In a recent fundraising letter, Republican real estate speculator and senatorial wannabe Dino Rossi lays out the real threat to the American Dream. Not Al Qaeda terrorists. Not the Taliban. Not our old Russian enemies or the growing might of China. But Sen. Patty Murray and her fellow Democrats:
“Somewhere along the way, liberal Democrats like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Patty Murray corrupted the American Dream.
The result is that today, the greatest threat to the American Dream rests not on foreign soil, but in a broken political system and failed public servants who reward everything the American Dream promises to prevent.”
Leaving aside his notion that one of the things “the American Dream promises to prevent” is universal access to affordable health care, those soft Dems and independents who still think Rossi might be a different kind of Republican should take note of the divisive, hyperbolic rhetoric he’s using to reach out to his own base. According to Rossi, our “greatest threat … rests not on foreign soil.” No, our greatest threat is the enemy that lies within. You know, like the President of the United States.
This is teabagger talk, pure and simple.
So my question for Rossi is, if “the greatest threat to the American Dream rests not on foreign soil,” and if, as he writes elsewhere in his letter, “our national debt threatens everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve”… why would he have voted to explode our debt by approving a trillion dollars in new spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to fight threats that don’t hold a candle to a five foot tall, sixty year old woman?
dino wants everyone at the park to carry a gun to protect against threats on merkin soil.
For the record, Patty won’t turn 60 until October 11. I keep track of this because I’m 16 days older than she is.
Not that that has any bearing on the extreme danger she poses to everything that is good and proper in America.
The American dream would prevent veterans from getting a fair shake after putting their lives on the line too, for Rossi. Murray’s #1 project is veterans affairs. Dino hates the troops
Rossi and the “starve-the-beast” neocons tinkering with the “American Dream” somehow makes me think of Inception…
“Liberals” like Harry Reid???? (Snort!)
How can anyone take Rossi seriously when he makes a dumbassed statement like that.
@3 Dino probably loves the troops, especially with fava beans and a good chianti.
Truly offensive crap from Dino the Dim. Plainly, if he were elected to the Senate, he would view his constituency as consisting of his wingnut base. This idiot is not capable of bringing Americans together, which is something we need at this time. He is just a partisan politico prostituting himself for those who are financing him.
You’d think that with all the fear mongering that the Republicans do, that their base was a bunch of pussies.
Hey! Let’s all hop the train to nambie-pambie land and see if we can get these guys some self confidence.
Hey, at least he’s taking a stand on an issue!
That’s all they know: how to throw out red meat to the base. Do they know how to govern, to lead? Hell, no. Fear and power, power and fear, that’s all the R’s know.
That said, Dino Lossi probably won’t even get 45% of the vote in the General. If he even manages to come in second in the Primary.
It’s sad, but true.
Look, the Dems have shot their load trying to demonize the Tea Party with an onslaught of orchestrated cries of Racism, No Ideas etc.
Here is how well it has worked dorks–
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Party in power needs to LEAD, not demonize the minority. You fools just don’t get it, do you. You are so used to blaming Bush & screaming about R’s…that you seem to have forgotten you are in charge and expected to LEAD!
Patty Murray is a classic example of a complete failure.
Rossi is right…again.
In the entire state of Washington the Republican party can’t find a decent candidate to run for Senator? This sleazy looser of a candidate is a pathetic choice for public office.
re 12: Health care reform and financial reform. That’s leadership and that’s the shape of things to come. Wait’ll his second term.
It will be very hard for you to turn these around — you’ll be as successful as you have been with Privatizing (ruining) Social Security.
I don’t see any ‘baggers with signs saying get rid of social security and medicare.
re 12: Oh, and it’s the rich who are defaulting on their home loans, not the poor and the middle class.
I don’t see any propaganda from your side accusing the rich of causing this depression.
Know why? ’cause you and all your brethren are full of crap.
Sometimes Cynical adopts the tone of ‘the Piper’.
I wonder???
lol…you have a problem with real estate speculators goldberg? jews are the fucking biggest real estate speculators in this country. go choke on your bagel.
Actually, I’ve met the Piper. Though he’s generally wrong on the issues, he can at least think and he can communicate beyond simple blathering. Moreover, he has a sense of humor. These characteristics distinguish him from Cynny. Cynny is just one of those talking dolls with a string that someone pulls so he can spew wingnut talking points.
Yeah, with 70% marginal tax rates on the rich, foreign immigrants, strong unions, trust busting, Glass Steagall, no NAFTA, import tariffs, and a lot more government regulation overall.
@17, girlymanoflies:
Choke on this [grabs crotch] bigot piece of shit, it’s Goldstein:
Your mother the goat is “wants” you!
@8 “Plainly, if he were elected to the Senate, he would view his constituency as consisting of his wingnut base.”
If you mean the idiots running around with the confederate flags and the teabags hung on their heads, hell no. It’ll be the BIAW, the banks and Michael Mastro.
whats your point, zotz, i never said he wasnt smart.
