Secede sure. But make sure you pay your share of the national debt before you go.
Oh, and make that double since you gave us the asshole who ran up the national debt in the first place (after spending the surplus he inherited from Clinton).
Oh…and I would be happy to stipulate paying their share of the national debt that existed on 01/20/09.
proud leftistspews:
Oh, yeah, and defend your borders, bitch. Where do you people come from?
proud leftistspews:
Holy shit, the trolls are out tonight. There ought to be a bounty on ’em. Each pelt counts a sawbuck. That’d be about right. Shit, to tell the truth, I’d shoot ’em for free.
Well, if the Texans secede, lets hope its peacefully. They are going to have enough problems to deal with without being carpet bombed.
1. Suddenly Texas has no military might except for whatever their militias have stashed up in the hills. Taxes will go up as Texas (the new country) scrambles to build a modern military. They will have to institute a draft until they get their military manned, and hopefully have enough money to pay them.
2. Texans (the people) no longer have access to Medicare, Social Security, Federal Unemployment Benefits, Federal Farming and Ranching subsidies, Student Loans, Federal Funding of Education, Federal Funds for Highway development, Federal Grants, etc. Unless the people who wish to stay US citizens are allowed to leave Texas.
3. All companies that are incorporated in Texas now become foreign companies who will be under federal guidelines for technology exporting. Many of those companies would need to be removed from federal contracts. And certainly any natural resources leases or contracts between those countries and the USA would be null and void. Fine if they only hold leases in Texas, but certainly a blow if they hold leases anywhere else. Especially if they do not want to secede.
4. Texas’ ports would now only be Texas’ ports. Companies planning to ship to the USA would ship to Mississippi and Louisiana rather than deal with all the paperwork of a Texas border crossing into the USA.
5. All water and power agreements would need to be renegotiated now that Texas was a foreign country. I have no idea how much of the water that Texas drinks actually originates in another state, but I’m betting it is a fair percentage. This, more than anything else is why they would want to stay peaceful.
Not to mention food logistics. And what will they use for money? The list goes on.
Of course they could try and secede in some sort of a war with the USA. This of course leaves them open to invasion by the drug cartels across the border. It would be hard for a small country like that to handle a 2 front war, especially if they were outmatched on both sides.
Lots of people that just want to live their lives minding their own business would get killed.
And for what? Conservatives lost an election? A mixed-race person is the POTUS? How f’ing stupid is that?
Richard Popespews:
I don’t see any kind of “holy war” cause that would justify pro-unionist guerrillas to attack the existing Texas state government, as was the case with the Harper’s Ferry raid.
Actually, John Brown’s raid was not on a Virginia state government military installation at all. Brown attacked the UNITED STATES Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry.
So what would be the logic in anti-Republican guerrillas attacking a UNITED STATES military installation in Texas? Why would pro-Obama irregular forces attack Fort Hood, Fort Bliss, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, or Lackland Air Force Base? Why would pro-Democratic vigilantes attack a federal bases, staffed by officers and troops who are under the command of President Obama?
Richard Popespews:
In any event, the idea of Texas secession is a joke. A sad joke, a sick joke, but a pathetic and weak joke in any event. Hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.
Texas state government is still a representative democracy. Presently, the Republicans have a significant advantage statewide and in the legislative districts. Somewhat less GOP advantage now than a few years ago, and maybe the GOP will get stronger in Texas in a few years — assuming they don’t implode on right-wing nutjobbery.
As for people in Texas, hardly any Democrats at all would support secession. Among Republicans, certainly a vocal minority, perhaps even more than half. But there are enough Republicans against secession, combined with the overwhelming majority of Democrats and independents, so that the idea would not have majority support.
Maybe Governor Rick Perry is turning into a total right-wing nut job. There is a good chance he will lose the Republican primary in 2010 to a saner, pro-unionist Republican. (By 2010, Perry would have served 10 years — 2 full elected terms, plus the last 2 years of GWB’s second term. No Texas Governor has served three consecutive terms.)
I would certainly think that the Texas legislative contains enough reasonably sensitive Republicans, so that a secession bill would never pass in either house. And back in the 1860’s, secession was usually submitted to a popular vote or a specially elected convention. I cannot imagine any referendum gaining a majority for secession.
Another TJspews:
Hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.
There’s probably plenty of bluster in the absence of a real secession threat, but it’s not accurate to say that “hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.” The available evidence suggests otherwise.
