The Seattle P-I’s Neil Modie breaks the story: King County elections director Dean Logan has resigned to take a similar position in Los Angeles County, the largest elections jurisdiction in the nation.
I’m sure the folks over at Sound Politics are dancing in the streets, but then, they’re all a bunch of pricks. Logan is one of the most knowledgeable and respected elections officials in the nation, which is why LA County, with over 3.5 million voters — more than the entire state of Washington — has been recruiting him for months. Meanwhile, due to the toxic political environment the Republicans have cynically promoted in the wake of the 2004 gubernatorial election, King County has yet to find a qualified candidate willing to take on the Superintendent of Elections position after a year of searching.
Logan has been incessantly vilified by the GOP and their surrogates, with Evergreen Freedom Foundation President Bob Williams even going on the radio to demand that Logan should be jailed. A colorless bureaucrat in the best sense of the word, Logan has simply had enough of the abuse.
Anyway, here’s Logan’s resignation letter in his own words:
June 12, 2006
Honorable Ron Sims
King County Executive
701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3210
Seattle, WA 98104Dear Executive Sims:
It has been a tremendous honor to serve as the Director of King County Records, Elections and Licensing Services. I recall feeling humbled and eager by the trust you placed in me when you asked me to serve the citizens of King County
That man had to eat a lot of shit for a long, long time. Especially from a lot of cousin-fucking douchebags on the internet. Good luck in sunny So-Cal.
Hmmm, Logan is moving to the county of my birth. This is not good for the members of my family who live down there. Will L.A. County see honest ballot reports????? I sure hope so.
My personal and professional disappointment in the recent incivility and disrespectful nature of proceedings with the County Council related to the vote-by-mail proposal has further exaggerated that dynamic.
No kidding. Where’s Reagan Dunn when you need someone to bloviate?
The problem is, almost all the fraud that happened in the elections happened with mail ballots—voting dead, voting twice (several did), people from B.C. voting without properly filled out registrations, a felon voted right from the prison! Mail ballots were lost and not found until way too late to count, fatal pends ballots were improperly counted (Huennekens–“we shouldn’t have counted those”–hey, he said it, I didn’t), way too many unverified provisional ballots counted, way more ballots than voters (what’s up with THAT???) with no good explanation back when, failure to respond to public records requests, misleading ballot reports, etc etc.
It isn’t pretty.
Maybe Dean Logan will figure out how to get rid of Arnold.
“My personal and professional disappointment in the recent incivility and disrespectful nature of proceedings with the County Council related to the vote-by-mail proposal has further exaggerated that dynamic.”
Dean Logan was AWOL during the recent King County Council debates on the vote-by-mail proposal. He even got the DEMOCRATS on the King County Council upset by being AWOL. Logan’s lack of attendance to his job duties, and his failure to fill numerous staff positions in his office, have resulted in Ron Sims and the Council postponing the forced-vote-by-mail system until at least 2008.
So how come Dean Logan told only the Seattle P-I about his resignation, and not the Seattle Times? And how does Goldy get Logan’s resignation letter handed to him on a silver platter, when Logan didn’t even release the letter to the Seattle P-I?
Hopefully, Sims will replace Logan with an elections professional, instead of another partisan Democrat.
King County is going to all vote by mail.
Its going to increase voluntarily each and every year with even fewer people wanting to go to the polls.
Let’s just get it over with and do it.
So how come Dean Logan told only the Seattle P-I about his resignation, and not the Seattle Times? And how does Goldy get Logan’s resignation letter handed to him on a silver platter, when Logan didn’t even release the letter to the Seattle P-I?
Hopefully, Sims will replace Logan with an elections professional, instead of another partisan Democrat.
Dean C. Logan >”…the recent incivility and disrespectful nature of proceedings with the County Council related to the vote-by-mail proposal has further exaggerated that dynamic…”
Ah yes, the King County Council
Soo many Hitler wannabes & soo little talent but what else can you expect from ReThuglicans ?
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” – Sinclair Lewis
“All a bunch of pricks”…
Ya know what the difference is between HorsesAss and a porcupine?
On a porcupine, the pricks are on the OUTSIDE.
Kinda prickly in here…
Somebody better warn L.A….
Can I call in your Radio Show on Sunday, and Call you A PRICK???
Some observations:
1) The right attacked this guy with a passion because they NEEEEED a villian for their routine to work.
2) It did no good – he got a BETTER deal. Thanks righties!
3) His leaving will NOT stop the log cabin republicans like Steffy from attacking him. He will be blamed for the next earthquake, Tsunami and rise in gas prices.
4) WHOEVER takes his place will be attacked in EXACTLY the same way because that’s all the cowards and traitors on the right have to go with. They know they can’t win on ideas so they go with personal attacks hoping to chip away at credibility.
Just worth noting that the ONLY votes ruled illegal by the republican judge in the republican county ruling in the case brought by the republican candidate for Governor were cast by REPUBLICANS for REPUBLICANS. Case closed – for real!
Dean gone, wow, what took everyone so long to make that happen (people w/ high school kids don’t up and move, as its a terrible time to do so)
Who to replace him?, gotta have someone
a) democrat
b) partisan
c) need someone more clever this time; big lie didn’t work that well for deanron
d)of color, even better if lgbt, or at least not interested in the future
..?? we know about the reason for the dissembling with regard to location last week.
Just like virtually every republican and democrat private sector bloke alike, Logan waited until he accepted the offer before sharing that he was interviewing!
Probably a last interview last week caused him to miss the council meetings….
Repubs: hard to fault him for that, eh?
I guess that explains his absence last Monday, and why his staff was covering for him. He must have been at a final interview.
Anyway, I think he’s a good administrator who got caught in a partison campaign. Nobody ever expected a “perfect” election, so they didn’t pay for one (relying on volunteers instead of trained staffers). When the margin of error got below 1/2 of one percent, suddenly they wanted a “perfect” election – after the fact.
