A new poll released today shows Democrat Scott McAdams surging ahead of Republican Joe Miller 29% to 23% in the Alaska U.S. Senate race. This is the first poll to show McAdams leading Miller; incumbent Lisa Murkowski, running as a write-in candidate, leads the field with 34% support, with 13% remaining undecided.
Could Seattle’s former Yukon colony soon sport two Democratic senators? I wouldn’t bet money on it, but even a Murkowski victory would be a big blow to Borg Queen Sarah Palin on her home turf.
Mudflats’ server is clearly having trouble keeping up with the traffic, but Markos has more details and analysis.
Miller clearly tanking. I wonder if this will prompt more extra-legal incarcerations up there (to our lawyers – was what his goons did considered abduction?)
Closer to home…Rossi supporter in Walla Walla arrested for assault.
Why are Republicans so violent?
Miller completely imploded, so I think the democrats chance rests on the Alaska voters being too stupid to fill in Murkowski’s name correctly. The Alaska polling places were supposedly putting up illegal lists of possible write-in candidates to help Murkowski voters fill in the write in correctly. They aren’t supposed to do this.
That’s Momma Borg Queen to you.
I understand that the Hays polling concluded before Miller admitted to being a serial liar. I doubt if that’s going to help him with sane people, although his teabagger base probably admires that, um, quality in him.
If Dems pick up a Senate seat in Alaska, that would be devastating for the Republicans. Hard to imagine a write-in winning, but she is leading.
I don’t understand this exact spelling of the name thing. If the intent of the voter is clear, the vote is suppose to count. The principle has been established and upheld by the courts.
Expect a legal challenge if Murkowski loses by a slim margin.
As much of a whackjob as Miller is, I never expected him to come in third against a Democrate and a write-in candidate.
Miller’s drop in support seems to come about the same time as Palin pulls out the stops to support him. She’s targeted the Murkowski family, her longtime rivals, and begged supporters to vote for Miller because Alaska shouldn’t have “political dynasties”.
But it seems that her fellow Alaskans seem to prefer to reject Palin’s annointed candidate to the prospect of an Alaskan political dynasty. And it’s McAdams, the Democrat, who’s picking up the support as the undecideds seem to be falling in his direction.
I’ve always thought that Alaskans had written off McAdams as being unelectable, and were having to choose between Miller and Murkowski as the “lesser of two evils”. I think a lot of Miller’s “soft” support wasn’t really of the Tea Bag variety, but simply becuase Alaskans were still pissed off at Murkowski (the elder) for annointing his daughter with the Senate seat, and the scandals which accompanied Murkowski (the elder’s) downfall to Sarah Palin in the governor’s race. Now that Miller’s being revealed as being a true wingnut, and a liar to boot, then he might be losing that support.
If McAdams can show he’s got a real chance, that might change the dynamics dramatically. Alaskan voters will have to decide between a wingnut liar (Miller), a political heir tainted by family corruption (Murkowski), or the Democrat (McAdams).
Talk about a misleading title to a post.
Did Murray write the title for you?
What are going to do when the next poll has Rossi in the Lead?
Miller is a liar
That’s why he’s imploding. And Murkowski is coming off as a sore loser.
McAdams has run a very local campaign while his opponents have been thrust into the national limelight. This could help him because he can say he’s been working “for Alaska” all along.
Pyrite…do your chart now!
Murray is done…
Rasmussen Reports 10/27 – 10/27 750 LV 47 48 Rossi +1
You deluded fuck…when’s THAT gonna happen? Huh?
JUST DID…CHECK this out!
Real Clear Politics is an unbiased, unimpeachable source.
(stupid fuck.)
RUJAX…WOW talk about being mean. You make the Tea Party look like babies.
BTW It was Rasumssen Reports which lean to the D’s
Republican Dino Rossi and incumbent Democrat Patty Murray are separated by a single point in the U.S. Senate race in Washington with less than a week until Election Day.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Rossi picking up 48% of the vote, while Murray draws support from 47%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are still undecided
Rasmusen is (in)FAMOUS for skewing republican. do your homework.
Rasmussen calls land lines only, last time I looked anyway…
It’s a different world now..
That said, mark your ballot for Patty Murray and drop it in the mail TODAY!
Here comes the moooooooooooon bats…
Heh. Is this a KLOWN sockpuppet or the latest line from Faux News and Limbaugh?
Pyrite and others…
Is this all you got?
16 – Moonbat always struck me as a hate epithet.
Moon – bat – the moon says crazy or muslim and bat says just crazy or loony or wishy-washy.
Reminds me of the old eighties epithet – Freezenik.
Freeze meaning nuclear freeze, freezing the U.S. in place while the Red Menace grows stronger and nik meaning russian communist apparatchik or brainwashed. Peacenik is also related.
Bottom line: the word means the user has stopped thinking and started hating.
Wingnut by contrast is just statement of fact. Right wing nut. Seen any Tea “Party” rallies lately?
YLB…WOW you went deeply wrong on that one…
Moonbat is a term used in United States politics as a political epithet referring to social liberals or leftists.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonbat
20 – Not at all. Moonbat started being used in the context of 9/11. The “moon” part has a slight muslim connotation as intended by those who use it but not strictly that of course.
Those who use it don’t think, they hate.
Like you.
YLB = Murray
RUJAX = Gregoire
You two should do a roadshow.
Asshole, a variant of arsehole, which is still prevalent in British and Australian English, is a common word for the anus and is usually used as an insult.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asshole
@23…boy you’re smart. Yessireeebobby. Smart like a little prick.
A friendly amendment:
Hi nice to meet you also.
Hang in there…5 days till you will have to Senator Elect Dino Rossi.
At this point, I’d be surprised if over 2/3 of the ballots aren’t already in the mail in Washington State. Polling at this point should be more in the nature of an “exit poll”, if you can really do that with a telephone survey.
This fucker is delusional…
Hey! Delusional Fucker…how does the Dino-Sore take Seattle? He’d have to poll 60-65% east of the mountains to make up for what he loses here. (tip-he’s not polling that well ANYWHERE in this state)
re 20: Strictly speaking, all bats are moonbats — unless they are sick (have hydrophobia — or ‘the hydraphoby’ — as it is known in conservative circle).
Calling going from 16% to %29 over the course of a month, in what was a 31-31-16 race, a surge is an accurate headline.
You might want to write about this poll just in!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. See, for a Republican to win a state wide office they have to not lose big in the Puget Sound basin and win big outside of it. This can happen and, honestly, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often, but it wont happen against Murray. You might note that, the only one newspaper in a large metro area went for Rossi. Even then, the paper of note in Vantucky is the Oregonian, not the Columbian and the Oregonian went for Murray.
It not Murray’s or Newspapers Editorial Seat…
(Don’t believe everything your read)
It’s the PEOPLES SEAT!!!
Nice. This new troll (presumably, he’s new and not a sock puppet) is very competitive with our regulars for vapidity, arrogance, and intellectual rigidity, wouldn’t you say? We need new trolls.
No shit. And in order to win it republicans need to not tank in the Puget Sound region and win big else where in the state. Btw, this isn’t my theory, it’s Slade Gorton’s. He used it to win a few state wide elections. ;-)
Hey MrSicko, you’re 2 hours late with your “timely report”. Your fellow troll @9 already reported this.
Meanwhile at Fivethirtyeight, the odds are calculated that the foreclosure king as having only a 16.3% chance of winning.
Hey Goldy, have you seen Joe Miller’s new ad? I swear it’s real and shockingly umm umm.. well Joe “approves this message”.
Seriously, you would have to see it to believe, looks like one of his kids put it together: