Goldy has a map of the Seattle City Council District where Kshama Sawant will probably run for reelection.* It went pretty overwhelmingly for her. And it pretty much breaks down by neighborhood with Capitol Hill and First Hill overwhelmingly supporting Sawant and the rest of the district pretty overwhelmingly supporting Conlin.
While the district that Sawant lives in and would most likely run in is the most obvious to look at, that race might be a decent proxy for the other races on the ballot. For while it wasn’t the highest profile race, it was one with a fairly high profile and a real ideological divide. The mayor’s race was, of course, the highest profile, but it was at least as much about personality as it was about issues. O’Brien-Shen was probably more of an ideological divide for a council seat, but it turned out to be a bit less high profile after Shen not doing well in the primary. It was also so far apart, it probably doesn’t tell us much except don’t run a pro-bidness campaign anywhere in Seattle.
So there’s the Sawant-Conlin race. It pitted the only member to vote against paid sick leave/paid safe leave against the biggest proponent of a $15 minimum wage on the ballot. And of course one side pushed the socialism label pretty hard while the other didn’t. I’d think that someone running in a district where Sawant won might have a bit more leverage to push social and economic justice issues, and someone running in a district where Conlin won would have to be a bit more traditional lefty.
Or maybe I’m reading too much into one race with two unique people.
* (A) It’s where she lives, but she might run citywide or not at all in two years. Two years from now is a long time. (B) Is it reelection or just election if it’s to a different geographic area, but for the same job? I’m saying reelection, but I’m not at all confident in that.
Crapital Hill is full of reds?…I’m shocked!
@1 Have you checked under your bed? There might be a red under there, too.
There’s a red under my bed
And a little green man in my head
-ahem- just working the kinks out….