Much to the relief of liberal bloggers throughout the region, former KIRO-TV news anchor Susan Hutchison has finally announced her candidacy for King County Executive, providing a much needed object of mockery in what was otherwise shaping up to be a tedious contest over who supports public transit more. Oh God, is this going to be fun.
Hutchison, for all her benign, if fading, public profile, is a genuine Republican of the corporatist/religious wing-nutty persuasion, who’s about as out of step with the values of the majority of King County voters as she is with their middle class lifestyle. And what exactly are her qualifications for higher office? According to the Seattle Times:
Hutchison has been executive director of the Charles Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences since 2003, chairs the Seattle Symphony board of directors and sits on the boards of several other nonprofit organizations.
And by “other nonprofit organizations,” of course the Times means the board of the Discovery Institute, the folks whose main claim to fame is their well-funded effort to destroy science education in our nation’s schools by promoting the creationism-cum-voodoo they call Intelligent Design.
So if your natural history education came half from the Bible and half from The Flintstones, Hutchison is likely your candidate of choice.
As for the rest of us, I’m not so sure Hutchison’s not-for-profit background provides exactly the kind of experience we’re looking for in a county executive. Widely feared in the arts community as a “tyrant” and… well… just plain crazy, her many board appointments have long been understood as the unavoidable string attached to Charles Simonyi’s money… you know, just the cost of doing business. And for her part, Hutchison has never been shy about making it clear that the road to Simonyi’s money runs straight through her:
One sunny morning a few weeks ago, Susan Hutchison woke up with a persistent Barry Manilow tune on her mind.
“I turned to my husband, and sang, ‘I write the checks that make the whole world sing,’ ” says Hutchison of the new take on the Manilow hit, “I Write the Songs.”
One of the Northwest’s most recognizable faces as a former KIRO-TV news anchor, Hutchison does indeed make a lot of people sing with the checkbook for the Charles Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences, of which she is executive director.
Which makes her campaign kickoff comments about King County’s budget deficit all the more amusing.
Declaring that “our county’s financial house is in disorder,” Hutchison questioned the need for new taxes to close a projected $50 million budget deficit next year.
“We need a new direction in King County, with new leadership that does not believe the answer to every problem is a new fee or a higher tax,”
Taxes? Who needs ’em? No, the last time Hutchison needed $50 million (and a job), she just asked her good friend Charles to write a check. But I suppose we can trust her to spend our money wisely, considering she works for a guy who just spent $35 million going into space, for a second time, and you can’t get much more fiscally conservative than that.
Still, it looks like Hutchison’s days as a philanthropic kept woman may be coming to an end, Simonyi’s recent marriage to a much younger and prettier real wife reportedly marginalizing Hutchison’s influence on his daily affairs. So it’s probably a good time for her to move on to the exciting new challenge of seeing whether she can draw more votes in a King County election than Richard Pope.
To that end Susan, I wish you the best of luck, and my sincerest hope that you stay in this race until the bitter end. (That would be August 18, about 8:20 PM.) And to the many enemies you’ve made over the years through your tyrannical, solipsistic behavior, I welcome your contributions of gossip and innuendo, and promise to always respect and protect the anonymity of my sources.
Wow. That was quick. Sometime shortly after I posted, Discovery scrubbed Hutchison’s name from their list of directors. But they couldn’t scrub Google’s cache.
“And by “other nonprofit organizations,” of course the Times means the board of the Discovery Institute, the folks whose main claim to fame is their well-funded effort to destroy science education in our nation’s schools by promoting the creationism-cum-voodoo they call Intelligent Design.”
Funny Puddy don’t see Susan’s name anywhere. Help Puddy Goldy, where is it?
She has been taken off the current page. Here is the page from the Google cache. The page is from Apr 1, 2009 11:58:16 GMT.
Oops now watch Puffybutt do what he always does – cut and run you bitch. You’ve been bitch-slapped for the 1239th time here. I’m sure you’re used to it by now you fucking Oreo piece of shit.
On to happier thoughts – YES! Thanks Susan for helping decide the race for the Democrats. Now if only we can get that nutjob cunt Palin to run for Prez in 2012 all will be well!
“solipsistic”???? Ouch!
She probably thinks you are accusing her of not believing in the solar system.
Wow. I can’t wait for the wingnuts to tout her “executive” experience.
I bet the minnow is swimming furiously in Greelake right now. If the pooper w
Deja vu all over again.
re 1: It must be tedious having to relearn everything on a daily basis.
I guess the real question is how much money her patron is going to put into the campaign. What are the campaign contribution limits? Can he get around them?
That’s what PAC’s are for.
She would have been better of leaving her name up on Discovery’s site. Campaign mistake #1 and the campaign isn’t even 24 hours old.
So Goldy, you’re not the teensiest bit worried that NAME RECOGNITION might cause the idiot voters to put an unqualified and tyrannical Bible-thumper (where have we seen this before?) into King County’s highest office?
Ahh the HA faithful. Please explain how her experience disqualifies her, yet Darcy Burner (I never had a qualification that wasn’t make believe) was the greatest thing since sliced bread to y’all.
I bet Mrs Hutchenson doesn’t have a fake econ degree…She has also done more than preside over her local HOA…
Good for her stepping out. Will look forward to what she has to say.
