From: David Goldstein
Date: July 7, 2006 12:18:09 PM PDT
To: Tim Eyman
Subject: Your Show on KTTHDear Tim,
Congratulations on your guest spot filling in the next two weeks in the 5AM to 9AM slot on KTTH. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Since you seemed so eager to come on my show for the entire three hours, I’m sure you would be just as excited to have me come on one of your shows for the entire four hours. You just name the day, and I’ll show up. (Don’t worry, I have my own pass card to the Entercom studios, so I’ll just let myself in.)
I look forward to an “extended debate on the issues.”
“Politics as unusual.”“The David Goldstein Show”
Newsradio 710-KIRO, Sundays 7-10PM
Dear Tim,
I just sent the following email to Tim Eyman. Think he’ll accept my olive branch?
From: “David Goldstein”
Date: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:38:53 AM US/Pacific
To: “Tim Eyman”
Subject: Please join me in supporting SHJR 4205Dear Tim,
I can’t tell you how much it saddens me that we haven’t been able to develop a more constructive, working relationship. Indeed, some might even describe us as downright adversarial.
For example, you sponsor an ill-conceived, boneheaded initiative, and I oppose it. You send out a deceptive, misleading press release, and I refute it. You cook the books to hide the fact that you are using initiative campaign contributions to fund your personal compensation committee, and I file a complaint with the Public Disclosure Commission.
And then, of course, there was that whole “Tim Eyman is a Horse’s Ass” initiative. While I’m sure we both had a good laugh at that one, I’m guessing we were probably on opposite sides of the issue. (I was for it.)
But I think I have finally found an issue we can both support.
This week the state House passed by a 73-25 margin, a constitutional amendment that would eliminate the 60% super-majority required by local school levies. The amendment faces a tougher challenge in the Senate, but if it passes by two-thirds, it will be sent before the people for their approval.
As a self-proclaimed champion of direct democracy, you have time and again admonished our elected officials and judges to honor the will of the people. In defense of your own initiatives — even the really, really stupid ones — you have argued that voters, not politicians, should be trusted to choose the kind of government they want. Thus I am confident that you will agree with me that the super-majority amendment can and should be decided directly by the voters… for to contend otherwise would be hypocritical.
That’s why I urge you to join me in asking the Senate to approve SHJR 4205. I suggest we draft a joint letter, instructing our respective supporters to contact their state senator, and demand that the people be given the opportunity to decide this important issue for themselves. Since I happen to have a copy of your list, I’d be happy to directly email your supporters on your behalf.
This is a terrific opportunity, not just to strike a blow for direct democracy, but for you to jump-start your stalled initiative career by supporting something that actually has a chance of passing. You’ve had two consecutive years without an electoral victory, and you’ve got to admit, this year’s performance audits initiative was dead on arrival. (Oh man… what were you thinking?) This is a chance for you to briefly be relevant again.
Given the opportunity to work together, I believe we can make a positive impact on all of Washington’s citizens, as well as learn a little something from one another. For example, I could teach you how to directly answer a reporter’s questions… and I understand you could teach me a few creative accounting tricks.
I look forward to our new partnership, and eagerly await your reply.
Affectionately yours,
Why don’t you send Tim one of your BIG BINDER’s?
That ought to scare the wits out of him!
Are trying to mass produce these BIG BINDER’s Goldy thru artificial insemination?? If so, be careful who the sperm-donor is! Because based on your previous efforts, any new BIG BINDERS with you as the “birth-father” are certain to be retarded! -
What amazes me Goldy is that you dont even give Eyeman the kudos he deserves. This guy really did more for the average to poor citizen than any single person or program in many years with I-695. By reducing the auto licence fees on vehicles he put money directly back into the pockets of people. Now we have a governor that just left office that did nothing but soak up taxpayer money for 8 wasted years while the state revelled in higher unemployment than most of the nation and you backed this loser. As I said, I dont agree with Tims financial arrangements (only reason is I think he overpays himself) but I dont contribute to him so it isnt my place to bitch about that. But if you are truly a underdog for the poor to average you need to give Tim his due for helping them with real savings…real money that can buy food!
Re Dear Tim letter. What a humerous bit of scribing, loved it. Laughing is good medicine, aids the digestive track. Pour it on. Constipated cynics could use a few good laughs to loosen up. Lightening their load a few quarts might rattle their funny bone enough to bring on some muse.
Mr. Cynical. Big Binders has absolutely nothing to do with use of “retarded” to slam Goldy. Could be your Big Binder keeps you from thinking straight. Hunker down boy!
Be carefull you guys – if we poke him too much Mr. Cynical might just start typing in ALL CAPs some more.
That’ll be the day…
Best of luck and remember the devil is in the details.
affectionately?? you liberals just cannot let go of the $30 car tabs can you? the little ol $30 car tabs created EVERY financial shortfall in the entire state, according to liberals. Get over it, it is what THE people want. What don’t you get about that? Retarded is right Mr Cynical. Actually Savage is right, liberalism is a mental disorder.
Tim and his gang are friends of mine and many many other voters who believe they are being taxed to death in this state. Eliminating this 60% majority just makes it that much easier for tax hikes and although it will pass the muster of the Olympian tax thugs, it will die on the vine of the popular vote as have most all of the recent tax hikes they have tried to get past the voters. CG got it right (and I will give here credit on that item) in yesterdays Seattle Times article. The people have spoken about new taxes! Come in with solutions not just requests for more $$. We’ll see who is listening and acting once again!
But if the Democrats can’t raise taxes, how can they buy new voters? Isn’t “guvment” money raises to “redistribute” monies from those that earn it to those [like Don] that “gets the guvment check” and vote Democrat? Union hacks who need “guvment” contracts from Democat pols, welfare hacks, illegal aliens looking for free education, medical, and social services, “guvment” employees like Don……what do they have in common? [Could they all vote Democrat?] What happens when the private sector “sezs” “enough!” hehe……..JCH
Goldy, Your letter was very disappointing. You may not agree with Tim, but at least he is doing something about what he believes. He has taken action. Yes, what you wrote is humorous, but not of any lasting value. Make a difference.
Honest Democrats need to take their party back. The extreme desperate left is the New Democrat Party.
Where will all the moderates go? The left calls for a tax increase to ALL citizens, yet the Organized labor wing says our members need more money just to get by. How does the party satisfy both? This is their downfall. When you refuse to cut spending you have to raise taxes. This dems just cannot get past that. WHY?
They spend our money irresponsibly! If I went to Olympia and asked for $10 million to study the dung beatle because I believe it plays an important role in global warming, I would get that money. Especially if I got Algore to endorse my theory. -
Rightwingers @ all
It is about time you came back to your roots. We want the services, but don’t want the taxes. good for you. I thought you were all about denying civil rights, and controling the press corp, and invading the world to make it safer.
Although you revere Reagan as a God, guess who was one of the largest Tax raisers (back door) in History…and he still ran up deficets, Damn Democratic congress they love to spend. But guess what is happening now??? Reagans records have been shattered…9/11,9/11,9/11…say it all together, 9/11… I almost forgot, those numbers aren’t included in the budget deficet. as for local Taxes we carry approx. the 38th Tax burden in the country….if you can think of 37 better states you would like to live in……move. -
Chardonnay @7,
Get over it, it is what THE people want. What don’t you get about that?
Hey… thanks for making my point. You don’t want this amendment to go before the people for a vote, because you know that it will overwhelmingly pass. But apparently, people like you and Tim only really care to “honor the will of the people” who agree with you.
The Senate is not being asked to raise taxes. They are being asked to let the people decide if, in the future, a simple majority should be required to pass school levies. If this amendment passes at the polls, it is what THE people want. What don’t you get about that?
Zapporo @10,
Oh… you mean make a difference like… you? Or like all the work I put into researching, drafting, and supporting the Property Tax Homestead Exemption bill, that would save many low and middle income homeowners over $300 a year, while maintaining funding for critical public infrastructure and services? Or how about all the work I put in to promoting a public debate on important issues like this?
Goldy….”Make a difference”…like serving in the military. Goldy, the United State military. [Just so you were not confused as to whom you owe your freedom to be a liberal idiot.]
