On CBS’s Face the Nation this morning, Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean bluntly compared Vice President Dick Cheney to his predecessor, the infamous Aaron Burr:
President promised two years ago that he would fire the leaker. He hasn’t kept his promise. Karl Rove is not only still working in the White House, but he has security clearance. Now it turns out that the vice president of the United States may have been responsible for those leaks for political reasons. That is the kind of thing that has not been done to my knowledge since Aaron Burr was vice president.
Burr would eventually be tried for treason, but the similarities don’t end there. For today we learn that Cheney has just become the first Vice President since Burr to actually shoot a man while in office.
The Associated Press reports that Cheney “accidentally” shot a man on a quail hunting trip in Texas yesterday. (Former VP Dan Quayle is reported to be resting comfortably.) Why the AP assumes the shooting was accidental, I don’t know.
Burr, as us history buffs well know, shot and killed fellow founding father Alexander Hamilton on July 11, 1804, in Weehawken, NJ, in the most famous duel in American history.
Where is Saul Rosenberg, Esq. [JCH] when Mr. Whittington needs him?
I’m sure they could afford to go on a hunting trip without our financial assistance. However, we could send JCH out there in a quail costume.
I was talking to a woman a while ago. Smart girl, lawyer, volunteer EMT, knows her shit. And I said I grew up in New York and she asked me if I knew about Weehawken, NJ. And I said yes. And she says, “well what do you know?” I say “it’s where Hamilton was shot.” And she said, “oh, I was just going to say that they had good pizza.” There’s a lesson there, but I don’t know what it is.
“There’s a lesson there, but I don’t know what it is.”
Someday Ann Coulter’s birthplace will be razed to make way for a pizza parlor. The sooner, the better.
The Veep took aim at the quail.
But t’was to be to no avail.
He swung round on his prey,
And the pellets did spray,
As the lawyer let loose with a wail.
JCH more on the order of a clay pigeon than a quail. . .
At least he shot a damn lawyer!
Some sort of Texas style hunting party – ” we all get sprayed with pellets all the time. No big deal”
Boy, chalk another one up on the wall.
I spent years in rural farmlands, and a family that hunted all the time almost year around. Duck, geese, pheasant, deer – got so tired of pheasant and venison.
Never once was there even a possible gun accident.
Maybe the death penalty attitude carries over to shooting each other.
A N O T H E R N O T E — Just watched the CNN special on — Vets Running for Congress as Democrats – 40 in all — most impressive. They were not middle of the road about the White House, national defense, health care, education, or veterans benefits.
This is impressive stuff. Taking back America in crises, by those who have served with honor in the military, all branches.
I am a Naval vet …… navel vet too. Out to the sun. Going to follow this group, I think they will be kicking some slimy right wing ass.
One slogan — “Teddy Roosevelt gave us the Square Deal, FDR gave us the New Deal, Turman the Fair Deal, and Bush the Raw Deal.”
These are not shy violets. Go Vets. Going to send each of them 50.00 — all 40.
Tree Frog Farmer @ 7
The Veep took aim at a clay pigeon
Though he lowered his sight, just a smidgen
The pellets did spray
An old man in the way
Yes. Our Veep, in most ways, has no vision
Hey Democrats! On EBay you can buy a Prophet Muhammad blow up doll, ready for “action”! You can give “Muhammad” a little “Tookie Williams” love [from the rear action] or the “PM” can give you a little “Monica” [hummer]!! Either way, my dear gay Democrat friends, the Prophet is “ready to be of service”!!! Go to EBAY and type in “Tookie love Prophet Muhammad”. [It might be a good idea NOT to give your phone number and address as a few Islam towel heads might not approve of your purchase!]
Doofus Dick “I had other priorities” Cheney missed his cahnce at learning firearms discipline.
Bob from Boeing……..Note number 11! [The “Prophet” comes in all sizes!]
Cheney’s ‘rules of engagement’ are for the birds. . .God help the people.
Typical Neoconvict. . . ‘Me First,Me First,Me First! Pow!. Oops. Oh well, just walk it off. . .
What you expect from a chickenhawk? This cowardly draft dodger had “other priorities” during the Viet Nam war. If he’d done his duty, maybe he’d have been instructed how to properly discharge a firearm.
