One of two things is going on here: either Dave Reichert and his campaign staff are incompetent or they initiated a deliberate effort to mislead the public about their disastrous fundraising in recent months.”
— WA State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz
You know, or both. Three months after President Bush came to town for what we were told at the time was a half million dollar fundraiser, we still can’t make heads or tales of Rep. Dave Reichert’s numbers, and so the WA State Dems filed an FEC complaint today alleging serious violations of federal election laws.
Proceeds from the $1,000 a head fundraiser were supposed to be placed in a special joint account, and then divided between the Reichert campaign and the WA State Republican Party, but most of the money appears to have been deposited directly into Reichert’s campaign account, a serious violation of federal law. One experienced campaign treasurer tells me he’s never seen such a sloppy FEC report, a report that has made it impossible to figure out exactly how much Reichert raised. Which may of course have been the point.
First the campaign claimed Reichert raised $500,000, then $230,000, and ultimately $185,000. The report itself claims the joint fundraiser raised only $135,000, but it is now unclear how much of that represents Reichert’s share. After all expenses are accounted for it is possible that Reichert may have actually lost money on the event, but we’ll never know for sure until the report is properly revised.
This is all the more embarrassing for Republicans considering the astounding success of the national netroots fund drive we held to help Democratic opponent Darcy Burner offset Reichert’s expected presidential windfall, raising $126,000 from over 3,400 contributors… over a weekend in August. Burner ultimately beat Reichert in Q3 in both dollars raised, and cash on hand; it is clear now that we kicked the president’s ass. No wonder no other Republican incumbent has dared to bring the president into town since the debacle in Bellevue.
To all the Darcy haters out there especially that poor excuse for a turd called Mark1:
Screw you!
Looks like The Girlz agree that Eyman and Dino are right.
Special session to undo the activist judges of SCFUWA.
Add a few billion more to Eyman’s record of success.
We know that “law and order” types like Reichert are fronts for hypocrisy within their own party much like Craig was with his “family values” bullshit. We can see the breakdown, will Sheriff Hairspray blame it on WTO protesters?
Sounds like this won’t end well for them either way. And the stories just keep on coming. It’s not even 2008 yet. You have to wonder what kind of other stuff is going down between now and next November….
2 – Why don’t you pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy with some of your SF tax cut.
You guys are still bitchin’ about this guy Reichert?? Isn’t his 15 minuters up yet?
Laura Ingraham was fillin’ in again for Bill O’Reilly this evening. The lead story was about the nut-cases going after the Salvation Army for having the audacity to let two employees go who didn’t bother to learn English and were given the opportunity to do so. As far as I’m concerned, the Salvation Army is perfectly within its rights to insist that English be used as its official language, and I think we should declare English to be the official language of this country. I never have figured out why the people of Mexico and Latin America are so proud of the language of their conquerors, the Spanish. You’d think they would rather speak their native languages – Mayan, Aztec, Incan – whatever.
Anyway, getting back to The Factor, this nutcase from Florida was claiming that the Salvation Army’s insisting on English was a civil rights issue, not an immigration issue. Well, from where I sit, it ain’t a civil rights issue. The Constitution, the Declaration of Indpendence weren’t written in Spanish or Portugese. They were both written in English, and are the laws enacted by Congress. It’s just common sense: the language of this country is English, and that’s the end of the story.
Immigrants who legally come to this country want to learn English because they chose to come here to be Americans, not Russians, Chinese, or Latvians or whatever. English is part of the culture, amigos, so if you want to maximize your “American” experience, learn English. That’s just the way it is.
Dems accuse someone of campaign violations? I wonder what brought these false accusations on?
Ony can be one thing, Reichart is winning. hehehe
Only can be one thing, Reichert is winning. hehehe
I see that the conservative rag has put this on the front page of the paper…..not. hehehehe
The news keeps on getting better and better for us repubs. I looking forward to a very happy 2008. roof roof.
The track record of the cur is eating shit each election. This track record will continue.
More lies by Goldy. But what else to expect from the lying liars and the lies they tell…
YLB @ 12
Re: The Cur
Not only do dogs like eating shit, but they like eating cat shit. Kitty Roca, it’s called. Have you ever smelled cat shit? There ain’t many odors that trump it for bad. I think Jane’s Dog, unfortunately, only gets to eat cat shit–cat shit is all of his food groups. That does something to the brain after awhile.
