For all the incessant attacks from Republicans questioning his fitness to be Commander in Chief, President Obama appears to have engaged rather forcefully in the recent standoff with Somali pirates:
U.S. Navy Seals had a standing order from President Barack Obama to take out the pirates who held an American captain in a standoff on the high seas, according to Pentagon officials and White House aides.
Over the course of the five-day standoff, Obama, who said little publicly about the hostage situation, received more than a dozen briefings and gave the Department of Defense policy guidance and the authority to use force if the situation compelled it.
Mission accomplished.
Outstanding job Navy Seals!
Giving credit to the politicians is an insult to the people in the military.
But give some credit where it’s due. The politicians finally called bullshit and ended the situation, rather than negotiating with semi-illiterate thugs who’d likely have been wasted days ago if their hostage hadn’t been an American.
But I don’t think snipers was such a good idea. As good as we train them, a sniper on a moving ship (yes, wave action counts) aiming at a tiny boat moving on open seas creates a very narrow margin of error. I still think a more face-to-face confrontation of SEAL swimmers swimming to the boat in the dark of night would’ve been better, unless sea conditions would’ve bad for swimming, i.e. strong currents and such.
Joe @2,
Given the results, it’s hard to argue with the Navy Seals’ tactics. These are highly trained folks, and I’m sure they wouldn’t have taken the shot if they weren’t confident they could hit their targets.
You said it Sir Eustace at #1.
An irony with the name of the first US Warship on scene, the DDG USS Bainbridge. Named in honor of a pirate hunter of the past. Although he had some misfortune during the first Barbary Pirate War, he had some distinction in command of USS CONSTITUTION During the War of 1812, and the later Barbary Pirate War.
Also, the media seems to be ignoring a siezure of another American Cargo Ship, the S.S. Mayaguez in May of 1975. I wonder if it is because the Khemer Rouge were not pirates, but the regime that had just taken over Cambodia, or that it was a painful memory because of the deadly ad hoc rescue mission launched. The last KIA and MIA of the Vietnam War(and hence names on the Vietnam War Memorial) come from this rescue mission.
The Mayaguez was a SeaLand Vessel, and in an interesting irony, the Maersk Line bought the foreign routes of SeaLand when CSX Transportation sold off it’s maritime assets. The domestic assets are called Horizon Lines.
Had this happened under Bush’s watch, Goldstain would have whined about him committing “Cowboy diplomacy”.
Kudos to the Navy SEAL’s for a job well done.
Semper Fidelis…
5 – Face it Little Rickie Dumbass, Obama was engaged in the process and it was executed flawlessly. And we were spared the display of a codpiece-wearing fool on a flight deck.
Mission TRULY accomplished!
5 ‘Had this happened under Bush’s watch, Goldstain would have whined about him committing “Cowboy diplomacy”.’
Right. And no doubt you and the rest of the trolls would have been shouting from the rooftops proclaiming another magnificent accomplishment of our Fearless Leader.
“Kudos to the Navy SEAL’s for a job well done.”
Amen to that…and a prayer of thanks that things ended well. Beyond that, let’s hope that we and the rest of the community of nations find a way to put these scumbags out of business for good.
now you assholes can complain about the treatment of the captured pirate. i heard a navy seal slapped him kind of hard.
Cheers to everybody involved in the rescue effort.
Now, if they would only slap some sense into you.
Still willing to buy you a beer and dinner. Name the time and place.
@8: Why are you bitter about a successful ending?
Considering that it is Standard Operating Procedure to engage a target that is about to commit a murder, I think it’s a stretch to say that the current administration had anything to do with the outcome. President Obama authorized the Department of Defense to use Military Force. However, in this case, the Rules of Engagement (ROE) would have allowed the team(s) to take the shot with or without authorization from the White House. The DTIQ (Dead Terrorist In Question) was seen holding a rifle to the head of a hostage who was tied up. This would give the on scene commander the authority to authorize the shot, UNLESS the ROE specifically forbade it. A good analogy would be giving the mayor of a City the credit for allowing SWAT snipers to neutralize a person who was attempting to murder someone.
@#2, Joe, I think you are missing the point here and are lacking a basic understanding of how SEALS train, as well as the conditions behind this incident. The news is reporting the life boat was approximately 25 Meters behind the Bainbridge, being towed. SEAL teams train to and make shots that are much more difficult. They would not have put the Captains life in danger. Just like a Lib though, can’t help but to criticize the Americans who are willing to serve their country.
@1 Fuck you. Just totally, absolutely, FUCK YOU, you un-American piece of shit.
The Commander in Chief makes the decision; the Commander in Chief takes the responsibility; if it turns out badly the Commander in Chief takes the blame.
If Captain Phillips had been killed, you rightwing haters would be all over him, but it was a success, so you owe him the credit for a successful outcome, you disgusting asshole. You OWE it to him, and I expect you to give him no less, you worthless blob of sewer slime, do you hear me?
Fuck you, fuck you. Go fuck yourself, you disgusting rightwing hater. Fuck your sister, too.
I’ve read the AOL forums for about 10 years now, and I’ve been following them today. Very rarely, in all that time, have the rightwing haters put on a more nauseating display of unpatriotic lying, hating, bigotry, and fart-blowing than today. My friends, you don’t want to know what they’re saying on AOL, it makes you want to throw up. There’s a huge stench of rightwing hate hovering over AOL today. It almost makes me wish that for just 24 hours we could suspend habeas corpus and put all these America-hating monkeys in concentration camps, or at least in a zoo,* because I sure as hell don’t want these misanthropes running loose in society!
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke. You America-hating, merchant marine-despising, mother-beating slimeballs do love to laugh at lines like this, don’t you? Of course you do! You laugh every time when Coulter spews like this. Well, I like audience applause, too! Are you laughing yet? I am! I’m laughing at you! Kiss my furry butt:
You need to get a life Roger roadkill (and a well-trained therapist). All of that inner hatred is only going to eat yourself inside out.
I wish you Godspeed on your recovery from your obvious mental illness.
@4 Said what? He didn’t say anything. All he did was masturbate onto his keyboard.
Ricky Dickhead @5: Do I detect a bit of jealousy in your post? Yes, I think so! Obama accomplished in 5 minutes what your organ grinder monkey couldn’t do in 5 years! Bush is probably sitting in Houston still wondering where Osama is. Loser! That’s what you are — a loser boy! Like all the rest of your rightwing dickhead buddies, you’re a loooooser!!!
Not only are you an idiot, you don’t read well, do you? Not to mention that you take my questioning of tactics as ‘ Libruls criticizing Americans’. Well FUCK YOU, TRAITOR.
My suggestion for different tactics would have been less risky. Drop enough swimmers in to create a 1:1 ratio of SEALs to pirates in said liferaft, which would be easy enough to do on a relatvely cloudy night, especially with the SEAL scuba gear that doesn’t leave a trail of bubbles. SEALs pop up around the boat, each grabs a pirate and pulls him back over to finish him off. As an added touch, put the dead pirates back into the boat, and have it returned to whatever hovel it came from to deliver an object lesson not to fuck with the US Navy.
But all you can offer is namecalling while trying to wrap youself in the flag of the country you say is headed for socialist tyranny. Typical rethuglican fascist scum. You’d look good at the end of a noose. Now it’s up to you as to whether or not I’m just indulging in a little Ann Coulter humor, or being dead serious.
