Didja know that Goldy never worked in any administration, including the Mayor Greg Nickels administration? He even lost a weekend radio gig!
Ted Van Dyke has been there, seen that…Goldy only hears rumors.
The Piper
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Didja know this?
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Republican candidates lead Democrats for the second straight week in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 41% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would choose the Democratic candidate.
Deb Eddyspews:
Mostly, your snarkiness is amusing, DG, and I can smile at it. It’s YOU, and it’s a-okay w/me. But, I mean, really …
When McNamara’s death was announced, I immediately thought about the friends from high school who … ahem … didn’t come home, shall we say, from Mr. McNamara’s miscalculation about Vietnam. His book tour a couple of years ago, touting his reappraisal of the situation … was the height of bad taste, IMHO. I seethed, on behalf of Sgt. Raymond Armentrout, among others, who weren’t around to say, “Ah, geez, Bob, it’s okay; everyone makes mistakes.”
One of my biggest differences of opinion with the old Piper is that he thinks patriotism is a positive virtue under any conditions. I do not.
So whatever you may think of Ted Van Dyk, I found his comments about Robert McNamara, since they were based on first-hand knowledge gained during the Johnson administration, to be interesting. Thoughtful. And totally apropos.
Whaddya think of that MJ funeral? Try that one on for snarkiness … ???
Remember what I taught you people. Goldy’s post are sometimes a diversion, meant to take your attention away from something else. Today, he doesn’t want you to pay attention to the article in the Seattle Times that breaks down the minority percentages in various local public schools. Specifically, I believe Goldy doesn’t want people to notice how Seattle’s school district has a 57% minority enrollment, while Mercer Island only has 25%.
Liberal progressive my ass.
To teach anything you must know something.
THerefore troll cannot teach.
You want to direct the conversation, start your own blog.
@4 “Taught?” Hell, you couldn’t teach a seagull how to shit on a parked car.
“Whaddya think of that MJ funeral?”
Wake me up when it’s over.
Ghengis Khanspews:
who cares if T.V.D. worked in DC forty five years ago.
doesn’t seem like he’s done anything lately.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Speaking of rumors, is there anything new tonight on the rumors that Bailin’ Palin is under investigation for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena? I’m not insinuating she did; in fact, I’m not aware of any evidence she did, and in the absence of such evidence, I assume she’s innocent; I’m just asking what the current status is of the rumors that she’s under investigation for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena?
@Didja know the earth is 6,000 years old! It came to me in a dream. An invisible man in the sky created it cause he was bored and wanted people to worship him. Of course he won’t tell them for directly for over 3,000 years, and then won’t give the whole planet instructions for another thousand years, and then will only tell one person who has to convince everyone else of this truth (instead of just appearing in the sky and telling EVERYONE at once). Oh, and if you guess wrong and get the wrong religion, he’ll torture you for a trillion years (for starters). Makes sense to me. Ok, that’s just SILLY. Vishnu created everything. I mean Odin. I mean the Zues’ parents. I mean … oh heck with it…all praise the FSM and his noodley appendages!
Deb Eddy: Ted Van Dyk is a dinosaur. The more you defend him, the more you sound like one.
Piper Scottspews:
Defending someone’s right to say something or even what they say makes one a dinosaur?
How’s that First Amendment workin’ out for ya?
Or would you prefer to simply burn a few books then herd their authors to a gulag?
Bob McNamara was a two-faced glorified bean counter who screwed us into Vietnam, then tried to cover his scat in later life. Read what David Halberstam, author of The Best and the Brightest, had to say when reviewing McNamara’s CYA mea culpa book:
This is a shallow, mechanistic, immensely disappointing book. Had it been published 25 years ago while the battle itself and the debate over it was still raging — had McNamara come forth then and said, as he does here, that what had come to be known as “McNamara’s War” was “wrong, terribly wrong,” it would have been an extremely valuable part of the ongoing debate; indeed, it might have ended the debate then and there….
In this book, much heralded by his publisher as a mea culpa, the agenda is McNamara’s, not the reader’s…. [H]e not only gets to give the answers he wants but he also gets to choose the questions he asks himself….