JCH @14,
So if failing to serve in the military makes one a “liberal idiot”, I guess I’m in good company: Tim Eyman, Dino Rossi, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh… need I go on?
(The day when military service is a prerequisite for citizenship, is the day we cease to be a democracy.)
2, 6, 7
Washingtonians on the whole are not overtaxed by their state government compared to other states. In terms of state taxes per $1000 of income, Washington ranks 32nd of the 50 states. Maybe this explains why the whiners are still here and haven’t moved to another state. The problem is maldistribution of the tax burden: Small business and low income households pay too much, big business and affluent households not enough. How about it guys, are you willing to support revenue-neutral tax reform that utilizes a state income tax to remove the B&O tax and reduce the sales tax, in order to distribute the tax burden more fairly?
I don’t recall the public asking for a State Owned Liquor monopoly, when the private sector grocery stores could handle this just fine without all the costly State Liquor stores, state employees, etc etc etc.
I don’t recall voters voting for a lightrail system that is now nearly twice as expensive and half as long as the voter approved system.
I Don’t recall voters voting for A Monorail system 200 Million overbudget and counting
I don’t recall voters voting for the most expensive (and counting) Alaska Way viaduct option that even Patty Murray has agreed is a pipe dream.
I do recall paying about half the cost to educate my children in great private schools rather than the 10k per student the public run schools average.
We don’t ALL want the services you are stating! We live within a budget, even unemployed which is a whole other story!
chardonnay @ 11
Seldom have I read a post on this (or any other board) so totally full of shit as this one. The irresponsible spenders are the Republicans in D.C. who are borrowing trillions to pay for optional wars, massive tax breaks to the richest 1%, and gargantuan giveaways to corporations that do nothing for average citizens (such as the Medicare prescription non-benefit). And all the time, they lie about what they’re doing, and lie some more about what it costs. This administration wants to spend upwards of $150 billion to land a couple guys on Mars and you accuse Democrats of wasting $10 million to study dung beetles? I would like to see some evidence of that $10 million dung beetle study at taxpayer expense — proof, please. Put up or shut up. As for Olympia, the big pigs at the trough are the contractors and paving companies lining up for highway project money, and the Republican reps and senators who vote for that stuff. Do you really think those Republicans in the Legislature don’t spend your money like water? They just spend it on different stuff — things that favor the building industry and other groups who contribute to THEIR campaigns. Such lies. Such hypocrisy. Sheesh.
GS @ 17
“I don’t recall the public asking for a State Owned Liquor monopoly, when the private sector grocery stores could handle this just fine without all the costly State Liquor stores, state employees, etc etc etc.”
Please list the state taxes you’re willing to raise to make up for the lost revenue. By the way, this one HAS gone to the voters — several times — and each time the voters said “no” to privatizing liquor sales.
“I Don’t recall voters voting for A Monorail system 200 Million overbudget and counting”
Man some people have short memories. The monorail was put to a revote just last November — overbudget and all — and passed for the fourth time.
“I don’t recall voters voting for the most expensive (and counting) Alaska Way viaduct option that even Patty Murray has agreed is a pipe dream.”
Kwitchyerbellyachen nuthin’s been decided yet.
“I do recall paying about half the cost to educate my children in great private schools rather than the 10k per student the public run schools average.”
BFD, so did I — the difference being I didn’t bitch about paying school taxes all the way to my stockbroker’s office.
“Damn Democratic congress they love to spend.”
Actually, throughout the 1980s, the Democratic congress appropriated LESS money than the administration asked for. Know your facts.
Dean @ 19
Really??…so there was some finacial restraint by the Demo congress? Wow I thought all we did was Tax and spend. Of course when you have checks and balances that will happen…But Bush does know about checks….just Credit cards. I got an Idea..lets sell off our Insurance policy (SS) to pay of our credit cards.
From the Seattle PI 9/17/1999
Washington State’s revenues are holding steady and projected reserves still top $1 billion. The state Revenue Forecast Council, a bipartisan panel that includes legislators and Gov. Gary Locke’s budget and revenue directors, yesterday approved a revenue update that adds $28 million to the forecast for the next two years.
Chang Mook Sohn, the state’s chief economist, said that’s “virtually no change” from the June forecast, a mere increase of about one-tenth of 1 percent when compared with the state’s $20.6 billion budget.
“It would be like a person who earns $50,000 a year getting $70 more,” said the council chairman, Senate Majority Leader Sid Snyder, D-Long Beach.
But the bottom line – a projection that the state will have $1 billion left unspent on June 30, 2001
What happened the democrats were in charge for the majority of the time from then until now?? -
Earlier today, I made another post on this.
Just click my silly screen name to go to it.
Dan, Dean, Don, Goldy:
Excellent smackdowns of these wingers who use second-hand rumors and perennial chestnuts from wingnut blogs for arguments.
Way to go team!
Don @ 16–
Didn’t Will Rogers or was it Mark Twain say:
“Thank God we don’t get all the government we pay for!!!”
Whoever said it…career guv’ment attorneys like yourself have made the prophesy oh so true.
You continue to spew the misleading half-truth about Washington only being 32nd out of 50 in State TAXES. You conveniently forget FEES (taxes in disguise) and the cost of other regulations. Taxes is only part of the equation for the cost of doing business.
Every time you post something Don, I understand clearer and clearer why you failed in the real world (Don confessed that prior to becoming a career State Guv’ment Attorney for 30 years…he tried to make it in our real world for 10 years. Don’s own words….”I only made $1000/yr. for 10 years and no return on my investment capital”!!!!!I guess how you look at life depends where you come from to get to this point. DON, I hope it makes you feel minutely adequate to try and dummy down the real world so we are all guv’ment workers.
Hey Don…I heard one of the most highly quoted and highly regarded Lefty posters on Goldy’s site is a Guv’ment worker blogging on Guv’ment time.
Is that acceptable in your Lefty world Don??
Another Guv’ment worker told me some of these folks do it by logging into a YAHOO account so there is no traceable evidence of what they are actually doing. Clever…if it’s true. -
Goldy you open the guys mouth take a dump in it and then want his help?… you have issues. You ever heard you get more bees with honey? try laying off the vinegar you poor angry man.
Cynical @ 26
You seem to be all over Don for having a Government Job everytime you post. I know that you feel that we shouldn’t have any government at all….but does that include the MILITARY ? Oh my god Cyn hates the troops, Cyn is unpatriotic.. Cyn is anti american…Cyn is helping the terrorists…does this refrain sound familiar to you? it should, it’s your new GOP mantra. Keep up your blind goose steps with these folks and places like this won’t even be available to you.
PS think about some of those other Government jobs you couldn’t live with out. Like the IRS that lets you write off your Church Tithings. -
rightwingbob @ 21
Hey Rip Van Winkle, that projected surplus disappeared when a recession came along and sales tax revenues took a nosedive.
John @ 24
It feels good, but doesn’t do any good, because nothing makes a dent on these retrograde troglodytes. Not facts, not logic, not reality. A ceiling could collapse on them and they would still spout their disbelief of gravity. See, for example, posts 25 and 26.
Cynical, for your information, less than 3% of state revenue comes from permits, licenses, and fees; but the rest of us shouldn’t expect you to look that up, can we? That’s asking too much of a lazy person. It’s much easier to run off at the mouth than it is to do research, isn’t it?
Also, why do you assume that my business activity predated my state career? Don’t you wonder how I survived on $1,000 a year? Of course not, you don’t look into anything before shooting off your brainless barbs. Obviously, it was a part-time moonlighting job, and equally obviously, I didn’t quit my “day job” to pursue it.
Finally, please provide the names of the state employees who are blogging on state equipment & time so I can notify the appropriate department heads. That was a firing offense in every agency I ever worked for. If this is really happening, and is not just another one of the myths you make up in order to diss on government workers, then let’s get these slackers off the payroll right now, because there are plenty of honest hard-working folks who want those state jobs.
