From an anonymous email sent to a local blogger:
Sorry to email you anonymously but I can’t have my name attached to this. I am a journalism student at EWU and we had the editor of the Spokesman Review, Steve Smith, in our class with Professor Steve Blewett, former editor of the Spokesman. He spoke to us about the endorsement of Cathy McMorris and told us point blank that the editorial board had voted to endorse Peter Goldmark with with an almost unanimous vote (I believe he said 5-1). However, the decision of the editorial board was overturned by owner Stacey Cowles. Now the rest of what I say is purely speculation, but I had heard that the Cowles were staunchly Republican. If this is true (I don’t doubt the editor but rather my own speculation) would this not be completely improper and something that should be screamed from the heavens?
In the comment thread S-R Editor Steven Smith says the anonymous journalism student got it wrong — not only did the board vote to endorse McMorris, but the vote was not close. Fair enough.
But he leads off with an interesting statement:
Well, so much for the accuracy of the blogosphere and the anonymity it provides.
Um… I think Smith misses the point.
My post was entirely accurate. An EWU journalism student did indeed anonymously send that email. It was rumor, and I presented it as such, without comment.
And as a result, the editor of the S-R came into my comment thread and set the record straight, thus proving the accuracy of the blogosphere.
So thanks Steve, for participating in the discussion and helping to make the blogosphere a better, more informative place.
The ownership society silencing the voice of the people again, and again, and again.
Why would it be improper? Cowles owns the paper, right?
That said, I hope the “repeal the death tax” initiative goes down in flames.
When you say, “…sent to a local blogger:” are you referring to you, or a different blogger. Are you the first to post this?
From FEC Website: Cowles gave last cycle to a Republican running in a district that her paper covers:
Contributions to Political Committees
09/13/2004 1000.00
The Cowles are conservative greed heads going a couple of generations back. This wouldn’t suprise me at all.
Journalistically unethical? Yes.
Common practice in today’s newspaper biz? Yes.
Publishers and/or owners frequently override the editorial staff’s decisions — especially when they have a financial stake in the outcome (think Blethens). Ever wonder why newspapers and tv news no longer run investigative reports exposing car dealers who cheat their customers? Ever notice how much of your Sunday newspaper consists of car ads?
isn’t it just amazing all the “anonymous” sources that just seem to find their way to goldstien
“Lawyer X” in the gregoire theft..
“Anonymous family member” in David Irons slander..
Now an “anonymous” journalism student
goldstiens gives credence to the thought that when he is irrelevent he makes himself relevent by “invention”.
goldstien plays this card in every election season and you lemmings follow him right over the cliff.
Maybe shouted from the rooftops rather than screamed from the heavens. That would be scary.
Just wondering… why do democrats tell fucking lies to sick people about embryonic stem cells? Why do they use sick people like fox to tell fucking lies to other sick people?
Don’t you guys have any shame?
Hey, Redneck,
I noticed that your hero, Mike! McGavick, acknowledges that there is no doubt that global warming is occurring and that human activity is contributing. Doesn’t that make him a moonbat from your perspective? How can you possibly vote for a moonbat?
“Why do they use sick people like fox to tell fucking lies to other sick people?”
You mean like Arlen Specter?
Oh, and pay up on your bet, you fucking welcher.
Proud, you have to remember that, to Mark the Welching Redneck, any time a Democrate cites sound science the Democrat is “lying”. But, when Republicans do it, they’re “smart”. After all, we’re talking about someone who still doesn’t understand the concept of a fraction.
Dude, give it a rest. You are going to give yourself hives if you don’t calm down. You are going to lose every argument here. Your beloved Republican party is about to lose control of the House and Senate. I would expect at that time you will just shut the fuck up.
God, I hope that is how it works.
Hugs and Kisses,
speaking of global warming….
Quoting from the gawd of global warming: “Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long-since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming. Ladies and gentlemen, the warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.”
Shit, what happened?. Hurricane season nearly over and we’ve had zero hurricanes. ZERO !!!!!!! Fucking zero. None.
Where is the series of terrible catastrophes?
Maccaca is about to lose in Virginia. The latest poll shows him behind. And in Tennessee, the “Playboy” ad has backfired and Ford has taken the lead there. Fucking Republicans, never learn. Stubborn to the end. Following Chief Sheep in Charge right over the cliff.
Funny how that works.
Open letter to everyone:
Please, our friend MTR suffers from Rectal-Cranial inversion and therefore deserves our sympathy. We are liberals here and lets extend to him the same compassion he shows for the poor and disadvantanged.
Or not.
anonymous @ 8, you are absolutely corect. We lemmings belived Davids source during the election contest and we fell off the cliff. We believed his sources with Irons and fell again. We believed his sources with ‘Brownie’… Damn, that cliff again. In the last two years Goldy’s record is pretty damn good! Notice how no one here gives credence to your anonymous posts? Our cliffs are in your imagination, the cliff you and the rest of the wingnuts will fall off of Nov. 7 might not have a botom.
