From the Washington Post:
Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”
Of course, hate talk unleashes hate. That’s what it’s supposed to do.
LOL… I just read this on another blog and was going to post it here.
Scary stuff.
Yup – it must be those “nasty” democrats that are the racists. that must be why Obama won the democratic nomination. That must be why Palin says he “doesn’t seem like one of us”. That must be why an african american is singled out and insulted during a Palin rally.
Yup – I can hear the stupid trolls now…blame it on the democrats and byrd was a KKK member 40 years ago. In fact, the whole campaign is about 40 years ago. I guess some people are still stuck there – it must seem like yesterday for McCain and Palin would have read about in the history books, if she had actually read some history.
Goldy, I thought I told you to write a few pro-Obama posts. Where are they?
Is “boy” a racist epithet?
Strange, there was no problem when jimmy carter called obama a “black boy.”
Why the double standard?
Maybe the media will wise up and stop being so biased.
Oh look, CBS is trying.
If the liberal media reacts in fear to being outed by palin, this could turn real ugly for obama.
Next thing will be CNN talking about the obama/ayers connection.
Without the liberal media obama doesn’t have a chance. Palin is starting to dismantle the liberal media and any chance obama has.
It’s easier for goldy to attack a woman.
Besides, what is there goldy could say about obama without lying?
I think it’s very curious that Goldy doesn’t write positive pieces on Obama.
– He writes pro-Burner posts.
– He writes pro-Gregoire posts.
But pro-Obama posts are very infrequent.
Is it a racial thing?
Troll @ 3 said: “Goldy, I thought I told you to write a few pro-Obama posts. Where are they?”
We’ve told you before. It’s Goldy’s site, he pays for it, he puts the labor into it, he can write whatever he wants. He’s under no obligation to have you dictate to him the subject of his posts.
What are you, some socialist who wants to dictate to the owner of a website what can and what cannot be written on it?????
If you want to write some pro-Obama posts, feel free to set up your own website and do so. Or since Goldy doesn’t censure comments on his site, I’m sure you can write your own as a comment and post it here.
But it wouldn’t surprise me that you really, really, want to change the subject. The more light you shine on McCain and Palin, the worse they look. I think we should keep the spotlight on them through the first week of November. Most political campaigns love attention, but not the McCain/Palin campaign (or any Republican campaign this cycle, for that matter).
I like Goldy. And I like Obama. I think Goldy is a gifted writer, political analyst, and journalist. That’s the reason I’d like to see him write a pro-Obama post, and not just focus on anti-McCain/Palin posts.
Dear correctnotright,
Senator Byrd joined the KKK over 65 years ago, in 1942. He’s been publicly apologizing for it for well over 50 years.
Not that that invalidates the point you were making in any way.
Gee, the Federal Reserve is getting into the short-term commercial paper market, a $99.4 billion-dollar industry. In essence, your government is about to get into “factoring” – buying receivables from companies so they can borrow money for less than sixty days. In the business world, it’s the equivilent of a payday loan, but with even less security for the lendor.
Source: Fed unveils plan to fund some business loans
This is a tactic to give a bump to the “credit” market using emergency regulations that haven’t been used since the Great Depression.
But I guess that’s what John McCain meant when he said – just over two weeks ago – that the American economy is “fundamentally sound”.
So in response to this promised massive infusion of cash into the credit markets, the DJIA must be shooting up like a rocket, huh?
Not so much, at least not so far. As of 9:00 a.m. PDT, the market is slightly down -23.43 points, at 9,934.07. Wall Street has responded with a collective yawn. I guess you could at least say that another massive drop might have been averted, at least so far today.
Of course you’re right about this. Goldy is free to do as he wishes, no affirmative action laws apply to this blog.
Although even you would have to admit it is strange that goldy doesn’t post any pro-obama threads.
I know that seattlejew posted on his blog about offering to help lee meet some black folks… does goldy know any black folks? Maybe seattlejew can hook him up too.
Given that this plan will be put into affect by the Bush administration, it’s a legitimate question to ask: who’s going to be getting that federal money? Clearly some Wall Street firms have been favored in the current crisis and others not so much – Lehman Bro.’s was allowed to go under, whereas Goldman Sachs has profited from the Administration’s activities.
Palin fakes her accent.
I don’t think Goldy is racist. He does, I think, live in a most black part of town. (Although, it’s my understanding that many blacks consider gentrification a form of racism).
In addition, there is a lot of pressure on the fed to lower the discount rate. But at 2%, how much good is it really going to do to lower it further? Maybe if we get into negative numbers? For about fifteen years, the Japanese found that having a discount rates approaching zero did almost nothing to revive an economy encumbered by deflationary real estate prices and mortgages which exceeded their value. The Japanese economy didn’t get beyond it’s stagnant period until real estate values gradually increased to the former levels, and Japanese banks were able to get these bad loans off their books.
11 MS
Absolutely wrong. This is a site on local politics.
Sarah Palin is truly disgusting. She lies without hesitation. Her ambition is breathtaking. She will say and do anything to advance herself. She is the Manchurian candidate. John McCain should be ashamed, but he is incapable of shame.
It’s clearly one thing to refer to a Obama as a “black boy,” followed immediately by a reference to his mother and the background in which he was raised, folloiwed immediately by a reference to how he NOW is running for president, which unmistakably to anyone except the right-wing lizard-brains means that in the video Carter was talking about Obama as a child, and it is quite another thing for a member of an angry mob in the American South to tell a full-grown African-American man, “Sit down, boy.”
