Of all the things I’ve read by The New Yorker‘s Hendrik Hertzberg, easily his most influential was a Talk of the Town piece from 2006 called “The ‘ic’ Factor” where he rips apart misuse of the word Democrat to describe things that are, in fact, Democratic by Republicans and lazy or misguided journalists.
For instance, Barack Obama is a Democrat, but he is also the Democratic president who was democratically elected by the American people.
The Washington state House of Representatives is mostly full of Democrats who make up a Democratic majority.
The word Democratic, as Hertzberg explains, is an adjective, and when Republicans use the noun Democrat in lieu of the adjective, it is a slur of sorts.
It is also just plain ignorant.
Now, with my my humble Stadium High School eduction and Wesleyan government degree, I am hardly a walking AP Style Guide, but I have sense enough to properly use the word Democratic when referring to the party that had the right mixture of substance and style to deter George W. Bush from its ranks.
With that said, I’ll be taking it upon myself to call out journalists who make the “ic” flub in the name of public notice. I invite HA readers to do the same.
Our inaugural offender is a wise and talented fellow Stadium grad, the Tacoma News-Tribune‘s Peter Callaghan who today referred to the “Democrat” majority on the King County Council.
Get it right, Pete.
Who’s next? Hopefully no one.
Okay, I get the difference. I’m supposed to say Bernie Madoff is a Democratic swindler, not a Democrat swindler.
You’re getting there, Troll! Thanks for your cooperation.
I just call the GOP members Publicans and I hope the traitors don’t like it. And if someone uses the phrase Democrat instead of Democratic, I ignore, boycott and relegate them to the place where all GOP supporters go – HELL!
Wingnut illiteracy is news? … !
@1 You may continue calling Republican swindlers “pukes,” though. This endearing colloquialism has earned a rightful place in the American vernacular lexicon.
@3 “Publicans”
You’re too kind.
Now that’s more like it.
Personally, I know the difference, but find it quite amusing that the democrat party navel-gazers have nothing better to be offended by than this simple omission of two letters.
It’s a microcosm of how the democrat party in general views itself…ie. as “victims”.
“Treasonous pukes” has a nice ring to it.
I prefer “future SuperMax inmates”, myself.
7 – Wow another profound missive from one of the flock of shepherds Sagretti, Atwater and Rove.
Little Rickie Dumbass.
@9 Oh yes, that does sound good. We have a winner.
Hey Little Rickie Dumbass,
Is this your kind of action?
Sarah plus picking off defenseless animals from the air is better than Viagra for your kind.
Little Rickie dumbass.
@12~ Still molesting little boys I see YLB.
Of course, first things first is when you peer into the stall beforehand with that beady little pervert eye.
Just another pedophile alum of the democrat party.
I see that RickyD still requires an education.
Those are your fearless leaders, RickyD. A bunch of pedophiles! Judging from your continued state of denial, this particular reality must really suck for you.
LMAO!!! Little Ricky Dumbass is a big fan of pervs – restroom stalkers like Craig, diapered babies eliminating in depends for twisted pleasures like Vitter – anyone in Steve’s list @ 15 – Little Ricky Dumbass would vote for in a flat second.
They all have “R” next to their names.
I want to retire as I will be 62 next month but with people like Tom Daschle, and Timothy Geithner failing to pay income taxes and not being prosecuted for their failures and adding in Rom Sims on top of that already corrupt mixture to help Obama puts Obama’s approval rating at about 10%. My retirement will be adversely affected by Obama and his policies with hyper-inflation.
And this is a problem of the Democrats and BTB that is not a slur on Democrats or Obama but a pure statement of fact as Obama heads down the wrong road.
Roger Rabbit – hope you have a lot of savings invested in Gold instead of Carrots!
@17: If you had bought an ounce of gold every month since about 1970, you would now own about 456 oz. worth
Only a thin-skinned democrat from the democrat party would squeal over the intentional omission of the “ic” from the party designation by others up to and including journalists. The joke continues to be on you as long as you feel slighted by two little letters in the alphabet.
Besides, the makeup of todays hard core wing (like the imbeciles here at HA) of the
democraticvictimcrat”ic” party is far from that of a traditional blue dog democrat and closer to a socialist rube in Stalin’s soviet republic or Hitler’s Germany circa 1931.@7 You goatfucking weasels don’t offend me. I take pleasure from witnessing your self-destruction.
