Why is Pastor Joe Fuiten scrubbing the pages of his megachurch website?
I know. He knows. And unless he does the right thing — and soon — you’ll know too.
For example:
We now know that the old secular idea that religion is not relevant to the public square wasn’t true. We now have to evaluate religion by its fruit. What kind of results does that religion produce? If one of the fruits of Islam is the rubble of the World Trade Center then we need to get some answers about this religion.
Americans need to hold Islam accountable for what it actually produces in the world. Americans need to hold me accountable for what results my religion produces in the world. Just as we have the right to hold Islam accountable for its results, so I expect to be held accountable for Cedar Park’s results in our community.
Oh. The link to the sermon doesn’t work? Well, amen for Google’s cache.
Brian from Cedar Park just sent me the following email:
Hey, Goldy. Just thought I’d let you know that we just posted a completely new website (check it out
The only reason most “Christians” are alive is that it’s against the law to kill em!
Fuck this asshole and his republican friends.
What is the Christian Taliban up to now?
There is an ABC video clip of a Jesus Camp brainwashing youngsters.
The Christian Taliban leader is shown bringing out a life-size cut-out of George W. Bush Jr and asking the children to worship him.
I realize you are busy, however; if you get a chance to watch this entire video clip, you will see how frightening this young indoctrination is.
I remember as a child how much fun camp was with, crafts, singing, hiking, learning to make rope bridges,etc. Notice the children in this camp do not look happy or like they are having any fun. The children appear to be browbeaten with guilt trips and no fun.
GoodMorningAmerica:Faith or Brainwashing at ‘Jesus Camp’?
Is Dirty Joe Really a Minister or a Fat Lying Greedy Republican masquerading as a Minister? You know the taxbreaks, the Agenda and the mean spirit?
Goldy: You are right about the New Testament. Jesus ministered and cared for the poor, the sick and the dying. Not like Corporate Republicans.
Jesus is a liberal.
Just watched the video. WOW! Scary!
Commentby GOPLIES GEORGEBUSHISTHEDEVIL— 9/28/06@ 10:17 am
Interesting points, but one thing that I also noticed was that the person debating against this form of “camp” was apparently also a person of faith. Essentially, Christians are speaking out against this form of indoctrination.
I send my own son to a church-run summer camp. The United Methodist Church has a strong camping program, with camps out by Ocean Shores and Indianola. Along with prayer and Bible study, the camps include nature hikes and teaching about the complex ecosystems of the areas.
I’m sure that the Republicans would object to it, as there is a lot of “indoctrination” about such “liberal” topics as care for the environment and stewardship of God’s creation. Since the camp at Indianola borders on a reservation, there is also some good intercultural educational possibilities, and the camp takes every opportunity to use them.
Essentially, it’s a pretty typical church camp.
“The only reason most “Christians” are alive is that it’s against the law to kill em!
Fuck this asshole and his republican friends.
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 9/28/06@ 10:10 am
Well, considering that I and my entire family fall under this category, I would have to say that I’m thankful for those laws.
There is a small (but very vocal) group within the liberal/progressive movement that seems to believe that they are the proper arbiters of what others should be allowed to believe.
These folks belong in the same category as the people that would require others to belong to a certain religion. Essentially, the Taliban says that if you don’t believe as they do, you should be killed, and LauraBushKilledAGuy says that if you don’t believe as he/she does, you should be killed.
Hmmm. An atheist Taliban. What a concept.
“The only reason most “Christians” are alive is that it’s against the law to kill em! Fuck this asshole and his republican friends.” Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 9/28/06@ 10:10 am
A classic example of liberal “tolerance.”
(Another long post lost to the Internet gremlins. When will I learn to copy it to notepad before hitting “Say it!”?)
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 9/28/06@ 10:10 am
“Fuck this asshole and his republican friends.”
I think that I’ll pray for him instead. If Pastor Fuiten actually believes in the Gospel he preaches, this will be the most effective way of getting through to him that what he’s doing is wrong.