This should have been an important book. But it is not. It permits us some insight into McNamara’s inability to come to terms with his role and its consequences, and it involuntarily offers a rare insight into the difference between the mind of a truly public man and the mind of a bureaucrat. But that is little recompense. McNamara comes to us now as a sad and greatly diminished figure from a tainted past. The debate has long since passed him by.
Ted Van Dyk is a pretty courageous guy for telling it straight up, and Deb Eddy is ditto for standing up for Ted.
Didja know that Goldy never worked in any administration, including the Mayor Greg Nickels administration? He even lost a weekend radio gig!
Ted Van Dyke has been there, seen that…Goldy only hears rumors.
The Piper
Didja know this?
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Mostly, your snarkiness is amusing, DG, and I can smile at it. It’s YOU, and it’s a-okay w/me. But, I mean, really …
When McNamara’s death was announced, I immediately thought about the friends from high school who … ahem … didn’t come home, shall we say, from Mr. McNamara’s miscalculation about Vietnam. His book tour a couple of years ago, touting his reappraisal of the situation … was the height of bad taste, IMHO. I seethed, on behalf of Sgt. Raymond Armentrout, among others, who weren’t around to say, “Ah, geez, Bob, it’s okay; everyone makes mistakes.”
One of my biggest differences of opinion with the old Piper is that he thinks patriotism is a positive virtue under any conditions. I do not.
So whatever you may think of Ted Van Dyk, I found his comments about Robert McNamara, since they were based on first-hand knowledge gained during the Johnson administration, to be interesting. Thoughtful. And totally apropos.
Whaddya think of that MJ funeral? Try that one on for snarkiness … ???
Remember what I taught you people. Goldy’s post are sometimes a diversion, meant to take your attention away from something else. Today, he doesn’t want you to pay attention to the article in the Seattle Times that breaks down the minority percentages in various local public schools. Specifically, I believe Goldy doesn’t want people to notice how Seattle’s school district has a 57% minority enrollment, while Mercer Island only has 25%.
Liberal progressive my ass.
To teach anything you must know something.
THerefore troll cannot teach.
You want to direct the conversation, start your own blog.
@4 “Taught?” Hell, you couldn’t teach a seagull how to shit on a parked car.
“Whaddya think of that MJ funeral?”
Wake me up when it’s over.
who cares if T.V.D. worked in DC forty five years ago.
doesn’t seem like he’s done anything lately.
@1 Speaking of rumors, is there anything new tonight on the rumors that Bailin’ Palin is under investigation for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena? I’m not insinuating she did; in fact, I’m not aware of any evidence she did, and in the absence of such evidence, I assume she’s innocent; I’m just asking what the current status is of the rumors that she’s under investigation for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena?
@Didja know the earth is 6,000 years old! It came to me in a dream. An invisible man in the sky created it cause he was bored and wanted people to worship him. Of course he won’t tell them for directly for over 3,000 years, and then won’t give the whole planet instructions for another thousand years, and then will only tell one person who has to convince everyone else of this truth (instead of just appearing in the sky and telling EVERYONE at once). Oh, and if you guess wrong and get the wrong religion, he’ll torture you for a trillion years (for starters). Makes sense to me. Ok, that’s just SILLY. Vishnu created everything. I mean Odin. I mean the Zues’ parents. I mean … oh heck with it…all praise the FSM and his noodley appendages!
Deb Eddy: Ted Van Dyk is a dinosaur. The more you defend him, the more you sound like one.
Defending someone’s right to say something or even what they say makes one a dinosaur?
How’s that First Amendment workin’ out for ya?
Or would you prefer to simply burn a few books then herd their authors to a gulag?
Bob McNamara was a two-faced glorified bean counter who screwed us into Vietnam, then tried to cover his scat in later life. Read what David Halberstam, author of The Best and the Brightest, had to say when reviewing McNamara’s CYA mea culpa book:
Ted Van Dyk is a pretty courageous guy for telling it straight up, and Deb Eddy is ditto for standing up for Ted.
They deal with issues, not innuendo.
The Piper