YLB says:
The track record of the cur is eating shit each election. This track record will continue.
Are you kidding, compared to you donks I was eating filet mignon. heehehe You guy’s are sunk.
Crusher @12,
Really? I’m lying? If you’re going to accuse somebody of lying, the least you can do is back it up. What exactly am I lying about?
14 – Hey PL, good point. I’ve seen curs eat cat shit many a time. Like flies to you know what.
Eat cat shit, cur! You love it!
@2 You have no standing here until you pay your gambling debt, welsher. Pay up or shut up!
@6 On behalf of every Democratic candidate in the 2008 election cycle, I want to personally thank you for your role in alienating minority voters by perpetuating the rightwing’s immigrant-bashing. In 2000, Bush got 20% of the Hispanic vote; in 2004, he got 40%; and in 2008, the GOP nominee, whoever he is, will be lucky to get 4%. Keep up the good work!
@11 Just put that rangy mutt to sleep. The only good dog is a dead dog.
@14 Of course a dog thinks cat shit is filet mignon. Dogs are stupid. That’s why it’s illegal for them to vote. They don’t have the brains to cast an intelligent vote. A dog will vote for a Republican every time.
@15 Crusher is one of those people who flings the whole bowl of spaghetti at the wall to see if it’s ready to eat yet, then scrapes it up off the floor and eats it.
goldy is from philly the city of brothley love and the rest are fags.
The interesting thing about this complaint is that Democrats have a voting majority on the FEC. Nominally, the FEC has 6 members, with no more than 3 from any party, but one of the Republican seats is vacant right now, so the current composition of the FEC is 3 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
@22 Brotherly love — now there’s an interesting topic. Show me a wingnut dominionist church and I’ll show you a preacher screwing his brother’s wife. Now that’s what I call brotherly love!
In other news, the FDA told Tyson Foods they can’t put “raised without antibiotics” labels on their chickens because their chickens have antibiotics in them.
But if wingnuts get their way, there’ll either be no government regulation at all, or businesses will be allowed to lie to consumers without interference or penalty.
Goldy opines:
I beg to differ.
If the FEC report filed by the “Reichert Washington Victory Committee” (whence came the $135,000 figure) is to be believed, we do know how
muchlittle Sheriff Hairspray took in by kissing Dubya’s ass. As shown on page 27 of the RWVC’s October FEC report, on September 29 they sent Friends of Dave Reichert, Dave’s own political committee, theprincelyanemic sum of $35,754.80.Oh yeah, Dave also (illegally) collected some funds on his own during the fundraiser. So I’m sure he actually picked up more than $35K. Some of it legally.
Pelletizer (TM) @24: Goes to show you what these liberal times are a springing nowadays. Watching all that filth on TV; afternoon soap operas, Jerry Springer, Maury etc. will cause one to eventually look at it as reality.
Gee, haven’t the Republicans always campaigned that since they want to bring “private-enterprise business efficiency” to government? And that since they are the party of “business leaders”, they are best suited to run the “business of government”? Yet their “leaders” can’t properly fill out a financial reporting statement?
I guess Republicans might be the party of business, but only if you consider Enron as the model for accurate business accounting methods. No wonder the DJIA tanked yesterday (below 13,000, and well below the level Bush II inherited from Clinton). This means that the DJIA under almost seven years of Bush II lost twice as much as under the four years of the Carter administration. The dollar is now at historic lows, even the Canadian Loonie is more valuable! Even fashon models are insisting on being paid in Euros, and OPEC is considering following suit. Bush II inherited a budget surplus, and will leave office with record-setting budget deficits.
See: “Stock Market Dives for the Bottom”, at Northwest Forum for Politics and Policy.
Perhaps its not a good idea to take a party who professess to hate government, and put it in charge of one.
First Reichert loses money on a Bush fundraiser, then he loses the 2008 election.
Hi co-sponsoring of environmental legislation won’t help him when he is on the wrong side of the most important electoral issue of 2008: the war in Iraq.
Look for Dave to change his vote on Iraq to try to stave off the defeat currently roaring down the tracks toward him, then watch him be abandoned by the GOP apparatus because of it.
Buh-bye, Dave.