The DCCC hit the Spokane airwaves today in support of Peter Goldmark’s surging campaign against first-term incumbent Cathy McMorris. WA-05 is a supposedly “safe Republican” district the NRCC had no plans to defend, but with multiple polls showing the race within the margin of error — and closing — the DCCC decided to catch McMorris with her pants down just days before the absentee ballots start dropping.
Combined with Goldmark’s spectacular fundraising success (he once again doubled McMorris’s efforts in the third quarter, almost entirely from individual donors,) the DCCC’s media buy now puts this race on a virtually even financial footing. Of course the NRCC could also move money into the district, but with other surprisingly competitive “safe Republican” districts like nearby ID-01 already consuming half million dollar investments, they may just have to gamble that McMorris can hold the seat on her own.
How big is that Democratic wave that’s threatening to sweep the Republicans out of office? Big enough that it’s reaching all the way into the Inland Northwest, where just a few years ago Democrats were thought to be a dying breed. Yet another sign that the number of competitive House races continues to expand as we come closer to the election… and yet another confirmation of the netroots-endorsed, 50-state strategy.
If my righty trolls teased me about my fervent support for Darcy Burner (now locked in one of the hottest races in the nation,) they literally mocked me for aggressively pushing Goldmark. One can’t yet say that the Democrat has the advantage in either of these races, but if one or both win on election night, damn are we gonna have a good laugh at the Republicans’ expense.
And there’s nothing I like better than a good laugh. So please give generously to Darcy and Peter, and help them help us retake the House.
It’s nice to see the potential ‘blnu tsumami’ has the chance to paint the Northwest a darker shade of blue. Should we keep straight faces if this happens? Hell no! Rub their arrogant and ‘holier than thow’ faces in it for the next few decades.
‘blue tsunami’
holier than thou
Refute if you dare: “Every vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability.”
Hugh Hewitt
I have often depended on the blindness of strangers.
thanks Harry, I get a little wound talking about the ‘right x majority’
And don’t forget Richard Wright . Let’s show the bushie what a trifecta really means, make history and send Democrats to Washington from all NINE districts in the real Washington!
Refute if you dare: “Every vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability.”
Hugh Hewitt
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 5:56 pm
Victory? With Bush and Rummy in charge? My god. We are simultaneously losing 3 wars at the same time. Iraq, Afghanistan, and the War on Terror.
Read Woodward’s book, or better yet Frank Rich’s.
I dare you wingnuts. The truth would make you all cry yourselves to sleep.
That is what you get when you vote for Retarded Republican lying crooks.
Wake up and smell the indictments Mr. Abramoff supporter.
Supporting Republicans these days is like supporting NAZIS after the concentration camps were discovered.
Go Peter
Go Darcy
Take back our country from retard rule!!!!!
My page has raised over $1,000 for Peter, and over $600 for Darcy, along with a few more dollars to Wright, McDermott, Smith, and a few other Washington State Democrats.
Even a few dollars for other Democrats I like, like Wulsin, Wetterling, and others.
With our $$ the blue message can drown the lying attack ads.
All the GOP can do is run attack ads. They can’t even talk about their record of failure……
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 6:42 pm
“Supporting Republicans these days is like supporting NAZIS after the concentration camps were discovered.”
I see: We’re now Nazis to you. As in the National Socialist German Workers Party.
And we’re losing the War on Terror. How many skyscrapers have been in flames from planes since 12 September 2001? Try zero.
How many terrorist attacks have occurred on American soil since 12 September 2001? Try zero.
That is the objective of the War on Terror. To quote President Bush when we went into Afghanistan: “We defend not only our precious freedoms, but also the freedom of people everywhere to live and raise their children free from fear.”
9/11 happened. Cope with it. I voted Kerry, too. But the election is over and the war on terror is not.
And stop comparing Bush to Hitler. Hitler didn’t have a free election in 2004 in which he almost lost his job. Hitler didn’t allow Arab Americans to live in freedom and not in camps. Hitler didn’t kiss up to Jews – he killed them.
re 4: Kiss my ass, fucknose —- if you dare!
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 6:45 pm
The Republican Record:
*Tax cuts
*One terrorist attack in six years – not four in eight
*The Patriot Act
*Earmark reform
*Border fence
*Voter ID
*”National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links”
Damn good. In fact, I’ll defend the Republican record.
Commentby phenteramine— 10/17/06@ 7:12 pm
Not much to say. Go look at your Darcy Burner porn and play in traffic.
It was the “Union of Soviet Socialist REPUBLICS”. So I guess that makes REPUBLICANS Stalinists.
“Every vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability.”
Hugh Hewitt
Congressional Democrats voted against:
Voter ID requirement: By a vote of 228-196, the House on Wednesday sent the Senate a Republican bill (HR 4844) requiring that by 2008, voters in federal elections would have to show a photo ID.
By a vote of 232-191, the House on Thursday agreed to the administration’s program of warrantless domestic eavesdropping outside the limits of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The program entails National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links.
And some Congressional Democrats in this state – Brian Baird & Adam Smith – with guts voted for a border fence (HR 6061).
Why don’t you all go over to my blog post about our Democrat Reps’ bad voting record and opine?
re 15: You’re just another Republican ATTACK POODLE.
Commentby phenteramine— 10/17/06@ 7:17 pm
The Republican party was born in the 1850s. The USSR was born in 1917. How the USSR and the Republican Party is related is beyond me.
Your knowledge of history is so bad why don’t you ask your girlfriend Darcy to school you? In history, not sex.
Or why don’t you wear your great-great-great Grandpa’s grey and gold Confederate uniform Democrat?
Commentby phenteramine— 10/17/06@ 7:20 pm
Attack jet. F-35B to be precise.
I came swooping down on you to see what you’d say for yourselves and then blog it like a hungry fisherman fishing off of my jump jet. Looks like I just brought in a 7-pound bass.
RE 16 Sure thing, Commander Klink!
re 20: Is that your bra size?
Commentby phenteramine— 10/17/06@ 7:22 pm
You “nutters” are so much fun. Ask me about my jockstrap, not my bra.
I’m just flying my sortie for Hugh Hewitt tonight.
re 23:
“Go ahead….Squeeze the Wheeze….People often do…….”
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 7:03 pm
“And stop comparing Bush to Hitler. Hitler didn’t have a free election in 2004 in which he almost lost his job. Hitler didn’t allow Arab Americans to live in freedom and not in camps. Hitler didn’t kiss up to Jews – he killed them.”
Reading this I’m not entirely sure which of those two you admire, but I’ll give the benefit of some doubt.
For many here, Hitler is just some sort of generic evil dictator. Thankfully, we haven’t actually seen his like since, although there have been a few that have made the attempt.
President Bush may not be an evil dictator, but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t done an amazing amount of damage to our country and to our standing in the world.
Even giving him the benefit of the doubt as far as the invasion of Afghanistan, he has allowed his single-minded pursuit of Iraq to bring us to the point where we may actually lose that war, paving the way for a return of the Taliban.
As to the war in Iraq, it has been stated by our own CIA that we are generating more terrorists there than we are eliminating. Essentially, we’ve given Al-Qaida a brand new recruiting tool, while allowing our own forces to be worn down. Essentially, he’s paving the way for a loss in the war on terror. I have no idea what that will mean for future generations, but if the Republicans want to keep people scared, well, they’ve scared the heck out of me.
I will try very hard to think positively about President Bush once he is no longer in a position to hurt our country. While some would like to see him spend the rest of his life behind bars, I will try to wish him a happy retirement, far from public life. Essentially, I just want him to go away. Revenge is not my thing, and I cannot conceive of what justice would be for the thousands of dead that can be laid at his feet.
I don’t know if he’s evil, but I do know that he’s wrong, and that, whether by design or by incompetence, he has caused immesurable pain, and damage that our country will take generations to recover from.
We cannot leave him with the means to do more damage, and the way to stop him is to elect enough Democrats to take control of at least one house of Congress.
You Dems better pay a shit load more in taxes as I plan to file a big mother fucking FEMA claim because I’m a “victim” of Bush’s earthquake!!!!! hehe, JCH in Hawaii
re 23: He’s asking a guy to quiz him about his jockstrap. Typical Stalinist Republican.
How many Sky Scrappers went up in flames due to terrorist flying planes into them prior to Bush being elected into office?
What was that? NONE
WOW what a great job Bush is doing! Since he has been elected terrorist attacks have gone up every year. U.S. troops have gone from having to deal with a terrorist attack on them once every 2-3 years to once every 2-3 hours. MMMMmmm, Smell the Bush Victory!
re 26: …and I plan to sue Pat Robertson for “acts of God” because he’s God’s legal representative on earth. (hehe) yourself Faggot
” Why don’t you all go over to my blog post about our Democrat Reps’ bad voting record and opine?
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 7:18 pm ”
What is wrong with tyou SVC?
Where is the oversight? Did you know Bush was doing warrantless wiretapping starting in Feb 2001? We elected a president (arguable) but not a dictator. Bush broke the law authorizing wiretaps without warrants. Period. The voter ID is a croc. Many poor people have trouble getting, keeping, and going through the hoops to get ID, and this was an attempt to keep millions of people too busy trying to make ends meet to go get ID. A very nice try to alienate tens of thousands of legitimate voters. Oh by the way, how many people have been convicted of voting for someone else other than by mail in ballots? 10, 20? Not more. This is a straw man issue for retards.
What good is spending 500 billion dollars on a fence? As long as we let employers hire illegals with no threat of prosecution, they will come on boats, airplanes, and through tunnels. A total waste of money making a Steel Curtain type fence. Making border more secure would make sense though.
By the way, when you call Democrats voting bad, how about the Prescription Drug Scam? Tort Reform Scam? Bankruptcy Bank Handout Bill? Energy Bill, with Billions for Exxon? Tax Breaks where the filthy rich save hundreds of thousands, and the working poor get NOTHING??? Budgets that cut VA funding? Bill allowing the CIA to LEGALLY TORTURE Y-O-U!!!!
If you want to talk about people voting against the good of the American People, just look at ALL LEGISLATION PASSED SINCE 2000 BY REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS.
