It’s been pretty quiet on the wingnut front lately. I wonder why?
I feel no joy whatsoever though after what the Republicans and their stooges and lackeys have done to this country.
Obama and the Dems have a huge mess to clean up.
“min wage earners are dumb as a post”
/dinocracy nao
Obama’s up by 7 today.
Won’t someone please put the McCain campaign out of its misery?
Retards don’t believe in death with dignity.
Too bad he can’t just “resign”, like one does in a chess game that is lost.
I think the only thing left for McCain is to see if he can match or beat fellow old soldier Bob Dole’s EV total in 96. At this point, that seems unlikely.
Especially those dems who continue to be lackeys…
Behold, John McCain is going to change things- he doesn’t say how, he doesn’t say he voted with Bush 100% on the economy and he tries to claim to be an agent of change. If things are so bad and he agreed with how we got here, then why vote for more of the same? Or has he just decided to be different – and how will that be?
He is selling oxygen and no one is buying it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Wow, it turns out the “kill him” shoutout was only heard by a obama supporting reporter.
“We have yet to find someone to back up the story,” Slavoski said. “We had people all over and we have yet to find anyone who said they heard it.”
So secret service people are in attendance and didn’t hear anything. Video cameras are recording but didn’t pick it up.
Of course the reporter knows nothing, saw nothing.
Slavoski said Singleton was interviewed Wednesday and stood by his story but couldn’t give a description of the man because he didn’t see him he only heard him.
7. correctnotright spews:
Behold, John McCain is going to change things- he doesn’t say how, he doesn’t say he voted with Bush 100% on the economy
Only a small point…
Bush doesn’t vote.
If voting with bush is so bad, why aren’t you replacing all the democrats that voted WITH bush on the war, the surge, fisa, etc.
What about factcheck outing obama-
Obama strained to portray himself as willing to break ranks with fellow Democrats. His prime example was his vote for a bill that was supported by 18 Democrats and opposed by 26. Congressional Quarterly rates him as voting with his party 97 percent of the time since becoming a U.S. senator.
I would expect one of the most liberal senators to vote with his party most of the time, why does obama lie about it? Why is he ashamed of it?
This is one of my fav lies exposed by factcheck.
And at times Obama has run a higher percentage of attack ads than McCain.
How rovian, saying one thing and doing another. Thankfully obama had the liberal media to cover for him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
3. Michael spews:
Obama’s up by 7 today.
That proves how close the election is, even with the liberal media working overtime to get their guy elected.
Why can’t obama “close the deal?”
Bush, war, economy, mcsame, and still obama is just barely out of the margin of error.
Just imagine if there was no liberal media, how far out of the race would obama be?
Obama, what a car salesman. The only vote is for McCain.
proud leftistspews:
Neither Obama nor any other Democrat gains by distancing himself or herself from the Democratic Party. We are the majority party, the party in line with average American values. You, and your party, have a lot of running to do.
Only a small point…
Marvie doesn’t count.
Hey Marvie,
Why can’t Grumpy close the deal? He did say he had Obama right where he wanted him. Apparently that meant Obama ahead in the polls and pulling farther ahead.
Grumpy, what a shrill, angry old man. The only vote is for Obama.
@9 Only a small point: Do I have to again explain how the government works?
Bush supports an economic bill, McCain also supports it – therefore McCain is voting WITH Bush. That is shorthand, obvious and anyone who looks at the statement understands what it means. Actually, Bush does have a vote – it is called a veto. He can decide to veto or not to veto. If McCain votes to support the veto – he is voting with Bush again.
McCain supported every economic proposal by bush and has failed to indicate a single way he would vote differently. McCain’s chief economic advisor (Phil Gramm) wrote the bill that deregulated the banks. McCain’s 2005 bill would not have fixed the problem even if it passed the republican controlled Senate in 2005. McCain calls himself the biggest dereglator – until lately, when he suddenly becomes a regulator. Is he running on his record and experience or on his erratic campaign?
Poor marvin: Barely out of the margin of error? Most of the polls are predicting a landslide win in the electoral college – Bush may go down to McGovern territory – a useful analogy given the state of his poor vetting of a VP.
Let’s see: Republican run a “moderate” and can’t even make the race competitive. He loses the right wing support until he picks a corrupt, serial liar, far-right wing evangelist who is obviously unqualified as a ruunning mate. Even then, he sinks further in the polls and thinking republicans are jumping ship in droves. There will be so few rats left on the sinking HMS republican that they can start their own far right rat party.