@17 Thank you for not retiring and drawing your Social Security benefits — leaves more in the Trust Fund for me.
Oh, and btw, I have something better than carrots or gold — a defined benefit pension!
Net drop in my monthly income as a result of stock market debacle = $0.00.
I believe in compromise: Republicans can privatize their retirement if they want to … as long as they don’t touch mine.
@19 “the joke continues to be on you”
Did November 4th escape your attention? The pedophiles have been booted from power. Look closely and you’ll see that the joke is on you.
The use of “Democrat” as an adjective is just a kind of sophomoric handshake among Republicans, an inside joke as ideological calling card (like wearing a flag lapel pin). If challenged on it, Republicans apologize for the “mistake,” and their “aw-shucks” lack of refinement.
Apparently we all graduated from middle school long ago, but our Republican friends seem to have got a social promotion.
@19 “Stalin’s” “Hitler’s”
Must be that fucking commie-fascism I’ve heard so much about.
@19 This’ll work just fine: Fck yu
@23 They think they won. (snicker)
To them, keeping Dave Reichert and 41 Senate seats added up to a huge victory. (snicker)
@18 – So how many ounces of gold do you own?
And buying gold every month vs paying off my house and all my other debts was not a hard decision but not retiring in the face of possible inflation rates over 10% is not a hard decision but I may go ahead and do so just to share the benefits with Roger before the United States goes under and Roger loses his retirement payments
Does anyone here see a difference in comments from people like YLB, BendOver, and Roger Rabbit since Obama has been elected? Seems like the same old crap they spewed when Bush was in office. Maybe they aren’t really political. Maybe they aren’t even Democrats. Maybe they are just people who like to constantly bash, complain, and argue.
@17: If you had bought an ounce of gold every month since about 1970, you would now own about 456 oz. (average price approx. $350/oz.)worth about $413,000 at today’s close. I’d wager that if you ran the numbers, the rate of return would not be that impressive on the over $100,000 invested over nearly 40 years.
Goldbugs = Yet another species of the financially deluded.
“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” – Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998
Thanks Tom Daschle & Tim Geithner – Obama’s approval range now at GWBush level 58% to 57%. And… Bush had to deal with the leadless douchy’s and the libtard MSM of a stolen election. But people have rational expectations of the future and they are seeing Obama future now! 17 lobbyists and two tax cheats!
Troll@30: You are right. Those three drink the sticky kook aid of Daily Kooks, CAP, etc.
@31 – I have no debts and my savings exceed your estimates of owning 456 oz. of Gold and yes there could be a problem with inflation and not having Gold.
Steve the 10 Pillars of Communism morphing into Donkey Progressivism:
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Well the CAO was a Ron Max Tax Sims action. Now look who’s going to Washington.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. But Tom and Tim don’t believe they need to pay
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Hmmm… Wasn’t this discussed here on HA?
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Didn’t Leadless Douchy (Harry Poon lately) espouse this last fall? Repuklikans are the rebels…
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Yep
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. Yep shut up Rush Limbaugh and implement the Fairness Doctrine…
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. Green and union activity…
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. Yes, this was recently screamed by the libtard progressives.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. Yep
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. Wow, I forgot about this one…
Idiot @ 30
As long as there are dumbasses like you and the fool @ 33 jackbooting to the Limbaugh line, we’ll have something to complain about.
35 is total dumbassery compounded.
Challenge rerun@37 only.
Go ahead. Prove me wrong…
Dumb Democrat Donks flub de wub de wub! Fiddlesticks and computer savvy Puddy FACTS!!!
Hillary Visiting The Far East:
@35: hahahaha
Puddy thinks communism is afoot. Any other boogeymen you want to watch out for?
How about these boogeymen cited by Teddy Roosevelt?
According to Puddy, Teddy Roosevelt must have been a communist and the USA has had progressive taxes since 1900 – so Reagan and Bush must have been communists too.
When you’ve got nothing positive to add …try to scare people with allusions to “great evils”.
Hillary Visiting Iran and the rest of the Mid-East:
etc. etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum
I think it says a lot about the mentality of people like Ricky D. that they cannot even call their opposition by the correct name. It says that the republicans who use the wrong words are either:
1. too dumb to know the difference.
