Well, it’s not exactly breaking news, as it seemed pretty clear he wasn’t going to run, but Dino Rossi has just issued a press release putting an end to the speculation:
I was sure I heard you had said definietly that Rossi would announce his bid for the senate. Is this true or am I recollecting it wrong?
Dr. Espews:
Maybe Doc Hastings will run, thereby ending his political career.
What, Rossi didn’t blame the politics of the Washington Supreme Court? Has he gone off script?
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
You know as well as I do that his statement on the Supreme court was correct, clear the partisanship and face reality and common sense.
pbj @1,
You recollect wrong. In fact, I’ve just posted an update, pointing to the fact that I’ve been dissing a Rossi for Senate campaign since way back in December.
well, we don’t really know, do we? Since he didn’t even bother challenging him.
He should really blame the ‘partisan leftwing voters of Washington’, who wouldn’t even vote him into office even against the immensely inept campaign that Gregoire’s people ran.
Oh and prr, PBJ, and random trolls, spare me the ‘but rossi won!’, we’ve been over htat to death, and, well… who’s in the governers’ mansion?
“A recent poll indicated that I have a 12-point lead over the incumbent,” Rossi wrote to Dole.
Ah, must be the push-poll run by Strategic Vision, a company that never met a wingnut it didn’t like. About as meaningful as a sample taken from Chris Vance’s rolodex.
Windie, as long as you remember who’s in the oval office.
We’ve also beaten that one with a dead horse.
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
gas bag @ 8
just because some sad excuse for a judge rules the easy way out, doesn’t mean that she rightfully won. It only means that the judge didn’t want to research further the immense questions on the table. God knows there were TOO MANY inconsistencies, couple that with an elections worker owning up to co-creating FRAUDulent reports, it really makes you think… well makes most think anyway.
Tools @9
just because some sad excuse for a judge rules the easy way out
I completely disagree. Judge Bridges had to rule the way he did because of the inept, shoddy, lazy, and incompetent work on the part of the R team of lawyers.
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
The Dems lawyers were inept, they only won because it was an impossible case because of rules made by Bridges.
He wanted the gun, the body, the bullet, and a signed confession, we found three out of four, the killer wouldn’t waive fifth amendment rights.
The rules were made by the legislature, including Dino. The judge just interpreted them.
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
Contrary to previous president, but why should that get in the way of a victory dance.
Thanks Goldy for clearing that up and proving that Rossi is a man of his word!
All loose @ 13:
I think you mean precedent, and you are also wrong. The prior case you are probably referring to, Foulkes (sp?), was different on the facts and more importantly was based on an earlier statute that had some significant differences. Nevertheless, that is all water under the bridge, like Florida 2000, for example.
proud leftistspews:
Rossi’s decision is disappointing. Cantwell, who has done well for being a senator in the minority and who campaigns well, would have cleaned his clock. The myth that Rossi has anything to offer this state needs to end, and I don’t suppose it will end until he gets whacked by a big margin. The weak-minded and shallow twit needs to return to real estate.
All this means is Rossi kept his word by not running for the Senate. He gets to run against Chrissy in 2008, the governor who didn’t keep her word (no new taxes and I’m not in favor of the gas tax) I have predicted all along that Rossi will end Chrissy political career in 2008.
Even Cantwell knew that beating Rossi would be a challenge for her. Now at least she has a fighting chance to retain her seat. Unfortunately for her, this means she has to run again on her record and she didn’t keep any of her campaign promises.
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
“The weak-minded and shallow twit”
I’ve seen nothing but an honorable man that stands by his word. Compare that to Gregiore who breaks 90% of her campaign promises, and shows firmly that she could care less about the ruled class.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 4
No, his statement on the [State] Supreme Court was partisan bullshit, and so is yours.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Thanks, Dino, but we already have a U.S. Senator with a mix of private and public sector experience — Maria Cantwell. And if you’re such a big fan of reaching across party lines and working with the opposition, go talk to Bush and Frist about that. They, not Cantwell, are the problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 9
What usually happens in court is you lose your case if you have no hard evidence to back up your allegations, and that’s exactly what happened in Wenatchee. But just leave it to a fuckstick winger to blame the judge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 17
Talk is cheap. I have a feeling ’08 is going to make you look like a fool.
proud leftist @ 16
“Cantwell, who has done well for being a senator in the minority and who campaigns well, would have cleaned his clock.”
