I’m not having an easy time making ends meet, and yet I just voted to raise my own taxes to help pay for schools, as will a comfortable majority of voters in school levy elections throughout the state.
The only folks doing well (education employment-wise) in this “Great Recession” are the administrators of higher ed. The low-life teacher types, that get/got no cola, no raises and increased work loads (increasing yearly from administrative “thinkers” btw), and yet we have no state-education funds… Speaking of Pork, let’s splash a few over-paid school administration heads (paid 3 and 4x the salary of an established {not new} educator) out of the state budget pool this legislative session/year, rather than the already piss-poor economically drowning teachers. I as well voted for the schools, always do, but I am tired of the HUGE rise in school administration both in numbers and salaries state-wide, and the continual decrease in full-time employed teachers… these past 10 years… When do we say “when” people? Why does no one write or comment on this?
Poster Childspews:
What impact on this philosphical thought experiment does it make that Goldy voted to increase his own taxes to pay for schools that his daughter doesn’t even attend?
Altruist and communitarian, or sap?
Obviously @2, that would be, IN EARNEST an Altruist and Patriot.
@2 Or those of us without kids.
Say Goldy,
Can you please list out ALL the different tax raises that you want to see.
I understand and usually support school levies – mostly because they all have a limited duration, and the items that the school levy are paying for are pretty much shown and documented at the time of vote.
The state raising taxes and shoving money into their black hole is a whole ‘nuther game. No accountability – just more money for them spend
AND, goldy, it doesnt matter how much the state raises taxes and we pay them, because they will ALWAYS ask for more….its never ever enough.
Hell, we could get taxed at 99%, and it still wouldnt be enough.
There once was a time when people and companies moved TO california. Now people and business are leaving in droves. You want us to believe its because their taxes are too low??
Idea: ALL the people who want their taxes raised: PLEASE, by all means, write the state a little “bonus”, that way you can feed that little altruistic desire to your hearts content.
Every year, voters approve millions of dollars in new taxes. And they reject some too.
The most important factor in whether voters approve or reject a tax measure is whether the government agency proposing the measure identified an important public need, often by asking the public what it thought was important, and then explained exactly why it was important. In other words, good government.
Local governments across the state do this all the time, though some fail miserably. The state legislature fails repeatedly, despite being controlled by a party that values good government. Why?
My explanation: The current Democrats are afraid of their own shadows, afraid of criticism from Republicans (which they will get regardless) and their allies alike, and mostly afraid of losing. Pathetic.
If they put 10 great things on the ballot and only half of them won, we’d have passed 5 great things — but the Democrats would cower as the Republicans attack them and political commentators ridicule them for the 5 things that failed.
We shouldn’t be voting on a separate line item tax to fund a primary responsibility of the State.
Want to balance the budget? Cut the total compensation of State employees by 20%, get them back in line with the private sector. They’re welcome to quit if they don’t like it.
Public Lower Education is Socialism. Parents should take family responsibility seriously and either home school their children or pay for a private education. Why as a single person should I pay taxes to put your kids through education? Where are your family responsibilities? You want them to play the Violin, or play Sports, you should pay to do so, don’t expect a free handout from me. Socialism starts with taxpayer funded Education.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@8…..wrong. That has nothing to do with socialism.
people, on both the left and the right, keep tossing the term “socialism” around but they dont have any idea what the word means.
You’d have to raise most public employees compensation to get them in line with the private sector. And besides much of the states work is done by private contractors these days.
Earliest results in Pierce County have all levy elections passing. Thanks neighbors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Well actually, stupid, if you want to see what the state spends money on you could look it up on the internet because the budget is online.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Also, your spewing about “taxes raised” is sheer nonsense. Washington residents are paying billions less in state taxes than they were two years ago.
Sorry, those little bastards are going to have to go and sell cookies, magazines, porn themselves. I voted NO.
I’m sorry the public education system is broken, we keep rearranging the deck chairs! Education needs to shift back to the parents and the community that raises them.
Home school works.
maybe if people slowed down their baby productiveness and had fewer children, we could perhaps afford to spend a greater amount of time with less individuals.
I prefer quality over quantity.
The statistics are there.
People with a higher education have less children.
We have to stop rewarding mass breeding. What are We 1930’s Germany?
I’m trying to pay for my own education, and they keep hiking our property taxes for a failed system.
Sorry. Not today kiddies.
Do what my mom told me… get a job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “They’re welcome to quit if they don’t like it.”
