Nobody wins elections they’re not running for like Dino Rossi.
After losing an excruciatingly close race to Christine Gregoire in 2004, Rossi went on to win multiple gubernatorial opinion polls in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009, as well as several head to head match-ups with Sen. Maria Cantwell in 2005. Indeed, just about the only poll Rossi has lost over the past five years was the one counted, in November of 2008.
And now comes news that Rossi has defeated Sen. Patty Murray in an opinion survey conducted by Moore Insight.
Encouraging news indeed for those Republicans living in that alternate universe where contests are decided months or even years before or after election day, and solely on the basis of surveys conducted by Republican pollsters.
It’s Moore Information, not Moore Insight.
@1. It’s ironic either way.
Republicans are a Disease….
Just can’t tell ya’ how much entertainment we’ve had over the last eight years listening to the the Rossi folks weap, and wail, and rend their clothing over the electoral results in this state.
Please, PLEASE, keep on truckin’ you Rossi supporters. It’s just toooooooo much fun.
Should read
“After having an election stolen thanks to democrat operatives in KC”
@5 Democrats don’t steal elections. Only Republicans steal elections. Like the ones they stole in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Republicans tried to steal the governor’s election, but their handpicked Republican judge in their handpicked Republican county caught them stealing votes for Rossi.
more partisan propaganda from our own mr. goebbels/himmler rabbit….
@4…nearly as fun as listening to the Gore crybabies after the 2000 elections…nearly.
See #4
#5 You caught us! Dang it…hoped to get away with it. Oh well. Sadly the Democrats ONLY manged to steal a governors race in a smallish state. You Republicans are MUCH smarter and managed steal a Presidential election by making sure you put in electronic polling machines from a company run by a supporter of Bush who promised to “deliver” the election for him, and then said his little machines couldn’t provide paper trails (unlike every ATM in the nation), and even further the resulting database didn’t belong to the public but was private property of his company and wasn’t open to inspection. ROTFLMAO. When it comes to BALLS in stealing elections, you’re right, you win! The Democrats have a LOT to learn from the party of Nixon…we’re just amateurs (exception being Chicago, Democrats are VERY good at cheating there, just being honest)
Voter fraud helped Coakley in not getting totally crushed in a deep blue state but thankfuly it won’t be enought come November. But to show that I am a good sport I am going to give one last cheer from the liberal LION from the great state of Massachusetts
Good luck. You will need it for the dems that do show up.
I know. It work so well that the backlash was we won in Forida by over 300,000 votes in 2004.
You guys should get your best investigator on that one… you know like Dan “I type fake memos from 1970 on Mircosoft word” Rather.
re 12: So, you are not denying the truth of the allegations, you just don’t care for the paper that it was written on.
You can thank Harriet Miers for the disappearance of the original documents.
No. Not so much. More like the allegation and the so called “paper” was worth probably as much as the memo your hero Dan tried to push on Bush. Nice try though but that horse died before it even left the barn.
Historically, the election held after a presidential election year tends to favor the opposition (all other factors being equal). But in this case, I just don’t see any scenario where Rossi can win.
First of all, the Murray hasn’t done anything wrong worth mentioning. No scandal, no major (or minor) mis-steps. You need a strong reason to overcome the advantages of an incumbent, and Murray doesn’t offer any.
Secondly, while the opposition party usually does better in non-presidential year elections, that isn’t much of an advantage unless the voters are in a very rebellious mood. Despite the wingnuts protestations that the voters are “up in arms” against Obama and the Democratic Congress, it isn’t really detectable among moderate and independent voters. Most people are still worried about their jobs, and Murray can deflect Republican criticism on that count by simply pointing out that pointing out that it was Republican policies and mis-management which caused the problem in the first place.
Third, Republicans still have a problem with their base. I know quite a few longtime Republican supporters who have renounced any allegiance to the party out of disgust with George W. Bush. They are attracted to the wingnut crowd and Tea Party advocates, because their really isn’t any other game in town for them. But if these people get organized enough to mount a third-party challenge, then the Republicans will lose even more of their base. (Which leads one to wonder – would Rossi run as a “Prefers GOP” again, or as a “Prefers Tea Party” candidate?
Democrates also have a problem with their base, but it’s not going to result in a third-party movement. The Green Party and Ralph Nadar are toast – after the 2000 elections, just about everyone on the left agrees that ANY Democratic candidate which has a chance of winning a general election is preferable to any strategy which might assist a Republican candidate win an election.
Of course, the big unknown is the affect of the Supreme Court decision and corporate advertising in U.S. elections. Dino always poured his money into negative TV ads, so they might work with corporations to fund their own “independent expenditures” of negative TV ads. But if Murray can book enough ad time in advance and have a rapid response team to have rebuttal ads on the air before Dino’s ads have even stopped running, then they can cancel their effect.
Polls are designed to create news, they are meaningless it gives some general direction the way the public is thinking. As comment 15 says Murray in fact may be safe yet this is an off election year do not discount the utter contempt that exists for an oversized bloated government run by a bunch of pointy head intellectuals who have failed miserably.
She is part of the party that represents a problem to the working people and even in left-leaning Washington state a concept of shoveling government down the throat is not playing well. There is no groundswell for the Democratic Party I can tell you that, yet many in the Seattle area would laugh at the Tea Parties yet they are real and vibrant and may in fact knock off what are considered safe seats.
Limited government is a growing mantra, it’s my personal opinion that expanding government is on its way out this may signal the end of someone like Senator Patty Murray a political hack whose only distinction is signing on to every Democratic parties wish list and is a real empty suit.
@16 “She is part of the party that represents a problem to the working people”
Yeah right. The following Republican policies are all designed to help the working people.
1. Borrowing $1 trillion from our Chinese enemies to give more tax breaks to billionaires.
2. Busting unions and opposing minimum wage laws for 40 years so that average wages are now less than they were in 1970.
3. Starting an unnecessary war in Iraq so poor kids who enlist in the military because no other opportunities are available to them can die at age 19.
4. Opposing reform of a state tax system that makes poor people pay 5 1/2 times as much of their income to the state as rich people pay.
5. Opposing funding for schools, libraries, parks, and other public services so only those who can afford to pay for private amenities can enjoy these things.
6. Opposing universal health care and health insurance reforms so rich hospitals, doctors, and insurers can keep ripping off the working class.
Yep, all these worker-friendly policies must be why Washington’s voters have kept re-electing Republican governors and legislators for the last 30 years, and also explain why the GOP won overwhelming national election victories in 2006 and 2008.