Joseph Pspews:
If we could get back to the subject, IMO this is the best add McCain has run all Campain, he seems honest to the point. A large part of Obamas advantage is he has stayed on messege about his hope / change vission for the future. McCain’s adds have not showed what vission he has. You can run attack adds all day and all night but you need to show you have an alternitive. I think this is a GOOD ad from an anylitical stand point.
“I’m not George Bush”
Too little to late.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Ekim spews:
Hey Marvie,
Why can’t Grumpy close the deal?
The liberal media.
Like I posted about, the made up story of “kill him” being used against mcsame is not the only example, only one of the most recent.
Imagine if liberals only had one news channel doing their work, do you think obama would even be the nomination instead of the person that actually got more votes?
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. correctnotright spews:
Even then, he sinks further in the poll
Sinking to 4% down?
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama attracting 50% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%.
The purpose of the minimum wage is to convince people to strive for something better than a minimum wage job. If you’re working at minimum wage level, get some motivation to get some skills and get a better paying job. Take responsibility for your life.
Since nobody else has bothered to answer your question, I will.
“Why can’t obama close the deal?”
Simple answer. Because election day isn’t until November 4th.
Yes, he’s significantly ahead in every major poll, but election day is still almost three weeks away.
Even after the election, we can expect to see Republicans bringing lawsuits over anything and everything they imagine might have happened, and some things that they know did not happen.
Right wing talk radio will be abuzz with conspiracy theories about the MSM and Acorn and voter fraud. The fact that there will be no evidence of significant problems with the election certainly won’t stop them.
I expect about a seven to eight percent difference in the national vote count, which these days is pretty much a landslide, as about 40% of the population will vote for anyone with an “R” after their name, and about the same percentage will vote for anyone with a “D”.
We’ll probably get a much bigger gap in the electoral vote, which our side will point to as a “mandate”, and your side will say that we obviously couldn’t really “close the deal”, because there was “only” a seven or eight percent difference in the popular vote, which was “obviously” because of Acorn and fraud (despite no evidence of widespread fraud).
And President Obama and the next (even more strongly Democratic) Congress will take office and work to clean up the mess you folks have left us with.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. YLB spews:
By the way, Joe the plumber is a Republican fraud.
It wasn’t too long ago when the democrats paraded the Graeme Frost family around in public for their schip health insurance program and those mean conservatives outed the truth about the family.
All the democrats complained about the antics of the republicans.
And now the democrats are doing exactly what they complained about.
Good thing the liberal media will never point that out.
I wonder how democrats justify to themselves that doing what they said was wrong is now okay.
Hey YLB, how do you justify it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. John Barelli spews:
Since nobody else has bothered to answer your question, I will.
“Why can’t obama close the deal?”
Yes, he’s significantly ahead in every major poll
I posted a link you replied to. Up 4%? Do you call that significant?
Even after the election, we can expect to see Republicans bringing lawsuits over anything and everything they imagine might have happened, and some things that they know did not happen.
In other words, acting like democrats.
Right wing talk radio will be abuzz with conspiracy theories about the MSM and Acorn and voter fraud.
Acorn will probably be the swiftboaters of obama. His connection to them is going to hurt him. The fact he lied about his connection at the debate proves he knows how damaging it is. Sorry you missed it.
The fact that there will be no evidence of significant problems with the election certainly won’t stop them.
There’s already reported problems with college students voting early.
We’ll probably get a much bigger gap in the electoral vote, which our side will point to as a “mandate”
But didn’t the democrats say that bush didn’t have a mandate even after bush beat kerry both in electoral and popular vote?
because of Acorn and fraud (despite no evidence of widespread fraud).
Every state has found “problems” with acorn. Unless you believe mickey mouse is a real person. Well, there’s a roger rabbit on here along with goatsex steve so animals voting democrat voting animals probably don’t seem too outrageous.
And President Obama and the next (even more strongly Democratic) Congress will take office and work to clean up the mess you folks have left us with.
Good. It will be about time william “cold cash” jefferson be brought up on charges. Oops, he’s a democrat, ain’t going to happen.
The democrat controlled congress has a lower approval rating than bush. And you think more power is going to make them ethical?
Maybe you could have murtha explain why racists keep voting him into office. What is it about him that racists like?
I-1000 does not apply to the depressed, the insane or the senile, so alas, it cannot be used to give McCain’s campaign relief from it’s terminal hemorrhaging of voters.
It’s ok, Marvin, let the bitterness out. We know it hurts, and it’s hard to accept. We’re here for you (wait…..I’ll be right back: I’m out of beer and Chee-tos)
At 27: How stupid are you? Acorn? You mean the group that McCain was honored by in 2006 and he praised back then and was a keynote speaker for?
ooops – you are more stupid than I thought!