Voting for the top 1%, and large corporations. Maybe you should do a little research on what K-Street wants them to vote for.
The GOP represents the top 1%, defense contractors, and multi national corporations. As far as the people are concerned 99% of Americans are losing ground to inflation when it comes to wages, according to the IRS. The top 1% is making so much money these days, it more than makes up for the amount the bottom 99% of us are losing.
I would rather cut my hand off than pull a lever for a Republican these days. And I used to be a Republican before the NeoCons took control…..
JCH, black Democrat, Big Island, Hawaii: “Where’s ma mofo FEMA trailer? Where’s ma guvment credit card? Where’s ma guvment check? Bush made da earthquake!! He owes me!! Eyes gotsa gets ma KFC, ma Black Velvet, and ma King Cobra!! Eyes gots da 42 inch plasma SONY HDTV by lootin da Best Buy in Hilo!! But what about ma “surround sound”!! I bet votin Democrat, so I bees gettin da mofo check NOW!! You white devils owes me!!!” …………………………………………………………………………….. [Sorry, But that was a joke. I’m a Republican; hence, I take responsibility for myself. Insurance, sweat equity, and an “I’ll clean up myself” attitude!!! Fuck you, loser Democrat “Victims”!!!! JCH]
re 29: I’m sorry about the comment against gays. JCH doesn’t have enough heart to be gay.
Facts Support My Positions, Get back to work and pay a shit load of taxes, because I’m now a “victim” and I plan to file a big mother fucking FEMA claim!!!! And I want a FEMA trailer. And a “guvment” check!!
re 31: I hope a crossbeam hits you on the head and you get all the help from FEMA that you deserve — none.
headless lucy, There will be no money for your “guvment” union hack retirement because I’m going to file a HUGE FEMA claim for earthquake damage!!! I’m now a “victim”!!!!! A big “guvment” check for me, and NOTHING for you!!!! Eat shit and die, union hack!!!!!!!!!!
re 33: What you doin’, bro’? Sittin’ in de wreckage bloggin’? You one crazy hodad, JCH.
34…..BTW, Atlas has Shrugged, Lucy. NO TAXPAYER MONEY FOR YOUR “GUVMENT” RETIREMENT!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to get it all because I’m a victim of the evil Bush earthquake!!!!!!!!!
” Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 6:42 pm
“Supporting Republicans these days is like supporting NAZIS after the concentration camps were discovered.”
I see: We’re now Nazis to you. As in the National Socialist German Workers Party.(1)
And we’re losing the War on Terror. How many skyscrapers have been in flames from planes since 12 September 2001? Try zero. (2)
How many terrorist attacks have occurred on American soil since 12 September 2001? Try zero. (2)
That is the objective of the War on Terror. To quote President Bush when we went into Afghanistan: “We defend not only our precious freedoms, but also the freedom of people everywhere to live and raise their children free from fear.” (3)
9/11 happened. Cope with it. I voted Kerry, too. But the election is over and the war on terror is not.
And stop comparing Bush to Hitler. Hitler didn’t have a free election in 2004 in which he almost lost his job. Hitler didn’t allow Arab Americans to live in freedom and not in camps. Hitler didn’t kiss up to Jews – he killed them. (4)
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 7:03 pm ”
God I love slaughtering wingnuts.
(1) Worse than NAZIS
(2) Attacks worldwide up over 1000% sorry charlie
(3) You may have noticed the Iraqis don’t want the same companies that run our government running theirs….
(4) And best of all I did not compare Bush to Hitler. I compared the right wing morons to the morons who stood by while Hitler rose to power. We have seen this powergrab before, Reichstag (9-11) and all. The bigger the lie the easier it is to sell etc.
The Republican sheep who support Bush, no matter how many lies he tells, and how many crimes he commits, are >WORSE< than the “Good Germans” who looked the other way while Hitler was stealig their freedom, bit by bit. Why? Because we all know the playbook Bush uses. HITLER’S PLAYBOOK!!!!!
“hodad”????? Classic!! Nope…..Just filling out the FEMA forms!!! Lots of “guvment” checks headed my way!!!!!!!
You’re getting apoplectic. I can see the bright red nose and hear the swishing sound of your giant floppy shoes all the way to de mainland, bro’!!! You a great clown,JCH. Twenty of you and your buddies pile out of a little car all de time, bro’!!!!!!!!
Facts Support My Positions, Get back to work and pay a shit load of taxes, because I’m now a “victim” and I plan to file a big mother fucking FEMA claim!!!! And I want a FEMA trailer. And a “guvment” check!!
Hawaii has VERY senior Democrat Senators. Look for HUGE Federal funds headed to us “victims”!!! Get to work and pay a shit load of taxes to support us “victims”, Democrats!!! No “guvment” checks for you until I “gets ma guvment trailer and check!!”
SVC Alumnus Blogger
SVC, have you noticed Habeus Corpus ending?
Just remember. Every time an innocent muslim dies by our hand, our enemies get stronger, and we get weaker.
Wrap your brain around this, and come back tomorrow.
650,000 Iraqis dead so far, and counting. Hell the civil war has not even started yet. Better send a bunch of wet behind the ears teenagers over to get their economy running…… Oops I forgot, that didn’t work too well…..
Why don’t you tell us more about your vast “naval” knowledge?
Commentby GBS ……………………………………………………….[E3 GBS, I don’t answer questions from loser busted E3s. Before you EVER address me, talk to your LPO or chief. Now GET THE FUCK OUT OF OFFICER’S QUARTERS!!!!!]
WOW what a great job Bush is doing! Since he has been elected terrorist attacks have gone up every year. U.S. troops have gone from having to deal with a terrorist attack on them once every 2-3 years to once every 2-3 hours. MMMMmmm, Smell the Bush Victory!
Commentby Michael Caine— 10/17/06@ 7:37 pm
So why hasn’t Seattle got hit yet? Or Bellevue?
re 42: When we retake Congress we’ll start taxing the rich to death and beyond. They’ve really earned it this time. So, go ahead. It’s gonna be tax break time for me.
SVC Alumnus Blogger
A quick look over at your blog tells a lot about your frustration.
“A new SurveyUSA poll shows WA-02 Democratic incumbent Rick Larsen with a huge lead over Republican Doug Roulstone 60% to 35%.”
It’s got to be frustrating being both a Bolton supporter and a Roulstone fan. We’ll try to have some sympathy.
E3 GBS,…………………………………………………………………Special Evaluation…………………………………… Not recommended for promotion to Petty Officer Third Class. Not recommended for retention. Recommended for 6 months of mess cook duties, and then for administrative discharge upon completion of additional commission officers wardroom support duties. Botton line: Total shitbird. Let him wash dished in the officer’s mess, and then sack this shitbird!!!!! JCH, LT, USN [1110]
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 7:46 pm
Yeah and Bush was having brownshirts in the streets stir up trouble so he could claim credit for bringing peace by ending the fake war.
Right. And habeus corpus can be undone in the event of insurrection or invasion? And what is or is not invasion when a band of terrorists penetrate our soil and attack?
The rest of you I have some hope far. Let’s discuss the Republican Record, shall we?
There’s a line in a Woody Allen movie where the rejected lover says, “How can you love him? He says , ‘NUKULAR’!!!!”
You Dems better pay a shit load more in taxes as I plan to file a big mother fucking FEMA claim because I’m a “victim” of Bush’s earthquake!!!!! hehe, JCH in Hawaii
Commentby John Barelli— 10/17/06@ 7:54 pm
Of course, Bolton will get in. Roulstone, that’s going to be his loss for not running a hard enough campaign.
Gosh I hate it when wingnuts fail to close their bold tags. I’m going to try to fix this.
E3 GBS,…………………………………………………………………Special Evaluation…………………………………… Not recommended for promotion to Petty Officer Third Class. Not recommended for retention. Recommended for 6 months of mess cook duties, and then for administrative discharge upon completion of additional commission officers wardroom support duties. Botton line: Total shitbird. Let him wash dishes in the officer’s mess, and then sack this shitbird!!!!! JCH, LT, USN [1110]
Let’s try again:
< / b >
Oh well if there’s still bold, not my fault.
Note post 38………….Facts, [Dumb ass lib] Turn off the bold!!!!!!
Hillary comes clean before the 08 election:
“Years after alternative media pointed out the virtual impossibility, Sen. Hillary Clinton finally has admitted she was not named for the famous conqueror of Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary.”
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 7:46 pm
Thanks, but no thanks.
I’m going back to my game right now. When I come back, I will probably find more amusing comments.
BTW why doesn’t this blog fly our national and state flags?
God this is gettin’ good!!!
The Republican Record:
*Tax cuts
That benefit the wealthy, and not the working class.
*One terrorist attack in six years – not four in eight
Huh? Madrid? London? Bali? You mean to say there are fewer terrorists that want to kill us right?
*The Patriot Act
Huh? “Those that sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither” Thomas Jefferson
*Earmark reform
What? I think they have doubled the amount of earmarks doled out in 6 years.
*Border fence
Like it will do any good.
*Voter ID
What a joke. Voter ID. Gimmee a break.
*”National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links”
Damn good. In fact, I’ll defend the Republican record.
You would. You live in a fantasy world…..
* Alienation of ALL of our allies. Even after the goodwill of the world after 9-11. My god this is Bush’s greatest crime. Instead of going after terrorists, he went after Saddam. Wake up man.
* 6 more years with nothing being done about global warming
* Largest trade imbalance in history growing every month
* Infrastructure crumbling
* Total Destruction Of Our Military
* 1 in 3 vets returning from Iraq applying for disability….
The list of the Republicans *record* is horrifying!!!!
headless lucy: “Guvment” union NEA hack [typical of public school union “educators”]
Wake up wingnut.
Come out of your fantasy world and breathe real air!!!
We are worse off by far (except for the super rich) because of Bush, and Republican control of congress.
The whole world hates America, if you haven’t noticed. Remember, they couldn’t even put the American Flag on the Soccer Team’s bus at the world cup, because they would have been attacked.
