On Sunday, different-kinda-Republican Dino Rossi attended a Puget Sound Conservative Underground “Coffee with Conservatives” meet-up at the Bothell public library, at which he was asked how he could possibly overcome the combined forces of ACORN and the SEIU. To which, a source who attended tells me, Rossi responded:
“SEIU and ACORN, they, they’re mean. They’re really evil in some respects.”
So, um, first Rossi tells the National Journal that “the saints are with us, the sinners are not.” Then he sends out a fundraising letter declaring that America’s “greatest threat … rests not on foreign soil,” but in Democrats like Patty Murray and Barack Obama. And now Rossi declares that ACORN and SEIU (a union representing 2.2 million members, including 1.2 million health care workers) are “evil.”
Hear that, all you wicked nurses, lab technicians and home health care workers? You are evil!
Um, I suppose it’s possible that Rossi doesn’t really view the world in stark contrasts of good-vs.-evil/saints-vs.-sinners/Republicans-vs.-Democrats… but you wouldn’t know it from how he’s talking.
Can hardly wait until junkshot chimes in on this one.
Always entertaining.
Comparing this Rossi with Rossi 2004 and 2008 as an example, it’s really an interesting how the tea baggers have radicalized Republicans (at least rhetorically), so that tinfoil codpieces are suddenly fashionable across the right spectrum.
There is nothing like this on the left, where election after election liberals are used as cannon fodder, as Democratic candidates grope for a center that is always moving further to the right. Why aren’t rank and file liberals being more unreasonable and uncompromising about their positions?
Boy Dino is right on top of things. Does he not realize ACORN is no more?
If ACORN didn’t exist, the right wing would have to invent it.
Surprise! NBPP!
evil? what does he think they condone underage prostitution and cheating the irs or something?
Rossi is saving Pelosi/Reid/ObaMao/Rahmbo/The Devil Axelrod.
You Progressives sure know how to set the Table for Conservative Victory!
Generic Poll—R’s up by 9 POINTS.
STRONG APPROVAL—ObaMao at -15, when he was +32 Post-inauguration (SAME POLL!)
Would you join me in a chorus of
Yuk it up cyniklown, it’s a long way to November are you assholes are looking more and more like the complete idiots you are.
This one ought to help Rossi too.
One of ObaMao’s jackboots brags about not helpin’ a whitey farmer as he was going banko.
She got canned!!
Watch this…you will be seeing it frequently.
ObaMao & his horde constantly bring up the desperation Race Card. Turns out ObaMao’s REGIME are the racists!
Watch it KLOWNS!
anybody who thinks the SEIU upper echelon isnt full of crooks and criminals has their head up their ass.
They arent as crooked as the teamsters, but they sure are giving them a run for their money.
yet more racism from the loony left…..
Running against Republicans is like running against PT Barnum.
Mr. ‘Cynical’, indeed. It sickens me when that asshat crows about some poll that demonstrates that his party’s BS is being bought by an unsuspecting public.
kinda similar to the unsuspecting public(or actually lazy and stupid public) who believe the socialist BS that mommy govt will take care of you and all your needs….
Getting really nervous, eh Goldy? Good. You should be.
kinda similar to the unsuspecting public(or actually lazy and stupid public) who believe the socialist BS that mommy govt will take care of you and all your needs….
well, their needs will be taken care of for only so long, cause if you believe gerald celente, we only have about 3 more years before the big collapse. funny thing, that would exactly follow the pattern of history where opression (in our case, taxes, corrupt media, aipac, fed reserve) can only last for so long. see you at the fema camps in alabama goldstein.
go french! vote didier.
Do you suppose Rossi could let us know what other disbanded organizations he will need to fight in the upcoming election because they are evil? If he’s worried about ACORN, what about the Hanseatic League? I have a hard time keeping up with the paranoid fantasies of the right-wing. It would help if he could publish a list.
He is not interested in anyone who doesn’t have money….no money=evil. The base for ACORN or SEIU are a competing interest for who he represents: corporate welfare especially the home building sector.