Yes, Marvin, the Rasmussen poll has Senator Obama ahead by only four points. Of all the national polls, that’s almost the narrowest.
Research 2000 has him eleven points ahead, CBS/NYT has him fourteen points ahead, but Investors Business Daily has him only three points ahead.
Gallup and Pew Research seem to be splitting the difference, as does, oddly enough, Fox News.
One thing none of them are indicating is that Senator McCain is winning. But if it makes you feel better for the next couple of weeks to believe that the “Bradley effect” is going to sweep Senator McCain into the White House, I certainly don’t want to bust your bubble.
It’s been pretty quiet on the wingnut front lately. I wonder why?
I feel no joy whatsoever though after what the Republicans and their stooges and lackeys have done to this country.
Obama and the Dems have a huge mess to clean up.
“min wage earners are dumb as a post”
/dinocracy nao
Obama’s up by 7 today.
Retards don’t believe in death with dignity.
Too bad he can’t just “resign”, like one does in a chess game that is lost.
I think the only thing left for McCain is to see if he can match or beat fellow old soldier Bob Dole’s EV total in 96. At this point, that seems unlikely.
Especially those dems who continue to be lackeys…
Behold, John McCain is going to change things- he doesn’t say how, he doesn’t say he voted with Bush 100% on the economy and he tries to claim to be an agent of change. If things are so bad and he agreed with how we got here, then why vote for more of the same? Or has he just decided to be different – and how will that be?
He is selling oxygen and no one is buying it.
Wow, it turns out the “kill him” shoutout was only heard by a obama supporting reporter.
So secret service people are in attendance and didn’t hear anything. Video cameras are recording but didn’t pick it up.
Of course the reporter knows nothing, saw nothing.
Only a small point…
Bush doesn’t vote.
If voting with bush is so bad, why aren’t you replacing all the democrats that voted WITH bush on the war, the surge, fisa, etc.
What about factcheck outing obama-
I would expect one of the most liberal senators to vote with his party most of the time, why does obama lie about it? Why is he ashamed of it?
This is one of my fav lies exposed by factcheck.
How rovian, saying one thing and doing another. Thankfully obama had the liberal media to cover for him.
That proves how close the election is, even with the liberal media working overtime to get their guy elected.
Why can’t obama “close the deal?”
Bush, war, economy, mcsame, and still obama is just barely out of the margin of error.
Just imagine if there was no liberal media, how far out of the race would obama be?
Obama, what a car salesman. The only vote is for McCain.
Neither Obama nor any other Democrat gains by distancing himself or herself from the Democratic Party. We are the majority party, the party in line with average American values. You, and your party, have a lot of running to do.
Only a small point…
Marvie doesn’t count.
Hey Marvie,
Why can’t Grumpy close the deal? He did say he had Obama right where he wanted him. Apparently that meant Obama ahead in the polls and pulling farther ahead.
Grumpy, what a shrill, angry old man. The only vote is for Obama.
@9 Only a small point: Do I have to again explain how the government works?
Bush supports an economic bill, McCain also supports it – therefore McCain is voting WITH Bush. That is shorthand, obvious and anyone who looks at the statement understands what it means. Actually, Bush does have a vote – it is called a veto. He can decide to veto or not to veto. If McCain votes to support the veto – he is voting with Bush again.
McCain supported every economic proposal by bush and has failed to indicate a single way he would vote differently. McCain’s chief economic advisor (Phil Gramm) wrote the bill that deregulated the banks. McCain’s 2005 bill would not have fixed the problem even if it passed the republican controlled Senate in 2005. McCain calls himself the biggest dereglator – until lately, when he suddenly becomes a regulator. Is he running on his record and experience or on his erratic campaign?
Poor marvin: Barely out of the margin of error? Most of the polls are predicting a landslide win in the electoral college – Bush may go down to McGovern territory – a useful analogy given the state of his poor vetting of a VP.
Let’s see: Republican run a “moderate” and can’t even make the race competitive. He loses the right wing support until he picks a corrupt, serial liar, far-right wing evangelist who is obviously unqualified as a ruunning mate. Even then, he sinks further in the polls and thinking republicans are jumping ship in droves. There will be so few rats left on the sinking HMS republican that they can start their own far right rat party.
If we could get back to the subject, IMO this is the best add McCain has run all Campain, he seems honest to the point. A large part of Obamas advantage is he has stayed on messege about his hope / change vission for the future. McCain’s adds have not showed what vission he has. You can run attack adds all day and all night but you need to show you have an alternitive. I think this is a GOOD ad from an anylitical stand point.