But it never was about the election process, or the governor’s race. It was part of the Republican campaign to radicalize the moderate Republicans int he rest of the state, by alleging that those dang liberal hippies in King County “stole” the election from them. They didn’t care a whif about the Governer’s race, if they did they would have run a qualified candidate in the first palce. But suddenly finding themselves with an “issue”, they intended to use it to (a) raise funds on a national level, and (b) try to radicalize moderate Republicans into an obedient voting force in the next state legislature and federal congressional elections.
The worst thing that could have happened to the Republicans would have been for Rossi to have won the election. Then everyone would have seen that he was just as unqualified as Bush was to run an executive office. But they would have had fun cutting taxes for their supporters and looting the state treasury in the interim.
Dean will go to his grave never knowing where the ballots without voters came from…
Won’t matter – the position is an appointed one, and the next guy will be the puppet of Sims as much as Logan was. Don’t expect transparency or auditability. Expect as much dissembling about why he/she can’t clean up the voter rolls or why it takes too much time to verify voter authentity.
BTW – what happened to Fitzmas? Anyone here going to apologize for dragging Rove through the mud, now that it turns out he didn’t do whatever it is you thought he did?
The best thing Sims can do is hire a no-nonsense retired military man or woman. Just execute the law, make sure everyone does their jobs and take no crap from the whiners on the council or the sh*thead vote suppressors on the right.
Hey, righties, heads-up for key activist judge issue!
In San Fran, activist judge overturned 58% voter approved gun ban!
Can’t wait to hear Rush, Medved, etc. lash out against at the activist judges imposing their will against the will of the people!
C’mon…let the judge have it!
Stefan may not have Dean Logan to kick around anymore, but there’re lots of other potential candidates in King County due for a good ass-kicking! Stefan will latch-on to one of those.
21 – What happened to the “will of the people”? Wingnuts?
BTW – what happened to Fitzmas? Anyone here going to apologize for dragging Rove through the mud, now that it turns out he didn’t do whatever it is you thought he did?
No, he’s just much better at prevarication and explaining away the lies in which he was caught than Scooter is. He’s day will still come. What goes around will come around and since Rove is the dirtiest player in the game, he’ll get his eventually.
Mary “Marummy” Lane, King County Councilor for the 39 Counties Reagan Dunn and Stefan Sharkansky got the job done!!!
We don’t have a democracy, we have a representative republic. The majority can’t vote to deny basic rights. Gun ownership is a basic right, at least as interpretted here.
If all us wingnuts vote to beat up goldy, and are in the majority, it doesn’t make it legal to go beat him up.
I guess this is what happens when you are educated in Seattle schools.
Dean Logan did a great deal to make KCRE a better organization. No juridiction in the country could have withstood the attention paid Logan’s operation after 2004 and come out any better. That’s what Los Angeles saw in Logan, a very professional and comepetent professional. Los Angeles is getting someone who can take the heat, even though he’s a lousy politician. Don’t kid yourself, Logan had his offer letter in his pocket when he shined the council on. I’d have done the same to those smarmy cowards.
The problem King County now faces is a department where the top two positions have been savaged by the Republican party. Who will want to take them now, could it be Diebold or ES&S? That’s what the Republicans want, and if anyone wants a fairly counted election ever again, they’d better fight the privateers on the right tooth-and-nail.
Start fighting at the pirates in the minnow pond.
This very partisian divide in King County is nothing new.
Watching the King County Council jab and spar all the time on cable cast is a gas.
With old red, new blue Seattle such a contrast to the righties – they act like they will explode into pieces a lot.
Poor Dean, caught in the cross fire…… Larry Gossett gets very direct and gruff sometimes, Patteson will talk back at the drop of a hat.
Newly minted young son of Jennifer, R.Dunn is a dud. Just a right wind / wing pawn. Though he might be a little independent, not at all.
I like mail balloting – go for it Ron. Screw the righties and their shrill squeals over nothing. Yes they did send a old man to court who out of grief voted his dead wif’e’s ballot – as a way of re enacting their happy times voting together — on yes, hight crimes and a threat to democracy. Kick the grief / dimentia old voter – a good R’ to boot. Show us all the massive fraud.
Assholes to the core who simply reflect back all their failures and short comings on everyone else – those rotted brains …… greed, violence, racism, war mongering, and it all comes home at some point to haunt them.
Off topic, but I couldn’t wait for an open thread.
Horsey is really on a roll this week. Check out today’s cartoon in the P.I. about Sen. Frist and the inheritance tax:
No charge for Rove in CIA leak case
Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:14am ET
By David Wiessler
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House aide Karl Rove will not be charged in the CIA leak case, his lawyer said on Tuesday in a much-needed boost for President George W. Bush’s White House, which has been battered by bad news for months.
Freeing Bush’s top political adviser from possible indictment on perjury charges allows him to concentrate on Republicans winning the key congressional elections coming up in November.
“On June 12, 2006, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove,” Rove’s lawyer, Robert Luskin, said in a statement.
To: Bob at Boeing;
I used to not be in favor of mail-in balloting. I thought it slowed the election count, and I like the feeling I got from going to the polls and voting.
But I’ve changed my mind, for the following reasons:
(1) About twelve years ago I got a job in Bellevue. I live in Everett. My work day (in Bellevue) runs from about 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with frequent evening business dinners extending the day even longer. With commuting time,I found myself missing voting in more and more elections. It just wasn’t possible for me to get home in time to vote at my precinct.
(2) With the recent election, it is apparant that there are just as many problems with voting at the precinct as with mail-in ballots. The only difference is that once a ballot is placed in the box at the precinct, it cannot be recalled due to a registration disparity. With mail-in ballots, problem ballots can be held until their registration status is confirmed, and then the ballot can be counted.
