Apparently, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly got a lot of angry email regarding his column last week that categorized former SAFECO CEO and insurance industry lobbyist Mike!™ McGavick as a victim of partisan politics. To sum up my response at the time: boo-hoo.
So Joel is back again this week defending bipartisanship, with reasonable sounding advice like “American democracy is about debating issues and trying to change minds,” and “A polarized country shouldn’t stop us from judging people on their merits, not attaching horns to their heads.”
I can’t disagree.
Unfortunately, we’re not living in an age of reasoned politics — at least not at the national level — where reasonable advice such as Joel’s can be unilaterally followed without risking utter defeat.
This is the age of Karl Rove. This is the age of the K Street Project. This is an age where war heroes are swift-boated and morphed into cowards and traitors while those in the press who are not actively complicit tend to dismiss the rhetorical violence with a “kids will be kids” shrug.
In this context, to advise Democrats to refrain from negative campaigning would be like advising the Israelis to respond to Hezbollah rockets with heated letters to the editor.
No doubt one should be wary of a disproportionate response, and yes, Joel is right in warning that negative campaigning can generate a backlash. But more often than not, muddying your opponent is damn effective, which is why political consultants resort to it with such frequency.
And while it is certainly reasonable to judge candidates on their merits, if you fear for the welfare of our nation under exclusive Republican can control, it is absolutely necessary to vote for candidates based on the letter next their name. Whatever one may think of Mike!™ as a person and however you may want to believe his claims that he represents the center, if his election to the Senate assures Republican control it will also assure the unchallenged agenda of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, Tom DeLay and their corporatist and right-wing extremist sponsors.
Is unbridled partisanship like I am advocating a danger to our democracy? Under current circumstances I’d argue that it is democracy’s only defense.
Josef Stalin… he didn’t allow political partisanship to threaten his rule, and neither does Fidel Castro or the Chinese Communist Party. That is what the Republican leadership wants for our nation, a one-party state in which the Democratic Party becomes nothing more than an impotent, useful foil. As Norquist once famously quipped:
“Once the minority of House and Senate are comfortable in their minority status, they will have no problem socializing with the Republicans… Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant. But when they’ve been ‘fixed,’ then they are happy and sedate. They are contented and cheerful.”
If that’s bipartisanship, I want no part. I want a Democratic Party with the balls to be Democrats.
A-Fucking-MEN, Brother!
Josef Stalin… he didn’t allow political partisanship to threaten his rule, and neither does Fidel Castro or the Chinese Communist Party. That is what the Republican leadership wants for our nation, a one-party state in which the Democratic Party becomes nothing more than an impotent, useful foil.
Well, Goldy, the same could be said of the Democratic Party in this state. Ya gotta admit that the Democrats pretty much call the shots at all level of government in Washington State.
negative campaigns are the norm anyway. I dont know why you are crying, the democrats are pros at smear campaigns.
“No doubt one should be wary of a disproportionate response”
I agree, Goldy — nuking ’em and annihilating ’em is enough. Anything beyond that is redundant.
“Well, Goldy, the same could be said of the Democratic Party in this state.” Commentby Libertarian— 8/14/06@ 10:42 am
Not the same. Democrats did nothing to our local Repugs — they did it to themselves with extremism and crappy candidates.
American politics has often been an arena for angry minds. In recent years we have seen angry minds at work mainly among extreme right-wingers, who have now demonstrated in the
GoldwaterShrub movement how much political leverage can be got out of the animosities and passions of a small minority.Richard Hofstader The Paranoid Style in American Politics
“I dont know why you are crying, the democrats are pros at smear campaigns.” Commentby sven— 8/14/06@ 10:43 am
Example, please?
Here’s the Rethug mirror psychology at work — “if we’re doing it, the Democrats must be doing it, too.”
Not the same. Democrats did nothing to our local Repugs – they did it to themselves with extremism and crappy candidates.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/14/06@ 10:54 am
Well, Roger, you’re entilted to your opinion.
You have to admit, though, Washington is a blue state, run by the Democrats, and Republicans really don’t have a lot of power here. Unfortunately, other parties, like the Libertarians, are pretty much have even less influence.
Wow. What else do you say. In a country where Democrats and Liberals work tirelessly to cut any mention of Christianity out of our life. Where Democrats have spent full terms like slavering pack animals trying to defame their Republican opponents or office holders. Where Americans can’t even express an opinion in public anymore for want of being sued. Where we have to watch everything we say in a school or a workplace or an event or some “sensitive” liberal might get their panties in a bunch.
You have the balls to write this post. That is absolutely the pot calling the ketlle black. OMG I said black. Is that the ACLU knocking on my door.
Goldy I know you are a partisan person. Most of us are. But this post is too childish even for you.
“Whatever one may think of Mike!™ as a person and however you may want to believe his claims that he represents the center”
Mike? Who took himself out of this race when he taped the “R” next to his name. And he knows it, judging from how hard he works to conceal from voters that he’s running as an “R”. (Did you notice his early TV ads mentioned no party affiliation? Right off the bat, he engaged in deceptive advertising.)
Order your bumper stickers today:
Mike? Who
He’s the Problem, Not the Solution
oh please roger. You honestly expect anyone to beleive the democrats are pristine in this arena?
Good gawd….
Is unbridled partisanship like I am advocating a danger to our democracy? Under current circumstances I’d argue that it is democracy’s only defense.
I can’t go quite there – well, not yet anyway. My quibble is with the “unbridled” descriptor. Unbridled, of course, means unrestrained. I believe there are limits. There MUST be limits. Even though the GOP has morphed into a corrupt criminal enterprise, I refuse to become what I believe to be immoral and unamerican. It is not only their “ideas” that are wrong; their entire approach to politics is short-sighted, immoral, and has made us weaker as a nation.
That said, I believe you are correct in pointing out that Democrats must be more willing to stand up and proudly point out one indisputable fact: if protecting the United States, both internally and externally, is the goal, the Democratic Party is the means for achieving it.
We can be partisan. We can fight to win our country back from those who seek to use and abuse it for selfish ends. We can (figuratively) sock them in the nose for their failings. We can beat them over the head with our better vision for America. And we can do all of that without selling our souls.
Just as I will not abandon this nation to those who wish to exploit it, I refuse to accept the notion that I must destroy this village in order to save it.
As Adlai Stevenson said in 1952: “…if they [Republicans] will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” We need to be forcefully and unapologetically partisan; the truth is on our side, after all. But there are some places I won’t go.
Of course you want the D’Rats to have balls… but unfortunately you are all ball-less femi-men who have put your balls in the basement where they have shriveled on the altar of androgeny.
Look what you femi-men have done to the few D’Rats that managed to keep their manliness.
You promote yourselves as able to win a war on terror with feelings and understanding then whine ( and how manly a whine it is) when REAL politicians with balls clean your clocks in elections.
:(( this is me singing ‘boo-flippin-hoo for you
ps… did you ever find out who does John Edwards hair? {snicker}
Go LEFT young femi-men….. please go LEFT!
Opinion nothing, I’m stating facts. Look at who the GOP’s last three gubernatorial candidates were: John Carlson, Ellen Craswell, Dino Rossi. Speaks for itself.
I don’t know how long you’ve been around here, Lib, but I’ve lived in Seattle for 40 years. I didn’t fall off the rutabaga truck yesterday; I fell off it circa 1965 or thereabouts.
Back in the early 80s, the WSGOP purged all the moderates — the Dan Evans Republicans — from their party. The Roy Moore faction took over, and the WSGOP became a coalition of hard-rightys and wacked-out fundies, with a radical agenda to dismantle government and inflict their Christian Taliban culture on everyone, including those who didn’t want it. They’ve been losing elections ever since.
Look at the mess our national government is in, after 5 1/2 years of rightwing rule. Washingtonians, as a group, are better educated on average than the nation as a whole — and MUCH better educated than the southern rubes who form the backbone of the Wingnut Party. They see through the transparent lies, corruption, and incompetence that plays well in the Ozarks and even parts of Peoria.
