This Dino Rossi TV spot and this Dino Rossi TV spot criticize Gov. Gregoire for the gas tax.
For example:
“Our families need a break. But Governor Gregoire made it worse. She raised the gas tax. It’s the highest in the nation. So, you’re paying more for roads. But … the traffic gotten any better?”
But Dino Rossi wants to build more roads too. Here’s his plan.
And how does his plan pay for roads? Ta-dah! It’s right there in the footnotes on page 18. He wants to use gas tax money. Specifically, he wants to use $560 million in gas tax money.
I’ve got a call in to the Rossi campaign so they can explain the contradiction between his ads and his spending plan.
I imagine Rossi would say $560 million is a small percentage of his $15 billion roads expansion plan (which includes building an eight-lane 520.)
That’s true. Although, it certainly doesn’t excuse the double standard. A half-a-billion dollars is a lot of money to be scoffing at on TV while also figuring it into your own spending plan.
Where’s the rest of the money come from? The biggest portion comes from sales taxes that currently go into the general fund. So, if Rossi doesn’t want to discontinue $900 million worth of general fund programs in the next biennium, he’s going to have to (shhhh) raise taxes.
He’s also planning to take $690 million away from light rail to pay for roads—even though the voters in Pierce, Snohomish, and King County said the money is for mass transit.
Gregoire is toast.
Palin is coming to Washingoton, and,
Indian Casio money which did not come to the state is his club.
This election has devolved into total bizzaro world thinking from the Republicans.
It began with people scratching their heads over Ronald Reagan’s economic plan.
How was he going to cut taxes, double defense spending and balance the budget at the end of 4 years?
Their answer: with mirrors.
Republicans have sold nonsense ever since. As long as we continue to let them get away with it, they’ll keep doing it.
Gregoire and her supporters need to get on the offensive now… or soon… or a week ago.
All I see and hear are Rossi propaganda adds and it makes me sick. He really is a slime.
The best thing that can be done is to push his connection to Bush and McCain that he is trying so desperately to hide. Do that and Gregoire will easily keep her place as Gov, right where she belongs.
By By Gregoire, hello happiness I think am going save some mullah.
Its time for a change
You LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWNS don’t get it, do you. Gregoire does not want to win. She has boxed herself in on the Budget. Her $8 BILLION of increased spending never was sustainable…and she cannot bring herself to cut those unwarranted increases.
She will have a huge pension from her 39 years in state government.
She will end up being a lobbyist like Booth Gardner is for Strategies 360…the Ron Dotzhauer/Paul Berendt scam group.
Yet you KLOWNS want to prop her up for a job she obviously doesn’t want!
Yep, it’s getting pretty late for Gregoire to start her advertising offensive. I think the Rossi ads which (wrongly) allege that the state is in deep financial trouble are causing some problems. She needs to get out of the gate now.
The problem with Gregoire isn’t that she’s a bad governor. She’s actually a great governor. She’s just not a great campaigner.
As someone else pointed out here, she’s the steak, and Rossi’s the sizzle. Rossi’s selling the sizzle, but if he ever gets into office the sizzle will be gone. We need the steak.
$8 BILLION of increased spending in the face of a recession ==Great Governor?????????????
Give it a rest.
The State is in DEEP financial trouble.
Gregoire’s spending spree was never sustainable.
Now with the Boeing Strike and continued real estate bust……….it’s probably WORSE than Rossi is portraying. Gregoire’s own people say it’s bad.
Stay in denial rhp…it’s your happy place.
Gregoire is INCOMPETENT!
Will some lady on this web site post you’re Gov.
Transportation proposal for we could compare.
Oh, wait, she plans on reviling this after the election.
“I don’t care about the law! I’m fucking Dino Rossi, bitch!”
9 J
DOn’t act like an idiot, even if you are one. Chris Gregoire has a little thing we like to call four years in office. If you want her transportation plans, they’re on what we like to call the Washington State Department of Transportation Web site:
Now go read for a while and come back when you’re ready to talk to the grownups.
8 Cynical
Now, you KNOW that this state finished this year with a budget surplus of nearly $800 million.
And you KNOW that the state also put $400 million into the so-called Rainy Day Fund.
And if you were to pay attention, you’d KNOW that right now the Governor is piloting a 4-day work week to save energy. You’d also KNOW that she has announced <strong>a freeze on hiring, out-of-state travel, service contracts and new equipment purchases for agencies under her control. And you’d KNOW that she ordered state officials to cut gas consumption by 5 percent below 2007 levels.
And you KNOW (or you would if you could read) that She also asked all agencies to implement a list of smaller energy-saving steps, such as more carpooling, more aggressive recycling and use of more efficient appliances.
Why do you pretend that you don’t?
#11 yeah, Lady you or her have no idea what the cost will be until Dec. 2008 (after the election) Try reading before flapping you’re mouth. Why are all you ladies on this web site so dumb?