Where did Darcy Burner get experience in military strategy? Was it when she was a member of her community’s homeowner’s association?
Where the fuck did she live? Beirut?
Yo, Mark the Welching Redneck. When you’ve shown that you understand the basic concept of a fraction, then I might endeavor to explain something as complex as global climate change to you (hint: the key word is “global”). Until then, pay up on your bet, you fucking welcher.
“our friend MTR suffers from Rectal-Cranial inversion”
Uh-oh, don’t tell Rush. He’ll smear the poor bastard for “faking it.”
Left Foot, actually his problem is worse. He suffers from an advanced version known as “rectal-egoitis.” That’s when the head swells, and it gets stuck.
Please, our friend MTR suffers from Rectal-Cranial inversion and therefore deserves our sympathy. We are liberals here and lets extend to him the same compassion he shows for the poor and disadvantanged.
A fair request; he deserves no less. Perhaps he could be so kind as to explain which of the five Atlantic hurricanes is he forgetting?
What a surprise. An ownership society person owning his own printing press.
Poll Date Sample Corker(R) Ford(D) Undecided Spread
RCP Average 10/18 – 10/24 – 47.8 45.5 5.0 Corker +2.3>
SurveyUSA 10/22 – 10/24 780 LV 48 48 5 Tie
LA Times/Bloomberg 10/20 – 10/23 515 LV 49 44 4 Corker +5.0
Mason-Dixon 10/18 – 10/20 625 LV 45 43 9 Corker +2.0
Rasmussen 10/19 – 10/19 500 LV 49 47 2 Corker +2.0
Poll Date Sample Talent(R)* McCaskill(D) Und. Spread
RCP Average 10/17 – 10/25 – 47.3 46.0 5.0 Talent +1.3
Rasmussen 10/25 – 10/25 500 LV 50 48 2 Talent +2.0
SurveyUSA 10/21 – 10/23 630 LV 48 45 5 Talent +3.0
LA Times/Bloomberg 10/20 – 10/23 593 LV 48 45 4 Talent +3.0
Mason-Dixon 10/17 – 10/19 625 LV 43 46 9 McCaskill +3.0
Poll Date Sample Allen(R)* Webb(D) Undecided Spread
RCP Average 10/17 – 10/24 – 47.3 46.0 5.0 Allen +1.3
Rasmussen 10/24 – 10/24 500 LV 49 48 3 Allen +1.0
SurveyUSA 10/22 – 10/24 613 LV 49 46 3 Allen +3.0
LA Times/Bloomberg 10/20 – 10/23 385 LV 44 47 6 Webb +3.0
Mason-Dixon 10/17 – 10/19 625 LV 47 43 8 Allen +4.0
If moonbats take control, charlie rangel will take over ways and means which writes tax laws.
When asked what he’d do, he said he would ACROSS THE BOARD TAX INCREASES that would cost the average family $1600 per year.
Sounds like a winning platform to me.
Hey Rabbit – Dig deeper pal. Will you give up your meds to pay Charlie? Or do you think I should pay your share you fucking loser freeloader.
The Seattle Times, the Spoksman review and the Everett Harold all have a history of endorsements made at the demands or their owners and not based upon an editorial board of informed writers. The tactic is hugely effective since readership which agrees with what the editorial writers have written over time, tend to use there endorsements when they are undecided as a sort of tie breaker.
I’ll bet Rabbit wishes now that he made real lawyer money instead of settling for the low expectations of being a gummint parasite.
Anonymous wrote, “isn’t it just amazing all the “anonymous†sources that just seem to find their way to goldstien”
Coming from someone who posts as “Anonymous” that’s just funny to read.
FWIW, I’ve also heard this. So the question is what do you do with the info? For my part you verify it and contact those in question who can confirm the truth of the matter.
You didn’t answer my question about how you can vote for a moonbat who believes in human-accelerated global warming like Mike! does. By the way, please accept my thanks for the endless amusement that your foolish rants provide.
Olbermann on GOP Fearmongering
10 MTR
Yeah, why would those sick Demcratic fucks pretend that stem cells have helped paralyzed rats walk? It’s just cruel, I say.
Or why would those bastards say that stem cells have regenerated gum tissue in mice? Or regenerated torn tendon and ligament tissue? Or cardiac muscle? OR that stem cells have reversed Parkinson’s in monkeys?
Those bastards.
15 MTR
Hey, you DID see my post about prevailing wind patterns in this El Nino year pushing hurricanes out to sea and away from the US, didn’t you? I saw you recently claim that there were no hurricanes this year. As I said, you’re the idiot. National Hurricane Center begs to differ (note: hurricane season’s not over yet):
Jun 2006
TS ALBERTO 10-14 JUNE 70 * **
Jul 2006
TS BERYL 18-21 JUL 60 0 0
Aug 2006
TS CHRIS 1-5 AUG 65 0 0
TS DEBBY 21-27 AUG 50 0 0
H ERNESTO 24 AUG – 75 * *
Sept 2006
H FLORENCE 3-12 SEP 90 0 0
H GORDON 10-20 SEP 120 0 0
H HELENE 12-24 SEP 125 0 0
H ISAAC 27 SEP- 85 0 0
Olbermann is not receiving enough credit as a voice of liberals everywhere. His ratings however, are skyrocketing. Faux News however is bleeding viewers.