If we have one-party government in Washington, it’s because there is no Republican Party in our state anymore. The WSGOP self-destructed on its own, without help from Democrats. When this was happening 25 years ago, it was obvious what was coming … while the yahoos clung to a slim state senate majority for years — thereby managing to stay in the news and affect legislation enough to provide the citizenry with a running stream of evidence that they are indeed nutty obstructionists who leave ruin in their wake wherever they go — and an occasional rational Republican snuck through the carnage of his party to occupy an office like land commissioner — the bottom line is the GOP has been losing elections in this state ever since.
It’s strictly self-inflicted. What do you expect Democrats to do about it? Lecture them on civic responsibility and the benefits to all of a viable two-party system? (“Competition is good”) We tried that, but the WSGOP suffers from stone ear. Their problems are their problems, not our problems. We have no solution. The solution is for the WSGOP to get off the Oxycontin and rejoin the human race. That is a journey THEY must undertake. Only they can do that.
Mr. Libertarian @ 2
Well, Goldy, the same could be said of the Democratic Party in this state. Ya gotta admit that the Democrats pretty much call the shots at all level of government in Washington State.
Yes Mr. L they do, and I for one am grateful. Republican politics that I was once apart of morphed from Goldwater to God’s only Party in the last 20 years. These animals would take away civil liberties, destroy the middle class, and change the character of the Pacific North West from live and let live to total control.
To satisfy their paranoid religious fantasies, these control freaks that have taken over the GOP would monitor your bed room, your body,
your reading material;Itemid=2
and your religion.
They would cut your taxes if you are the 1/100th while killing your wages if you made less then 100. They would reverse a fifty year’s advance of personal liberty and progressive economics to create a two tier system: The Rich and everyone else.
To my Republican friends I say to you, welcome to Washington, were people think for themselves. If this is too difficult a process, sorry.
The fallacy of Norquist’s little wet dream is we’re not going to allow ourselves to be “fixed.” Remember DOCTOR MENGELE, the ex-veterinarian of Bunny Meadows Concentration Camp? He tried to cut off my balls — and got his balls handed to him!
The Rethugs talked themselves into believing liberals are wimps, cowards, and defeatists. All I can say is, self-delusion is their strongest suit.
Come and get it, motherfuckers! (click-click)
So Joel had lunch with Gortons/Mikes! media guru and strategist Eddie Mahe huh? Did he convince him that Mike! is really, really just a good guy notwithstanding his being in favor of the big, rich guys like he left at Safeco Insurance? That he isn’t much like Gorton who when in elected office was a Republican’s Republican on every issue. Did Eddie tell Joel that even though Gorton was/is Mike!s mentor, advisor, employer, financial backer, guidepost etc., etc. and that Mike! is really a centrist when it comes to issues like gay rights and the minimum wage?
By the way, who bought lunch Joel?
What a load of crap! This illustrates exactly what I mean, when I say Republicans are self-deluded liars! You can talk about Christianity in church, in your home, on the street corner, any place you fucking want — and nobody will haul you off to jail.
But GOVERNMENT can’t put the 10 Commandments in public buildings, or teach Christianity in public schools, because that would use the power of the state to establish a religion and give one religion official preference over others — in derogation of the fundamental rights of those who choose to believe in some other religion (or no religion at all).
You fucking wingnuts have a big-league problem with the concept of “rights.” You think you have a right to impose your personal beliefs on everyone else. You don’t. On the other hand, you’re so lacking in even the most basic understanding of the constitutional rights of others, that sometimes it seems the only way to deal with you ignorant hicks is with guns. Yes, if it takes a civil war to sort this out, then let’s get on with it. I don’t want that, but nobody fucking tells me what I can or can’t believe, or what God I have to worship.
Am I making myself clear?
Hey asshole, the Bill of Rights is there to protect YOUR rights, too. It cuts two ways — you can’t use the power of government to impose your religion on others … but THEY can’t use the power of government to impose THEIR religion on YOU. Comprende?
No, you don’t get it, and never will. You’re terminally stupid.
But GOVERNMENT can’t put the 10 Commandments in public buildings
Well actually, yes it can
Roger@17 I thought that was DoktorF*cktardMarkMengele.
Let’s try this approach. Let’s say you get your way, and we teach religion in public schools. But what if it isn’t your religion? What if the people running our government decide that all public school students must conform their beliefs and behavior to the precepts of Buddhism? Or Confucianism? Or paganism? Or (I can see you shuddering) — Islam? Do you want statues of Mohammed decorating every public building you walk into?
See how that works, when one group is allowed to use government to impose their religion on others?
Betcha you’ll be screaming like a stuck pig about your “constitutional rights.” And rightly so. And I’d be right there with you, rifle in hand, to defend your constitutional rights — and mine. And Andy’s down the street … and Joe Blow’s. That’s how we’ve always done it in this country. And, God willing, that’s how we’ll always continue doing it, if America can somehow survive this crazy paroxysm of rightwing knee-jerk collective insanity being inflicted on our nation by fucking 9th-grade civics class flunkouts like you.
“Well actually, yes it can” Commentby sven— 8/14/06@ 11:31 am
Well actually, no it can’t. (OK, if you want to get technical, the Supreme Court has carved out narrow exceptions for non-religious displays of the TC — but we’re discussing RELIGIOUS displays of the TC in public buildings, and THAT is unconstitutional.)
No, you’re thinking of Doktor Fucktard JCH. Mengele had a real degree from a real college and a real MD license. Despite his education and his family’s wealth and social position, he was a narrow-minded, bigoted, sociopathic, murdering bastard anyway.
“Josef Stalin… he didn’t allow political partisanship to threaten his rule, and neither does Fidel Castro or the Chinese Communist Party. That is what the Republican leadership wants for our nation”………….Er, Miss Goldie, The examples you uses for PURE POWER were leftists commies. You know, LEFTISTS??? hehe, JCH
How do you determine whether it is a relgious display or not?
That is the chief point of contention. and which religion gets dominant use of their image?
26, cont…..Leftists, like Hillary, Teddy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid. Like YOU, Miss “IDF” Goldie!!! In search of PURE POWER!!!
“welcome to Washington”
Two small corrections, Commander, if I may.
First of all, you misspelled “only.” It’s supposed to be spelled like this: God’s Obnoxious Party
Secondly, as far as I’m concerned, those assholes are NOT welcome in our state. I want them to go somewhere else. Preferably straight to hell, but Texas or Alabama will serve in a pinch.
There was nothing the least bit negative about the lawsuit against McGavick and SAFECO over the $28 million McGavick got on the way out of SAFECO. Political? Yes. Negative? No. If nothing else it will help tell voters more about McGavick.
McGavick hiring Mahe is also telling. Mahe has a long association with campaign in this state. He has a knack for back stage negative campaigning that reporters never seem to see. The guy is smart, and devious.
And hiring Mahe is a red flag for a candidate promising a civil campaign. It is nice to know. Generally candidates who advertise clean campaigns have something to hide they are worried about.
Joel is out to lunch on these topics. Goldy has it about right. The GOP has earned a hard fought counter attack that ought to include every reasonable tool in the playbook. McGavick’s civility spinning is a tool too.
Roger@25 Actually that fitsDoktorF*cktardMarktheRetardedMengele to a ‘T’.
“You honestly expect anyone to beleive the democrats are pristine in this arena?” Commentby sven— 8/14/06@ 11:08 am
No — and I didn’t say they are. Next question.
Look at who the GOP’s last three gubernatorial candidates were: John Carlson, Ellen Craswell, Dino Rossi.
I believe Rossi acutally won the initial vote count, Roger. And the first recount. The Gregoire won on the second recount. Is that not correct, Roger?