Remember who you’re speaking up for here. The folks being evicted are retired Christian ministers. I agree that we should speak up against this, but we should consider the people involved and do so in a way that they would approve of.
Polite letters asking Pastor Fuiten to reconsider will get far better responses than angry curses (which will likely be ignored).
While the Assemblies of God are somewhat more loosely organized than most denominations, copies of your letters can be sent to:
General Council of the Assemblies of God
1445 N. Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802-1894
For those of us that are Christian, the letters should indicate our prayerful hope that this decision will be reconsidered. Ask your Pastor to get involved as well.
For those of us that are not, a polite comment about how this appears to a non-Christian might be in order.
Essentially, do we want to rail against this injustice, or do we want to do something about it?
“A classic example of liberal “tolerance.”
Actually, yes. We tolerate the extreme views of LauraBushKilledAGuy while attempting to educate him/her about how his/her views do not correspond with reality in this case.
Tolerance leads to dialog, dialog to understanding and often to a meeting of the minds. Very liberal. If we could just get the far right to try it, we might even find ways to work together.
Of course, the far right really doesn’t want to work with us, so they avoid that kind of tolerance and dialog at all costs.
It is not unknown for wingnut trolls to go onto a blog pretending to be liberals while making outrageous statements that wingnuts can cite to as evidence liberals are unhinged or racist, etc.(a form of sock puppetry). A senior aide for Congressman Charles Bass (R-NH) was recently let go after he was caught posing as a liberal on blogs supporting Bass’s democratic opponent. I have occasionally thought Socialist might be doing the same thing here. LauraBush… may also be a sock puppet.
Great, comprehensive article in today�s Seattle Times about Maria!
Cantwell becomes a money machine
By Alex Fryer
Seattle Times staff reporter
[EDITOR’S NOTE: I’ve removed the text of the article. Next time, blockquote and provide a link. That’s not only good etiquette, but consistent with copyright laws. — Goldy]
Maria is certainly the LAST person to be critical of Mike McGavick. This is the most accurate, comprehensive look at Cantwell by the MSM to date. In addition, it was noted that only 42% of Cantwell�s donations came from Washington State. 42%!!!!
Whereas McGavick received 74%.
Cantwell received more dollars from OUT-OF-STATE than McGavick received in his whole campaign!
OUCH!! No wonder Cantwell refused to comment on this Seattle Times article.
Look for McGavick to tighten up in the polls significantly after this expose.
An Off Topic Republican Troll. Too Bad So Sad. MCGAVICK HAS TO USE DC SPINMEISTERS KARL ROVE AND BUSHEVIKS TO PROP HIM UP. We all knew the dirty campaigning, smear campaign is beginning. McGavick is right about one thing the dirty campaigning and partisanship NEEDS TO END THAT IS WHY WE SHOULD NOT FOR HIM OR ANYMORE REPUBLICANS SO WE CAN GET RID OF THE MUDSLINGING AND PARTISAN MANIPULATIONS.
Your point is what? Cantwell is the incumbent. She’s going to receive out-of-state money. So fucking what? Why don’t you look at the out-of-state funding for some Republican incumbents–try Conrad Burns, for instance. It’s a war, and the Democrats get to fight, too. Way to go, Maria.
@ 6
Jack Burton = A classic example of a person who believes that others who think differently from him must all be the same.
Oh my God! Maria taking out of state money!! That NEVER happens here….(gambling initiative, I-933, judicial races….)
What are the El Diablo worshipers up to now ?
Commentby Leftout(of their minds!)— 9/28/06@ 1:09 pm
Just a bit of information for our Republican friend:
Maria Cantwell’s top contributors
Total donations by company from owners, employees or their immediate families:
Microsoft: $108,900
Baron & Budd, a Dallas law firm: $60,500
Preston Gates & Ellis, a Seattle law firm: $55,611
Boeing: $37,100
University of Washington: $32,250
Source: Center for Responsive Politics
Whenever I make a political contribution, I am asked to list my employer. Why would it seem so odd that a lot of Microsoft employees support Ms. Cantwell?
