According to state party Chairman Paul Berendt, the Democrats expect to spend up to $3.5 million defending the election. That’s a lot of money that could have been spent on other things, like… gee… I dunno… maybe helping Sen. Maria Cantwell win reelection? So the state Dems are going to have to raise a few extra million dollars in the current election cycle, and I have the perfect idea of where to start.
Despite the fact that state law makes primary losers ineligible, even as a write-in candidate, Ron Sims received over 500 write-in votes in King County alone. It’s a safe bet that most, if not all, of these people surely would have preferred Gregoire over Rossi… so, since 500 votes turned out to be the difference between a close election and an interminable lawsuit, these 500+ people must be feeling pretty fucking stupid by now.
So my suggestion is that if they want to make amends, each and every one of them should pony up $7,000 to the state Dems.
Yeah, I know… everybody has the right to throw away their vote on a symbolic gesture… but then I have the right to call you fucking stupid for doing so.
PINHEADED LEFTISTS, by definition, are fucking stupid Goldy.
So what’s new?
Read Keith Ervins article in the Seattle Times today….and weep Mr. & Ms. LEFTIST PINHEAD!
Goldy…the more rank-and-file staff that are deposed, the worse it gets for Gregoire and her ilk.
I laugh and laugh at your spin Goldy…give this one your best shot!
By the way…no mention of these depositions in the HorsesTass…..errr, I mean Seattle PI.
Does that make me one of the Gregoire Ilk? I’m so pleased!
You forgot to add the 1mm or so the Dems spent to overturn the first 2 election counts. You wouldn’t be spending this money had you not spent the earlier money
don’t worry, you’ve got automatic payroll deductions from the gov’t workers, to pay for union helping the Dems.
Goldy on the Sims write in votes
Are you saying you know of 500 write in ballots where the Governor part is blank or unclear? How else would mentioning Sims got 500 write in votes impact the Governors race?? Sims got thousands of votes in KC, so what.
Not a nickel’s worth of difference between Sims and Gregoire, so you could have just had Logan remark the ballots appropriately because you really know who they meant to vote for. Also no problem getting 3.5 +++ million back from the billions she is handing out to her constituents.
Scotty beam me up from this state, until the November 2005 election cycle. Performance audits with teeth, Gas tax rollback, New Governor election – New King County Elections Department
PS Did you notice Seatle Based WAMU choose Texas as their home for 4200 new job center today – Seems Texas is business friendlier than Seattle.
Good morning Goldy. Nice comment about your own people. Calling them stoopid for writing Ron Dims on the ballot. Maybe they were a protest vote against GreGore? I guess you finally see the light, coming out of your Motel 6 Room. Man, I wonder what you would call me if you hated me. Yes, Democrats pony up that $7000 to the same dumb democrapic machine that caused this 2004 election fiasco.
read local times today…
Election manager linked to false report
By Keith Ervin
Seattle Times staff reporter
I heard 1000 or so wrote in Calvin Coolidge as governor. But dean logan knew they really meant Gregoire….
Puddy Buddy you said “You forgot to add the 1mm or so the Dems spent to overturn the first 2 election counts. You wouldn’t be spending this money had you not spent the earlier money” I am confused, do you mean the first recount that was done by law and paid for by the taxpayers?
ah Jpgee
Maybe we should do no counts; just give it to Gregoire. 1st count always happens, and 2nd also automatic. 2nd i’d argue was cheap, cuz machine count. 3rd, was optional, opted in by your candidate. So GOP never had to make a decision to spend extra.
But they are sure having to pay ‘extra’ for their frivolous law suit, aren’t they?
what would you pay to retrieve your stolen property? Neighbor steals your car, wouldn’t you do everything to get it back?
ps, without the lawsuit none of this malarky would have come to light. We are just starting to learn of a conspiracy to fudge the process (again, see today’s times).
lol, its too bad the same jurispurdence could not have happened back in ’04
Better yet, what would you dems have done if the tides were totally turned. If she had won the first two machine counts and then lost a hand count with the crap that is being found daily in the King County Elections department especially. I will guarantee the Dems would have been at the judges door with a contest arguing the very same things the Republicans are. It is Rossi’s right to bring this case and I am happy to see it.
Gaseous Sh*thead @ 15
Sorry Gas, the Dems are a little more pragmatic and would have given the elections system the benefit of the doubt. Better to let the opposition take the gov’s mansion and work quietly to fix elections systems problems than to get mired in expensive lawsuits.
Oh and is King the only County in WA to have problems with elections?
Nice try.
Cynical @2,
The Times story is old news. We already knew this… the only thing new is that it was now restated in a deposition. Again, there is no evidence of stuffed ballots, just evidence of problems reconciling them.
righton @5,
I’m saying that hundreds of Democrats, pigheadedly cast write-in votes for Ron Sims, who otherwise would have surely cast votes for Gregoire if they knew this election would be so close. If not for these stubborn, symbolic gestures, Gregoire would have won by a wider, incontestable margin, and we all would have been spared the GOP’s calculated campaign to destroy public faith in the system.