Frankly, I’m beginning to suspect you’re one of ’em, Cyn. You sure sound jealous to me. Whatsamatter, get turned down for a government job long ago, and still hold a grudge? Sorry, Cyn, but “guvmint work” isn’t for everyone, only the qualified.
“guvmint work” isn’t for everyone, only the qualified”….Don, you mean the “unqualified”..those who can’t or won’t make it in the private sector. You are right out of “Animal House” [One of the “guvment pigs].
Dan @ 28
way to jump yo confusions! you should be applauded at spinning everything he said, If you can’t come up with a rebuttle at least twist everything he said.
You are a huge ASSet. -
Aazreal @ 28
Just following the right wing play book. You agree with Cyn? you must be for the Terrorist too…that’s the game you play. I am sure that most of our Government workers would be thrilled to hear that they are only working to suck off the proverbial tit. Hey Let’s drop a Line to Rossi…he’s been sucking for a long time. What couldn’t make it in the Real Estate world? even with a crooked partner?
Dear Don,
You are an Attorney for the State? At the AGO? Then you must be soooo defensive because you know first hand what goes on within that office. Lets see, Gregoire was there 12 years, played favorites, including her husband Mike who was an investigator there (qualifications please). Qualified applicants bypassed for open jobs for trusted friends & huhmm, paybacks for favors. How many people went from the AGO over to the Govs office? How many elections workers were promoted to state jobs (AGO/GOV/DOE) for a “wink, wink, job well done”?
You are a typical business hating liberal. Contractors and Paving companies are not chomping at the bit for Road jobs. they keep plenty busy without those jobs. Someone has to do that work don’t they? They “EMPLOY” people, you know JOBS! The problem is, democrats(enviro’s) refuse to build more roads because of the “global warming farse”, cars are bad, humans are bad. You are not very good at misleading us, nice try, some Attorney. Isn’t your area of expertise suposed to be “arguing”?
Keep those blinders on tho buddy, it helps Republicans all the more. -
Don @ 30–
So now you are admitted that you moonlighted while a State Guv’ment Lawyer??? You previously told us you worked 70 hours per week as a Guv’ment Lawyer (that’s 10 hrs./day.. 7 days/ week)
Don, that doesn’t leave a lot of moonlighting time.
But wait, Don also said he only made $1/hr. moonlighting to make his $1000/yr.
Let me help you with the math Don.
That’s another 3 hrs./day….7 days per week.
Hmmmmm….so you want us to believe you worked 2 jobs…a total of 13 hrs./day 7 days/week??????????????????????
You are a big bullshitterrrrrrrrrrrrrr Donnie!!!!!!!!!! -
FYI…I believe government should provide us a strong military, public safety and infrastructure…..then allow the free market to take it from there. The Guv’ment attorneys like our Bottom-Feeding friend Don are a blight. They produce nothing of value.
Now that doesn’t mean Don isn’t a decent human being….it means he has had 30 years to rationalize what he has done. even admitted that after awhile you saw how futile it was AND THEN IT WAS ALL ABOUT SALARY, BENEFITS & PENSION.
Sad Don…to have so little self-respect and dignity that you would continue to do a worthless job for salary, benefits & pension. You just proved the point JCH, chardonnay and others have made about you Don.
Typically, you are the only one who doesn’t see it.PS–I will not rat-out the guv’ment working blogger who works in another state. HE knows exactly who HE is….yet continues to research & post. It’s not my yob to police the blog for out-of-state guv’mint workers.
Dan @ 28 Cynicalidiot was that little shy boy in the back of the class that never got accepted for anything. Tried to enrolled in private schools, not accepted, tried to go to state universities, not accepted, tried the military, not accepted…..I can see his dismay with this world. poor little idiot…..want a crying towel?
“I would like to see some evidence of that $10 million dung beetle study at taxpayer expense – proof, please. Put up or shut up.” Don @ 18
Oh come on, Don, there you go again. If you read slower, you may grow out of your “when did you stop beating your wife?” approach to rebutting people’s hypotheticals. If it makes you feel any better, I think she’d only get $1 million for the dung beetle study. Remember what Christine announced to the Department of Ecology the other day? “WE’RE BACK!”. It made the hair stand up on my neck when I read it.
Zip @38, exactly my point, the DOE! This entire election was about saving the cushy jobs and preseving the positions of the snitches planted by Gregoire. Rossi posed a threat on those that were waved in or appointed. Christine proved that when she placed her boy as head of the DOE. Just her saying “we’re back” should reveal her eco ties and where we are headed under her rule. King Ron Sims showed us an example of what is to come for the entire state.
The AGO, now under McKenna, should get back to what it is intended, the law. I imagine Don is bent because he may actually have to produce aka “work” under an Attorney General that will use the office for what it was originally intended and not a frikin campaign office for the pitbull (as know by her non-co-workers). -
Sinner @ 36
FYI…I believe government should provide us a strong military, public safety and infrastructure…..then allow the free market to take it from there.There was a time that this happened, Free market taking it from there. Those were the days of Standard Oil, U.S. Steel and women & children sweat shops. I am sure that the funds that you are diverting now from your membership, when they aren’t going to Rossi rebitch campaign would be in control of someone else. Do you really think that they would have let the rank and file stormtroopers like yourself into the game. not. you would have just been busting your hump, like the millions of people who actually do labor in this country, while you make your money on stock speculation, and cheating the IRS with your write offs of church tithings…god I hope they audit you. You are a miserable self centered egotist, who thinks that his work in the Church is helping the entire country. guess what pal, you need to go on a mission to the inner city where the real work is done and they still can’t make ends meet.
As for “Chard remains” and the Global warming farce, again like stem cells and all other forms of research. “If it ain’t in the Bible it ain’t Science”. When lord when? will these knuckleheads open a frigin book.
Judging only from the government employees that I am forced to deal with on a regular basis I’d have to agree with my dear friend Mr. Cynical. They generally aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack (ever go to the post office? or even the DOL?) Don if you are smarter than a postal worker then you have to understand that for the most part us private sector worker bees rarely get away with the low standards the guv’ment worker seem to aspire to. Unless of course we work for a union but that is another story.
But, just maybe we could get back to talking about Mr. (horses ass) Eyman. As I have stated more than once…Mr Eyman did not get i-695 passed. It was thrown out by the courts. Mr. locke in one of his republican moments asked the idiots in Olympia to pass the law that included the intent of i-695. So if we need to blame someone for the passage of i695 let’s at least point to the man who passed it and signed the bill.
Eyman is a little dude with big ideas. most of his big ideas involve finacial gain for him and no one else.
chardonnay @ 34
Why do you assume I worked in the AG’s office for Gregoire? I didn’t, and I don’t know her.
Cyn @ 35
“Let me help you with the math Don. That’s another 3 hrs./day….7 days per week. Hmmmmm….so you want us to believe you worked 2 jobs…a total of 13 hrs./day 7 days/week??????????????????????”
Why are you only crediting me for working 13-7, you freaking piker?
Cynical @ 36
“attorneys like our Bottom-Feeding friend Don are a blight. They produce nothing of value.”
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! All my life I’ve wanted to be a bottom-feeding attorney who produces nothing of value. It feels great to get recognition for my life’s work.
“ even admitted that after awhile you saw how futile it was AND THEN IT WAS ALL ABOUT SALARY, BENEFITS & PENSION.
Sad Don…to have so little self-respect and dignity that you would continue to do a worthless job for salary, benefits & pension.”I’ll bet if you interviewed for a job, you’d rather skip the self-respect and dignity crap and focus on salary, benefits, and pension, too.
zip @ 38
I’ll quit asking you for proof if you stop making shit up. Is “hypothetical” your euphemism for lying?
reggie @ 41
Guvmint workers may not be very smart, but they’re smarter than the dumbasses who replaced “Classic Coke” with “New Coke.” I could give additional examples of private sector fuckups, but that one should suffice to illustrate my point.
Don….The “dumb ass” who came up with “New Coke” probably lost his or her job. You, on the other hand. are a “guvment union hack, and never will be fired. You are a “Animal Farm” pig who is just “a little more equal” than those of us who product goods and services in the private sector. Like the pigs, you disrespect those who really do the “heavy lifting”. You, not the “New Coke dumbasses”, are the parasite!!