If you just glance at the list, it is implied that the University of Washington has contributed to her campaign. (I’m sure that the folks over at SP will have fun with that one, but most of them have no use for education anyway.) In reality, a lot of UW employees support Ms. Cantwell.
Boeing employees support her. Good for them. So do some law firms. It’s their right to give the maximum amount allowed by law. No ethical problems with that, and nobody is claiming that these contributions are improper in any way.
Now, Safeco giving an unearned “bonus” to their preferred candidate is a different matter. There are laws that prevent major companies from taking corporate money and giving it to candidates. We may not have heard the last of this one.
Will he be giving the money back when he loses? Personally, I hope not. I wish him all the best in his retirement, and if the stockholders of Safeco have any objections, they should take it up with the board of directors that authorized the payment.
But for Mike!, I would suggest that Grand Cayman Island is a wonderful place. Enjoy your retirement, but be generous. Give Mr. Reichert a couple of million to join you there.
this stupid lawer guy that just lost agest alixander didn’t get any out of state money did he ?
IS anyone ellse feed up with getting spam I have decided to file some complaints agenst these lowsome creaters. here is the link to the atturny general if you guy would like to to
“………….Of course, the far right really doesn’t want to work with us, so they avoid that kind of tolerance and dialog at all costs.” Comment by John Barelli— 9/28/06@ 11:52 am
IMO: BOTH the FAR left and right don’t really want to work with anyone other than themselves.
That leaves a lot of us average(Dem & Repub)types in the crossfire.
Most of us agree on most things yet it’s the extreme ends that dominate the debate. Modern life is too complex and dynamic for everyone to be a single issue voter.
Commentby Jack Burton— 9/28/06@ 2:55 pm
“IMO: BOTH the FAR left and right don’t really want to work with anyone other than themselves.”
No argument from yours truly here. My observation is that if you go far enough in either direction (left or right) you find people that are indistinguishable from each other. Certainly there are folks on the left that deserve the title “loony”.
It does, however, seem that the right wing has a higher percentage of these folks, and certainly has more of them in power.
When the right points at our “far left” folks, they tend to point at Rev Farrakhan and Ward Churchill, neither of them with much power or influence.
The far right includes Vice President Cheney and several members of the Cabinet, along with the Speaker of the House and much of the Republican leadership.
While Mr. Churchill can make absurd statements, and Rev Farrakhan can issue absurd press releases, they have no real power to do anything, and almost nobody (except the press and the right wing) pays them any attention.
Mr. Cheney is President of the Senate and is just a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Mr. Rumsfeld is in charge of the military. They can do (and have done) a lot of damage.
Still, there are some honest and honorable Republicans and conservatives out there. Unfortunately, they’ve been marginalized by the Republicans. One of the things I’m hoping for is that when the Republicans are finally out of power, maybe they will start to listen to those honest and honorable voices within their own ranks.
We need good folks with a conservative viewpoint. They may bring up issues that we would either miss or ignore, but are important to a large part of our country. They can bring alternative ways of dealing with issues that may be better than our ideas in some cases.
But first, we need to get folks that would lie, cheat and steal out of office. (Then we need to watch our folks carefully, to prevent them from becoming as bad as the folks we’re kicking out.)
re 16: It should be a law that before a corporation gives money to a candidate they need to get written and signed permission from each stockholder that they (the stockholders)approve of the contribution.
It’s only fair!
Unless you are trying to take away the PROPERTY RIGHTS of the corporate owners.
And just in case anyone forgot: Dino Rossi is still not the Governor. He’s a loser.
JB @ 20
I agree with you that thereare some “honest and honorable Republicans” out there–Chuck Hagel, Lincoln Chafee, and Olympia Snowe quickly come to mind. I also agree that a healthy public dialogue requires conservative voices–a choir that has only tenor voices hardly has the impact of a choir that includes sopranos, altos, and baritones. Unfortunately, I think that a sad aspect of the present Republican leadership is the complete disregard for any disagreement at all. Indeed, the slightest dissent triggers charges of treason and lack of patriotism. Reading the posts from righties here, I have little doubt that they see no value in Democratic perspectives in the public sphere. Hell, I think some of these folks would support criminalization of being Democrat. I’d say the respect for political and ideological diversity is one of the major distinctions between the two major parties.
thank GOD
John @ 21.