Of course, is still sticking by its story of May 13, 2006 that Karl Rove was indicted for perjury. No retractions and nothing about Fitzgerald’s decision not to charge on the home page.
The only difference is that once a ballot is placed in the box at the precinct, it cannot be recalled due to a registration disparity. With mail-in ballots, problem ballots can be held until their registration status is confirmed, and then the ballot can be counted.
Commentby rhp6033— 6/13/06@ 8:37 am
If there is a “registration disparity”, a regular ballot is not issued at the polling place, and instead a provisional ballot is issued.
If the registration is okay, the poll ballot is placed directly into the counting machine, and the voter knows that it gets counted.
As for mail ballots, up to 2% of them get ultimately rejected due to alleged signature mismatch or problems with mail delivery.
Is the convenience of voting by mail worth the reality that your vote has only a 98% chance of being counted, and that you may never be notified that your vote wasn’t counted?
Richard @6,
Really, you’re an asshole who speaks out of, well… yourself.
Logan put in for vacation in early May, not knowing that the Council was going to delay the vote on vote-by-mail three times. To complicate things further, his spokesperson, Bobbie Egan, was also out last week… getting married. I suppose Logan should have canceled his trip and Egan should have canceled her wedding because the Council couldn’t get its shit together, huh?
As to why I have the resignation letter… well, duh-uh… I asked Sims’ communications staff for it. I heard about the resignation, but agreed to a midnight embargo. I asked for the letter because I knew it wouldn’t be printed in the papers (there isn’t the space) and I wanted Logan to be able to get his story out in his own words.
That’s journalism, Richard. Government offices have communications people to deal with the media, and they constantly feed stories to one reporter or another for various reasons. The press has done such a crappy job covering Logan this week, you can’t blame the PR folk for trying to control the release of this news.
Logan is leaving to take a better job in LA… but he’s also leaving because he’s tired of being treated like crap… of being called a “lying sack of garbage” by know-nothings like you.
Harry Tuttle @ 27: “Los Angeles is getting someone who can take the heat, even though he’s a lousy politician.”
Couldn’t agree more with that statement. My problem with Logan wasn’t his lack of professionalism; it was his incredibly poor communication and political skills. Never mind what the Republicans on the Council did or said, but as Richard pointed out, when you have Council Democrats complaining publicly and loudly over his lack of communication, that’s a huge problem. For example, you absolutely, positively DO NOT have Council members first hear about found ballots in the newspaper.
The job is tough enough, so don’t go shooting yourself in the foot because you couldn’t be bothered to send a memo to your elected officials.
Me @ 35: “My problem with Logan wasn’t his lack of professionalism” I should have said “wasn’t his professionalism”. I’ve always thought Logan is a competent election official, he just needs to learn to keep the key folks in the loop.
I met Dean Logan a couple years ago when he was just starting work at King County. He came across as a total Boy Scout – not the partisan bogeyman the SP cult always made him out to be. And, unlike his predecessor (the incompetent wench Sharkansky aligned himself with – who was fired before Logan arrived) this guy was dedicated to his job, and to turning the office around after years of neglect.
Fact of the matter is: if Dino Rossi had won that election by three votes, Sharkansky and his band of right wing psychos never would have spent a year and a half harrassing Logan. The notion that these mentally unbalanced quasi-fascists was actually working for “reform” is a joke.
It was all about retribution for an election they expected to win. The fact that it was about the ONLY election they came close to winning is probably the cause of the vicious nature of their jihad.
Look at Richard Pope. He couldn’t win an election if he was the only candidate! And he’s the smartest guy SP has!
Chris @12,
No, you may not call into my radio show and call me a prick. And if you think for a moment that that would somehow be appropriate or fair, shows how little you understand civility.
HA is NOT the public airwaves. You are free to call me whatever the hell you want here. But the public airwaves are a more civil forum, and I expect my callers to show respect. As does the FCC.
Stefan is a prick. Richard is prick. The EFF’s Bob Williams, well… he’s a prick too. You don’t like me saying it? Then don’t read my blog.
to: RP at 33;
Yea, I know, provisional ballots aren’t supposed to be counted until the registration is confirmed. But wasn’t that part of the Republican challenge in the Gov’s race – that some provisional ballots were seperated from the registration info, and dumped into the ballot boxes before the registration info had been confirmed? I’m sure some ballots issued at polling booths weren’t counted also, but nobody was ever notified because it was impossible to identify the voter. So I think the complaint applies equally to both systems.
Also, in-person voting appears to be able to be hindered/manipulated as well, simply by reducing the number of voting machines in selected precincts, not supplying adequate numbers of provisional ballots, and having elections observers challenge so many registrations that a precinct runs out of provisional ballots early (i.e., allegations of Ohio 2004 election manipulation). It’s just harder to count the number of people who don’t vote because they don’t have time to wait in line for several hours, than it is for Republicans to complain about a couple hundred mail-in ballots which weren’t found until after the election.
I’m afraid that precinct voting will soon go to electronic voting, and I don’t have a lot of confidence in those machines with no adequate paper trail. I used to be confident that nobody would go so far as to hack into elections systems to swing an election, but I don’t feel that way anymore.
As for mail delivery problems – let’s have designated drop-off points for people who don’t want to mail in their ballots. Works for me.
We need a tough , partisan Democrat in charge of elections who can control these vicious Republicans. Someone who unabashedly declares his intent to crush these weasels.
Commentby Goldy— 6/13/06@ 9:03 am
Good catch on the letter – Canadian media, BTW, normally would have a link to something like this.
I really appreciate the work you’ve done to help make the environment more toxic!!!
Fuck you, Misty! I’m so fed up with you right-wing hatemongers dissing on this honest and decent man. Logan tried his best to run a fair elections department, which is more than I can say for the partisan Republican fucks in Florida, Ohio, and everywhere else who work overtime to keep American citizens from voting in their own country. Republicans are all a bunch of damned Nazis and someday you’re going to get your just desserts.