We’re progressives Mr. Rabbit. We tolorate anybody, even assholes, as long as they behave themselves. A charector flaw, but that is the way it moves.
Um the Bill of Rights says freedom OF. Not FROM. Which means that if I want to pray in school, I can. Or if my company wants to have a Bible study class it can. As long as some other group isn’t discriminated against.
But you Libs and your ACLU want to limit WHERE it is “ok” to publicly (if ever) show your religiosity. UNLESS it somebody you agree with like Jesse Jackson or Sharpton. Then you’ll trot them out whenever you feel like it. So on one hand you will hammer the 10 commandments whenever possibly, regardless of the historical roll religion played in our country, and on the other you will pony out some preacher as long as that preacher agrees with everything you are saying.
Roger you are so transparent. I hesitate to ever answer you because you are such a nitwit, but sometimes it’s warranted.
“I can’t go quite there”
I can. It’s not what I prefer — I’ve posted so many times that I strongly believe in a competitive two-party system that only trollfucks like Sven who either can’t read or are too lazy to read haven’t gotten the message — but what can you do when you’re up against a gang of warlords, gangsters, and thugs? We don’t have two viable parties anymore, nor a competition of political ideas. We’ve got to fight the Thug Party with everything we’ve got, by any means the law allows. And if the day ever comes when they actually do what they say they’re going to do — pick up guns and try to exterminate us — then there won’t be any law either, and the only thing that will be left to us is to kill them before they kill us. These assholes just might succeed in turning what once was the world’s greatest democracy into a smoking ruin like Lebanon. Yes, I believe there’s a God, and I have no doubt they’re all going to burn in Hell for it. Karl Rove is an instrument of Satan, and is doing the Devil’s work.
Case in point, Mr. Goldstein does not block anyone from this thread.
Don’t want religion taught in schools. That’s why we have private schools that fall in line with different religions. But if your Christian son wants to pray before lunch he should be able to. Right now. At least in the schools in WA in my area. That childs parents will be called and told how inappropriate praying before a meal is. That it might make other children that aren’t Christian uncomfortable. That is your lawyers taking away a family’s right of religious expression. Your intollerance. That isn’t anybody forcing a religion on another person.
Liberals must arm. Now, before they figure out how to keep us from getting guns to defend ourselves with.
I should say “that is some school district so scared of being sued by some liberal douchebag that they have banned any and all references to religion.”
You’re right on Goldy. Real American patriots cannot stand by and watch the ongoing train wreck that is the GOP run government.
We have to be TWICE as nasty as they are if we want to win. They’ve used their lies, smear tactics, push polls, illegal vote blocking, misinformation, abuse of the courts and outright thug-like behavior since 1994 and only by doing that AND more will we save America from these idiots.
The GOP has lately asked its standins to start crowing about civility while at the same time calling people like Cleland (a triple amputee) a coward because he didn’t leave his fourth limb in Nam.
I say hit them ten times for each time they hit us. That’s how we win.
Good grief you are an idiot. And uninformed to. How nice.
Liberals must arm. Now, before they figure out how to keep us from getting guns to defend ourselves with. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/14/06@ 11:54 am
You do realize that your femi-men comrades and brethren cringe everytime you say that, don’t you?
What is great about this thread is that it shows how hateful whacked out the left is around here.
“In this context, to advise Democrats to refrain from negative campaigning would be like advising the Israelis to respond to Hezbollah rockets with heated letters to the editor.”
“Josef Stalin… he didn’t allow political partisanship to threaten his rule, and neither does Fidel Castro or the Chinese Communist Party. That is what the Republican leadership wants for our nation, a one-party state in which the Democratic Party becomes nothing more than an impotent, useful foil.”
Goldy compares the right to terrorists and murderous dictators. Nice way to keep things civil. Remember that half the state voted for Rossi. So when you put out these paranoid rantings you are speaking to them. I guess it works to keep your small base rabid, but it will go a long way to make you look like the fools that you are, and force those in the middle to look the other direction. So keep at it!
The repubs need more rantings from angry old men like Roger!
Need proof? Look at Lieberman/Lamont race. The temper tantrum has been had, now the adults are sobering up and looking at reality. The netroots can’t declare victory yet.
No Mr soundcrossing, Congress, or the any level of Government, can not establish an official state religion. The students in class are a captive audience; they have to be there by law. They are there to learn, not to pray.
But what you want is the special right to preach your religion, and only your religion, to the unconverted by virtue that it is the majority.
The bill of rights protects from the tyranny of the majority. On an individual basis you may pray by yourself (I did it all the time before I took a test). You may not preach.
Sacramento — David Crane is a gifted investment banker who shared his expertise with government until he was dumped from a state board that invests teacher retirement funds. Lawmakers bounced him from the board, one of the biggest players on Wall Street, after he repeatedly questioned whether state pension funds could earn enough to keep paying retirement benefits to teachers and other politically powerful employees.
The money quote: “Taxpayers would have to ante up; retirees’ benefits are locked in by contract.”
Live in California?
Move unless you are a public employee. I moved 4 years ago!! Not a penny more of MY money to support the “Guvment” Union Hillary Welfare State of Baja Norte. Atlas has Shrugged in Kalifornia.
Although it was hinted at earlier, the trend now seems definate. Newt Gingrinch trumpeted the strategy early in the summer, when he went on a speaking/fundraising tour attempting to re-cast himself as the savior of the Republican party, by claiming that they had lost their way and needed to seek redemption in his arms as the “pathfinder” to lot Republican virtues of hard-line conservatism. In 1992 he ran a similar campaign against the Democrats, now he was seeking to re-kindle his political fortunes by running a campaign against his own party.
Now Republican challengers in Congressional races are also attempting to cash into the “anti-incumbent” sentiment. But representing the party in power, that would seem to create some difficulties, would it not? Not to the Republican Party. Publically the Republican leadership is talking about focusing on “local issues”, by which they mean personalities (setting up the prospect of a particularly nasty October campaign season). But privately there must be some coordination whereby Republican challengers are being given the green light to run as “reformers”, attempting to blur the lines between the parties using smoke and mirrors.
If they can get away with it, most are content with merely keeping quiet, going “under the radar” hoping that their name doesn’t get identified with Bush & Co. But where that won’t work, Somvoters are already seeing deceptive comments which imply that Democratic incumbents are in control of government, and are therefore are responsible for all the problems the nation currently faces. Some have even argued, to carefully selected audiences, that excess spending by “Congressional Democrats” are responsible for the huge budget deficits and national debt, and that voting for a Repubican challenger will “bring back fiscal responsibility”.
It’s no wonder that Republican challengers are restricting their public appearances to carefully chosen groups, and reacting strongly to any attempts to record their comments by audio or videotape. (Note the previous attacks on this board, decrying attempts to “harass” McGavick with videocameras, and comparing it to Nazi brown-shirt tactics).
I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised.
(1) After decades of Republican propoganda to convince people that the Democrats were soley responsible for wasting taxpayer money, it will take some time for the truth to be obvious to everyone. I expected five years to be sufficient, perhaps I was wrong.
(2) It just goes to show how dumb the Republicans think the average voter is.
(3) Or, perhaps, it just shows what the Republicans think of any voter who might be persuaded to vote Republican? It reminds me of the infamous quote from P.T. Barnum: “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Liberals must arm. Now, before they figure out how to keep us from getting guns to defend ourselves with. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/14/06@ 11:54 am
In total agreement. All decent american citizens should consider weapons and martial arts training as part of a good education.
We need to be prepared if the right-wing wants to act on their eliminationist rhetoric.
And what about a kid who wants to spread his prayer blanket and bow to Mecca several times a day? Should the principal be able to prevent this disruption?
Attending school is not a voluntary activity. By law, children must attend school, and their parents must send them. You can comply with the law by sending your kids to private school or other approved alternative.
If your kid wants to pray over lunch in the school cafeteria, send him to a private school, or ask the school to release him from campus to take his lunch breaks at the church down the street.