I pretty much agree **gasp!**
I’d like to add a few names to the “Far left” that are currently in a position of power: Kennedy, Dean & Polosi. These folks have a limited scope relative to the repub names mentioned but will in in a greater position if/when the Dems regain power as before.
I’m not 100% pro Cheney or Rummy but need to say that I really didn’t see a viable alternative presented by the Dems for the last 2 elections. I don’t mean to churn up those debates but I do feel a fair amount of voters didn’t vote FOR Bush but AGAINST his opponent. With all other things being equal, I don’t think either Gore or Kerry “connected” with a lot of folks in “flyover country.” IMO the debates cooked Gore and the windsurfing and bicycle photos did in Kerry in terms of getting the “NASCAR” vote.
re 25: What, in your view, Jack, would be a “viable alternative” to a lying, corrupt administration that has lied us into a war, bankrupted the country, made a joke out of our constitution ad infinitum….
What, Jack Burton, would suffice as a “viable alternative”?
It’s an old link, you ignorant asshole. They just put up a new site. Seriously, you liberals are fucking idiots who don’t do a damn bit of research.
Lucy @ 26 I don’t know…I don’t get to pick who the Dems run for office. I DO know it won’t be Lieberman. It wasn’t either Gore or Kerry and not just in my opinion.
The same offenses you list can also be said of the Dems.
What makes Howard Dean “far left”?
So Jack Burton, would you admit that Kerry pretty much wiped the floor with BUSH in HIS presidential debates?
Are “windsurfing” and “bicyles photos” what YOU use to choose a canddiate?
It is sad you can’t seam to be able to tell the difference between a kerry who fought in vietnam and is an actually a war hero and bush who was a.w.a.l. from the national guard and laid up in some bar in Alabama most the time.
I feel sorry for you dude
10 Leftout
If you think that this lukewarm article about legal campaign finance is going to turn the tide for Mike!, I think YOU may be left out of your mind.
Why did Fuiten scrub his website? I think I know, too.
Our local paper ran a story on him serving eviction papers to two residents because they started litigation to preserve their rights and property. (LS Journal, Sept 13th issue).
The article referenced him (and Cedar Park Assembly) taking over the leadership of the property. I questioned the level at which he “took over”, & I did a search of his website to find articles, etc. that mention Cedar Springs Camp property. I found sermon notes from a year ago that announced that they had negotiatied with the camp and that “his board would be replacing the previous camp board”. I believe this gives him control, doesn’t it?
I went back a few days ago to show someone that page, but it had been removed. I can only surmise that it provided some unwanted evidence that they needed to hide from the general public. Fortunately I had enough interest in this local story to print a copy for myself.
What bothers me the most, is that even if he can delete and hide these statements, didn’t he publicly proclaim this in front of his band of believers? Does he think that the almighty delete button purges the memory of those who heard (or read) what he said? Or better yet, does he think that it purges it from the Almighty Himself?
I agree, he needs prayer. But if this isn’t his only lapse in judgment, he may also need to be held accountable for his actions.
30 & 31: Apparently a lot more people than I didn’t see Kerry up to the task.
I didn’t use these photos to detemine my vote, but do feel that they illustrate the disconnect between the candidate and enough voters to influence the election.
NOTE: This ISN’T meant to stir up the arguments of either the popular vote vs. the electorial college or any allegation of stealing vote, neither of which at this time will change the fact that Bush is President
Now we know what goes on the Christian Madrassas!
Religion; opium for the masses.
