The state Senate has taken up debate on SB 5895, the Homeowners Bill of Rights. There’s a bunch of strikers to deal with, so it could take a bit.
UPDATE–The bill passed 25-24. What took so long was not the strikers but the Republicans bowing down before their lords and masters at the BIAW and predicting the entire economy will be destroyed by allowing homeowners to be made whole when shoddy construction occurs. Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, led things off for the GOP by scoffing at the idea that those in construction trades should be certified to do the work properly.
Yeah, that’s nuts. ‘Cause if the guy who put a black iron fitting between my water meter and water service line had known what he was doing, then it wouldn’t have corroded seven years later and spewed thousands of gallons of water down the street, and I wouldn’t have had to find a plumber I could pay to fix it. That is an economic problem, meaning less work for contractors to fix mistakes they shouldn’t have made in the first place.
Senator Janéa Holmquist, R-Ephrata, ended the Republican homage to the BIAW by taking a swipe at former state senator Brian Weinstein, who worked repeatedly during his tenure to pass the bill in that chamber, calling the bill “Son of Weinstein.” Then she gave a little “cutie-pie” look like the smart alec kid in the class who thinks she just made a good one. I’m sure the Sith Lords are very proud, Sen. Holmquist.
The bill, as is commonly done, was transmitted to the House. (Yeah, I know.) That’s another day.
Weinstein called me during the debate to express his congratulations to the Senate Democrats and especially Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Medina, the prime sponsor.
Whew. That was fun!
I’m not gonna dig a new burrow for myself until this bill passes! A home is too big an investment to not be careful. Honest rabbits have nothing to fear from a homeowners bill of rights.
Maybe the thing to do is to find these lousy contractors and burn them at the stake as a lesson to others who might be tempted to build shitty homes and buildings.
Hey, it worked in the Middle Ages….
You KLOWNS seem to think the Democrat Legislature and Governor are capable of multi-tasking.
At a time when the $8.3 BILLION Budget Shortfall and the $20 BILLION or so UNDERFUNDED State Retirement Fund should be the only issues to focus on, the Sideshow Geniuses are screwing around with yet another high cost addition to the cost of housing at a time when new construction is virtually non-existent.
What a bunch of KLOWNS.
My prediction…the Legislature and Governor have schemed up a legal avenue to raise taxes in conflict with the will of the people…and will spring it on us at the last minute.
Some folks have been trying to get PUBLIC RECORDS from the Dept. of Revenue to see what the Governor & Democrat Legislators are up to…but our OPEN GOVERNMENT proponents are hiding behind some weak Legislative privilege.
At a time when we truly need open government, it’s the Unions & Democrats scheming in the darkness.
Mr. Sin-ical at 3 wrote:
“At a time when we truly need open government, it’s the Unions & Democrats scheming in the darkness.”
So, uh, Mr. Sin-ical, where were you when VP Cheney, Big Oil, and Big Energy where scheming in the darkness of the VP’s office in late November early December of 2000?
You remember the “rolling brown-outs” they created that triggered a recession in California by manipulating electrical prices. Which in turn caused the largest state economy in the union to falter which triggered the mild recession of 2001. Where they plotted the take over of Iraqi oil field and drooled over Halliburton and its subsidiary KBR getting no bid contracts. KBR who’s HQ is located in the Cayman Island so they don’t have to pay a dime in taxes to America. The same KBR that operated illegally in Iran while Dickhead Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton.
The 2 trillion dollars it’s going to ultimately cost fucking around in Iraq I can handle. But, it’s the 4,000+ brave American soldiers who had to die to make them rich is what bothers me. Oh, and people like you who trashed Gold Star Mothers that were RIGHT to protest the illegal, undemocratic, and unpatriotic dictatorship of George W. Bush.
Where were you when oil skyrocketed to $147 per bbl and we were paying nearly $5 bucks a gallon?
Save it, you dead-ender.