A public school involves the involuntary mixing of students from many cultures and religions. As in any large social setting, there must be rules to protect the rights of all. Your child’s freedom to swing his hand clutching a prayer book stops where the other kid’s nose starts. That’s the most basic principle of getting along there is.
Goldy, this part of your article had me laughing out loud:
In this context, to advise Democrats to refrain from negative campaigning would be like advising the Israelis to respond to Hezbollah rockets with heated letters to the editor.
THAT’S EXACTLY THE STRATEGY THE NED LAMONT WING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WOULD ENDORSE!!! They certainly opposed the Israelis actually doing something about the missiles… just listen to any Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton (Ned’s two best buddies) talk on the subject.
Have you ever visited Reality? Praying privately before a meal in a public school is completely appropriate. You live on anecdotes and lies the rightwing rumor machine thrives on. From a religious perspective, I don’t want religion propagated in schools, courthouses, or public plazas. Such propagation cheapens faith; I most certainly do not need the Ten Commandments tacked to a courthouse wall to ensure my Christianity. And, by the way, the First Amendment does not just protect freedom of religion. Through the Establishment Clause, it also ensures freedom from state-promoted religion. As a Christian, I would never want someone like you promoting what you consider “Christian” values to my child in school. I can teach my child such values myself. My reading of the Gospel has led me to be a fervent liberal. You, apparently, do not read the Gospel. In any event, the Establishment Clause protects us both from having the other impose our differing conceptions of Christian values on the other. I do not suspect, however, that you would ever be able to grasp such a concept.
Wingnuts falsely claim that enforcing the First Amendment protection of religious freedom is anti-religion. The truth is the opposite; it is to PROTECT everyone’s right to choose and practice their own religion, instead of having someone else’s religion forced on them. The motives behind writing this amendment into our Constitution — and, not accidentally, it is the very first amendment, and the very first right enunciated in the Bill of Rights — is deeply rooted in history. The purpose of the First Amendment is to spare our society the religious hatreds and religious wars that have afflicted Europe for 1,500 years.
Rightwing nuts are just plain fucking wrong about this issue. If they get their way, our country will turn into a Northern Ireland, with barbed wire and walls erected between warring religious groups, and sectarian warfare, murders, and assassinations a daily occurrence.
History teaches us that stupidity is even more dangerous than calculated evil.
“Good grief you are an idiot.” Commentby soundcrossing— 8/14/06@ 11:57 am
I learned it from you guys. I used to be a Republican. Now let me ask you this. Who is always cawing about gun rights? Wingnuts. Who is contemptuous of diplomacy and international organizations (e.g., the UN), and wants to use military force to solve every issue? Wingnuts. Who is for maximum use of capital punishment to deal with social problems? Wingnuts.
Now let me ask you this. What is the first thing a wingnut like you thinks of, if he sees a perceived enemy arming? He arms. So what is so strange to you about my responding to people like Ann Coulter, who says liberals should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed” (while Republican crowds cheer her on), by saying liberals should arm and prepare to defend themselves? Isn’t that what you guys believe? Isn’t that what YOU do?
Do you expect liberals to let you assholes walk over us? Do you really think we’re going to peacefully submit to stripping us of our constitutional rights, our liberty, our lives? Keep thinking that, asshole. And make sure you walk straight toward my burrow — none of that dodging and running stuff — when you come to arrest me for being a liberal. With the Bush inflation and all, AK-47 ammo now costs over 1 cent a round, so I’d like to get this done with one shot.
Four men in Mexico have been indicted in Chicago for conspiracy to possess and distribute fentanyl, a powerful synthetic drug that has been mixed into the U.S. heroin supply, causing hundreds of overdose deaths in the last year. The indictment was filed Aug. 3 in federal court. The filing says the men allegedly distributed fentanyl in the Chicago area and “elsewhere.” [……Fortunately the dead Democrat dopers can still vote Democrat, and vote often in Cook County, IL.]
Guys, you are losing focus again. The topic was how forceful to be in the current election campaigns. I, myself, departed from it to some extent, but don’t let the wingnuts control the topic of discussion.
In this case, some wingnut promptly got you off on a tangent arguing about religion in public schools. Somebody has their instructions: troll the liberal blogs, and as soon as the topic begins to reveal that “the emperor (Bush & Co.)has no clothes”, they start pushing the emotional buttons on a variety of issues, hoping to re-direct the topic.
Now I suppose soundcrossing is going to come back with some complaint about Roger Rabbit using superheated rhetoric. My response to that is simply this: Purge Coulter. Throw her out of your party. Tell the world she’s a nut. Stop applauding her. Tell us you want to negotiate, and stop telling us you want to kill us. When you do that — and your actions match your words — then my paranoia will cool down and so will my rhetoric.
Make fun of my paranoia if you want. But remember — just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. And remember this too — when someone says they want to kill me, I’m entitled to take their word for it.
Rabid Rodent, Rugrat amd Aptlynamedclueless on a recent hunting excursion… they hunted and hunted but I don’t believe they found those missing balls la goldie has been lamenting…
55: I’m with you. I earned my first marksmanship trophy at age eight. I grew up in the South. I’m a Democrat. Don’t mess with me. Republicans aren’t the only ones willing to defend their rights.
Roger Rabbit, your rabid. Your life must be awfully lonely and unfulfilling that you have to spend so much time here spewing your unmitigated bile. Your compatriots on the right aren’t any better. It’s people like you and them on the extremes that are creating all the acrimony of today’s political scene. Both sides need to follow the Golden Rule. Most all religions and philosophies refer to it in some form or another. Reason it doesn’t get followed by most is that they are just plain selfish, mean and stupid.
48 and 57 are by me. I don’t know why this program seems to automatically recognize me part of the time, but not at other times. I’ve got to start checking with each post, I guess.
Coulter, of course, is a gutless blowhard who has no intention of kicking down anyone’s door and arresting them for being a liberal. She’s a mercenary who is in it strictly for the bucks, and she’s fleecing her own flock. She’s getting rich selling her political porn to fools who think just like her — and are easily parted from their money. I have no sympathy for them. But the problem is, although Coulter is perfectly rationale — she knows a good thing when she sees it (in the same sense that a jewel thief or smut peddler does) — she’s selling a dangerous product that just might incite someone less rationale than her to do the things she doesn’t have the guts to do herself. Hitler probably didn’t kill very many people, if any at all. He was dangerous because he could get other people to kill for him — and they did a hell of a lot of killing in his name and at his behest. Coulter is a Hitler. And if the small minds she’s inflaming spread across this land with guns in hand — which really could happen — then, make no mistake, she will become Target 1. You always deal with violent demogogic movements by trying to decapitate the leadership. Getting rid of the demagogue goes a long way to solve the problem. Getting my drift?
Dear Mr. Soundcrossing,
In our church we pray by screaming at the top of our lungs. We believe if we don’t scream our praise, God won’t hear us or be convinced of our devotion.
It’s kind of like the drill sargeant who shouts at his recruits:
If I can’t ask for God’s blessing before a test or a meal in accordance with my beliefs, is that discrimination?
“Roger Rabbit, your rabid.” Commentby CaughtInTheMiddle— 8/14/06@ 12:26 pm
I wasn’t until you guys came along. The rabies didn’t grow in my body by itself. It’s an invasive germ that got into my system when I was bitten by an infected animal called a Republican.
Republicans seem to think that because the Democratic party takes a position against the sale of assault weapons, that Democrats don’t know how to defend ourselves. Wrong. Maybe Republicans need an assault weapon to hit their target, but I only need one shot.
You haven’t a clue what I am, and that’s part of your problem. You really are an idiot and thankfully rabid animals die.
Uh oh, is there about to be a Rabid attack?
Mr. Soundcrossing,
To curry favor with the Gods my religion teaches me to smoke a cigar before an idol at an altar and make a sacrifice of chicken’s blood.