Any doubts that Scalia will go hunting with Cheney again?
ebay = [JCH]’s only chance for a date
What we know now of Burr’s recently decrypted private correspondence with his daughter shows the duel with Hamilton was a long standing plot. A duplicitous duel to eliminate a rival. Does this parallel with a duplicitously engaged war? Traitors both?
{JCH}, Check for an Ann Coulter doll…I’m sure they have an extra small for you
I wuz wondering how he got the information…JCH – lookin for luv in all da wrong places…
So, JCH, were you separated from the Navy for “deviant turpitude?” In light of your latest post, that seems likely…
Marks, Bob From Boeing, Shall I post the link for your “Prophet Muhammad blow up doll”, complete with prayer rug and towel head? Roger Rabbit, considering that you post ALL day and ALL night Sat and Sunday, maybe you need a little “Tookie” love from a strong, plastic “PM”!! Maybe were you give him your “love” he exclaims “Death to Bush”!! Hell, this is perfect for you HAs libs!!
Dick “Dick Implant” Cheney don’t need no steenkin’ blowup doll. . .give him warm gun. . . . .
Aaron Burr offing Hamilton, Prick Cheney ‘outing’ Valerie Plame, what’s a little treason between infamous veeps?
Treason comes in many forms . . .destroying the Constitution as Vice President, or besmirching the uniform in Subic. . . .
why would they claim it was accidental? Uh maybe because it was?
Honestly, while this would make a good ad for gun safety, or a good ad for keeping guns out of the hands of idiots, and yes I would happily call Cheney an idiot for not knowing where his hunting party was… I doubt its newsworthy as a comspiracy.
Oh and you are wrong about one thing. You said:
For today we learn that Cheney has just become the first Vice President since Burr to actually shoot a man while in office.
Sorry, non sequiter. Burr intentionally shot someone, so it logically must follow that Cheney is the first VP to accidentally shoot someone, a distinction I cannot possibly think anyone should be proud of.
To characterize this shooting as ‘accidental’ is duplicitous and misdirecting. Perhaps ‘stupid’ ‘ignorant’ of gun safety, ‘reckless’ or some such, but not ‘accidental’.
If he has so little control over his personal use of weapons, perhaps the Vice-prick should be taken out of the line of succession to run our armed services.
This thing with Cheney is serious. There are already reports that the shooting took place 12 hours before it was reported. Cheney and his buddies used the time for him to sober up from the 10 rum and cokes he had, and to develop a strategy and a cover story. It was reported that he tried to get his lawyers to agree to a story that somebody else did it, or maybe the victim did it himself. According to reports, while the EMTs were helping the victim, Cheney was rocking back and forth on his knees crying “what has happened” over and over.
Oh no… wait… all that stuff was what Ted Kennedy did. Never mind….
I hope the NRA revokes Cheney’s membership. No serious gun owner would be so careless with a weapon.
29. Mark The Redneck, Congrats! The Outstanding Post Of The Month! Great humor, and well written. My respects.
TreeFrog Farmer……Your comments on post 29. [hehe, JCH]
Before you “bird-brains” rip too much on the V-P, please take a look at the photo of the man he shot:
See how easy it would be to make a mistake!
Too bad the entire cadre of the clowns don’t spend more time bird hunting rather than trying to govern!
This thing with Cheney is serious. There are already reports that the shooting took place 12 hours before it was reported. Cheney and his buddies used the time for him to sober up from the 10 rum and cokes he had, and to develop a strategy and a cover story. It was reported that he tried to get his lawyers to agree to a story that somebody else did it, or maybe the victim did it himself. According to reports, while the EMTs were helping the victim, Cheney was rocking back and forth on his knees crying “what has happened” over and over.
Oh no… wait… all that stuff was what Ted Kennedy did. Never mind….
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 2/12/06 @ 5:04 pm [This needed to be posted again. And maybe again if I feel like it.]
karl @26
MTR @29
That was good, too. Just look out for JCH @31 & 35. He seems to be working up to a mighty blow, and you seem to be his person of interest…
marks, I know you have a Kennedy comment post 29]. I’d ask Mary Jo, but she is not available for comment.
karl @ 26
“Sorry, non sequiter. Burr intentionally shot someone, so it logically must follow that Cheney is the first VP to accidentally shoot someone, a distinction I cannot possibly think anyone should be proud of.”