@8 I’d like to know who that SEAL (not “seal,” you disrespectful asshole — why do you hate our military heroes?) is, so I can give him a medal and hire him to slap you hard. No, I’m just kidding, I’m not gonna do anything physical to you, that’s just a rightwing joke (a habit left over from my days as a Goldwater conservative that I find hard to break), although I think you could use a firm bitch-slapping to knock some sense into your stupid skull. Maybe we can get your wife or girlfriend to do it. Ooops, that won’t work — I can’t imagine any woman wanting anything to do with an insect like you.
@11 Because they just can’t stand the fact that we’re infinitely more competent than they are. The truth hurts! It hurts bad. The anti-American right is writhing in agony tonight. They were hoping for the captain to get killed, just as they hope for airliners of innocent American citizens to get flown into buildings, because they believe their deaths will help Republicans get elected. Republicans are traitors.
@12 “Considering that it is Standard Operating Procedure to engage a target that is about to commit a murder, I think it’s a stretch to say that the current administration had anything to do with the outcome. ”
I think you’re full of shit.
Jealous of a clearly disturbed person like yourself? Not quite, sunshine.
Obama didn’t so shit. It was the U.S. Military that took control of the situation and brought it to a good ending. The dumbass residing in the whitehouse would have probably tried to pay the ransom. Luckily, the adults in charge overruled the boy king and made the decision for him.
Honestly, roger, you need some psychological help, all kidding aside.
@12 (continued) “Just like a Lib though, can’t help but to criticize the Americans who are willing to serve their country.”
This was Obama’s call, and he called it. From the Associated Press: “Snipers shot the pirates in an operation authorized by President Barack Obama, Vice Adm. Bill Gortney said.” (quoted under fair use) What part of that don’t you understand, freak?
I contend you’re the one who is “criticizing Americans who are willing to serve their country.” Let’s take this one step at a time. Step 1: Obama is an American. (If you don’t believe that, go jerk off in the bathroom, because I don’t want to watch it.) Step 2: Obama is willing to serve his country. (This isn’t easy with pricks like you constantly on his back, and I respect him for it.) Step 3: Obama is the guy who made the decision and had to take responsibility for anything that went wrong; therefore he deserves credit when he makes the right call and things work out well. So either give him the credit he’s earned, you sniveling little baby, or get the fuck out of here so we don’t have to listen to your whimpering.
You rightwingers are all unpatriotic shits, and rarely in history have you slimesuckers ever been more nauseating than you are today.
@15 Rarely do I ever hate anyone, but I despise your ilk and everything your kind stands for today. I’ll bet you butt-fuck your sister. Crawl back under your rock, loooooser boy!!!
To all wingnuts and trolls:
Suck on it, weasels!!
Oops this is making it even MORE likely that the right wing will spend 1000 years in the wilderness. Now the AWOL, coke-snorting, drunk driving coward Bush FAILED his first national security test and 3000 Americans lost their lives when Bush-family friend Osama bin Laden attacked. Too bad Bush and his ilk weren’t as skilled as PRESIDENT OBAMA – also too bad that rejects and cowards like RickyD were rooting for the bad guys here. Sorry RickyD you cum-drunk queen – you LOST we WON! Fuck YOU!
13. Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 Fuck you. Just totally, absolutely, FUCK YOU, you un-American piece of shit.
The Commander in Chief makes the decision; the Commander in Chief takes the responsibility; if it turns out badly the Commander in Chief takes the blame.
If Captain Phillips had been killed, you rightwing haters would be all over him, but it was a success, so you owe him the credit for a successful outcome, you disgusting asshole. You OWE it to him, and I expect you to give him no less, you worthless blob of sewer slime, do you hear me?
Fuck you, fuck you. Go fuck yourself, you disgusting rightwing hater. Fuck your sister, too.
LMFAO…is that all you got?
You need to get your shit straight. I am neither left wing or right wing – I am American.
And I sure as shit am not going to give a politician, ANY POLITICIAN, the credit for what the guys(and gals) on the ground do.
You wanna take pot shots at me? You better bring some better shit than that.
Exposing mental illness is the best cure…I hope Roger’s friends can recognize that he’s clearly disturbed and needs professional help.
28. Rick D. spews:
Exposing mental illness is the best cure…I hope Roger’s friends can recognize that he’s clearly disturbed and needs professional help.
I do not think he has any friends.
Lest anyone forgets what the wingnut talking point on issues like this is, allow me to refresh your recollection:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. … Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
This seditious comment, which brazenly hopes for the deaths of innocent Americans at the hands of terrorists in order to boost GOP electoral fortunes, was posted on Stefan’s blog by Mark Griswold, a former GOP legislative candidate. (“FullContactPolitics” was identified by peripatetic sleuth Richard Pope; or, more accurately, Griswold ID’d himself because Pope did it by finding a comment on (u)SP signed by Griswold using both his screen name and real name.) Here’s a photo of Griswold (he’s the buffoon in the fake cowboy hat): … never mind, ooops, I can’t find that photo anymore. Substitute any photo of a zoo monkey in a black cowboy hat, and you’ll get the idea.
Griswold’s stomach-turning post, hoping for the deaths of airline passengers to promote his personal interests re getting a seat in our state legislature,* isn’t an isolated incident. It represents a common wingnut meme: These swine actually hope for terrorist attacks, innocent deaths, and military failures because they see the suffering of American citizens as their pathway to personal power.
What can you say about people like this? It’s times like these when the English language fails us. The French and Italians are better than we are at verbalizing their feelings about lowlifes who make your skin crawl. Maybe that’s because they had to live through fascist and Nazi occupations. I imagine they invented some new language, words, and modes of expression in those dark years. With a little more practice, maybe we’ll get it down. Since it doesn’t look like the rightwing vermin will go away anytime soon, we’ll probably have the opportunity. For now, I’ll let it go with this parting comment:
* Griswold lost to Frank Chopp, 85% to 15%. It sure makes you wonder about the 15%, doesn’t it?
blah blah blah
Will the cowardly cunt George Bush cry himself to sleep tonight as he compares his miserable performance the first time HE was tested in a national security situation to the success of our great PRESIDENT OBAMA!
America is rejoicing tonight and the Publicans are AGAIN in misery.
@18 Actually, the tactic you wouldn’t work, because they were in an enclosed lifeboat with a fiberglass canopy, with portholes too small to pull the pirates through.
I do think, however, that it’s extremely probably that SEAL swimmers were under and around the lifeboat, waiting for an opportunity to overpower the pirates.
I also assume that, if the pirates had killed the hostage, the lifeboat would have immediately been riddled with automatic weapons fire from the destroyer. I’m sure the pirates knew that.
Playing a waiting game was the right way to play this. The lifeboat wasn’t going anywhere. The pirates had nowhere to go. They knew that if anything happened to the hostage their own longevity would be measured in split seconds. There was plenty of food and water for 5 people aboard the lifeboat, so their strategy probably was to drag the affair out and hope to tire out the Americans — which is totally wishful thinking. All the Americans had to do was wait for the pirates to get tired and nod off. Which I assume they did, and then the SEALs pounced.
This was handled exactly the right way. Never mind the forthing of rightwing idiots who are complaining that it took 5 days (most of that time was spent getting U.S. vessels and SEALs to the scene); they don’t know what they’re talking about.
The truth of the matter is, the pirates had only two options, surrender to the Americans on U.S. terms, and then spend the rest of their lives in an ultra-security lockup on U.S. soil — or die.
They made the wrong choice.
@22 Kiss my rabbit ass. Is that unambiguous enough for your pea brain to comprehend?
I heard Obama flew to the ship on Marine One and actually took the shots himself. He truly is the boy king.
#12 You are absolutely correct.
Obama gave the orders. The adults in the White House are in charge. The military did with precision what they were AUTHORIZED to do by the CIC. Dumbass.