Tom Fossspews:
uumm, excuse me, this is not serious idea. Its seriously beyond being just the usual casual wingnut ideas even though it comes from Perry…
If its real, lets package them all up and let the trolls all secede, pay us what they owe, and be a backwater third world country in deep debt and fascism complete with a dictatorship for generations.
Tom Fossspews:
uumm, excuse me, this is not serious idea. Its seriously beyond being just the usual casual wingnut ideas even though it comes from Perry…
If its real, lets package them all up and let the trolls all secede, pay us what they owe, and be a backwater third world country in deep debt and fascism complete with a dictatorship for generations.
i’d love to secede from all the jew states. oh, by the way, dont bother calling me antisemitic, i just found out all the jew media is making fun of mel gibsons catholic faith, so religious insult is now fair game…
Richard Popespews:
AnotherTJ @ 8
Okay, there is nearly 40% in Texas that favors secession.
Seriously, if the majority of the people in a given state actually wanted to secede, I would say they should be allowed to do so. As a republic (or representative democracy, depending on the politically correct term), this would require following state constitutional processes. Presumably, a supermajority of the legislature to amend the state constitution, plus a referendum vote on the proposed secession.
Back in the 1860’s, the concept of human rights and democracy in this country were less well-defined. Millions of black Americans (especially in the seceding states) were held in slavery. Women could not vote. Even many white males were disqualified due to property or literacy requirements in the various states.
So it was reasonable to deny secession rights back in the 1860’s. If a state actually went through such a process in the modern era, the rest of the nation should seriously consider taking the necessary action to accommodate such a result.
In the meantime, the rest of us should take every opportunity to call Rick Perry and his fellow travelers unpatriotic, disloyal, wingnut wacko extremists every chance that we get.
Broadway Joespews:
All I have to say is…..
How long? (keyboard/violin riff)
How long? (keyboard/violin riff)
How long, to the Point of Know Return?
Here’s an interesting take on what a Texas that cannot legally secede, but instead can split off into five separate states, with one still technically being Texas:
Beyond that, Perry can kiss his career goodbye. KBH will win the Republican primary, and let’s see if Kinky Freidmann runs for the office again. That’d make bitchoflies’ head explode.
Republican teabaggers unitespews:
For years we had to listen to “America, love it or leave it” as Bush ran the country into the ground. We stayed because we love America.
Now we find out that the repughs want to leave America.
Must be the repughs don’t love America.
Republican teabaggers unitespews:
Oh manof-no-truth @ 11,
Texas is calling you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Big new today about our Jon!
A circus has saddened a Klown after telling him he could no longer wear giant, floppy shoes due to health and safety concerns.
The circus’ safety adviser, Larry Dewitt made the ruling after Klown Jon DeVore fell 9-feet and broke his foot during a tight-rope act at a show in Liverpool, England.
He was told that his wacky size 18 shoes violated the circus’ insurance policy. Kashkin said the ruling is unjustified.
“I feel fine despite the sore foot and I think if I don’t wear the big boots the impact might be lost on the audience,” he said. “But now I’ve got to do the balancing act in normal sized shoes and it just won’t be the same.”
DeVore, 40, hoped to carry on as normal with the Moscow State Circus after his fall during a show at Sefton Park in Liverpool.
His routine includes getting dressed while walking along a cable, and playing drums, trumpet and double bass all at the same time.
The safety adviser said the oversized shoes make the act too dangerous.
“The problem is he can’t feel the wire between his feet with the boots on,” said Dewitt. “He’s walking blind.”
Yup, that’s our Jon….walking and Blogging blind
@11: Why bother calling you an antisemite?
You are just an ignorant and prejudiced fool. Thanks for helping to defame the rightwingnuts you hang out with. Along with the torture apologists and the racists, your heterogeneous group makes a fine bunch of deviants.
Hope you all succede from us sane people, and take Klynical and his psychopathic friends with you, please!
This blog has jumped the shark.
What’s next, a blog post about christian snake handlers?
IMO, too many here look for hypocrisy and use stereotypes as a foundation of their viewpoints. It’s boring, non-productive and not honest debate.
There are good points being made here, but they are being lost in the anger.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. proud leftist spews:
Shit, to tell the truth, I’d shoot ‘em for free.
Typical left wingut… wants to shoot americans that he doesn’t agree with.
Democrats, the party that hates Americans.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. nolaguy spews:
This blog has jumped the shark.
When was this blog ever relevant?
And by the way, the regulars on this blog would rather you refer to it as “jumping the goat.” None of the regulars have ever jumped a shark.