My religion teaches me this practice immediately before a test would greatly improve my chances.
“What is great about this thread is that it shows how hateful whacked out the left is around here.” Commentby Janet S— 8/14/06@ 12:01 pm
I can say exactly the same thing about Free Republic or vitually any other rightwing blog. But you’re too dishonest to acknowledge that, aren’t you Janet?
Goldy, you really should state it outright: This is about power, not about politics. The Republican party is the political arm of the conservative movement at the moment, and not the other way around. Right now, at this very moment, people who think your rights don’t matter run the government and have huge political power. They have political power because they worked for it for 30 years.
What you’re arguing is a *power shift,* not politics. Politics *follow* power. Connelly is talking politics, just like a good newspaper editorialist would. Democrats don’t understand power, given that they seem to believe that playing nice will yield it.
Bush is grabbing all the power for himself. He’s unconcerned with politics. This is a *big problem,* which very few people seem all that interested in. The only way to counter it is with power: Censure or impeachment. Raw power in the form of votes is required for such a move. Can such a power play be sold to the people? The Republicans did it over meaningless BS. Would Democrats’ constituencies support such a move?
You tell me. Ask Connelly, too. He likely thinks they wouldn’t.
Yo Soundcrossing!
I’m an Operating Thetan Level VII. My kids are hooking up to the meter and are going to be “clear” before a test or a meal. It’s what I believe!
There’s no two ways about it! It’s not negotiable. It’s my right to freedom OF religion!
California’s retirement system problems are well known, JCH. Here in Washington, the public retirement system was about 94% fully funded last time I checked. That’s not perfect, but a lot better than you find in the private sector.
Now let’s check in on the private sector you rightys extol so much. (You know … “government can’t do anything right, and greedy for-profit CEOs can do no wrong.”)
Here’s how the modern American corporation’s retirement system works. It’s woefully underfunded to begin with. The company, aided by lax government regulation, fails to put in the funds necessary to make it solvent. When the bills come due, the corporation files for bankruptcy and dumps the pension obligation on — you guessed it — the taxpayers.
Now how is that superior to public pension systems, JCH? At least California public employees stand a chance of getting the pensions they’re contractually entitled to. No one working for a modern American corporation can have similar confidence.
Horseshit – There is no fucking point in GOP and moonbats trying to work together. Murka moves forward ONLY when libruls and their kooky ideas are defeated.
Furthermore, it’s clear that dems have NO INTEREST in working with GOP. There’s a new word in the lexicon now: Politicians will now get “Lieberman’d” if they attempt to work with GOP.
Barnum also said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
At this point, only 50% are still being fools all of the time, which gives me some cautious hope.
Now how is that superior to public pension systems, JCH? At least California public employees stand a chance of getting the pensions they’re contractually entitled to.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Classic “guvment” employee mentality!! RR, I’m not paying!! Millions in the private sector are leaving California. This is right out of “Atlas Shrugged”. Taxes will double to pay for the “guvment hacks pensions they’re contractually entitled to”, and more private sector will leave. Soon the “guvment” hacks, union hacks, illegals, and welfare hacks will have to tax each other. THAT’S WHEN THE FUN STARTS!! RR, I’m not playing anymore. You libs will need to tax each other!!!
I know a wingnut when a see one. Your stench precedes you.
In case you’re new here, let me acquaint you with the posting protocol on this blog.
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As a liberal, my job is to verbally kick the living shit out of the unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist trollfucks posting here.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender.
7. klake is a nazi
“Uh oh, is there about to be a Rabid attack?” Commentby CaughtInTheMiddle— 8/14/06@ 12:33 pm
I bite. And if some damn fool picks me up by my cute pink ears, my powerful hind feet equipped with razor sharp claws will carve him a new belly button.
“Democrats don’t understand power, given that they seem to believe that playing nice will yield it.” Commentby Enoch Root— 8/14/06@ 12:38 pm
I beg to differ. Democrats do understand power. We exercised it — for the most part, ethically and responsibly — for 75 years.
What is new, is the GOP’s resort to the unethical strategems and exercises of power that are endemic to banana republics and repugnant dictatorships, but new to this country (except in the south). We are used to dealing with a more or less ethical and responsible competing party, and adjusting our thinking to dealing with unethical and abusive uses of power by gangsters bent on turning our country into a South American-style dictatorship is taking a little time. But we’re learning fast, and we’re going to deal with it.
The biggest threat facing our nation is the Republicans’ determination to consolidate their power by going to the source — by rigging voting machines and stealing elections. The reason that’s so fucking dangerous is because if the people can’t vote them out of office — no matter what they do — the only alternative is guns.
Why should anyone “work with” YOU, retardo? Just shut up and pay your gambling debt. If you don’t, you should decorate the bottom sediment of Puget Sound wearing cement flippers.
I have $5 that says JCH The Blowhard pays his property taxes on time, pays Hawaii’s income and sales taxes, and files his 1040s with the IRS on time.
JCH especially pays his property taxes on time, because he doesn’t want the state to confiscate his $1.5 million grass hut, which is exactly what they will do if his “tax resistance” goes beyond aimlessly shooting off his mouth.
He’s probably one of those guys who got rich selling tax avoidance schemes to OTHER people that he wouldn’t have the guts to attempt himself.
Speaking of horseshit, here’s a photo of Redneck and his pals playing in a pile of it.
You are incorrect and you know it but your buddies here won’t call you on it because they’d like to believe what you said. It’s one of those Liberal things. “maybe if I say it and nobody calls me on it it will become real”
and for the idiota that has all the whacked out “pray before a meal scenarios” ,, get a grip. you tell me if some child with his head bowed over his plate is disturbing or dirupting somebody else. talk about bs. now if that kid is standing and praying out loud then fine, it’s a disruption and maybe some pansy liberal slushball might get offended. Well actually that pansy’s parents because kids themselves are remarkably tollerant. So pray silently.
RR, ALL taxes are paid on time, but not one cent to the Hillary Democrat Welfare State of Baja Norte, California. My best guess: In ten years another 10 million private sector taxpayers will LEAVE California, and another 20 million illegals will enter, ALL demanding free education, wekfare, medical care, and every social service Democrats can think of. The “guvment” unions will continue to grow, all demanding “defined benefit plans” that will be triple the average pension plan in the private sector. Kalifornia 2016: Just another Democrat Baja Hillary shit hole. Time will tell.
Continuing their war against the poor, the Bush administration is seizing people’s medicine for the “crime” of trying to live on a fixed income:
President Bush HAS finally found a cross-border commerce he cannot tolerate. He will not, I repeat not, allow Americans to buy prescription drugs from Canada. That would give his subjects the option of obtaining their Zocor for less than the extortionate prices drug makers charge here. This all falls under the administration’s guiding principle: No policy may ever favor ordinary citizens over corporations.
Since last Nov. 17, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been quietly seizing drugs mailed from Canadian pharmacies to people in this country. It’s keeping these confiscations — about 40,000 packages so far — hush-hush because, as the administration knows full well, they are outrageous. The government doesn’t notify the addressees that it’s grabbed their blood-pressure medicine, so the customers become aware of the interception only when their drugs don’t arrive. No doubt some people’s health has suffered as the drugs they need and think they’ve ordered do not materialize.
My meds are from the Army by way of Tri-Care Prime, which negotiates for the best price, so it does not affect me. What I can not stomach is the way these cowardly motherf-ckers are trying to keep this under the radar rather then announce it to the Nation. In this it is helpful that you have a lapdog press
JCH especially pays his property taxes on time, because he doesn’t want the state to confiscate his $1.5 million grass hut,
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Didn’t you post that I lived in a trailer in WASH State? Well, I guess you fucked up again!]
Next best guess: California real estate, because of increasing taxes, traffic, Democrat policies, and millions of NEW illegals, will DECREASE in value over the next ten years. ExMPLE: Today’s million dollar home in LA will sell for 30% less in 2016.