2. supportive of other republicans who are too stupid
3. deliberately provocative, because they have no real substance to talk about.
In the case of ricky d. – we run circles around him because all he has are opinions without any facts to back up the opinions.
As far as troll is concerned, troll like to think she is more clever than she actually is. Troll can come up with a few examples occasionally – but a coherent argument is beyond the scope of troll.
A bit of info for troll, a few counter examples really doesn’t make a coherent argument.
If you are tying to make the republican case you need to deal with the salient facts:
Bush caused the largest deficit in history (since Reagan)
Clinton left a growing surplus when he left office.
Bush left an economy that is in the worst shape (Jobs, Stock Market, GDP0 since the great depression.
Obama won election by the widest vote margin by a non-incumbent in history.
Republican have turned into a party that obstructs, that bleats on about priciples THEY violated (like a balanced budget) and that lies. For instance, the republicans lied about the stimulus package not going to be spent in time. The CBO report says that 80% of the Senate plan will be spent within 18 months.
Republicans also have no moral high ground to stand on after supporting an unecessary war, hundreds of thousands of deaths, illegal torture, illegal wiretapping, incompetence (Katrina) and abuse of government/corruption (Gonzalez, Abramoff, the FDA, EPA Agriculture and so on).
That’s why I only refer to them as the republicon party.
I’m sure that this’ll get lost in the mix here, but I think it’s necessary to point out that a number of incumbents in the Democratic party also failed to include the “ic” when identifying themselves on the new top 2 primary ballots. It’s not just a problem in the right wing. I did get a kick out of the GOP party, though!
@35 Well, you Rethugs got a good running start on communizing the U.S. by dispossessing the middle class and nationalizing the banks.
Do any of you support the idea of seizing all retirement vehicles – defined benefit plans, 403-b’s, 401-k’s, IRA’s, annuities, etc. – and having total government control over them? Thereby giving the government the right to decide how much retirement you get and when?
I’ve heard rumors of people who actually believe this should happen. Hopefully nobody here thinks in such terms.
@30 I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist. I venture to guess that you, sir, are an Idiot with too much time on his hands.
@47 No. The Bush plan was to seize our Social Security and give it to Wall Street. I don’t support that, either.
@29 As badly as the RepubliCons have fucked up this country, and specifically its economy, I will be dead before that happens. I worry about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandrabbits, though — especially because there’s so many of them. But they’ll do okay if we exterminate all the Republicans.*
* Just kidding! Michelle Malkin parody.
Well, if people choose to NOT participate in social security then that should be their decision. Of course, they take full responsibility for themselves, so they should consider that decision carefully.
Her rog, have you heard anything from your buddy lately:
“Libertarian said:
‘Roger Rabbit, does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?’ ”
I just love that quote!!
But we won.
Fuck you.
Notice how since the election when we beat the complete shit out of Troll and his favorite publican candidates – he’s posting more hysterically and can’t seem to control his trollish tendencies.
Correctnotright: Another liberal Wikipedia post used for commentary? Have you noticed Wikipedia is now policing the libtards because of people who lie about themselves?
Apparently you need further education on Teddy.
I’ve given you ample opportunity to expand your reading material Dr Correctnotright. You choose to drink the kook-aid.
So be it.
Broadway Joe, yep you won.
The stimulus package is all yours.
Broadway Joe,
Yep you won. Tax cheats Tim I Forgot Geithner and Tom I Forgot Too Daschle are all yours.
Pelletizer barfed:
That’s why fact checking is so much fun on your tripe.
Dr. Correctnotright@43
So we shall call you Democratics? I think Donkeys fits!
I notice rerun@37 has to wait on his “friends to challenge me.
should read: I’m a Democrat
icParty hack and liberal propagandist.Fixed it for ya Roadkill. No thanks needed. Common mistake made by liberal commenters.
@59 Puddybud~ How about democrat-ick….seems a fitting suffix.
Nice observation vtrguy, and you’re dead on correct on that. We omit the “ic” just to watch the liberals heads explode, while those running on the democrat party t”ic”ket do it out of ignorance of the rule.
@61 and 62: Little Ricky D. back with no substance again. That is why you guys lost. All you can do is whine. When you had your turn to run things, your party was incompetent, corrupt and screwed up the country.
Even when you try to be clever, you fail.