The whole world hates America, if you haven’t noticed. Remember, they couldn’t even put the American Flag on the Soccer Team’s bus at the world cup, because they would have been attacked.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 8:03 pm
And your point is? WTF cares. I thank God I live in America and not somewhere else. The whole world compared to the US is second rate.
Why are cities that are 100% Democrat unsafe and full of drugs, gangs, and crime?
Wake up wingnut.
Come out of your fantasy world and breathe real air!!!
We are worse off by far (except for the super rich) because of Bush, and Republican control of congress.
Over 62 million people didnt think so in 2004. The problem with you dems is that you poll people of your same ilk. Remember the exit polls favoring Kerry. Everyone knows that Bush won by more than the official count because democrats cheat. We will see if the religious right comes out in 2006.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 8:00 pm
*Tax cuts
That benefit the wealthy, and not the working class.
What about the deduction of the marriage penalty? The tax cuts on those with lower incomes?
*One terrorist attack in six years – not four in eight
Huh? Madrid? London? Bali? You mean to say there are fewer terrorists that want to kill us right?
Other countries do not have our security and although they are our allies and patriotic Americans mourn the loss of life among allied nations the objective of the Bush Administration is to protect America just as the objective of the Blair Administration is to protect Britain.
*The Patriot Act
Huh? “Those that sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither” Thomas Jefferson
If that’s all you got to say, let’s remember that the Patriot Act caught Iyman Faris, a terrorist.
Also read
*Earmark reform
What? I think they have doubled the amount of earmarks doled out in 6 years.
Yes, but thanks to conservative Republicans increased transparency and other acts of restraint are beginning to happen. Finally, I agree.
*Border fence
Like it will do any good.
And it hasn’t been built yet. What the fence will do is cut off the cheaper land route to illegal immigration, stemming the tide and opening the door to talk of immigration reform.
*Voter ID
What a joke. Voter ID. Gimmee a break.
So voter fraud’s okay, then?
*”National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links”
I will, because it’ll be a long wait.
I’m really tired of the argument that the requiring ID is oppressive to the poor. What a condescending argument. Also totally unprovable.
The poor own cars. They pay rent. They have jobs. All of these require an ID.
States that have passed ID requirements have made it incredibly easy for anyone to get an ID. What is a travesty is that activist judges overrule the wishes of the populace. People want voting to be at least as secure as renting a video. Why are you so opposed to preventing fraud?
States that have passed ID requirements have made it incredibly easy for anyone to get an ID.
In Georgia a judge threw out the ID requirement because the fees amounted to a poll tax.
Janet S, at the end of the day, you want to make it harder for people to vote. You support vote suppression. The fraud issue is more or less a canard.
Q: Why do the Republicans in Congress have a caucus?
A: So they can all be on the same page.
Q: Why don’t Republicans use bookmarks?
A: They just bend over their page.
The Republicans have a plan…
They want to start on a “New Page.”
I’m watching the Cantwell-McGavick debate (there’s another guy there too) and Mike? proved himself a lying piece of shit on the first question of the night. Robert Mak (of KING 5 TV) asked, “Who did you vote for president, and why?” McGavick responded that he voted for George W. Bush because he thought Bush would do a better job than Kerry of “reducing the deficit.”
Mike? lying-POS! McGavick claims Bush was the better presidential candidate to “reduce the deficit” because:
[ ] 1. he’s a lying piece of shit
[ ] 2. he’s insane
[ ] 3. he’s been living under a rock the last 6 years
[ ] 4. he’s confusing Bush with Clinton
[ ] 5. all of the above
If I can change the subject for a moment, I was listening to a wingnut talk-radio show tonight (not sure which one) and they were talking about torture.
When torture is being discussed by wingnuts, whether it’s the conservatives’ “best and brightest” at National Review or some dunderhead talking-pointy-head on the “liberal biased media,” it’s always the same …
(1) they assume every torture victim is guilty and totally fail to acknowledge, much less address, the fact that some of the people being tortured are bound to be (and, in fact, are) innocent;
(2) they are clueless about the moral issues involved, to the point where I get the distinct feeling these people are morally adrift, and have no ethical or moral reference points in their psychological makeups at all (any person with a moral compass, even one who favors torture in certain circumstances, ought to be at least troubled by the tradeoff of inhumanity for perceived security);
(3) they never, ever, suggest that if an innocent person is tortured there ought to be (a) an apology, and (b) compensation — which leads me to believe that, if confronted with an actual claim, they would take the position of “tough luck.”
And these people call themselves “Christians”???
re 68: You are always in favor of “what the people want” when that happens to coincide with what you want. You will be the first person , when promoting one of your repressive measures, to give us all the unctuous reminder that “this is NOT a democracy! It’s a REPUBLIC!”
What I’m trying to say is that you are full of shit.
Ted Bundy was a typical Republican. He would have gone far if he could have suppressed his murderous rages and necrophilia.
You wingnuts/nutters are so much fun to watch.
You are the kind that would swarm Jim Gilchrist of the Minutemen Project.
You are the kind that bully and torment. (I tease, so I’m not much better.)
You are the kind that want somebody else to solve your problems.
That somebody else is some brand of conservative or a traditional liberal which is in of itself now a conservative.
I’m still watching the Cantwell-McGavick debate, and the candidates were asked how they would reduce the deficit. Mike? lying-POS McGavick says he’ll ask federal department heads to cut expenses 10% while delivering the same services. That’s a great idea!!! I want to hire Mike? to whip my family budget in shape! After all, I’m a senior citizen on a fixed income who doesn’t get COLAs, so I need to keep my costs under control. I want Mike? to:
1) get Puget Sound Energy to reduce my heating bill by 10% while delivering the same amount of natural gas;
2) get Safeway to reduce my food bill by 10% while delivering the same amount of food;
3) get the veterinarian to cut my health care bills by 10% while delivering the same veterinary care;
4) get the drug companies to sell me the same prescriptions for 10% less;
5) get the government to reduce my taxes by 10% while building just as many roads, schools, aircraft carriers, and without cutting my Social Security or Medicare benefits.
I’m sure he can do it!!! After all, as a former CEO, Mike? lying-POS McGavick is an expert at improving efficiency and cutting costs! For example, we can easily cut the defense budget by 10% without adversely affecting our military simply by eliminating the bribes, graft, and corruption paid to the Republicans’ friends and campaign contributors!
Clueless – the intent of the law in Georgia included providing a free ID to those who were indigent. The court said that this wasn’t in the language of the bill. So, Georgia needs to go back and make it clear.
Just like you are wary of Diebold machines with no paper trail, I don’t want to show up at the polls and find out that someone else has voted in my name. Neither has been proven to be a problem. But both contribute to the insecurity of the electorate that the officials are playing it straight with them.
Yeah, Ted Bundy would have a great CIA interrogator.
I’m still watching the debate … Mike the Turnaround Expert, who says he voted for George W. Bush, claims he will fix the mess in Washington D.C.! How — by rubber stamping the Bush/Cheney/Rove agenda? Or does he plan to be “independent” like Reichert (snicker) or McMorris (raucous bunny laughter)?!!
I could do this all night. You know you are wrong. Admit it. If you think Republicans are “good” explain the 4 trillion dollars in new debt.
Here we go (again)…
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/17/06@ 8:00 pm
*Tax cuts
That benefit the wealthy, and not the working class.
What about the deduction of the marriage penalty? The tax cuts on those with lower incomes?
Yes some of the tax cuts went to some working people. The majority of the tax cuts helped the people that need help the least. None went to people living below the poverty line, which is a crime in my book. Giving multi millionares tax breaks, but someone diggind ditches in West Virginia for $5 an hour didn’t get squat. By the way even calling it a “tax cut” is dishonest. You can only cut taxes if you have a surplus. What we have is a “tax deferrment” understand? Your children have to pay your share of taxes with interest…..
*One terrorist attack in six years – not four in eight
Huh? Madrid? London? Bali? You mean to say there are fewer terrorists that want to kill us right?
Other countries do not have our security and although they are our allies and patriotic Americans mourn the loss of life among allied nations the objective of the Bush Administration is to protect America just as the objective of the Blair Administration is to protect Britain.
Ok, since the only terrorist attack occuring under Clinton happened 1 month after he took office he did a good job too? Say yes, say yes, say yes…. Same retarded argument. We have not been attacked again because of Bin Laden, not Bush. Get it? Bush couldn’t stop a snail.
*The Patriot Act
Huh? “Those that sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither” Thomas Jefferson
If that’s all you got to say, let’s remember that the Patriot Act caught Iyman Faris, a terrorist.
Also read
Yes you are right. I think we should just burn the constitution right now. To hell with it. We don’t need it. We have Fuhrer Bush to keep us safe, and free right? Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington would have hung anyone porposing something this insane….
*Earmark reform
What? I think they have doubled the amount of earmarks doled out in 6 years.
Yes, but thanks to conservative Republicans increased transparency and other acts of restraint are beginning to happen. Finally, I agree.
What, you forgot about Ted Stevens holding it up? The pork pig Republicans have been using this earmark pork to steer pork to support their congressional seats. All pork distribution is for political reasons, and the good of the country matters very little. Just look at the games they paid with the bases….
*Border fence
Like it will do any good.
And it hasn’t been built yet. What the fence will do is cut off the cheaper land route to illegal immigration, stemming the tide and opening the door to talk of immigration reform.
Talk? What do you mean talk. We have 1 party rule. There is no talk. Remember Newt forbid any Republican congressmen from meeting with Democrats? I ask you, how many Democrats saw the prescription drug scam before the bill hit the floor. I thought so. ZERO. I would love to have a debate on immigration. In fact I have my own plan that would work extrememly well. An Iron Curtain fence (on both borders) would be a trillion dollars, and frankly, we ain’t got it. It would be far easier to fine the people that knowingly hire illegals, and take their assets. Talk about job creation. Use the fines to bus them all back to the border. Problem solved!
*Voter ID
What a joke. Voter ID. Gimmee a break.
So voter fraud’s okay, then?