As for the guy in comment 12:
Rules of engagement in a case involving civilian ships and American crew (was not military assets)come directly from the CIC. There are issues here that your blow hard mind is missing. One, there is risk of creating an international incident. Two might involve the reaction from the pirates once the operation was underway. I am sure there were far more assets available and ready for such a scenario.
The White House clearly had command and control of this incident. The fact that this President kept silent in public, did not brag afterward or use the incident to further a political objective speaks volumes about his character and volumes about his predecessors lack of same.
So, fireman, STFU. You are clearly talking out of your considerable ass.
Today is Easter, the Christian celebration of the Resurrection, and of the Christian God’s promise that all sinners will be forgiven if they accept Her love! This is your Come-To-Jesus moment, trolls! Yes, even you will be forgiven if you accept the Prince of Peace as your personal savior! All you have to do is renounce your stupidity, ideology, and hate, and embrace Christ and His teachings of universal peace and love! Don’t miss this once-in-an-eternity opportunity to save your worthless souls! Hey, I’m not saying you’ll get to Heaven, you’re too far gone for that, but if you repudiate Republicanism and Anti-Americanism now, you still may be able to get a cell in Hell with TV and air conditioning. How about it?
(With apologies to Goldy.)
blah blah blah again
12, 35 – The only thing absolute about you two cunts is the depth of your lunacy.
The blowhard @29 alleges that ROGER RABBIT DOESN’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS. It’s time for a Roger Rabbit Poll!
roger you moron, you didnt even get my sarcasm. i said now that a pirate is captured, all you libtards will want to call out the aclu if his rights are violated.
ps especially to goldstein
dont even rejioice in this christian american victory, you hate everyting about this country so get the fuck out and dont spread your inbred filth around here
is spring break for the little kiddies almost over? Roger is your pre-algebra homework finished?
Roger Rabbit Poll
Please indicate your preference for one of the two options below.
[ ] Option A: I’m a friend of America and Roger Rabbit.
[ ] Option B: I’m an America-hating wingnut, and as such, I’m no friend of Roger Rabbit.
[ ]Option C: I am a 14 year old punk on mommy’s computer.
Roger Rabbit Poll Results
America has voted, and the results are pretty much what I expected. Of 131,257,328 total votes cast 52.9% chose Option A and 45.6% chose Option B.
Looks like America’s psychiatrists still have a lot of work to do; and if they don’t succeed, we have jails.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor. Luckily for Republicans, we don’t incarcerate the mentally ill anymore.
@42 How much algebra do you need to be a rabbit?
@44 I’ll put you down as a write-in vote for yourself. Write-ins are allowed, even the self-hating kind.
@41 You think the pirate will go running to the ACLU like REPUBLICAN SENATOR LARRY CRAIG did after he was caught soliciting male sex in a public restroom?
Republicans hate the ACLU until they need legal representation and don’t want to pay for it. Then, they’re more than happy to accept free legal help from the ACLU and the liberal donors who support the ACLU’s work. On any given day, any given Republican hates the ACLU far less than he hates paying for anything out of his own pocket. If there’s anything Republicans love more than their money, it’s other people’s money!
I saw in the Seattle Times yesterday that several dozen U.S. military personnel in Iraq have been prosecuted for stealing millions of dollars of U.S. aid funds provided by American taxpayers. This isn’t a reflection on the U.S. military; it’s only a reflection on the Republicans in the U.S. military. They see their military service as a business opportunity.
Republicans like to brag about how they “own” the military, and claim everyone in the military is Republican. If that’s true, this guy has to be one of theirs, and we now know what Republicans have been doing in the military:
@27 “I am American.”
It doesn’t take any talent to be born here, just the dumb luck of parentage, and if that’s your qualification to be an “American,” I’d like to see a certified copy of your birth certificate to make sure. I’m not going to take your word for it.
Me, I’m a real American, and not because I was born here, or because I’m part of the native fauna. I fought in a shooting war. I wasn’t drafted, either; I enlisted, I volunteered. I’m not only a Vietnam Veteran — I’m an In-Country Nam Vet who served in a front-line combat battalion, and who actually carried an M-16 rifle in The Nam, not one of those in-theater guys who claim to be “Nam Vets” because he was on a ship or refueled Air Force planes on Guam — and after the war was over, I enlisted again in the Army Reserve and helped trained the next generation of defenders.
And your resume is … ?
“I’ve read the AOL forums for about 10 years now,”
That explains so much about Roger and his distorted world view…
WOW that was a just a courageous and tough decision, OMG come on Goldy!
A Policeman makes these kind of decisions on a daily basis.
The Navy Seals and that Captain are the brave ones that showed heroism in this event.
When the Captain talked these pirates into getting into a lifeboat with him, and leaving the ship and crew on that ship, He was the Hero of this event.
The Pirates F’d Up Because the Seals were coming.
So what exactly did Obama do that was courageous in this situation?
uh it’s OK to shoot the dumb shit pirates if you see them pissing out the side of the boat, if you get a chance
The Captain was the Hero and the Seals did what Democrats love to cut.
And What exactly did OBAMA add?
The OK to do what these courageous people do every day successfully?
Take a F’n BOW OBAMA
I Hope no more harder decisions come your way!
What the F did Obama Do?
Read my bunny lips: “I am an American.” You I’m not so sure about; I want to see your birth certificate or your DD-214 to verify your claims.
@54 Any fool can blow cheap talk out of his ass like you’re doing right now. I don’t see YOU over there. All of you trolls are all hat, no cattle. No walk, just talk. You guys are full of enough hot air to fly a fleet of sightseeing balloons over the English Channel!
@38 Translation: “I’m a Republican who has nothing to say, I’m just making noise.”
The closest any of these rednecks have ever gotten to a weapons system is flashing party lasers at SeaTac pilots.
We have powers unimagined by Don Joe and unconstrained by his philosophy. No wonder normal people hate lawyers.
Meanwhile, in King Arthur’s Spamalot, Bukota Hussein Obama saves winsome virgins (us) from the Beastmen (Republicans). Must be some kind of Obamalot allegory.
roger…”rednecks”? i thought u didnt like smears like bigotry or antisemetism?
@60 No allegory here, just an honest politician saving America from kleptocratic bankers and fascist traitors. Killing pirates is all in a day’s work for him. A mere diversion from the Republican fish fry coming soon to federal courts near you.
You’re doing yeoman’s work tonight. The trolls are out. Reason, of course, is on recess with them. Bash them and batter them, for they know not where the truth might lie.
And Now GOLDY is a War Hawk advisor
While his Party decimates all Boeing future weapon systems, and massively cuts Gate’s defense budget.
How’s that Immediate pullout from Iraq going, and is Nato jumping on board for more Afghanistan troops?
Take a bow Goldy, Obama recently did to the leader of the very country that supplied all the terrorists, yes “TERRORISTS” that took down the twin towers.
Take a Bow Goldy! Take a Deep Bow! Watch out behind.
I bet the families of the dead on 9-11 wish PRESIDENT OBAMA was at the helm when we were attacked. Maybe we would have defeated the terrorists instead of sucking on our collective thumbs while the Pretender and Thief read “My Pet Goat.”
@64: So let’s see… conservatives are against pork and waste, unless it’s meant for the US military? Brilliant. I’m enjoying watching the party of hypocrisy collapse in on itself!
53. Roger Rabbit spews:
@27 “I am American.”
It doesn’t take any talent to be born here, just the dumb luck of parentage, and if that’s your qualification to be an “American,” I’d like to see a certified copy of your birth certificate to make sure. I’m not going to take your word for it.