Non-sequiter, how????? Perhaps you read Goldy’s word “actually” as “accidentally”?
Goldy’s statement is not affected by whether or not the shooting was accidental.
I’m sure the VP was simply using the George W. Bush technique in looking through the shotgun’s scope….
“Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law?
Or is there one system for the average citizen
and another for the high and mighty?”
– Senator Ted Kennedy, 1973 –
38 DJ
whoops. I indeed did do a freudian accidentally there. my very bad.
Apologies to Goldy.
Mark the Fascist @ 40
‘Or is there one system for the average citizen
and another for the high and mighty?’
Hmmmm…you mean…like a “President” who feels he is entitled to break the wiretapping laws?
BTW: MTF…when are you going to pay off on your bet with Goldy?
Doesn’t it feel a little shameful posting in the comment threads before making good on your word?
Or are you simply the shameless lying type?
Be careful DJ… you’re about to win the RakeFace award. Don’t make me do it…
Just read a great top ten list about his reasons for firing the gun over at Bob Geiger’s blog. My favorite is #4: trying to impress Jodie Foster. http://bobgeiger.blogspot.com.
Funny how MTR and JCH are trying to change the subject again. The real story is that our current vice president is so reckless that he is a threat to the republic. Cheney should resign immediately or face impeachment.
Mark the Fascist @ 43
“Be careful DJ… you’re about to win the RakeFace award. Don’t make me do it…”
Sorry…not following you. I win an award for asking you when you will demonstrate some honor by making good on your word????
I mean…are you basically are the lying-n-cheating type?? Otherwise, why would you make a bet and then fail to follow through on the payoff?
Green Thumb @ 45
“The real story is that our current vice president is so reckless that he is a threat to the republic. Cheney should resign immediately or face impeachment.”
Impeachment? What. Just for shoting another man????
I mean, it’s not like he got a blow job!
Or is there one system for the average citizen
and another for the high and mighty?’
Comment by dj— 2/12/06 @ 5:49 pm
First of all it is legal. Second of all how about Presidents who comit perjury? Full of shit like always.
Hmmmm…you mean…like a “President” who feels he is entitled to break the wiretapping laws?
dj @38
Non non sequitur, indeed. However, I presumed differing circumstance applied between Burr/Cheney.
On the other hand, Kennedy can’t be lumped with Samuel Jarred Barletta, since Samuel Jarred Barletta was actually convicted of intoxication manslaughter…
Now how’s that for non sequitur?
DJ @ 47:
We’ll see what leaks out about the shooting, but as it stands this is an excellent metaphor for a Cheney who looks increasingly like the next Spiro Agnew. It’s not a matter of if — it’s a question of when. There are simply too many smoking guns starting to appear, such as evidence leaking out from the Scooter case.
Chendy is bad smelling mould spotted staining oozing infecting scum.
Looter, tratior, mean — and he has pulled the puppet strings since day one.
From Ted The Swimmer’s speech on being a drunk driver, murderer and totally immoral asshole:
These events, the publicity, innuendo, and whispers which have surrounded them and my admission of guilt this morning raises the question in my mind of whether my standing among the people of my state has been so impaired that I should resign my seat in the United States Senate. If at any time the citizens of Massachusetts should lack confidence in their Senator’s character or his ability, with or without justification, he could not in my opinion adequately perform his duty and should not continue in office.
The people of this State, the State which sent John Quincy Adams, and Daniel Webster, and Charles Sumner, and Henry Cabot Lodge, and John Kennedy to the United States Senate are entitled to representation in that body by men who inspire their utmost confidence. For this reason, I would understand full well why some might think it right for me to resign. For me this will be a difficult decision to make.
It has been seven years since my first election to the Senate. You and I share many memories — some of them have been glorious, some have been very sad. The opportunity to work with you and serve Massachusetts has made my life worthwhile.
And so I ask you tonight, the people of Massachusetts, to think this through with me. In facing this decision, I seek your advice and opinion. In making it, I seek your prayers — for this is a decision that I will have finally to make on my own.
What else does one do to secure a lifetime endorsement from the NRA?
You REALLY need some new material.
Hey MtR-
For a “man” supposedly so smart and “accomplished”…you really act like a stupid jackass.
Uh…no… Ted The Swimmer is a stupid jackass. He is a disgrace to the Senate and Murka. And you people hold him up as some kind of fucking role model.