Funny how that works.
Where did Darcy Burner get experience in military strategy? Was it when she was a member of her community’s homeowner’s association?
Where the fuck did she live? Beirut?
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 12:14
You don’t need experience to run our military. Just look at Bush, and Rumsfeld. I would trust Darcy to do a far better job than the liars in chief, in her sleep.
Redneck Mark. Name one single thing Bush, and Rummy has done RIGHT in Iraq……
#0 Anon
It’s the 25th and allyour polls stop at 10/17. Virginia and Tennessee have turned in the last week. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya.
31 MTR
And Nancy Pelosi, who is the one who cracks the fucking whip, has said that tax cuts will be rolled back (that is, your “increase”) only for those who make over $200K. I think she can handle Charlie Rangel.
If moonbats take control, charlie rangel will take over ways and means which writes tax laws.
When asked what he’d do, he said he would ACROSS THE BOARD TAX INCREASES that would cost the average family $1600 per year.
Sounds like a winning platform to me.
Hey Rabbit – Dig deeper pal. Will you give up your meds to pay Charlie? Or do you think I should pay your share you fucking loser freeloader.
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 12:28 pm
Are you reading the GOP talking points? You think Rangle would raise taxes on poor people and give breaks to the super rich? Oh I forgot. That was Bush.
How does it feel being a liar Kennedy liar?
You know you are lying. Have you thought about getting some help somewhere? They have treatment for blind partisanship where the patient thinks up is down, war is peace, good is bad, and so on.
I suggest you look at some EVIDENCE before you open your piehole from now on.
Did Rangle say he was gonna raise taxes on the poor? Show me the quote…..
I thought so. Mehlman said it, not Rangle.
Well, so much for the accuracy of the blogosphere and the anonymity it provides.
I am the editor of The Spokesman-Review and here is the truth of the matter as I explained it to yet another blogger (who, at least) was interested enough in the facts to contact me).
Here is what I wrote about the rumor:
Untrue. In the class presentation at EWU (not WSU as rumored), I used an anecdote that I’ve used countless times before dealing with the 2004 Murray/Nethercutt Senate race. The anecdote is used to illustrate the role a publisher can take in the endorsement process (after all, the publisher is the institutional voice of the paper and the edit page is supposed to reflect his views). In the case of the SR board, Stacey Cowles rarely invokes his ultimate authority. More than other papers with which I’ve been associated, Stacey participates and supports the collaborative/consensual editorial board process.
But he can exercise his authority as he did in 2004 when the board was divided and probably would have, left to its own devices, supported Sen. Murray. Stacey wanted us to endorse Nethercutt and we did.
In the 2004 5th District House race, we endorsed the Democrat, Don Barberei, over Cathy McMorris and did so unanimously. So much for the perception that we only endorse Republicans or that Stacey only supports Republicans. (In fact, our endorsements generally go 50-50).
I did not address the McMorris/Goldmark race in class except to play a voice mail message from a reader who was dropping his subscription because we endorsed her. But if I had discussed the endorsement, this is what I would have said:
I will not go into the details of the board “vote,” insofar as we had any sort of deliberation. But, the decision was not a close one and I, personally, urged the McMorris endorsement. I went into the campaign with an open mind, and based on our endorsement of two years ago, was thoroughly prepared to endorse the incumbent’s opponent. But I did not see Peter Goldmark grow as the campaign progressed. In our editorial board meeting, which was webcast and which is archived and available for viewing online, he failed to speak in specifics, showed a lack of knowledge on Congressional process and, frankly, was outdone on every level by McMorris. I also was left with the feeling that he remains ambivalent about runing for the office in the first place.
I walked away from the table that day and told the editorial page editor that I believed we should endorse McMorris. I won’t speak for the others, but assure you the endorsement reflected the board’s strong consensus and the editorial was written by one of our associate editors and approved by the entire editorial board.
For what it’s worth, I could say something similar about the Cantwell/McGavick endorsement which ran today.
So that’s the truth of it. The rumor was started by an EWU journalism student who got his facts wrong. I’m always on the record in my public statements and wouldn’t have minded anything I said going out via blogs or press statements or whatever. But the student needed to get his facts straight.
That’s the truth of it.
Folks can bash the press, can bash The SR, can bash Stacey Cowles. But this isn’t the issue.
(And what does it say abougt the journalism student who can’t get his facts straight? Sad.)