“I’m not George Bush”
Too little to late.
The liberal media.
Like I posted about, the made up story of “kill him” being used against mcsame is not the only example, only one of the most recent.
Imagine if liberals only had one news channel doing their work, do you think obama would even be the nomination instead of the person that actually got more votes?
Sinking to 4% down?
Spending money at a rate of 3-1, the liberal media, acorn and their voter fraud..
And obama is only up 4%.
Wait until the bradley effect kicks in.
Hell, even murtha knows the people that vote for him are racist, he said so.
Why can’t obama close the deal?
By the way, Joe the plumber is a Republican fraud.
Doesn’t make anywhere close to 250 grand.
The purpose of the minimum wage is to convince people to strive for something better than a minimum wage job. If you’re working at minimum wage level, get some motivation to get some skills and get a better paying job. Take responsibility for your life.
Our most silly troll’s kind of people:
Since nobody else has bothered to answer your question, I will.
Simple answer. Because election day isn’t until November 4th.
Yes, he’s significantly ahead in every major poll, but election day is still almost three weeks away.
Even after the election, we can expect to see Republicans bringing lawsuits over anything and everything they imagine might have happened, and some things that they know did not happen.
Right wing talk radio will be abuzz with conspiracy theories about the MSM and Acorn and voter fraud. The fact that there will be no evidence of significant problems with the election certainly won’t stop them.
I expect about a seven to eight percent difference in the national vote count, which these days is pretty much a landslide, as about 40% of the population will vote for anyone with an “R” after their name, and about the same percentage will vote for anyone with a “D”.
We’ll probably get a much bigger gap in the electoral vote, which our side will point to as a “mandate”, and your side will say that we obviously couldn’t really “close the deal”, because there was “only” a seven or eight percent difference in the popular vote, which was “obviously” because of Acorn and fraud (despite no evidence of widespread fraud).
And President Obama and the next (even more strongly Democratic) Congress will take office and work to clean up the mess you folks have left us with.
It wasn’t too long ago when the democrats paraded the Graeme Frost family around in public for their schip health insurance program and those mean conservatives outed the truth about the family.
All the democrats complained about the antics of the republicans.
And now the democrats are doing exactly what they complained about.
Good thing the liberal media will never point that out.
I wonder how democrats justify to themselves that doing what they said was wrong is now okay.
Hey YLB, how do you justify it?
I posted a link you replied to. Up 4%? Do you call that significant?
In other words, acting like democrats.
Acorn will probably be the swiftboaters of obama. His connection to them is going to hurt him. The fact he lied about his connection at the debate proves he knows how damaging it is. Sorry you missed it.
There’s already reported problems with college students voting early.
But didn’t the democrats say that bush didn’t have a mandate even after bush beat kerry both in electoral and popular vote?
Every state has found “problems” with acorn. Unless you believe mickey mouse is a real person. Well, there’s a roger rabbit on here along with goatsex steve so animals voting democrat voting animals probably don’t seem too outrageous.
Good. It will be about time william “cold cash” jefferson be brought up on charges. Oops, he’s a democrat, ain’t going to happen.
The democrat controlled congress has a lower approval rating than bush. And you think more power is going to make them ethical?
Maybe you could have murtha explain why racists keep voting him into office. What is it about him that racists like?
I-1000 does not apply to the depressed, the insane or the senile, so alas, it cannot be used to give McCain’s campaign relief from it’s terminal hemorrhaging of voters.
It’s ok, Marvin, let the bitterness out. We know it hurts, and it’s hard to accept. We’re here for you (wait…..I’ll be right back: I’m out of beer and Chee-tos)
At 27: How stupid are you? Acorn? You mean the group that McCain was honored by in 2006 and he praised back then and was a keynote speaker for?
ooops – you are more stupid than I thought!
Acorn? You mean the group that John McCain said was doing a great job and was a keynote speaker for in 2006?
Are you and the republicans as stupid as you sound?
Yes, Marvin, the Rasmussen poll has Senator Obama ahead by only four points. Of all the national polls, that’s almost the narrowest.
Research 2000 has him eleven points ahead, CBS/NYT has him fourteen points ahead, but Investors Business Daily has him only three points ahead.
Gallup and Pew Research seem to be splitting the difference, as does, oddly enough, Fox News.
One thing none of them are indicating is that Senator McCain is winning. But if it makes you feel better for the next couple of weeks to believe that the “Bradley effect” is going to sweep Senator McCain into the White House, I certainly don’t want to bust your bubble.
Not for another couple of weeks, anyway.