Boo Boo Bearspews:
re 16: Go ahead and and squeeze the wheeze. People often do.
A great week for America – the torture debate has ruined the weekend for the crazy right wing turds. WHATADICK Cheney has established that he is the new leader of the GOP – him and his 19% approval ratings – PRESIDENT OBAMA has won just about every battle with the cowards on the right. Good times.
hey correcttoright, explain to me why its ok for newsweek, to name just one, to ridicule mel gibsons catholic faith, but i have to shut up
proud leftistspews:
Jesus was a Jew. So, fuck you.
3. proud leftist spews:
Oh, yeah, and defend your borders, bitch. Where do you people come from?
From the womb, I’m not sure we need to know where you people come from.
Bring on Civil War 2.0 bitches.
Secede sure. But make sure you pay your share of the national debt before you go.
Oh, and make that double since you gave us the asshole who ran up the national debt in the first place (after spending the surplus he inherited from Clinton).
Oh…and I would be happy to stipulate paying their share of the national debt that existed on 01/20/09.
Oh, yeah, and defend your borders, bitch. Where do you people come from?
Holy shit, the trolls are out tonight. There ought to be a bounty on ’em. Each pelt counts a sawbuck. That’d be about right. Shit, to tell the truth, I’d shoot ’em for free.
Well, if the Texans secede, lets hope its peacefully. They are going to have enough problems to deal with without being carpet bombed.
1. Suddenly Texas has no military might except for whatever their militias have stashed up in the hills. Taxes will go up as Texas (the new country) scrambles to build a modern military. They will have to institute a draft until they get their military manned, and hopefully have enough money to pay them.
2. Texans (the people) no longer have access to Medicare, Social Security, Federal Unemployment Benefits, Federal Farming and Ranching subsidies, Student Loans, Federal Funding of Education, Federal Funds for Highway development, Federal Grants, etc. Unless the people who wish to stay US citizens are allowed to leave Texas.
3. All companies that are incorporated in Texas now become foreign companies who will be under federal guidelines for technology exporting. Many of those companies would need to be removed from federal contracts. And certainly any natural resources leases or contracts between those countries and the USA would be null and void. Fine if they only hold leases in Texas, but certainly a blow if they hold leases anywhere else. Especially if they do not want to secede.
4. Texas’ ports would now only be Texas’ ports. Companies planning to ship to the USA would ship to Mississippi and Louisiana rather than deal with all the paperwork of a Texas border crossing into the USA.
5. All water and power agreements would need to be renegotiated now that Texas was a foreign country. I have no idea how much of the water that Texas drinks actually originates in another state, but I’m betting it is a fair percentage. This, more than anything else is why they would want to stay peaceful.
Not to mention food logistics. And what will they use for money? The list goes on.
Of course they could try and secede in some sort of a war with the USA. This of course leaves them open to invasion by the drug cartels across the border. It would be hard for a small country like that to handle a 2 front war, especially if they were outmatched on both sides.
Lots of people that just want to live their lives minding their own business would get killed.
And for what? Conservatives lost an election? A mixed-race person is the POTUS? How f’ing stupid is that?
I don’t see any kind of “holy war” cause that would justify pro-unionist guerrillas to attack the existing Texas state government, as was the case with the Harper’s Ferry raid.
Actually, John Brown’s raid was not on a Virginia state government military installation at all. Brown attacked the UNITED STATES Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry.
So what would be the logic in anti-Republican guerrillas attacking a UNITED STATES military installation in Texas? Why would pro-Obama irregular forces attack Fort Hood, Fort Bliss, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, or Lackland Air Force Base? Why would pro-Democratic vigilantes attack a federal bases, staffed by officers and troops who are under the command of President Obama?
In any event, the idea of Texas secession is a joke. A sad joke, a sick joke, but a pathetic and weak joke in any event. Hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.
Texas state government is still a representative democracy. Presently, the Republicans have a significant advantage statewide and in the legislative districts. Somewhat less GOP advantage now than a few years ago, and maybe the GOP will get stronger in Texas in a few years — assuming they don’t implode on right-wing nutjobbery.
As for people in Texas, hardly any Democrats at all would support secession. Among Republicans, certainly a vocal minority, perhaps even more than half. But there are enough Republicans against secession, combined with the overwhelming majority of Democrats and independents, so that the idea would not have majority support.
Maybe Governor Rick Perry is turning into a total right-wing nut job. There is a good chance he will lose the Republican primary in 2010 to a saner, pro-unionist Republican. (By 2010, Perry would have served 10 years — 2 full elected terms, plus the last 2 years of GWB’s second term. No Texas Governor has served three consecutive terms.)