And by the way, I should point out that I was a strong Ron Sims supporter during the primary… I even doorbelled for him. But he lost, and so I cast my vote for the next best candidate.
Thats called speculation + cherry-picking. How many Republicans had no clue or dream that a repub might win, so they wrote in Ronnie Reagan or Sue Smith or something.
Your hand picked elections team (yeah, they are party hacks) endeavored NOT to figure things out accurately.
Being intentionally negligent is that they did, then did some form of cover up. Logan-gate?
Your’e such a laughable fool. And if only we had stopped Mohammed Atta and some other guys from getting on those planes in Boston, we’d still have some tall buidlings in downtown Manhattan.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback. Writing something unique takes talent that you don’t have.
The way I read the article, they recognized they could not properly account for the absentees because their equipment could not handle the information properly. So they did the best they could. It’s not like they could say, oops, we screwed up, let’s have a do-over; or King County votes won’t count this year because we can’t perfectly reconcile. Even if you believe they made the wrong choice, I still don’t see any evidence of fraud that changed the election result.
OK so even if that were the case, why would the Current legislature not make it a priority to fix the damn King County Election equipment so that it accurately accounted for the ballots it sent, recieved, and counted.
Would a Bank not demand accounting of the money it loaned out, the payments it recived back and the outstanding reconciliation balance of the account. Ron Sims aparently thinks this election was equal to this type of bank accounting.
Come on folks get real here! There is not the equipment within an election system to accurately count the votes and you find no problems with this.. WOW
If you knew that some of the write-in’s cast for Sims were from African-Americans protesting Gregoire’s association with a racist sorority, would you still call them stupid?
Knowingly preparing false reconciliation documents that are required for the Canvassing Board. Key word=KNOWINGLY.
Is that Fraud? It’s more than simple negligence, that’s for sure. We’ll see.
So Goldy–
All along you have been so certain Rossi had no case, right?
If so, then exactly why have the Dems spent more than the R’s on this election contest???????
I didn’t say I have no problem with it. I would like to see them fix things up. Of course, that takes resources as well as possibly an attitude change. I am pointing out that the depositions seem to show officials doing the best they could under tremendous difficulties. At worst, they showed bad judgment, not fraud. And these so-called revelations mean nothing for the election challenge.
Mr. C @ 23
The D’s spent more because they don’t have BIAW doing their grunt work.
Nixon erased tapes. Was that the same bad judgement as lying about the certification?
(i’m not part of the “it depends on the meaning of the word “is” crowd”)
You think they lied, I disagree.
Goldy I think you could have made a different (and in my opinion better) point.
The GOP is running this whole Rossi suit NOT because they think they can win. They are simply doing it to raise money for their candidates and to cause the Dems to spend money defending Chris that could in fact go to other campaigns. So while you’re right, I’d rather see Dems pointing out the obvious….the basic IQ of a George Bush supporter is in direct relationship to the average male shoe size, i.e., about 10. Accordingly, Vance knows he can appeal to the inbreds, stir them up easily, and raise some cash. We ought to be reminding the ingrates that’s what’s happening to them. We also ought to remember to remind our fellow Dems that we have to make up the difference in campaign contributions to fight the evil doers.
Me and the missus, err, my sister, and i was on the sofabed talking, plotting evil.
We decided indeed, best outcome is to out the lies and stolen election, but let Chrissie retain power. Then we’ll blow all you scoundrals out of office (that is, election wise).
Good for us inbred, trailer park folk,
I disagree with your premise, Goldy. People have a right to vote for whoever they want to, and no party owns anyone’s vote. Even though I voted 100% Democratic in November, the Democratic Party doesn’t own my vote. I wasn’t one of the Sims write-ins, but I reserve the right to vote for a 3rd party or write in candidate if I don’t like the candidates served up by the two major parties. I don’t think it’s right to blame the close election on the Sims write-ins, or for that matter, on the thousands of gays who voted for Ruth Bennett instead of Gregoire (and how do we know they would have voted for Gregoire, if there hadn’t been a gay Libertarian campaigning on a pro-gay platform?). I just can’t subscribe to your argument this time.
Goldy isn’t spinning the Nicole Way deposition. What a gracious loser.
It…was…fraud. By their own admission. Well?
“Fawn Leibowitz is me fiancee. Well actually, we’re engaged to be engaged.”
I am watching the news (NWCN) and according to a KING county (yes KING county) elections worker we now have clear election FRAUD. Not just fraud but organized fraud (you know two or more perpetuating the fraud). Damn Goldy what a model election! Did the egg hit you square in the face or was it a glancing blow?
Chuck @32. Please tape it and electronically transmit it to Goldy, otherwise they will call you a LIAR!!!!
The $4mm cost just shows how expensive incompentant leadership is. If Sims and Logan weren’t the dunces they’ve proven to be, we’d have a clean election and be done with it.
Guess its like an Enron or someone w/ bad auditors…seems good for a while then you get stung.
Oh yeah, a couple of minor functionaries too dumb to realize that they weren’t following proper procedures. Once their incompetence was recognized, they were relieved of their responsibilities.