Hey it was just one, er… sixteen bad apples at ACORN helping promote child prostitution. And it’s not like they were pimping the children out themselves. They were just helping with the tax fraud involved. Besides there’s no proof, except those videos, but they don’t count because the the undercover team wasn’t dressed like a pimp and whore.
So ACORN’s not really evil-evil.
As a WEA member I’m sad that we didn’t make the list. Maybe next fundraising email!
Lossi’s doing the Election Cycle Shuffle:
shift to the Right for the Primary,
shift to the Left for the General.
Ya think Didier’s put a scare into Lossi?
Hard to believe anyone can defend the public corruption that is benefitting SEIU. #1 visitor to the white house has been Andy Stern (boss of seiu); and they have received a share of stimulous money far beyond any work being generated.
which leads me to how the stimulous is public payoff of Obama political supporters. Unlike in the 30’s ,; this money is being pissed away to directly buy votes.
Our childrens’ inheritance is being squandered on unions, to buy Obama and his dem cronies some more votes.
So righton. Does the fact that Exxon pays no income taxes bother you? My corporation paid more income tax than Exxon last year.
You think SEIU is robbing your genetically challenged munchkins of their future, when billions go missing in Iraq, and there is not a peep from the right, cuz their buddies are the ones looting the treasury.
Isn’t it amazing. A right wing lunatic complaining about “Obama Corruption” after the last administration that prostituted out every orifice of government to the highest bidder for 8 long painful years. America may still not survive the looting by Bush’s buddies.
Go back to your dreamworld rightoff. Us real Americans have to clean up the mess your “buddies” left us.
And as far as ACORN helping the pimp (right wing rich boy scum) and the prostitute. I recall, they called the police as soon as they left and turned them in. Boy, that sure is a lot of help… But you can dream about ACORN, a group helping poor people get involved in government being Satanic. Government is supposed to be by the rich for the rich and of the rich. Ain’t that so…. Imagine poor people having the power to not be road kill every time Wall Street needs to make a few more pennies a share.
Hey arschloch, look up your vaulted database on how many tens of millions SEIU spent on Odumba’s election and then they fired how many peeps at the corporate offices?
If’s not the rank and file who are evil it’s the fools like Andy Stern. Remember ACORN and the SEIU shared offices in N’awlins. Does anyone remember the arscloch’s screech to prove it when Puddy said they shared the building. Then when Puddy proved it, remember the arschloch’s response.
Y’all should ask the arschloch to replay the link. Puddy would butt it makes Puddy is in a generous mood today. That may change tomorrow so arschloch you should replay the link before Puddy delivers the goods. Hint: 1062 elysian fields New Orleans LA See ya “wondermoron” arschloch!
@21, and righton. How many billion did the Bush Crime Family give “Faith Based Organizations” so the can shove their own personal Fake Jesus Crap down the throats of people getting “aid” now?
See the similarities?
I doubt it…
Anyone that America’s “right” doesn’t make sick probably doesn’t get much. Turn on Fox righton. I hear Hannity telling his armies of the inbred that they really did find WMD’s in Iraq. I just watched him say it.
You got any proof to back any of that up? Although, I did see a bunch of cash get pissed away by both Bush and Obama giving it to a bunch of rich bankers.
Somehow, I don’t think it’s the working class that caused this mess.
@22 “I recall, they called the police as soon as they left and turned them in.”
Not. You’re hitting the crack pipe a little too hard there.
Six different cities, same response. Except San Diego, where the ACORNie tried to buy time with the fake hooker too.
ACORN International “officially” changed its name to Community Organizations International.
“Still alive. We’re limping along. We’re on life support.”
ACORNCCI CEO Bertha Lewis April 20, 2010Same Shit New Day.
Right Wing World
Acorn = Evil
US Chamber of Commerce = Fine
Exxon Funded Climate Change Liars = Fine
Al Gore = Bad
Ice Free North Pole = Ok
Lying To Start Wars = Ok
Outing Undercover CIA Agents = Ok
righton, go back to your ignorance is strength world. You must be reeeel strong.