Don @ 42
How about the difference between a guvment lawyer and a private sector lawyer….can you say “marcia clark vs johnny cochran”?
no contest there…and let’s talk about government screw ups…how about that deadline the AG’s office missed?
What I tried to get across was the fact that if most of the government employees would have a hard time making it in the real world. That statement is based solely on the work habits they put on display every day in serving the very people they work for.
Don @ 42
There you go again, Don. So when did you quit kicking your dog?
Don, you really make this a fun blog. Your chain is yanked so easily. Crank yankers R us.
You really need to stop taking all the comments so personally; it’s just not pretty.
You prove the definition every time of how I describe a “Liberal”, a “progressive”, a Democrat. Superior, better-educated, self-appointed savior that “thinks” he knows better than the average citizen does.
You are only human, fallible. Get off the high horse in other words. -
Reggi @44,
I have never worked for or with a government agency, but I did have the opportunity to work with some very large telecom companies back in the late ’80s, and one thing I learned is that a bureaucracy is a bureaucracy is a bureaucracy. Private or public sector, it makes no difference. This blind faith assumption that the private sector is always efficient and the public sector is always wasteful is based on nothing but blind faith.
As it turns out, there are some services that can only be provided by government, and some that are most efficiently provided by government, and some that are best left to the private sector. There are also some in between… managed and paid for by government, but mostly contracted out to private firms.
That is the reality of the real world. One of the hardest working most dedicated attorneys I know has spent most of his career in the AGs office — much of that time he was defending the state from frivolous prisoner lawsuits — he could be easily earning twice his salary in the private sector, but he’s a dedicated public servant who enjoys his job. Taxpayers are getting a bargain by hiring him.
So make your broad generalizations about government employees if that makes you feel better about your own politics, but that dog simply won’t hunt.
War at large is not the only war to fight. The biggest war is within. A Soldier is but ambition’s tool, to cut away to unlawful ends and when worn, hacked, hewn with constant service, thrown aside, to rust in peace and rot in hospitals. There are many ways to serve country. Being a soldier is not everyone’s height of ambition. Everyone didn’t inhale, everyone did’nt dodge. I have great empathy for all military service people called upon to war. When times get tough, the tough get going. Noone has a corner on the market when it comes to pride in well-doing at home or abroad. Tiny example: Betsy Ross sewed the flag.
Goldy thank you for finding the one State employee that is worth a damn. I know it took an exhaustive search. Now can you find one that can count to at least 11. (okay that was harsh)
But, I really stand by my statement. As an employer I am constantly on the lookout for talented individuals. I have not seen anyone working for the state or the federal government that I would consider working with or for me. While I realize that I haven’t met every state employee and to be fair there are probably some of them out there that could make the transition to the private sector successfully. Next time I won’t paint with such a broad stroke…like saying that all republicans are stupid ‘cos we have money and we don’t want to spend it on taxes. (I noticed you don’t stop that broad stroking)
So next time you go to the DOL ask yourself…would I want to work with this person? Would I hire this person? I betcha ya say no.
Actually, reggie you could probably go to most branches of the military, gram most enlisted men under e-6 and have one hell of a great employee, but that is as far as I would go with government employees (and above e-6 it would take too much time to de-militarize them although they would still be good employees)!
Goldy @ 47
Yeah but I bet through nepotism he probably got a family member a job there….maybe a wife or something. Yeah and I bet you probably know some other civil servants who work in Snohomish county as well. you may not have work in the government, but you sure seem to know a lot of them…you sure you didn’t work for the Post Office?
Dear Tim…
Well, I figured if I couldn’t get the media to stop repeating Eyman’s lies, then I would have to go straight to the horse’s… uh… mouth. Following is an email I sent to Tim Eyman today, and CC’d to the media:
Dear Tim,
I was hoping you could help me set the record straight in the media regarding the provision of I-892 that funds treatment of problem gambling.
You have repeatedly claimed that based on $1.15 billion in net revenues, I-892 would generate $11.5 million to treat problem gambling… which amounts to 1% of net revenues. However, Section 8 of I-892 clearly states that 1% of tax receipts are dedicated to treat problem gambling — about $4 million based on your revenue projections — or roughly one-third your claim.
I can only assume that you were unaware of your mathematical error, and would not knowingly repeat such grossly inaccurate information for fear of damaging your otherwise unsullied reputation as an honest and impartial arbiter of the truth.
Now that I have pointed out your mistake, I trust that you will revise your talking points to include the accurate, smaller number, as surely a citizen activist of your standing would never sacrifice the truth for the sake of a rhetorical advantage.
I continue to enjoy our close working relationship. Once this issue has been settled, I look forward to working with you to explicate the analytical basis of your revenue projections, which up until now appear to have simply been pulled out of your butt crack.
Hugs and kisses,
Enough said.
Real Americans don\’t eat knish
Tim is so rude. He never replies to my email. [\”Dear Tim…\”]However I recently received a thoughtful epistle from one of his supporters, and though I tend to keep private correspondence, um… private, in light of the fact that he didn\’t…
Ha! That’s great.
Hey Goldy – When you have saved the taxpayers a few billion dollars, them maybe you’ll have the standing to discuss issues with Mr. Eyman. Until then, stay in your place as a nuisance barking dog.
Why don’t you and Eyman just meet somewhere and fight? Get this feud over with!
Damn funny.
To Libertarian at #3 – that would be what, a bantam weight bout?
To: MTR at #2:
Eyman hasn’t saved anybody a penny. Eyman just has deferred transportation projects which will still have to be performed in the future, at a higher cost.
Eyman has saved me THOUSANDS of dollars in MVET and prop taxes. Trans dollars spent here are fucking waste of money because HOV, bike trails, and trains don’t fix the fucking problem.
I suspect the sing-song updown downup musical talk thing goldstein does with his voice would cause early morning listeners to vomit their Starbucks across their windshields thereby causing untold mayhem and death on Seattle highways and byways… I doubt KTTH wants the responsibility or the lawsuits…
Face it, goldstein has a voice for AFTER a long and indulgent happy hour, not before breakfast… besides, they prefer discussion as opposed to Nutroots talking points.
What’s Eyman afraid of?
There’s a pattern here. Limbaugh doesn’t have guests, Bush needs a canned audience, Reichert won’t show up at constituent events, or radio interviews, Eyman won’t debate Goldy.
You wingers can’t handle debate in any forum, not here, not anywhere.
I just checked out the KTTH website. God, what a lineup of losers.
Limbaugh, Medved, Fucking Micheal Savage, O’Reilly, Ingraham, Bill “Virtue at a Poker Machine” Bennett.
Eyman will be in his element.
I will tune in for that for sure.
Eyman didn’t save the taxpayers money, he cost the taxpayers money. How much did the attorney general spend defending Eyman initiatives that failed in the courts? Christine Gregoire, on the other hand, brought in $4,250,000,000.00 from the tobacco litigation – that’s $4.25 billion of taxes Washington citizens won’t have to pay over the next 20 years!
So how much you give credit to a Republican who didn’t save the taxpayers any money, and don’t give credit to a Democrat who saved the taxpayers a shipload of money?
I would say because, like Roger Rabbit, you’re a partisan hack.
So how’s your gal Janeane Garofalo doing on Air America?
So where’s the 4.25 NOW rabbit?
Where’s the road it could have funded/fixed?
Where’s the schools it could have built/funded?
Where’s the remedy for the broken DSHS?
Ask Timmy if he plans to discuss Bush’s efforts to “Enronize” Social Security on his show.
“So where’s the 4.25 NOW rabbit?” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/7/06@ 2:24 pm
The state gets $225 million a year for the next 20 years — if you ever read a newspaper, you’d know that. (wink-wink)
“Where’s the road it could have funded/fixed?
Where’s the schools it could have built/funded?
Where’s the remedy for the broken DSHS?