He’s probably one of those guys who got rich selling tax avoidance schemes to OTHER people that he wouldn’t have the guts to attempt himself.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Nope, wrong again! Pure NYSE stocks and mutual funds. Never “pennies”, lilimited partnerships, options, futures, of tax “schemes]
Sorry for the off-topic post, but this is too good not to share:
Any exodous from California over the past few years has not been due to tax policies. Actually, the results of Proposition 13 (the 1970’s anti-tax initiative) is still being felt, in that older people won’t sell their homes because they have the valuation of their property taxes frozen. My father-in-law is in this boat. If he sells and buys a smaller property, he will actually pay several times his existing property tax bill. So he, and quite a few others, stay put. This means that younger people or newcomers are paying a substantially greater portion of the state expenses when they buy their properties and the properties are subject to re-assessment. Also, this drives property prices even higher, due to the artificially reduced number of properties available on the market.
But the real reason for any “migration” was due to the Enron market manipulation. Example: Buck Knives, which was a fixture in a San Diego suburb for two generations. It made sought-after hunting and pocketknives. Tempering steel for use in Buck Knives requires a lot of electricity. But the rapid rise in electrical costs caused by Enron market manipulation forced the company to lay off its production staff (except for a select few) and move to Idaho instead.
I wholeheartedly agree, Roger. The GOP attempt to privatize the vote is the last straw. So far it’s mainly worked with extremely close contests, but when a landslide victory suddenly reverses itself, there probably will be riots.
Of course, JCH wants Democrats to have balls. Gives him something to kick.
Mr. Soundcrossing – God can’t hear me if I pray silently. Why do you freedom FROM my religion?
JCH likes to ogle balls. He’d like everyone to have them.
Is Dean Logan back?
by Goldy, 08/14/2006, 10:34 AM
“I want a Democratic Party with the balls to be Democrats.”
Having balls is fine. I’d like a vigorous Democratic party. Your own post is an analogy to what is wrong with the national Democratic party. Instead of giving the public an idea of how they’d govern if given power, they instead complain.
If you want to criicize the Bush Administration for being too autocratic, I’ll agree with you. But they certainaly are even close to being in Stalin’s league. Comparing Bush to Stalin (who killed millions of his own people), is hardly a productive step towards having “balls”, but appears more like cowardice to me.
Quite frankly the national Democrats have been a party living on past glory for years. What do the modern Democrats stand for anyway?
What do the modern Democrats stand for anyway?
Civil liberties and social justice. What does the Republican party stand for?
How can I get your comment scroll to expand to the whole screen so I don’t have to scroll crossways as well as up and down?
You just think I can’t hear you if you pray silently. Actually I’m ignoring you because you’re a fucking idiot. Go worship somebody else.
101 – I know a false God when I see one. After all I have a personal relationship with my God. My question still stands: why does Mr. Soundcrossing want freedom FROM my religion?
Commentby Another TJ— 8/14/06@ 2:13 pm
“Civil liberties and social justice.”
So instead of “Hate Bush”, “No more war”, why don’t they run on the ideas you’ve stated? All I see from the Democrats is a lot of complaining and criticizing. As DNC Chairman, what has Howard Dean brought to the table? All I’ve seen him do is extend the politics of name calling.
Goldy was fond of criticizing Rossi for not showing leadership. I think the Democrats, at least at the national level, deserve the same criticism. I doubt yo’ll ever hear that kind criticism from a partisan toady like Goldy.
I think Democrats only favor civil liberties, as long as it serves in creating an opportunity for larger government or protects them from taking responsiblity for their actions, i.e. Jim McDermott.
“What does the Republican party stand for?”
Currently not much. They used to stand for lower taxes and freedom, but it appears they’ve abandonded those principles, at least at the national level. And I think the abondonment of their core principles is directly related to their currently low polling numbers.
ConservativeFirst, the Democrats stand for what they always stand for, the people instead of the powerful.
It is the first rule of the progressive that the country does not belong to an elite class of wealthy white people. Such populist ideology has served the D’s well, and would continue to serve the country even better, if it were implemented. And what are its principles?
A decent wage, the demand that those that do business do not get to treat their workers like pieces of machinery to be discarded when they break down.
The demand that a rising tide lifts all boats, the boss can make money, but the workers will be paid. The government will protect by law the right of the worker to collectively bargain. They will not sneak in bogus legislation to help the bosses steal the money earned by an employee (read, you get to keep your tips and your wages)
The business will follow mandated safety policies, and will compensate all workers injured on the job.
The 1st, 4th , 5th, and 14th amendments will be enforced. And no matter what the President says, this is not just a piece of paper, it is THE LAW.
The success of the Republican noise machine implemented in the last 20 years has so thoroughly drowned out the populist voice that millions of Americans are not only getting screwed, they are paying for the privilege.
What’s the Matter with Kansas?
You are incorrect and you know it” Commentby soundcrossing— 8/14/06@ 1:20 pm
Are you that far gone into denial? The first time I ever read Free Republic, some eastern Washington guy was posting that he’d shoot Department of Ecology inspectors if they (lawfully) came on his property to inspect his compliance with stream bank regulations.
Among the Democrats you are calling upon to have balls, are you counting Darcy Burner, Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray and Christine Gregoire? Where should they go for the needed operation?
70 (continued)
Or how about this:
“Newt (Gingrich)’s overarching strategy was to portray … the opposition as immoral, even evil. … Newt called Democrats ‘sick,’ ‘grotesque,’ ‘loony,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘corrupt,’ ‘anti-family,’ and ‘traitors.’ … In Esquire (magazine), (John) Taylor concluded, ‘Gingrich offers up a history of American values in a scheme so hysterically partisan, so transparently dishonest, so willfully stupid, that it’s impossible to believe even Newt himself would expect anyone to take it seriously.’”
Quoted by David Brock in “Blind by the Right,” pp. 65-67
Make no mistake about it — Republicans started the name-calling, demonizing, and shit-slinging. You fuckers want a free pass — you want to do it to us, and get none in return. Doesn’t work that way, asshole. You sling shit at us, you’re gonna get it back. You guys made this pig wallow; now wallow in it.
106–For female participants in the political arena, it’s merely necessary to have brass ovaries.
Is it possible to oppose the current administration’s policies without “hating Bush?” I don’t hate Bush; I hate what he and the GOP have done to the nation through their policies. I see the Democrats explaining why the GOP and conservatism are failing and explaining how they would govern more effectively. How is that “hating Bush?”
“No more war” is a caricature of the Democrats’ position. The Democrats seek the appropriate use of force as a last resort, not a first, knee-jerk response. And pointing out that “stay the course” is not a plan is not equivalent to “no more war.”
But I agree with some of what you wrote in the last paragraph. Republicans seem to stand for whatever they believe will provide short-term political advantage. On the other hand, I believe it’s precisely because conservatism has failed that they must change their positions so often, which is why I can’t agree with all of your last paragraph.
109 was addressed to ConservativeFirst in 103. Sorry if there was any confusion.
the Democrats stand for what they always stand for, the people instead of the powerful.
It is the first rule of the progressive that the country does not belong to an elite class of wealthy white people. -Commentby Commander Ogg— 8/14/06@ 2:37 pm
Right… as articulated by examble by THE “elite class of wealthy white people”…
Hey, hypocrite prick…or just plain stupid prick (you choose)… can you say…
John Kerry… the richest member of Congress–is worth an estimated $550 MILLION: home in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania Assessed value: $3.7 million; Ketchum, Idaho ski getaway/vacation home Assessed value: $4.916 million; Washington, D.C – Georgetown area assessment: $4.7 million; Nantucket, Massachusetts waterfront retreat on Brant Point Assessed value: $9.18 million; Boston, Massachusetts – Beacon Hill home Assessed value: $6.9
Dianne Feinstein… is worth an estimated $27 MILLION
John Edward… is worth an estimated $43 MILLION
Howard Dean…is worth an estimated $675 million
Nancy Pelosi has assets valued at as much as $92 MILLION…Pacific Heights home on Broadway, all valued at up to $5 million, a Sierra townhouse in Norden, worth up to $5 million, another condo in Alpine Meadows, valued at up to $1 million
Al Gore: Estimated net worth: $1.95 million …a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.)