Me, I’m a real American, and not because I was born here, or because I’m part of the native fauna. I fought in a shooting war. I wasn’t drafted, either; I enlisted, I volunteered. I’m not only a Vietnam Veteran — I’m an In-Country Nam Vet who served in a front-line combat battalion, and who actually carried an M-16 rifle in The Nam, not one of those in-theater guys who claim to be “Nam Vets” because he was on a ship or refueled Air Force planes on Guam — and after the war was over, I enlisted again in the Army Reserve and helped trained the next generation of defenders.
And your resume is … ?
Great, so your some 55-65 year old who talks like some dumbass 14 year old…I bet your kids are so proud.
how pathetic.
54. delbert spews:
“I’ve read the AOL forums for about 10 years now,”
That explains so much about Roger and his distorted world view…
I didnt think anyone over the age of 15 even used AOHell anymore.
62. Roger Rabbit spews:
@60 No allegory here, just an honest politician saving America from kleptocratic bankers and fascist traitors. Killing pirates is all in a day’s work for him. A mere diversion from the Republican fish fry coming soon to federal courts near you.
LMFAO @ “honest politician”……The irony of that statement is pure comedy gold.
Okay, ByeByeGOP,
In full 20-20 hindsight, what exactly do you think Obama would have done on 9-11 that would have prevented it?
Do you think he would have grounded all airplanes in the United States, for about a week or so, because of vague intelligence that indicated there might be an attack that way?
Once the attack happened, do you think he would have defied the Secret Service and ordered a return to DC? And if it was under attack, then what? Or do you think he would have jumped out of his chair and started barking out commands, with no knowledge of the situation on the ground?
Keep at it. Yes, I feel safer having someone as president who wants to gut the missile defense budget, while the North Koreans are testing their missiles, or reducing our nuclear capabilities when the Russians/Iranians/North Koreans etc are actively developing nuclear weapons.
Sure. Obama saved the day today. Without his order to proceed according to normal rules of engagement, the captain would be dead, and the pirates would be on their way back home. Sure.
And, Roger, way to post over and over and over and over again. It makes Goldy look like he has quite an audience!
Please, brave knight, do battle with the Rabbit. Let us see whose corpse might lie still upon the field when the lances are laid against the castle for a night’s rest. Ah, indeed, let us see.
66 Pork and Waste how about the Biggest 1.75 Trillion and counting spender of all time in just one year…
Brought to you by who (NOT BUSH)
Don’t talk to me about waste, 1.75 Trillion got us what?
72. proud leftist spews:
Please, brave knight, do battle with the Rabbit. Let us see whose corpse might lie still upon the field when the lances are laid against the castle for a night’s rest. Ah, indeed, let us see.
lol….nah, I prefer to let the moonbat look the fool all by himself.
Nam-vet my ass.
How about dolling that 1.75 Trillion out to the American people so they could pay for a car, keep their homes, send their kids to college, and keep America working, instead of funding Barney Franks favorite campaign contributor Fannie Mae, AIG, GM,etc etc who will get nowhere if the people aren’t buying or spending
Talk about an Ass Backwards approach,
Nice work Seals!
I think the real test is to see if Obama does any chest beating tomorrow. Let’s hope he doesn’t go all George Bush at his next press conference.
@67 “how pathetic”
Whatever happened to “Thank you for your service to our country”?
77. Steve spews:
@67 “how pathetic”
Whatever happened to “Thank you for your service to our country”?
That would be reserved for real vets, not 14 year old posers.
We think Bye, Bye might have fallen on his head as a child. It would explain a lot.
The point being made isn’t that OBAMA SAVED THE DAY, that was the Seals and the crew of the Bainbridge. The point being made is that what happened today is exactly what The Right has been screaming for the last 6 months wouldn’t happen with Obma in the White House.
(That being that Obama issued a standing order to shoot people.)
Righties = wrong again.
I went into Tahoma National Cemetary today, and as I turned the corner entering the place I saw a black US Pickup with flags flying all around it leaving. I stopped to view the truck, and it stopped, the driver got out and saluted the cemetary, then got back in and drove away.
Some understand the sacrifices of freedom, and what hero’s rest here, and some seem to just dispise them.
My father in Law did not die in a war, but he is honored in a Cemetary for his service.
My Uncle was Killed in WWII, My dad recieved a Purple heart, and all of the four brothers in that family went and served to win that war.
Our freedoms have never been more at stake than now. As the thieves of Democracy want to turn this country into a Socialist European Country.
We ran from that or have you all forgotten.
Anyone ever ask themselves why these “pirates” risk their lives, and endanger others? I doubt it. It kinda reminds me of the joy we all felt when our “troops” armed with the latest technology slaughtered thousands of Iraqis, armed with WW2 style weapons in the 1st gulf war. Oh how we love killing folks that weren’t born here. USA USA USA!!!
How many of us would be “pirates” if we were born in the same desperate situation in Somalia? Watching our children starve to death for nightly entertainment. Watching “capitalism” grind our families starving into the dust, while tankers of “spice” go floating by with their hundreds of millions in cargo.
I am glad the captain is safe, but there are 3 dead people that were born with ZERO hope of a better life for themselves and their families, and thus found a brutal end. There is nothing to celebrate. Zero.
I really loved the comments on MSNBC of the people writing in how they wanted us to bomb their Somalian villages. Boy that sure seemed fair. We will bomb you because we can! How dare you starving bastards try to take our treasure!!!!!
Anyone else feel the same way? Has anyone thanked their maker that they were born here today?
Not only must we live like pigs, but we must flaunt it as much as humanly possible.
I’m Damn glad I was born here, but damn Pissed off at the way this current leadership is Pissing away and wracking up 2 Trillion in Defecit spending in one year. With no damn clue where it is going or what it is helping.
The people in charge are completely clueless – and its been that way for years.
In the end, this will probably cost some American lives. The next US freighter to get pirated may get a different greeting from the Somali pirates.
Then we will hear from all the opportunistic Republican partisans how horribly Obama handled the situation.
I am glad the American Captain is safe, but it is too bad we this will not stop the piracy peacefully. What happens next time pirates take Americans?
Might be time to revisit the convoy/armed escort system of shipping goods via sea in that region…
who says history never repeats itself…
gs: “Our freedoms have never been more at stake than now. As the thieves of Democracy want to turn this country into a Socialist European Country.”
I guess I won’t criticize your failure to make a sentence of your last attempted sentence (all you had to do, man, was drop the “As”). We are a nation that wants to spread democracy, yet we have people like you, who somehow think that democracy doesn’t prevail here. The reality, gs, is that democracy in the good old US of A is alive and strong. Your side lost. That happens. Our side has lost many times; Reaganism was transcendent for 25 years. Reaganism, like its forebear, is now dead. Get used to it. Elections matter, and elections indicate you are a dwindling minority. I know that doesn’t feel good, but truth hurts. Grow up, and get it.
12 Huh? Did you even bother to read what I posted, or did you just copy-and-paste from your list of cute responses Michelle Malkin was kind enough to provide for you once you saw that it was posted by a non-troll?
The decision to pull the trigger was no doubt made at the scene, and done according to pre-established procedures. However, to send the Bainbridge to deal with the situation in the first place, and to bring additional forces to bear when another group of pirates tried to join the festivities, would have been the decision of the Commander-In-Chief.
#82 gs, All that money is going to fill the holes The Bush Crime Family, and 30 years of Reaganomics dug in case you don’t want to notice. It must be hard to make sense in your Dem=Bad Con=Good fantasy world.