It is not unknown for wingnut trolls to go onto a blog pretending to be liberals while making outrageous statements that wingnuts can cite to as evidence liberals are unhinged or racist, etc.(a form of sock puppetry). A senior aide for Congressman Charles Bass (R-NH) was recently let go after he was caught posing as a liberal on blogs supporting Bass’s democratic opponent. I have occasionally thought Socialist might be doing the same thing here. LauraBush… may also be a sock puppet.
Commentby wayne— 9/28/06@ 1:07 pm
Wayne: He’s one of yours. You need to read this blog more. He masquerades as RightEqualsStupid, LeftisRight and other worthless monikers. I personally think he’s LeftTurd!
“The same offenses you list can also be said of the Dems.
Commentby Jack Burton— 9/28/06@ 4:01 pm
Uhhhh, No, Jack, the SAME cannot be said for the Democrats.
Name any time in American history an equal number of congressional Democrats and affiliated liberals were found guilty of corruption as this crooked group is.
If you cannot produce the evidence, then your claim “the same can be said of the Dems” is patently false.
However, you coudl “saaaaaay” it, but it doesn’t make it ture.
Like standing in front of a Mission Accomplished banner doesn’t mean you’ve accomplished anything. Unless, of course, your goal was to fail. Thenm, by all means, Mission Accomplished!
If you put an “r” after the “F” it’s Fruiten. It’s just a little thing I noticed.
Leftout Your point is what? Cantwell is the incumbent. She’s going to receive out-of-state money. So fucking what? Why don’t you look at the out-of-state funding for some Republican incumbents–try Conrad Burns, for instance. It’s a war, and the Democrats get to fight, too. Way to go, Maria. Commentby proud leftist— 9/28/06@ 1:41 pm
Amazing how the moonbats close their eyes when their arguments are used against them!
GBS @ 37. Your turning this into a numbers game. BOTH parties have corrupt memebers. One is too many. So if the numbers fall in your favor then I guess you win. Go to the head of the class.
The banner was originally intended for the end of an extended tour of duty by the crew on the CVN 72, USS Abraham Lincoln. This got extended to the fall of Bagdad and now extended to the war itself…any other changes/extensions you’d like to make?
re 34: Well, if you look at the place in the polls where the Wild Turdblossum grows( on the Bush )at this moment, it looks like a lot of soccermoms have changed their minds about their vote. Maybe it occurred to them that in a few short years their little soccer players might be ought there in Iraq losing their lives for Halliburton.
Where’s Osama? Why did Bush fly the bin Laden family to safety the day after 9/11? Why do American civil liberties have to be sunk to fight a non-existent enemy?
You are a gullible ass, Jack Burton.
MWS @ 39
I may not like the way the campaign financing system works in this country and may want to see changes. In the meantime, however, I’m all for Democratic candidates using every legal angle open for raising funds. That is all Maria has done. So, bite me, baby.
Maria is a wounderful woman
What makes Howard Dean “far left”? Commentby Another TJ— 9/28/06@ 4:05 pm
Download the screech!
Lucy @ 42: “………..You are a gullible ass, Jack Burton”
Wow, I’m floored and don’t know what to say.
I honestly didn’t think you cared.
Jack you sound like a nice guy but I think you have been totally hood winked bye the right wing propaganda machine.
Where’s Osama? Why did Bush fly the bin Laden family to safety the day after 9/11? Why do American civil liberties have to be sunk to fight a non-existent enemy? You are a gullible ass, Jack Burton. Commentby headless lucy— 9/28/06@ 5:06 pm
No lucy, you are the liar. How many times are you going to post that crap? Richard Clarke did it on his own. How many times are you going to post your lies? And lucy, when will you publicly apologize for your racism? Don’t tell me… when MTR pays his $100 to Goldy. Yes, that’s librul logic at it’s best!
MWS @ 39: I may not like the way the campaign financing system works in this country and may want to see changes. In the meantime, however, I’m all for Democratic candidates using every legal angle open for raising funds. That is all Maria has done. So, bite me, baby. Commentby proud leftist— 9/28/06@ 5:08 pm
First, lucy will bite you.
Second, when you libruls scream and shout about out-of-state funds coming in for conservative candidates you become hypocrites. Then again… you are hypocrites!