I already did. What’s more, every state employee I know who became eligible to retire last year did so. The pay isn’t good enough to keep them in their jobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 It’s always easy to tell someone else to take a pay cut, isn’t it? Well, I have an idea: How about if you take a 20% pay cut to help make whatever your employer sells more affordable for the rest of us? Are you willing to do that? If not, then shut up about other people’s paychecks.
Or here is a solution…legalize and tax marijuana in WA and use THOSE tax revenues for something useful, like say…a transportation system that WORKS in WA? Or Those taxes could be used to help pay for the growing increase in state health care!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Home school works.”
Yeah, we see the fruit of that every day in these comment threads.
And more so the product of public education as well. perhaps that was fairly generic and vanilla in my comment of Home school works. But I hardly wanted to become attached to this thread, as folks are as passive aggressive and charming via boards as they are in real life.
I surrvived public school, and graduated top 1 5. granted, I had parents who ‘home schooled’ me, and dumped me off to public ed. Where there, i spent a vast majority of my time, avoiding be creamed by black girls who hated me for simply being a white female.
public schools are a gladitorail forum, a mass baby sitting establishment.
At one point in my life I wanted to help the community, make a diffrence in education. fix it from the inside right?
No thank you. I’ve met droves of teachers leaving the profession, some screaming, others a broken heart. And its all the same thing.
Too many kids, no discipline. NO PARENT interaction. i had a teacher of 15 years break down and cry in my clinic from the stress of dealing with the kids, and their parents.
They blamed the teachers for failing grades and bad behavior.
If parents were forced to pay the financial burden of a child, they’d slow down and use a condom.
But consider this… kids are dropped in the laps of teacher 8 hrs a day 5 days a week.9-12 months a year. So for 40 plus hours a week some one ELSE is caring for your child and feeding them.
Out of a 24 hr day… Sue goes to school at 0700, comes home at 1500- or goes to the baby sitter- or after school program.
You don’t get off work till 1700-1800- maybe 1900? Then its time for Timmy to eat dinner take a bath, do home work, and maybe go to bed 2100?
So in a 24 hr day, you see your child less then 10 hrs.
So tell me again where is the burden is falling?
Not the parents.
And more so the product of public education as well. Perhaps that was a fairly generic and vanilla comment ‘Home school works’. But I hardly wanted to become attached to this thread, as folks are as passive aggressive and charming via boards as they are in real life.
I survived public school, and graduated top 1% . I had parents who ‘home schooled’ me, and dumped me off to public ED. Where there, I spent a vast majority of my time, avoiding being creamed by black girls who hated me for simply being a white female.
Public schools are a gladiatorial forum, a mass baby sitting establishment.
At one point in my life I wanted to help the community, make a difference in education. fix it from the inside right?
No thank you. I’ve met droves of teachers leaving the profession, some screaming, others a broken heart. And its all the same thing.
Too many kids, no discipline. NO PARENT interaction. i had a teacher of 15 years break down and cry in my clinic from the stress of dealing with the kids, and their parents.
They blamed the teachers for failing grades and bad behavior.
If parents were forced to pay the financial burden of a child, they’d slow down and use a condom.
But consider this… kids are dropped in the laps of teacher 8 hrs a day 5 days a week.9-12 months a year. So for 40 plus hours a week some one ELSE is caring for your child and feeding them.
Out of a 24 hr day… Sue goes to school at 0700, comes home at 1500- or goes to the baby sitter- or after school program.
You don’t get off work till 1700-1800- maybe 1900? Then its time for Timmy to eat dinner take a bath, do home work, and maybe go to bed 2100?
So in a 24 hr day, you see your child less then 10 hrs.
So tell me again where is this burden falling?
Not the parents.
Sorry again I digress in tangent. :)
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@17..home-schooled kids routinely test better than their public school countertparts….no surprise there.
if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.
otherwise, go jump in a lake Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit.
What impact on this philosphical thought experiment does it make that Goldy voted to increase his own taxes to pay for schools that his daughter doesn’t even attend?
easy..he believes in socialism. taxes help make government bigger and hurt the middle class, the backbone of a democracy and the enemy of socialists.