Indeed her experience at the nutty Discovery Institute disqualifies her from being trusted making sound executive decisions as the head of King County government.
By contrast, if like Dave Reichert she has an A.A. from a third rate religious college, then I’m sure that would more than satisfy the right wing.
I’ll give her that she’s a slight upgrade over the volatile and abusive Irons. As in VERY SLIGHT.
People have to show up at the polls. The right wing keeps putting up fringies.
I’m a little concerned here. People know her, and she always came off in a pleasant sort of way. Tagging her with an extremist label might not be that easy to do.
So Hutch and her pals think they’ll be able to conceal her right-wing pedigree and run a “stealth” campaign to get her elected? Then the Washington Policy Institute had better take the link to the TVW video of her as Emcee of their 2007 dinner, fawning all over Jeb Bush.
11 In fact, her other serious vulnerability may well be the volcanic temper that led to her first departure from KIRO, which involved a stream of words of one syllable and a middle finger directed at her boss.
This shows that Seattle will have to go one more election cycle of unqualified people in office, before we get a REAL “change candidate” with a grassroots backing. Sort of like Bush in 2004.
Unless there’s a hidden felony or coke problem (hint, hint) nothing in Huch’s experience “disqualifies” her or her candidacy. But, we do like to have our fun, poking fun at right-wingers who try to act mainstream.
There’s the story I heard of her and phone theft in the dressing rooms at KIRO. After the phone was stolen she asked, “Why would anybody want that phone number?”
Maybe Discovery Institute has a policy that its board members cannot be public officials or candidates for public office? If that is the case, prompt removal of Susan Hutchinson’s name would make sense.
On the other hand, State Representative Deb Eddy used to be a fellow at the Discovery Institute. I don’t know whether her employment at Discovery coincided with the time she was campaigning for or serving in the legislature.
By the way, Eddy happens to be a DEMOCRAT. (Some people call her a Republicrat.) Eddy represents the 48th district, where Darryl and I live. I don’t recall Darryl ever commenting about Eddy’s ties to the Discovery Institute.
If the major candidates happen to be Larry Phillips, Dow Constantine, Fred Jarrett, and Susan Hutchison, then my prediction is that Hutchison will make it to the general election and be the top vote getter of the four candidates in the primary.
Of course, winning the general election as a Republican would prove to be much more difficult for Hutchison. On the other hand, King County just elected Dan Satterberg as a Republican county-wide in 2007. Hutchison will at least have the advantage of a non-partisan ballot, on which the hated word Republican will not appear at all by her name.
She can’t be any worse than the current KC Exec…
I don’t think that’s even possible.
@4 She probably doesn’t believe in the solar system. Clearly, though, she believes in sucking up to people with money. The ideal qualification to run for office as a Republican.
@10 Well, this one’s easy — Burner has a brain, and Hutchison is a pretty face with cotton candy between her ears.
so your jew controlled, chimp president now says we are no longer a christian country well fuck u goldstein u jew bastard, go suck your chimps cock an go fucking back to tel aviv
@14 What is it with Republicans that causes them to be so lacking in self-control?
@20 That’s quite a ringing endorsement of your party’s candidate. Maybe Hutch should use it in her ads.
#23 needs refresher brainwashing. Apparently he didn’t get the word that GOPers suck up to Israel now.
mano @23,
Really? It’s Obama who says we’re not a Christian nation? Funny, I thought that was made clear by the Treaty With Tripoli, approved by the US Senate and signed by President John Adams in 1797:
You should really learn your history.
How long has it been since Hutchison was last reading the news on KIRO-TV? Ten years? 15? Point is, the electorate turns over and there are hundreds of thousands of new voters in King County who’ve never heard of her, and who certainly have never seen her behind a TV news desk. Not to mention equivalent numbers who’ve left the voter rolls, for reasons happy or sad.
TV fame is fleeting, and if she’s counting on that to boost her campaign… well, good luck. When Charles Royer ran for mayor of Seattle, he did it just weeks after leaving the KING5 airwaves.
Ain’t no bitch singin’ Barry Manilow gonna be makin’ executive decisions. Dig?
As predicted – that Oreo punk Puffy butt cut and ran from this thread when he was made a fool of for the 289,384th time here!
Goldy @ 27
Damn, that’s beautiful. Not that manoftruth could compehend it or understand what the significance of a treaty is, or understand the significance of one of our founding fathers having signed the treaty, but, damn, that’s beautiful. I’d also bet that manoftruth doesn’t know a Barbary pirate from Johnny Depp, but, what the hell.
Really Goldy? You’re really going to pick on lack of experience as a disqualifier for office?
It seems like only yesterday our ‘little boy that could’ from Illinois was good enough for his country with no experience. That is, except in government check work which he never bothered to do in the Illinois state house. Wow, the good old days. Now he’s busy making this country into a European socialist clone, with overtones of hyperinflationary bananna republics as the Presdent of the good old USA.
By the way, the treaty to which you refer only emphasises the separation of church and state, with respect to one issue. It nowhere refers to the guiding moral and ethical basis for the foundation of and continuation of this country, which is judeo-christian, like it or not.
