Richard Roesler of the Spokane Spokesman-Review has followed up on the Aaron Dixon story, and surprisingly, Green Party spokesman Mike Gillis told him that they “absolutely” vetted the candidate. He characterized my original post as a “partisan smear,” and downplayed the significance of Dixon’s legal problems:
“I think what we’ve really created is a culture in politics where you’re not even allowed to fart in public,” Gillis said. “Any mistakes he’s made in the past have been so overwhelmed by what he’s done for his community. I think there’s nothing in his past that regular people haven’t run into at some point.”
Oh. Well then… I guess I’m not “regular people,” because in addition to being a devout voter, I also haven’t “run into” any of the following obstacles:
- Owes more than $2,800 in traffic fines, including four counts in the past 18 months of driving without insurance;
- Was accused by his estranged wife in a 1994 divorce case of having problems with marijuana use and threatening to kill her;
- And had two liens placed on him by King County officials for allegedly failing to pay child support in 1989 and 2003.
- In 1980 he was convicted of embezzlement from a medical supply company in Oakland, Calif., and served six months in a California prison.
- And that in 1984 he was convicted of check fraud and “served a short prison sentence.”
Look, I don’t mind if the guy farts in public, and I’m willing to put his past in his past. But it’s hard to shrug off Dixon’s long record as an unrepentant scofflaw, especially when his latest legal run-in occurred as recently as last year.
Dixon wants to put this all in perspective:
“At a time when our government spends $100,000 a minute to occupy Iraq,” Dixon wrote, “this entire media frenzy has been but a distraction to my campaign and me.”
Exactly. Which is exactly why Dixon should have never declared his candidacy.
Cindi McKinney [D-BitchSlap] must be on the Democrat 2008 ticket, as she truely represents Black America!!!!!
Commie Lib Democrats, Are we allowed to “Remember The Alamo”, or would that be racist and hateful?? [hehe…..libs: traitors]
Aaron Dixon says his legal problems are small, in comparison to the injustice he claims to result from the military situation in Iraq.
However, a substantial portion of the American public supports the war in Iraq — which has ranged anywhere from 30% to 70% over the last three years (being around 30% now of course).
I would say that a much smaller portion of the American public supports: (a) not paying traffic fines, (b) not carrying automobile insurance, or (c) not paying child support.
Sounds like Mr. Dixon is neither squeaky clean enough to run as a liberal/Democrat/progressive without the media having him for breakfast, nor crooked enough to qualify for high office as a Republican/conservative/”defender of freedom”.
You got that right , Dixon , didn’t vote for the Iraq war , he didn’t vote for rich man’s tax cuts, He didn’t vote for red neck judges . Dixon’s offense is he is running OUR ‘LIL WARLORD Cantwell . Of course it won’t be McGavick that will bring the war party’s agenda to the electors , It will be DIXON asking the hard questions about Maria’s excellent adventure as a Senator .
Hmmm…so while Maria Cantwell has been serving her country as a U.S. Senator, what has Dixon been doing? Getting busted:
Invalid license in 2000.
Speeding in 2004.
Driving without insurance in 2000, 2001, 2004 (twice) and 2005 (twice)!!!
Dixon is NOT Senatorial material. I wouldn’t hold arrests from the 1960s and 1970 against him, but four busts for no insurance in the last two years? By the time a person reaches his mid-50s, we expect him to have a sense of responsibility. Dixon’s record shows no sense of responsibility. It is unacceptable!
Dixon’s right about one thing: Given a choice between him and a typical Republican congressfelon, his criminal record is no big deal. Everything’s relative.
DJ — speeding isn’t such a bad deal. I am sure that even some liberal bloggers are guilty of this offense from time to time. Maybe some of them even pay their fines a little bit late. Dixon’s problem was not paying the speeding fine at all, and then having it sent to collections, etc. (along with all his other traffic fines of course).
I wish more of our Rethuglican congressfelons would content themselves with merely breaking traffic laws, threatening to kill their wives and mistresses, not paying child support, and so on. We’d all be better off if they were satisfied to be ordinary garden-variety criminals.
Richard @ 8
Yeah…I just included speeding conviction for completeness.
“Maybe some of them even pay their fines a little bit late. Commentby Richard Pope— 4/3/06@ 4:33 pm”
Then again, maybe liberals have enough respect for laws and courts to pay their fines on time — or not break the law in the first place!
Yeah, like Cynthia McKinney has respect for the security guards. Where’s your indignation over her behavior? Do you condone slugging an officer?
At least repubs admit it when caught. Duke Cunningham pleaded guilty. Mckinney insists on making matters worse.
Cindi McKenney..The face of the Democrat Party. Right out of National Geographic…….”Apes Of The Democrat Big Cities”
Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.
Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer’s money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta.
The money came from a fund members of Congress are supposed to use for office supplies.
Using the money to pay for Hayes’ airline ticket and hotel expenses is a violation of strict congressional rules. Those rules state that taxpayer money can only be used for “travel by Members, Members’ employees and vendors. A vendor is an employee of a private company that provides maintenance and support for equipment and software…”
…McKinney staffers say they will reimburse the congressional fund for the cost of Hayes’ flight and hotel room.
Guess this is all The Man’s fault, too?
Funny how Roger, dj, clueless, and the rest of the gang post endlessly when a repub is in trouble, but can’t even contribute a one-liner saying that Mckinney is wrong, and should not be given a pass.
Same thing happened to Fiengold’s little political stunt. When the truth was reported as to what the FISA judges actually said (not what the hack at the NYT thought they said), you guys all clammed up. Why not just admit it, and move on?