Goldy let’s hope some of this right wing trailer trash violates FCC rules and uses their normal attack language against you. Then we can get em’ fined and put in jail where they belong.
Just read that Karl Zenmeister, Bush’s new Domestic Policy Advisor, said that Al Gore is a “mad dog” known to “foam at the mouth.”
Gore? Really?????? Gosh, they’ve gotten so used to telling lies, they don’t even bother to make them believable any more. Just trash the opposition, allege that 9/11 widows are glad their husbands are dead, etc., etc.
Must really fry these right wing liars to know that Dean is getting a raise and a better job. Just like when Bill O Really attacked Al Franken and made his book into a best seller. You have to admire the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. At least they’re consistent!
Memo to Misty: The fraud (such as occurred) was committed by the people who voted their dead spouses’ ballots, etc., NOT by the elections administrations. And all of the evidence points to Republican-leaning voters as the perpetrators.
It’s also a fact that the overwhelming majority of the invalid votes were cast be ex-felons who believed they had the right to vote.
Our state’s laws on restoring voting rights to felons is so confusing that even parole officers and county auditors couldn’t tell these people whether they were eligible to vote. Those votes may have been illegal but they were not “fraud.” Those votes fall into the category of “error” or “mistake.”
The GOP propaganda that felons “stole” the election for Gregoire is nothing but a fucking lie, just as their claims that military voters were “disenfranchised” is a fucking lie.
Sincerely, roger rabbit
All I can say, Richard, is thank God that YOU were not running King County’s elections.
“Hopefully, Sims will replace Logan with an elections professional, instead of another partisan Democrat.” Commentby Richard Pope— 6/13/06@ 1:44 am
Why’s that, Richard? After the shit your GOP pals pulled in Florida (disenfranchising nearly 60,000 black voters by falsely labeling them as “felons”) and Ohio (locking voting machines in warehouses so voters in Democratic precincts had to stand outside in the rain for 8 hours to vote), Democrats all across the country would be totally justified in staffing election departments with partisan Democrats and making it as difficult has humanly possible for Republicans to vote — just to even things out, and to get even.
I’m not advocating that. I believe in fair elections, and in treating our fellow citizens on the other side of the political divide fairly. I’m just saying that we would be justified in shitting on your voters, because your side shits on our voters.
Maybe we should just skip the election formalities and settle this with guns. Just kidding! ha-ha-ha I don’t really want a civil war. But it seems you assholes do.
Have you Republicans figured out yet that we Democrats are getting really, really, really PISSED OFF over your side’s shenanigans? You’re warned. Now I have to log off and go do some other things.
Now will Republicans attempt to steal King County elections?
I would say that the die hard posters on this site are 50% of the partisan problem. You need to settle down and quite frankly, grow the fuck up. That same applies for the right fringe as well. Regrettably, the silent majority has to listen to both of you and it’s just plain annoying.
Based on the independant study that Ron Simms initiated, one of the recommendations made, was that in order to restore confidence in the voting system, Dean Logan should go away either temporarily and/or permanenetly. This action should have been taken place much sooner.
Keeping Dean Logan around reflected badly on Ron Simms and while this may have been some sick form of rallying cry for the die hard liberals on this site, it showed extremely poor leadership skills for an exective.
Whether you choose to believe it or not, trust in the voting system has gone out the window in this state. Logans actions and and his lack of accountability made him into a laughing stock and completely discredited the elections department. The fact that this department, under such a close race, was able to first not count valid votes and then repeatedly find more and more and then even more lost votes after the election created this mess. To date, no-one has been held accountable and logan resigning is an appropriate action.
I am sure this comment will open up attacks on me.
To those anticipated, vile, comments, I would say this. Have the backbone to post under your real name or just shut up.
As for mail delivery problems – let’s have designated drop-off points for people who don’t want to mail in their ballots. Works for me.
Commentby rhp6033— 6/13/06@ 9:24 am
That would increase the chances of your ballot being counted from 98% to 99%. There is about a 1% rejection due to alleged signature mismatch and another 1% rejection due to mail delivery problems.
Also, keep in mind that 15% of mailed-in ballots need to be duplicated. Many of them are damaged in the mail — that percentage would obviously be reduced by personally dropping them off. Others simply aren’t filled out correctly — which would also be a problem with personal drop-offs.
Paul Riek opines:
Logans actions and and his lack of accountability made him into a laughing stock and completely discredited the elections department.
Yes, such a laughingstock and so discredited that he just got a better job, running the largest single elections bureau in the United States.
Can’t help but wonder whether Logan was actually having his second interview with the folks in LA when he missed the meeting here. Anyway, it could be construed that he’s actually leaving here for a better gig–EXCEPT this is the year Ah-Nold’s appointed state elections director is attempting to jam Diebold down everyone’s throat. It’s going to get a lot hotter down there this Fall than it’ll be here.
“unscrupulous people bent on partisan gain”
wow–that sounds like what went on down at KCE in ’04. (and possibly ’00 for Cantwell)
@51 You are either part of the “partisan problem” you cite, or have been duped into buying in to the partisan lies about the election. Republicans and Democrats across the State, who are knowledgeable, elections officials as well as elections officials of all stripes across the nation have praised Logan for his professionalism, the fair and even handed way he conducted the recount, and the accuracy of the result.
Misty@55 You are such a brain-dead troll. Don’t ever find yourself in an emergency room. . .you’ll simply manifest ‘a flat-line’ and there will be no attempt at resuscitation.
Goldy, Can I call in your Radio Show on Sunday, and Call you A PRICK???
you can’t call Goldy a prick on the air- your president’s FCC has stiffened the regulations on such debauchery-and a whole lot more of your sacred rights…
but please, please, call.