@20 @17..home-schooled kids routinely test better than their public school countertparts….no surprise there.
if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.
otherwise, go jump in a lake Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit.
well, i’ll say otherwise…homeschooled kids dont test as well in the main subjects that are taught in public schools..
christian hatred
euro hatred
dead white patriot hatred
on second thought,living white patriot hatred
us military hatred
george bush hatred
capitalisam hatred
christmas hatred
Lou Boogaspews:
For every brilliant home schooled child there’s another one that’s dumb as a brick.I’ve been voting for over 30 years and no matter where I lived I have always voted FOR school bonds,levies ect. I just wish that I could vote to raise the taxes on all you stupid nihilist shitheads!
Whether Home School works or not, not my problem, your kids, your responsiblity to educate them, not me….stop taxing me for your kids, stop looking for a free government hand out. Take some family responsiblity and teach your own kids and show them how to exercise becuast they are a bunch of fat bastards too.
what, not heterosexual hatred rant gman?
Quit != retire
Give back the fat overblown pension and then you can talk, you slimy fuck.
@26 – What, you don’t think that heterosexuals have downfalls too? Do I sense that you are bieng a bit sensitive to ridicule to the pitfalls of heterosexuality? Take care of your kids, don’t expect me to pay for them to be schooled, or becuase you can’t keep them from being cows.
the town i live i has a middle school calendar. (as i suspect all towns do). the calendar notes school holidays. it has rosh hasanah, yom kipper, ramadan etc…but no CHRISTMAS!!!!! who do think pushed for that? i would never send my kids to jew controlled publc schools and get a socialist education.
How is a free government hand out when everyone else is paying into it too?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Your home schooling taught you neither proper grammer, correct spelling, nor how to write a coherent sentence.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.”
It doesn’t take any studies or data to understand that homeschooled children do not receive the exposure to society or learn the social skills that children who attend regular classes are.
Comparing test results is misleading because in most states homeschooled children are not required to take standardized tests. Thus, most test data for homeschooled children reflect the fact that (a) those voluntarily testing generally are the better students, and (b) the tests are chosen by the students being tested to maximize their performance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Yeah let’s eliminate school taxes and make employers bear the cost of teaching workers how to read and write.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Teaching basic skills to the workforce with taxpayer money is socialism for the business class.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based news magazine, has an article this week on home schooling that points out there’s more to attending school than learning the three R’s:
“In September 2006 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that … [s]chools represented society … and it was in the children’s interest to become part of that society. The parents’ right to raise their offspring did not go as far as depriving their children of the social experience of school.”
@32…HAHAHAHAH, you are so full of shit that its coming out your rabbit ears.
Nice try!! but you EPIC FAIL again.
I know plenty of people who were home schooled for a portion to all of their school years – and they are much more socialy adept than you are…so what does that say?
Goebbels fails again…..
@30 – Ok, poor choice of words. After submitting the comment I knew someone was going to say something about it not being a free hand out if you are paying taxes….but my point being, as a single person, I still pay for something I receive nothing in return and I have to contribute towards a system that other people that have children benefit from. Why aren’t tea party people fighting for me, and propose a tax credit for not having kids in the system. And the money I pay goes towards a government run system, that ends up going towards someone with kids, in essence that is a free hand out, because if you compensated for what I pay for if I didn’t, a person with kids would have to pay more for the service, so in essence a free handout, or handout off of my back.
Take your kids and home school them, take responsibility for their schooling, get them to run a few laps around the house so they don’t weigh the weight of a cow.
People don’t care about others having to pay taxes, just so long as they don’t have to pay any themselves.
I don’t want to live in an oligarchy so, even though I don’t have kids, I dig free public educations. A quick route to an oligarchy would be to ditch free public schools for all
While I don’t have kids I do have nieces and nephews and friends with kids and want to see them do well and I think good public schools are the way to go for them as well. My friends and relations seem to agree with me on this.
Free public schooling for all is one of the founding principles of modern society and if you want to ditch modern society and go back to the Gilded Age there’s not much for us to talk about.
People don’t care about others having to pay taxes, just so long as they don’t have to pay any themselves.
You must have completely missed my point @ 30.
People are voting to tax themselves. They are paying the taxes they voted for.
@38 Free public schooling for all is one of the founding principles of modern society and if you want to ditch modern society and go back to the Gilded Age there’s not much for us to talk about.
good point i never thought of, but what about when the public school system is hyjacked by those who want to indoctrinate the kids?
plus, you are all missing the point. we know goldstein doesnt send his kids to public schools. so why would he want to pay taxes for them? the publc schools turn out morons, and private schools turn out future leaders. so, the goyim will be idiots and his daughter will be another wealthy, powerful and influencial person, while the public school grads will be one of the 30 million on food stamps. nope, no contest.
