There are two kinds of Republicans these days. The kind who publicly call for right-wing, Christianist, craziness like this:
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) says that even though “no one” came to his defense in 2004 after he said that gay people and unwed mothers should be banned from teaching…
And the kind who quietly support it.
… “everyone” quietly told him that he shouldn’t back down from his position.
Which kind is Dino Rossi? Pretty clearly the latter. But it doesn’t make it any less crazy.
I believe the appropriate term is enabler.
Vaguely related, as I waited for my Metro bus this morning, I saw a sign stapled to a telephone pole. Above and below a photo of Dino’s smarmily smiling face, it displayed:
There was a 425- phone number as well, but I didn’t copy it down. Perhaps it was the number on the “Contact” page from his website.
I didn’t examine the sign to see whether it displayed any campaign disclaimers or approvals. You can be damn sure, though, that the union bug was nowhere to be seen on anything coming from Dino’s campaign.
U.S. Senate hopeful Christine O’Donnell (Prefers Tea Party) claimed in a 2006 debate that China is planning to “take over” the U.S., according to news reports. O’Donnell also to have “classified” information backing this assertion.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is typical wingnut fare: They’re suspicious, paranoid, and need someone to hate. To understand wingnuts, you need to realize they’ve never had sex, and have backed-up sex juices pouring out of their nostrils, like an overflowing sewer.
O’Donnell also finds fault with China’s one-child policy. That’s really none of her business. She doesn’t live in China, and doesn’t have to manage that country’s problems. Such as, how do you feed over a billion people? If limiting population growth in the world’s most populous country is a priority for the government of that country, who the hell is she to question it? China doesn’t need more people. If she wants to be a proponent of unrestricted fertility, then let’s put her on a spaceship with a horny chimpanzee and send her to an unpopulated planet in a distant star system, where she and the chimp might be able to make themselves useful.
But sending her to the U.S. Senate? Nah …
One of the weakenesses of democracy is that nuts are permitted to run for public offices and fools are allowed to vote for them. I don’t know the answer to that.
Even here in Washington State, a greasy little real estate salesman who enthusiasticaly worked for a guy who went to prison for stealing from widows and orphans can count on getting 42% of the vote. Hell, even cigaret smoke can get 38% in this state, and Rossi is doing 4% better than lung cancer. Something’s wrong with this picture. Cigaret smoke should outpoll Rossi every time. At least cigarets kill you; two-time loser Rossi makes you suffer prolonged agony. Would someone please drive a stake through his political ambitions so we don’t have to go through another of his campaigns.
“…let’s put her on a spaceship with a horny chimpanzee…”
“…even cigaret smoke can get 38% in this state…”
LOL. Roger’s on a roll.
But no, let’s put her on a spaceship with DeMint.
While Goldy continues to throw last minute shitbombs, you’ve got to question our news sources. For example, pot-smoking, pot-selling CBS News Reporter–
Lee’s kinda guy!!
Probably selling it directly or indirectly to little kids in the Ghetto!!
There are two kinds of Republicans these days. The kind who publicly call for right-wing, Christianist, craziness like this:
goldstien, how do you get away with using the word christianist? what if i called you jewboy? would you like that? you’re a fucking antichrsitian bigot. not that we didnt know that already. so,let me see, are there two kinds of democrats? one being those who call for leftwing jewish socialism? it works both ways. dont you realize, for example,that a lot of latinos, because of rick sanchzs’ firing, will now being thinking along antisemitic lines, figuring he got fired for calling out jewish bigots like stewart? you’re adding to the problem, not helping.
Senator DeMint is up for re-election this year. If you find his statements to be offensive, you can send a donation to his Democratic opponent:
Alvin M. Greene
for United States Senate
Post Office Box 511
Manning, South Carolina 29102
Looks like the Republican edge in the Rasmussen Reports generic congressional ballot has fallen from 12% four weeks ago to just 3% this week.
That is still enough margin to change control of the House of Representatives. Next week, or four weeks from now, hopefully not :)
# 5: I’d hate to get into a conversation with the product of THAT union.
It reminds me a bit of that famous quote from Einstein. Some reporter said that he and Marilyn Monroe should wed, the child could have his brains and her looks.
Einstein didn’t miss a beat. He just looked puzzled, and said – “but what if it’s the reverse”?
@7 The KLOWN excretes, “For example, pot-smoking, pot-selling CBS News Reporter”
Nice attempt at diversion, KLOWN, but what’s really on everybody’s mind is the Georgia federal court judge nominated by Reagan and his getting high on pot and Roxycodin with a stripper.
Hmm, I can see how you wouldn’t want to talk about that. Maybe you should post the latest Rasmussen generic congressional ballot poll. No, wait, I can see why you wouldn’t want to go there either.
Please don’t play with Cynny’s head like that. In his world, a private sector reporter’s marijuana usage casts far worse aspersions on the Democrats than does drug usage, firearms violations, and soliciting prostitution by a sitting Republican federal judge, appointed by Saint Ronnie, upon the Republicans. I’m going to guess that in sentencing those convicted of drug crimes, this judge was on the harsh end. Wanna bet, anyone?
PL @13:
It would certainly fit the Larry Craig/Jim West/Ted Haggard/David Vitter/John Ensign/et al. mold of Republican
hypocrisyphilosophy.@13 I kindly left out the cocaine and gun charges so the KLOWN’s head wouldn’t explode.
