lack of compassion, selfishness and greed seem to be characteristic of the breed. Also noted is the lack of attention span and a predisposition to see conspiracy everywhere, when none exists. I have also observed that this species has a tendency to suffer from foot in mouth (usually the severe form of up to and including the knee), tunnel vision and a hearing loss when faced with cogent argument refuting their perception of reality and fact. Prevarication is also noted in the Rightwingnut flock.”
You can observe exactly the same traits at Monkey Island at Woodland Park Zoo. Sometimes I sit there for hours watching them. They’re fascinating.
Doc has based his entire political career on doing nothing but towing the party line, which seems to work fine for most of the people who elect him. The collective ambitions of the powers that be in Kennewick, Yakima and Wenatchee have in recent years been slightly less than a desire to remain a an eddy of backwater and feed off the vitality of central Puget Sound. It has been years since there has been a progressive sensibility anywhere in community leadership in the 4th District. Been to downtown Yakima lately? It barely exists except for the county jail and as a crime zone around government buildings, a mere shadow of its former bustle.
Boehner and Blunt are simply products of the same school Tom Delay went to. The majority in Congress is likely to choose one of them for leader because most of them have gone to the same school. This is about the only hope democrats have of taking back the House in 2006 – the country is asleep and at war.
“It will try the same set of tasks over and over, each time expecting a different result. This, by definition, is insanity.”
Naaaa, not really. The trollfucks are simply picking fleas off each other.
OH, I got lost in the blogosphere and posted similar posts twice. Well maybe the Rightwingnuts won’t notice and this apology to those who can read will do.
Sorry. I got bumped.
The major problem the Republifucks have is that they don’t have a leader who is not involved with Abramoff. They lie to each other and to us about what is going on. Soon I will be buying beer for myself and carrots for Rabbit as we celebrate the the retaking of the House in November.
MLF @59
I find that strikingly similar to my visit with the doctor:
He lies to me about what is wrong, his buddy lies about how everything is alright…Soon, it is beer and carrots for Rabbit and me…
If you get Rabbit drunk, Marks, you are taking him home to Mrs. Rabbit. And good luck with that!
Doc Hastings will garner a lot of negative hyp — but his disrrict is rock hard ball R.
By contrast I think Gentleman Dave R. is vulnerable. He is sounding like an undertaker, low tones, no vitality, and makes me think — what is the ruse.
Porgressives need to unity and take him out. Close district to Seattle, easy to volunteer and raise some money.
Compart him to Bush and keep this big scandal in his face — he will sound defensive and angry and rattled. No good on the stump.
And the Sheriff Dept, was in shambles. Not good.
His big Ace was the Green River capture, but can’t play that too many times, he does mention it in every interview, he knows its value. He is distinguished in an almost trite way – atletic with nice gray locks. But by the end of the campaign he will be harried and fatiqued.
Let’s form the blogg PAC – and go for it.
Drat! I knew there wuz a catch, and it wuzzn’t wabbit…
Thank you George Bakan!
You inadvertantly created a term for nutburger liberals we right thinkers can run with!
Porgressives morphs into PORKGRESSIVES!!
HowCan does that mean your uncle, the senator from Alaska is a PORGGRESSIVE? As he deals with your parties ‘pork’ with great gusto?
So when is Sen Stevens going to show up here in Washington? Heck, if he comes twice Cantwell can just coast into a second term.
Nindid, seems you would have to ask our trolls such as HowCan, MTR etc seems they are the ones connectd to the neocon base in the Northwest. But then again, I have not seen a straight answer from any of the trolls here in the past few months.
PORKGRESSIVES? No offense, but compared to the Congressional Republican pigs feasting at the trough this year, we are amateurs when it comes to really spending the loot:
It is interesting that the winger nutter trolls and trollies offer so little of substance.
I am at odds with Mark the Twater, but at least he posts a few issues.
The woman with all the ASS Troubes IN Her Back Yard —- you need to see a therapist. Your anger is dangerously high. Much of it I am sure is sexual frustration. Take a look at your Lesbian side. It is OK. Check the local softball league. Sure find.
OR —Mate with Mr. C —- god, worse than thinking of a rhino trying to screw a hippo. Lord. Mr. C and Ms ASSSSES ASS.
And as you know, beating the kids and the dog – has really not helped.