@38 – If you like it so much, then you can pay for my share of the cost.
The only folks doing well (education employment-wise) in this “Great Recession” are the administrators of higher ed. The low-life teacher types, that get/got no cola, no raises and increased work loads (increasing yearly from administrative “thinkers” btw), and yet we have no state-education funds… Speaking of Pork, let’s splash a few over-paid school administration heads (paid 3 and 4x the salary of an established {not new} educator) out of the state budget pool this legislative session/year, rather than the already piss-poor economically drowning teachers. I as well voted for the schools, always do, but I am tired of the HUGE rise in school administration both in numbers and salaries state-wide, and the continual decrease in full-time employed teachers… these past 10 years… When do we say “when” people? Why does no one write or comment on this?
What impact on this philosphical thought experiment does it make that Goldy voted to increase his own taxes to pay for schools that his daughter doesn’t even attend?
Altruist and communitarian, or sap?
Obviously @2, that would be, IN EARNEST an Altruist and Patriot.
@2 Or those of us without kids.
Say Goldy,
Can you please list out ALL the different tax raises that you want to see.
I understand and usually support school levies – mostly because they all have a limited duration, and the items that the school levy are paying for are pretty much shown and documented at the time of vote.
The state raising taxes and shoving money into their black hole is a whole ‘nuther game. No accountability – just more money for them spend
AND, goldy, it doesnt matter how much the state raises taxes and we pay them, because they will ALWAYS ask for more….its never ever enough.
Hell, we could get taxed at 99%, and it still wouldnt be enough.
There once was a time when people and companies moved TO california. Now people and business are leaving in droves. You want us to believe its because their taxes are too low??
Idea: ALL the people who want their taxes raised: PLEASE, by all means, write the state a little “bonus”, that way you can feed that little altruistic desire to your hearts content.
Every year, voters approve millions of dollars in new taxes. And they reject some too.
The most important factor in whether voters approve or reject a tax measure is whether the government agency proposing the measure identified an important public need, often by asking the public what it thought was important, and then explained exactly why it was important. In other words, good government.
Local governments across the state do this all the time, though some fail miserably. The state legislature fails repeatedly, despite being controlled by a party that values good government. Why?
My explanation: The current Democrats are afraid of their own shadows, afraid of criticism from Republicans (which they will get regardless) and their allies alike, and mostly afraid of losing. Pathetic.
If they put 10 great things on the ballot and only half of them won, we’d have passed 5 great things — but the Democrats would cower as the Republicans attack them and political commentators ridicule them for the 5 things that failed.
We shouldn’t be voting on a separate line item tax to fund a primary responsibility of the State.
Want to balance the budget? Cut the total compensation of State employees by 20%, get them back in line with the private sector. They’re welcome to quit if they don’t like it.
Public Lower Education is Socialism. Parents should take family responsibility seriously and either home school their children or pay for a private education. Why as a single person should I pay taxes to put your kids through education? Where are your family responsibilities? You want them to play the Violin, or play Sports, you should pay to do so, don’t expect a free handout from me. Socialism starts with taxpayer funded Education.
@8…..wrong. That has nothing to do with socialism.
people, on both the left and the right, keep tossing the term “socialism” around but they dont have any idea what the word means.
You’d have to raise most public employees compensation to get them in line with the private sector. And besides much of the states work is done by private contractors these days.
Earliest results in Pierce County have all levy elections passing. Thanks neighbors.
@5 Well actually, stupid, if you want to see what the state spends money on you could look it up on the internet because the budget is online.
@5 Also, your spewing about “taxes raised” is sheer nonsense. Washington residents are paying billions less in state taxes than they were two years ago.
Sorry, those little bastards are going to have to go and sell cookies, magazines, porn themselves. I voted NO.
I’m sorry the public education system is broken, we keep rearranging the deck chairs! Education needs to shift back to the parents and the community that raises them.
Home school works.
maybe if people slowed down their baby productiveness and had fewer children, we could perhaps afford to spend a greater amount of time with less individuals.
I prefer quality over quantity.
The statistics are there.
People with a higher education have less children.
We have to stop rewarding mass breeding. What are We 1930’s Germany?
I’m trying to pay for my own education, and they keep hiking our property taxes for a failed system.
Sorry. Not today kiddies.
Do what my mom told me… get a job.
@7 “They’re welcome to quit if they don’t like it.”