@16: Do not put the Piper in the same category as a complete idiot like Klynical.
Klynical cannot even argue a simple point without contradciting himself.
Piper may be wrong on some issues (actually a lot of issues, make that most issues) but Piper can and does actually think and have compassion for others. Klynical is simply a drone with a single messaage of hate and obfuscation.
Dino Rossi: Is there a bigger loser out there?
I sure hope he beats Didier – but Rossi might even find a way to lost the primary.
Hey, whatever happened to Piper? He’s been gone for a while now. Perhaps since the 2008 elections?
I wonder if there is a connection….
In this letter Rossi is making a play for the folks currently supporting Didier. That is the reason for the hyperbole. He would use different language if her were trying to win independent voters. That tells me that the Rossi campaign’s internal polling shows support for Didier surging and they are concerned that Dino won’t make it out of the primary now matter how successfully he is at raising funds in the other Washington.
Re the Piper. — I never saw the Piper admit that he was wrong about anything.
In fact, it was often clearly the opposite. He would lose an argument about something, confidenetly declare himself the winner, and stumble blindly forward.
He wasn’t an A-hole though. He responded with patience to my constant jibes about his skirt wearing ways.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any of our trolls admit a lost argument, even when the tray with their own roasted ass is handed to them directly. Cynny, of course, could not possibly recognize when he loses an argument because he lives in a world of his own creation.
proud @28,
Well, there was the time when Mr. Cynical temporarily changed his name to Mr. Irrelevant in a fit of post-election-contest self-awareness.
Yawwn.. Has to keep up appearances in the wingnut welfare circles.
A second life on-line tends to interfere with that.
I totally understand your unwillingness to ever admit you were wrong. Hell, you’d spend most of your time conjuring up true confessions…instead of scattering more sh*t around.
I’m with you on your philosophy Goldy.
And thank you for reminding the dimwits of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats about my Mr. Irrelevant monikor.
That is only reserved after getting a real ass-kicking. I’ll allow you to borrow it in November, 2010 and 2012.
proud leftist–
How can anyone be a “proud” leftist?
Proud of government reliance?
Obviously I am under your skin.
I wear your criticism like a Badge of Honor.
The left is not about governmental reliance. It is about recognizing that we, as a nation, are a community. There is a common good, and that common good is not promoted by some you-eat-yours-and-I’ll-eat-mine political doggerel that you on the right so seem to favor, and maybe even believe. People need a hand from time to time. I don’t mind if the government lends a hand. I don’t need one, never have. But, that doesn’t make me a better person, and certainly doesn’t permit me the arrogance that so many of you on the right possess. You all think you made it on your own. You didn’t. I’m proud to have inherited from leftist traditions in this nation a notion of what freedom really means and the duties that citizenship entails. I’m proud to have inherited from leftist traditions an abundant fear for the wearing down of civil liberties that the right so demands. I’m proud to have inherited from leftist traditions a concern for individuals that trumps any concern for corporations. I could go on and on, but you are not a person with an open mind. You are well-monikered as Mr. Irrelevant. BTW, hey, if my criticism makes you feel good, I’m glad to make your day better.
Did some dumbass bigot craphead just say something?
33 – Succulent distillation of lefty-leaning values PL.
Totally, completely and utterly lost on the trolls here but nice to see it stated so eloquently just the same.
The left is not about governmental reliance
thats your whole fucking game you fucking moron.
37 spews: “ollollollollol…hahahahahsa
thats your whole fucking game you fucking moron.”
Such reasoned argument we get from the racist right.
The Republican base is, er, 40% of the electorate. Rossi gets, um, maybe another 1% or 2% from moderates, independents, disaffected Dems, and felons. Therefore, he can boast that he consistently gets 4% more of the voters than cigaret smoke, and he beats Low Tax Looper by a whopping 38%!*
* For those of you who haven’t heard of him, Low Tax Looper is a Republican politician who attempted to win a seat in the Tennessee state senate by murdering his Democratic opponent so he’d be the only candidate in the race. The victim’s widow ran against him as a write-in candidate and got 96% of the vote. Therefore, Looper has the distinction of getting only 4% of the vote even though he was the only candidate on the ballot. Mr. Looper is currently a permanent resident of Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary.
@32 “How can anyone be a “proud” leftist?”
Easy. Just remind yourself that you’re not a Republican.
33. proud leftist spews:
Wow, what a bunch of collectivist gobbledy-gook!
You assume that all people who want freedom from government are selfish…and only the government should give handouts. That’s not what the Bible says. Bureaucracies are dangers and tend to grow like the Blob.
Self-reliance is a good thing.
People helping people is a good thing.
My wife & I do it…a lot.
But the leap you make from people needing help to government filling that roll is a stretch that does not reach. It is why we are in the mess we are in.
You want to keep minorities on the plantation so you can rely on their votes because they are dependent on Democrats.
That is truly disgusting…and racist.