What’s Murka?
MTR @ 52
Nice speech, but apparently the people of Mass have spoken, and continue to speak everytime they elect him.
I can admit that he is a lousy one to cast stones, but the final arbiter is his constituants.
They have decided he can be trusted, and like it or not, their opinion is binding.
I may dislike him for his bloviations, but he has his state’s blessing.
MTR @ 52
Nice speech, but apparently the people of Mass have spoken, and continue to speak everytime they elect him.
I can admit that he is a lousy one to cast stones, but the final arbiter is his constituants.
They have decided he can be trusted, and like it or not, their opinion is binding.
I may dislike him for his bloviations, but he has his state’s blessing.
Comment by karl— 2/12/06 @ 7:22 pm
Yes they did elect him again. It is kind of funny how donks tend to return racists (KKK Byrd) and drunks (Kennedy) back into office but are always the loudest when condemning these actions. Can you say hypocrites?
51………See Post 11. Tell me. W9ouldn’t you like to give your own “PM” a little anal “Tookie” love? I mean bend him over his prayer rug and do a little “slamming”? Maybe then he will scream “Death to Bush” or some other saying that terrorists and Democrats are fond of saying!
58, Karl, I wonder what Mary Jo has to say about Senator “Oldsmobile” Kennedy. She never seems to comment.
Karl, I agree on one point. This does point out the character of the Democrats in MASS.
Now that we know What A Dick Cheney was drunk when this happened, do you think he’ll be prosecuted? Anyone else would be. Well that’s okay, Fitzgerald will get him now that his number two has ratted him out.
Man I love watching these turd-sucking republican traitors go down in flames!
“I’d rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy .”
[JCH] – HTF can you use the words “character” and “Democrats” in the same sentence? Maybe “hypocritic amorral hate filled extremist assholes”, but nothing on character. Remember, Bubba taught them that character doesn’t matter…
64…..Beltowner…[Murka]….Would that be the Kennedy Compound?
66, MTR, I stand corrected. JCH
Belltown – Since you hate Murka, why don’t you fucking leave. Go to Canada or Cuba or france. You’ll fit right in there. You can be as miserable as everyone else, but at least you’ll all be equal.
Seriously, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Anyone in Murka can make a good life for themselves if they apply themselves. School is free. Jobs are plentiful. Opportunity is unfuckinglimited. I have zero sympathy for those who CHOSE not to take advantage of Murka. Fuck them.
Maybe the Vice President should wear a white neck brace. Democrats love that shit!
Sad that the state that gave us the Boston Tea Party [protest against taxes] has, a few hundred years later, given us the liberal Democrat socialist “Animal Farm” Kennedys. Think about it.
Kevin Carns aka JCH @31
Who authorized you to award “Post of the Month” honors? That authority is above your pay grade, son.
I should leave because I don’t value profits over people?
MTR, you sound like that guy who holds that sign outside Pacific Place, prattling on about how the “communist space aliens are hiding in his pancakes.”
JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia – Former Vice President Al Gore told a mainly Saudi audience on Sunday that the U.S. government committed “terrible abuses” against Arabs after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and that most Americans did not support such treatment. Gore said Arabs had been “indiscriminately rounded up” and held in “unforgivable” conditions. The former vice president said the Bush administration was playing into al-Qaida’s hands by routinely blocking Saudi visa applications. [Jane Fonda Gore….What a fucking idiot!]
Murka is the land of profit over people, revenues over integrity, corporations over citizens, pollution over environment, the bottom line over universal principles of humanity, injustice and inequality over justice and equality, greed over reason, and the addiction to wealth over the virtue of moderation. The principles of Murka reward pursuit of materialistic wealth over pursuit of happiness, the love of the individual over that of the entirety, the addiction to labor over the love of life and the love of money over the love of family. [Sounds like another day with Uncle “Oldsmobile” Teddy at the Kennedy Compound!!]
CHENEY SAYS SHOOTING OF FELLOW HUNTER WAS BASED ON FAULTY INTELLIGENCE Believed Shooting Victim Was Zawahiri, Veep Says Vice President Dick Cheney revealed today that he shot a fellow hunter while on a quail hunting trip over the weekend because he believed the man was the fugitive terror mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Mr. Cheney acknowledged that the man he sprayed with pellets on Saturday was not al-Zawahiri but rather Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old millionaire lawyer from Austin, blaming the mix-up on “faulty intelligence.”