There is so little voter fraud it is not worth mentioning, like I said. How many successful prosecutions have there been in the last 10 years of people pretending to be someone else voting? 5, 10, I doubt 20. A non issue. It is just an easy way to knock poor people out of the voting booths. Case closed. Period. If you want to talk about voter fraud, why don’t you ask about the 93,000 legitimate minority voters that Jeb Bush kicked off the rolls in Florida before the 2000 election, with Choice Point’s help. Now there is some fraud for you. Proven. Case closed, but never prosecuted. Targeting race is a federal crime by the way.
*”National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links”
I will, because it’ll be a long wait.
Don’t be too sure. I used to be a Republican until Bush opened my eyes to reality. My dad has Parkinson’s and every day I get to watch him slowly get worse, knowing if Al Gore was allowed to be our president by the Supreme Court we would have had full funding, full steam ahead on embrionic stem cell research, and by now have advanced treatments for Parkinson’s, if not a cure. My hatred of Bush is PERSONAL. So is my disgust of anyone willing to ignore the mountain of evidence that Bush is a lying, corrupt, treasonous, war criminal.
Bring me your fantasies that Bush is doing a good job, and I will crush them with REALITY every time.
Mike? the Turnaround Expert! forgot to mention that by the time he left Safeco, that company had the worst premium-to-claims-payout ratio of any of the hundreds of insurance companies doing business in Washington — in other words, he ran a company that ripped of consumers! Now he wants to do the same for us taxpayers — less for more! Yep, if you think the federal government should be a Halliburton profit center, vote for Mike? lying-POS McGavick!!!
I’ll bet if McGavick becomes a U.S. Senator, he’ll vote to block any and all investigations into corruption and unethical conduct by the administration or Republican congressmen. He’ll work hand-in-glove with Do-Nothing Hastings to make sure the misdeeds of the GOP cockroaches infesting our government never come to light.
#64 And your point is? WTF cares. I thank God I live in America and not somewhere else. The whole world compared to the US is second rate.
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 10/17/06@ 8:19 pm
And you wonder why they fly planes into our buildings…..
I see Janet Shill is back! Welcome back, Janet! Now if we can get right down to business …
“Just like you are wary of Diebold machines with no paper trail, I don’t want to show up at the polls and find out that someone else has voted in my name.”
Show me one case — ONE — anywhere in the country — where this has actually happened! Where an imposter has gone to a polling place, signed the poll book, and voted under someone else’s identity! This is the ultimate Lying Republican straw man. It doesn’t happen. Photo ID is a solution looking for a problem.
But here’s a REAL problem: Every single court that has been asked to rule on these new GOP-pushed photo ID laws has ruled them UNCONSTITUTIONAL. That’s because voting eligibility requirements are set by federal and state constitutions, and Congress and state legislatures have no authority to impose additional requirements, except by amending those constitutions. Get it? No, you’re too stupid to get it.
We need photo ID like we need a meteorite shield. You know, a huge concrete roof in space over the whole fucking planet a mile thick to solve the problem of meteorites hitting us on our heads! While we’re at it, let’s also create a new federal department whose mission is to prevent UFO abductions.
Janet Shill thinks that black helicopter hovering over her trailer is a Democrat trying to steal her vote.
The distribution of the tax cuts is a problem, but the really big problem is that the tax cuts were put on a credit card — while Republicans INCREASED spending.
Why is it the Morality Party spends trillions to kill people but thinks it’s immoral to spend a dime to feed a hungry person or provide medical care to those who can’t afford health insurance?
Comment by Facts Support My Positions — 10/17/06 @ 9:54 pm
#1. The problem is becoming more and more evident it’s spending, not revenue as revenue increases from the tax cuts. And yes, people who pay more percent got a bigger cut by percent. That’s only fair – unless you believe in wealth redistribution.
#2. “since the only terrorist attack occuring under Clinton happened 1 month after he took office he did a good job too?”
Remember Oklahoma City and Timmy McVeigh (who had NO Arab help)? Remember the embassy bombings and the USS Cole?
#3. Ted Stevens is about a step or two away from being the next Mark Foley because of antics you just mentioned. The REAL Republican Party has had about enough of spend-itus.
#4. Prosecutors do not prosecute voter fraud as much as they should due to limited resources. This is inexcusable yes and yes, vote fraud happened. Every time a felon votes without civil rights restored – that’s fraud. Every time a provisional ballot was stuck into a machine and counted in 2004 – that was fraud. Every time a dead person voted and votes – that is fraud. Thanks to the Republican Party of this state, such things are being cracked down on.
And yes, I am disabled and cannot drive – but I do not mind voter ID. If my vote matters that much to me, I will get a voter ID and play by the rules. For those that can’t when the cost is so minimal – like $20 at most, why should they vote if they can’t make a small sacrifice to ensure only legal persons vote?
#5. I will not hold my breath in waiting for the Bush Administration to come after me.
Gosh, Roger, are you projecting? Are you sitting in your dark, depressing little trailer, and imagining the rest of the world is in one, too?
Every country in the world, except the US, requires an ID to vote. Even your progressive European nations see the wisdom of it. I don’t get it.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 10/17/06 @ 10:13 pm
#1. This President has expanded aid to faith-based groups to help the hungry. This President has also not cut aid for the hungry (and if he has, post links please or I won’t respond).
#2. President Bush signed a new prescription drug entitlement to Medicare for the poor in 2003.
Public Service Announcement:
According to The Seattle Times Thomas Voting Report for 24 September:
Voter ID requirement: By a vote of 228-196, the House on Wednesday sent the Senate a Republican bill (HR 4844) requiring that by 2008, voters in federal elections would have to show a photo ID. Starting in 2010, the photo document would have to also show proof of citizenship. The bill would require states to help poor people obtain IDs but authorizes no funds for that purpose.
Voting yes: Doc Hastings, R-4, Cathy McMorris, R-5, Dave Reichert, R-8.
Voting no: Jay Inslee, D-1, Rick Larsen, D-2, Brian Baird, D-3, Norm Dicks, D-6, Jim McDermott, D-7, Adam Smith, D-9.
You really need to clean up this thread– deleting all that casino crap, and getting rid of that troll. Can you block him/her/it ? What a waste of pixels !
Wow listen to all the excuses the donks give for not having a voter ID. Of course with guns the dems are all for a background check before you buy one.
Democrats = The party of voter fruad.
For those that can’t when the cost is so minimal – like $20 at most, why should they vote if they can’t make a small sacrifice to ensure only legal persons vote?
For some people $20 means starving. An american citizen has a RIGHT to the voting booth.
Your “$20” is a poll tax.
“#1. The problem is becoming more and more evident it’s spending, not revenue as revenue increases from the tax cuts.”
Let’s do a fact-check here, because like Mark the Welshing Redneck, you’re blowing smoke out of your ass:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
97 (continued)
Actually, the Bush deficits resulted from a combination of declining revenues (due to ill-advised tax cuts) and drastically increased spending. Who inherited a surplus and turned it into record deficits in one budget cycle? B-U-S-H
97 (continued)
Next thing you know, the lying wingnuts are gonna tell us deficits are an act of God.
97(1) completely fails to address the fact that Bush’s tax cuts were paid for by borrowing money.
This country worked soooo hard and made so many sacrifices to turn the deficit situation around … and then Bush went and blew it all on tax cuts for the super-rich.
“If my vote matters that much to me, I will get a voter ID and play by the rules.” Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 10:15 pm
If you’re such a big believer in playing by the rules, how about respecting the most basic rules of all — the federal and state constitutional provisions that specify the criteria for being eligible to vote — instead of supporting unconstitutional schemes that impose additional voting requirements not authorized by those constitutions?
And would you please explain what problem voter ID solves? Can you show me a single case, anywhere, of an imposter voting at a polling place under someone else’s identity? If you really care about honest elections, how about investing some of your concern and energy in these issues:
a) private contractors hired by partisan state officials purging tens of thousands of eligible voters from registration rolls based on false claims they are ex-felons;
b) counting votes with software whose code is closed to inspection for vote rigging or tampering;
c) partisan election officials locking voting machines in warehouses so voters in precincts believed to predominantly favor the other party’s candidates have to wait 8 hours in line, outside in inclement weather, to vote?
d) allowing partisan operatives to challenge voters at polling places on election day, causing long lines and delays for voters?
e) partisan operatives who mail registered letters to the home addresses of soldiers deployed to Iraq, then challenging their right vote, with no notice to the soldiers and no opportunity to defend a citizen right they’re laying their lives on the line to defend?
Republican arguments for voter ID ring utterly hollow. The GOP spends millions of dollars and man-hours trying to keep American citizens from voting in their own country. They even have the unmitigated gall to interfere with our soldiers’ right to vote! And then they claim we need to pass unconstitutional voting requirements to prevent “fraud” when they can’t document a single case of some using another person’s identity to vote?
Voter ID is a solution to a “problem” that doesn’t even exist. We do have a voting fraud problem, though. His name is Karl Rove.
The only qualifications you’re allowed to impose on the right to vote are those specified in the federal and state constitutions. Congress and legislatures have no power to impose more requirements, except by amending those constitutions. You fuck with my right to vote, and I’ll come after you with a bunch of armed guys, because taking away our right to vote means civil war. That’s one thing I will fight to the death for.
Every country in the world, except the US, requires a government license to own a gun. We do some things differently here. Voting is one of them. We don’t conduct our elections like they do in banana republics, and we’re not gonna let you assholes take our country down that path.
This president also cut billions from student financial aid to give another $70 billion of tax cuts to the rich. This president has presided over a 4 million-person increase in the number of people who don’t have health care. This president has presided over a tripling of gasoline, natural gas, and electricity prices. This president has presided over increased homelessness and record numbers of unemployed and underemployed. This president made it harder for low-income veterans to qualify for VA health care. Cut the crap, Bush is not compassionate, and is not helping the poor (or working class, or middle class). The Bush presidency is all about soaking the working classes to transfer wealth to the very wealthy.
Leave it to Dufus — he’d rather give a gun to a criminal than a ballot to a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen. Hey Dufus, how’s that for an “excuse” for opposing your ID schemes: They’re unconstitutional. You don’t have a right to pass such laws, because they violate our citizens’ constitutional rights. What part of that don’t you understand? … All of it.
These trollfucks not only have their priorities fucked up, their values are fucked up, too.