You prolific, regurgitating web tigers are so brave demonstrating your ignorance and assholedness in these threads, but so amazingly chickenshit when it comes to picking up the phone and taking Goldy on in real time.
I notice the sniveling little Sims ass-sniffer never said to his boss, “Hey King Ron, let’s make mine an elected position where I can prove myself by actually winning the right to position by the voters.”
Nope, instead he’ll remain what he is .. a liberal political whore: bought, paid for, used and discarded when a better whore comes along. Who’s King Ron’s newest concubine?
Roger, what you seem not to understand is that if KCE wouldn’t be sending two ballots to the same people so much, and if they kept their records for deaths up to date, and if they actually HAD properly verified provisional ballots (they didn’t, for far too many ballots; it’s a fact), if they would actually enforce elections law regarding registrations (like not accepting ones with key required information missing), if they would come clean about what the ballot report was supposed to say and DIDN’T, if they wouldn’t have lost 80-90 ballots that never got counted, if they hd not counted Fatal Pends ballots (they did, and Huennekens lated admitted they shouldn’t have), etc etc, then all this you-know-what wouldn’t have hit the fan. They weren’t capable (or didn’t want to) of running a clean election. They wouldn’t enforce election law. Way too much wrong to blame on the voters alone. Waaaay too much.
..and for that matter, there’s a woman on capitol Hill who received AND VOTED two ballots in ’04.
In ’05, she again received AND VOTED two ballots.
What’s up with that??????????
Tree frog farmer and N in Seattle.
Seriously, if you want to have an adult discussion, then post under your real name. It’s hard to take you as anything but overweight, unemployed, snot nosed, 40 year old, typing away in his mom’s basement. Additionally, you’ll be apt to act like an adult as opposed to the rambling lunacy, which is typical of this bog.
Regarding N in Seattle’s comment.
Yes, a laughingstock. You can play the typical game of fragmenting evidence and/or quotes form many different sources. However, the legacy that has been left by the 2004 election is that voters in this state, especially those residing in King County have lost confidence in the election system. This lack of confidence crosses political lines.
Ron Simms independent panel also backed up the opinion and it was recommended that in order to restore faith in the election system, Logan should go away. A recommendation that Simms chose to ignore, after sticking the taxpayers with the bill for the panel. Like I said, it is this type of decision that reflected badly on Simms and was a bad management decision
Regarding Tree Frog farmers Comment:
Listen, I am not an election official. I run the advertising department for a magazine, so I am not qualified to asses whether Logan was right or wrong. I am not making any accusations as to the legitimacy of the count. However, I am a voter in this state and in this county. As such, am aware how I feel as well as how those people I talk to feel about this situation.
Additionally, I was also one of the voters who along with Larry Philips, whose vote was initially dismissed in the 2004 election. I am quite certain that if it were not for the fact that Mr. Phillips (sp?) was directly affected my vote would not have been counted.
BTW, before the crackpot comments start coming, Yes, I filled out my voter registration card correctly, yes my signature matched and yes, I filled out my ballot correctly. My vote was not counted because of errors at the King County Elections Department. Fortunately for me, a city council person fell into the same situation. However, had Mr. Phillips not seen that his vote had not been counted; I have every confidence that as a Joe Schmoe, general taxpayer, not a Council member, my vote definitely would have been disenfranchised.
Can’t wait to hear Rush, Medved, etc. lash out against at the activist judges imposing their will against the will of the people!
C’mon…let the judge have it!
Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 6/13/06@ 7:52 am
Thomas they don’t have to you did it for them. Thanks and god blesses you for defending our rights. Life a bitch but we all get use to it. Maybe you should read what the judge said before running off at the month. Please do not base law on your own personnel fears because Roger really like his old blunder buster to shoot the city rodent control personnel.
I and too many others are furious that our votes were allowed to be cancelled out by tons of illegal votes. Isn’t that the least we can expect? Dean Logan only ever expressed the most public remorse when he found out that Larry Phillips’ ballot wasn’t counted, but didn’t seem to ever apologize to the rest of us for specifically having our votes cancelled out by hundreds/thousands of illegal votes. That’s unacceptable.
I guess this is what happens when you are educated in Seattle schools.
Commentby Janet S— 6/13/06@ 8:00 am
Janet please do not tell them the truth they can’t deal with the facts. Those who drink cool aid for steady diet lose their ability to think logically. Their schools are just fine, for they wouldn’t want to learn something that is challenging.
Brainless wonders like you will be “furious” anytime you lose an election, no matter the margin of defeat. People like you are never gracious in defeat, nor magnanimous in victory. You look for excuses, and a basis in reality for your excuses is immaterial. People like you are what’s wrong with democracy in America. A functioning, healthy democracy requires an informed electorate. Robotic reactionaries like you and your ilk show disrespect for democracy. I could give a rat’s ass if someone like you is furious. Your bitterness is your reward for your sick-assed values.
1. The worst thing that could have happened to the Republicans would have been for Rossi to have won the election. Then everyone would have seen that he was just as unqualified as Bush was to run an executive office. But they would have had fun cutting taxes for their supporters and looting the state treasury in the interim.
Commentby rhp6033— 6/13/06@ 7:26 am
RHP according to your Socialist Democrats in the Republic of Seattle the treasury is already looted. They are rising taxes all over the place to pay for their pet projects, monorail, light rail, streets of Seattle, stadiums that wouldn’t fill up with crowds, and the Alaska Viaduct that is about to collapse.
1. BTW – what happened to Fitzmas? Anyone here going to apologize for dragging Rove through the mud, now that it turns out he didn’t do whatever it is you thought he did?
Comment by Janet S — 6/13/06 @ 7:38 am
Psst: Janet, Roger could never admit he was wrong about something. You know someone will remind him about him being really human and not a rabbit.