Man of truth is probably some liberal trying to make conservatives look bad, anyway. Most conservatives are polite and decent in their expressions of political opinion. We leave vulgarity and obscenities to the lefties, as they lack real ideas and must use these in absentia. Look at our last election, hot air makes up for substance any day of the week, apparently.
At least try to let your hypocrisies hide behind some semblance of rationilization you liberal ass. Sorry, horses ass.
#32 lostinspace:
I love how right wing retards like you are so frivolous with your comparisons. Case in point, comparing talking head Susan Hutchison to Barack Obama.
Which Harvard class did Susan graduate from, and when was she editor of the Harvard Law Review?
I have an unopened 20oz. jar of Planters’ with less loose nuts than right wing commentators on this blog.
Followup to busdrivermike comment on 32,
Wait…um…by “‘little boy that could’ from Illinois” are you talking about Abe Lincoln? Or Barack Obama?
I mean…they both had very similar political tenures upon being elected President.
I think Hutchinson’s political career will likely be summed up by the title of my favorite song from the soundtrack to the movie Judgement Night, and thus should become her theme song:
“Just Another Victim”, by Helmet and House of Pain.
Goldy and his marionettes that voted for a freakin’ community organizer with zero executive experience (and it’s showing) are now clamoring about “experience”…..HAHA!! That’s just too amusing for words. ObaMagoo bowing before king Abdullah like a common peasant was almost as amusing as the whitehouse denial that he’d done it.
Sidebar comment:
Hey Goldy, when you gonna get your KKK members like BiBiGroper and misogynists like Slinkyshot in line?
I thought you had a daughter …
Keep your klan in order, Goldstein. No wonder your traffic at this waste treatment plant is so low.
Good point about Deb Eddy (Dem) ties to Discovery Institute.
What say you Darryl?
36 – You forgot to list the freak @ 23. But of course you did – the moron supports your right wing bullshit.
You can return to septic tank at (un)SP now.
Little Ricky Dumbass…
Looks like Susan is trying to run away from her times with the Discovery Institute as fast as she can. Who can blame her?
She will not be able to hide her affinity with a Pam Roach style of Republicanism that sells only in the deep south of the County.
Mr. Cynical,
If I am not mistaken, Deb Eddy was a fellow at the Cascadia Center for Regional Transportation at the Discovery Institute. My reaction is about the same as Goldy’s reaction to the Gates Foundation giving money to Cascadia: Why the fuck would someone sully them self by being associated with even the non-anti-science branch of the Discovery Institute?
But I have many other reasons to not support Deb Eddy.
Well, as for gossip and innuendo, I just remember my kids telling me how they saw Susan running around the halls at Eckstein Middle School on parent night a few years ago tearing down the kids’ posters she didn’t agree with. (Tracy Flick, anyone?)
My wife and I always enjoyed watching KIRO news with Susan and Steve because we could count on Susan mangling the pronunciation of any word over three syllables. It got to be a running joke with us!
Rep. Deb Eddy’s tie to the Discovery Institute explains one thing: her endless ivory tower blathering about transportation policy. The same time Rep Eddy was doing her best to tank light rail, complaining there were just “too many” transit agencies ’round here, she went out and helped create another one: The Passenger Ferry District.
Why, you ask? Well, the Discovery Institute had been lobbying hard for that pointless Billion $ endeavor.
Rep. Eddy also has the unique distinction of being the only Democrat to receive big cash contributions from billionaire GOP financier John Stanton. For her efforts to quash light rail across Lake Washington, no doubt.
Without religious nut billionaires, the Discovery Institute would probably fizzle up, and go away. Kinda like Puddy did on this thread.
@32, Lostinaseaofblue ponders ManOfTruth as a lib trying to make right wingers look bad. As if all the racist right wingers who post here don’t already achieve that on their own.
But, after reading Lost’s set of outdated and sophomoric GOP cliches regarding Obama, I’m convinced Lostinreality is actually a lib posing as a clueless conservative. Trying to make conservatives look bad.
Busdriver, you simply proved my point. After a gratuitous insult which sidesteps the points made you try to compare the hopelessly outclassed president we have now to Abraham Lincoln!
Abraham Lincoln was a man of principle and courage who took his country through a difficult time. He was humble, but confident in his decisions once taken. He brought resolve and innate intelligence to an office desperately needing it. He was self made and self taught in the best Anerican tradition, which the political left hates.
Abraham Lincoln was the right captain to guide his country through treacherous waters at tremendous personal psychological cost. He was a flawed man in some ways, as we all are. He made decisions affecting civil rights that were simply wrong. His wife was a train wreck and he had other issues I’m sure. Nevertheless, in every sense of the word that counts he was a great man.
Barak Obama is an ambitious self seeking man turning this country into something it was never intended to be. He is a carricature of what we draw political cartoons about, as are most of his friends. He, FDR and Lyndon Johnson are quite simply treasonous. They seek to undermine the constitution and steal from hard working people to give to the lazy using the elastic clause as the mugging weapon. He even wrote once about how flawed the Constitution was and how it needed scrapped. He is without the ability or desire to sacrifice self for the countrys’ greater good. Hell, he wouldn’t know it if he saw it anyway. He surrounds himself with the incompetent and corrupt. He is a sycophant turned political benefactor to his friends. Rattner the architect for the automotive bailout?! He doesn’t know a damn thing about the industry, and that is the blueprint for the entire administration, from HUD to Defense.