Poor Puddy: Facts are facts. Now wikipedia is too biased for you. When you ignore history and ignore facts – how can you understand todays events in context?
Here is a different site, same message about the REPUBLICAN Teddy Roosevelt:
Trust buster
For regulation of industries
For unions
incorrectwhileleft @ 63 & 64:
Um, you may want to look at the topic thread again dumbass. You’ll see once again that you’re off topic as well as off your rocker.
Sheesh, Goldy’s trolls are even dumber than I previously thought. What can you expect from the shills in the democrat party, though?
Correctnotright: Puddy was the first to raise the clarion call about libtard Wikipedia. My reference above is only one of many which point out the “issues” with Wikipedia. You choose to ignore facts. How did you become a doctor? Ohhhh… I see you are a psychiatrist. Don’t need facts…
If you expanded your reading horizons, maybe you’d have an expanded recall. I know you had to search high and low and you still landed on a libtard institution. Did you read Volkoh?
You haven’t argued against my original premise as delivered above in #35. You threw up a worthless canard in Teddy Roosevelt. And where did I say he’s my hero? He was a Republican when blacks voted in droves for Republicans.
Maybe Socialism will appease your medically “stimulated” mind? How about Saul Alinsky’s Radical 12 Points?
BTW rerun@37: Still waiting on your debating skillz. That’s okay. Everyone knows you’re HAs clueless idiot!
@51 People already can choose not to participate in Social Security. You don’t have to file for benefits, and if you don’t, no one will make you. Everyone has to pay the same taxes, though. We’re not going to create a special class of privileged people in this country who are exempt from paying taxes, except capitalists and heirs.
Broadway Joe:
“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” – Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998
Yep he’s all yours.
@52 ‘Roger Rabbit, does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?’
I have no idea because I’m neither an ideologue nor a blind and arrogant liar. I’m certainly not lying when I point out that eggplants and rocks are smarter than Republicans — that’s just stating facts. The truth is, I’ve never lied about anything, but if I have, I’m a humble liar. And when you have big ears, you don’t really need eyes.
@55: I read your link and …it just confirms what I am saying. TR was right in line with Obama on the role of government. Thanks for verifying my opinions. Yup, republicans USED to actually be against rampant capitalism and monopolies – now they are for corruption and unrestrained corporate greed.
@58 What fact checking? No one has ever seen you do any fact checking.
@62 Illiteracy, like idiocy, loves company and you guys have plenty of both.
@68: Looks like the republicans CAVED on Eric Holder, will CAVE on the stimulus package and are running with their tails between their legs.
Obama is at the highest approval rating since JFK and 75% of americans approve of the stimuls package according to Gallup.
Obama outsmarts the republicans again. Republicans must enjoy getting whipped – they bleat on and on and then get suckered by Obama. He compromises just enough make them look like fools.
What do they expect with “leaders” like Boehner and McConnell?
Republicans are poodles in tutus hopping through flaming hoola-hoops on command from their handlers.
I’m so enjoying right wing failure:
Little Rickie Dumbass – failure
Wrong Stuff – failure
racist mark – failure
idiot mark1 – failure
as for the self-appointed king of the right wing shithouse at HA.org, Stupes, look at him spin a commie fantasy up above.
Status of his right wing bullshit (fueled by his worship of Limbaugh, Matt Sludge, Scaife, Murdoch, countless others):
tango uniform, echo foxtrot.
Puffybutt – AKA Oreo is only interested in so-called FACTS from right wing controlled media like Faux News – which is one of the many reasons – including self-loathing – that he is always in the extreme, extreme, extreme wacko minority.
Wikipedia is great. Terrific entry on the the Republican fraud squad, the ACVR:
One of the top examples of TOTAL right wing bullshit that was blown away by the gale force winds of REALITY.
Now watch Stupes dance…
Yes, Puddy named you well.
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
Where have I used Fox News lately?
Goodness you two are a matched set #76&77.
According to Rasmussen whom rerun@77 dissed but the media said got the election right and Puddy posted the results:
“Public Support for Economic Recovery Plan Slips to 42%”
“However, support among unaffiliated voters has fallen. A week ago, unaffiliateds were evenly divided on the plan, with 37% in favor and 36% opposed. Now, 50% of unaffiliated voters oppose the plan while only 27% favor it.”
