Whip your fucking caucus. I mean I’m a Democrat, so the disorder you’ve sewn with your incompetence is usually fun to watch. But now that we’re a few days away from y’all not passing a clean continuing resolution, it’s time to do your job. It’s time to recognize that you are in the majority, so you have an obligation to do the basic stuff to keep the lights on.
I mean when your party was in the minority, you could rant on and on about continuing resolutions and debt ceiling rises, and whatever else it is you rant on and on about. And you could back your temper tantrum up with a vote against them because you knew that the Democrats were going to act like responsible adults and pass these things. Well, now you’ve gerrymandered your way into the majority, despite more people voting for Democrats for the House, so fucking act like you’re in the majority.
Have a vote on the clean resolution and fucking threaten your members who vote against it. Take away their plumb committee assignments. Make them do fundraising in North Dakota in January. Just — and I know this will sound silly — remind them that it’s their fucking job, for God’s sake. And don’t just get enough to squeak by with the support of the Democrats: fucking act responsibly and pass the damn thing with mostly Republican support. It’s your job when you’re in the majority. If you don’t like it, quit.
Carl Ballard
Here, here!
They are a minority. The Republicans who control the House gained 1.5 million few votes than the Democrats in 2012. It is only through grotesque gerrymandering that they ‘won’ more seats.
Now we know what a government put in place by the Teahaddists looks like. I hope the voting populace remembers this in 2014.
Roy Blunt must think people in Missouri are pretty stupid.
asked what advice he would give constituents when the health insurance marketplace opens for business next Tuesday.
“I’d recommend that people if they can figure out how to have health insurance that they get health insurance,” he said.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013.....rylink=cpy.
But, he may have a point as these people did vote for Roy Blunt.
Good post, Carl. Non-leadership on the part of house Republicans is the real issue here.
On the talk radio’s 3 conservative stations (Cause the corporate owners turned the only progressive radio station into Seattle least listened to sports talk station earning 1/5 of the listenership when it was progressive):
Rush was yammering that Racism is Dead, but the liberals don’t want it to die, and that our debt ceiling is the liberal’s fault.
The next was saying that any republican that voted for Obamacare or debt ceiling was a traitor to conservative ideology.
A woman was extolling progressive topis of the wealth going to upper 1%, that jobs and manufacturing was leaving the country, that the median wage was going down, not up. Her solutions were totally 100% opposite of any progressive solution, but at least she was acknowledging the issues. It was the elite establishment’s fault and we shouldn’t raise the debt ceiling to punish the elites.
Conservative Talk radio is making sure the listeners are mad as hell and going to vote against their self interests. IMHO, The government is going to be shut down for a long time and when it is voted on, the republican and the teabaggers are going to eat each other.
@2 It’s going to take a hell of a lot more of the voting populace fighting against even more hindrances to getting to the polls, not to mention somehow seeing to it that their votes get counted. Voter suppression efforts have doubled and redoubled in the states ALEC now essentially owns. (Hint: that little power outage in Detroit a couple weeks ago was probably a rehearsal for future election days.)
Where is GOATBOY?
Is he fighting the good fight somewhere else? Could it be his corporate masters have told him to post his trademark garbage against Ted Cruz on TEAHADIST blogs?
Inquiring minds don’t really care.
With all due respect, isn’t Carl the original inspiration for that Grumpy Cat character? I mean, he’s not wrong here, but perhaps being a little more succinct would be a better way to express one’s opinions about this do-nothing, borderline treasonous, National-Corporatist “Tea” party.
I’ll bet the TeaPot Dome scandal would be barely a flicker in the lights of corruption that have been periodically illuminated in this nations legislative record, if someone were to actually do some real in depth research into how much the big 300 industrialist families have contributed to the current legislative clusterfuck we seem to have found ourselves in.
Carl, unless your post is tongue in cheek, you appear to be asking a Republican to act sanely and legislate. Ain’t going to happen. The Republican “party” has gone so far around the bend they are out of sight.
You can still ask.
But, what about the national debt and the fact that the evil federal government spends too much money?
Scott Walker needs to do the right thing here and have the people of Green Bay foot the bill for the bridge repairs.
Nah. He’ll just announce a big subsidy to fix the damned thing and then sell it off to private interests because they are so efficient.*
*At stealing money.
@12, @13: You’re both wrong. He’ll look for someone to buy his bridge. He’s good at that.
@10 You can ask for a unicorn that farts glittery rainbows, too. Doesn’t change the fact that they would challenge the premises behind just about every word of your note – starting with the idea that they have any sort of obligation to anyone other than the voices in their head and their imaginary sky friends.
If you can’t negotiate with terrorists, negotiating with insane terrorists seems like an especially bad idea.
Wisconsin needs to learn how to pull its self up by its own boot straps! That’s what John Boehner did, by gum.
Some of the comments are priceless.
@11 Seems to beg some sort of reference to “calling the WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMbulance”.
Walker may have sealed his doom here. Fighting with the union guys might be one thing, but dealing with a horde of angry Packers fans if traffic gets so snarled they can’t get to Lambeau Field on game day is quite another.
Haha… I drove through Green Bay a few weeks back, those people already drive like maniacs.
@10 Carl,
I really hate to tell you I told you so ….