I don’t really care if Susan Hutchison wins or not. King County is a democrat cesspool no matter who the executive is. It will continue to make decisions from highrise downtown affecting suburban people, and the rest of the state, whom it doesn’t understand or like.
While logic is not a liberal value, at least try to be consistent in your criticisms.
And, please, spare me the comparison of a hollow man to a great man. It doesn’t and won’t wash.
One thing is for sure, Susan H. wouldn’t bow like a beaten dog like our president did earlier this week.
I couldn’t tell if Obama was bowing like a common, cowardly peasant before King Abdullah, or scanning his shoes to see if they needed a quick shine, which Obama would of course, in subservient obedience to the King, perform himself.
…Our forefather’s are rolling over in their graves at this little, pathetic shell of a man.
This should light little ricky dumbass’ fire:
Check this out:
little ricky dumbass…
44 – Yet another steaming pile of horseshit.
I understand the right wing are wearing “Hitler gave good speeches too” T-shirts.
Obama is Hitler?
A new song for pudge! I diagnosed ODS on these fools the very night Obama was elected.
I may have called it all too late.
@47 You beat me to it. RickyD has just had his ass handed to him.
BTW, watch for anti-transit billionaire GOP financier John Stanton to raise a boatload of cash for Susan “Moonbeam” Hutchison this year.
Leftist HA weasel tools, Puddy was out last night at a friends house observing Passover, while your worthless ASSes were here screaming over the Discovery Institute.
Hey Steve, busdrivermike earlier called Obama -“It seems like only yesterday our ‘little boy that could’ from Illinois was good enough for his country with no experience.”
Where is your Mock shock and outrage? Where is your feigned upset post?
So, now “humble” is all the rage among 19 yo Young Republikan Discovery Institute interns like Lostinaseaofreality, eh?
We just spent 8 years listening to these clowns tell us humble = hugging terrorists, and respect = appeasement. Remember? The two things they were so proud of W for?
No apologies for no mistakes made.
Kicking ass and taking names.
Now THAT is the embodiment of “humble.”
These conservatives are so rudderless these days, they can’t even keep their basic stories straight.
It’s funny to watch.
The idea of a racist sychophant like Puddy celebrating ANY religious holiday with his virtual friends is… well, downright surreal.
How do drunk, broken, angry, over-the-hill right wing men “celebrate” Passover, anyways? Gettin’ drunk and shooting at bowling pins in the desert? Gettin’ drunk and tearing up some endangered species habitat? Gettin’ drunk in front of a pile of pull-tabs? Gettin’ drunk and gettin’ fat sittin’ around the country club…complaining about the ‘lazy’ Mexicans who are busting their butts to serve the Limbaugh clones their red meat and booze? Which one was it this time, Pud?
I always get my right wing HA trolls mixed up.
Puddy is the old guy who went for a sex tour of the Pacific Islands, and landed in Hawaii, right?
“Passed-over” is a fitting moniker for those fools.
Another point to ponder is that Hutchison’s current gig is managing a trust fund that was set up with the intention of running itself out of money.
@52 Puddy whines about “little boy”.
I showed an equal amount of outrage as you do when your friend Truth calls our nation’s president “loser boy”. And when your friend Troll called blacks “niggers” last week, it was I who showed outrage. You, Puddy, a crazed, black Republican wing-nut, showed him your love and approval. That’s a fact and all your spin, gyrations and contortions change nothing. It’s there for any HA reader to see.
@55 I can help you here. Puddy’s the self-loathing black man who shows his love when a Republican troll calls blacks “niggers” on this blog.
55 – No that was JCH. He was banned from HA a long time ago.
Steve@58: Keep on trucking dude.
Puddy @ 52
You’re quoting Lost At Sea, and attributing the comment to busdrivermike. Not that you care, but that is an example of putting words in someone else’s mouth.
Garth farted:
Garth, glad you put your best progressive face on HA Weasels so all can see. Puddy surprised clueless wonder didn’t tell you Puddy don’t drink or smoke like most HA Weasels. Well clueless wonder is very stupid. How about None Of The Above Fool! I’m sure the twelve others will agree they were virtual too moron!
Every couple of weeks I check this blog out trying to see if liberals are capable of reasoned thought and civil discussion.
Thanks for confirming all the stereotypes about you that the moderate and conservative majority of America holds.
You are rude. You are incapable of discussion without ad hominem attacks, and incapable of discussion that follows a logical progression. When you have no answer to a raised issue you descend to…well I guess you remain in…the gutter. At 44 I gave rational calm reasoned points. The answers were that I am sophomoric, rascist, horseshit and other non-answers. Your vaunted tolerance and diversity are smoke screens for fanatical belief incapable of reason.
So what you really are is adolescents sitting in your mothers’ basements alternating between porn sites and this running angry and violent rant.
Can I give you children a clue? Your boy won, for better, or more likely worse. He is the president with all the respect that the office if not the man deserves. The anger and hatred of alternate ways of seeing what is best for America is not becoming, or adult. Try to grow up and deal with the your bare mandate as such and you might have a chance of holding for a while. The economy will turn not because of your fellow, but in spite of him. He will get the credit and in all likelihood a second term. Be happy for once in your sad pathetic lives. Go outside or something and see that the world is actually a pretty decent place in spite of your perennial depressive outlook.