I would certainly think that the Texas legislative contains enough reasonably sensitive Republicans, so that a secession bill would never pass in either house. And back in the 1860’s, secession was usually submitted to a popular vote or a specially elected convention. I cannot imagine any referendum gaining a majority for secession.
Hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.
Don’t be so sure:
There’s probably plenty of bluster in the absence of a real secession threat, but it’s not accurate to say that “hardly anyone in Texas actually supports the idea.” The available evidence suggests otherwise.
uumm, excuse me, this is not serious idea. Its seriously beyond being just the usual casual wingnut ideas even though it comes from Perry…
If its real, lets package them all up and let the trolls all secede, pay us what they owe, and be a backwater third world country in deep debt and fascism complete with a dictatorship for generations.
uumm, excuse me, this is not serious idea. Its seriously beyond being just the usual casual wingnut ideas even though it comes from Perry…
If its real, lets package them all up and let the trolls all secede, pay us what they owe, and be a backwater third world country in deep debt and fascism complete with a dictatorship for generations.
i’d love to secede from all the jew states. oh, by the way, dont bother calling me antisemitic, i just found out all the jew media is making fun of mel gibsons catholic faith, so religious insult is now fair game…
AnotherTJ @ 8
Okay, there is nearly 40% in Texas that favors secession.
Seriously, if the majority of the people in a given state actually wanted to secede, I would say they should be allowed to do so. As a republic (or representative democracy, depending on the politically correct term), this would require following state constitutional processes. Presumably, a supermajority of the legislature to amend the state constitution, plus a referendum vote on the proposed secession.
Back in the 1860’s, the concept of human rights and democracy in this country were less well-defined. Millions of black Americans (especially in the seceding states) were held in slavery. Women could not vote. Even many white males were disqualified due to property or literacy requirements in the various states.
So it was reasonable to deny secession rights back in the 1860’s. If a state actually went through such a process in the modern era, the rest of the nation should seriously consider taking the necessary action to accommodate such a result.
In the meantime, the rest of us should take every opportunity to call Rick Perry and his fellow travelers unpatriotic, disloyal, wingnut wacko extremists every chance that we get.
All I have to say is…..
How long? (keyboard/violin riff)
How long? (keyboard/violin riff)
How long, to the Point of Know Return?
Here’s an interesting take on what a Texas that cannot legally secede, but instead can split off into five separate states, with one still technically being Texas:
Beyond that, Perry can kiss his career goodbye. KBH will win the Republican primary, and let’s see if Kinky Freidmann runs for the office again. That’d make bitchoflies’ head explode.
For years we had to listen to “America, love it or leave it” as Bush ran the country into the ground. We stayed because we love America.
Now we find out that the repughs want to leave America.
Must be the repughs don’t love America.
Oh manof-no-truth @ 11,
Texas is calling you.
Big new today about our Jon!
Yup, that’s our Jon….walking and Blogging blind
@11: Why bother calling you an antisemite?
You are just an ignorant and prejudiced fool. Thanks for helping to defame the rightwingnuts you hang out with. Along with the torture apologists and the racists, your heterogeneous group makes a fine bunch of deviants.
Hope you all succede from us sane people, and take Klynical and his psychopathic friends with you, please!
This blog has jumped the shark.
What’s next, a blog post about christian snake handlers?
IMO, too many here look for hypocrisy and use stereotypes as a foundation of their viewpoints. It’s boring, non-productive and not honest debate.
There are good points being made here, but they are being lost in the anger.
Typical left wingut… wants to shoot americans that he doesn’t agree with.
Democrats, the party that hates Americans.
When was this blog ever relevant?
And by the way, the regulars on this blog would rather you refer to it as “jumping the goat.” None of the regulars have ever jumped a shark.
re 16: Go ahead and and squeeze the wheeze. People often do.
A great week for America – the torture debate has ruined the weekend for the crazy right wing turds. WHATADICK Cheney has established that he is the new leader of the GOP – him and his 19% approval ratings – PRESIDENT OBAMA has won just about every battle with the cowards on the right. Good times.
hey correcttoright, explain to me why its ok for newsweek, to name just one, to ridicule mel gibsons catholic faith, but i have to shut up
Jesus was a Jew. So, fuck you.
3. proud leftist spews:
Oh, yeah, and defend your borders, bitch. Where do you people come from?
From the womb, I’m not sure we need to know where you people come from.