Liberal stalwart and Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, brother of the late John Kennedy, disclosed that he has 45 million dollars in the bank. West Virginia Senator John Rockefeller, also a Democrat, reported to have earned 80 million dollars.
The richest person in the House of Representatives is Jane Harman, California Democrat who reported assets worth more than 160 million dollars.
For comparison, Forbes magazine estimates the total net worth of President George W. Bush at $15 million. His 1,600-acre ranch near Crawford.
Oh gee let’s play Sesame Street…la goldie can sing along in her up-down, down-up, musical voice thing she has “one of these things is not like the other”
By the way, how much is Nutned lamont worth these days?
No wonder you never get anything you pray for. Between being an insincere worshipper, denying your God and that bloody shouting, you’re just begging for damnation. I have no idea what you think you have a personal relationship with, but I’m with Sound Crossing on this one. After listening to you shout at me all this time I’m ready for freedom from your religion too.
JCH you old queer:
Still waiting for single citation to Hillary Clinton calling Dick Morris a “Jew Bastard.” Or waiting for you have some honor and apologise for lying.
112 – Dear false God, don’t pretend to speak for Mr. Soundcrossing. He wants me to pray silently in the public schools. This is against my religion. He wants Freedom FROM my religion. He needs to resolve this contradiction.
Hey, before I forget,
Where is Dan Limbaugh to remind us that Haq was a nice liberal until he was baptized by a conservative church, after which he went a shot up a bunch of Jews.
This blog is just not the same without Dan Limbaugh’s rantings.
If I’m a false god, then by all means quit shouting in school, especially if you’re shouting at me. Like I said, go bother someone else.
Thanks for making the point that political office has become a hobby for the rich — in both parties. Corporations and the wealthy are grossly overrepresented in our so-called “democracy;” the ordinary “people” are barely represented at all.
At least wealthy Democrats in public office have enough conscience to try to serve the common good and to stand for policies that do not merely further line the pockets of the greediest among us. Republicans stand for nothing except “I’ve got mine; fuck you.”
Yo phony God @ 112!
You’re just an evil minion from the planet Xinu!
My kid’s going on the meter to get “clear” before her test. You hear me?
And if you’re going to post the 10 Commandments, you better post some LRH!! But it’s going to cost the school district. You understand me?
We’ll collect on the bill when we have a Scientology President and he’s got his hands on that Faith-based initiative cash!!!!
Don’t denigrate my religion Xinu minion! I’ll have your ass in court!
Q: What do Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise both have in common?
A: They’re both gay and they’re both in love with Tom Cruise.
ASS — how does it feel to be a dupe?
” … the book answers the question as to why these social conservatives continue voting republican, even after their social issues never go anywhere and the economic policies which result, ‘end their way of life.’ (Frank) says that this coalition is held together because of the belief of the social conservatives in a ‘liberal elite’ which does not actually exist.
“This elite, according to Frank, does not respect the social conservatives or their ‘culture,’ disrespects family values and is responsible for just about everything that they see wrong in the world. Frank describes what he calls the ‘Plenty Plaint.’ He says that this the device the social conservatives use to outrage their voters. The Plenty Plaint catalogues ‘ridiculous examples of liberal intolerance, such as discrimination against Christians or silly mascot issues.’ … By using ‘explosive’ social issues like gay marriage to blame the ‘liberal elite,’ the social conservatives remain in the republican coalition, even against their own economic interest.”
Rightwing propagandists are demagogues, and their followers are blind fools.
On the streets of High Wycombe, north of London, where the British police are searching a number of homes in a major anti-terrorist operation, a young Muslim named Amir denounced all talk of terrorism. The September 11, 2001, attacks on the US, he declared, were not carried out by al-Qa’ida suicide bombers. They had been proved to be the work of the US air force. /break/ there was no proof the London train bombings on July 7 last year were carried out by British Muslims. The recent arrests, he said, had left him saddened and annoyed. [………………Looks like the British Muuuuuuslims and DR E agree. THE US AIR FORCE, not al-Qa’ida, was responsibile for 9/11!!! Well, there you have it!! DR E was right!!! hehe, JCH]
JCH – HOLY SHIT. And here we’ve been making fun of Dr. E this whole time. Turns out him and the mooslims are on the same side and agree.
Shit, I’m still wondering how all those holes got drilled and charges planted without anybody noticing.
I guess that’s why they haven’t held the “Not in our name” rally. Guess they did nuthin’ wrong…
Let’s not forget how well the Republicans used to do in the northwest when their candidates were moderates like Dan Evans, Hatfield, Lud Kramer, Joel Pritchard, etc. Even the more Republican Republicans like John Spellman appear to be like a breath of fresh air compared to the current crop. They soiled their own catbox and now squawk because we are a one-party state. Could be the Republicans did it to themselves.
John Craig and Mark the Yellowback:
Bush told us that Democracy is the one sure cure for terrorism. Obviously England is not a democracy.
Are you in favor of regime change in England?
The cure is taking out every cancer cell. Every fucking cell…
DT at 123 has a good point. The Republicans have been a total failure in the West since they turned on their moderate wing. Again and again the only Republicans capable of doing well state wide are moderate Evans Republians, and again and again the wingnuts insist on them being purged from the party.
No wonder the GOP wingnuts around here are so unhinged. Isn’t the first sign of being insane doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result.
John Craig and Mark the Yellowback:
Bush told us that Democracy is the one sure cure for terrorism. Obviously England is not a democracy.
Are you in favor of regime change in England?
Commentby JDB […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Remember in grade school some teacher would say. “There is no such thing as a stupid question”? Well, they were wrong, as they never listened to JDB.]
122, Thanks, and very funny. Note no response from “DR” E.
Global warming is contributing to an unusually harsh typhoon season in China that started around a month early and has left thousands dead or missing, government officials and experts say. [………..Shouldn’t Al Gore and the loony left be over in commie China protesting? Shouldn’t China have to shut down any/all power plants? Where is the Seirra Club on this? hehe, JCH]
129 Gee whiz, JCH…aren’cha a little worried that the Chinese (our biggest creditors now that your HEEEEEEERO King George the Turd has borrowed so much to buy bullets) might demand some of their money back to pay for the repairs?
email Joelle the picture of Darth Cheney and McGimmick!
Birds of a feather flock together.
John Craig:
There is no such thing as a stupid question, but as you prove day in day out, there are such things as stupid people.
goldy is right on the money thats why Joe Lamerman lost
“In a time of war, we have a responsibility to show that whatever our political differences at home, our nation is united and determined to prevail.” — George W. Bush
Evidently, the president believes the right has sided with the terrorists and others who wish to do us harm:
goldy is right on the money thats why Joe Lamerman lost
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………………………………………JDB, Is that you? You are soooooooo “The Socialist”!! Congrats on the Democrat “Post Of The Day”!]
Why have the wingnuts been even more crazy of late. Sure, you can blame syphylis in the cases of the old queer John Craig, or Mark the Yellowback, but maybe the paranoid ravings have some common source.
It couldn’t be this, could it:
For GOP, Bad Gets Worse in Northeast
Incumbents Shy From Party and President
The Iraq war and Bush’s low approval ratings have created trouble for Republicans in all regions. But nowhere is the GOP brand more scuffed than in the Northeast, where this year’s circumstances are combining with long-term trends to endanger numerous incumbents.