Steven A. Smith
Olbermann on GOP Fearmongering
It is sad that the GOP is doing its level best to help the terrorists. You can save KO’s comments to your computer from here
22 MTR
Congress does not set military strategy. Congress passes laws, appropriates funds, and oversees the executive.
You should read the Constitution sometime. It would clear up all these nagging questions for you.
That said, it should be clear to you that our failed worldwide military strategy is all Idiot Boy’s fault.
Where and when did RubberStamp Dave get any training in military strategy? In King County when he was screwing up murder investigations?
Can you imagine what will happen if all these no bid contracts, kickbacks to Republicans, “special” earmarks to GOP supporting companies, and Bush’s crimes get investigated.
But Clinton got a bj, Clinton got a BJ, is all you wingnuts will be able to say.
I pay taxes so Republican sleazebags can give my money to GOP supporting companies with no bid contracts with no oversight, or auditing, and then these companies donate to Republicans. Just look at the Cunningham deals……..
These people calling themselves Republicans belong behind bars…..
It’s fun playing with MTR
“You’re the idiot!”
“No, YOU are.”
“No I’m not, YOU are.”
He/she/it reminds me of MWS.
Daddy – Don’t tell me.. tell dumshit Burner. The trash she just sent out says she’d change strategy.
Maybe somebody should tell her she doesn’t get a vote.
I live in the 8th and get her mailers.
Congress can play a minor role in steering foreign policy, but generally it belongs to the executive. Surely, you don’t think that there will be no foreign policy changes at all in any way if the Congress or the House go Democratic, do you? They can affect it in a nuber of ways. For example, right now John Bolton’s nomination to be UN Representative is DOA. You don’t think that changes anything?
The trash the RNC sent out told me that if Darcy is elected an illegal immigrant would take my job. I didn’t believe that either.
But I do believe it when Dave Reichert tells me himself that he votes against the party to pretect his seat whenever the party tells him to.
She’ll raises taxes on you also and take $1600 out of your pocket.
53 Mark the Dipshit…I do the grocery shopping in our family, and I know for a fact that inflation over the last few years has taken far, far more out of my paycheck than Bush would have put back in, even if I were making twice as much as I do.
Funny, the national Republican strategy was made evident by the campaign ads which hit from “indendent” groups this past weekend, linking any Democratic candidate with gays, and alleging that if elected, they would turn their Middle-America town into San Francisco. Then Wednesday the New Jersey Supreme Court issues its opinion on the gay marriage lawsuits. Funny, the issue of gay marriage was really big right before the 2004 elections, and then it makes national news two weeks before the 2006 elections. Coincidence?
Given Rove’s rather well-documented strategy in past races, it makes me wonder if the timing of the release of the decision wasn’t coordinated with Republican strategists. I don’t know anything about the makeup of the New Jersey Supreme Court, but I wonder if the Chief Justice there is a Republican?
But I don’t know how much of a push it can give Republicans. They probably wanted this issue to break a couple of weeks ago, but they were blindsided by the Foley deal, and they had to let it die down a bit before they could go back to gay bashing.
Also, they are tripping over their own attempts to manage the news cycles. Right at a time when they wanted to be beating the drum on the gay marriage issue, Bush was holding a press conference regarding the situation in Iraq, which no Republican congressman wanted voters to be reminded of between now and the election.
Finally, I wonder if Rove appreciates that vote-by-mail has materially changed the electoral calander. A lot of money spent on ads the last week of the campaing will be wasted, because a lot of people have already voted by then. I put my ballot in the mail on Monday.
Of course, maybe that is what Rove & Co. have in mind. For the next week and a half or so, it isn’t really a “campaign”, so much as a “get out the vote” effort. Maybe the Republicans hoped that the gay marriage issue would get a some Republicans to cast their ballots who had previously decided to sit this one out.
It happens all the time.
Publishers will override the editorial board.
Heard of the same thing at the Columbian in Vancouver; and at our favorite bitch of a paper the Seattle, err, um Bothell, er “repeal the estate tax” Times.
It’s all yellow journalism, I tell you.
Gee, MTR keeps repeating the same old Republican lies. It’s like halloween, and they keep showing up with the same masks (Osama, taxes, gay marriage), and going “Boo!”
I and my children will lose far more money under a Republican administration and congress than they ever would under a Democratic one. The only ones who benefit are the ones who get the back-door deals and no-bid contracts which the Republicans have been handing out for the past six years. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a disgracefull use of the national tax system to transfer of the national wealth from the middle-class to the rich in my lifetime.
Classic David Horsey on “(s)he’ll raise your taxes” scaremongering:
First of all, dip shit, NO one in this country got a tax cut from the Republicans. Zip, zero, nada. You included.
What you and I got were tax deferments. Period. You CANNOT give a tax cut while at the same time borrowing money from China to finance the out of control Republican spending. Republicans have put the financial security on America on a credit card issued by the Bank of China. Smooth move there Exlax.
So the question becomes if we don’t pay for their borrow now, who pays for it later?