I wish lucy would bite me .
but i guess she can’t becoase she dosn’t have a head.
I apologize for posting that entire Seattle Times article about smarmy Maria Cantwell and her finances. My cut-and-paste skills sucked.
Here is the link you all requested:
I’m sure this article will help Maria a great deal.
MWS @ 49
Hypocrisy is a trait common to every human I have ever met. We aspire to live by our principles, but, alas, we fall short. Only the close-minded among us would see hypocrisy on one side of the ideological fence and not the other. The common trait of Republicans to see no fault among themselves precludes them from noticing the logs lodged up their own assholes.
53 lol
What exactly is wrong with flying the Bin Laden family to safety after 9/11?????????
You wanna throw them in jail? You wanna see them lynched???
MWS @ 49
Hypocrisy is a trait common to every human I have ever met. We aspire to live by our principles, but, alas, we fall short. Only the close-minded among us would see hypocrisy on one side of the ideological fence and not the other. The common trait of Republicans to see no fault among themselves precludes them from noticing the logs lodged up their own assholes. Commentby proud leftist— 9/28/06@ 5:50 pm
53 lol Commentby The Socialist— 9/28/06@ 5:52 pm
Amazingly, these libruls will be the first in line when Goldie posts McGavick’s numbers!
What exactly is wrong with flying the Bin Laden family to safety after 9/11?????????
You wanna throw them in jail? You wanna see them lynched???
Commentby sgmmac [……Bad move. We should have “detained” each and every one of them. Perhaps used as barter.]
“Bad move. We should have “detained” each and every one of them. Perhaps used as barter.”
Right move. They haven’t done anything wrong, unlike those terrorists down in GITMO…….. We don’t detain families who haven’t committed any crime, except their genes and I’m sure they can’t help that.
Bin Laden has a niece who lives in NYC, she’s a singer or model or something like that.
sgmmac, (9/11 met war. We had Bin Laden’s family. Detain them. Every one of them. Too fucking bad. Use them for barter.]
MWS @ 49
Hypocrisy is a trait common to every human I have ever met. We aspire to live by our principles, but, alas, we fall short. Only the close-minded among us would see hypocrisy on one side of the ideological fence and not the other. The common trait of Republicans to see no fault among themselves precludes them from noticing the logs lodged up their own assholes. Commentby proud leftist— 9/28/06@ 5:50 pm
How big of a log. You mean like the lefties calling Fox News unfair and unbalanced while defending See BS and Dan Rather? Is it as big as that MWS? Please explain.
You mean like how lefties complain about voter fraud but will not allow IDing at the polls. You mean that big MWS?
Oh wait. You mean like how the left complains about the Christian churches getting involved in politics but turn a blind eye to the public school,PBS and public unions. You mean that big? Please explain MWS.
This is to easyyyyy!!!! hehehe
“It’s an old link, you ignorant asshole. They just put up a new site. Seriously, you liberals are fucking idiots who don’t do a damn bit of research.”
Commentby Steve— 9/28/06@ 3:53 pm
Presuming that Pastor Fuiten is the good and decent man that I hope he is, then don’t you think he might object to your defense of him in this manner?
Somehow, I doubt that he would want you using this kind of language in his church, and I also doubt that he would approve of your attitude.
Presuming that he is a good and decent man.
The banner was originally intended for the end of an extended tour of duty by the crew on the CVN 72, USS Abraham Lincoln. This got extended to the fall of Bagdad and now extended to the war itself…any other changes/extensions you’d like to make?
This is not true. You’re repeating the lie the White House told initially, not the truth that later emerged.
Democrats criticized his arrival as a campaign stunt and questioned the cost of the move.
Some months later, when questioned about the “Mission Accomplished” banner, Bush said it was put up by the ship’s crew. But the White House later conceded it produced and paid for the banner as part of the president’s visit.
RUFUS: I support your position. These moronic moonbats have the logs in their eyes!
I have your site for its useful and funny content and simple design.w
I\’l be back… :)
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