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/7/06@ 2:25 pm”
Clue to the clueless: Look around and you’ll see it. The money goes into the General Fund, and money in the General Fund goes to WSDOT to fix roads (check out a construction project near your home), to schools (48% of the state budget), and — here’s the good one — Gregoire put the 48,000 poor kids Rossi kicked off Medicaid back on health care. So, yes, ProudtoBeanIgnorantAss, the money is being used as you’ve indicated.
This is such a good topic I’ll post it again:
Ask Timmy if he plans to discuss Bush’s efforts to “Enronize” Social Security on his show.
Oh please the general fund is the play money for the majority party boondoggles…. a great big lnetherworld of cash with no accountability
Why not be “pro-choice?”
Do you morons understand that Eyeman is going to be a guest host replacing only HALF of a duo… it’s not his show, his producers, his decisions, his responsibilities… but nice try at changing the language to fit your agenda.
David Boze on the morning show of KTTH is a fucking pussy. He believes in President Bush, he believes in the Iraq War, he’s young enough and fit enough to enlist in the Army, but refuses to join the military. Although, the “revisted” the idea after 9/11. He said, on air, he’d join the Army IF they needed him. I offered to drive him to the Army recuriter’s office so they could explain to him why the military keeps raising the enlistment cut off age and that he is in fact needed on active duty in the An-Bar province.
Typical right-winger pussy, all blather and no balls. Plus he fucking lies like JCH.
You pieces of shit Republicans make me sick.
We’ve tried the conservative model of government for nearly 6 years and is simply DOES NOT WORK.
I chanllenge any butt-fucking idiot who supports Bush to explain in detail the ONE FUCKING thing Bush and the Republicans have done so well it will be their memorable legacy. Like Clinton and the Greatest Economic Boom in the history of mankind.
Go ahead, assholes, just tell all of us the ONE THING they’ve done well.
kinda quiet here, now.
917 turned in 300k signatures today. So it’ll be on the ballot. Maybe the greedy fucking politicans will get it through their heads to get their greedy fucking hands out of our wallets. Maybe the courts will get the idea too that The People make the fucking rules.
Maybe we can kill that fucking boondoggle Unsound Transit this time.
*chirping crickets*
So let’s see how the hypocrites chime in on this. According to the knuckle-dragging, baby-raping right wingers, Goldy was a coward for not letting that lying piece of shit Timmy Lieman have an entire radio to rant and rave. Now that the tables are turned, the righties won’t let me down. They’ll decide it’s DIFFERENT when it’s a righties who has to answer the challenge!
Looks like the republicans aren’t that interested in fair elections after all. What a bunch of fucking crooks. They should be hanged for treason. Today!
You don’t know a damn thing about the state budget.
So tell me, ProudAss, what would you cut from the state budget?
RE: at 21:
Oh please the general fund is the play money for the majority party boondoggles…. a great big lnetherworld of cash with no accountability”
No, you are thinking about the off-budget “war costs” which the Bush administration is spending with NO accountability, and very little reporting, most of which is actually going into private contractor’s pockets under “no bid” contracts.
The state general fund is transparant and specific, most of which goes to pay for education expenses and roads.
Unfortunately, Republicans have spent so much time telling each other that the state funds are mis-managed, that they take it as gospel handed to them on high, to be asserted without reference to the facts. Nobody is about to try to defend every dime of state expenditure, but as recent experience on the national level shows, the Democrats are doing a damn good job managing the state finances, compared with what we could expect under the Republicans.
GBS — tell me again the story of how JCH LIED about his military service! I NEVER get tired of that story!!! :D
32: Dang, I forgot to close the italics. I wish this board had an edit function.
Hey Goldy,
I only wish someone had come up with that joke yesterday. Seriously, funny letter.
By the way, the last I heard the “war costs” have yet to be added into the budget deficit, since they are “off budget” items. Just when does Bush plan to add them into the budget, now that the war is over three years old, and is no longer a “temporary emergency”? Perhaps he plans to lump it all into the 2009 budget, so the Republicans can then try to blame the democrats for the financial mess?
GoneBonkersS-24 Go ahead, assholes, just tell all of us the ONE THING they’ve done well.
At the very least they have all the lefty wackos in a perpetual hissy-fit. That alone is worth the price of admission…..
Ass at 23:
it’s not his show, his producers, his decisions, his responsibilities… but nice try at changing the language to fit your agenda.
Jesus H. Christ on a stick. Don’t you fucking righties understand sarcasm? Oh, I forgot. You don’t even have a sense of humor.
Rakeface @24 – You want a list? Start with this:
1) Instead of ignoring terrorists like Bill Clinton, or talking to them like Jimmy Carter, George Bush has a vision of transforming the middle east. He courageous vision to establish democracy in Iraq will be judged by history to be a great leap forward in this century to liberate a millions of people from the dictator’s jackboots and give them the same freedoms that we have. Just as President Reagan confronted the Evil Empire and destroyed it, President Bush is confronting the evil in the middle east and destroying it.
2) President Bush inherited a recession from Bubba and implemented economic polices that are remarkably effective and have resulted in increased tax revenues, employment rates above 95%, home ownership at all time highs, while interest rates are at historical lows. We are economically better off than we have ever been.
3) He has protected us from terror attacks, and has been quite bold in doing whatever it takes to ensure our safety. We were attacked 5 years ago, and while weaker nations have been attacked repeatedly, our strength and resolve along with President Bush’s courageous and bold leadership has protected us.
Ensuring out long term safety, working for peace by destroying evil and bringing prosperty to America. Pretty good track record…
-Trans dollars spent here are fucking waste of money because HOV, bike trails, and trains don’t fix the fucking problem. –
MTR once again proves he’s a typical uneducated redneck – as opposed to a real conservative – whenever he actually mentions some policy issues (which is rare, of course).
With the issue of HOV, MTRKennedy takes the trailer trash populist Eyman approach, completely ignoring the fact that HOV lanes carry 3-4 times the amount of people on the same roadway (with the same cost) as a general purpose lane. Again, if MTR was a true conservative, he would call this “cost effective.” But since he’s an ignorant redneck (with fake degrees and fake McMansion, to boot) he automatically assumes HOV lanes are a waste of money. On a side note, MTRKennedy’s contention that we should do away with HOV is a non-starter from the outset. If the Eyman clowns ever did make a run at ridding the state of evil HOV lanes, we taxpayers would be on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars, since federal funding was contingent on keeping those lanes in HOV status for perpetuity.
As for the bike lanes: yeah, MTR, adding a stripe down the side of a road SURE IS EXPENSIVE! And god knows how awful it would be if you got out of your basement and beat up SUV once in a while, and got rid of some of that flab (stomach and brain).
As for those terrible trains: MTR, been to red cities like Phoenix, Dalla or Salt Lake lately? Phoenix is building their first light rail line, and Salt Lake City and Dallas are expanding theirs. I would be highly impressed if MTR could name a major metropolitan city where mass transit was left out of the mix, and highways are the only answer (jack up that Convention Center, you say?) I’ll be MTR goes impotent again on this one – as always. Plus, he’s already fulfilled his two sentences of public policy debate for the month (as opposed to the usual childish taunting).
And finally, one only need to look back a couple years to Eyman’s I-745. It reflected MTR’s ignorant views on transportation almost to a “t.” It also went down in flames.
-implemented economic polices that are remarkably effective and have resulted in increased tax revenues-
That’s weird, MTRKennedy. Since you seem to be so excited about those increased tax revenues, can you put one of those Internet U degrees of yours to good work, and explain to us why he’s also blown spending, debt and deficit records?
Bush is gambling with the world’s biggest Adjustable Rate Mortgage in record, and you’re trying to tell us that he has America’s long-term prospects in mind?
These comments of yours make as much sense as your earlier statement that the people of the world should band together, and “kill each and every Muslim on the planet.”
MTRKennedy is definitely what’s left of Bush’s ever-shrinking base. And it should scare the spooks at Bushco that all they have left on their side is a bunch of ignorant Talibangelists and bigots.
Bush has a vision of transforming the middle east allright, into a Halliburton subsidiary. As for the economy, Baby Bush took a surplus created by President Clinton and turned it into the biggest budget deficit in history. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the cowardly Bush’s policies have made the world LESS SAFE for Americans.