The economy is most robust when we pay as we go. As evidenced by President Clinton’s economy vs. Bush’s dismal economy.
The Dow is rising not because companies have become more profitable through efficient management of their businesses, but because they are paying much less in corporate taxes. So you and I are funding their profits through tax cuts that have nothing to do with a company being competitive in the marketplace.
Competition weeds out the weaklings in business, government subsidies increases profits for businesses that have nothing to do with competitive forces. Like ExxonMobil who is getting massive tax breaks.
Rangel said he’d try to raise taxes ACROSS THE BOARD. For those of you who got a public education, that means that EVERYBODY would pay more taxes. Including you.
And need I remind you again for the upteenth fucking time… that the “rich” pay the overwhelming majority of taxes. Bout time you fucking losers ante up your share.
Trick or treat? No treat for the bet welsher:
Pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy.
This year alone we’ve spent $300 Billion dollars on interest ALONE on Ronald Reagan’s and George W. Bush’s borrowing.
The US Treasury dept is the 4th largest budget item after DoD, Health and Human Services, and SS.
Every man, woman and child owes the US government $28,520. We’ll call that the Republican Birth Tax.
Fuck your estate tax bitching.
Righties are in real trouble. None of their usual dirty tricks are working for them and they’re worried that Democratic turnout will be so huge that the RNC can’t steal the elections as planned. What will they do next?
Ahh. the “Liberal Press” is at it again I see. When, oh when, will the Conservatives be able to have a voice.
Oh the humanity
If you fucking losers would pay your fucking fair share of taxes, there wouldn’t be a problem.
Ante up you freeloading asshole..
Ahh. the “Liberal Press” is at it again I see. When, oh when, will the Conservatives be able to have a voice.
Oh the humanity
Yes, conservatives indeed are put upon. One way to turn it around would be to start accusing the Democrats of things they haven’t done. Fortunately, Mr. Smith is helping prepare the next generation of “liberal” journalists, so fear not.
MTR @ 59:
Could the “problem” be the Republicans who are borrowing and squandering money from the Bank of China be the problem?
Hmmmmmm. . .could it be that the people you vote for and support are running up HUGE piles of debt?
Are you making an economic statement or a political one?
Bank of China? WTF are you talking about? Do you know?
The “death tax” rant is a fucking red herring. The GOP orgy of running huge deficits and pouring it into the hands of crony contractors is tantamount to printing more and more dollar bills with nothing to back them up but our dwindling ability to persuade the rest of the world to refrain from buying and selling petroleum in some other currency. The product of this is rampant, accellerating inflation which will decimate whatever accumulated wealt most of us might be able to pass on to our offspring. This is of course assuming that we don’t achieve the righties’ “ownership society” utopian wet dream where pensions, Social Security and Medicare are faint memories fading from our Alzheimer’s-afflicted brains. Then…who gives a shit about estate taxes. Except for the very few ultra-rich (of whom Mark evidently fantasizes he’ll be one of), we’ll all be broke long before we croak.
@38: Dear Steve,
Thanks for setting the record straight, such as it were. However, I am distressed at your criteria for endorsement:
1.”He failed to speak in specifics…” as opposed to McMorris specifically addressing what?
2. “Showed a lack of knowledge on Congressional process”…utter bullshit. I’ll bet even you are weak on “Congressional process”. It’s quite byzantine. Furthermore, it is not something that, for all intents and purposes, nearly all voters even remotely consider when evaluating a prospective candidate.
3.”..and, frankly, was outdone on every level by McMorris.” Specifically on what?
4. “I also was left with the feeling that he remains ambivalent about runing for the office in the first place.” More bullshit.
Steve,what were their positions on the issues? If a candidate does not reflect my concerns or the policies I would like to see implimented, I could give a rat’s fucking ass as to whether or not they are up to speed on “process” or show a bit of humility or doubt about the position they aspire to. You criteria are shockingly superficial.
But kudos to you anyway for presenting your side of the story.
Vagina Lips: Given any credible forcast into the future the Bush tax cuts, if renewed as advocated by the thieves in the GOP, places federal fiscal policy on a reckless and unsustainable path. Eventually the debt service consumes the entire budget in the absence of tax increases or drastic cuts in spending (c.p.).
Fellow lefties: This is not to be confused with the trade deficit–different issue entirely.
MTR @ 59
I am confident that I paid more in taxes than you earned last year; in fact, I’d even bet you on that if you actually paid your gambling losses. I wouldn’t complain about my taxes if we had a competent federal government. Taxes are the cost of having a functioning society. Unfortunately, of course, we do not have a competent federal government, and sending my money to support GW’s nonsense is rather painful. Nonetheless, unlike Republicans, I do not search out tax shelters or fail to declare income. I pay what I owe.
My understanding from people involved with the situation is that multiple independent sources have verified the story. I think the editor is just covering his ass.
He doesn’t want to be stuck in an arranged marriaged to this.