@26 so you watched the heavily edited video and made your conclusions? My gawd. Imagine if I went to a tea bagger rally with a hidden camera and asked some of those mental giants what they really thought about “stuff”…. Now that would be entertainment! Kinda like asking Sarah Palin what she reads.
Last I checked the wealthy were defaulting on mortgages that they could afford to pay and had a personal savings rate that was a negative number. The working folks in America, you know, folks like the members of the SEIU were paying mortgages when they could afford to pay them and had a personal savings rate of 3 or 4%.
People like Righton have it backwards. Most of what they prescribe as good and noble and belonging to the wealthy are actually traits of of the working class. The things that they detest and generally think of as traits of the poor and working classes are really traits of the rich.
Rossi is just another Right Wing Maggot that thinks Government should help the rich get richer while trashing the families, and lives of the poor. All the “rhetoric” is useless.
Extending tax cuts to the richest Americans = fine. Just ask Kyl. And Boehner.
Extending unemployment for struggling Americans = No Way
Reforming Wall Street? Hell No!!!!
Republicans Are A Disease
All Facts Cure America’s Problems Act 2010
Double taxes on the top 10%
Close all loopholes for the rich including trusts
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Make the 1st deduction on income tax 20k
Make the inheritance tax 90% over 2 million
Eliminate the cap on Social Security
Cut all Social Security on wages less than 20k
Make all corporations pay the same tax rate fairly
End all corporate subsidies. Period
Charge all 16,000 US Corporations in
The Cayman Islands with tax fraud
Cut the military budget in half (it doubled in 10 years)
End all “under the table” tax cheating 100%
Spend a trillion (plus) dollars a year building windmills, solar
panels, electric cars, and upgrading the grid, putting
10 million people to work immediately, and
Another 10 million from the stimulus
Watch the national debt shrink to zero, and BP’s oil tankers
Being melted down for scrap.
So what if the rich can’t buy new mansions in the
Hamptons every other year….
Oh, and end welfare. Make it workfare. No work no benefits.
What???? Junkshot says James had ’em fooled with the pimp get up.. Those ACORN flunkies bought it hook, line, etc..
I know right wingers ate it up – they’ll believe anything on Faux News and right wing hate talk radio.
you forgot the pretty rainbows and showers of skittles…
Sounds good to me. I’d add:
You can only get SSI if you’re retired. My parents have friends that are retired, receiving SSI, and are still working, even though they don’t need the cash. Sorry Charlie, if you want to collect SSI, that job goes to someone that doesn’t qualify for retirement yet.
This thread is about Rossi. I put the answer to America’s $$ problems up, because the answer is so simple, and exactly the opposite of everything right wing scumbags like Rossi want.
They want to crush the poor (like getting rid of ACORN) so their rich buddies can earn higher returns by making slave labor the law of the land. Wall Street will roar while (more) Americans die of starvation.
Republicans Are A Disease
@34 hey contemplate nothing but Glenn Beck. Do you like paying more taxes so Exxon doesn’t have to? Where’s your lobbyists?
While yer contemplating, answer me this. Why does our “free market” in America mean my wife’s eye medication costs ten times as much here as exactly the same drops cost overseas?
You live in a fantasy world where slavery is freedom. Wake up and smell the Americans dying from corporate greed. That is if you have a soul.
23 – Yawwwnn.. It’s late.. No time for junkshot’s stupid conspiracy theories and paranoid bullshit.
SEIU and ACORN in the same building – oooh… scary…
Still and always the most moronic right winger of these comment threads..
So Rossi. If ACORN is evil, what is BP?
The Pope?
Tell you what Dino. Want to know what is truly evil? The Heritage Foundation. The Cato Institute. The US Chamber of Commerce.
Real Evil
How is it that Dino talks all Jeezussy and he stands for the opposite of everything Jesus taught?