And then there’s the other highlights in Monkey Face’s career…
1) Ordered the outing of a CIA agent
2) Lied 40000 times about the war in Iraq
3) Created the biggest trade deficit in history
4) Let Osama get away a month before 9.11 and then let Osama’s family get away after 9.11
5) Tried to turn our ports over to Arab control
6) Screwed up the immigration situation
7) And my personal favorite, got down on all fours, stuck his ass in the air and invited N. Korea to collectively fuck him in the ass because he’s afraid to fight any country that ACTUALLY DOES HAVE WMD!
Librul – First of all, stop callin yerself a redneck. You’re a moonbat. Yer givin’ us real rednecks a bad name.
I drive 70 fucking miles of freeway everyday. I see who’s in the HOV lanes. 95% of the traffic single mothers in their minivans with their brood, couples in their sedans and RVs, skilled trades guys in their trucks, and mostly empty fucking buses. People who would be traveling together anyway. Less than 5% of the traffic is people who are carpooling to take a car off the road for the benefit of being able to move around. So don’t tell me HOV lanes work; they have failed totally in their stated mission.
A better use of HOV lanes would be to convert them to HOT lanes so that those of us whose time is worth more and can afford it can get around easier. Why the fuck should the single mother get where she’s going sooner than A Producer?
On trains, this is Murka. We like our cars. It’s our culture. They’re fine for third world countries like france, but they are simply ineffective here. Every fucking city that has one fails to generate the promised benefits, and the cost per passenger is greater than if you chartered a helicopter to carry them.
MTR at 39: Okay, ignoring the nonsense campaign rhetoric of # 1 and 3 for the moment, and concentrating on # 2:
(a) President Bush inherited a recession from Bubba
Hardly. Clinton is the one who inherited a reccession from George H.W. Bush. It took a couple of years to work our way out of that one, due in good part to good management by the Clinton administration (including his refusal to engage in “quick fixes” which many proposed). While many predicted that the Fed would slow down the running-full-tilt economic growth which prevailed during the second half of the Clinton administration, it was well into the Bush administration that we entered into a full recession.
(b) resulted in increased tax revenues, employment rates above 95%, home ownership at all time highs, while interest rates are at historical lows. We are economically better off than we have ever been.
Hardly attributable to Bush. In fact, what you are describing is the last four years of the Clinton administration, except that the numbers are even more impressive. Any “recovery” we are now experiencing is due to a temporary increase in deficit spending (the largest budget deficits in history), which we will have to pay for later. Bush is spending the federal money like a drunken heir, and when it comes time to pay the bar tab he will blame the bartender for wrecking the party.
I get really tired of Republican efforts to re-write economic history in their favor. For a party that claims to know business and finance, they need to learn a simple lesson: IF YOU BORROW MONEY, YOU HAVE TO PAY IT BACK.
Hell, perhaps I should take out a second mortgage, quit my job, and send my family on a fabulous vacation until the money is gone. Then when my wife takes over control of the finances, I can point out how much better we were living while I was in charge, but now that she’s having to pay off the resulting bills, we are worse off. Then wait until she gets just enough debt refinanced to put us back on an even budget, and then try to take control of the finances again. Hey, works for the Republicans, why not me?
rhp – I’m not gonna debate facts with you. Murka’s economy entered recession in April of Bubba’s last year. All economists agree. Fact#2, Bubba did not inherit (in his words) “the worst economy in the past 50 years.” That was a textbook Clinton lie. The economy was still growing albeit at a slower rate, but we were not in recession.
And don’t just blow off the other points I made unless you concede that I’m right as always.
The prosperity of the country during the Clinton presidency can be traced, in part, to the explosion of the personal computer age and the internet.
While lots of Republicans like to make fun of Gore for claiming some credit for the internet, the fact is that he was a moving force in opening up the internet to the public. Prior to that, the Republican position is that the internet should be confined to use by the government, academic institutions, and the military.
Now, if the Republicans had been in charge during the Clinton presidency, what would have happened to the internet? Quite likely, it would have remained under government or selected corporate control. Imagine the world today without a free internet! And imagine the resulting reduction in our economy from the absence of the high-tech “boost” which the internet provided!
We need to give credit where credit is due. Eisenhower deserves credit for the vision of an interstate highway system, and the guts to push it through. Kennedy deserves credit for the vision of the space program and the race to the moon. Johnson deserves credit for expending all his political capital in pushing for voting rights for minorities and anti-poverty programs. Bush I deserves credit for standing up to Saddam Hussein in Gulf War I. And Clinton deserves credit for the technology-based expansion which occured during his administration, as well as balancing the budget.
BFD – we’ve had wingfuckers in a hissy fit since FDR was elected.
To: MTR at #2:
Eyman hasn’t saved anybody a penny. Eyman just has deferred transportation projects which will still have to be performed in the future, at a higher cost.
Commentby rhp6033— 7/7/06@ 12:55 pm
Okay rhp6033, you pay your $350.00 per year for tabs. Go for it!
rhp, if you’re so hot on paying taxes, be my guest. Pay extra. Go ahead. Lead by example. Show us how generous you are.
Didn’t think so. Fucking hypocrite…
More lies of Leftturdy:
1) Ordered the outing of a CIA agent – I thought she was covert. Oh yes Fitz didn’t say that. Fitz proved you a liar!
2) Lied 40000 times about the war in Iraq – Was it War for Oil? Was it WMDs? Listen to Saddam Tapes. Already proved you a liar! for
3) Created the biggest trade deficit in history – Maybe, I’ll concede part of that.
4) Let Osama get away a month before 9.11 and then let Osama’s family get away after 9.11. WTF? Did you read Richard Clarke’s own words. I sent them home.
LeftTurd –
“George Bush has a vision of transforming the middle east. He courageous vision to establish democracy in Iraq will be judged by history to be a great leap forward in this century to liberate a millions of people from the dictator’s jackboots and give them the same freedoms that we have.”
Wow, redneck, this statement bespeaks of absolutely massive ignorance of the history of the middle east, including fairly recent twentieth-century history, as well as showing a remarkable gullibility and willingness to believe neo-fascist talking points. But, leaving that aside, tell me just how does Boobush plan on “democratizing” Iraq, by killing everybody? Didn’t you learn nothin’ at all them fancy universities that gave you all them “advanced degrees”?
“1) Instead of ignoring terrorists like Bill Clinton, or talking to them like Jimmy Carter, George Bush has a vision of transforming the middle east. He courageous vision to establish democracy in Iraq will be judged by history to be a great leap forward in this century to liberate a millions of people from the dictator’s jackboots and give them the same freedoms that we have. Just as President Reagan confronted the Evil Empire and destroyed it, President Bush is confronting the evil in the middle east and destroying it.”
How’s that mideast “vision thing” working out for ya, Mark?
There’s so much bullshit in this paragraph, it’s hard to know where to begin.
A) Clinton didn’t ignore terrorism, but your boy Georgie did. This is a long topic, so I’ll address it separately below.
B) WTF makes you think the middle eastern peoples that you have, in the past, contemptuously referred to as “towelheads” want the political system your boy Georgie is attempting to foist on them? Isn’t it rather (a) arrogant and/or (b) ignorant to assume that a completely different culture likes our political system better than their own? Has it occurred to you that it took an iron-fisted dictator to keep Iraq’s factions from killing each other? Did they ask us to “save” them? Isn’t it pretty fucking clear, by their deeds and words, they want us to leave?
You, and people who think like you, are what is known as “officious meddlers.” You don’t know what you’re doing. You do more harm than good. You ought to learn how to mind your own business.
“2) President Bush inherited a recession from Bubba and implemented economic polices that are remarkably effective and have resulted in increased tax revenues, employment rates above 95%, home ownership at all time highs, while interest rates are at historical lows. We are economically better off than we have ever been.”
There’s enough bullshit here to shovel into a truck!
A) Bush took office in January 2001. The recession started in March 2001. Look it up.
B) Mark says, “tax revenues have increased.” Roger Rabbit’s fact checking shows Mark is WRONG:
2000 – $2,025,218,000,000
2001 – $1,991,030,000,000
2002 – $1,853,173,000,000
2003 – $1,782,342,000,000
2004 – $1,880,071,000,000
2005 – $2,052,845,000,000*
* Estimate
These figures are total tax receipts that INCLUDE Social Security and Medicare taxes, which are not affected by the Bush tax cuts, and which grew in every year because of increased population. If you back out the latter, the drop in revenues is even greater than shown here. In addition, these are raw figures; if you adjust for inflation, revenues drop more still.
C) Mark says, “employment rates above 95%.” Roger Rabbit replies, while this is technically correct, it’s only a snapshot of the current situation and misrepresents Dubya’s economic performance. Looking at the larger picture, Dubya squandered the 3.9% unemployment rate that Clinton bequeathed to him; unemployment was above 5%, and at times above 6%, continuously from Sept. 2001 until Aug. 2005, and has never gone below 4.6% under Bush. Furthermore, after Bush enacted his tax cuts, the employment rate didn’t fall, it rose. Why? Because the tax cuts were targeted to the wealthy investor class, but the economy already had overcapacity, and did little to increase consumer spending, which is what the economy needed more of. Source:
“3) He has protected us from terror attacks, and has been quite bold in doing whatever it takes to ensure our safety. We were attacked 5 years ago, and while weaker nations have been attacked repeatedly, our strength and resolve along with President Bush’s courageous and bold leadership has protected us. Ensuring out long term safety, working for peace by destroying evil and bringing prosperty to America. Pretty good track record…”
Gross bullshit!.
A) Clinton warned Bush about al Qaeda; Bush ignored the warning. Clinton gave Bush a plan to combat terror; Bush shelved it. Until 9/11, Bush did nothing about terrorism, which Clinton regarded as the #1 threat to America’s security. 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch, and it happened because Bush was sleeping on the job. He spent 41% of the time between his inauguration and 9/11 on vacation in Texas.
B) Bush has exposed the U.S. to greater, not less, risk of terrorism by opening Iraq to terrorists and inviting reprisals for U.S. torture.
C) Mark refers to “weaker nations” experiencing terrorism attacks, but doesn’t tell us what countries he’s referring to, nor does he define “terrorism.” Terrorism statistics can be mighty slippery. Countries like Spain and Northern Island, which have homegrown separatist movements, have experienced violent incidents for many years. Acts that might be called “terrorism” have been endemic in Asia and above all in the Middle East for living memory.
If you judge Bush’s “war on terror” by the number of global terrorism incidents, then his policy is not working, because the number of such incidents has grown “dramatically,” according to an April 2005 Washington Post story.
In any case, we should be skeptical of official U.S. government claims, because a University of California professor who maintains an independent database of terrorism incidents has concluded the Bush administration is “politically manipulating” terrorism data.
A comparison of Clinton’s versus Dubya’s terrorism efforts is worthy of a separate comment, and takes too much space to post here.
In his memoirs, “The Clinton Wars” (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), Sidney Blumenthal wrote at pages 797-798:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
The many lapses and failures of the Bush administration in the months leading up to 9/11 have been well documented in the news media, among others by Time Magazine:
Mark the Redneck is shilling the rightwing lie that Clinton neglected the terrorist threat. There are many, many, many sources to refute this bullshit. I’ll provide a couple.
Tim won’t back down.
He will call your bluff and have you on for 3 hours.
“When in doubt, don’t blame Clinton”
by Ken Beck, Perspective Columnist
September 15, 2003
” … I do my best to try to avoid doing columns in response to other columns … but last Thursday, Jack Daniel wrote something so asinine that I couldn’t let him get away with it.
” … he wrote, ‘Had former President Bill Clinton pursued terrorism with more authority like President George Bush, Sept. 11 might not ever have happened.’ He asked what Clinton did about the USS Cole bombing. His answer: ‘Nothing. Nothing was done.’ Finally, his conclusion: ‘Because of our lax approach to this event, the terrorists felt it was proper time to launch a full-scale attack; this is why Sept. 11 occurred.’
“”That’s an excellent point. And you know what would’ve made it even better? If it were true. But it’s one of those right-wing lies that finds its way into the mainstream.
Here’s what former counterterrorism official in the Reagan Administration Robert Oakley told The Washington Post on Dec. 24, 2000, about Clinton’s national security policy: ‘Overall, I give them very high marks.’ He went on: ‘The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama, which made him stronger.’
“Only 38 days into Clinton’s presidency in 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed. Did he blame Bush Sr.? No, he oversaw the effort that captured and convicted these terrorists.
“Look at what Clinton did to the FBI’s counterterrorism budget: He tripled it. He was the first president to sponsor a crime bill that included antiterrorism legislation including an order to stockpile vaccines for smallpox and anthrax.
“Clinton ordered the CIA to assassinate Osama bin Laden in 1996 after the twin embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. And after the USS Cole bombing, Clinton … formulate(d) a plan to attack and destroy the terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and appoint counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke to head it up.
“According to Time magazine on Aug. 12, 2002, the plan also included ways to cut off terrorist funding, support Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan and give aid to countries facing al-Qaida insurgence. The same Time article quotes a Bush Administration official saying that the plan was ‘everything we’ve done since 9-11.’
“Unfortunately, that plan … was ignored (by Bush) despite carrying Clarke over from the Clinton Administration. Clinton’s National Security Adviser Sandy Berger briefed Condoleeza Rice about the al-Qaida threat. And what did Condi do about it? The same Time article reported she didn’t even bother to pass the info onto President Bush.
“So why do some people think it’s a good idea to point their fingers at a former president who did more to combat terrorism than any president before him?
“Because right-wingers just despise Bill Clinton and resent all the good he’s done for this country. They can’t stand the fact that he was one of the most successful presidents in history, despite the constant character assassination attempts coming from the right. I say get over Clinton and find Osama bin Laden! Remember him?”
Let’s get a couple of things straight here. “Mark, the self styled “””Redneck”””” is no redneck, just a dumb asshole.
Real rednecks aren’t “providers of services who help others produce wealth” as Mark claims to be. Real rednecks strap on a toolbelt and go out and produce the wealth with their bare hands (OK, they wear gloves). Something I doubt Mark has any firsthand experience of.
Real rednecks actually served in the armed forces. Mark, apparently did not.
Real rednecks drive older pickups, not SUV’s. Mark brags about his low gas mileage as if being stupid is some sort of initiation passage.
Finally, real rednecks love their country, not the Republican Party, and the realize the two aren’t the same. So they are not inclined to become apologetic shills for the massive failure of the current administration.
So Mark, get your head out of you ass and admit your real alliance: you’re just another wing-nut.
two points from the preceding article:
1) Reagan’s antiterrorism official gave Clinton “high marks”
2) The USS Cole bombing took place only 3 months before Clinton left office.
Bush did not catch the perps in 3 months! Although a number of people ultimately were convicted in a Yemeni court for the Cole bombing, they were not apprehended and convicted for several years — and 13 of the Cole perps escaped from a Yemeni prison in Feb. 2006 and are now at large.
Clinton administration anti-terrorism initiatives:
(1) Pass the Omnibus Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995
Provides federal criminal jurisdiction for any international terrorist attack in the US; provides federal criminal jurisdiction over terrorists in the US planning attacks overseas; provides a mechanism, through federal courts, to expeditiously deport alien terrorists without disclosing national security information or techniques; provides a mechanism for preventing fundraising in the US to support terrorist activities overseas; and implements an international treaty requiring manufacturers of plastic explosives to add a chemical detection agent.
(2) Provide more tools to federal law enforcement agencies fighting terrorism.
Amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to make it easier for FBI agents to get access to financial and credit reports for counter-terrorism purposes. Amend federal law to adopt, in national security cases, the standard in routine criminal cases for obtaining “pen registers” and “trap and trace” device orders. (A “pen register” is a device which records the number dialed on a telephone. A “trap and trace” device is similar to Caller ID and gives law enforcement the telephone number from which a call was made.) Pass legislation requiring innkeepers and common carriers to provide records to the FBI pursuant to authorized national security requests, replacing a system of voluntary cooperation. Fully fund the FBI’s court-authorized electronic surveillance of secure telephone transmissions (“digital telephony”); also allocate funds for FBI counterterrorist and counterintelligence activities, including logistics and other support. Create an interagency Domestic Counterterrorism Center headed by the FBI to establish a working partnership between the Justice Department, including the FBI, and other federal and state law enforcement agencies to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts within the United States.