Brainless wonders like you will be “furious” anytime you lose an election, no matter the margin of defeat. People like you are never gracious in defeat, nor magnanimous in victory. You look for excuses, and a basis in reality for your excuses is immaterial. People like you are what’s wrong with democracy in America. A functioning, healthy democracy requires an informed electorate. Robotic reactionaries like you and your ilk show disrespect for democracy. I could give a rat’s ass if someone like you is furious. Your bitterness is your reward for your sick-assed values. -Commentby proud leftist— 6/13/06@ 11:26 am
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted — enough to have put John Kerry in the White House. BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.
Stolen Election 2004
Diebold’s Determinator: The rise of the (voting) machines
Supreme Court Gives Democracy the Death Penalty
for CA50 – the GOP had to spend a LOT of money to maintain ..
tell us again about grace in defeat….
The best thing Sims can do is hire a no-nonsense retired military man or woman. Just execute the law, make sure everyone does their jobs and take no crap from the whiners on the council or the sh*thead vote suppressors on the right.
Comment by For the Clueless — 6/13/06 @ 7:43 am
That’s awful big of you Clueless and admitting there is a valid use for those folks in the military
Assholes to the core who simply reflect back all their failures and short comings on everyone else – those rotted brains …… greed, violence, racism, war mongering, and it all comes home at some point to haunt them.
Comment by BOB from BOEING — 6/13/06 @ 8:25 am
Bob I didn’t think you were such a mean person, those folks also have to look in the mirror every day and admit they make mistakes also. Remember the old Democrat line, Love, Pease, and don’t Bogart that joint my friend.
2. We need a tough , partisan Democrat in charge of elections who can control these vicious Republicans. Someone who unabashedly declares his intent to crush these weasels.
Comment by GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO — 6/13/06 @ 9:25 am
You are right Roger all the way to the bank. You wouldn’t want to give that job to Jimmy Carter do you? He really helps us down here in Havana Cuba.
Compare Al Gore’s graciousness and statesmanship in defeat in 2000 with Dino Rossi’s pettiness and self-centeredness in frivolously litigating his defeat in 2004. Gore earned respect. Rossi earned the anonymity into which he is slowly sinking.
Proud Leftist: Your values are clearly on display. You don’t give a rat’s behind that so many of us were disenfranchised by tons of illegal votes in a Democrat-heavy county.
Good riddance to this incompetent partisan hack. Typical liberal… he blames everybody else for his fuck ups and the ensuing outrage.
Hopefully we can get some adults in there who will run clean honest elections.
I wonder if the next guy will know anything about “left and right joins” of databases to find ballotless voters and voterless ballots.
Would it be too much to ask to have somebody who actually knows something about managing data?
1. Must really fry these right wing liars to know that Dean is getting a raise and a better job. Just like when Bill O Really attacked Al Franken and made his book into a best seller. You have to admire the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. At least they’re consistent!
Comment by BushWentAWOL — 6/13/06 @ 9:35 am
You are still around living in you world of hate BushWentAWOL. Did you buy that new book that Ann Coulter just release? Godless: The Church of Liberalism Your best friends are sure making her a lot of money.
“GODLESS is the most explosive book yet from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter. In this completely original and thoroughly controversial work, Coulter writes, “Liberals love to boast that they are not ‘religious,’ which is what one would expect to hear from the state-sanctioned religion. Of course liberalism is a religion. It has its own cosmology, its own miracles, its own beliefs in the supernatural, its own churches, its own high priests, its own saints, its own total worldview, and its own explanation of the existence of the universe. In other words, liberalism contains all the attributes of what is generally known as ‘religion.’ â€
The GOP propaganda that felons “stole†the election for Gregoire is nothing but a fucking lie, just as their claims that military voters were “disenfranchised†is a fucking lie.
Sincerely, roger rabbit
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 6/13/06 @ 9:40 am
Great Roger just keeps telling that same lie long enough and everyone will believe it. Your friends Adolf Hitler practice the same game plan.
1. Republicans and Democrats across the State, who are knowledgeable, elections officials as well as elections officials of all stripes across the nation have praised Logan for his professionalism, the fair and even handed way he conducted the recount, and the accuracy of the result.
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer — 6/13/06 @ 10:33 am
That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, he stole an election and did a better job at it that Dailey did in Chicago in the early 60’s. Keep counting until you win like Al Gore wanted to do in Florida.
BTW, before the crackpot comments start coming, Yes, I filled out my voter registration card correctly, yes my signature matched and yes, I filled out my ballot correctly. My vote was not counted because of errors at the King County Elections Department. Fortunately for me, a city council person fell into the same situation. However, had Mr. Phillips not seen that his vote had not been counted; I have every confidence that as a Joe Schmoe, general taxpayer, not a Council member, my vote definitely would have been disenfranchised.
Comment by Paul Riek, Seattle — 6/13/06 @ 11:11 am
Great point Riek had the same problem, but had to post the mistake on another blog that Ron Sims reads. His folks called me just to get that extra vote for for Ron that day.
We need tough, partisan Democrats in these election poitions to balance the toxic atmosphere created by the rabid right vwing.
Hopefully we can get some adults in there who will run clean honest elections.
Translation: suppress as many votes as it takes so that Republicans can steal office.
Naturally, you don’t get it. You are furious over the gubernatorial election of two years ago despite there being an absolute lack of any evidence, let alone admissible evidence, of partisan manipulation of votes. Errors were made, but that happens. The errors did not favor Gregoire in any discernible pattern. But, such reality hardly stops ideological troglodytes like you from seeing conspiracies in every result you don’t like. Adults live in a fact-based world. People like you see facts as foes, and reality as an inconvenient intrusion upon your insular fantasies. Go masturbate to your Ronald Reagan poster. Maybe that will let you set aside your anger for a moment.
Now that Sharkansky suck-ups like Bob Ferguson helped drive a capable and hard working elections supervisor out of town, I wonder if these “Democrats”, who keep throwing bones to the far right, have any actual solutions to share with those of us who pay their salaries?