And take a course in rhetoric and logic so you don’t look completely clueless when talking to people who don’t actually share your silly beliefs.
That’s a photo shop job.
Get a grip man. To an Arab man this gesture is not uncommon. in fact it is a sign of mutal respect and kinship.
“In fact, if a man chooses not to touch another in a greeting, it can be interpreted as a sign of distance or disdain. Kissing cheeks, long handshakes and clutching hands are meant to reflect amity, devotion and most important, equality in status”
Contrast that with what POTUS did…..
It was an unequivical gesture of subservience.
So let’s wrap up YLB’s rant thusly
Bush message to Arab world – Kinship and equality.
Obama message to Arab world – Subserviance and submission.
Lost @ 64
At 44 I gave rational calm reasoned points.
No. Your comments at 44 are so loaded with completely indefensible assumptions that every conclusion you think you reach amounts to little more than an elaborate means of begging the question.
And take a course in rhetoric and logic so you don’t look completely clueless when talking to people who don’t actually share your silly beliefs.
Pot. Kettle. Black. When you can talk about beliefs you don’t share and not preface it with the word “silly,” then get back to us. Until then, the only difference between your rhetoric and the rhetoric about which you complain is the amount of vulgarity–which, by the way, is completely in the eye of the beholder (as an example, I find your comments considerably more vulgar that most of the comments here, but that’s a criticism I honestly believe you’d never consider with an open mind).
By the way, your first lesson in rhetoric and logic is for you to understand what “ad-hominem” truly means. If I say that your argument sucks because you’re an idiot, that’s an ad-hominem argument. If I say that you’re an idiot because your argument sucks, that’s not an ad-hominem argument.
Yup, and everyone in the world recognizes it for what it is except for the lying, liars in the Obama whitehouse (and his surrogates here at HA) who can’t simply admit that he made a mistake and be done with it, they insist on insulting the intelligence of the average American that knows a bow when it sees one.
President Fauxbama is proving to be a gutless shill as many of us forecasted, only it is becoming clearer and clearer to the American people that were duped into voting for him. If you can’t trust him to tell the truth in the light of visual evidence, it makes everything he says suspect in its truthfullness.
As the Great one said, “Trust but verify” and this piece of particle board with an oak veneer Fauxbama is the epitome of why that statement rings true.
The cowardly lyin’ president strikes again… Take a bow!
What is it with these wingnuts like losthismind @ 64 calling the President a “boy”?
You have an explanation Stupes?
Read the full text, Don. You would see that ad hominem was used correctly, if you wre capable of having an open mind about it. In a general way arguments which the left disagrees with are met with personal abuse, as were mine. The contention is itself rarely or never answered. It is ‘horseshit’ or some profanity or anything personal about the writer, never the point under discussion. That is what ad hominem meant. And it isn’t just HA. Most radical liberals I hear are vitriolic and hate filled. Sorry for the confusion.
What is indefensible exactly? Lincoln was self taught and self made. The biographical facts cited are just that, insofar as history permits. The opinions are just that and presented as such. So it isn’t Lincoln…
Oh, it’s the indefensible assumption that your boy child president is not in any way fit to think about being like Lincoln that you find indefensible. I see.
Because it couldn’t be the inexperience and corruption of his nominations you know. That also is historical record. It couldn’t be that his personal inexperience in anything but not for profit endeavors is at issue. Also historical. It couldn’t be that he spent his entire career in public office running for the next office, because the record supports that too.
Sorry, what were the assumptions I made again? Because it looks like all of them were supported, whether you like the facts or prefer to remain in love with your political god.
Open minded? I don’t even understand what you’re talking about. I am willing to read essays or arguments with which I vehemently disagree. I am willing to discuss with the few liberal friends I have anything they wish so long as the tone is civil. They are ‘few’ because this quality of civility is so rare on the far left. That is what was meant by vulgarity. If I had said that Obama was like Hitler that might reach your threshold of vulgarity, besides being absurd. I dislike the man and have utter contempt for him. But he is at best a crooked politician, and at worst an upstart who is out of his depth.
And so you know, ‘boy’ refers to his callowness. It refers to his inexperience. It refers to his incompetence. It’s what I call my 16 year old niece’s boyfriend, for the same reasons. If you want to accuse me of rascism just say it outright. Oh that’s right, inuendo and assumptions without basis are the special province of the left.
Idiot @ 64
Believe it or not fool, Obama isn’t perfect. His DOJ is on the wrong track in a few important areas, his Treasury is all too solicitous of the greedheads who have destroyed the finance industry and put the taxpayer on the hook for their catastrophic decisions. The stimulus package did not go nearly far enough.
Is he an improvement over that devolved primate you voted for twice? Hell yes but it’s still up to progressive-minded people to force Obama to make the necessary changes.
You may now return to whatever haven of block-headed fools from which you came.
Flipping idiot@68: Talk to yours – Steve.
Right Stuff, that’s why he’s the clueless wonder monomaniacal idiot.
@71 “Talk to yours – Steve”
Good advice, seeing as how you have absolutely no moral standing to discuss race on this blog anymore.