“I believed I had credible intelligence that al-Zawahiri had infiltrated my hunting party in disguise with the intent of spraying me with pellets,” Mr. Cheney told reporters. “Only after I shot Harry in the face and he shouted ‘Cheney, you bastard’ did I realize that this intelligence was faulty.”
Moments after Mr. Cheney’s assault on Mr. Whittington, Mr. al-Zawahiri appeared in a new videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera to announce that he was uninjured in the vice president’s attack because, in his words, “I was in Pakistan.”
An aide to the vice president said he believed that the American people would believe Mr. Cheney’s version of events, but added, “If he was going to shoot any of his cronies right now it’s a shame it wasn’t Jack Abramoff.”
At the White House, President George W. Bush defended his vice president’s shooting of a fellow hunter, saying that the attack sent “a strong message to terrorists everywhere.”
“The message is, if Dick Cheney is willing to shoot an innocent American citizen at point-blank range, imagine what he’ll do to you,” Mr. Bush said.
Yeah, I agree, it’s easy to mistake this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11312757/ for this http://www.wildnatureimages.co.....il%202.htm … well, that is, if you have Dick Cheney’s eyesight.
“simply the shameless lying type?”
simply the shameless lying type.
” … basically are the lying-n-cheating type??”
Basically the lying-n-cheating type.
“smoking guns”
“What else does one do to secure a lifetime endorsement from the NRA?”
Dunno, but I know what Cheney DIDN’T have to do … he didn’t have to take the NRA’s gun safety course.
“Ted … is a disgrace to the Senate …”
This is for the voters of Massachusetts to decide, and they have spoken … and spoken … and spoken … and spoken ….
I guess the people of Massachusetts have forgiven Ted Kennedy. Mark the Redneck has not. Clearly, MTR is not a practicing Christian.
“What’s Murka?”
Redneck spelling for “America.”
“I’d rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy. Comment by [JCH]— 2/12/06 @ 7:41 pm”
We’ll arrange it for you as soon as possible.
“‘hypocritic amorral hate filled extremist assholes’ Comment by Mark The Redneck— 2/12/06 @ 7:41 pm”
Now, now, it’s not polite to talk about your Republican buddies that way … hehe hehe he
I will pay for buckshot.
Wabbit – Forgiving sins is “above my paygrade son”.
MArk Reddick
Nope it was a ful 24 FUCKING HOURS!!!
Holy Shit… Cheney must have been on a heroin binge! They had to delay the news so he could get a blood tranfusion, and kill all the witnesses.
Cheney Traitor.Draft Dodger.Heroin Addict
69, 73
MTR — why should Belltowner leave HIS country because he believes government should help its weakest and most vulnerable citizens? If you don’t agree with that system, then you should consider returning to YOUR country: http://www.ww2incolor.com/gall.....e_23_03_05
White House officials, who did not make public the shooting incident for 24 hours
Holy Shit… Cheney must have been on a heroin binge! They had to delay the news so he could get a blood tranfusion, and kill all the witnesses.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/12/06 @ 8:19 pm
So WTF in your point. Know the MSM they will twist the story like they always do. Soon we will be hearing about some dug up “donkument” saying this was a conspiracy. Lying leftiest media.
RUFUS, you are a jewel. And you didn’t actually read the citation.
You, my dear friend, are a moron.
I understand many large urban Democrat cities are ordering thousands of Prophet Muhammad Blow Up Dolls on Ebay to be delivered prior to NOV 2006. “Every vote must count, and “axing” if the Prophet Muhammad Dolls are registered is racist!” stated the NAACP spokeman!!
Ray – Not quite the same…. the cops new about it immediately. Unlike Ted The Swimmer who concealed murder from authorities in an attempt to save his own sorry ass.
I understand that racist, homophobic 36 year old men who live in their parents basement in Kent and pretend to be retired in Hawaii, pull their pud 6 times each day.
Sold out! The city of Milwaukee just purchased every Prophet Muhammad Plastic Blow Up Doll. “No mo slashin the Repubs MoFo’s tires! We’s gots all da votes we need now!” stated a black city council member who “axed” not to be named.
White House officials, who did not make public the shooting incident for 24 hours.
