A brief note to local journalists who insist on introducing conversations with or about Susan Hutchison by proclaiming that she is the “front-runner” in the county executive race or that polls show her with “commanding lead” or “far out ahead.” Stop. It just makes you sound stupid.
Yeah, sure, Hutchison is far ahead of any other individual candidate, but she’s the lone Republican in a crowded field featuring four Democratic elected officials. 35 percent is what any Republican would poll under similar circumstances. These are Will Baker numbers.
So by failing to provide any context, you give an impression that is clearly not true. And when she loses in a landslide in November, you’re only gonna sound dumb for trotting out the front-runner label in June.
Republicans are still clinging to the idea that energy is cheap. It isn’t.
Just one of the many and varied things Republicans need to wake the fuck up about.
Any idea what Susan’s views on preserving local farm land and urban agriculture are? Maybe she thinks we can continue paying to have food shipped in from god-knows-where? We can’t.
Hmm… That chart looks an awful like the one I linked to at #1…
OK, so neither of those graphs are showing up and I can’t seem to get them to show up. But, what they’re supposed to be showing are the CPI’s for food and energy, which can be found here.
It appears the rightwing-controlled media are trying to fabricate an “aura of inevitability” around this airhead. Maybe they hope the King County voters who passed the “nonpartisan elections” referendum will be stupid twice.
So hows that trillion’s dollar OMAMMA doing, spending our childrens future?
I hope your F’n Lib kids can find a welfare line to file under, mine are actually looking for or finding work!
F you all and your Marxist guvment.
GS @ 5,
“I hope your F’n Lib kids can find a welfare line to file under, mine are actually looking for or finding work!”
Oooohhh…so you let them out of the compound, do ya?
how about urls to a few of the offending pieces?
obviously, some ‘journalists’ are just dumb and lazy and read whatever is put in front of htem,
and some only care about being sell outs to the powerful so they can pretend they’re buddies with the powerful,
and some want to replace our local cokie roberts-es and judith miller sell outs, and become 1 themselves.
so, goldy … WHERE are the links, or,
afraid you might hurt the feeling of a current sell out or aspiring sell out?
Obama’s working out just fine. Thanks!
I’m 40, been working since I was 13 and have never drawn a days worth of unemployment, btw.
SH is being called the frontrunner by the regular press, not just the conservative. I heard the same meme today on KUOW.
Whatamoron@4 crapped
Give me a break! This is FUWA Pelletizer.
seabos84, thanks for the third funniest comment today
We on the right have been saying this about the Obama Controlled Media for a while. Look at all the sellouts at the top of the dog food line and anyone can see why the little pups locally emulate their mack daddies in the big towns!
SJ, You nailed it. The regular press is the libtard controlled MSM. Pelletizer has issues becuz his party can’t poop no more. Bill Burkett made sure of that.
Well, they’ve got one airhead in congress who takes his marching orders from them. Why not another fronting King County for them.
I can fucking guarantee you that taxpayer money will be disappearing faster than you can say $9 billion in cash to Iraq.
re 11: I have never seen anyone as obstinately ignorant as you are. So, now Obama controls the Seattle Times? Guess they’ll be coming out in favor of the inheritance tax soon.
Remember what I taught you people. Step back. Examine Goldy’s post. Is it logical? He’s all over the place on this one. First he says that journalist who say Susan Hutchison is the front-runner are dumb. Then Goldy himself calls her the front-runner. Then he says that if she loses in November, anyone who called her the front-runner now (which she is, by the way. Even Goldy says so in this post), will be called dumb (again). Goldy believes someone can’t be a front-runner early on, then lose that status during the long political race?
I wonder if Goldy is going to mention that the Seattle Times article on the parking meter/towing scam go the city to changes its policy?
Goldy, I am just wondering if anyone has seen the cross tabs in these polls…I wonder how Susan has been polling amongst 1) Democrats, 2) Republicans, 3) Independants, 4) Women (which not surprising should be really high) and 5) men.
I would guess her uptick is because of name recognition and the fact that she’s the only woman in the field. I really really doubt her numbers amongst Republicans is enough to take a 20+ point lead in a 5 way field.
Mainstream media (newspapers, TV, Radio) have long abandoned examinations into the character of candidates (for fear they might be accused of bias), their record (too complicated to convey in a few words or sentences), or major policy differences (unless it can be summed up in a simple sound bite). This isn’t because the media is being controlled by one party or set of idealogues or another, it’s because the public quickly gets bored with in-depth discussions, and allows the media to get away with it.
In it’s place, the media reports on political campaigns as if they were a sporting competition. It’s often described as a horse-race, with an emphasis on trying to guess who is “ahead” if the election were held at some earlier time. But in reality they report on it a bit more like a football or soccer game, reminding us frequently of the interim “score”, while spending far more time talking about the political strategies (campaign personnel changes, fund-raising, advertising and organizational tactics, etc.).
So as long as Hutchinson (and other candidates) are allowed to avoid talking about serious issues, the only thing the media will report is who is ahead in the polls, with Hutchinson having the advantage of being the only one with wide name-recognition at this time.