@64: “lost”: the person with the big ego and the small mind who thinks they are “intelligent” but actually comes across as a fool:
Those false stereotypes that you hold are not my problem.
Oh, and the majority of the country just stated their opinion in an election – you guys lost and are the minority.
You might want to pay attention to things like elections (and democracy) and polls – they show that the republican party is a small minority of whiners with no new ideas.
The failed ideas and principles of the republican party got us into this mess:
Lower the taxes on the rich: Tt stifled the economy.
Less regulation: The bankers loved this – but the economy did not (Phil Gramm led the “banking deregulation” charge – you can’t get more republican than that).
Waste 1 trillion on an unnecessary war in Iraq: That sure helped our economy.
Your sorry little diatribe at 44 lacked any semblance of a reasoned argument – it was more like a child whining the Obama is not Lincoln because…well, Lincoln was wise….and he did not try to do too much (I guess the civil war is not “too much” in your limited world view).
Is that the best you have? Is that the example of your “mature” argument? Sorry – you are an intellectual midget.
And was this supposed to be a reasoned argument with facts? the only thing you are missing reason and facts.
Really, an FDR was too? And that kind of juvenile name-calling is exactly what you are supposedly calling out?
So all those American Presidents were treasonous….and you call yourself mainstream?
Last I recall, the treasonous FDR was elected three times by a large majority of Americans and led us (almost) to victory in WWII.
And this piece of garbage:
Did you mean Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Brownie, Gonzalez???? Or maybe how bush tried to put Harriet Meiers on the Supreme court?
Hypocrite: Every one of Obama’s appointments has been far superior to the incompetent sycophants of Bush.
You has no “reasoned” argument – you had a third grade level diatribe and you are a hypocrite and fool.
Come back when you grow up.
@67: I sure do miss little Ricky D. – how is elementary school going Ricky – did you pass the spelling test yet?
Maybe you need to take logic 101 for grade schoolers – I seem to remember you had trouble stringing more than two sentences into an argument.
Poor wittle Ricky – the American people threw out the republican idiots and all they can do is whine about Obama – who is still at triple the popularity of the moron bush – that wittle Wicky woves.
@74 Damn, CNR, that was well done! Just to add, the loserinaseaofblue @44 said of Lincoln, “He made decisions affecting civil rights that were simply wrong.” I bet he’s refering to the Emancipation Proclamation.
Bullshit. That mentally-challenged devolved primate begged for lower oil prices and was rebuffed at least twice.
@77 Arab World to Bush – throw shoes at him.
Lost @ 69
Read the full text, Don.
I read it the first time, and, no, you did not use the term “ad-hominem” correctly. I can find several comments above that don’t qualify as ad-hominem arguments, yet your statement applied to “all”. Clearly, for you to make such a sweeping statement, you don’t understand the meaning of the term.
What is indefensible exactly?
The entire fourth paragraph @ 44, starting with whatever it is you think this country was intended to be. We’ve already seen your so-called “civics lessons” in an earlier thread, and those turned out to be rather indefensible. Do I need to go on?
Open minded? I don’t even understand what you’re talking about.
Of course you don’t. Being “open minded” has nothing to do with what you’re willing to read. Were it that simple, it wouldn’t be all that worthy a virtue to pursue.
Which of your assumptions are you willing to put on the table? How much of your world view are you willing to discard when new facts and evidence come to light? Can you even articulate what your fundamental assumptions are?
Anyone willing to dismiss, with a “silly” hand-wave, the beliefs of others has a mind that’s about as open as a bank vault at midnight.
I am merely speaking to the gestures pictured.
Steve, tha’s a good one..
This guy, Erick Erickson, over at Red State, is now accusing Levi Johnson of fucking his sister, as well as ditching Bristol Palin because her mother didn’t win the election. Proof? None whatsoever. It’s nothing but vicious slander.
One day Levi is the toast of the Republicans, the next day he’s fucking his sister. The right really does seem to be imploding. Seriously, this is not a good thing for our country. We need at least two viable parties, if not more.
Hey, don’t talk about Fauxbama like that, little pervy.
He might be a gutless,naive and incompetent boob, but he’s still your president (when King Abdullah allows him to play the role anyway).
I only brought up Lincoln because one of you Obama cultists did. I would never even consider the 2 men in the same space of thought otherwise.
Actually, the civil war was the difficult situation Lincoln had to face. He did not go too far in defending the union at substantial personal agony for the bloodshed and misery it caused, because it was the right thing to do. He stepped over the line on a number of speech and other rights issues in prosecuting the war. He did so with the nations best interests at heart, if misguidedly.
Obama won out of fear. He did NOT win because the majority of Americans favor his far left views. He won because of an economic crisis pure and simple. He will likely win again in 2012 because his tame press will give him false credit for economic recovery, which will happen despite his idiotic policies. If he honestly stated the views he described when not in public life at Harvard and in private practice Americans would rightly despise his Marxist views. He lacks the intellectual honesty and courage to do so, so that won’t happen.
What this country was intended to be was not a cradle to grave handout from the federal governement at the cost of the productive. Is that simple enough for even your addled wits lefties?