96, cont……..”Just what we need to gets out da vote!!” said a black spokeman for the NAACP!
“Every Prophet Muhammad Blow Up Doll vote must count!” [Howard Dean, DNC Chairman]
Draft Dodger.Traitor.Heroin Addict
“Count Every Prophet Muhammad Blow Up Doll Vote!” [Maxine Waters]
“Give the Prophet Muhammad Blow Up Doll a little anal “Tookie” love! [Barney Fag………..er, Frank!]
Any chance we can get the entire republican party to go hunting with spineless Cheney?
RUFUS, you are a jewel. And you didn’t actually read the citation.
You, my dear friend, are a moron.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/12/06 @ 8:42 pm
Yes I did. The NY Times got the information from 3rd party sources which is the way it should be. They didn’t have time yet to make up a story. Where is Jayson Blair when you need him. Hehehehe
NY Times = Leftist liars
Are the wingers so lacking in ammo that all they can do is compare the actions of a sitting vice president with that of an a lowly senator from more than 30 years ago. That’s all you got? The Democrats must be pretty clean for you to have to reach that far back.
RUFUS, no one was there but Cheney’s handlers.
“White House officials, who did not make public the shooting incident for 24 hours”
He was on a heroin binge.
Draft Dodger.Traitor.Heroin Addict
Soon to be Federal prisoner.
RR @ 80
Whew…I’m just glad that Cheney’s smoking gun didn’t come in the form of a mushroom cloud….
They didn’t report it for 24 hours. Probably to give Cheney enough time to sober up.
These guys think they’re “hunting”!!??? These old coots drive around in limo’s and then get out of the car to shoot at the birds.. They’ve probably got a “hired hand” to hold their dicks when they pee.
To see them hunting must look like a bunch of clowns endlessly piling out of a car. EXCEPT THESE CLOWNS HAVE SHOTGUNS AND BOTTLES OF WILD TURKEY.
Mark the Fascist @ 88
‘Forgiving sins is “above my paygrade son”.’
Apparently, committing sins is not above your pay grade.
You know…lying and stealing (i.e. committing to a wager and then not paying up).
You mean Mark The Reddick has still not paid his bet?
What a freaking Republican Freeloader!
HA Trolls = defending the obviously guilty of unforgiveable crimes.
Donnageddon @ 111
“You mean Mark The Reddick has still not paid his bet?”
Nope…not yet.
I’m sure he is just waiting to go hunting with some of his buddies so he can shoot ’em and pickpocket the money from ’em while they are unconscious.
Draft Dodger.Traitor.Heroin Addict
HA Trolls = defending the obviously guilty of unforgiveable crimes.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/12/06 @ 9:33 pm
We are not the ones defending the swimmer.
YO @ 116 disgorges…
…and thus spake the chromosomal anomaly as it struggled against becoming just another bit of spontaneously aborted fetal tissue in the reproductive tract of an Aurora Avenue whore….
“Man shot by Cheney in intensive care
“Associated Press
“CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas … Harry Whittington, a millionaire attorney from Austin, was in stable condition in the intensive care unit of a Corpus Christi hospital on Sunday ….
“The incident … was not reported publicly by the vice president’s office for nearly 24 hours, and then only after the incident was reported locally by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times.
“… Each of the hunters were wearing bright orange vests at the time ….”
Here’s an interesting factoid about the victim:
“Whittington … has long been active in Texas Republican politics. He’s been appointed to several state boards, including when then-Gov. George W. Bush named him to the Texas Funeral Service Commission.”
Well, if Dick Cheney’s gotta shoot somebody, might as well be a member of the Texas Funeral Service Commission, hey?
It is so enjoyable to watch while the Bush misadministration crumbles, the HA trolls becoming more and more kookie.
Even Richard Pope is posting conspiracy theories in all UPPER CASE.
Man, it must suck to be a neocon symp.
RUFUS @ 48
“First of all it is legal.”
So Bush claims. Unfortunately for him, almost every legal analyst (except for Burt) disagrees. The FISA law is unambiguous. Have you actually READ it or anything?
“Second of all how about Presidents who comit perjury?”
I’m all for trying Presidents who commit perjury. None in recent memory have been convicted of perjury, although one has been tried….