I tend to trust a real polling org who has a winning track record.
So Dr correctnotright, come again? Did you post “libtard” approvers?
Regarding Eric Holder, the Repubs are being smart. They are giving just about everything Obama wants. So when failure occurs, The Repubs can approach the American public and say “You wanted him”.
Just think Dr correctnotright, when you claim the fancy new car against your practice as a self-employed individual and you bend the rules a little, you can claim a Geithner now.
What’s a Geithner? Forgetting to pay your taxes get out of jail free card.
Oh… and rerun@77 find that on any conservative blog. Find my 10 Pillars of Communism on a conservative blog.
Unlike you I don’t need marching orders by drinking the warm white kook-aid of Daily Kooks.
LOL. Loved the bentoversuckinghisdick line.
Rasmussen is a right wing organization quoted by a washed up Oreo who’s big fat ugly wife left him when he started sucking dick and asking her to use a dildo on him.
None of the so-called “facts” Puffybutt EVER sites are news or real. All one needs to do is look at the results of the election – the one that Mr. Oreo was predicting (by citing various right wing crap) was going to the GOP!
LMAO!!! Stupes – what a loser! Look at him dance.
He calls me “re-run” and all he can do is “re-run” over Daschle, Geithner, Rangel and others. AFAIK, those guys are caught up on their taxes, fines and penalties included.
Ummm. And last time I looked they were doing their appointed jobs.
It’s soooooo funny seeing right wingers busting a nut over people NOT paying taxes.
Hey Stupes. We have a black AG who KNOWS waterboarding IS torture, unlike the poor schmuck before him.
That’s got to put a bug up your silly ass.
As for the commie bullshit some people are just plain crazy and you’re one of them. This commie crap is the new eugenics for you. Crazy is productive for sure. Crazy spawns new crazy. Just takes a while after “re-running” it over and over…
Remember how the libtards here made fun of SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts for misspeaking the POTUS office oath? Remember the comments of Joe My 7-11 is Run by Indians Biden?
Well payback is a bitch!
I see rerun@84 hasn’t accepted the challenge put forth in #38.
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
My use of Geithner Daschle Rangel are pertinent to today’s commentary.
Your AVCR is old news moron!
Keep working it.
86 – ACVR is totally relevant to the discussion. The discussion here has been and will always be: REPUBLICANS SUCK!
ACVR was a REPUBLICAN fantasy based on BULLSHIT. Did you read the wiki entry? It says after five years the DOJ found NO widespread vote fraud. Voter ID laws are REPUBLICAN vote suppression CODIFIED.
How long did we hear of “Gorelick Wall” over and over?
And we’re in the REPUBLICAN DEPRESSION now asshole. As usual, you have no way of perceiving reality.
To a wingnut not paying taxes is patriotic!
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
Here is the latest entry. Recently is was Tom Daschle. Today it’s Obama’s Chief Performance Officer.
“Nancy Killefer, who failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help, has withdrawn her candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government, the White House said Tuesday.”
Tooooooooo Dammmmmmmmmmmn Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny
Seems you have the wrong party again.
Of course to HAs clueless idiot this is Bush’s fault. BDS anyone?
Taxes aren’t paid by Democratics, they’re only paid by schmucks.
Why is it the Democratics claim they need to rip money out of my wallet, claim it’s patriotic to pay taxes, but they nominate tax cheats to administration positions?
Oh darn, Daschle withdraws.
Oh look another well connected rich Mooonbat! Democratic being pushed by Daschle.
That sucks. If you make a mistake, you apologize, make ammends and go on with life. AFAIK, these people had much to offer. But if that’s the bar Obama wants to set, it’s his show.
The idiot @ 90 is deep in the throws of “Obama Derangement Syndrome”. Well he’s always been deranged.
I hope his hate keeps him warm for a day or two.
After the hubbub dies he remains an idiot and a fool.
Rippin’ money out of his wallet?
Yeah, pay up for the dumbass wars your chimp started and waged.
You voted for him twice fool!
Yeah, if you are a Democratic, you make a mistake and they’re getting a pass.
If you are a Linda Chavez, your name is dragged through the mud by the libtard MSM too!
You on the other hand forgot what Dr Correctnotright presented as a retort to my comment last week. “Obama was presenting the most ethical administration to date.”