I am pissed to. I remember a news story a couple years ago where the Bush Administration threatened our Attorney General if he tried to enforce our state’s banking laws. There’s deregulation, and then there is the mafia.
“Predatory Lenders’ Partner in Crime”
I know the righties want to pretend Bush (and Reaganomics for that matter) never existed, but realty always bites them in the ass. In fact it has eaten a bunch of asses whole in the last 6 months.
You keep on blaming Dems for the destruction of manufacturing, and the middle class, and I will keep laughing at you and your type. When you use the term freedom, you must be talking about the corporations, freedom to rape and pillage, and even kill our citizens. (see Vioxx – All those people died taking Vioxx, and no one went to prison for murder, even though the execs knew how dangerous it was, and hid the information) Especially with half of our elected officials working for them instead of us, because they fund their campaigns, and surround them with lobbyists 50 deep.
You know what’s really funny. There are a lot more Americans wanting to move to these “Socialist” countries, than their citizens wanting to move here. Strange isn’t it?
JanetS you ignorant slut – you took the bait you stupid bitch.
“In full 20-20 hindsight, what exactly do you think Obama would have done on 9-11 that would have prevented it?”
Let’s see – since his family isn’t best friends with the bin Laden family, he wouldn’t have let his business interests get in the way of protecting American lives. He would have listened to the warnings that President Clinton’s people gave about the movements of the terrorists, he would have given the order to kill Bush-family friend bin Laden when the Predator drone had him in its sights – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg bitch!
“Do you think he would have grounded all airplanes in the United States, for about a week or so, because of vague intelligence that indicated there might be an attack that way?”
No as I indicated he would have killed bin Laden. One thing he WOULDN’T have done that AWOL Bush did was let the bin Ladens and the rest of the Saudi Royals sneak out of the country while the rest of us were grounded.
“Once the attack happened, do you think he would have defied the Secret Service and ordered a return to DC? And if it was under attack, then what? Or do you think he would have jumped out of his chair and started barking out commands, with no knowledge of the situation on the ground?”
Let’s see you’re selling that same old lie they got caught selling at your church of Faux News. The Secret Service has admitted they never gave Bush instructions to stay anywhere – plus who was the President? If Bush didn’t have the balls to stand up to the Secret Service no doubt it explains why he didn’t have the balls to get bin Laden. And sitting on your ass, staring into space reliving your drunk-driving days as a college youth while reading “My Pet Goat” would surely not have been on PRESIDENT OBAMA’S list of things to do.
“Keep at it. Yes, I feel safer having someone as president who wants to gut the missile defense budget, while the North Koreans are testing their missiles, or reducing our nuclear capabilities when the Russians/Iranians/North Koreans etc are actively developing nuclear weapons.”
Keep lying bitch – why not spread that false meme started by that old pervert Mitch McConnell and try to tell us PRESIDENT OBAMA is gutting the defense budget when in fact he raised it 11%. You idiots have to make shit up to keep your lies going and in case you didn’t notice, America sent you cunts packing becuase of it. You lost because fools like you keep bending over for Karl Rove and you keep spreading lies that are so obvious YOUR PET GOAT would have seen through them.
“Sure. Obama saved the day today. Without his order to proceed according to normal rules of engagement, the captain would be dead, and the pirates would be on their way back home. Sure.”
It’s about time you got a dose of truth and reality. Maybe there’s hope for your aids-infested brain yet!
Don’t you feel bad hoping our country will fail and don’t you think that as a traitor, you should just go find a shotgun and blow your head off? Be honorable for once in your worthless life.
Pirates have already said that next time they’ll kill hostages.
The hoo-rah stuff sickens me, see my comment @76. There should be no chest beating, no high fives. There SHOULD be an effort to understand what is going on in Somalia and an effort to end the suffering and poverty there that drives people to piracy.
But, their poverty in no way justifies piracy or threatening peoples lives. The pirate that gave up is alive and being treated humanly the ones that didn’t are dead. The dead ones are dead because of their own actions.
I’m willing to bet, now that the pirates know it’s no longer easy pickings and that their actions could get them killed there will be fewer pirates.
Excuse me, Bush would have taken the direction of Clinton, and shot Bin Laden? Huh? Clinton didn’t kill Bin Laden on the multiple chances he had, so I doubt there was much direction given here to the new administration.
Too bad you can’t have a rational discussion. It sure doesn’t take much to force you into demonstrating that you have no logic or facts, just a lot of blowhard bloviating.
Kind of funny and pathetic. But not too persuasive.
#91 Janet. Clinton could (supposedly) have killed Bin Laden once (not multiple times) but would have had to kill another country’s leaders at the same time. That would have caused more problems that letting Bin Laden live. I am sure you don’t have the capacity to understand this, but still…. Now go get some more talking points from the Faux Propaganda Channel!!! I am sure they have a whole new batch of lies for tomorrow. Seems funny how that truth stuff always seems to back all my positions doesn’t it?
I’ve got ancestors that fought in all the big wars going all the way back to the Revolution.
My dad served during Korea (state side) 2 of my uncles were in Korea, 2 were Marines in ‘Nam. All of them are soft-spoken. None are flag wavers. All are proud of their service and their country. They just show it in different ways.
One of my great uncles came back from WWI with a whole bunch of ribbons and medals (lost half a lung in the process). During WWII he worked as a guard in a German POW camp. At the end of the war the POW’s gave him a medal and anointed him the best guard in the camp. My great uncle was more proud of and more likely to talk about the medal he got from the POW’s than from WWI. You see, he felt it was a far better and more noble thing to care for people and to try and and understand them than it was to kill them.
Our differentness from you doesn’t make us wrong and it doesn’t threaten you or our country.
Kinda funny you mention that. Some of my ancestors came to America fleeing a death sentence on the Isle of Wright for piracy!
Which I’d already discussed in a previous thread the other day. Nice of you to admit that I’m right.
Democrats – faster, stronger, smarter.
So Janet S does what the right wing asswipes always do – just pretend she won an argument that she lost by a mile. Talk about pathetic. Go back to pulling trains on the homeless people under the bridge bitch. Maybe someone there will believe you. And since you couldn’t refute a single point I made – I’ll just assume you realize I was right. Thanks. Education is always free here at HA!
OMG I laughed so hard I spit out my coffee.
These stupid fucks are the VOICE and FACE of the Publican party. That’s ALL you need to know to understand why Democrats BEAT THE HOLY FUCK out of the Publican party on Nov 4.
This is why JanetS/PuffyButt/CYNCYN loooooooose. They have no leader other than a false TV network.
Hey Goldy, How about getting your misogynist trolls in line in this waste treatment facility you call a blog.
I thought you were raising a daughter after the wife left you.
One thing is for certain, you’re not leaving much of an example for her to follow here.
Let’s see…
Um, I don’ hear anyone complaiing about the $1.3 trillion deficit from Bush’s last year in office. Anyone?
The Somali piraets ramped up operations in 2006-2006. Seems like Junior Codpiece and Darth Cheney somehow MASSIVEly FAILed to stem their operations. In fact, when a government that could potentially maintain order in Somalia started to pull together, the ever-vigilant Bush administration backed the Ethiopian invasion that shattered the nascent Somali government and turned the whole country back into pirate territory.
Congratulations to president Obama for ordering and guiding the operation and to the men who executed it for skill and courage under fire.
On Dori Monson’s blog over at he just did a blog about all the different kinds of blog commenters. Which one are you?
@98: Hahaha
Irony of all ironies. Little Ricky D. wants to clean up the trolls.