What has Cantwell done in the Senate?
In addition, your statement isn’t factually correct, Cantwell was in the majority from 2001-2003 (except between 1/20/01 and 5/24/01), nearly a third of her term.
She has some real credibility problems this time around. Her “I’m rich and not beholden to special interests” position will certainly be the subject of numerous campaign commercials, since she’s no longer rich or not taking PAC money.
Don’t forget that she was admonished for violating campaign finance laws as well:
She was recently (not sure of current status) still in debt.
I’m not sure what you are basing your claim of “cleaning his clock” on.
Con1st @23,
So, um, you’re telling me that the R’s are going to run ads attacking Cantwell for not being rich? Yeah… that’s an effective message.
David T.spews:
I noticed that our favorite GOP hottie Mary Lane was involved in the announcement again. So I was wondering why a former real-estate salesman and former legislature and former candidate for governor still has a spokeswoman. Doesn’t she have a real job?
All tools here, and yet there are still screws loose.spews:
Try reading, not skimming. He said that her previous stance of being rich, and therefore not needing to pander to special interest groups will not work now that she is no longer rich.
And you get on other people’s case for lack of comprehension… damn!
Goldy @ 24
“So, um, you’re telling me that the R’s are going to run ads attacking Cantwell for not being rich? Yeah… that’s an effective message. ”
No, they’ll say she’s now taking special interest money when in the past she said she wouldn’t and didn’t need to.
Don’t forget Cantwell lost her re-election bid when she was in the House, even without the baggage she has now.
APB on Roger Rabbit,
Has anyone seen Roger Rabbit? I have a question for him.
Roger –
Please provide proof that anyone here ever accused Wilson of being a pedophile or child molester (the accusation you made in the “Rove Confirmed Plame Was CIA” thread @22). It should be quit easy to go back and copy the posts.
I am STILL waiting…
All tools @9
You must have misunderstood my post. Windie had said that Gregoire won, as evidenced by the fact that she is in the mansion….. I was just pointing out, that windie (@ 6) should accept Bush as President because he is in the oval office.
That’s all.
I wish Rossi would reconsider. There’s nothing better than having a two time loser in the field.
Roger Rabbit:
Nice to see that you are back in top form after your absence.
Give ’em Hell!!
headless lucyspews:
Rossi is a doofus— an unforgivable political liability.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rossi is an honorable man.
McGavick will run.
Once people get to know McGavick and his relatively moderate politics, you will see a major rise in his poll numbers. Especially if Rossi campaigns hard for McGavick. If Gregoire even remotely campaigns for Cantwell….even remotely…it will make this a toss-up race.
Washington residents are tired of the 2 know-nothing, do-nothing Senators. Cantwell is also a liar who reneged on her campaign promise. Her fund-raising WILL be a huge issue against her. Her voting record won’t matter that much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If taking special interest money was against the law every Republican politician in the country would be in jail.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rossi an honorable man? Hahahahaha … let’s see, Rossi’s boss went to jail for robbing widows and orphans, and before the ink’s dry on his release papers Rossi is beating on his door to work for him again. Rossi only cared about the big commissions he made when he worked for this crook, he didn’t give a damn that the business was crooked or that innocent victims were robbed. You call that honorable?
Cynical @33,
Oh please… try to live up to your name for once. This campaign won’t be about McGavick… it’ll be about Frist and Delay and Rove and Cheney and Bush. It will be about maintaining a tiny sliver of defense in DC against total Republican hegemony.
All politics is not local.