As questions emerge, it would be nice to be able to press more difficult questions on ALL the candidates, forcing them to take specific positions on what items they will cut, or taxes they will raise, to balance the budget. My guess is that Hutchinson will try to dodge all such specific questions, perhaps even resorting to the Rossi expedient of brushing off such questions by proclaiming “I’m not campaigning on that issue”. Personally, I think any candidate who stoops to that tactic ought to be subjected to a barrage of TV commercials where they are being videotaped at least a half-dozen times refusing to answer such questions, and at the end of the piece the announcer intones: “And when you are through campaigning, and have to make actual decisions, what are you going to do then? Don’t the voters have a right to know BEFORE the election how you plan to govern?????”
The Obamacrats are headed SOUTH!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It is inevitable that folks will ultimately want more than smooth rhetoric…and put the adults (true Conservatives) in charge..like Susan.
Klynical is at it again – more stupid stuff from a stupid person.
The main difference in Obama’s numbers from when he was inaugurated is that the minorty republicans are now united against him.
Because they are afraid of change. They like how ?Bush ruined the economy, gave socialism to the banks and wasted billions in Iraq.
But suddenly, they are concerned about the deficit that Bush created. It was a unique achievement to spend us into the largest deficit in history and create the worst economy since the great depression.
Luckily, the idiot Bush is gone and the pathetic Bush policies of torture, unnecessary war, lack of bank regulations, huge deficits and Guantanamo are gone.
P{oor Puddy can’t even understand the comment of SJ:
Actually, SJ was lamenting the fact that even KOMO is parroting the same nonsense about Hutchinson.
And poor troll: Are really as stupid as you seem? Did you not understand that the entire “front-runner” concept that is promulgated by the media is ridiculous?
Especially given these stated facts:
A) the number of democrats in the field versus republicans (in the “nonpartisan” race). With only one republican the “polls” are stilted.
B) the fact that Hutchison is running in King county – a majority democratic county.
C) the fact that Hutchison has name recognition but the voters really don’t know her and she is hiding her beliefs.
But hey, your third grade level analysis that ignores the basic premises of what Goldy has written is what we expect from the low level trolls on this site.
Why are the trolls so dimwitted on this site?
NutsTooTight, what a fool. Above Pelletizer farted
Then SeattleJew wrote his piece and Puddy tied the two together. Too bad those NutsRTooTight for you to put 2 + 2 to get 4 fool! And you just hijacked the first sentence to show the moronic side of yourself.
But keep dope alive. You do that sooooooooooooooooooooooooo well.
Mr Cynical, Sometimes you have to listen to the moronic wing of the Obama Controlled Media, so Puddy turned on PMSNBC and listened to Keith Olbermann. Man what a tool. Anyway he even bemoaned the drop in “the messiah’s” popularity mentioning the poll he follows has “the messiah” down to 57% approval. The Fool attributed the drop in independents who are getting antsy about “the messiah’s” economic policies.
This proves NutsTooTight is not only a moron but his thoughts just don’t make sense anymore. But to NutsTooTight, the Independents are really Republicans. NutsTooTight and his “brain” need to be separated.
Viking Poop @14. Where did Puddy say “So, now Obama controls the Seattle Times?” Nope you dope. Read it again.
This is modern PT Barnum “journalism”, where if necessary the intrepid “journalist” will take measured steps to create “news” for wider audience consumption.
Even if that means looking a bit stupid in the process (see Jimmy Foreman in giant overstuffed parka).
In this case, eyeballs are initially attracted to the prospect of the stunningly telegenic mound of hairspray and cosmetic dentistry becoming a big powerful muckety muck with power to command minions.
Then, subsequently when the aforementioned mound loses in a “shocking” landslide, eyeballs are attracted to the spectacle of the poor damsel bearing the indescribable disappointment of her loss.
Jacob @16,
Yes, folks have seen the crosstabs, and while I haven’t, I can assure you that for each of the other four candidates, facing off against Hutchison in November would be a dream come true.
We don’t know enough about dear old Susan’s postions on issues to know if she’s an old fashioned conservative or not. I’ve known enough traditional conservatives and enough about traditional conservatism to know that they’re not bad and that you’re not one of them.
Thanks for this article Goldy, I’ve been saying this for weeks – it’s not rocket (or political) science.
It’s fun to go back and quote people when their hunches are off base.
She might get up to 40% of the vote in November b/c whichever Dem gets the nod will probably have pissed off 5% of the population give or take a percent :)
This whole discussion for the last few weeks, regarding Hutchinson has been ridiculous. This post is right on the mark. Cycniclown, Troll, and puddy and all the other trolls are off in their la-la land with the Seattle Times.
SH will get out of the primary, unless she totally shows herself as an incompetent airhead, (and maybe even then, with the repub idiots) with 30-35% of the total. So the real race is which Dem gets out of the primary. We need to get the best and most progressive Dem- after all this is the second or third most powerful elected offical in the State (excluding our federals.)
There is a not a single Dem she can beat in this race. Anyone of them will clean her clock by 20-25% and very possibly closer to 30% if she does not learn to utter a single coherent policy position beyond “cut waste and fat.” I think Goodspaceguy might beat her head to head in King Co.
Hey trolls, how did David Irons do in his sneak attack on the nonpartisan thing? And that was against a woman who did not live her and was a very boring candidate.
Our challenge is to get a real progressive out in the top two.