And if you cannot discern the difference it is probable that it cannot be explained to you.
Marvin you are truly an idiot. And you can’t idiot proof a dialog because idiots are just so darn dog gone resourceful.
Troll-you play the same record every day. You have no credibility.
BTW, I am pretty certain based on the article that when the Palin rally-goer yelled “Kill him!” it was in regard to William Ayers and not Barack Obama. However, this reckless tarring of Obama might well convince some brain-dead Republican that he would be a hero protecting his country instead of a low-down common murderer if he were to assassinate Obama. That’s why Palin and McCain should (no, MUST) immediately dissaociate themselves from any such sentiment and denounce anyone who voices it.
Then what are the anti-palin & anti-mcsame threads about?
You know, I wonder if this is less a campaign tactic by McCain/Palin than a scorched earth policy by Republicans.
As long as they are going to lose, they must figure, they might as well stir up hatred and channel discontent at the usual scapegoats to sour the water for next administration.
Man shot three times in street by racist gunman – for wearing Barack Obama T-shirt
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:01 PM on 07th October 200
A man told today how he was shot three times in a London street for wearing a Barack Obama T-shirt.
Dube Egwuatu was buying a mobile telephone top-up card in an off-licence when the gunman confronted him and glared at the top, which carries an image of the Democrat US presidential candidate underneath the legend ‘Believe’.
The man then launched into a tirade of racist slurs, shouting ‘I f***ing hate n*****s’ and urging 36-year-old Mr Egwuatu to leave the shop with him.
Dube Egwuato was racially attacked
Respect: Dube Egwuatu wearing the Obama T-shirt that provoked a racist attack
The man then left the shop but when Mr Egwuatu re-emerged, the attacker was waiting for him in broad daylight with a threatening-looking dog and holding a gun behind his back.
Realising what had sparked the increasingly violent assault, the terrified Mr Egwuatu zipped up his jacket to cover the image of Mr Obama and walked to his car.
But the shaven-headed man, who was white, followed Mr Egwuatu and after pulling open the passenger door pointed the gun at him.
After pleading with the man to leave him alone, the married former street warden put the keys in the ignition and turned the engine on.
The attacker then fired the gas-powered ball-bearing pistol three times, hitting the civil servant in the face, hand and shoulder.
Fearing for his life and bleeding heavily, Mr Egwuatu raced away in his car and found somewhere safe to call for help.
He was taken to hospital and later sent to have a piece of metal removed from his jaw.
Mr Egwuatu, a data analyst with Croydon Council, said: ‘The venom in his voice was frightening.
‘He was telling me that he was going to kill me.
‘I couldn’t believe it was happening – and just because I was wearing an Obama T-shirt. He was trying to make me walk somewhere quieter, saying: ‘I’ve got something for you,’ and ‘I’m going to kill you.’ s/article-1070975/Man-shot-tim es-street-racist-gunman–wearin g-Barack-Obama-T-shirt.html?IT O=1490
Palin’s media attacks “have begun to spill into ugliness” unlike, say, the media’s attacks on Palin. For those too young to remember the hi-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas, the media slime machine’s maligning of Palin one month ago was a pretty good proxy.
And why assume the ‘sit down boy’ boy was a Palin supporter? It could have been Jimmy Carter, who, on the night of Obama’s beatification in Denver, called him a boy. Or it could have been the NPR gasbag, same night, who called Obama the “local boy” from the Chicago machine.
boy o boy = the lovespawn of Mr. Cynical and Marvins last meetup at the Greyhound Bus Station men’s room.
When you pull your dick out of the lipsticked pig, LPF, you’ll need to get something straight (in addition to your crooked dick). It was Mr. C and Larry Craig in the Greyhound latrine. Got that? Marvin had nothing to do with it.
Send your groveling, sniveling apologies to Marvin, then shut the fuck up.
To the Editor of Playboy
December 21, 1962
Dear Sir,
I wish you hadn’t billed the debate between William Buckley and myself as a meeting between a conservative and a liberal. I don’t care if people call me a radical, a rebel, a red, a revolutionary, an outsider, an outlaw, a Bolshevik, an anarchist, a nihilist, or even a left conservative, but please don’t ever call me a liberal.
Norman Mailer
(Being liberal is even worse than being a boy. National Journal sez Obama’s the #1 liberal in the Senate. Look for McC and Palin, those dirty dogs, to start calling Obama what he is, the L word. Then look for Republican reptiles to use Obama’s middle name.
And Stormin’ Norman Mailer? Member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, just like Lee Harvey What’s-His-Face.)
I think the “kill him” and “terrorist” are just the reaction the two of them are looking for. Both of them have shown racist leanings in the past, it’s not beyond the pale that they are trying to incite in a last ditch effort to be “the only ticket left” in November. They wouldn’t admit to it, but the nonsense they are both spewing now looks like it.
@20: Or maybe Barack needs to do a very public split from Bomber Bill, who did a lot of talk about killing.
But Obama can’t divorce Bill, because Barack couldn’t disown or dis his batshit uncle in the belfry of Trinity United. And Barack couldn’t disown his crazy old uncle because Barack couldn’t disown his typically white grandmother.
@26: Anybody here remember Marginal Marvin? The droll little troll who inhabited the left edges of Mad Magazine?
Hot flash! This just in from …
What a Boy Wants
How do you know whether an adolescent really wants a circumcision?
Brian Palmer
Oct. 7, 2008, 5:38 PM ET
Marvelous Marvin has this too. Do a YouTube search on this string: Jimmy Carter Calls Barack Obama A “Black Boy”