Wouldn’t it be great if moronic senator murray would resign, yeah, i know i’m dreaming…
I wish Rossi would reconsider. There’s nothing better than having a two time loser in the field.
Comment by GBS— 7/15/05 @ 5:07 pm
No GBS he won twice before he lost the third recount.. In the end he lost even though he won the legitimate vote count. That would be true if he would have lost by a couple thousand in the first count to. You see Rebublicans in this state are in the hole five to ten thousand votes before the election even starts because of fraud. It has been that way for years. It is nothing to get bitter about it is just the way it is. The republicans were not able to overcome the fraud factor of the domocrats this round. End of story.
@ 38
Enthralled by Millerian DVF. Only costs a million bucks to prove. Start the collection.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I agree with you that the LEFTIST PINHEADS will try to paint every Republican candidate as a Karl Rove pawn.
The hate-mongers like you will spin away and have a certain following for you. But McGavick is a very intelligent, thoughtful man. Cantwell said she would finance her campaign and lied. It will be an issue for sure. So will KingCo Elections. The Democrats have permanently lost some life-long supporters in this State.
McGavick has an uphill climb for sure against an incumbent woman in this State. McGavick needs some help like Gregoire weighing in. Cantwell will be tied to Gregoire anyway….but it will help if Gregoire arrogantly starts stumping for Cantwell.
Rossi will be a big asset to McGavick.
It’s certainly Cantwell’s race to lose….but I can guarantee you there will be plenty of pollwatching and voter challenges in KingCo.
Goldy @ 36
“Oh please… try to live up to your name for once. This campaign won’t be about McGavick… it’ll be about Frist and Delay and Rove and Cheney and Bush. It will be about maintaining a tiny sliver of defense in DC against total Republican hegemony.”
To paraphrase you:
So, um, you’re telling me that the D’s are going to run ads demonizing the Bush Asmiinstration? Yeah… that’s an effective message.
Get in touch with the middle, most people in the middle don’t see the world as you do Goldy. This campaign will be about Cantwell, at least from the Republican side, and Cantwell will have to spend a great deal of time (and money) defending herself. She won’t have time to demonize Frist, Delay, et. al. The only people bringing them up to demonize them is the left wing fringe.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great advice to the lunatic LEFTIST PINHEADS.
As you know, it will fall on deaf ears.
These LEFTIST PINHEADS are deaf because they like to hear themselves talk so much…the louder & more shrill the better!!!
They sit around at the local horse stable in self-validation groups fwapping their jaws. The bitter acidic vitrol eventually causes the LEFTIST PINHEAD eardrum to melt.
Goldy & his ilk proudly view themselves as “Progressives”. They are hoping a good “label” will act as a buffer so others won’t see them for what they are. Bitter & twisted….unable to accomplish anything cost effectively. It’s all about them. That is and will continue to be their downfall.
righton @ 37
“Wouldn’t it be great if moronic senator murray would resign, yeah, i know i’m dreaming…”
Doubt that will happen. She’s such a non-entity, what has she done in the 12 years she’s been there? If all the Dems were like her, the Supreme Court nomination fight would be a non-issue. It’s Senators like Reid and Boxer, spewing hate speech instead of ideas that are the problem in the Senate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doofus @ 38
Were do you get this “Rossi won twice” shit from? Rossi didn’t win any times, dingbat. We had one election, not three elections, and Gregoire won the only legal vote count there is, but that’s too deep for your shallow intellect.
If you applied the republican thought process to football, here’s what you would get. Let’s say the Seahawks play the Packers, and the Pack is ahead 14-7 at the half, and still ahead 14-10 after the 3rd quarter, but the score is Seahawks 17, Packers 14 when the whistle blows on the 4th quarter.
According to idiots like you, that means the Packers won two games, and the Seahawks won one game, so the Packers won the series. Read the fucking rule book, numbnuts — there was only ONE game played, and the Packers LOST!!!
Rabbit your using the wrong game. The game you should be using is the Seahawk vs Jets.. you know where the ball never came close to getting over the line but they counted it anyways. Hey the game was official. They followed the rules! The Jets got the W but even Parcells knew who really won. Now that is a fair analogy.
I was sure I heard you had said definietly that Rossi would announce his bid for the senate. Is this true or am I recollecting it wrong?
Maybe Doc Hastings will run, thereby ending his political career.
What, Rossi didn’t blame the politics of the Washington Supreme Court? Has he gone off script?
You know as well as I do that his statement on the Supreme court was correct, clear the partisanship and face reality and common sense.
pbj @1,
You recollect wrong. In fact, I’ve just posted an update, pointing to the fact that I’ve been dissing a Rossi for Senate campaign since way back in December.
well, we don’t really know, do we? Since he didn’t even bother challenging him.
He should really blame the ‘partisan leftwing voters of Washington’, who wouldn’t even vote him into office even against the immensely inept campaign that Gregoire’s people ran.
Oh and prr, PBJ, and random trolls, spare me the ‘but rossi won!’, we’ve been over htat to death, and, well… who’s in the governers’ mansion?
“A recent poll indicated that I have a 12-point lead over the incumbent,” Rossi wrote to Dole.
Ah, must be the push-poll run by Strategic Vision, a company that never met a wingnut it didn’t like. About as meaningful as a sample taken from Chris Vance’s rolodex.
Windie, as long as you remember who’s in the oval office.
We’ve also beaten that one with a dead horse.
gas bag @ 8
just because some sad excuse for a judge rules the easy way out, doesn’t mean that she rightfully won. It only means that the judge didn’t want to research further the immense questions on the table. God knows there were TOO MANY inconsistencies, couple that with an elections worker owning up to co-creating FRAUDulent reports, it really makes you think… well makes most think anyway.
Tools @9
just because some sad excuse for a judge rules the easy way out
I completely disagree. Judge Bridges had to rule the way he did because of the inept, shoddy, lazy, and incompetent work on the part of the R team of lawyers.
The Dems lawyers were inept, they only won because it was an impossible case because of rules made by Bridges.
He wanted the gun, the body, the bullet, and a signed confession, we found three out of four, the killer wouldn’t waive fifth amendment rights.
The rules were made by the legislature, including Dino. The judge just interpreted them.
Contrary to previous president, but why should that get in the way of a victory dance.
Thanks Goldy for clearing that up and proving that Rossi is a man of his word!
All loose @ 13:
I think you mean precedent, and you are also wrong. The prior case you are probably referring to, Foulkes (sp?), was different on the facts and more importantly was based on an earlier statute that had some significant differences. Nevertheless, that is all water under the bridge, like Florida 2000, for example.
Rossi’s decision is disappointing. Cantwell, who has done well for being a senator in the minority and who campaigns well, would have cleaned his clock. The myth that Rossi has anything to offer this state needs to end, and I don’t suppose it will end until he gets whacked by a big margin. The weak-minded and shallow twit needs to return to real estate.
All this means is Rossi kept his word by not running for the Senate. He gets to run against Chrissy in 2008, the governor who didn’t keep her word (no new taxes and I’m not in favor of the gas tax) I have predicted all along that Rossi will end Chrissy political career in 2008.
Even Cantwell knew that beating Rossi would be a challenge for her. Now at least she has a fighting chance to retain her seat. Unfortunately for her, this means she has to run again on her record and she didn’t keep any of her campaign promises.
“The weak-minded and shallow twit”
I’ve seen nothing but an honorable man that stands by his word. Compare that to Gregiore who breaks 90% of her campaign promises, and shows firmly that she could care less about the ruled class.
Reply to 4
No, his statement on the [State] Supreme Court was partisan bullshit, and so is yours.
Thanks, Dino, but we already have a U.S. Senator with a mix of private and public sector experience — Maria Cantwell. And if you’re such a big fan of reaching across party lines and working with the opposition, go talk to Bush and Frist about that. They, not Cantwell, are the problem.