I already did. What’s more, every state employee I know who became eligible to retire last year did so. The pay isn’t good enough to keep them in their jobs.
@7 It’s always easy to tell someone else to take a pay cut, isn’t it? Well, I have an idea: How about if you take a 20% pay cut to help make whatever your employer sells more affordable for the rest of us? Are you willing to do that? If not, then shut up about other people’s paychecks.
Or here is a solution…legalize and tax marijuana in WA and use THOSE tax revenues for something useful, like say…a transportation system that WORKS in WA? Or Those taxes could be used to help pay for the growing increase in state health care!
@13 “Home school works.”
Yeah, we see the fruit of that every day in these comment threads.
And more so the product of public education as well. perhaps that was fairly generic and vanilla in my comment of Home school works. But I hardly wanted to become attached to this thread, as folks are as passive aggressive and charming via boards as they are in real life.
I surrvived public school, and graduated top 1 5. granted, I had parents who ‘home schooled’ me, and dumped me off to public ed. Where there, i spent a vast majority of my time, avoiding be creamed by black girls who hated me for simply being a white female.
public schools are a gladitorail forum, a mass baby sitting establishment.
At one point in my life I wanted to help the community, make a diffrence in education. fix it from the inside right?
No thank you. I’ve met droves of teachers leaving the profession, some screaming, others a broken heart. And its all the same thing.
Too many kids, no discipline. NO PARENT interaction. i had a teacher of 15 years break down and cry in my clinic from the stress of dealing with the kids, and their parents.
They blamed the teachers for failing grades and bad behavior.
If parents were forced to pay the financial burden of a child, they’d slow down and use a condom.
But consider this… kids are dropped in the laps of teacher 8 hrs a day 5 days a week.9-12 months a year. So for 40 plus hours a week some one ELSE is caring for your child and feeding them.
Out of a 24 hr day… Sue goes to school at 0700, comes home at 1500- or goes to the baby sitter- or after school program.
You don’t get off work till 1700-1800- maybe 1900? Then its time for Timmy to eat dinner take a bath, do home work, and maybe go to bed 2100?
So in a 24 hr day, you see your child less then 10 hrs.
So tell me again where is the burden is falling?
Not the parents.
And more so the product of public education as well. Perhaps that was a fairly generic and vanilla comment ‘Home school works’. But I hardly wanted to become attached to this thread, as folks are as passive aggressive and charming via boards as they are in real life.
I survived public school, and graduated top 1% . I had parents who ‘home schooled’ me, and dumped me off to public ED. Where there, I spent a vast majority of my time, avoiding being creamed by black girls who hated me for simply being a white female.
Public schools are a gladiatorial forum, a mass baby sitting establishment.
At one point in my life I wanted to help the community, make a difference in education. fix it from the inside right?
No thank you. I’ve met droves of teachers leaving the profession, some screaming, others a broken heart. And its all the same thing.
Too many kids, no discipline. NO PARENT interaction. i had a teacher of 15 years break down and cry in my clinic from the stress of dealing with the kids, and their parents.
They blamed the teachers for failing grades and bad behavior.
If parents were forced to pay the financial burden of a child, they’d slow down and use a condom.
But consider this… kids are dropped in the laps of teacher 8 hrs a day 5 days a week.9-12 months a year. So for 40 plus hours a week some one ELSE is caring for your child and feeding them.
Out of a 24 hr day… Sue goes to school at 0700, comes home at 1500- or goes to the baby sitter- or after school program.
You don’t get off work till 1700-1800- maybe 1900? Then its time for Timmy to eat dinner take a bath, do home work, and maybe go to bed 2100?
So in a 24 hr day, you see your child less then 10 hrs.
So tell me again where is this burden falling?
Not the parents.
Sorry again I digress in tangent. :)
@17..home-schooled kids routinely test better than their public school countertparts….no surprise there.
if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.
otherwise, go jump in a lake Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit.
What impact on this philosphical thought experiment does it make that Goldy voted to increase his own taxes to pay for schools that his daughter doesn’t even attend?
easy..he believes in socialism. taxes help make government bigger and hurt the middle class, the backbone of a democracy and the enemy of socialists.
@17..home-schooled kids routinely test better than their public school countertparts….no surprise there.
if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.
otherwise, go jump in a lake Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit.
well, i’ll say otherwise…homeschooled kids dont test as well in the main subjects that are taught in public schools..
christian hatred
euro hatred
dead white patriot hatred
on second thought,living white patriot hatred
us military hatred
george bush hatred
capitalisam hatred
christmas hatred
For every brilliant home schooled child there’s another one that’s dumb as a brick.I’ve been voting for over 30 years and no matter where I lived I have always voted FOR school bonds,levies ect. I just wish that I could vote to raise the taxes on all you stupid nihilist shitheads!