The right wing hate machine advocates want to limit free speech on a liberal blog. You and your fellow rightwingnuts shoot out racist remarks, anti-semetic garbage and worship torturers – and suddenly you want Goldy to clean up this comment section?
And @91: Janet – that crap about “Clinton could have killed bin Laden” has been debunked so many times, yet you are still repeating the same old lies. There was no clean shot, period.
It was Bush who ignored the warnings from the Clinton administration about bin Laden. It was the republicans who claimed that Clinton was making a fuss over bin Laden to distract attention from “Monica” – their favorite topic. It was Bush who said that bin Laden did not matter. It was Bush who let bin Laden go when he was trapped and failed to commit US troops to capture him in Bora bora. It was Bush who instead went into Iraq – a nation that posed NO threat to us.
Nope – the record of the republicans on bin Laden is one of ignorance, failure and lies. You are not only wrong – but you are putting forward the lies and propaganda of the rightwingnuts. OUr you so dumb you can’t tell the truth are are you just trying to fool people?
Who bothers to read Dori Monson? The guy is a complete idiot. He was an on air cheerleader for Bush and the Iraq war – he guranteed that we would find WMDs and he ridiculed anone who said Iraq was not a threat.
Well, he was dead wrong and he never has admitted it. He lost all credibility after that.
I got on the air with him once – and he cut me off because I was clobbering him – he is a coward and a fool. He can’t stand up to anyone who knows the facts – so he cuts and runs.
I agree. It’s just a funny look at the various types of blog commenters, that’s all. I doubt it’s even his original list, but I just thought you guys would enjoy it, that’s all.
@103: It is a funny list, thabnks.
Is there anyone alive more willfully ignorant and proud of it than Dori Monson?
YLB : not many are more purposely stupid than Monson.
He takes that Bush Whitehouse mantra of “be suspicious of science and smart people” seriously – every day of the week on his show. Instead, Monson relies on conspiracy theories and heresay to inform his opinions.
gs @55: you got that bassackwards, as usual. Democrats like to cut ridiculous gold-plated weapons systems Republicans build to keep their military contractor pals happy, rich and donating to their campaigns.
Republicans like to cut military personnel budgets, and benefits. Like medical care for vets.
Something tells me those Navy seals weren’t using gold-plated GOP weapons systems to take those pirates out.
Oh no?
She might just make note of a few things that the mega-media seem to be institutionally unable to comprehend. Like the not-so-surprising truth that “vulgar” language is nothing more than words. And that the power of ideas will transcend arbitrarily “offensive” sounds every time. And that in an unfiltered, unchecked, free exchange, stupid heel-clicking ideas designed to stimulate the reptilian brain ultimately lose out to reason based upon evidence.
And all the evidence supports the reasoned conclusion that you really are an asswipe – an asswipe who is more afraid of language than of tyranny.
71 “In full 20-20 hindsight, what exactly do you think Obama would have done on 9-11 that would have prevented it?”
Well, to start with, listened to Richard Clarke.
Diddled Luvr farts:
Care to back that up with some fax dude? 2008 deficit was approximately $486 Billion give or take a few billion.
Care to deliver da facts dude? Puddy doubts it as it’ll be another cut and run job.
NutRight barfed:
Man NutRight, how was this debunked? You read it on the kook-aid sites. Let Puddy help you becum educated. It will sear your eyes with the truth. He details the July 1996 Wimbledon event where Clinton would not answer Berger’s requests to take out Bin Laden. End of Story fool. Patterson carried the nuclear football.
What I’ve been hearing over the last few days is Republicans all but wishing out loud for the terrorists to win because then they could beat up on Obama.
110 Pud
Wow, you’re fucking dumb.
The budget year from Bush’s last year in office in the FY 2009 budget year, that officially runs from from Oct. 1 2008 (remember who was in office?) to Sept. 30, 2009, but is based on the presidential budget requests from early spring 2008.
However, you’re right, I DID get that figure wrong. My figures came from two months ago. They’ve recalculated (the effects of the Bush global economic crisis have deepened) THIS YEAR’S deficit (stemming, as I pointed out, from Bush’s last year in office) at $1.7 trillion.
Whether it was SEALS swimming up to the lifeboat, or the snipers, the operation worked good. The important thing was not let them get their hostage ashore. Last time we were in this situation, where it ended up with a Marine Assault on an alleged shore-based stronghold of the captors, it was a disaster. The crew of the Mayaguez, according to intelligence people, were held on Kaoh Tang Island. One problem, despite the watchful eye air cover had on the island, the Kmer Rouge had let the crew go. They were found adrift in a fishing boat. The only assault needed to rescue in that situation was the S.S. Mayaguez herself, adrift in the Gulf of Siam(or is it called the Gulf of Thailand now). The casualties from the operation, 15KIA, 50 Wounded, 3 MIA, and 23 killed in a helicopter that crashed due to mechanical failure. The intel could have been better, but the operation was a success, the crew and ship were back in American Hands. The boarding party that was launched from th frigate USS Harold E. Holt(named after an Australian PM by the way, who risked unpopularity at home by sending Australian troops to Vietnam), found a ship that was empty of crew, and hijacker.
Maersk Sealand owns some of the assets of the company that owned the Mayaguez, Sealand. CSX sold the overseas operation years ago, to Maersk. The Mayaguez was scrapped in 1979. She was a converted WWII era Victory Ship, the SS White Falcon.(I think it was a Victory Ship, those had steam turbines, the Liberty Ships had Triple Expansion Steam Engines, jokingly called the engines Noah had on the Ark).
111 Pud
Just because you swallow whatever horseshit Regnery Publishing sees fit to ladle out to their dupes, don’t expect real people to.
I chose not to deride RickD for his posts on this thread even though he wasn’t up to the level of debate that he had with Don Joe last week. I figured that sooner or later Puddy would show up and really show us the meaning of “lowering the bar”, giving us the usual dose of his utterly insane wingnuttery and infantile namecalling. Looking @110 and 111, Puddy didn’t disappoint.
@103 Troll spews: “I just thought you guys would enjoy it, that’s all.”
Thanks. However, I didn’t see descriptions matching up to Puddy and Mr. Klynical. Maybe if we looked through the American Journal of Psychiatry we’ll find something that fits.
Must be nice to live in Conservative’s Oppositeland.
When nothing obvious was done for a couple of days, It was all Obama’s fault, he was a failure.
Yet when the problem was resolved, Obama wasn’t a success, then, it’s the good decisions of the military.
You all just cannot conceive giving any credit to Obama and calm rational people. It’s simply not in your worldview.
I don’t think most of you do not appreciate the overall strategic thinking that went into setting up the firing solution for the sniper team. The reason being is that the lifeboat was being towed by the destroyer at 25 meters, or 75 yards. For a SEAL trained sniper this is the equivalent of Joe six pack shooting a deer at 10’. The brilliance was in the towing of the lifeboat at this distance. For those of you who’ve never been to sea what you don’t realize is that the wake of the destroyer smoothes out the water behind the ship at this distance. Giving them a relatively stable target to shoot at. Don’t think for a second that SEAL snipers don’t train to shoot from a floating position. While it’s true shooting from moving ship to another vessel adds a degree of difficulty it isn’t what you think.
The SEAL’s would have been concealed from the pirates view on the fantail of the ship. This would give them a relatively flat trajectory reducing the chance of an errant round hitting the hostage and falling safely in the water. Also, the permission to “execute” the shot did not come from an on scene commander. No doubt the SEAL’s were mic’d and talking directly with someone at CENTCOM or NAVCENT. No one at the scene level, including the captain of the USS Bainbridge, has that kind of authority over a special ops mission.