Or, was it all about political expediency and image over substance, Mr. Ferguson?
Riek again:
Tree frog farmer and N in Seattle.
Seriously, if you want to have an adult discussion, then post under your real name. It’s hard to take you as anything but overweight, unemployed, snot nosed, 40 year old, typing away in his mom’s basement. Additionally, you’ll be apt to act like an adult as opposed to the rambling lunacy, which is typical of this bog.
I suppose you’d say the same of George Sand, Lewis Carroll, and George Orwell (to name just a few), wouldn’t you? I’ve been blogging under this name for many years. Not that it would take someone with even a morsel of capability for web searches more than a couple of minutes to discover my mundane name; I’m not hiding it.
As for the items in your characterization, the answers are: yes, for the moment, only when I have a cold, I wish, she died well over a decade ago and I have no basement. Within the context of David’s troll-ridden comment personas, I am about as far from rambling lunacy as it is possible to be.
Regarding N in Seattle’s comment.
Yes, a laughingstock. You can play the typical game of fragmenting evidence and/or quotes form many different sources. However, the legacy that has been left by the 2004 election is that voters in this state, especially those residing in King County have lost confidence in the election system. This lack of confidence crosses political lines.
“fragmenting evidence”? Man, we’re talking about a guy who was recruited away from King County by the largest voting jurisdiction in the country. If that’s not a feather in the man’s cap and a promotion, I don’t know what else could be. Face it, Dean Logan is one of the very tip-top leaders in his field. That the voters may have lost confidence in King County and Washington’s elections office is due much more to the duplicitous propaganda and outright falsehood perpetrated by Vance, Rossi, Sharkansky, Carns, et al. than the minute degree of mistakes by Logan’s organization. The tightness of the gubernatorial race hugely magnified the attention paid to the entire process, but Logan, King County, and the entire Washington elections system performed extraordinarily well under extremely difficult circumstances.
Ron Simms independent panel also backed up the opinion and it was recommended that in order to restore faith in the election system, Logan should go away. A recommendation that Simms chose to ignore, after sticking the taxpayers with the bill for the panel. Like I said, it is this type of decision that reflected badly on Simms and was a bad management decision
Oh yeah? Show me the evidence. The report I see recommends moving toward an elected County Auditor, but that’s a long-term goal offered following five other “highest priority” recommendations. In fact, the name “Logan” appears exactly zero times in the report (as do the words “fire” and “dismiss”).
And, by the way, someone who can’t even spell Sims is hardly the one to label someone else as a non-adult.
The election contest was adjudicated . It went to court. Lying and slanderous assertions of voter fraud which could not be proven and backed up with facts could not be introduced as evidence. To continuously make those assertions now is childish . If you have proof, deliver it. Otherwise petulantly stamping your feet and yelling “fraud” and calling other people childish is TROLLISH behavior. That means you, Misty.
Pope @ 6 re. Goldy @ 34
You are weighed in the balance and found wanting. I expect you to apply the same vitriol to yourself that spew on others when they make a mistake. I.e. when are you going to offer an apology!? Issue a retraction!? etc…
Good riddance.
The guy was a buffon who lived to deflect criticism and uphold the status quo of unprofessoinalism in the KCRE dept.
I hope Sims puts in a mew person with some professoinal integrity.
Tree frog @ 86 there were however 1800+ illegal votes validated even if Rossi lost the contest. The amount of mistakes that happened should have been a slap in the face of Logan’s policies, and he should have resigned in shame.
God Help LA…
Paul Riek at 51:
Sacrificing Dean Logan to the wolves in order to “restore voter confidence” would have been meaningless. It would only encourage further, more viscious attacks (if that can be imagined) on the next director. Given the very small number of “problem” ballots, the attacks were never about “election reform”. Indeed the Republicans would never have cared a wiff about the issue if Dino Rossi had won. It was always about rabble-rousing in order to radicalize the moderate conservatives, and raise money on a national basis.
As for posting under your own name – its just not very smart. I made that mistake once, and a guy with some mental problems targeted me and my family, even driving over a thousand miles to go through my trash to get more information about me. So I won’t post under my name, sorry. If you choose to do so, feel free.
I think that Sims and Logan conspired to get Logan a new job because SIMS is looking for re-election.
I like mail voting also but we need to ensure that everything is above board and totally open to the public so there can be no questions!
Those of us who are tired of the (un)SP politics hacks attacking the elections department will have to do more than bark on HA.
We have to get down to council meetings and state our case.
The complaints from the righties is always that there are too many votes being counted. They can’t prove it, but they have apocryphal (a nicer way of calling them liars) stories that they repeat constantly.
The fact is it is much easier to steal an election by stopping voters from casting ballots than by getting them to stuff ballot boxes.
Then minnow pond complains about felons here and double-registrations there, but that stuff is a fart in the wind compared to keeping 200,000 people in Ohio from voting.
It would be a hell of a lot surer bet for Republicans to stop Capital Hill and White Center from voting, and they would if they were allowed to.
So, let’s get out and scream back for a change.
I don’t understand these hacks’ and trolls’ complaints. If they have a complaint, perhaps it is with Dino Rossi and his advisors who could not read and understand Washington State Election Law.
Perhaps their complaint is with the fact that Dino and the State Republican Party were so incompetent as to hire attorneys who cannot read and understand Washington Election Law, attorneys who were incapable of marshalling facts, not bombast, attorneys who ran up a legal bill above two million dollars, and were incapable of introducing any facts or evidence that supported their case and in fact provided evidence the proved republican voters had committed voter fraud .
I can understand that they might be furious and filled with rage at foolish and wrong headed partisan hacks and incompetent and poorly grounded attorneys, but to continuously moan and shriek their litany of false, slanderous, and UNPROVABLE Lies about voter fraud, is childish, petulant, and tiresome .