Voting = requires ID
Buying a gun = requires no ID
Why don’t you Republican apologists for voting suppression tell us what problem you’re trying to solve with ID? And don’t say “fraud,” because there isn’t any. You can’t come up with a single case of an imposter voting under someone else’s name — because it doesn’t happen. On the other hand, the Republican Party disenfranchises minorities, low income, elderly, and even military voters by the tens of thousands by chicanery and outright fraud. Fucking hypocrites.
Because it’s a violation of their constitutional rights; and if you fuck with MY constitutional rights, I’m going to seriously fuck with you.
The whining of these Republican thugs about “playing by the rules” is ludicrously laughable.
Maybe our side ought to steal elections. They do it. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If stealing elections is good enough for them, it’s good enough for us, too. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. I don’t see why Republicans are entitled to a monopoly on stealing elections. They want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
E3 GBS,…………………………………………………………………Special Evaluation…………………………………… Not recommended for promotion to Petty Officer Third Class. Not recommended for retention. Recommended for 6 months of mess cook duties, and then for administrative discharge upon completion of additional commission officers wardroom support duties. Botton line: Total shitbird. Let him wash dishes in the officer’s mess, and then sack this shitbird!!!!! JCH, LT, USN [1110]
“Maybe our side ought to steal elections.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— [NOV 2000…….Black districts in Philly voting Democrat at 115% of registration. New York Jews voting Democrat in NYC and in Palm Beach and Miami, FL. East St. Louis, MI………Democrat judges orders polls in ONLY black districts to stay open two extra hours while polls in the white areas were ordered to close on time. Milwaukee, WI……….Young black Democrats slashing tires on Republican vans on Election Eve. RR, Democrats are the Party of Voter Fraud. That is why you fight voter ID and/or the “purple” finger. Sad………Democrats: Just like a third world country.]
JCH, If I was a black Democrat, Big Island, Hawaii: “Where’s ma mofo FEMA trailer? Where’s ma guvment credit card? Where’s ma guvment check? Bush made da earthquake!! He owes me!! Eyes gotsa gets ma KFC, ma Black Velvet, and ma King Cobra!! Eyes gots da 42 inch plasma SONY HDTV by lootin da Best Buy in Hilo!! But what about ma “surround sound”!! I bet votin Democrat, so I bees gettin da mofo check NOW!! You white devils owes me!!!” …………………………………………………………………………….. [Sorry, but I’m a Republican. I take responsibility for myself. Insurance, sweat equity, and I’ll clean up myself after the earthquake !!! Fuck you Democrat “Victims”!!!! JCH]
Hollywood star Wesley Snipes was charged Tuesday with failing to pay taxes and conspiracy in an indictment that could put the versatile actor and producer behind bars for more than 40 years.
Federal prosecutors in Tampa released an “an eight-count indictment charging Wesley Trent Snipes, formerly of Windermere, Florida; Eddie Ray Kahn, of Sorrento, Florida; and Douglas P. Rosile, of Venice, Florida, with conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and presenting a fraudulent claim for payment to the IRS.”
“Each of the conspiracy and false claim charges carry a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment,” prosecutors added, noting: “Snipes is also charged with six counts of failing to file income tax returns.” […………………………………………………………………….Do black Democrats have to file tax returns and pay taxes like Republicans, or are they “victims” and “special”? Just “axing”………………]
There. I feel better now.
Whoever objected above to comparisons between Bush and Hitler is definitely hanging around the wrong blog. And by way of comparison, Hitler was a hell of a lot smarter.
Too funny!
Any of you moonbats wonder what kind of candidates the National Democratic Party has found to run in this year’s elections?
I wonder how the the Kos kids are taking this bit of news……
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 11:27 p.m. EDT
Harold Ford Backs Lieberman
U.S. Congressman and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr., D-Tenn., formally announced that he is supporting Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman’s re-election to the U.S. Senate.
Lieberman was defeated by billionaire Ned Lamont in the Democratic Primary this past August in Connecticut, but has continued his run for re-election as an independent candidate.
Only a handful of Democratic leaders are backing Lieberman and many of the party’s most notable stalwarts, such as Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy are backing Lamont.
“I support Joe Lieberman . . . and I’ve made that clear from the very beginning,” Ford told Nashville talk radio host, Steve Gill.
Ford made this announcement when he stopped by the WLAC Nashville studio to talk with Gill about his own campaign for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.
Gill questioned Ford’s initiative to become an “independent voice” as a Democrat in the U.S. Senate in the aftermath of the Democrats behavior toward “independent voice” Joe Lieberman.
Ford supported Lieberman in his primary race, but has previously declined to endorse Lieberman in the general election campaign.
Commentby jaybo— 10/18/06@ 6:11 am
Uh, jaybo? Could you tell us what point you are trying to make?
Is it that some Democrats are supporting Mr. Lieberman? We knew that already.
Is it that Democrats do not tend to march in lockstep to the polls, or endorse only those candidates that are officially approved by party leadership? We knew that, too.
Is it that bloggers such as Goldy or even Daily Kos do not automatically get the final say in who gets elected? No news there.
Perhaps it’s that Mr. Ford gets to make up his own mind about who he will endorse? Still no news.
Wait, maybe it’s that a couple of folks here in Washington will scream bloody murder about the fact that a candidate in Tennessee endorsed another candidate in Connecticut, and that the Connecticut candidate does not meet with their approval? Yeah, ok. So what? Not really our problem.
Is there anyone here that gets to vote in either the Tennessee or Connecticut races? Anyone? Hello? Anyone?
Perhaps a bit disappointing, but not our problem.
Jaybo @ 117:
All right, we need to teach you a little bit about party politics.
The Democratic voters of Connecticut had a primary. Lamont won. Lieberman lost. While you usually don’t think about it, the primary is an official Democratic party function.
The party leadership backs Lamont not because they personally like him, or they don’t like Joe anymore, or any of that. It’s because he won the primary! The candidate the voters pick is the party’s standard bearer. Those are the rules.
For anyone in the party leadership to back Lieberman is to say “Well, I know what the voters of Connecticut chose, but Joe is a good friend of mine, and so the voters can just take a flying leap.”
So your point is…
Let’s see if this takes the bold out.
“Every vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against incompetence and corruption and a vote for accountability.”
Rabbit can talk in circles. I have other things to do than amuse him.
But voter ID would prevent felons and certainly the dead from voting by giving each voter a PIN to go w/ their signature. Of course, integrity of and for the vote is a foriegn concept to you folks.
And I support ID for guns, too.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/18/06@ 7:28 am
Nice try :-).
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/17/06@ 10:18 pm
I notice no rebuttals to these points. Nice work nutters.
SVC — tell the victims of anthrax poisoning that there’s been no terrorist attacks since Sept. 12, 2001. Tell the families of the 3000+ American soldiers who have been killed in Iraq. Tell the soldiers who have lost limbs and suffered brain injuries from IEDs and rockets in Iraq and AFghanistan that there are no more terrorist attacks. Tell the family of Daniel Pearl, the victims in the green zone. Tell the British subway bombing victims, the Madrid railway bombing victims. And of course keep lying to yourself that those are all different somehow than terrorists attacking the USS Cole.
RR at 76:
I didn’t watch the debates. Last Friday my doctor told me to lower my blood pressure. I had to make a decision that spending an hour or so listening to Mike McGavick’s lies was bad for my health.
McGavick’s comment that all you have to do is tell department heads to reduce expenses by 10% while performing the same level of service just goes to show that he hasn’t held a real job in quite some time. Most working people will recognize it the same thing their managers have been doing to them for the past decade or so.
For CEO’s and higher management, its been the same template they apply from one company to another. They reduce staff, then expect the same people to do more work for less money. It works okay for a little while (for the CEO’s), expenses are down, so stock value increases. The big executives cash out on their big stock options and move on to the next company, touting their successful tenure and cost-cutting.
But the working staff is all to familiar with what happens. First are the layoffs, and the tension as everyone wonders (a) will I still be working at Christmas time?, and (b) is this “last” round of layoffs really the last ones, or are there more to come? Then comes the “redistribution” of work, when you find yourself doing two jobs for the price of one. Then comes more turnover – anybody who can get another job (or retire) leaves, and they are replaced with lower-paid and inexperienced people who have to be trained and in many cases are much less competent than the ones who voluntarily left, causing even more work to be dumped upon those who stayed behind. Those who do stay are the ones who are too incompetent to get jobs elsewhere, or who, for personal reasons, can’t change jobs right then (for example, workers with family members with medical conditions which would make it very expensive to change insurance coverage, or to do without for several months due to “pre-existing condition” exclusions).
Then the real costs hit the company. It may take a year, it may take a few years. But less competent people make mistakes. Lower-level managers try to streamline proceedures to get by with less people, but that involves shortcuts which increase risk, and eventually the law of averages work against you and you get hit with a really big problem. Now customers are lost due to poor service, lawsuits are filed because the new guy makes a big mistake (“Gee, nobody told me we couldn’t dump the barrels of old antifreeze down the sewage drains, my Grandpappy used to do it all the time!”), oversight and and general quality control suffers. But the CEO who made the cuts is long gone, and will never have to account for those mistakes. Some new guy will have to deal with those problems.
Now, taking that problem to government service, federal agencies have generally been starved for the past quarter-century. It hasn’t been mere neglect, it was a deliberate attempt by Republican conservatives to eliminate government’s ability to deliver social services (welfare, social security, medicare, etc.), or to regulate business (environmental, anti-trust, etc.). So another 10% reduction in those services would be felt right at home. Grandma’s social security check suddenly stops comming, but she has to wait for three weeks before seeing somebody to try to get the problem resolved. Since those types of problems tend to compound themselves (if you don’t fix the small problems right away, they become much bigger down the road), it still won’t save any money in the long run.
And since McGavick won’t apply the same rational to the Dept. of Defense or Homeland Security, then the cuts in the social programs will probably be more like 20%, rather than 10%.
I’m sure Mike McGavick can get by on 10% less of his salary, bonuses, and stock options. He assumes the rest of us can also – especially if it means his taxes are reduced and that 10% from our pocket effectively goes into his. It just goes to show how disconnected his life is from reality.