No votes or voters were affected in any way. All aspects of this report were already very well known a month ago. Which is why this bombshell-NOT of a story didn’t make page 1 of the Times. In fact, it didn’t even make section A.
I will say that KC Elections needs to do a whole lot of work in training and educating their staff. Logan’s been there since 2003, and although he had to do a lot of remedial work to overcome the problems under previous administrative teams, things still aren’t as good as they should be.
Ah, some little people erred, and Pravda buried the story, eh?
Come on, we hardly look to Seattle times as barometer of news or criminality.
And to say a concerted effort by senior officials to falsely certify was minor, is a joke…. RICO baby…
“A model election” indeed….
dems spending $3.5 million on a case they are losing big time. If you lose and there is a new election what happens to the $750k the SoS is holding? The big Kerry fund raiser didn’t raise enough money to even cover the cost to have it.
What will you do about money to run a new GOV campaign? Who will cough up the cash? ask Hillary, She is the expert campaign fund raiser.
ballots opened and then resealed? printing blank ballots and taking them home?
Doesn’t maria have any more stock she can sell?
Pic of the KC election machine http://www.villageluggageandgi.....igiron.jpg
“count every vote”
“accuracy a bank would envy”
“good home training”
“talk show radio’s”
Righton, exactly! But it was a mistake. they didn’t mean to print those ballots and take them home and fill them out and run them thru the machine in precinct 1823. Honest they didn’t, it’s all a big misunderstanding. they only had 3 years to clean up the elections dept.
And working double time to get the homeless registered
And taking the long way to deliver the Military ballots..
And helping dems go door to door to fix missing signatures..
Oh a few million ought not be a problem. Give George Soros a call.
For a group proletariats, you liberals sure are well conected to a lot of bourgeoisie.
The libs are eating their own now. Quite a show.
Liberals be patient with the neocon/theocon/winocons in our lives. Like Chardonnay, they are bitter and cold souls. Chardonnay’s usual focus point is Air America….it scares her to death. Funny but she should be scared. The average age of listners on Rush and O’lieLikeme is 60 years old, the average age of listners on Air America is 47. Give us a few more years and they will all be in their ‘resting places’ and the USA will get back on track to once again become the leader of the free world, not the laughing stock of it.
Hey it’s okay for a white woman to belong to a segregated sorority. Why, she was young and stoopid. Now she’s old and still stoopid. But people writing in Ron Dims’ name, now that’s funny. Pigheaded, yeah Goldy, the first undeniable truth from your mind to your fingers, just like most democraps pigheaded, wallowing in the muck and mire. I guess they were insightful and clairvoyant in trying to save Dims the embarassment of this current election cycle fiasco by sending him to Olympia any way they could.
PuddyButt @ 47,
Are you babbling AGAIN? Take your meds, pal.
PuddyBuddy, take your meds, those late nights on Castro Street are taking their toll from our troll
U2&DJ. Gave up trying to prove your point on the other thread. What; the comments hitting home to some of you since Goldy called Ron Sims democraps pigheaded? If the shoe fits, oink in it.
Is that the best comment both you can do? Come on Economics Professor Emeritus DJ, of the the small 1 block Seattle College MoveOn.PU, I don’t need to take meds. You guys provide all the endorphins one needs with the comical retorts you produce. Such psychobabble. A legend in your own mind! Here are more pigheaded democraps: Ron Dims – your hero “County Executive of the Blighted”, Dean Logan “Electioneer of the Year”, Bill Heunnekens “Employee of the Month”, Nicole Way “A Truthteller”, Paul Berendt “Official Count all Dems Votes Crybaby”.
Castro Street: Your hang out I guess? I know of the place by name but don’t visit it here in the bay area. Not my clientele. Since you know of it, they were asking for horsesAsses, oops… I mean the democrapic asses on the horsesass blog in the airport. I pointed them north, go to Seattle.
Show me the evidence that someone from King County entered false votes or shut up about blank ballots. Show me what they did with them. Show me one line from one deposition indicating a King County Worker falsified a ballot or stop the slander. Not what they could have, might have, thought about doing. Give me one proven vote.
If you ran the 7-11 and let cashier take their cashbox home on the weekend, and then found you had an inventory problem; would you blindly think they were innocent (and so martians came up with the missing groceries (or voters)
Reply to 18, your statement “Your hand picked elections team (yeah, they are party hacks) endeavored NOT to figure things out accurately. Being intentionally negligent … ” is false. These were errors, not a conspiracy to steal the election. That black helicopter hovering over your house is actually the New Moon.
Reply to 19, “It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback,” yes it is, isn’t it? That’s all you guys have done for the last six months. You have WAY too much time on your hands, some of you need to get a real job.
Reply to 34, how much has Bush’s incompetent leadership cost us? Trillions? Certainly, hundreds of billions — and 1600+ American lives. Why aren’t you criticizing the Mother-of-All-Fuck-Ups sitting in Washington DC?
Nice proportional analysis
Wow it looks like dead people did vote in King County, way to go liberals, the Kennedy’s were the last people to master that technique. Looks like the rules are only meant to apply to conservatives b/c liberals know how to run things.