Treasonous. Damn right. FDR was going to stack the supreme court because it wouldn’t go his way. Anyone familiar with the phrase “a switch in time saved 9?” That’s your precious FDR who didn’t like the checks and balances in our constitution and used threats to get his way. He introduced this whole socialist leaning idea that government owes us anything other than defense from foreign aggression and the other enumerated powers in the Constitution. He destroyed the strong indivualistic streak that made this country great with his disastrous social engineering. Johnson did the same. Tax those who produce and create jobs and give it the lazy and worthless. Great idea! Only it doesn’t work and never has. Any of you idiots ever heard of a place called the USSR? That was FDRs’ ideas on steroids. China anyone. Great place to live if you’re politically connected and rich. Pretty bad if you’re not though. Another logical extension of your childish and silly philosophies in action. You’re batting 1000 morons.
So broad minded means you have no convictions and don’t stand for anything. No wonder you guys voted for Obama, and Clinton before him!
And really, you are going to bring up wasted taxpayer money?! Really? How’s 10 trillion and counting to bail out idiots who couldn’t read a mortgage contract? How’s the federal government deciding who works for whom in executive positions? Good lord you people are such steaming hypocrites. I was trying to be civil but people like you make me physically ill. You are the natural product of a generation of dope smoking never do wells who should never have been allowed to breed. You are not and never will be Americans. Americans are hard working individuals who want only to be left alone to conduct their lives. You are busybodies and fools who couldn’t take care of yourselves and want someone else to do it for you. Go to Europe or China or North Korea and leave America for real Americans you leftist scum.
I never got that he was the toast of anybody but Bristol Palin…
I read the link, didn’t see where he accuses this dude of waxing his sister…
Just creepy tattoo that his sister has…
IMO Bristol Palin and Dude made really poor choices. I’m sure this guy needs money (child support and all) and has decided to take the low road to get it. What’s he cashing in on? The fact that he made stupid choices, got his GF knocked up, and know wants to “kiss and tell” about it? Why he gets more than 1 second of airtime anywhere is beyond me….oh wait it Tara..nuff said.
He has a blog. Not any indicator other than appearently Levi Johnson makes his head explode.
@84 There was the inferrance of sex between brother and sister – a thought not fully expressed that instead trails off in that direction. But I do agree with the rest of what you say.
I lied about what the author really said and only “inferred” from what he actually wrote to mean what I claimed he “actually” said.
From Red State:
“What’s even more creepy is that the other person in the picture is his sister. And, as if lifted from the pages of Deliverance, she has his name tattooed on her back finger. Think about that one for a minute.”
My, all that goatfucking seems to have wasted your brain, RickyD.
Oh, and the double-posting RickyD caught a doubled “r” in my post. Other than fucking the poor goat, I’ll bet that was the hi-lite of RickyD’s day.
I would say the inference you drew was quite reasonable. Little Ricky Dumbass looks like the disingenuous spinmaster that he is. Could you bitch slap him a little more? It’s enjoyable to watch.
Ummm, try again ya big dope.
hint: “ence” not “ance”
Too much Goat-lovin’ for Stevie I guess…
I’d say ol’ Steve is doing the slandering here as Erickson said nothing of the sort.
Yet another liberal caught in a lie, how unusual! /sarcasm
83 – A lot of words to spout the same old garbage we’ve heard from the right for YEARS.. Since before Nixon…
82 – I was talking about the devolved lump of protoplasm you voted for twice – little Rickie Dumbshit.
@89 You’re on a real roll there, RickyD. My own personal spellchecker! I can dig it! However, please pick up the pace so that I can have time to get back in there and edit my posts. Thank you.
Hmm, while you can spell inference, you don’t seem to understand it very well. Or is it that you simply choose not to do so in this particular case?
ATJ’s right. We definitely need better trolls. One of them conjures up enough straw to feed a thousand sacred cows, and the other is impenetrably caught up in talking about minor typographical and spelling errors.
Will none of these pea-brained idiots attempt to debate specific policy issues and proposals?
This is too precious. Who lent the freaking money out? Pushed it like a drug pusher?
“The Productive”?
Whew! Too much idiocy… too little time.
Little Ricky Dumbass is making a play for this week’s Goat. He’s going to have to ramp it up, though, given the lead that certain others have already built.
Apparently Don Joe is confusing the HA waste treatment facility with a “debate society”. Feel free to show me one thread that has ever sustained an active debate within the the entire archives of HA that hasn’t devolved into the usual liberal name-calling and overall juvenile antics of a 3rd grader on the playground. Like the infant at 95
You can’t, because there isn’t.
@90 “sarcasm”
There’s that word again! Puddy tried using it several times this week in his feeble attempts to slither out from under the mountain of shit that fell on him for showing some love to Troll for his calling blacks “niggers” in a couple of posts last week.
RD @ 96
Apparently Don Joe is confusing the HA waste treatment facility with a “debate society”.
Hardly. There’s a reason that the comment thread link section is named “From the cesspool…”
But, none of that prevents you from posting a comment with a well-reasoned argument about some specific policy proposal. You can conjure up all the lame excuses you want for not doing so, but a vast majority of the folks who even bother to read the comment threads here will generally conclude that you don’t debate specific policy issues simply because you can’t do so with any intelligence or aplomb.