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/18/06@ 7:46 am
“But voter ID would prevent felons and certainly the dead from voting by giving each voter a PIN to go w/ their signature. Of course, integrity of and for the vote is a foriegn concept to you folks.
Ok, I’ll bite. How, exactly, will voter ID keep a felon from voting? How will a PIN number do anything to keep “the dead” from voting? Since we’re apparently talking about deliberate fraud, those two items are pretty easy to defeat, but to a poor or homeless citizen they would be an obstacle (albeit a small one) to casting a legal vote.
Cleaning up the voter registration rolls is a good idea, where practical. Of course, the last time someone claimed to be doing that, they also tried to get a bunch of legal voters removed. Oddly enough, the legal voters they were challenging all seemed to be from strongly Democratic areas. (Must have been coincidence.) Before that, folks tried to “clean up” the Florida voter rolls. Hmmm. Seems that they tried to remove a bunch of legal voters there, too.
All these folks working to eliminate “vote fraud” by removing legal voters from the rolls. Then these same folks try to implement ID procedures that would be hardest on poor folks, that might, just possibly be Democrats. Ideas that would prove identity but not be an impediment to poor or homeless voters (such as providing a thumbprint on the voter roll or the absentee ballot) are ignored by the people claiming to be so concerned about “vote fraud”.
Meanwhile, although nobody has been able to show any sort of widespread voting fraud that would be prevented by voter ID, we have seen widespread fraud in trying to eliminate Democratic voters, and also major attempts by right-wing organizations to discourage legal minority voting. (There’s an attempt down in California that is currently under investigation, where an Orange County group mailed letters to Hispanic voters, threatening jail time to immigrant US citizens if they try to vote.)
Do you begin to understand why we really don’t take your suggestions seriously?
Commentby Halle— 10/18/06@ 7:57 am
Okay, I forgot about the anthrax attack. Good catch.
But to loop all the others into the same thing is not worth dignifying with a response.
I still trust President Bush at this time more than Nancy Pelosi when it comes to national security. I would have given Mark Warner a good listen, though as I voted Kerry-Edwards in 2004. Yes, no s–t – I voted K-E because I was a centrist then.
Commentby John Barelli— 10/18/06@ 8:16 am
When a person shows ID or has to put in their fingerprint and/or thumbprint and/or PIN this adds an additional barrier to at least make more difficult vote fraud.
As far as purging legal voters, there are safeguards against this unacceptable behavior. This is what happens when you vote in auditors and those whom appoint auditors not committed to enforcing the law – and therefore create a bunch of vigilantes having to fill in the vacuum of professionals. Again, this vigilante justice is unacceptable.
Looks like the GOP is cutting and running from Ohio.
Hopefully, I’ve turned off the bold.
Am I the only one who finds it amusing that a right-wing blogger has spent more time posting feckless comments on a left-wing blogger’s site than he’s spent actually engaging in discussion on his own site?
Sometimes all politics is local.
Sometimes all politics is national.
This year it’s the latter.
Sorry Reichart (WA-Rubberstamp) this is the wrong year for you.
Commentby Don Joe— 10/18/06@ 8:40 am
I just felt an occassional trip to you guys is a good idea.
“National Security Agency monitoring of e-mail and international phone calls in which at least one participant is suspected of direct or indirect terrorist links”
Yeah, that’s airtight. And they don’t need to present their “evidence” of “indirect links” to anyone before the montioring is approved. No way to abuse that, no sir. No, they’d never snoop on reporters, political enemies, or ordinary citizens. We can trust Republicans.
Voter ID: unconstitutional wherever it’s been instituted. An unreasonable barrier to a fundamental right.
66 Janet S
“The poor own cars. They pay rent. They have jobs. All of these require an ID.”
And requiring ID for those things is not legally significant as a barrier because the right to drive, own a car, have a job, rent a living space, are not all the fundamentla political rights protected under our Constitution. The right to vote is.
By creating a price tag to vote, voter ID’s unconstitutional burden disproportionately disenfranchises minority voters, Native Americans, the elderly, the disabled and students. In addition, women who have changed their names, citizens who use a P.O. Box, and people who have moved but not received new identification may have been prevented from voting in the election. Notably, no one has ever uncovered more than a mere handful of incidents of the kind of voting fraud that the polling identification requirement would prevent; specifically, someone impersonating a registered voter at the polls. In Arizona, Proposition 200’s proof of citizenship requirement has already blocked nearly 21,000 Arizonans from registering to vote, which is why the 9th Circuit issued an order to halt its implementation.
Border fencethat’s a good one. Hmmmm, surely no one has ever heard of a ladder?
The Washington Post reported that “A team of Justice Department lawyers and analysts who reviewed a Georgia voter-identification law recommended rejecting it because it was likely to discriminate against black voters.” Naturally, they were ignored by Republican political appointees.
Unconstitutional. Weak. Incompetent. Ineffective.
Republicans are not true Americans. Just read here how the GOP
plans on stealing the election
The dirty bastards are traitors and need to be treated accordingly.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/18/06@ 9:14 am
Out of your many fanatical comments – some of which I already have rebutted, I will respond to this one.
*One contact must be outside of the country.
*NO Patriot Act abuses have been reported.
There you go. Votes for your crowd will only make America more vulnerable to terrorism.
Of course, if today a terrorist were to attack an American state I’d be wrong.
Holy shit, that’s GREAT news!
Glad I sent a few bucks Peter’s way. We’re still down in the 4th quarter, but if the DCCC is spending money, this can’t be that bad.
Roger Rodent @ all posts:
You never answered and ducked my question to you from before. I wanted to know if you made a contribution to the Darcy….whats-her-name again?……campaign or any others for that matter with either your gov’t cheese or your food stamps? Hit a nerve there, did I Rodent? Let me know if and when you get some testicular virility.
89 SVC
“The REAL Republican Party has had about enough of spend-itus.”
Yeah, sure. All those guys you elected in Washington aren’t the REAL Republicans. You know, the corrupt bribe-takers, the ones who offered pharmaceutical money in exchange for votes on thier terrible Medicare prescription plan, the ones who took laundered money and gifts from Jack Abramoff for favors, the ones who have been putting off any oversight of the executive branch, the ones who approved Michael Brown as FEMA head after a 45-minute hearing, the ones who blew a hole in the surplus and have added two and a half trillion dollars to our national debt in six years, the ones who would rather pass a flag-burning amendment than help the American people with health care, no sir, not REAL Republicans.
No, the REAL Republicans have just been waiting in the wings for a decade to come and save us. Uh-huh. Tell us another story, grandpa.
It’s nice to see the Bush apologists spouting so hard here. It smells like desperation. I know it’s schadenfreude on my part, but it clarifies how far removed they are from reality, and how they are watching their view of the world disintegrate under the weight of its inconsistencies. Face it, the Republican party is responsible for the domestic and international mess they’ve created. Their “majority of the majority” and “with us or against us” posturing is about to bite them on the ass.
Buh bye!
Comment by Daddy Love — 10/18/06 @ 10:11 am
There’s been quite a bit of a revolt lately. Note the Republican Study Committee (RSC) for starters.
While we speak of the poor: Republican welfare reform has helped the poor. Something Congressional Democrats opposed.
Republicans also are joining in demands that the signing statement repealing that the FEMA director be a professional be pulled back – pardon the 2X negative.
Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/18/06@ 8:35 am
“When a person shows ID or has to put in their fingerprint and/or thumbprint and/or PIN this adds an additional barrier to at least make more difficult vote fraud.”
Since I’ve been proposing using a thumbprint as an alternative to most of the ID proposals, I certainly won’t object to that idea.
I actually think it would be more effective in reducing or eliminating fraudulent votes than the ID proposals, because it would leave a clear evidence trail in case of actual fraud. I seriously doubt that many felons or illegal aliens would take the risk.
Additionally, this is a safeguard that could be used with absentee ballots, which most of the voter ID proposals seem to ignore.
You’ll have to excuse a certain skepticism about most of the “fraud prevention” ideas that are brought up. Most of them seem carefully crafted to make voting more difficult for groups of legal voters that traditionally vote Democrat.
There was a serious proposal in Congress to require forms of ID that most citizens currently do not possess. (I carry a WA drivers license and military ID, but neither of them would qualify under the proposed rule.)
Additionally, Republicans have been brazen in some of their attempts to prevent legal Democrat votes. The recent attempts in Orange County, CA and some of the current issues in Ohio seem to indicate that the Republicans are not as concerned with preventing illegal votes as preventing Democrat votes.
Perhaps some folks in your party really believe that if the Democrats win, it will “make America more vulnerable to terrorism”, and that this somehow makes the idea of corrupting the voting process acceptable.
You’re wrong. Even if your assumption was correct, (and it isn’t) you would still be wrong. Preserving our freedom is more important than preserving our lives. (21 years active duty, and my service can be verified. ) The internal threat of losing our rights as citizens of the United States is much more dangerous than the external one of some enemy blowing up buildings.
“As far as purging legal voters, there are safeguards against this unacceptable behavior. This is what happens when you vote in auditors and those whom appoint auditors not committed to enforcing the law – and therefore create a bunch of vigilantes having to fill in the vacuum of professionals. Again, this vigilante justice is unacceptable.”
Except that the law was being enforced. Not perfectly, no, but what law is enforced perfectly?
Of course there is a pertinent law that is not being enforced. I have not heard that the person that swore under oath on the false voter challenges has been prosecuted.
And the purge of legal voters in Florida was done by public officials (not “vigilantes”), who also have not been prosecuted.
When it appears that the Republicans are more concerned with preventing actual fraud than they are with preventing Democrat votes, perhaps someone will listen to them. If that is ever the case, I hope they will. Until then, anything the Republicans suggest will be considered highly suspect.
Last bit. Unlike some here, I will acknowledge that there are some honest people of good will in the Republican party. I really hope that they can get back control of that party, because I believe that our country is stronger when all sides of issues are heard and discussed.
But… The current leadership of the Republican party has shown (at the very least) that they are incompetent to run the country, that they are willing to lie and cheat in order to win elections and that they do not even respect many of the people that traditionally support them.
