I suppose the PR folks at Microsoft thought it a savvy move to send free computers loaded with Vista software to dozens of tech-industry bloggers. But rather than generating glowing reviews, the Redmond software giant’s outreach efforts have created an online controversy, with charges of “payola” and “bribery” flying in all directions.
Microsoft’s efforts to woo influential bloggers by sending them free computers loaded with the Vista operating system is generating controversy, with some online writers attacking would-be Vista reviewers for taking what were tantamount to bribes, while recipients defend their editorial independence, arguing that journalism-style rules prohibiting such gifts are outdated.
[…] In total, Microsoft and AMD gave away 90 PCs, all loaded with the highest-end version of Windows Vista, the 64-bit Ultimate edition. Most received Acer Ferrari laptops that list for between US$2,000 and $2,400 at retail stores. Others received media center desktops made by Velocity Micro Inc.
Microsoft says it has “no expectation of any editorial payback,” and some of the bloggers who have benefited from the company’s largesse argue that professional journalism ethics simply don’t apply in an online world where many bloggers could not afford to review products if they had to pay for them themselves.
Hmm. If Microsoft were to send me a new Acer Ferrari laptop, I suppose I would be faced with quite an ethical quandary. On the one hand, accepting such a gift might compromise my credibility when writing about Microsoft or its new operating system. On the other hand my current laptop, a time-worn Apple iBook, is now over five years old.
So I guess the only way for me to adequately consider this controversy and determine for myself and my readers on which side I fall, is for Microsoft to send me a free computer too. Personally, I’d prefer a new MacBook Pro. (I understand that Vista runs fine within a copy of Parallels Desktop for Mac.) But I guess I’d take one of those Acer laptops if that’s all you have lying around.
So, hey Microsoft, drop me an email and I’ll give you my shipping address. And I absolutely promise you… no editorial payback.
I wouldn’t mind a new computer myself!
If you can wait a few months, come spring, when the new version of Mac OS is released, it will include BootCamp and you won’t even need Parallels to run Vista.
My iBook is only two years old, I’ll probably wait at least another year or two before I get a new laptop, not that I wouldn’t take a free one! I don’t think it would influence my review of Vista, I’m already hearing about huge security holes…..
typical liberal, his hand out looking for a freebie at someone elses expense…
Thank you for proving ALL the stereotypes are true, jewblogger
Sadly, the PC is inferior to the MAC, but Microsoft is a master marketer, and pretty much all the business world is stuck on PCs and Microsoft’s products.
Well heck Goldy…. If we are all going to comment on your unbiased review than we should all receive laptops too don’t ya think?
Actually I’ve been told that the MacBook runs Vista just great – use bootcamp and you’re good.
Larry @6,
I like the idea of being able to switch between Vista and OS X without having to reboot. So I’m willing to pay the slight performance penalty of running within Parallels.
(And hey… put in a good word for me will you? I could really use a new laptop.)
So go buy one. That’s what most people that want something do.
I thought you were a software developer. If you were any good, I would think you could earn the money to buy one for yourself, and get a tax break at the same time. There’s no lack of jobs out there for qualified software engineers.
Alternatively, instead of begging for a laptop from Microsoft, try asking the Sims or Cantwell campaign for one. Since you did so much dirty work for them, I think they’d be more likely to give you a laptop than Microsoft.
I’d be happy to get a free laptop from Microsoft. About three milliseconds after they left I’d be loading Linux on it.
Auntie @3, ConFirst @8…
What a bunch of humorless twats.
I don’t understand why there is a fuss over MS sending Vista to writers to evaluate. This is common practice in many industries, including the computer business. Computer magazine writers get new products to review all the time, and have for years, and no one questions this.
MS merely added a few bloggers to the people they send new products to.
There would be no point in them sending only the OS as very few people have a PC powerful enough to showcase Vista.
To MS, a few dozen laptops loaded with their OS is pocket change. They spend many times more than this on advertising every day of the year.
Guess I hit a nerve. If you weren’t constantly begging for stuff, then there would be little point in saying anything.
I find it interesting you chose to use a female body part in an attempt to insult me. Besides being a shamelss beggar, are you a misogynist too?
You could get a piece of cardboard for a sign that says “Will make lame attempts at humor for a laptop” and sit on the sidewalk across from the Microsoft campus. Maybe some bigwig will feel sorry for you and toss a laptop out their window to you.
it says: Microsoft’s efforts to woo influential bloggers by sending them free computers loaded with the Vista operating ….
Goldy, they sent them to influential bloggers….so that’s why you were not on the list…:-)
Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Dutch!
CF@12: Goldie would also have to play a looping tape of the Best of Goldie Radio Show and provide listener demographics.
Goldie used twat because Goldie is a femi-man!
Goldie failed to mention the libtard-led movie industry sends out thousands of DVD copies of a movie to drum up critical support all the time. Problem was many of those DVDs were used to feed the on-line download craze!
auntie liberal:
More of your antisemitism just pouring out unabated. You need your mouth washed out with soap.
Get a sense of humor, fucktard!
The reason it drew attention now (as opposed to when computer industry publications got free computers, software, etc. to review) is because the bloggers were honest enough to write about it.
Personally, I’d say that the free stuff- whether given to a blogger, a computer industry magazine, or tech industry reporter or whatever- should be used to test it out, then donated to a charitable organization.
If it’s not, then it should be declared and taxed as income.
Either way, the fact that the thing was sent free should be disclosed in the review.