Funny thing, I got a similar letter from “anonymous” when the PI endorsed Darcy Burner.
“Don’t you guys have any shame?” Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 11:51 am
You first. Pay your fucking gambling debt!
Q: What did one wingnut lemming say to the other wingnut lemming?
A: I don’t know where we’re going either, but 50 millions wingnut lemmings can’t be wrong!
David, do some “journalism” before you post an unsubstantiated rumor. Get on the telephone. Do some legwork.
Where did Bush get his military experience? When he was AWOL from the TANG? It shows.
I’m quite comfortable down here in my concrete-reinforced bunker, thank you very much! My needs are being met, and unlike someone I won’t name, I’m not in debt.
Luigi, what is your opinion of Glenn Reynolds?
“Righties are in real trouble. None of their usual dirty tricks are working for them and they’re worried that Democratic turnout will be so huge that the RNC can’t steal the elections as planned. What will they do next?” Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 10/26/06@ 2:18 pm
Issue a terror alert, declare martial law, and suspend the elections. Liberals must arm!
“In a report on how recent campaigns advertisements are ‘getting ugly,’ ABC News, unable to point to a single instance of ‘nasty’ attacks from Democratic candidates or their supporters, suggested it is only a matter of time before ‘the left’ begins to ‘unleash its garbage as well.’ ABC News offered no evidence to back up its allegation that Democrats might soon resort to distasteful, negative advertising.
“ABC News had no problem documenting ads, currently airing in campaign across the country, attacking Democrats, including one from the Republican National Committee about Democratic Tennessee Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. In it, an actress playing a ditzy blonde bimbo says: ‘I met Harold at the Playboy party. … Harold, call me.’ Critics, including one prominent Republican, have called the ad borderline racist.
“At the conclusion of its report on attack ads, ABC News insisted that ‘Democrats aren’t necessarily running clean campaigns.’ Unable to cite any examples, ABC News reported, ‘As the races tighten in the next couple of weeks, the left will likely unleash its garbage as well.'”
Walt Disney must be turning in his grave over what’s happened to his once-great company.
“Bank of China? WTF are you talking about??” Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 2:40 pm
You’re clueless, aren’t you?
Hey MTR — you’re a self-appointed economic expert … so why don’t you explain to us how our government can spend more than it takes in? Where does the difference come from? Do you know? Nah, I don’t think you have a clue.
For all the right’s hot air about “freedom,” America is not really a free country. Only people with tons of money are free. The rest of us must think and do what they say, or we don’t eat.
However, I am free! I don’t need a paycheck. I don’t have to be some rich guy’s whore! Nobody pays me to write what I post!
Freedom for rabbits everywhere! Free lettuce! Free carrots! Free grass!
77 There are those who say Walt would not only have approved, but applauded, ABC’s airing of “The Path to 9/11”. I don’t know that I agree, but not because of politics. Dredging all the stuff up about the fifth anniversary of the tragedy mainly served to get people upset, and that didn’t necessarily fit with Walt’s vision of happy, clean-scrubbed, well-adjusted (white middle-class) Americans with Pepsodent smiles flocking to his movies and theme parks with nary a care in the world.
Roger – are you a libertarian?
“Are you making an economic statement or a political one?
Bank of China? WTF are you talking about? Do you know?
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 2:40 pm”
Did you hear that sound?
Yeah, that’s the sound of the rake hitting Mark’s face.
What a dumb ass!!
Bank of China, MTR.
Why don’t you know WTF I’m talking about?
That’s the reason idiots like you should not be allowed to vote; you have no idea what the hell is going on in this country.
“Stay the course” Mark, it’s the best option for you and your party.
Global Warming as described by Al Gore is caused by too much Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. The obvious cause is too many people passing gas!
87 You must have dozed off in high school chemistry. Farts are methane…but that’s the OTHER greenhouse gas.
GBS @ 86
Remarkable that MTR claims expertise in economics given this little revelation, isn’t it? I guess what passes for expertise in Republican circles involves a rather low setting of the bar.
OR that stem cells have reversed Parkinson’s in monkeys? Those bastards. Commentby Daddy Love— 10/26/06@ 12:49 pm
Being the Head Simian Appeaser on HorsesAss, you run to Japan and get those monkey embryos real sonn now!
I just remembered something here previously posted on HorsesAss – Daddy Love is Attar.
Proud Leftist @ 91:
I’ll be the first to admit I’m not an expert either, but Holy Shit, the crap that spews from MTR’s fingertips and to not know something as rudimentary as how the Republicans are funding their out of control spending?
And, to not know the difference between a tax cut and a tax deferment?!?!?
Stay the course, Mark, stay the course.
He/she/it reminds me of MWS. Commentby Daddy Love— 10/26/06@ 1:03 pm
Thanks Daddy Love for the love. Moonbat to the core!
Reminds you of argumentative skills you wished you acquired when you were ___________ in high school?