The use of a sniper team was the correct tactical decision. I don’t think any of you can fully appreciate the difficulty for a combat swimmer using a rebreather UBA, to climb out of the water with combat gear and not give away the element of surprise. Even if you could manage to get a fire team on board without the pirates knowledge you have one way into the watertight, capsule like lifeboat. No doubt your hostage would be in the line of fire as the team entered. And exposing themselves to AK-47 fire as they tried to enter the boat. Not a good scenario.
In this instance, the hostage was down below and the three pirates made the fatal mistake of exposing their head and shoulders above deck. That’s all it took to make cherry pie. One shot, one kill. Or in this case 3 shots, 3 kills simutaneously
President Obama does get credit for making the decision to use force. There are many options to consider besides the use of force. The 3 a.m. phone call came and the president responded decisively. We should all be thankful he made the right decision, and we should be even more thankful to those who executed a flawless mission. From the shooters to the crew of the USS Bainbridge, to the P-3 Orion pilots to the FBI hostage negotiators working from VA.
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, the standoff ability of snipers worked best in this situation. What is needed is a better way of keeping the ships safe in the first place. Here is an interesting commentary from a master mariner that has a column in Professional Mariner magazine. It was written months ago.
BTW, for anyone interested, President Obama’s first budget request is the FY 2010 budget (named “A New Era of Responsibility”) at
Escort vessels for merchant ships is a tremendously expensive proposition the cost of which most merchant carriers will not bear.
First Goldy, it’s SEAL no Seal.
Second, all the accolades go to the men who carried out the mission succesfully. According to CNN the SEAL team parachuted onto the Bainbridge…Think about that.
IMO good job President Obama. You did your job. Was this some kind of great test? Not in my opinion. Our president did his job to protect American lives. All the fawning praise for the President misses who the real heroes are…
Ohhhh…ricky’s iin a snit ’cause we disssed his moronic girl friend (they met on the short bus…lol)…
Captain Sweeney, who appears on all kinds of radio talk shows on this one(Dave Ross, KPOJ Mornings in Portland, Coast to Coast, and I think Alex Jones as well, just to give a few examples), mentioned that the ZIM line out of Israel gives the crewmembers each an Uzi and instruction on how to use it. Many Cargo lines would not want the liability. I wonder if Lloyds of London are the ones insuring the ransom. I doubt they like paying out. Captain Sweeney also mentions a problem with convoys, they can only go as fast as the slowest ship. In WWII, thankfully standardization around Liberty Ships and Victory Ships helped. THe Queen Mary got to sail alone because no U-Boat could catch it, although to augment the AA Battery put on board her, they had to have an AA Cruiser provide escort as she approached British Waters. The problem was, it was an older , slower WWI cruiser that could only keep up if she did not zig-zag, while the QM was zig-zagging. On one occasion, the Queen Mary sliced through the older cruiser HMS Curacao and sank her, and just kept going. The QM had a very vital load for the war effort. Usually 16000 troops, an entire division at the time.
The Gulf of Aden is already seeing some ships bypassing it for the southern tip of Africa in an attempt to shake pirate attacks, but then there are pirates off the West Coast of Africa. The next choke point North of the Gulf of Aden, is the Suez Canal, it being bypassed could be disaster for Egypt. A few weeks ago, the Russian Nuclear-Powered Guided Missile Cruiser Pytr Veliky(Peter the Great, father of the Russian Navy) fought off some pirates. This area is already crawling with Warships, better coordination is needed, though. The EU, Russia, China, Malaysia, USA to name a few, and Japan looking for a loophole to allow the JMSDF Destroyers en route to the area to assist ships flying flags other than Japan(their constitution, written by us, by the way) forbids it.
I found this BBC piece on the 19th century solution, based on how the British ended the Slave Trade. It was not enough to catch the slavers on the high seas(although the patrols off the African Coast turned out to be one of the last missions our older sail powered frigates were suited before. The History Channel did a good documentary on the USS CONSTELLATION doing a patrol off the coast of the Africa in 1859-1861, as flagship of the Africa Squadron. When they caught a slaver on the high seas, they took the ship to Liberia and freed the slaves there), some British Officers would take it one step further, and go after the ports where they loaded up at.
To extend the scope of Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force operations in the area, they are expanding the definition to Japan-Linked ships. The Japanese Constitution limits the military to Self-Defense, but the definition of self-defense needs to be reviewed from time to time.
Yep PRESIDENT OBAMA did his job and protected American lives. Too bad that drunk-driving AWOL coward Bush didn’t do his on 9-11.
Other news from the Somalia Area, they tried to get a U.S. Congressmember, Rep. Donald Payne(D-NJ), who was visiting Mogadishu to meet with the leaders of the fledgeling Somali Government. Not too many Congressmembers have been killed in the line of duty, and thankfully he is safe now.
Uh BBG, that captain was held for 5 days and nights….Hardly a “sneak” attact. The captors islolated themselves on a life boat, which was being pulled by a destroyer for crying out loud. They weren’t going anywhere.
The president didn’t prevent the pirates from taking their hostage.
In the early days of WWII, it was not hard to miss an American Flagged ship, being Neutral, we painted the flag pretty big on the side of the ship. Although we did try to engage U-Boats even before Pearl Harbor. At least three attacks on US Destroyers, including the USS Kearney damaged, and USS Reuben James(DD-245) sunk, 31 October, 1941. A folk singer immortalized the ship in song, you would be surprised by who that folk singer was. Woody Guthrie.
(I used to prefer the Johnny Horton version myself)
Continuing my post at 129, I was wondering how long until Nashville immortalizes this in song.
Glad to see that all you ACLU liberals have suddenly evolved into Real Americans. In a Chicago Minute you’ve morphed from limp wimps into swaggering arrogant cowboys ridin’ the relevant range of gunboat diplomacy.
Surely pirates and the root causes of piracy are misunderstood by you neo-cowboy imperialists. Surely pirates have rights. Where’s Miranda when you need him? Where are the Geneva conventions? Fair trials in civilian courts? Court-appointed ACLU lawyers? Why aren’t Rabbit and Don Joe rushing with writs to the International Court of Justice? Why isn’t Cowboy Obama being hauled into the World Court as a war criminal from the Somali freedom fighters’ assymetric Terror War?
This just in.
Conservatives heap high praise on Obama when he personally jumps from a burning helicopter he was piloting, takes out a nest of terrorist armed with AK47s using only a rusty can opener. He then stops an assassin trying to kill Newt Gigrich. Obama kills the assassin at the airport with a spectacular flying side kick through the windscreen as the car bears down on him. Then the terrorist attack a shopping mall in North Dakota where people are doing their Easter shopping. During the attack, Obama comes into the mall and engages the terroists, tracks down the whole group and stops them all while on his blackberry helping solve the bank crisis. Then Obama foils a plan to bomb a fundamentalist megachurch and attack a group of people waiting outside a gun store. Finally Obama saves a school bus full of home school children from a bomb that was about to detonate, before appearing at a state dinner.
Makes about as much sense….
129-130: What were their names?
FDR, in violation of America’s official neutrality, placed cargo ships and escort convoys in harm’s way and Hitler’s way. Is it too late for Granny Pelosi to start impeachment proceedings against the liberal Democrat president who misled and lied us into war on two fronts when we were unprepared for a one-front war?
And isn’t interesting that the Woody-Guthrie Left was ostentatiously oblivious to Hitler when Hitler and Stalin were fuck buddies, but that Guthrie and the Left found their voices and indignation about Hitler when Germany marched Back in the USSR?