*The project impact plan due in December 2008 may adjust final project costs.
Identified SR 520 project funding sources include:
4 Geaorge
Yes, if there’s one thing we know about Republicans, it’s that they’re low spenders–NOT.
Dino talks a lot of shit, but the TRUTH is that this state is fairly constrained in the area of how it can allocate its money.
You see, the state Contitution demands that education be the highest priority. And federal mandates direct most of our educational, medical, and other “health and welfare” spending.
Q: So where can Dino cut?
A: Transportation.
Q: And where has Dino promised big increases in spending?
A: Transportation.
Q: And how can he do that when he faces the same $2.whatever billion biennial shortfall that Cynical loves to scream about without raising taxes?
A: He can’t.
This has been today’s lesson. Stay tuned tomorrow for “Dino Rossi admits he will veto marriage equality legislation.” But he’s “not running on that,” so it’s OK.
for a job she obviously doesn’t want!
LMAO!! Cynical is losing it totally.
If Chris Gregoire didn’t want the job, she wouldn’t run!
Rossi is a little child who like Bush will turn the Governor’s office over to “other people”, i.e. the BIAW.
And Cynical said he didn’t like Bush. Yeah right.
I forgot to respond to your lady like remark:
Chris Gregoire has a little thing we like to call four years in office.’
Gee, have you told her this? She thinks her service started last month?
You ladies are funny.
Can I get aids visiting this web site?
16 J
Aw, James, one thing I’m not is ladylike.
And one thing you’re not is smart.
But I could be ladylike if I wanted to.
That hapless Chimp in the White House sure did cut taxes a lot – cut them for his rich pals, cut them for the corporations, cut them for heirs of rich estates and even threw a few bones to the middle class.
Now where are we? Rising unemployment, sinking GDP, homes foreclosing, high energy prices, a sinkhole of money in Iraq and the Taliban on the move in Afghanistan with all the problems being passed to the next guy in the White House. In other words nothing but a record of
Who want 4 more years of that? In my opinion, you get more of the same with McSame.
“Daddy Love spews:
Aw, James, one thing I’m not is ladylike.
And one thing you’re not is smart.
But I could be ladylike if I wanted to.”
Lady, Could you please stop using (is), reminds me of another women that I despise.
She was on Bill O’Reilly on FOXNews.
He interview her Bettie H. Obama the sly lady couldn’t keep her hands off of Bills knees.
Daddy Love–
Gregoire’s way-too-late response to the Budget Trainwreck is laughable.
You SHOULD know that even with a 4-day work-week, State Government employees get FULL-TIME Benefits. Even sweeter deal. Even less productivity at a higher hourly rate including benefits. You are not exactly the financial guru Daddy Love.
How about this question DL–
IF so many workers can go to a 4-day work week, WHY DON’T WE FIRE SOME OF THEM AND SAVE THE HUGE MONTHLY BENEFITS????
Why?? Because the Union would squeal and they would lose dues!
And her “energy-saving” initiative???
Why is she doing all this now?? Why not 4 years ago?? Because we had a lot of cash and she didn’t have to be responsible!
Your alleged surplus and phoney Rainy Day fund have evaporated and you know it.
Answer me this DL–
The State Retirement Fund was underfunded by $5.1 BILLION @ 6/30/07. Approx. $38 BILLION was invested in equities and equity markets are down about 10% since then.
How underfunded do you think the Retirement Fund is now?? $7-8 BILLION??
How simple-minded do you think voters are DL??
There was no Rainy Day Fund.
Gregoire created it BY NOT FUNDING THE STATE RETIREMENT FUND adequately.
I hope Gregoire tries to use your lame-ass amaturish explanation. The facts simply do not support it…and beg the question WHY DID GREGOIRE WAIT SO LONG for the teeny, tiny things she has done.
Yes, if there’s one thing we know about Democrats, it’s that they’re low spenders–NOT.
Dino talks a lot of shit.
Yes the state Constitution demands that education be the highest priority. And federal mandates direct most of our educational, medical, and other “health and welfare” spending.
Q: So what does Dino do.
A: Passes a immigration bill similar to Arizona.
Q: How do fill the thousands of jobs from the exit of illegal’s.
A: Put the free grazers to work.
Q: And how can he do that when he faces the same $2.8 billion biennial shortfall
A: Reduce the out of control hiring by the Queen.
B. Reduce the legislators’ to the minimum for start.
Well Dino Rossi got it partly right — our highways ARE congested — by all the construction projects that were initiated and paid for by the gas tax increases (nickel package & the voter-approved 9.5-cent program) THAT HE OPPOSED!!
For blockheads like “Mr. Cynical”…how do you explain this:
If Gregoire is so bad, why do we have one of the three top rated state governments in the country?
But if you’d like, vote for “Mr. Talk-a-lot who doesn’t say anything”. Dino Rossi is a snake oil salesman who wants to get elected while saying nothing specific about what he’ll do.
What a dolt.