At first I thought this had something to do with a sucky little rival blog, then I read the word “Renton.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
An even more disappointing headline is that 598,000 people lost their jobs last month, pushing the nationwide unemployment rate up to 7.6%.
Another disappointing headline is that Calif. Gubernator Ah-nold imposed payless days off on state workers — effectively cutting their pay by over 9%. Yep, that’s right, when consumer demand is collapsing the Republican solution is to pay workers even less, so they’ll buy less, so the economy can collapse even more.
California’s unemployment rate is already over 9%; this should shove it into double digits. Then Ah-nold can use that as an excuse to cut state workers’ pay even more, or take away their health and pension benefits.
How did California’s state workers react to this? Some highway engineers are working today anyway — without pay — on projects they say are vital to public safety.
Remember this the next time you see a troll vilify public workers. When was the last time anyone in private enterprise worked free for the public good?
Oh my god what an asshole!
His company, like other representative payees, was allowed to charge a fee of $34 to $68 per client.
I assume this is per month. And the article said he had 750 clients. So just running the numbers:
750 x 68 = 51000 x 12 months = $612,000 a year.
He was legitimately able to charge up to $612,000 a year. For what to sign a few rent checks each month? What an ass. And to go above and beyond and outright steal from allegedly 200 clients. Greed knows no bounds!
Yeah the Bush regime continues to break records bad ones that is. The Bush legacy will have added to it that he presided over the worst job loss in the USA since 1974! Hey righties how those tax cuts working out so far?
FUCKFACED ASSHOLES should be strung up for what they’ve done to this country.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Here is great news poll.
62% Say U.S. & Allies Winning the War on Terror
Funny thing is Obama has done nuthin except claim he’ll close gitmo, and tell the terraists we’re on a Iraq pullout timetable.
Oh yeah did you listen to Leon Panetta speak of how he’d get the info from terraists. Had to Pizz off the HA loonies!
“Waterboarding is torture and it’s wrong,” said Panetta “Those individuals operated pursuant to a legal opinion… ought not to be prosecuted or investigated, they acted pursuant to the law as it was presented by the attorney general.”
Oh no……. the leadless douchy’s are in a tizzy.
But wait there is more… The Clinton administration used rendition 80 times.
But wait there is more… “Having said that, if we capture a high-value prisoner, I believe we have the right to hold that individual temporarily, to debrief that individual and to make sure that individual is properly incarcerated so we can maintain control over that individual.” Panetta said.
But remember Leon, you can only talk nice to him. Can’t withhold those milk and cookies at nighttime. Can’t withhold sleep for long periods of time.
See ya.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 So what? Republican liars convinced 2/3rds of the American people that Saddam had his fingers in 9/11. That doesn’t make it true.
Harry Tuttlespews:
Muddydud continues to aggressively purvey nonsense, just as he did in 2005. The more things stay the same, they stay the same.
Change is just too scary.
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. Roger Rabbit spews:
An even more disappointing headline is that 598,000 people lost their jobs last month
You know when the democrat leaders are being mocked in the UK the dem leadership is a joke.
As the GOP caves today on the financial plan set up by PRESIDENT OBAMA – the whole WORLD is laughing at the weak ass, impotent, irrelevant, hypocritical right wing nutjobs in the GOP!
At first I thought this had something to do with a sucky little rival blog, then I read the word “Renton.”
An even more disappointing headline is that 598,000 people lost their jobs last month, pushing the nationwide unemployment rate up to 7.6%.
Another disappointing headline is that Calif. Gubernator Ah-nold imposed payless days off on state workers — effectively cutting their pay by over 9%. Yep, that’s right, when consumer demand is collapsing the Republican solution is to pay workers even less, so they’ll buy less, so the economy can collapse even more.
California’s unemployment rate is already over 9%; this should shove it into double digits. Then Ah-nold can use that as an excuse to cut state workers’ pay even more, or take away their health and pension benefits.
How did California’s state workers react to this? Some highway engineers are working today anyway — without pay — on projects they say are vital to public safety.
Remember this the next time you see a troll vilify public workers. When was the last time anyone in private enterprise worked free for the public good?
Oh my god what an asshole!
I assume this is per month. And the article said he had 750 clients. So just running the numbers:
750 x 68 = 51000 x 12 months = $612,000 a year.
He was legitimately able to charge up to $612,000 a year. For what to sign a few rent checks each month? What an ass. And to go above and beyond and outright steal from allegedly 200 clients. Greed knows no bounds!
Yeah the Bush regime continues to break records bad ones that is. The Bush legacy will have added to it that he presided over the worst job loss in the USA since 1974! Hey righties how those tax cuts working out so far?
FUCKFACED ASSHOLES should be strung up for what they’ve done to this country.
Here is great news poll.
62% Say U.S. & Allies Winning the War on Terror
Funny thing is Obama has done nuthin except claim he’ll close gitmo, and tell the terraists we’re on a Iraq pullout timetable.
Oh yeah did you listen to Leon Panetta speak of how he’d get the info from terraists. Had to Pizz off the HA loonies!
“Waterboarding is torture and it’s wrong,” said Panetta “Those individuals operated pursuant to a legal opinion… ought not to be prosecuted or investigated, they acted pursuant to the law as it was presented by the attorney general.”
Oh no……. the leadless douchy’s are in a tizzy.
But wait there is more… The Clinton administration used rendition 80 times.
But wait there is more… “Having said that, if we capture a high-value prisoner, I believe we have the right to hold that individual temporarily, to debrief that individual and to make sure that individual is properly incarcerated so we can maintain control over that individual.” Panetta said.
But remember Leon, you can only talk nice to him. Can’t withhold those milk and cookies at nighttime. Can’t withhold sleep for long periods of time.
See ya.
@5 So what? Republican liars convinced 2/3rds of the American people that Saddam had his fingers in 9/11. That doesn’t make it true.
Muddydud continues to aggressively purvey nonsense, just as he did in 2005. The more things stay the same, they stay the same.
Change is just too scary.
nancy pelosi quoted the number at 500 million.
Basically, Pelosi says that if legislators don’t move quickly to pass President Barack Obama’s stimulus package, “500 million Americans lose their jobs”. According to her, this sobering scenario will occur every month without proper government action.
You know when the democrat leaders are being mocked in the UK the dem leadership is a joke.
As the GOP caves today on the financial plan set up by PRESIDENT OBAMA – the whole WORLD is laughing at the weak ass, impotent, irrelevant, hypocritical right wing nutjobs in the GOP!