1) Masturbating
2) Pot Smoking
3) Sleeping in class
4) Looking up skirts
5) Sucking cock
6) All the above
53 Mark the Dipshit…I do the grocery shopping in our family, and I know for a fact that inflation over the last few years has taken far, far more out of my paycheck than Bush would have put back in, even if I were making twice as much as I do. Commentby ArtFart— 10/26/06@ 1:27 pm
Really? You have to stop shopping at Moonbats R US Grocery Stores. Super WalMarts keep prices real LOW!
If you did a “Chi-squared” analysis of the National Debt, would determine that it’s actually gone down, and/or virtually wiped out on the Republcian’s watch?
I’m just axin’ honky mo’fo’.
Funny, the national Republican strategy was made evident by the campaign ads which hit from “indendent” groups this past weekend, linking any Democratic candidate with gays, and alleging that if elected, they would turn their Middle-America town into San Francisco. Then Wednesday the New Jersey Supreme Court issues its opinion on the gay marriage lawsuits. Funny, the issue of gay marriage was really big right before the 2004 elections, and then it makes national news two weeks before the 2006 elections. Coincidence? Commentby rhp6033— 10/26/06@ 1:36 pm
Apparently you missed Barney Fag and his gay speech last week. Or when Nancy Pelosi was asked on Meet the Depressed about her Gay Stance. She demuuuuuuuuuured, and didn’t want to taaaaaaaaaaalk about it.
You see real thinkers know the scroe with moonbats. As I posted before moonbats have no clue about what the haters of America will do with them. Just think, the San Fernando porno industry will be the first to go. Harold Ford will no longer get political contributions.
Just a quick poll:
Whose economic policies were better:
A) President Clinton’s
B) Monkey Boy Bush.
GBS another of your friends speaks out:,00.html
You gonna put burqas on those women?
Muslim Holy Man Compares Unveiled Women to Raw Meat to a Cat!
How’s puberty treating you? Got those zits under control? I’m sure that getting bullied everyday by the more popular kids in school, and getting ignored by all the girls, makes it hard to get out of bed in the morning. Just persevere (that means, stick with it) and maybe things will get better. Maybe you’re just a late bloomer. Maybe when you grow up, you’ll recognize that politics really is for adults, and those who lack maturity should not spew ill-considered opinions. Good luck, m’lad.
@ 99:
Just the ones who voted for the Gang Of Pedophiles so we know which ones to stone to death.
Why do you ask? Do you need to be outfitted for your burqa?
:101 Not me bud.
:100 I already told you my company does not allow blogging on HorsesAss. It’s not a “respectable” blog site!
:100 – You call yourself an adult? Ha ha ha ha ha!
You are the sad product of what the Republican Party has become. I believe our country does best when a spirited, and knowledgeable, debate occurs between conflicting points of view, often, but not necessarily, represented by the two major political parties. That is why I would not want to see my beloved Democrats in charge of everything. No party has all the answers. The debate we need, unfortunately, is no longer occurring because the Republican Party leadership has become so ideological that its role in our great national debate has been reduced to repetitious platitudes that are divorced from what is happening both domestically and internationally. Your juvenile rantings are reflective of this sad development. What happened to the Everett Dirksens and Mark Hatfields of the Republican Party?
Proud ass at #64
Why dont you watch the webcast for yourself and see if you can draw a conclusion from the board meeting. Steve mentioned it, and said it was available.
Here is the excerpt of his posting of #38 above:
“In our editorial board meeting, which was webcast and which is archived and available for viewing online, he failed to speak in specifics, showed a lack of knowledge on Congressional process and, frankly, was outdone on every level by McMorris. I also was left with the feeling that he remains ambivalent about runing for the office in the first place.”
I am not too sure why he felt he had to come to HA and set any record straight, but obvious from the post above you guys truly don’t give a shit, just a spin for Goldy.
Goldy- once again, you spin your failure to do basic research as some kind of a virtue. Maybe if you spent less time hyperventilating over the Seattle Times and a little time on researching rumors before publkishing them, you’d have some credibility. As it is, no one in their right mind believes anything you post without going and checking it out- so, why bother reading what you post?
GBS – CLinton’s “policies”. Really? Name one “policy” that came out of his fertile mind. One. Just one.
Everything he took credit for was Newt’s idea. It’s all in The Contract pal. Every fucking thing.
That’s why Newt will make a great president.
And besides. Anything Bush does is fine with the Editorial Board of the S-R. In fact if Bush’s friends aren’t killing innocent civilians in Iraq, Torturing innocent people at the CIA secret prisons, illegally wiretapping non terrorists, and locking up innocent people without a chance to talk to a lawyer EVER they aren’t happy.
Go Bush go. The S-R wants you to break any law you feel necessary to make sure Halliburton’s profits increase double digit every year!!!!
Maybe we should start waterboarding every person Abramoff met with in the White House, and get to the bottom of a few investigations!