I beg to differ fool! I place factual data here fool. You present AVCR over and over and over.
So who’s caught in the time warp fool?
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
96 – Stupes’ various derangements over the years (there’s many more but who can remember them all?):
Able Danger
Gorelick Wall
the MSM who cheerleeded the chimp wars
and now…
Dems who are behind on their taxes
Commie bullshit.
Yeah, Obama’s administration is a huge improvement over that corrupt and depression causing disaster of the last eight years and its braindead supporters like Stupes.
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
Still waiting for your response to #35.
When can I question their patriotism fool?
Oh wait a minute… there is no brain.
98 – Hello? Hello? Anyone home? Or is the noise from the ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) too loud?
35 is BULLSHIT! And I don’t take orders from a deranged psychopath!
Given the utter failure of the right wing traitors to stop Holder or the financial package in the House shows AGAIN AND AGAIN how impotent the right really is. Which is why Puffybutt is a right winger.
Not hardly rerun@99. You can’t stand the heat being on your side now. I will continue to point out the hypocrisy of the Democratics. The Democratics are in the pot now. You own it all. Just like the 60s and 70s.
Remember Broadway Joe told us all you won. Your brother BentoverSuckingHisDick told us the same.
Bring it on fool. You’ve been losing the last 4 years and you will continue to lose no matter what happens.
Your derangements have yielded you nothing save some idle entertainment.
@Ricky D. Moron
Little Ricky D. is getting peeved – so sorry we have to keep making a fool of you. In fact, you do it yourself so easily.
Once again Ricky D. offers only false facts:
Stimulus package: 75% agree with the senate version.
Oops, republicans are the 20% squeaky, whiny minority of rejected fools and abysmal idiots.
Dixiecrats = democrats, liberal = progressive…
You can change your name all you want, doesn’t change who you are.
But I don’t blame anyone left of center for hoping to fool people with a new name. Hell, even the racist headless lucy posted under a new name hoping to fool people and the little kid bye bye goober used a different name hoping to fool people.
104 – Hmmm. The “Dixiecrats”, as you called them, nominated an African-American to be President – and he won. That must have so much sucked for you. In fact you’ve come back today to more or less say the same things you did in the weeks before Obama was elected.
Yes, many liberals like to call themselves progressive because unlike conservatives we’re for things moving forward into the future, things that make sense for these time like universal healthcare, better education, a healthier environment and reproductive choice. Conservatives think the good old days were the tail end of the 19th century and they very much want to go back to those days. They are scared to death of the future and hate anything and anyone who embraces a better future for everyone not just their own narrow interests. So very typical for them.
Incorrectandinfantile @ 103~ I’ve already embarrassed your stupid ass at SP, so your scurry away to Goldy’s hate site for cover? Or is it because you missed your boyfriend/sex offender YLB and his pervert eye?
Just as I suspected….you’re a lying sack of goat scrotum.
106 – and you’re an even bigger moron than Stupes which is almost impossible to believe – but not by much.
As for sex offenders, your party is lousy with them:
They are your heroes. Your brothers in crime.
JCH takes the cake for the biggest right wing moron of all though. What a nutcase he was!
Yep, we won.
Yep, we’ll fix the mess Puddy and his master left for us.
Yep, it’ll be difficult, cleaning up generations of neglect and abuse.
Yep, we’ll get all the credit for fixing America.
Yep, we’ll pick up a few more seats in the mid-terms, and shut out the forces of Republican Evil for good.
Yep, Obama will be re-elected in 2012, and the only real wild-card will be whether or not the right-wing haters rally together under a third party of hatred under their goddess Palin.
Yep, nothing right-of-center will ever hold meaningful federal office ever again.
Yep, Puddy and his master will turn to violence to try to regain their power.
Yep, it’ll be funny to watch these weekend warriors get rounded up and thrown in SuperMax.
We won. Fuck you. Go die now…….. no wait, don’t. I want to enjoy watching you suffer.
@106 When little rciky gets his butt kciked as usual – he resorts to name calling. When you get an intellect and a brain – come back here. Until then, you are not even competeition. At least Puddy puts up some modest resistance and then changes the topic when losing.
You, baby ricky, on the other hand, I just laugh at your pathetic ignorance. It is like dealing with a third grader – with an ego the size of Montana. You don’t even know what a fool you actually are.