Reply to 9
What usually happens in court is you lose your case if you have no hard evidence to back up your allegations, and that’s exactly what happened in Wenatchee. But just leave it to a fuckstick winger to blame the judge.
Reply to 17
Talk is cheap. I have a feeling ’08 is going to make you look like a fool.
proud leftist @ 16
“Cantwell, who has done well for being a senator in the minority and who campaigns well, would have cleaned his clock.”
What has Cantwell done in the Senate?
In addition, your statement isn’t factually correct, Cantwell was in the majority from 2001-2003 (except between 1/20/01 and 5/24/01), nearly a third of her term.
She has some real credibility problems this time around. Her “I’m rich and not beholden to special interests” position will certainly be the subject of numerous campaign commercials, since she’s no longer rich or not taking PAC money.
Don’t forget that she was admonished for violating campaign finance laws as well:
She was recently (not sure of current status) still in debt.
I’m not sure what you are basing your claim of “cleaning his clock” on.
Con1st @23,
So, um, you’re telling me that the R’s are going to run ads attacking Cantwell for not being rich? Yeah… that’s an effective message.
I noticed that our favorite GOP hottie Mary Lane was involved in the announcement again. So I was wondering why a former real-estate salesman and former legislature and former candidate for governor still has a spokeswoman. Doesn’t she have a real job?
Try reading, not skimming. He said that her previous stance of being rich, and therefore not needing to pander to special interest groups will not work now that she is no longer rich.
And you get on other people’s case for lack of comprehension… damn!
Goldy @ 24
“So, um, you’re telling me that the R’s are going to run ads attacking Cantwell for not being rich? Yeah… that’s an effective message. ”
No, they’ll say she’s now taking special interest money when in the past she said she wouldn’t and didn’t need to.
Don’t forget Cantwell lost her re-election bid when she was in the House, even without the baggage she has now.
APB on Roger Rabbit,
Has anyone seen Roger Rabbit? I have a question for him.
Roger –
Please provide proof that anyone here ever accused Wilson of being a pedophile or child molester (the accusation you made in the “Rove Confirmed Plame Was CIA” thread @22). It should be quit easy to go back and copy the posts.
I am STILL waiting…
All tools @9
You must have misunderstood my post. Windie had said that Gregoire won, as evidenced by the fact that she is in the mansion….. I was just pointing out, that windie (@ 6) should accept Bush as President because he is in the oval office.
That’s all.
I wish Rossi would reconsider. There’s nothing better than having a two time loser in the field.
Roger Rabbit:
Nice to see that you are back in top form after your absence.
Give ’em Hell!!
Rossi is a doofus— an unforgivable political liability.
Rossi is an honorable man.
McGavick will run.
Once people get to know McGavick and his relatively moderate politics, you will see a major rise in his poll numbers. Especially if Rossi campaigns hard for McGavick. If Gregoire even remotely campaigns for Cantwell….even remotely…it will make this a toss-up race.
Washington residents are tired of the 2 know-nothing, do-nothing Senators. Cantwell is also a liar who reneged on her campaign promise. Her fund-raising WILL be a huge issue against her. Her voting record won’t matter that much.
If taking special interest money was against the law every Republican politician in the country would be in jail.
Rossi an honorable man? Hahahahaha … let’s see, Rossi’s boss went to jail for robbing widows and orphans, and before the ink’s dry on his release papers Rossi is beating on his door to work for him again. Rossi only cared about the big commissions he made when he worked for this crook, he didn’t give a damn that the business was crooked or that innocent victims were robbed. You call that honorable?
Cynical @33,
Oh please… try to live up to your name for once. This campaign won’t be about McGavick… it’ll be about Frist and Delay and Rove and Cheney and Bush. It will be about maintaining a tiny sliver of defense in DC against total Republican hegemony.
All politics is not local.
Wouldn’t it be great if moronic senator murray would resign, yeah, i know i’m dreaming…
I wish Rossi would reconsider. There’s nothing better than having a two time loser in the field.