There’s really only one way to prove all these folks wrong.
Sure it does. Why bother wasting font and reasoned thinking on the infantile thinkers found at HA? Usually the only response is being called a “Lying Fucktard” or “Goatfucking Nazi” or some other toddler behavior from supposed intelligent adults.
I’m sure you agree that this would account for the dismal site traffic to HA, which is roughly half that of SP even while posting content is usually 3:1 any given day (of course, having unemployed contributors helps immensely with this task, eh Goldy?)
My offer stands for anyone that can come up with one thread contained in the HA archives that survived for any length that could be construed as a thought provoking “debate”.
As I said above, you can’t, because there isn’t.
oh, and one last thing, Don Joe.
You may fondly refer to it as “the cesspool”, but that carries no obligation for others who choose to visit here that we necessarily have to swim in it.
Having dived into the cesspool, Ricky D. craps:
You may fondly refer to it as “the cesspool”, but that carries no obligation for others who choose to visit here that we necessarily have to swim in it.
Then don’t swim. Climb on out, and go cower over at Stefan’s Safe-house for Suffering Sycophants.
In the mean time, you’ll have to put up with me pointing out that you never add anything but still more feces to the cesspool.
@ 101:
I Should have known that reference would go over your head, Don Joe. What I meant was that this is not a serious debate site, but a home for wayward juvenile (thinkers) in their 20’s- 50’s that prefer profanity and personal insults to any type of debate. This is usually the level of discourse as you so eloquently displayed with your post above.
SP is certainly a cut above HA, but then again, what blog other than KOS or HUFFPO isn’t?
RD @ 101
I Should have known that reference would go over your head, Don Joe.
Nothing you said went over, through or around my head. Not sure how you would conclude so.
Look, it’s perfectly OK to admit that you find the atmosphere here too distracting in order for you to conduct any kind of serious debate. I just think it’s lame for you to blame your inability to rise above the fray on the morass and detritus lying all over the floor. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
@ 103 Don Joe:
I would agree with that, but I’d also say that “personal responsibility” extends to being able to recognize when a particular site is a lost cause due to the caustic atmosphere and simply retreating to another venue where the sideshow around you isn’t detracting from a healthy debate.
I’ve had a few civil back and forths with RHP6030 on here, but he isn’t around as often as the usual level of debris that seemingly lurk in here 24/7.
RD @ 104
I would agree with that, but I’d also say that “personal responsibility” extends to being able to recognize when a particular site is a lost cause due to the caustic atmosphere and simply retreating to another venue where the sideshow around you isn’t detracting from a healthy debate.
Not quite. Absolutely nothing prohibits you from posting well thought-out comments on this or any other blog. You can certainly choose not to, but blaming the detritus on the floor for your choice is not accepting full responsibility for the choice that you have made.
Interesting illogic Don Joe. On one hand, If I leave because of the negativity and childish nature of the discussion I’m not taking “full responsibility” for leaving, but if I stay in the caustic romper room mentallity that is the usual state of HA, you expect long, thoughtout posts that make a point or generate debate. No thanks.
I’d say you and I have different interpretations of what we deem “valuable time”. Perhaps you have plenty on your hands, but I don’t, and as long as it’s my “time” we are talking about, I don’t give a damn how anyone thinks I should choose to be spending it.
RD @ 106
Interesting illogic Don Joe.
Nothing illogical about it. You make choices. Don’t blame what other people do for the choices you make. Rather simple idea, actually.
I’d say you and I have different interpretations of what we deem “valuable time”.
Perhaps. On the other hand, we are having this discussion. You are here, and you do participate. Blaming the detritus for the fact that you choose to add very little more than more detritus strikes me as childish.
Perhaps you have plenty on your hands
Or, perhaps it doesn’t take me a great deal of time to gather together a relatively coherent set of thoughts based on some widely-known facts.
Don Joe @ 107:
Nice circular logic, which explains why you’re spinning.
I’ll end this little circle jerk with a hearty congratulations on adding a new word to your lexicon that you’ve felt necessary to fit into every one of the last 5 posts or so.
Wow. It was fun watching Lostinreality’s head explode on this thread.
First he claims to be the embodiment of all that is well and good from the Leave it to Beaver generation.
Then, the civility charade falls away, and Lost slips back into his bitter faux Christian self.
Anybody who disagrees with Lost’s far-right world view is either treasonous or pond scum.
Sure, the far left can produce some self-loathing weenies who want to save stupid people from themselves.
But, Lost, Puddy and other bitter old white pride kooks prove the far right still takes the gold medal for self-hatred. Afterall, you can’t hate the rest of the world without hating yourself, first.
RD @ 108
Nice circular logic, which explains why you’re spinning.
If I have, in fact, begged the question, then please point out where. Is there, at any point, a choice that you’ve made that is, somehow, not a choice?
I’ll end this little circle jerk with a hearty congratulations on adding a new word to your lexicon
Oh, I think you can find me using the word “detritus” long before this thread ever started.
On the other hand, assuming as fact a thing which is not in evidence is a form of begging the question. Just thought I’d point that out.
Personally, I would be happy to see a lovely, articulate, sensible woman as King County Executive. It would be a nice change from the 3 men who have a history of chasing away business and jobs from King County.