Government for sale, government for sale. Get yer no bid contracts here, step right up. Place your campaign checks in the box on the left, and pick a secret contract from the box on the right. Fill in the blanks where the numbers go, and the treasury will pay it in full, with bonuses for work not completed. Economics Bush style!!!!
I hope Goldmark slaughters the Right Wing Princess Witch McMorris!!!!!!!!
The one thing you can count on with Republicans. The more sleazy the candidate, and the more lies they tell, the more likely they are going to support them.
Hey Kathy McWitch. How many times did you vote against veterans? I bet you can’t count them on all your fingers, and toes.
Hey Kathy. I have a family member dying from Parkinsons. How do you feel about embrionic stem cell research?
Hey Kathy. How do you feel about the fact that 16 spy agencies all say we are only creating more terrorists with Republican sleazebags calling the shots.
Whatever you do Kathy, don’t mention Iraq at any of your campaign stops. There are 650,000 dead reasons why.
You witch.
94: Daddy Love was smoking pot which led to sleeping in class. He couldn’t find his dick so masturbation was out. He sucked other cocks to make up for it. The only skirt he saw was his mother’s as he hid behind it!
And need I remind you again for the upteenth fucking time… that the “rich” pay the overwhelming majority of taxes. Bout time you fucking losers ante up your share.
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/26/06@ 1:52 pm
Of course the rich pay the taxes. They are the only ones with any money…… They are the ones with all the advantages to make more. Have you ever heard the saying it takes money to make money? What, you thing they were kidding?
The tax rates for the rich in this country are peanuts compared to other countries, and many of these other countries have a far higher standard of living for ALL their citizens. The Republican sleazebags are only interested in the standard of living of Billionaires. The rest of us can get lost right?
Investment income should be taxed the same as wages, and all trusts should be taxed the same as wages. We also have a net worth tax of say 1%, and bada bing, the budget is balanced overnight, and the debt is being paid down! Tada. Economics is easy when you are not just trying to protect the fortunes of the fortunate!!!! Oh by the way, once you tax investment income at the same level as wages, the level would be less on wages, because it could be balanced.
Remember a worker making minimum wages working 2 jobs pays a far higher percentage of their wages in taxes than a billionaire. Especially when you add in tax on electricity, gasoline, clothing, phone, property, and every other type of tax they need to pay.
Tax the poor to help the rich. The Republican way!!!
I think we should consule Vlad the Impaler as to the proper way to deal with Republicans……
Setting the record straight. Then again, Goldie can’t post the Haaretz and Jerusalem Post truths either.
@ 104:
Sure, no problem.
President Clinton’s economic policies were his brainchild, not Neutered’s. Remember when the Republicans were saying that Clinton’s economic policies would drag down the economy? Remember the budget battle between Neuter and Clinton? Remember when Clinton REFUSED to sign Neutered’s economic legislation? Remember the multiple times the Federal Government was shut down until Neutered bowed down to President Clinton’s demands? Remember when the economy was really booming and the DJIA was growing at an average rate of 27% per year?
Yeahhhhhhhhh, ya do.
54 MTR
“Rangel said he’d try to raise taxes ACROSS THE BOARD. For those of you who got a public education, that means that EVERYBODY would pay more taxes. Including you.”
And for those of you who haven’t been watching, Nancy Pelosi is (gosh, there I go; I mean “will be”) the Speaker of the House. Legislation goes that way she wants it, or it goes nowhere. And she’s a tough sonofabitch who takes NO shit and won’t let people cross her. So if you think Charlie Rangel will decide what our tax legislation will be, go ahead and think that. You’re no stranger to fantasy. But nothing comes to the House floor without Pelosi behind it, and she has made her position CRYSTAL clear: roll back cuts ONLY for those who make over $200K.
109 GBS
I am starting to think that one of the BIG drivers behind that late 1990s economy was 32-bit computing and Windows 95. So many companies computerized many of their operations after those developments and those who did reaped BIG TIME productivity rewards.
Safavian sentenced to 18 months in jail
Judge notes ‘abuse of public trust’, desire to ‘hang out with the big boys’
“Safavian openly wept in court as he asked for leniency . . . ”
JCH, MTR, Klake, Puddybud, MWS, ChristmasGhost, HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss, Janet S. (aka anonymous):
Can any of you explain why conservative men are such raging pussies?
Is it because all of you were insecure, snot nosed, little whiney shits as children?
Jesus Fucking Christ you guys are the biggest collection of little, crying ass, pussy-whipped, ass wipes I’ve ever seen.
No wonder the terrorist have ZERO respect for Americans. Every time they turn on the TV there’s some Republican crying his little fucking eyes out.
It looks like the Soccer Mom’s need to wipe the bottoms of their so called “men,” powder their bottoms and put on fresh diapers.
It might be a good time to invest in Pampers because come this January when Speaker Pelosi has subpoena powers there’s going to be a lot more Republicans whining like the pussies they are.