Comment by GBS— 7/15/05 @ 5:07 pm
No GBS he won twice before he lost the third recount.. In the end he lost even though he won the legitimate vote count. That would be true if he would have lost by a couple thousand in the first count to. You see Rebublicans in this state are in the hole five to ten thousand votes before the election even starts because of fraud. It has been that way for years. It is nothing to get bitter about it is just the way it is. The republicans were not able to overcome the fraud factor of the domocrats this round. End of story.
@ 38
Enthralled by Millerian DVF. Only costs a million bucks to prove. Start the collection.
I agree with you that the LEFTIST PINHEADS will try to paint every Republican candidate as a Karl Rove pawn.
The hate-mongers like you will spin away and have a certain following for you. But McGavick is a very intelligent, thoughtful man. Cantwell said she would finance her campaign and lied. It will be an issue for sure. So will KingCo Elections. The Democrats have permanently lost some life-long supporters in this State.
McGavick has an uphill climb for sure against an incumbent woman in this State. McGavick needs some help like Gregoire weighing in. Cantwell will be tied to Gregoire anyway….but it will help if Gregoire arrogantly starts stumping for Cantwell.
Rossi will be a big asset to McGavick.
It’s certainly Cantwell’s race to lose….but I can guarantee you there will be plenty of pollwatching and voter challenges in KingCo.
Goldy @ 36
“Oh please… try to live up to your name for once. This campaign won’t be about McGavick… it’ll be about Frist and Delay and Rove and Cheney and Bush. It will be about maintaining a tiny sliver of defense in DC against total Republican hegemony.”
To paraphrase you:
So, um, you’re telling me that the D’s are going to run ads demonizing the Bush Asmiinstration? Yeah… that’s an effective message.
Get in touch with the middle, most people in the middle don’t see the world as you do Goldy. This campaign will be about Cantwell, at least from the Republican side, and Cantwell will have to spend a great deal of time (and money) defending herself. She won’t have time to demonize Frist, Delay, et. al. The only people bringing them up to demonize them is the left wing fringe.
Great advice to the lunatic LEFTIST PINHEADS.
As you know, it will fall on deaf ears.
These LEFTIST PINHEADS are deaf because they like to hear themselves talk so much…the louder & more shrill the better!!!
They sit around at the local horse stable in self-validation groups fwapping their jaws. The bitter acidic vitrol eventually causes the LEFTIST PINHEAD eardrum to melt.
Goldy & his ilk proudly view themselves as “Progressives”. They are hoping a good “label” will act as a buffer so others won’t see them for what they are. Bitter & twisted….unable to accomplish anything cost effectively. It’s all about them. That is and will continue to be their downfall.
righton @ 37
“Wouldn’t it be great if moronic senator murray would resign, yeah, i know i’m dreaming…”
Doubt that will happen. She’s such a non-entity, what has she done in the 12 years she’s been there? If all the Dems were like her, the Supreme Court nomination fight would be a non-issue. It’s Senators like Reid and Boxer, spewing hate speech instead of ideas that are the problem in the Senate.
Doofus @ 38
Were do you get this “Rossi won twice” shit from? Rossi didn’t win any times, dingbat. We had one election, not three elections, and Gregoire won the only legal vote count there is, but that’s too deep for your shallow intellect.
If you applied the republican thought process to football, here’s what you would get. Let’s say the Seahawks play the Packers, and the Pack is ahead 14-7 at the half, and still ahead 14-10 after the 3rd quarter, but the score is Seahawks 17, Packers 14 when the whistle blows on the 4th quarter.
According to idiots like you, that means the Packers won two games, and the Seahawks won one game, so the Packers won the series. Read the fucking rule book, numbnuts — there was only ONE game played, and the Packers LOST!!!
Sheesh …
Rabbit your using the wrong game. The game you should be using is the Seahawk vs Jets.. you know where the ball never came close to getting over the line but they counted it anyways. Hey the game was official. They followed the rules! The Jets got the W but even Parcells knew who really won. Now that is a fair analogy.
All politics is not local.
Bullshit! All politics are local.