Judge Camp, reflecting on his career in law back in 2008, “Taking senior status, he said, will give him the opportunity to do some things “I really want to do, but never had a chance to do.”
Hmm, I take it “those things” included getting it on with a stripper while high on pot, Roxycotin and coke.
Look on the bright side, KLOWN. At least he wasn’t caught with a goat.
I can hardly hold the tears back for Nov 2. We’ll all be looking forward to joining your wake. We’ll be the ones at Drunken Liberally, sitting around the edges watching the Klown act perform.
Might even send over a couple of free Bruskies so I know your trip home will be tear free. Do watch out for the Union Cops, they will even take you down for the good $$$$$ of society…or their massive lifetime pensions
As we get closer to election, Gallup switches it’s generic ballot poll from registered voters to likely voters. The results are in and, wow, Republicans are up 53 to 40. Among registered voters, the GOP is still up three. 46-43. Considering Gallup’s generic ballot poll has traditionally underestimated Republican support, I don’t think the GOP’s too worried about a resurgence of Dem-momentum.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer......z11RI7cpXl
re 8:
Christianists have a social and political agenda. What is the political and social jewboy agenda?
Christianists have a social and political agenda. What is the political and social jewboy agenda?
thats not the point. we dont mention race, gender, religion or ethnicity. period.
is it ok to say all hollywood producers are jewish? is it ok to say all fed reserve govs are jewish? is it ok to say most lawyers are jewish? is it ok to say most doctors are jewish? is it ok to say most accountants are jewish? is it ok to say hlsf of all pro sports team owners are jewish? is it ok to say most sprots agents are jewish? is it ok to say most wall street crooks are jewish?
ahh, i feel much better.
How does Goldstein know Rossi is “the kind [ of GOPer] who quietly support[s]” a Christianist social agenda? He should provide a link to statements or other information that support this claim.
Remember anything less that a veto-proof majority in both houses of Congress along with a sweep of all state legislatures and governorships up this year is a massive defeat for the GOP.
After all the Democrats are supposed to suck so bad that even liberal America-hating fags in San Francisco won’t vote for them anymore, right?
@ 8 – hows it feel to be the victim of a bigot….hhhhhaaaaaahhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhaaaaa.
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet is neither of the above.
To effectively serve one’s self one can never really pick a side.
Making any sort of decision is hard for Helmet-Hair-Hamlet.
… well except those decisions that put money in his pocket.
Go Aqua Sox!
@ 8 – hows it feel to be the victim of a bigot….hhhhhaaaaaahhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhaaaaa.
so you agree goldstien is a jewish bigot. thats good enough for me. thanks gman.
@23 I don’t know if he is or isn’t. I wouldn’t base it just on him trying to make some type of point. You make your own determination. I’m just glad you were offended. Hhhhhhhsaaaaaaahhhaaaa
Re 3
Easy. Term limit McDermott out of there.
Or were you talking about a different nut?
Odd. I haven’t seen a single liberal tout the amazing crowds at One Nation.
30 or 40 thousand people, many forced to go by their unions, and you aren’t cheering the outpouring of popular support for progressive politics?
Steve @ 15
I apologize for overlooking that act of kindness. Your empathy for Cynny, despite his antagonism toward humanity, confirms your humanity. March on, bro.
Of all people to attempt to follow me on twitter, I was not expecting Dino Rossi or his campaign. They must not look because I am followed by dinorossipr and routinely send out information about shoddy construction.
No one is forced to go to any political meeting by a union. What idiocy.
# 26: 20 or 30 thousand? This is like a fish story, except it keeps getting smaller each time the wingnuts tell it.
The figures given by independent new media ranged from 75 thousand to 200 thousand, with most settling on a central figure of around 125 thousand. Which isn’t too bad, considering that it didn’t have the daily advertising leading up to it like that promoted by Fox Friends and Beck & Co.
And no, nobody’s union forced them to come. You knew that wasn’t true, but said it anyway.
More importantly, I have yet to see a photo of the crowd showing a mis-spelled sign. Unlike that of the Beck rally, where it’s a wonder how they even passed sixth grade. I’m hardly one to criticize people for bad spelling (my own spelling is pretty bad unless I send it through a spell-check), but if I were to go to the trouble to make a sign, I would make sure it was right.
Wingnuts don’t do irony very well, but there is irony in lost’s self-perception as an intellectual given his support of the anti-intellectual mob that is the core of today’s GOP.
Crowd size at One Nation was probably similar to that of Beck’s Attack on Honor. Traditional (i.e. conservative) media chose not to cover the event because there weren’t enough white faces – like when they ignored 200,000 people marching for comprehensive immigration reform but devoted all their coverage to 200 racist teabaggers.
In summation, 100,000+ racist, white teabaggers get days of fawning coverage before, during and after. 100,000+ Real Americans get crickets.
Re 31
Hey now. Worf baselessly calling me a racist was fairly egregious. But calling me an intellectual? Those are fighting words. Might just as well call me some pansy ass lefty comminist, darn it.
Where I come from men don’t read no books. They don’t think no thoughts. They is just redneck racist conservatives without a thought in their heads but that redhead by the bar, and the Budweiser behind it.
Sorry. Didn’t mean no offense.