Almost as interesting as our new improved Left that suddenly appreciates a quick-draw president for whom human rights and Geneva Conventions are living and breathing and elastic as Silly Putty.
Stoner Goldstein
Roger Maggot
Dave Ross
Don “Draggle” O’Neill
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Tim Geithner
Not Very Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Pepsodent Patty Murray
Kaka Maria Cantwell
Michael Moore, a big fat idiot
Naomi Klein
Everybody on NPR
Crypto-fascist Bill Moyers, G-Man
Chris “Tingle” Matthews
Mike Malloy
Rachel Maddow
Randi “Bounce Your Boobies” Rhodes
Greg Nickels
Chancho Lacata
Ron Sims, here or there
Robert “Sheets” Byrd
John Edwards
Al Gore
John Kerry
Tom Daschle
Barbara Boxer
Jimmy Carter
@ 134:
WOW! I would never have put myself on a list of great presidents, esteemed politicians, world renowned news organizations, and political commentators.
Thanks! What an honor.
WAIT A MINUTE!!!! That piece of shit Pelosi doesn’t belong with us.
Jon DeVore
Susan Sarandon
Tim Robbins
Tom Robbins
Cindy Sheehan
Lindsay Lohan
Granny Pelosi stays on the list, altho she’s probably dead
Frank Rich
Mark Rich
Richie Rich
Maureen Dowd
Janet Reno
Mad Madame Mim
Mad Madeleine Albright
J. William Fulbright, RIP
Dennis Rodham Rodman
Frank Chopp
Tomahawk Chop
Ted Turner
Hanoi Jane Fonda
Gordon Brown
Vlad the Impaler Putin
Kim Jong Il
Alec Baldwin
Joel Connelly
Charlie Rangel
Barney Frank
Chris Dodd
David Brock
Geov Parrish
Dan Savage
Erika C. Barnett
Eli Sanders
Joni Balter
Ryan Blethen
Nicole Brodeur
David Broder
Paul Krugman
Broadway Joe
DON JOE, Screw him and the billable hours he rode in on
… and the Twitter twit who came on here a few months ago with William Butler Yeats’ Second Coming, as if we didn’t know about Yeats and what is probably the 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th most known poem in our language. At least to an older generation that used to pay attention to poems. At least those that didn’t use ‘bitch’ and ‘ho’ as the tag ends of their couplets.
(Yeats trivia: Check his book, A Vision, for the deep background of Second Coming.)
Oh my gosh. How could I have forgotten? The one person MORE willfully ignorant than Dori Monson, than Rush Limbaugh than every single loser that comments at (un)SP and every single troll at HA
The most willfully ignorant and self-deluded:
the HNMT…
and the most boring.. which EXACTLY explains my faux pas.
My apologies.
Awwwwwwwww. I’m so touched that you consider me to be such a dangerous person.
Now go kill yourself, traitor.
@ 136
DON JOE, Screw him and the billable hours he rode in on
Geeze. And all because I told him that “anal-retentive” is hyphenated.
this is some funny shit..
all you party hacks are entertaining, even though you will burn the country down just so “your side” wins….
Here is the latest PuddyList of HA weasel libtard party hacks. If Puddy missed someone stand up and be counted.
proud loony and his goat
daddy love
Piper is stupid
Piper Sucks
Ann Coulter’s vagina
tadfuio;zxchjn’s vagina
jon devore
Carl Left Foot Grossman
jean goodperson
horse whisperer
joel connelly
proud leftist
eyman Owes Me $500,000
real american
the blatantly obvious
sam spade
Luigi Giovanni
daniel k
felix fermin
neil b
perfect voter
ylb – clueless wonder
roger rabbit
boeing bob
broadway joe
rightstillstupid – Left Turn – stillbentover – byebyegop
tommy thompson
poster child
headless lucy – col biff – etc.
treeFrogFarmer – killatroll
David (2)
chris tefan
Undercover Brother
don joe
jsa on commercial drive
John Barelli
harry poon
yer killin me
Richard Pope
blue john
liberal dragon
Broadway joe,
Wow, you must be living in complete bliss because your level of ignorance.
First of all, those nifty SCUBA breathing apparatus that don’t leave bubbles climbing to the surface are called re-breathers. Second of all, do you have any idea how to board a small life raft, wearing Combat gear, and weapons, to attack a force with guns trained at the good captains head? The most dangerous part of this operation is going over the rail. In this case, the subject boat is so small, and partially encapsulated that the decision to take out the Terrorists via snipers was probally the safest bet for not only the captain but also the SEALS. Really, think about it. A 25 Meter shot Versus swimming to a boat, that is being towed by another larger boat, making a undetected boarding and neutralizing 3 terrorists BEFORE they kill the hostage on a LIFE RAFT! Tell you what, leave the rescuing of American civilians to the professionals. And attempting to armchair quarterback a successfull mission, without a basic understanding of warfare or military tactics, is well just plain ignorant.
Thanks, Puddy, for including me in your Libtard Hall of Fame list. :)
GBS, anytime. You know how Puddy “really” feels about you, SEAL! You were one of the few with a capital!
@142: I am proud to be on the list too!
Rather be a “libtard” than a wingnut republican devoid of principles and whining all the time (like a hound dog!).
I have to marvel at the mental defect that compels someone to compile an enemies list of people whose only sin is embarrassing this person online, keep it around for years, periodically add more names, then proudly roll it out for the world to see, and never once have it occur to this person that this is not normal behavior, but is instead quite pathetic, especially when one considers that none of the people on this enemies list give its author a second thought.
My advice to all HA readers: if you’ve got a list of People-Who-Will-Get-Theirs lying around, it’s time to reexamine your life.
Add me to the list.
add me too.
Chris Hedges
Chris Gargoyle Gregoire
Al Franken
Hurricane Katrina Vandenheuvel
Bernardine Dohrn
Bill Ayers
Jeremiah Bullfrog Wright
Victor Navasky
Elizabeth Kolbert
Colbert and his Report
Jane Mayer
Jan Wenner
Jon Meachem
Eleanor Clift
Eleanor Smeal
Anna Quindlen
Seattle Jew
(anal retentive may or may not have a hyphen, depending on how it’s used and who is using it, just as you, Don Joe, may or may not have a hymen, depending on how you were used)
Bill Maher
Jon Stewart
Stewart Udall
Mo Udall
The Other Udall
Ted Sorensen
Bill McKibben
Hot Rod Blago
Norm Coleman lost!
The Right Wing Blows!
Another TJ
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Eliot Spritzer
Barbra Streisand
Paul Krugman again
but NOT GBS, a great American, who is not on anybody’s Enemies List or Emily’s List
I see I made your enemies list twice. Let me express my heartfelt gratitude. Any suggestions regarding how I might make a third appearance?
I never did read the results of our troll’s March Madness tourney, their alternative to the Golden Goat. Who won? Or did their little tourney fall apart like everything else conservative?
I believe that endeavor ended as most conservative endeavors end–with premature ejaculation: no one is satisfied, hopes were shattered, and there’s still a mess to clean up.
Honored to be on Puffybutt – the OREO’s list of patriots. Your wife says hello Puffy.
So anyway, what’s up with Puddy’s having compiled such a list? Is he jealous of the Republican congressman who has a list of seventeen supposed socialists serving in congress? It’s just that this strikes me as being kind of strange.
I don’t know Steve. I guess he’s obsessed or something.
By the way, Puddy, please add me to your list.
Puddy has some demons he really should confront. I don’t suspect, however, that such might happen anytime soon.
Puddy has 57 names!
proud leftist, Puddybud and his demons are one and the same.
Can you add me to your list Puddybud?