I am writing because I hope you will do everything you can to support an independent commission investigating Russia. With the firing of James Comey and, holy cow, the interview with Lester Holt, it’s clear that something is up. I don’t know the extent of Russian ties and I don’t know that anyone can at this point. But Trump’s words are clearly lies.
Thank you,
Carl Ballard
(You can contact Senator Murray or Senator Cantwell for this or anything else.)
Bet they both called for Comey’s firing.
Also why should I be comfortable with two Senators when asked whether women should be drafted won’t answer the question. But you want them to do what? Maybe they can have an investigation in 2019 if the Democrats have a majority of the Senate. Still like Jimmy Dore is calling I want them supporting what Democrats should be doing than all horse manure over alleged Russian involvement though it’s no worse than what the CIA did in the French election. Our CIA did exactly what everyone is accusing the Russian’s of doing in our election. Not that the Russians were effective.
Come on Senators how single payer, free college tuition, $15 minimum wage, getting our asses out of 7 wars in the middle east.
And Carl did you actually mail this to them or e-mail it to their offices you need their official e-mail or do you need me to forward it? Sticking it on here is meaningless unless one or both are big time flowers of Horseass and there is no evidence of that, if anything they probably would like to keep any association at arms length.
Sending this to the Washington Post and getting it published might get it notices by the Senators staff.
I guess Abigail is very comfortable with Drumpf’s closeness to Russia. I’m sure his feelings and thoughts would be the same if this were Obama and some Democrat. He forgets that Obama was paling around with Jeremiah Wright.
Abigail is just another dumbfuck like the rest, and Russia sympathizer. I’m sure he could care less if something unconstitutional happened here.
Long Live Ireland.
Abby your penmanship is going down the tubes. Is this what happens as part of the process of Making Amerrrrrica Great Again?
I bet Drumpfy praised Comey at one time too. I bet Republucans called him a great guy at one time too. I bet at one time Republicans said he was doing a great job.
Who gives a fuck if at one time they said he should be fired.
You just want to detract from a possible coverup. This is the kind of chaos you get with dumbfucks like you.
@ 1-4:
Seems this is all academic. The Don has now apparently openly confessed to obstruction on national television, citing the investigations into the connections with the Russian Mobsters that he and his inner circle all seem to be working with, as being a major if not the only real reason why Comey was canned.
He was just following orders I guess.
Good lord that man is a fucking imbecile.
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[Edited: Off topic]
Hillbilly-Traitors oppose an independent inquiry into criminal ties between the Russian spy agencies and the Fuckface Von Clownstick campaign and the Hillbilly-Traitor Party. So naturally they support obstructing any such investigation by firing the FBI Drector.
Loyal patriotic American Democrats supported (please notice the use of past tense here) removing Comey before we learned that Fuckface Von Clownstick had sold our national sovereignty to Vladimir Putin. Sadly, with degenerate Hillbilly-Traitors in control of all Congressional inquiries, that left Comey as the only possibility for a slightly independent non-partisan investigation. A possibility now effectively stamped out.
So congratulations to the Hillbilly-Traitors! Your treason has prevailed! You get to go on pretending among yourselves that you “won” the election of your ridiculous orange Russian puppet without conspiring with Putin. Just don’t ask the rest of us to join your collective treason delusion.
At this point I think we have to assume that given their status in the minority there is very little that even ranking senior Democrats in Congress will be able to do to bring about an honest and truthful investigation into the Hillbilly-Traitor Party criminal conspiracy with Russian spies. McConnell and the rest of the Hillbilly-Traitor leadership have proven very capable of obstructing open order and the Constitution for political purposes. And by now they must realize that they face an existential crisis. They will hold nothing in reserve and will be willing to spend every shred of their dignity and public respect when the time calls for it.
The most we can hope for, and what we should probably begin to prepare for, is to make this kind of treason as politically costly as possible for them. Think of how many times in even the past few years we’ve heard people call for patience and room to negotiate while we wait for Hillbilly-Traitor colleagues to “come around”. It hasn’t happened once. Not once. At every single fork in the road they’ve chosen treason. We’ve got to stop repeating the same mistake by assuming that “this time it’s different”. It’s not different. They are still Hillbilly-Traitors. They are beyond the moral event horizon and they can never make it back to being Americans with the rest of us. We have got to face the fact that at this point The Hillbilly-Treason Party no longer has it in them to choose rule-of-law and patriotic duty over party. Obstruction of an independent prosecutor in order to cover up criminal misdeeds and political corruption must be welded to the Hillbilly-Traitor political identity. That must now become the full time job of every elected Democrat. And it has to begin immediately.
@9 Well this is something
The fish rots from the head
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discuss the ‘corruption and the lies that are entangling this White House and this president.’
Morning Joe 5/12/17 Duration: 7:26
In another segment Joe said the RETHUG CONGRESS CRITTERS are running scared. Even before the DUMPSTER’S obstruction confession (see @5), the RETHUGS thought they were going to loose the house in 2018. Now it looks even worse.
Please pass the popcorn.
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