In case you’ve been snoozing since November 4, 2008, America totally rejected the American Taliban Party formerly known as the Republican Party. Or as Dino Super Loser would put it: the GOP.
Stop with the Taliban playbook, OK? B-O-R-I-N-G!
@4 “Mr. Sin-ical”
Update, GBS. Due to his on-going failure to deal with his Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), some of us now refer to him as “Mr. Clynical”.
You are pathetic…how many letters have you written to families of the War victims.?
How many phone calls have you made?
Obama is collapsing.
Gregoire and the State Dems are collapsing.
You KLOWNS are good at winning elections but lousy at performing once in power.
You are better in the minority…which is where you are headed beginning in 2010.
Kountry Klubber Steve–
Stop posting after your 3 martini snoot-full after 18-holes at your Kountry Klub.
I can tell you are drunk…again.
I’d drink too if I posted the Leftist Trash you post and then go running down to your Kountry Klub to play golf and drink while children are starving and old people are dying.
You have ZERO conscience Kountry Klubber Steve.
Grow up.
Use those big monthly Kountry Klub dues to feed & shelter the homeless!
Steve, you talk trash…but your actions are trash.
Humiliated enough steve??
Try again on the dates dude. Da VP was Al Gorebasm. The same Gorebasm who won’t debate former director of the Environmental Assessment Institute in Copenhagen, Danish Environmental Professor Bjørn Lomborg cuz “the debate is over”.
quit pullin yer pud.
Lomborg’s a poli-sci major that teaches at a business school. his book is false. but i’m intrigued that you idolize a gay vegetarian.
i assume you think obama should debate limbaugh as well? clowns.
@7 Me? Humiliated? By Mr. Clynical? LMFAO!!
Mike spews:
I assume you think obama should debate limbaugh as well? ”
I would like to have omaba debate himself. I’ll even let them have two Teleprompters.
It will go like this: obama 1 obama 2
“I will never have earmarks they’re bad for the country.”
“Earmarks are good i just approved 9,000 of them at a taxpayers cost of 7.7 Billion.”
“I will never have lobbyist in my ADm.”
” oh, a few are okay to have ..maybe two more”
“Any bill will be on the WH web site for two weeks for you Americans can read them”
“Oh Shit, did i really say that”
“I will have a transparent presidency”
“someday next 4 years maybe.”
The Piper signed closing docs on the Facebook-famous Lil’ Blue House in Lacey, WA this afternoon. Tonight is the last night for me in Hotel Bupkis, Hotel Skank, or the equally infamous Tumwater Extended Stay.
Tomorrow I will rest under my own roof, albeit without my household goods, which don’t arrive until Monday/Tuesday of next week.
During the inspection, we found a need for a new roof and other things – and they were addressed or there was no sale.
A decent inspector would have uncovered DeVore’s dilemma. Yet he now wants to punish all homebuyers for the laziness of his own inspecter and his failure to do due diligence in his own purchase – nobody held a gun to his head to buy what apparently is Dump DeVore Dejour.
As my oldest, army Sergeant First Class Mark, would say, “DeVore…sucks to be you.” My youngest, newly promoted Cpl. Tom, USMC, would say, “Well…DUH!”
But now you have to have the gub’mint do for you what you failed or refused to do yourself.
And we wonder why things are in the pits…
The Piper
I’ve occasionally wondered about the mentality of those who listen to some deranged guy bloviating on the radio for three hours and then turn on the TV to watch more of the same for another three hours. Day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after year. That’s some life. Thanks for the insight, Mr. Truth. I conclude now that one would have to be really fucked up in the head to waste their life away like that.
@12 Find the fault with a new house by yourself or you’re fucked, huh? Good grief! What a toad. Or do you fail to distinguish between a new home versus an existing home in order to the point that a builder should be held harmless. Do you also believe that you should be stuck with a new car lemon if you bought one? Do you have your mechanic inspect each new car you buy? Yeah, I’m sure.
Good God! I’ve been away! Somebody actually got around to running Piper out of town.????