Calling a Republican a Christian is like calling a Jew a NAZI. Polar opposites.
someone forgot their meds today….do you need a refill?
Let’s start with the factless one
Acorn = Evil And busted for voter fraud in 2009. And… tellign the world how to pimp
my rideteenage girls. Such a fool.US Chamber of Commerce = Fine Yep. Who hires peeps Factless? Have you hired peeps Factless? What drives the earning engine? Government? Such a fool.
Exxon Funded Climate Change Liars = Fine Nope you Dope. University of East Anglia and Michael Mann and his fake hockey stick. The emails proved their “scientific method” was flawed. They rejected data that didn’t fit their “studies”. Such a fool.
Al Gore = Bad Nope You Dope. Womanizer used the East Anglia data for his fire breating speech. Where is he now screaming about someone betraying the country? Such a fool.
Ice Free North Pole = Ok Butt Butt Butt it was the South Pole Antarctica ice melting too… Oh it’s getting larger, nevermind.
Lying To Start Wars = Ok And DUMMOCRAPTS never did? Such a fool.Outing Undercover CIA Agents = Ok Really? The admitted outer, Richard Armitage, is a righty? Nope you Dope! Such a fool.
That was
Hey arschloch… Puddy will start since you are bwaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaak
Hey ylb arschloch
Just for you…
Physical Address=1024 Elysian Fields, New Orleans
IP Address=
Isn’t it interesting a minister’s daughter goes after the corruption the liberal MSM ignores ylb arschloch? Wasn’t it you who claimed there is no connection between ACORN and your beloved SEIU?
And the stolen money covered up by ACORN through your buds Citizen’s Consulting Incorporated
Puddy found the links through TPM, another tj’s morning joe web site. Gotta love that.
More to cum monomaniacal butthead.
goldy, I assume then Patty will run a pro SEIU platform. (After her masters explain this to her of course)
I think Didier or Rossi would be thrilled to have her champion the cause of graft to legalized mobs (which is about all SEIU is).
Come on;, you cannot lecture us on the value of good government, only to defend one of the worst examples of what happens when the government makes a bad decision and funds a political group, not a worthwhile “investment”
and maybe we can trick her into also supporting “ignore Black Panther voting rights abuses”…..another fun example of Obama’s new open government….
and by “open government” i’m being cynical; he promised the most open presidency, only to leave us with secret meetings, visits to the WH by every crook, crony and slimeball possible (by the way, i loved how a Bill Ayers was on the guest log but it “wasn’t” that bomb thrower Ayers…yeah right….
I got your ACORNs [grabs crotch] right here evil wingnut motherfuckers!
Here: http://www.gallup.com/poll/141.....allot.aspx
“Hear that, all you wicked nurses, lab technicians and home health care workers? You are evil!”
Hmmm, nice try.
Of course, no one thinks the general membership of SEIU or Acorn are EVIL…
The leadership? The positions and ideology of the leadership? Yup.
Democrats are going to lose the house and maybe the Senate. I hope the country can survive the mad scramble of freedom destroying legislation that is attempted before that takes effect.
Funny. Rossi is even incompetent at fear mongering.
right stuff – Lose the house and senate? The last time the Republiconvicts were in charge they almost completely destroyed America. You think there are enough history forgetting Americans out there to give them another chance to finish our country off for good?
If “your” party stood for anything buy hypocrisy you may have a chance. I love your new Republicon campaign slogan though.
“We racked up 7 trillion in national debt, but we’ve changed. We have changed everything except every single policy we stand for is exactly the same” “Vote Republican and bend over again!” Wall Street needs some more houses!
What the fuck is a “pro SEIU” platform…living wages? healthcare? decent working conditions?…oooooo…that’s EVIL!!!!!
A pro-SEIU platform means to continue unsustainable Wages and especially benefit/retirement packages for guv’mint employees who are unnecessary and often counterproductive to building a strong private sector.
Patty needs to have ObaMao come & help her!
Perhaps she ought to call herself something other than a Democrat?
Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Perhaps Patty should embrace the USDA official who didn’t help the whitey farmer like she could. Perhaps this racist should go work for Patty?
Dude, profits are stolen wages.
43 – Shit, he loves to replay these silly fantasies. He posts some google maps picture as if that proves anything by (surprise) guilt by association..
I did some searching of my own..
A paranoid chicken little afraid of being laughed at:
and I respond?
He runs like a chicken in the street through the rest of the thread…
That was in 08/2009. However… A few weeks later in Sept.. He can’t help himself:
TRILLION if you believe of the insanity of Hannity.
But Uhhhh… Sorry junkshot.. That right wing horseshit was debunked WAY back in MAY of that year!
By a website YOU TOUT!
You’ll swallow ANYTHING that Breitbart and the Moonie Times feeds you!
Keep posting those NOLA pictures stupid as if that proves anything beyond you being a tool.
@23 – That one again.. What a laugh..
Recyles the same old stupidities…
Except my wife of course who you couldn’t stop making fantasies about in these threads.
The fiend who was in “your SEIU corner” was YOU idiot. Remember that bit of batshit foolishness?
And talk to your idiot friend the KLOWN who thinks any SEIU rank and file member needs a 10 percent haircut (at least). Food out of their children’s mouths.
Sorry stupid. The wife can’t respond to a silly fool she doesn’t know exists and would be sickened to her stomach if she did.
@ 54 Davey, are you really that stupid? Really?
And to the rest of you dimwits. Once and for all, union workers are not evil. National Unions are evil. Anyone who cares to look it up would know that if National Unions were Corporations they would have been run out of business under the RICO laws years ago. Let’s not confuse (or obfuscate) the difference between the average hard working union member and the national crime syndicates they are required (in this state) to join.
We need right to work laws now!
And don’t bring up BP (evil), or any other corporation to try to cover up this discussion about unions (evil). And don’t bring up the shit about 40 hour week, living wage, blah, blah, blah. All good stuff that happend 50 years ago, time to move on.
Our trolls are happy if they can just lick the boots of their corporate masters. Very sad.
– – –
So Becky boy (along with other conservative posers) has been pushing gold coins from Goldline, that have lost value over the same time that gold has rocketed ever higher.
58 – And not only Beck – Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee and other right wing pundits.
Beck sold paranoia about the “gubmint” confiscating bullion and this made it possible for Goldline to sell gold coins at ridiculous markups.
They did the hard sell on gold coins and gullible, fearful right wingers bought it.
Now IF THAT could happen to right wingers, is it any wonder they swallow all the bullshit they bring here all the time?
Hey, the trolls are shouting. Even Cynical’s doing his daily Rasmussen Dance in boldface.
They must be rather upset.
Right Stuff @ 48: “Democrats are going to lose the house and maybe the Senate. ”
Really???? Are you staking your reputation on the claim that the Republicans are going to take back the house????
His reputation as a complete idiot?
Just remember that the wingnuts who are dancing at Republican prospects in November will be claiming that they never predicted an actual Republican victory.
I always suspected those lab technicians.
Yeah, some shit like that. Puddy produced the link and you were busted! Then you tried to change tactics since your arschloch was hung to dry wondermoron arschloch!
Suck a feckless freaky fool!
Ahhh the wondermoron arschloch is still using the fully discredited Anthony Small Weiner attack buried since May. Well he is the constipated arschloch so maybe those “polluted facts” are finally seeing the light of day.
Is that why your hair turned “pink” arschloch? Such a great likeness!
Ok how about ABC NEWS?
That’s dated yesterday asswipe.
Right wing suckers on the record having been duped by Beck’s paranoid sales pitches.
Fools like you. Bought any gold coins lately?
And I produced a link in 67.
It shows you’re an idiot! Falling for a bogus carny show barker like Beck.
Has Puddy apologized yet for Brietbart and Fox News for their shameless, lying denigration of that wonderful black woman’s character just to score some cheap, racist wingnut point? Of course not. What vile, horrible people you all are! Especially you, Puddy.