Can’t we all just get along?
Who cares about Dixon. In news that matters, we brought down that lying sack of shit Tom DeLay. The quitter put his republican tail between his republican legs and like all good republicans RAN! Coward. Quitter! DeLay abandons his re-election bid. Guess he knows he’s going to the big house! HE HE! Another BITCH slap to the right wing traitors!
Fox News Reporting that Tom Delay is withdrawing from his race for Congress.
Wonder who is about to be indicted.
I’m glad to see Delay stepping down. He became a magnet for all criticism. His methods were too much about power and not enough about principles. He is a big source of the spending problems of the repubs.
That said, I’m still betting the indictment is dropped. As it is, most of the charges have already been dropped. He was accused of breaking a law that hadn’t been written, and another indictment didn’t even list what he was being accused of.
Yes, I know his two staffers have been tied to Abramoff. But I’m sure no one here would endorse guilt by association, would you?
Actually, it appears that Time had it first:;e=50319
Whatwillmariado?, JCH,
Get a clue.
a.) it’s hilariously irrelevant
b.) why do you care?
c.) why should WE, WA bloggers care?
d.) the whole fucking repub congressional delegation would be out on its ass if this is the standard for reprehensible behavior.
e.) Like that jackass Tom Delay. Why arn’t you talking about Tom Delay?
Mariawillwin @ 18:
Actually, the Texas indictment is weak, but Delay was up to his eyes in the Abramoff scandal, and I doubt it is a coincidence that Delay steps down three days after his aide rushes in and pleads guilty. Sounds like they rolled him.
I have a feeling this is the point of the Ambramoff wedge. Could be a very bloody spring and summer for the Republicans.
Mariawillwin @ 15:
Oooh, you didn’t want to bring that up.
See this post:
(Post 158 if the link isn’t exact)
to see why you are totally wrong, why the New York Times is correct, and why passing on a bad story from the Washington Times and Powerline usually just leads to you looking like a complete fool.
How does it feel to be truth slapped?
I think the important question is when will Maria Cantwell flip? At what point does she decide it’s a better strategy to come out against the war? Regardless of whether Dixon is a candidate, the big white elephant in the room is Maria’s vote to go to war. It’s only a matter of time…
I see that Goldy got his baseball bat out again to use on the anti-war wing of the Democrat Party.
So I guess all of you better put your convictions back into the closet and get back in line where you should be. And who told you you could think for yourselves anyway?
If you don’t do what you’re told, Goldy will get busy digging into your personal life so he can destroy you too.
Dixon’s candidacy would be a joke even if he didn’t have all of those skeletons in his closet. It is amazing to me all of the ways that the Greens’ “marketing” efforts have served to further marginalize their candidate, e.g., by making prominent references to the Black Panthers. That’s a loser meme even in the black community.
No need to beat this dead horse anymore.
@20 “Like that jackass Tom Delay. Why arn’t you talking about Tom Delay? Commentby TheDeadlyShoe— 4/3/06@ 6:52 pm
Hell, everyone is talking about DeLay tonight!!! Another Republican crook falls. Good riddance.
jaybo @24
Caw! caw! caw!
Caw! caw! caw!
Caw! caw! caw!
Anti-Goldy @23,
See, I don’t believe that Cantwell is pro-war like you and others imply. She voted for the authorization, like the vast majority of Democratic Senators, based on the intelligence she had at the time, and unaware that Bush was committed to war no matter what.
What she hasn’t done is given a big mea culpa, apologized, and called for an immediate pull out like some on the left have demanded. And she won’t. But my guess is that she will clarify her position on the war, and when she does, you will find her to be much more in line with Senators like Barack Obama than with the Republican leadership.
She is neither a hawk nor a dove.
whew! This jaybo/whatwillmariado freak is having a real bad day with his idol DeLay goin’ down!
I fart in public all the time, but I’ve only ever been ticketed for rolling through a stop sign, which was years ago and I paid the fine. The Greens are wrong you can fart in public with out fear of being ticketed.
y “YO” tambien!
4 years later and Goldy hopes that Cantwell will clarify her poition on the WAR ON TERRORISM and the LONG WAR ??? Why should she tell us anything ? SHE doesn’t answer to Washington State constituents , unless you got a blog or a big newspaper byline . Maria is the problem and for her to wait a few months before her reelection campaign to get back to her voters is an outrage . She does not listen to the very people she wants to vote for her again . Isn’t it about time the Politicians start doing what we want them to do and not some International policy of world domination or in this case submission . Maria is part the problem and war is not the answer .
[JCH] has no agenda other than indulging his mental illness on HA.
this Dixon seems perfect for a career in the political arena, he should fit right in.
the elephant-ass will NEVER get my vote again…even when jeb runs in 08…if there is even an election.
Greens and Libertarians are the future…i suggest you all vote one of these parties since they are the only dissenting voices.
Are we seriously debating whether the Green Party of WA is capable of embarrassment?
This should have been the Aprils Fools post.
-She is neither a hawk nor a dove. –
Which is why the whack-jobs on either end of the political spectrum hate her so much.
And despite the fact the far left and far right enjoy using eachother as fodder (such as JCHPuddybud) – they have a lot more in common with eachother than they do with the rest of us sane folks – which helps me sleep at night.
-Greens and Libertarians are the future…i suggest you all vote one of these parties –
Oh boy, Undercover Brother sure did a good job of identifying himself as another spoofing troll with that one!