In any case, I think we can agree that the important is to have a fair trial for any standing President shown to be breaking the law, and remove him or her from office if convicted.
They were also wearing bright orange wigs, large red rubber noses, polka dot “fatigues”, gigantic, floppy L.L. Bean hunting shoes and utility belts sporting seltzer bottles and small brass klaxon horns. Cheney appeared to be , inappropriately , grinning — but it could have been the makeup.
Comment on 123
Maybe this is the problem:
Photo of Texas Quail http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/images/bozo.jpg
Well there’s a big scandal at the Grayland Water District. They’ve been faking water quality tests for the last 20 years. They must have Republicans running their water district.
Does DJ have a Republican relative?
Photo of looooooooooooooser: http://betterdonkey.org/images/darthrossi-554.jpg
The strain is showing on the HA Trolls.
YO @ 127
I can’t tell ya…I’ve never met your family.
Nope…I assure you, we are NOT relatives.
Really, YO, check out your local chapter of Anuploidys Anonymous. They can help…Good luck to you.
Man…those folks at Nintendo sure work fast!
Donnageddon@131 The stress of defending the indefensible is overwhelming.
photo at 129
Get that over to puss Sounds — Rossi can use it in his nest political run.
Going to print it for the wall in the john. Still laughing, thanks RR – makes up for your silly twiching habit.
Now that we protect your kind from sexual assualt, maybe we can get you the vote in at least metro Seattle.
Don’t you live in W. Park?
Someone send 129 and 133 — over to the you know where – good for the am wakeup. I am among the annointed radical cadre, having been blocked. So seriously seditous, can’t rememer why.
I think I called some bigot who was spewing bigotry a fucking bigot. Still chuckling. thanks DJ and RR
Burr wasn’t VP when he shot Hamilton, I don’t think. That would make Cheney the first to bust a cap in someone’s ass…er, face.
Off topic but Cheney isn’t the only problem the righties have. Look at this piece in the PI today. Their world is falling apart!
“Don’t you live in W. Park?”
In order to keep GL Park populated with cute bunnies, I roam the whole park, going wherever female bunnies might be found. My motto is: “Leave no female bunny unfucked!”
Hmmmm … the GOP is splitting apart … looks like their only hope is to rig the voting machines and steal the election (again).
Seriously, does anyone really have a problem with Dick Cheney shooting another Republican??
Hell, we should have Republicans go “hunting” with other Republicans more often.
J Clarice H can go along in a “support” role since he is accustomed to be subservient. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and Clarice will make a “sound” and Dick “I had other priorities besides taking a gun safety course” Cheney will take a “sound shot” and blast Clarice in the face with some buckshot.
From my fingertips to God’s ear.
GBS – It is always amusing to see how much joy the lefties get when other humans suffer tragedy, as long as it can somehow smear GW and Co. The virtual orgasms from the HA-ers and KosCrowd when US KIAs reached 1000, and then 2000, as well as the parties when hundreds of dead floated to shore after Katrina, show the true American left wing. Ann Couletr could never hold a candle to you gals. This has been almost as illuminating as the Margaret Sanger-like joy over how much abortion has thinned the ranks of poor blacks more than anything, despite the culling of millions of dem voters.
Another proud day on HA.
Ass’sAss@142 Nothing like Cheney, Bush, and Delay gloating about making New Orleans ‘less black’.
mulesass @ 142:
“GW and Co.”
Interesting choice of words. Was that ever a Freudian slip!!
More brainwashing by your Ocycontin inspired guru-God, Druggie Limbaugh I see.
Your comment only goes to prove you’re either:
A) A hypocrite
B) Uniformed of the issues
C) A liar
D) Unwilling to believe your own eyes the unending failures of Bush
E) Can’t understand the gist of my post
F) All of the above.
mulesass @ 142:
BTW when you go about policing JCH’s comments, then you’ll have a modicum of credibility.
Until then, FUCK OFF!! PUNK.
It’s shitheads like you who do NOT understand the Constitution, yet continue to support failed Republicans are the enemies of these United States of America.
You’re a traitor by default through your ignorance.
Supporting Bush/Republicans is the same as supporting the terrorists.
GBS, Not off to a good start. Better take a blood pressure pill.
GBS, If you were a SEAL, then Goldy was too!