Presuming you to be one of those honest people of good will, I would beg of you. Get your party under control. Insist that honesty and integrity is more important than victory. Not an easy task, but it is perhaps the best thing you can do for your party.
News from the ID 1st:
Refute if you dare: “Every vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability.â€
Hugh He
Refute if you can: “Every vote for a Congressional Republican is a vote in support an incompetent draft-dodging traitor”
141 SVC
Ooh, what a “rebuttal!”
“*One contact must be outside of the country.
*NO Patriot Act abuses have been reported.”
There you go.
The unassailable logic! The reams of supporting documentation!
“One contact must be outside the country.” They could say one party has to be from Mars, and it won’t stop them from snooping on you and me unless it’s being overseen, and it’s not. To put it simply, that may be “the rule,” but I have 0 confidence that they will follow it. And why should I? That’s WHY we put checks and balances into place. That’s WHY we have requirements for warrants written into our Constitution! Puttin your confidence in the good intentions of men is a fool’s way.
“NO Patriot Act abuses have been reported.” CBS News doesn’t seem to agree with you. 2003: “Over the six-month period that ended in June, the Justice Department’s inspector general found 34 complaints of rights violations that appeared credible.” And according to Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), when the FBI determines that domestic intelligence investigations were conducted contrary to law and in violation of the individual rights of U.S. citizens, the law requires that these cases be reported to the Intelligence Oversight Board. He said that in 2005, “EPIC obtained documentation of a dozen such referrals. Subsequent reporting uncovered 113 violations since last year. And the numbering system associated with these reports suggests that several hundred such cases may have occurred since passage of the Patriot Act in 2001.”
Who is doing oversight? Because the Act mandates secrecy about many of its uses, Americans may never know whether their privacy has been violated by law-enforcement investigators relying on the act’s powers. The enforcers are policing themselves, and you say “no abuses” have been reported? Reassuring. Not.
“Votes for your crowd will only make America more vulnerable to terrorism.”
Your unsupported opinion is noted. But I know I am dealing with a thinker who holds that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, and who also thinks that because we have not suffered a Muslim terrorist attack on our soil while attacks are skyrocketing worldwide, that this somehow inevitably leads to the concluson that president Bush, or Republicans, or some combination of the two have “made us safe.” The conclusion does not follow. I mean, when the 9/11 Comission’s recommendations have not been implemented, the Gore Comission’s recommendations have not been implemented, the Hart/Rudman recommendations have not been implemented, and our internal intelligence community says that our Iraq adventure is increasing global jihadism, how do you draw the conclusion that actions by our government are what is responsible for the happenstance of no attaks on US soil?
John, please, they’re not “Democrat votes,” they’re “Democratic votes.” Just as it’s not the “Democrat party,” it’s the Democratic party.
89, 144
Unfortunately, the “real Republicans” did vote the neocon bunch into power — and have to accept responsibility for what they’ve done.
146 SVC
The RSC?
They report on the site you linked to that “the RSC offered a budget substitute that would cut non-security, discretionary spending by 1%, slow the growth of non-Social-Security mandatory spending by one percentage-point, provide for additional tax relief…”
Cut the budget by 1% (of “non-security dscretionary spending,” so more like .15% of the TOTAL budget), BUT ALSO cut taxes some more? Who the fuck are you trying to kid that they give a damn about balancing the budget? I don’t know, ARE you an idiot?
152 RR
Damn right. It’s just apologist rhetoric along the lines of “real commmunism has never been tried.” Well, we HAVE tried “real Republicans,” we know damn good and well what they’re like, and they make us fucking sick. And they’re getting sent home.
“As far as purging legal voters, there are safeguards against this unacceptable behavior.” Commentby SVC Alumnus Blogger— 10/18/06@ 8:35 am
The “safeguards” are meaningless in places like Florida and Ohio. Washington has more effective safeguards, in part because our state doesn’t allow partisan operatives to go to polling places and try to challenge voters when they show up to vote. No, we didn’t have a statewide voter database or a coherent system for determining the eligibility of ex-felons (some can vote, some can’t) in 2004 … in part because cheapskate Republicans who controlled the state senate until Jan. 2005 wouldn’t approve funding for anything in state government.
The Lori Sotello scam is a good example of the disenfranchisement we would have in our state if we ran our voter registration like Florida and other GOP-controlled states do. Only one important elective office in King County is controlled by the GOP, but unfortunately it’s a critical one. That bitch should be in prison, but no, our Republican prosecutor refused to prosecute her on any of the 120-plus felony perjury charges that could have been filed against her. I’m not advocating vigilantism, but when partisan law enforcers aid and abet law breakers, it may get to a point where vigilante justice is all we’ve got left.
I hope it never comes to that in our state, but I can’t see allowing the Republicans to turn our state into a Florida or Ohio.
We should do what we can do legally in the civil courts by suing those who violate our citizen rights for big bucks.
“Maybe our side ought to steal elections.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— [NOV 2000…….Black districts in Philly voting Democrat at 115% of registration. New York Jews voting Democrat in NYC and in Palm Beach and Miami, FL. East St. Louis, MI………Democrat judges orders polls in ONLY black districts to stay open two extra hours while polls in the white areas were ordered to close on time. Milwaukee, WI……….Young black Democrats slashing tires on Republican vans on Election Eve. RR, Democrats are the Party of Voter Fraud. That is why you fight voter ID and/or the “purple” finger. Sad………Democrats: Just like a third world country.]
In other states, including Florida, Republicans have tried to enact laws imposing huge fines and jail sentences for people conducting voter registration drives who turn in registration applications for ineligible voters. These laws have been thrown out by the courts, but if Republicans believe in criminalizing unintentional mistakes in registering people to vote, then I’ll support penalties 10 times as great for those who intentionally interfere with the registrations or exercise of the franchise by those who are in fact eligible to vote. If the fine for turning in an ineligible voter registration by mistake is $10,000, then the fine for challenging the registration of a black soldier in Iraq should be $100,000. Tit for tat, you anti-American, anti-soldier motherfuckers.
Why not? You guys are doing it. Why should Republicans have a monopoly on stealing elections? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Commentby Jimbo— 10/18/06@ 10:43 am
Simple: You name the traitor.
I wouldn’t do anything a Republican wouldn’t do. On the other hand, I don’t see why I need to have better morals than they do. After all, I’m only a feral rabbit.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, to name a few.
162 (continued)
They’re traitors because they’re apologists for warmongering, torture, and murder of innocent people; because they support the Bush’s administration’s violation of the Constitution and federal laws; because they’re apologists for the treasonous outing of a CIA agent (the principal traitor here is Robert Novak); and because they have divided our nation with hatemongering, fearmongering, and partisanship in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
162 (continued)
Let’s review:
* George W. Bush: joined National Guard to avoid Vietnam, then failed to complete his National Guard obligation; refused to show up for mandatory flight physical after taxpayers spent over $1 million training him to fly fighter jets, every cent of which was wasted because he rendered no useful service as a pilot; absent without leave for over a year.
* Dick Cheney: did not serve; 5 deferments.
* Dennis Hastert: did not serve.
* Tom Delay: did not serve.
* Bill Frist: did not serve.
* Rick Santorum: did not serve.
* Trent Lott: did not serve.
* John Ashcroft: did not serve; 7 deferments.
* Jeb Bush: did not serve.
* Karl Rove: did not serve.
* Saxby Chambliss: did not serve.
* Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.
* Vin Weber: did not serve.
* Richard Perle: did not serve.
* Douglas Feith: did not serve.
* Eliot Abrams: did not serve.
* Richard Shelby: did not serve.
* Newt Gingrich: did not serve.
* Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.
* George Pataki: did not serve.
* Spencer Abraham: did not serve.
* Arnold Schwarzenegger: Went AWOL from Austrian army.
* Sean Hannity: did not serve.
* Rush Limbaugh: did not serve (4-F with a ‘pilonidal cyst.’)
* Bill O’Reilly: did not serve.
* Michael Savage: did not serve.
* George Will: did not serve.
* Michael Medved: did not serve.
* Chris Matthews: did not serve.
* Paul Gigot: did not serve.
* Bill Bennett: did not serve.
* Pat Buchanan: did not serve.
* Bill Kristol: did not serve.
* Kenneth Starr: did not serve.
* Antonin Scalia: did not serve.
* Clarence Thomas: did not serve.
* Ralph Reed: did not serve.
(There’s more; I deleted a bunch of ’em to save space.)
I think the polls are stacked. Wasn’t it funny how Karl Rove thnks the house and senate will stay repub and the donk MSM trots out the usual moonbat suspects. Rush had an interesting commentary at his 11:00 hour where the national definition of %repub vs. %demo hasn’t varied more than 5% apart since 1992. An independent analysis of the polls seems to show pollers call more %dems than %repubs to skew the numbers. What was real strange was CNN would not share their demographics to this person. Funny how that works!
What happens moonbats if you don’t WIN EITHER house November 2006? What haappens to NUTROOTS Goldy? Golly, you all will be swigging your brewskis crying in the foam.
Funny how that works Mr Grossman!
Pelletizer: All the election problems in all those precincts you love to trump up occurred with your people in charge of the precint, and the city government. If you only had a brain!
re 168 I tried to call Rush, But he turned a deaf ear to me. You are quoting a convicted drug dealer and addict who goes to third world countries known for child prostitution with a trunk full of illegal Viagra!
What possible explanation is there for this criminal behavior?
With the REAL Republicans I mentioned earlier I should bring uyp those REAL Republicans who let administration officials get away with testifying to Congress without putting them under oath so they can lie with impunity.
168: Karl Rove is predicting a loss in the house of 5 to 10 seats, a number which would conveniently leave the Republicans in a majority. He is not identifying which seats he thinks will be lost.
But what would you expect him to say? He can’t predict a total collapse without endangering his continued fund-raising and get-out-the-vote efforts. In effect, it would become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Even in the final week of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee couldn’t make any statements which acknowledged the dire straights faced by the Confederacy. He complained to Jefferson Davis, of course, and he complained privately to his son. But if he had dared to say anything pessimistic publically, his army could have well collapsed around him. Nobody wants to be the last person to die for a losing cause. Karl Rove finds himself in a similar boat.