Whether Home School works or not, not my problem, your kids, your responsiblity to educate them, not me….stop taxing me for your kids, stop looking for a free government hand out. Take some family responsiblity and teach your own kids and show them how to exercise becuast they are a bunch of fat bastards too.
what, not heterosexual hatred rant gman?
Quit != retire
Give back the fat overblown pension and then you can talk, you slimy fuck.
@26 – What, you don’t think that heterosexuals have downfalls too? Do I sense that you are bieng a bit sensitive to ridicule to the pitfalls of heterosexuality? Take care of your kids, don’t expect me to pay for them to be schooled, or becuase you can’t keep them from being cows.
the town i live i has a middle school calendar. (as i suspect all towns do). the calendar notes school holidays. it has rosh hasanah, yom kipper, ramadan etc…but no CHRISTMAS!!!!! who do think pushed for that? i would never send my kids to jew controlled publc schools and get a socialist education.
How is a free government hand out when everyone else is paying into it too?
@19 Your home schooling taught you neither proper grammer, correct spelling, nor how to write a coherent sentence.
@21 “if you say otherwise, I invite you to post some data proving it.”
It doesn’t take any studies or data to understand that homeschooled children do not receive the exposure to society or learn the social skills that children who attend regular classes are.
Comparing test results is misleading because in most states homeschooled children are not required to take standardized tests. Thus, most test data for homeschooled children reflect the fact that (a) those voluntarily testing generally are the better students, and (b) the tests are chosen by the students being tested to maximize their performance.
@25 Yeah let’s eliminate school taxes and make employers bear the cost of teaching workers how to read and write.
Teaching basic skills to the workforce with taxpayer money is socialism for the business class.
The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based news magazine, has an article this week on home schooling that points out there’s more to attending school than learning the three R’s:
“In September 2006 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that … [s]chools represented society … and it was in the children’s interest to become part of that society. The parents’ right to raise their offspring did not go as far as depriving their children of the social experience of school.”
@32…HAHAHAHAH, you are so full of shit that its coming out your rabbit ears.
Nice try!! but you EPIC FAIL again.
I know plenty of people who were home schooled for a portion to all of their school years – and they are much more socialy adept than you are…so what does that say?
Goebbels fails again…..
@30 – Ok, poor choice of words. After submitting the comment I knew someone was going to say something about it not being a free hand out if you are paying taxes….but my point being, as a single person, I still pay for something I receive nothing in return and I have to contribute towards a system that other people that have children benefit from. Why aren’t tea party people fighting for me, and propose a tax credit for not having kids in the system. And the money I pay goes towards a government run system, that ends up going towards someone with kids, in essence that is a free hand out, because if you compensated for what I pay for if I didn’t, a person with kids would have to pay more for the service, so in essence a free handout, or handout off of my back.
Take your kids and home school them, take responsibility for their schooling, get them to run a few laps around the house so they don’t weigh the weight of a cow.
People don’t care about others having to pay taxes, just so long as they don’t have to pay any themselves.
I don’t want to live in an oligarchy so, even though I don’t have kids, I dig free public educations. A quick route to an oligarchy would be to ditch free public schools for all
While I don’t have kids I do have nieces and nephews and friends with kids and want to see them do well and I think good public schools are the way to go for them as well. My friends and relations seem to agree with me on this.
Free public schooling for all is one of the founding principles of modern society and if you want to ditch modern society and go back to the Gilded Age there’s not much for us to talk about.
You must have completely missed my point @ 30.
People are voting to tax themselves. They are paying the taxes they voted for.
Free public schooling for all is one of the founding principles of modern society and if you want to ditch modern society and go back to the Gilded Age there’s not much for us to talk about.
good point i never thought of, but what about when the public school system is hyjacked by those who want to indoctrinate the kids?
plus, you are all missing the point. we know goldstein doesnt send his kids to public schools. so why would he want to pay taxes for them? the publc schools turn out morons, and private schools turn out future leaders. so, the goyim will be idiots and his daughter will be another wealthy, powerful and influencial person, while the public school grads will be one of the 30 million on food stamps. nope, no contest.
@38 – If you like it so much, then you can pay for my share of the cost.