One Sick Fuck said @ 142
Actually, it is never amusing to see how BushCo seems to take great pride in the human death and misery they spread daily. And apologist like you, mulesass, are sick fucks for supporting their policies that bring “US KIAs (to reach) 1000, and then 2000, as well as hundreds of dead floated to shore after Katrina.†All at the expense of our nations security, freedom and treasury.
Your support of these criminals is duly noted.
Everybody run,
The Vice President has a gun!
BTW Mark the Fuckhead-
The police were NOT notified as they sshould have been BY LAW when Cheney negligently SHOT that guy. This is you VERY OWN Chappaquidick, dooood.
If the victim wasn’t in ICU this would be soooo fucking hilarious. How much worse can these assholes fuck up?
Oh, wait….
There’s IRAN!!!!
GBS,Donnageddon – Sounds like we are a bit tender (sensitive) today. It is always easy with you gals to see when the truth sticks and hurts.
You both remind me of
Sound familiar?
Muleass, Classic! Sadaam shouts “Down with Bush”! GBS shouts “Down with Bush”! Both claim to be in the military. [BTW, Has anyone seen GBS and Sadaam in the same room ?]
Get the Democrat buses ready! Time to register Democrat in New Orleans!! FEMA is not going to pay anymore hotel bills! No more cable TV, heated swimming pools, maid service, room services, and Black Velvet out of those cute little bottles!
Clarice @ 147.
I don’t know about Goldy’s military service, if any. That’s not important, however. Because what he may many not have lacked in military service, he amply makes up in journalistic value by reporting the news.
But, what is most important is that you’re a WASHOUT hack who couldn’t cut it in flight school and was unceremoniously shipped off to the Gator Navy to become a supply officer.
@ 152
Has anyone seen Clarice emerge from his mother’s basement?
JCH = Just another Chicken Hawk.
Keep telling yourself that, WASHOUT.
No wonder you failed.
Hey…I wonder what Dick the Dick’s B-A-C was when he shot that guy.
Can you say…covering up for a drunk?
“Down with Bush!” [Sadaam, Jane Fonda, GBS, Fidel, and Tree Frog]
PUNK ASS BITCH, mulesass & Clarice:
Naaaahhhh, I’m not sensitive today. I’m just not afraid to get up in your grill and tell you what a bunch of unpatriotic pussies you two are.
Any questions of you two fags? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just that you two are obviously queer.)
Praise Alah, Bin Laden, and the man who keeps Bin Laden safe, George W. Bush. [JCH and neo-convicts every where]
Just a little trip down memory lane. . .John Kerry told us these klowns couldn’t shoot straight.
GBS, normally you are a cool customer. I checked with some relatives on your duty. You are the genuine SEAL article. Mama not give you any loving last night? Did you look below the waist and you went white again? Wow, you are razor sharp nasty today!
Was the quail called Dan?
It’s too bad Mr. Cheney wasn’t out killing birds with his usual huntin’ buddie, Antonin Scalia.
Puddybud @ 161:
Yes, normally I AM a cool customer. But, when I decide to get pissed I do it on purpose. JCH is just a butt-munch officer who needed to be put in his place.
Loving last night? Ummm. . .Nope. No lovin’ last night. Now that I think about it, it’s been several nights. Do you think that gives me a bad attitude? Hey, tonight being Feb 14 is looking pretty good.
Yes, Puddybud, every time I piss I look below my waist and say “Shit, I’m still not black enough!!” And, don’t go there with your “mamma needs a few extra inches of lovin'” crap like you like to do!
Thanks for checking with your relatives regarding my military service, I’ll be sure to send them the $20 for covering my story, just as soon as someone who owes ME $20 bucks pays up. (LOL)
You know, I think I’ll just forgive the debt. . . naaaahhhhhhh, I like holding it over your head. Shit, maybe you’ll join PacMan someday and we can break bread together?
Later, my conservative friend.
I wait for PacMan to arrive back from California. I am here in my bed with a most virulent flu. You would not want to be around me.
Oh man, one of my kids got that nasty flu. Down for 10 days!!
It is wicked flu bug, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Except JCH.
Hey, when PacMan does get back from California, post on HA to let me know.
PacMan has my email address, but I rarely check that account.
Talk to you later,
GBS: He’s working on a big install! I don’t get much email from him. Now my older son has this flu. You have no equilibrium.
I’m sure JCH loves you too!