What happens moonbats if you don’t WIN EITHER house November 2006?
We’ll be sad for a bit, and then remember we own the Washington State House and Senate, plsu the Governor’s office.
There are 8 competitive State Senate Seats this year- 7 Republican held ones, one Democrat held one (and I think Tracy Eide will pull it out). We pull in 3-4 of those, and Tim Sheldon and Jim Hargrove can be safely irrelevant to the Ds legislative majority and unable to give the R’s the occasional working majority while being the chair of some Senate subcommittee.
Aw, it sucks to be the Rs in Washington, doesn’t it?
So Foley was going after teenage pages and the House leadership covered up, and Kolbe was going after teenage pages and the House leadership covered up, and a third Congressman, presumably Republican, who was going after a teenage page (a 16 year old girl) with the House leadership either ignoring it or covering it up, when they should have been put on red alert by Foley at least a year ago and been watching and talking to the pages to make sure they’re safe.
Ah, just in time for National Character Week.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of guys.
Now we’ve learned that Hugo Chaves is training Islamic terrorists how to speak Spanish. Then he teaches them how to pass as Latinos, gives them fake documents,and sends them on their way into the United States to vote Democrat . Does anyone on HA.ORG have a problem with that? [Democrats: domestic idiot terrorists]
Thats what I thought Roger Rodent. All bark. Typical.
There you are!
One quick question; What do you think of your Rep. “Able Danger” Weldon now?
Looks like a third Republican congressman is headed to prison, along with all the other conservatives criminals.
C’mon, Puddybud, it’s time to be honest and admit that while the “ideals” of conservatism as the model of government known is a failure. Failed by the very people who promoted it – conservatives.
Why didn’t George W. Bush do anything to attack al Qeada after January 26, 2001 once the CIA and FBI confirmed to the POTUS that al Qeada was responsible for the USS Cole bombing?
President Clinton put his administration on a war footing and he was ONLY waiting for Tenet to confirm if al Qeada was responsible for the attack on the Cole.
Why did George W. Bush downgrade the terrorism Czar from a cabinet position to a sub-cabinet position?
Whdy did George W. Bush stop the weekly principals meetings that President Clinton had instituted regarding terrorism?
Why did George W. Bush address NATO in March of 2001 and listed the top 5 threats facing the west, and not one of them was terrorism?
If Al Gore was president the 9/11 attacks would never have occured and thousands of Americans would be alive today. Because Al Gore would have taken us to war BEFORE they hit us over here. And, Al Gore would have paid attention to PDB in August that specifically outlined an al Qeada attack inside the US using commercial aircraft. Being at war against al Qeada we would have taken steps to prevent hi-jackings and save America from a savage attack.
Instead, George W. Bush ignored anything and everything President Clinton focused on when it came to America’s security.
Why did Bush ignore the threat when presented with clear and confirming evidence that al Qeada attacke the USS Cole?
“Looks like GWB isn’t the only politician who’s father assisted his military career.
Commentby Anonymous— 10/18/06@ 12:58 pm”
How true!
Take JFK for instance, his Dad used his influence to get JFK combat duty.
I’m not positive, but I’m certain that’s what Bush’s daddy did for him. Right?
JCH’s mommy helped him get in the “backyard navy” where he served as “LT Puddle Pirate.”
Hey, dumb fuck, tell us again; who has the conn at GQ?!?! WTF!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
GBS asked the Pudster: Puddybud, There you are! One quick question; What do you think of your Rep. “Able Danger” Weldon now?
I wait to see the results. Like I said they go after Curt first so they can then deal with HarryReid and Nancy Pelosi. Now that will be interesting.
Regarding attacking 1/26/01 – Don’t you remember the Cowboy comments, the silver spoon comments, the dummy comments, the AWOL comments? Also remember he didn’t have a full cabinet in yet? Oh you forgot that GBS; man of the moonbat peeps? He was dealing with all the “W”s being removed by the Clinton moonbats on all the government computers. Oh, and remember the election fiasco perpetrated by Al Gore? How would you donk support him going after Al Qaeda with the Bush stole the election? Hindsight sure is 20-20 when you are a moonbat GBS!
re 4: Kiss my ass, fucknose —- if you dare! Commentby phenteramine— 10/17/06@ 7:12 pm
Now there’s a comment by a mental giant on ASSWipes!
We need photo ID like we need a meteorite shield. You know, a huge concrete roof in space over the whole fucking planet a mile thick to solve the problem of meteorites hitting us on our heads! While we’re at it, let’s also create a new federal department whose mission is to prevent UFO abductions. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/17/06@ 10:08 pm
Instead of a meteorite shield Pleeltizer, why not put back on your tin foil hat? At least when you wore it you made more sense!
Be sure to go into the inner city of the east coast moonbat run cities and look over dem diebold machines. I’m sure your moonbat polling place clerk will help a “bunny”!
Hey moonbats I see the state wants to take building housing a blind library housing in Seattle and claim it for eminent domain. I thought moonbats were for the downtrodden, the handicapped. I guess not when money is involved.
Where is the story Goldy? Because moonbats are doing it?
Where is the story on how Al Dixon (BPP) was treated so mean at the Mike! – CantVoteWell – Irrelevant Libertarian debate? He’s a minority Goldy.
Goldy: Where is the commentary on Steny Hoyer (D) – Mr Maryland insensitivity, making racial comments like most moonbats do when a minority leaves the “plantation”?
OH YES, headlice Loocy: STFU you racist pig fucker! Still fucking with teenage boys in wrestling camps?
Darcy must be really proud of you! Does she know who you are at her townhall meetings you claim to attend? Does she know the real headless lucy? Does Darcy condone the horseshit that flows from your mouth?
181 Pud
“He was dealing with all the “W”s being removed by the Clinton moonbats on all the government computers.”
Didn’t happen except in Freeper imagination.
“Cowboy comments, the silver spoon comments, the dummy comments, the AWOL comments?
Wll, hs IS a former AWOL, silver-spoon-in-mouth child-of-privilege wouldn’t-be-anywhere-if-not-for-his-daddy Cowboy dummy.
headlice lucy is kinda funny–the pun, that is.
#187 Daddy Love: peter Jennings reported it.
Als: “But the GAO issued an official report that the damage included 62 missing computer keyboards, 26 cell phones, two cameras, ten antique doorknobs and several presidential medallions and office signs. The damage estimate was about $20,000.
(The GAO had the same civil service staff working for it during both administrations, rendering charges of a GOP partisan cover-up implausible at best.)” That was just the white house Daddy Love.
You have to wean yourself from the KOS kool-aid!
189 Pud
You should link to sources that support your sassertions.
You said
“all the “W”s being removed by the Clinton moonbats on all the government computers.”
GAO said
“62 missing computer keyboards”
Those aren’t the same thing, big fella.
The GAO letter also said that the condition of the White House offices was “…consistent with what we would expect to encounter when tenants vacate office space after an extended occupancy.” Aw, too bad.
So Ken Lay is dead, and he has had has conviction vacted. And funny thing, but those ultra-responsible Republicans in Congress “recessed for the November elections without acting on a last-ditch Justice Department proposal that would have changed the law to allow prosecutors to seize millions of dollars in investments and other assets that Lay controlled.”
Wouldn’t you know they’d screw the government (that’s US) one more time for their old pal…
We can’t afford these guys any longer.
Hey, doesn’t the “Military Commissions Act” that Bush just signed violate the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments?
Just askin…
I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure it’s not the what they haven’t accomplished, but what the Republicans have accomplished that people are objecting to: Endless war. Surpluses turned to structural deficits. Ending any sensible gun control, so Osama And Friends can get more weapons. Tax cuts for millionaires while the middle class gets crumbs and the poor get less. A slowing of the economy. Massive corruption.
These are what happens when you elect Republicans.
Puddybud, Puddybud, Puddybud ***heavy, long sigh***
C’mon! I know we haven’t battled lately, but I’m sorry, you’re one of the few conservatives that I hold to a higher standard when we’re debating.
I’ll give you a pass on this comment and chalk it up to your anger and anxiety over the likelihood of the Republicans losing control of the House and possibly the Senate.
Otherwise, if what you are saying were true “remember he [Bush] didn’t have a full cabinet in yet? Oh you forgot that GBS; man of the moonbat peeps? He was dealing with all the “W”s being removed by the Clinton moonbats on all the government computers” then it proves all these comments to be true; “the Cowboy comments, the silver spoon comments, the dummy comments, the AWOL comments”
See, Puddybud, even while the outcome of the election was in dispute, President Clinton briefed both Al Gore and George Bush on national intelligence, security and other matters to preserve the continuity of government. This is what is known as a “transition team” for the incoming administration. What? Do you think when one administration leaves they just leave sticky notes for the incoming administration? Logic, Puddybud, you have to apply the logic of fact here.
Bush knew what President Clinton was planning, he knew the threats, he knew the war plan President Clinton laid out to attack al Qaeda once he got confirmation from the CIA. Bush chose to ignore the evidence once presented to him on January the 26th, 2001. Another day that will live in infamy.
If removing the “W’s” from the keyboards or not having a full cabinet rendered Bush completely ineffectual to protect America then he is in complete dereliction of duty as Commander in Chief. Bush should have kept the key Clinton cabinet members on board to go to war until he filled those positions, if that were truly the issue of not protecting America. A chance to fulfill one of his campaign promises “I’m a uniter not a divider, I’m going to change the tone in Washington.” Apparently, Bush had no such good intentions.
So, which is it Puddybud: Bush ignored the facts or is/was too incompetent because of missing keyboard characters and allowed Americans to be slaughtered in New York, DC, PA on 9/11?
We’ll deal with the other legitimate questions I posed after you can honestly address this colossal failure on Bush’s part.
194 GBS
He was going to send a memo titled “What We Want to do to Wallop bin Laden,” but he had to cancel those plans because they had no Ws. It was sad, really. The nation unprotected and all.
DL @ 196:
That’s funny, would be funnier if nearly 3,000 Americans didn’t have to die at the expense of W’s.