Congressional Quarterly (subscription only) reports on the six-way contest to fill an open Republican seat on the influential House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, the chair of the NRCC, argues that an assignment to the committee would help him raise more money for all his caucus members. But Rep. Dave Reichert’s interest in Appropriations is much more personal:
“I need a seat now,” said Reichert, who won his 2006 race with 51.5 percent of the vote. “Those open seats for people who are in safe seats will come later.”
I dunno Dave, that just comes across as sounding a little desperate. I wonder if that’s a preview of his 4Q07 fundraising totals?
Bush justified at least a couple of vetos on the grounds that the bills were not “fiscally responsible” and were “laden with pork”. Funny that this should only occur to him now that the Democrats are in charge of Congress, and the treasury has been pretty thoroughly looted by the Republicans.
So, if Reichart gets on the committee, is he, in good conscience, going to follow his President’s postion/talking points, take a strong position against any pork or earmarks, and refuse any money for projects which benefit primarily his district? And even if he yields to temptation, will Bush single out his earmarks as pork, and veto the bill?
I didn’t think so.
Reichart is simply desperate for the free publicity which normally comes from incumbency. But he’s finding it is awfully hard to get in the news when you are in the minority party (unless you get caught soliciting, etc.).
Was that ditzy Darcy whats-her-name I saw waiting tables last time I was at the Ballard Dennys?
Mark1 at 2: If you recently saw a congressional candidate waiting at Denny’s in Ballard recently, or anyone at that particular Denny’s, then your mind has more problems than you realize. Please seek professional help immediately.
I meant before it closed moron.
@1: Yeah, maybe Dave could get more press if he were caught in a seedy motel in the company of a sex worker wearing some items of rubber clothing, in bondage, and with a big dildo up his butt! LOL! Remember to use lube, Dave, and always remember to play safe! LOL!!!
Oh, and who had Heath Ledger in the death pool?
Reichert would be better off looking for a seat in some lobbying firm. That’s his destiny.
Mar1 at 4: I wasn’t the one who left it unclear. Say what you mean, mean what you say, make it clear, and provide evidence to support a rational train of thought. It shouldn’t be that hard for anyone with a high-school education.
8 “Rational train of thought”?????? M1 wouldn’t recognize one if it ran him over.
No that was Green river head police investigator Reichert failing to find the Green river killer for the 40th time. Since then he became an incompetent sheriff and then a do-nothing bush-following representative.
However, he probably did a good job of taking your order – sloppy leftovers – not well thought out…your favorite dish.
You had to go there incorrectnotright. At least you are trying to clean up your previous screech.
Puddy History Lesson for Neverrightstillincorrect.
The last time you made an ASS of yourself I asked you:
How many polygraph tests were given to Gary Ridgway?
Who gave the polygraph tests to Gary Ridgway?
Who determined Gary Ridgway wasn’t their culprit?
So nevercorrectstillnotbright:
You continue to impugn Frank Adamson, Jackson Beard, Randy Mullinax, Dan Nolan, Rupe Lettich, Cheri Luxa, Matt Haney, Bob Keppel, Sue Peters, Mike Hatch, Jon Mattsen, Matt Haney, and Fae Brooks who also worked the case.
You are such a piece of work nevercorrectstillnotbright. I hope King County Sherrifs never figure out who you are.
I’m sure Reichert’s superior officer at the time Lt. Dick Kraske would have something to say about your stupidity too.
I doubt if Reichert is desperate, or worried. Come Nov., he will defeat Darcy “toxic toys” Burner anywhere from 2-6%.
Nevercorrectnottobright: Have you read the Green River Killer case or are you a political ASS who swings with the wind?
I think you are the latter because the continually stupid statements you make are very scary for a “rational” person.
I expect stupid statements from Pelletizer. He doesn’t perform much research on topics. He takes the latest headline and runs here to pollute a thread. When he does his Reichert attack it’s very laughable. I see you are on your way to becoming laughable.
@2 No, that was your sister.
Nevercorrectnotobright: Why did you run away again?
@12: Puddy
I have no worries about the KC sheriffs who worked the the green river case ever catching anyone. Te whole point is that had enough evidence early on to GIVE a polygraph test – and they had some eyewitnesses as to Ridgeways behavior and association with prostitutes and they STILL couldn’t connect the dots, due the right tests (like even a imple blood test)or do surveillance or check his work records.
Pure incompetence led by Reichert.
Go ahead and defend incompetence Puddy – Bush (Brownie and Katrina) and Reichert will love you.
while you are at it defend the huge budget deficit of Bush and the failing economy. You seem to be able to defend anything by changing the topic and arguing some obscure point that doesn’t matter – and then declaring yourself victorious.
Why do you hang out at a liberal blog? Do you need to feel that you are “superior” and out-arguing those damn liberals? I feel sorry for you.
Congressman Reichert is not now, nor has he ever been one of my “special clients”. And if he were or ever had been I of course would not speak publicly about it. Which is to say that I deny it, and furthermore that I deny denying it.
Which if you think about it is kinda like saying it’s true, isn’t it?
Damn, this “discrete” male prostitute stuff is harder than it looks. Things were so much easier back in the good ol’ days of macho oil-wrestling sleep-overs at the White House.
So, Reichart was thrown off because Ridgeway passed a lie detector test? I can’t believe anybody is still using polygraphs, the last scientific study I saw said that they didn’t have any better than 50% reliability. In other words, flipping a coin would be just as accurate a predictor.
And even their proponants will admit that they will not work against a psychopath. They don’t have a conscience (sp), so they don’t have physical symptoms of lying.
But I’ve learned that the Dept. of Corrections is still using the machines, especially with probationers convicted of sex offenses. If they “fail”, they are immediatly taken into custody for probation violations. Given the rather arbitrary nature of the machines and the interpretation of them, that concerns me. Might as well just give them a longer sentence.
So here we go again… Ntotocorrectnevertobright:
The Blood tests administered in the 80s only got down to 1 in millions. Not good enough to convict.
They gave polygraph tests. I asked who gave them? you won’t answer it.
Obscure points? History is an obscure point? That’s why there is such a push to resuscitate Clinton’s legacy! Tell the truth about history and stop trying to be a history revisionist!
Then you jump to budgets. Stay on topic please. You want to convict but you never provide the conviction data.
Why do I hang out here? To hone my debate skills.
rhp6033: Are you kidding me? Lie Detectors. This is back in the early 80s.
So who administered the polygraph tests?