(3) Directed the attorney general to assess potential terrorism threats against every federal facility in the country and report her recommendations within 60 days.
(4) Directed GSA to replace the federal building in Oklahoma City.
(5) Directed the FBI director, attorney general, and national security adviser to prepare a Presidential Decision Directive authorizing any and all further steps necessary to combat foreign and domestic terrorism.
(6) Hired 1,000 new agents, prosecutors, and other federal law enforcement and support personnel to investigate, deter, and prosecute terrorist activity.
(7) Passed legislation to require taggants in standard explosive raw materials to permit tracing of the materials after an explosion.
(8) Required the BATF to study and report on tagging explosive materials for purposes of identification and detection, whether common chemicals (e.g., agricultural fertilizers) used to manufacture explosives can be rendered inert for such use, and whether controls can be imposed on certain precursor chemicals used to make explosives.
(9) Amend the Posse Comitatus Act to permit military participation in crime-fighting involving weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, in which the military has special expertise.
(10) Amend the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1968 to use of electronic surveillance to fight terrorism. (2)
(11) Amend Federal law to criminalize the use of all chemical forms of chemical weapons, including materials in liquid or solid form which weren’t covered by the existing law.
(12) Make it illegal to possess explosives the individual knows were stolen.
(13) Increase the statute of limitations on violations of the National Firearms Act.
(14) Authorize the Secretary of Treasury to use Treasury Department aircraft to support law enforcement in emergencies.
(15) Amend reward statutes to give the attorney general more authority to pay rewards not subject to the spending limitations of 18 USC Sec. 3059 and 3072.
(16) Increase penalties for persons convicted of transferring firearms or explosives with knowledge it will be used to commit drug trafficking or violent crime.
(17) Amend 18 USC Sec. 111 to broaden existing enhanced penalties for terrorist attacks against federal employees, to cover all current and former federal employees and their families, when the crime is committed because of the official duties of the federal employee.
Here’s more of what Clinton and Gore did to fight terrorism:
– Developed the nation’s first anti-terrorism policy, and appointed the first national coordinator of anti-terrorist efforts.
– Foiled Al Qaeda’s millennium bombing plot.
– Tried to kill Osama bin Laden and disrupt Al Qaeda through preemptive strikes (the GOP denounced these efforts at the time).
– Brought to justice the perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA murders.
– Convened the Hart-Rudman Commission to report on terrorist threats and recommend steps to combat terrorism.
By contrast, here is the Bush/Cheney anti-terrorism record before September 11, 2001:
– Backed off Clinton administration’s anti-terrorism efforts.
– Shelved the Hart-Rudman report.
– Appointed a new anti-terrorism task force under Dick Cheney that didn’t meet even once before 9/11.
– Called for cuts in Pentagon’s anti-terrorism efforts.
– Gave no priority to DOJ’s anti-terrorism efforts.
– Ignored warnings from Sandy Berger and Louis Freeh.
– Halted Predator drone tracking of Osama bin Laden.
– Did nothing about CIA’s report of August 6, 2001 C.I.A. report warning an Al Qaeda attack was almost certain.
– Failed to order any coordination of intelligence data, thereby missing opportunity to stop the 9/11 plot.
– Blamed Clinton for 9/11.
And here’s what Bush and Cheney did after 9/11:
– Interfered with a bipartisan investigation of the intelligence failures surrounding 9/11
– 15 months after 9/11, the “National Commission on Terrorist Attacks” had no funding, no director, no office, no desks, or even a telephone number.
– Bombed and invaded Afghanistan, then installed an ex-employee of Unocal to govern the country, assuring Unocal of getting their long sought trans-Afgahnistan pipeline — and creating more hatred against the US in the region.
– Bombed and invaded Iraq, creating thousands of new terrorist recruits from all over the Middle East.
– Spent only $9 million on the anti-terrorism commission, compared to the $70 million that Republicans spent on Ken Starr’s investigation of Bill Clinton.
– Consistently opposed homeland security funding, and delayed creating a federal Department of Homeland Security for over a year in a tiff with Democrats over whether DHS employees would have union rights.
Let me reiterate …
Mark the Retarded Redneck LIED in his post #39.
Hey Redneck — tell me again how Bush’s tax cuts INCREASED federal revenues!
2000 – $2,025,218,000,000
2001 – $1,991,030,000,000
2002 – $1,853,173,000,000
2003 – $1,782,342,000,000
Hey Redneck – tell me again how the employment rate was over 95% as a result of Bush’s economic policies!
2001-01-01 4.2
2001-02-01 4.2
2001-03-01 4.3
2001-04-01 4.4
2001-05-01 4.3
2001-06-01 4.5
2001-07-01 4.6
2001-08-01 4.9
2001-09-01 5.0
2001-10-01 5.3
2001-11-01 5.5
2001-12-01 5.7
2002-01-01 5.7
2002-02-01 5.7
2002-03-01 5.7
2002-04-01 5.9
2002-05-01 5.8
2002-06-01 5.8
2002-07-01 5.8
2002-08-01 5.7
2002-09-01 5.7
2002-10-01 5.7
2002-11-01 5.9
2002-12-01 6.0
2003-01-01 5.8
2003-02-01 5.9
2003-03-01 5.9
2003-04-01 6.0
2003-05-01 6.1
2003-06-01 6.3
2003-07-01 6.2
2003-08-01 6.1
2003-09-01 6.1
2003-10-01 6.0
2003-11-01 5.9
2003-12-01 5.7
2004-01-01 5.7
2004-02-01 5.6
2004-03-01 5.7
2004-04-01 5.5
2004-05-01 5.6
2004-06-01 5.6
2004-07-01 5.5
2004-08-01 5.4
2004-09-01 5.4
2004-10-01 5.4
2004-11-01 5.4
2004-12-01 5.4
2005-01-01 5.2
2005-02-01 5.4
2005-03-01 5.1
2005-04-01 5.1
2005-05-01 5.1
2005-06-01 5.0
2005-07-01 5.0
2005-08-01 4.9
2005-09-01 5.1
2005-10-01 4.9
2005-11-01 5.0
2005-12-01 4.9
2006-01-01 4.7
2006-02-01 4.8
2006-03-01 4.7
2006-04-01 4.7
2006-05-01 4.6
2006-06-01 4.6
Redneck is not only a welsher, he’s a liar.
Mark isn’t a “producer.” He doesn’t grow, build, or make anything. He’s a paper pusher with a calculator. He isn’t a “producer” any more than a basketball player or a lawyer is a “producer” — he LIED about that, too.
It isn’t even correct to call Mark a “fucking liar” because his vagina is dead and the only thing he’s fucking is his five fingers.
And occasionally a horse, on side trips to Enumclaw.
Hey Mark,
How’d you like to meet a real redneck. How bout you and me, no holds barred. It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to kick someone’s ass up between their ears
Can’t think of a nicer guy to kick.
Let me know, be happy to find out how tough you really are.
Gee, Mark sure got quiet. Guess he doesn’t have much to say…..
Roger is a liar – he lies about being a rabbit. He is only a poor, pathetic person who has no better use of time other than to spend hours of his time posting continual 95% nonsense on this blog. If he would stick to the facts that are exhibited in some his posts and leave off the utter idiocy of his Ad Hominem attacks in the majority of his posts, he would be much more believable and this blog would be much more readable.
Horseshit. Roger is the only reason to read these comments.
u0TvaBEeKkp SddUeCL2ZZ glA925WT7ZxTly
You are too easily impressed!
R8ZE9glp5iVS A5m7pfjhxo 5eBU0GXYWTP8e
Mark @ 7 — Your roads don’t fix MY fucking problem. Pay for your own god damn roads. Don’t use the taxes I pay (yes, even the gas taxes I pay) to pay for them.