For GOP, Bad Gets Worse in Northeast
Incumbents Shy From Party and President
HAHAHAHAAA yeah I read that this morning hehehee
Next we can talk about how Bush’s bounce from Bad News gets smaller and smaller. Most polls are showing no bounce from the terrorist arrests in England, even though the GOP talk machine has been riding that meme hard all week long. People are starting to wake up to the fact that the only thing they need to fear is the Bush Spin Machine.
they have such big balls, taht they end up in jail for domestic violence. Go DEMS!!!!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedy, pbj, Righton, Janet S, Sven ConservativeFirst and Mark, et. al. … I submit that we begin referring to them as “la goldie and her anorchous gaggle (coven??) of femi-men followers”… whatcha think?
Amen Goldy, I could not have put it better. I think Mr. Connelly is way out of touch with the current political landscape in which the ground rules have been set by the G.O.P. If Karl Rove, Rick Santorum and all of their other disgusting cronies has stayed away from the extremist “win at all costs” strategies, we’d all be living in a more civil society. It is a shame, however, that Mr. Connelly is unable to deal with the realities and perhaps he should examine what exactly “Critical Thinking” is.
Oh puh-lease… how quickly you have forgotten James Carville.
or perhaps your weren’t quite far enough out of diapers to have him on your radar when he was in his heyday…
We need to remove bet welshing from our society. The cure is taking out every bet welsher. Every fucking welsher …
Dr. E is too busy for shit-for-brains trolls that don’t know how to read. If Mark the Retardo really wanted to know how demolitions experts have opined on the WTC destruction, he could find it in publicly available documents. I suspec that kind of belief-challenging information would be a bit too much for his reptilian brain to handle.
How ’bout you, Craig? Know how to read?
So, Osama walks into this bar, see?
from Greg Palast’s* latest:
What the fuck is wrong with those terrorist-loving, America-hating Bushies? Youda thunk he’d’ve learned a thing or two from his buds in the Mossad.
* Greg Palast is an actual investigative journalist. Brainless wingnut trolls would be advised not to read anything he writes, as it contains things such as content, factual information, and uncomfortable (for them, anyway) truths.
I suspec that kind of belief-challenging information would be a bit too much for his reptilian brain to handle.
How ’bout you, Craig? Know how to read?
Commentby Dr. E […………..Well, From one DR to another, I “suspec” I know how to read. Do you “suspec”? hehe, JCH]
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy, “La Goldie” it will be!!! Very feminine, and very “pussy” French. Perfect!!!! JCH
On the streets of High Wycombe, north of London, where the British police are searching a number of homes in a major anti-terrorist operation, a young Muslim named Amir denounced all talk of terrorism. The September 11, 2001, attacks on the US, he declared, were not carried out by al-Qa’ida suicide bombers. They had been proved to be the work of the US air force. /break/ there was no proof the London train bombings on July 7 last year were carried out by British Muslims. The recent arrests, he said, had left him saddened and annoyed. [………………Looks like the British Muuuuuuslims and DR E agree. THE US AIR FORCE, not al-Qa’ida, was responsibile for 9/11!!! Well, there you have it!! DR E was right!!! hehe, JCH]
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, halfwit Georgie claims to be reading Camus.
HA! I call bullshit on that one. I’ll bet he picked the book for its heft (well under 200 pages), not its content or its literary significance. I hope one of our ever-reliable WH press corps asks him if Roi Ubu* is next on his list.
*For our illiterate trollfucks who are adverse to reading, Roi Ubu is Alfred Jarry’s best known play, and considered to be a precursor to the Theater of the Absurd. Georgie, our absurdist jackass-in-chief, isn’t quite a King Ubu figure, but he certainly is just about as absurd.
Here’s your missing “t”, Craig. Read it.
I look forward to all the BS the Democraps will pull this election season. We on See BS will cover it just like those “truthful” Texas Bill Burkett papers! KIRO to the rescue!
“La Goldie” it will be!!! Very feminine, and very “pussy” French. Perfect!!!! JCH -Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/14/06@ 7:28 pm
not La Goldie… la goldie… save the capitalizing for those who deserve respect… instead of mockery.
Carry on.
Dr E – Speaking of being an illiterate dumfuck… I think you mean “averse” not “adverse”. You might think we have an “aversion” to reading whatever fucking shit you mention.
And no, those of us who got “vocational” educations in menial shit like engineering and business didn’t have time to jerk ourselves off reading that kind of crap. We were busy with lower level things like calculus, thermodynamics, heat transfer, machine design, economics, marketing, finance…. subjects you know nothing about.
And since in an earlier post you objected to my spelling of “dumass”, I’ll do you a favor and call you by the proper name of “dumbfuckingass”. Is that better?
Oh now Mark, you know they (la goldie and her anorchous gaggle of femi-men followers) get their empty knickers all in a knot when you point out to them the uselessness of their Womens Studies degrees…. poor pretentious little buggers.
HCYBPTBAK – They look down their noses at those of us who decided to get degrees that are worth something in our great free market economy. That’s why E, Rabbit, Thumb, Skat and others have to take low level/low expectation gummint jobs… it’s all they can get.
Goldie: You should have written it: “If that’s bipartisanship, I want no part. I want my Moonbat Party with the balls to be Whack-job Moonbats.”
I am sure Ned Lamont would agree 100,000,000% So would the Hezbollah agents whom appear on this board everyday!
So tell me moonbat eunuchs trying to grow some “maaarbuls” (Major League 1), what is your plan to:
Stop Hezbollah attacks on Israel?
Stop islamofascists attacks everywhere?
– Remember Leon Klinghoffer? How did GWB’s invasion of Iraq cause his death moonbats?
– Remember Robert Stethem? How did GWB’s invasion of Iraq cause his death moonbats?
– Remember Julian Bartley, Sr. & Jay Bartley? How did GWB’s invasion of Iraq cause their deaths moonbats?
– How did GWB’s invasion of Iraq cause their deaths moonbats?
– How did GWB’s invasion of Iraq cause their deaths moonbats?
Large Scrotum in His Own Mind Rabbit: “Remember DOCTOR MENGELE, the ex-veterinarian of Bunny Meadows Concentration Camp? He tried to cut off my balls – and got his balls handed to him!”
I thought Doc Mengele was a socialist? Socialist====Democrat. Close enough to donkocrats, dummocraps, moonbattocraps, etc. to me!
Enoch Root: What does this mean:”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Does it mean to stop all enemies of just Republicans or does it mean all Americans? Based on your wonderful BS entry above, you are not included. I want to hear what Chucky Schumer thinks about surveillance now!
Gosh, Mark, you sure told me. Guess I owe you one.
Et cetera. I think you mean “delirious”, not “delerious”. You know, as in “delirium”.
Aside from that, did you have a point, other than further proving how incurious you are?
Here’s your missing “t”, Craig. Read it.
Commentby Dr. E […………………………………………………………..Here’s your missing “FUCK YOU!”, from one DR to another!]
Dr E – Speaking of being an illiterate dumfuck… I think you mean “averse” not “adverse”. You might think we have an “aversion” to reading whatever fucking shit you mention.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy [………………………………………………………………Classic!! Thank youhowcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy! I’m still laughing!]
DR E, If one’s property value moves up 500 grand in two years, does one still have to work? Just “axing”…………….
WfDlJugQ39sIu jNZNFIN7tChl 48pV3vXo9HSrmi
John Craig considers himself a doctor now because he is constantly asking men to drop their pants.
Holy Shouter:
Your argument is so phenominally lame it is amazing. But that is pretty consistent w/ most arguments on this thread. Ignore the facts. Blow something out all out of proportion. Ignore all common sense. But since that is the only way the left can argue I would expect nothing more from you.
Thank you for showing once again that the left is intollerant and inflexible.
Well, being a pussy is a definite absence of testicles. Did someone miss out on sex-ed class? Call Maria, Patty, or lil Crissy the “Governor”, or one of the other many various whiney leftist pinheads if you need a lesson on that. There certainly is apparent lack of testicular virility in this State. Hhhhmmmmmm….