By the way, Puddy, you do know that I’m your Daddy, don’t you?
Poor poor arschloch… This picture is worth 10000 arschloch farts.
Regarding your ABC link. Goldline has a A+ BBB rating. This is more political smearing. Weiner tried the same attack. FAILURE. Glad you eat it up arschloch!
@68 “Falling for a bogus carny show barker like Beck.”
He fell for nothing. That would leave Puddy as some dupe. No, void of all decency, our Puddy is as horrid a man as they come. He knows that it’s all lies. Knowing no shame, he knowingly spreads wingnut filth, even if it means destroying the reputation of some kindly, innocent black woman who never done anybody no harm.
I tell you, I’m so ashamed to be his Daddy.
@ #8
Once again, Mr. Cynical has been proven to be a teabagging liar.
You really should give up Cynical. Your racism and your outrageous reactionary bullshit are all founded on nothing. I guess thats what fanatics are all about anyway. John Birch is dead. Face it.
Steve Steve Steve, it ain’t Puddy’s responsibility to answer your feckless attacks. You seem to skip by the same question when Puddy asks it of mamby pamby Steve Steve Steve.
The lady said she what Steve Steve Steve? You condone her words that the NAACP peeps laughed at and applauded? It was posted by NAACP peeps. It was sent to Breitbart back in April Steve Steve Steve.
And regarding editing of the tape, condemn your friends in the libtardo slobbering media first Steve Steve Steve for the past 2001-2009 bowel movements then maybe Puddy will condemn this.
Another factless chronological idiot.
If Steve Steve Steve is Puddy’s daddy then Puddy is glad Puddy rolled far away from that stump of a tree!
Why does Puddy hate kindly, old black ladies who never done him no harm??
Sigh! I’m so ashamed to be his Daddy.
Steve Steve Steve, the pictures shows ACORN and the SEIU in the same building side by side. Andy Stern was on the ACORN Board moron!
Fox News didn’t cover the story NAACP and the lady UNTIL AFTER SHE RESIGNED you idiot. Get the dildo out of your ASS. It’s pressing against that one brain cell!
Wait for it… Pavlov sez some brain comment is next!
You are one hideous person Steve Steve Steve. Kindly black ladies who make snide comments for comedy!
Conversation ended!
then take your dumb ass to cuba or north korea, commie boy.
“If Steve Steve Steve is Puddy’s daddy”
Oh, you didn’t know I was your Daddy? Well, it was either me or the German shepard. You got a tail?
Beck may sell paranoia, but he most certainly learned from the modern master paranoia salesman himself, algore.
Puddy must get some strange, perverse satisfaction out of seeing a kindly, old black lady who never done him no harm being destroyed by Brietbart and Fox News.
I’ve never been so ashamed of being that boy’s Daddy.
Tell that to the 100 people that have been ripped off asswipe.
They fell for a paranoid sales pitch from Beck for gold coins – cuz’ that evil gubmint will confiscate your bullion.
I think Puddy’s probably sulking somewhere. I suspect he had hoped that Glenn Beck was his Daddy.
81 – He’s probably holding some junk gold coins he bought when a Beck sales pitch “made sense” to him, i.e. inflamed his paranoia.
Same type of mentality that leads to a run on assault rifles – unhinged fear.
Apparently Steve Steve Steve has no understanding of conversation ended.
For the arschloch… sulking? Puddy just returned from a meeting fool. Of course smacking your ASS over your feckless commentary is always fun :P. Regarding gold coins Puddy happy with Puddy’s investment moron!
Jealous you can’t afford them. Puddy paid for his childrens’ university education without loans moron! Investments came in handy you arschloch idiot!
83 – YOU ARE HAPPY WITH BECK’s gold coins from GOLDLINE?
Too funny! The laughs never stop with this fool.
Didn’t FDR grab bullion fool? Need another history lesson?
Feckless wondermoron arschloch, hoping for the handout to get li’l arschloch in a apprentice program cuz if he’s as smart as his father he’s a loser!