Stamping your feet and shouting, putting your fingers in your ears and refusing to accept that you LOST is childish, unreasonable, tiresome, and UNPRODUCTIVE .
The simple fact was that the case was doomed before it started by the impossibly high burden of proof. The constitution of washington demands that voters be granted anonomity which meant that even if they proved illegal votes, and they did, they could not track them to a particular ballot in enough cases to “prove” who made the ballot and who they cast for.
Yes they could point out illegal registrations, but since the voter who cast it cannot be compelled to state who he votes for, it is moot and you cannot undo it.
They set their hopes on a gamble, that by showing the margin of error was so huge as to make the outcome uncertain, that a new election would be called for by the judge.
They were wrong. The judge upheld the law on its face, and lacking proof he noted the number of unlawful votes for the record, but dismissed the suit. The Judge acted honroably and cited the law properly.
But what did get shown was a lot of problem votes regardlessof the outcome. What did get shown is problems in procedure and policy.
Why I dislike Logan is that he never actually addressed the problems honestly, and has resisted every attempt to bring integrity into the system and fix the problems.
If he is as honorable as you apparently feel, then his integrity should have demanded making the elections system as lawful as possible. He never did.
Ah,Sven, that’s not what the final disposition of the case showed. And those were not the words of the Judge. I think you put a false shine of honor on the Rethugs thinking when you cast it as a ‘gamble’.
They have no respect for law. That showed in Miami. And it showed here, when they tried to shout down the LEGAL processes to establish a recount, and a final hand tally.
Dean Logan showed extreme courage, by the definition of grace under pressure . And now, to our detriment, he has his reward.
85, n in seattle
You gotta be kidding…Logan one of the top…
Oh, man, that’s like the funniest thing i’ve heard all day.
I would not hire that guy to wait tables, or work the counter at Starbucks…
wetting my pants laughing..
Na na na naaa. Na na na naaa. Hey hey heeeey. Good Bye!
One more ‘Rat making his getaway from the sinking ship.
The same problems King County exhibited were present in every other county in Washington. The only reason KC got the attention, is that is where the Democratic votes are, pure and simple.
The whiners about the KC electio of 2004 have done damn little to solve the problems and a great deal to make them worse. It isn’t only Dean Logan who is leaving. Many capable, long time, worker bee employees of KCRE have either left the county or gone to other departments because they don’t want to have their efforts constantly criticised and denigrated. Absetee ballots balanced perfectly in the two elections held in 2006 so far, but you won’t hear of that from the minnow pond.
It isn’t enough to point to suspicious registrations and then declare that they account for a differnce in outcome. Some convincing case has to be shown that the faulty ballots benef one side or the other to show fraud. The reason that could not be proven was that the voters were from all over KC, and because KC was the only county attended to.
I heard and hear about Al Gore and the move to count only three counties in Florida. The Republicans do the effectively the same thing in Washington and everyone nods their heads as mutters “ain’t it awful.” It isn’t awful, it’s life. Get used to it and get over the election of 2004.
If you don’t like the voter registration data base, talk to Sam Reed, it’s his baby, now.
Since you wouldn’t know a good elections manager from a bad one, your laughter is arbitrary, like that of some mental patients.
So now that Dean Logan is gone, who will County Executive Ron Sims get to stall my ballot like He (sims) did in 1996.
Let’s have an elected county auditor. Then the people would have the final say in stead of partisan hacks.
I challenge Stefan Sharkansky to submit his resume for the position Logan is vacating. If he thinks he can do a better job then let see him prove it.
Danny K-
And what resume can you submit, street side “activist?”
Read Bum, Hobo, Ne’er Do Well, Loser,etc……….
Oops, GOLDY already has all those down.
Hairy Turtle and Tree Fucker–
Get over it-
Dean Ron is Long GOne.
Don’t let the door hit you in the backside. Although BFB like it that way. Never heard of “Exit Only.”
Good riddance! I truly hope he has fun in L.A. stealing elections there. He is certainly qualified as overly-incompentent and has no candor whatsoever. Looks good on a resume for election rigging. Bon Voyage Dean, you lowly worm!
And if the past hold true, he might be able to cast his ballot from there too. Haha!
“……….what Los Angeles saw in Logan, a very professional and comepetent professional……………………”
Mwahahahahahahahahahahah!!! *cough* *cough*
we will see just how long he lasts. i’m guessing not long………
and maybe i can help. :)
besides….just think of the little worm renting an apartment and enjoying the smog. ha ha ha…….
after all…unless he was getting kickbacks [oh…say it ain’t so!] he could NEVER IN A ZILLION YEARS afford to buy a house there.
and to think…i still have all his crooked lying emails! what a day!
folks…a little heads up to you dips in the backwater of north america. california is not washington and he won’t last five minutes.
Vote by mail is one of the most important steps we can take to increase turnout. Most people already vote this way. Republicans want to stop vote by mail at all costs because they want to suppress voter turn-out. Republicans want to stop any innovations that will create reliable and transparent elections that maximize participation by the citizens. (They would be fine with giving corporations the right to vote.)
Vote by mail is a battle line of great significance. If the citizens don’t get vote by mail in King County, they should blame the Sharkansky cult for their inability to add any constructive dialogue and create an atmosphere of distrust and hatred and conspiracy. What asses! Citizens and democrats should also blame king county council member Bob Fergusen for torpedoing legislation that (I think) he introduced. What an idiot! I watched Ferguson on TV. This dummy was so busy trying to sound like a lawyer or something, he screwed the citizens and his own political party. Just pass the freaking bill and get us vote by mail!
OK Count ALL the Votes,
Can you guarantee me 100% that my ballot won’t get delayed in the mail again. It happened to me once it could happen again. And since I was a military voter at the time and liberals hate military voters, most of the king county elite did not care that it happened. The only way I can know that my vote will count is if I goto the polls and vote myself. I do not trust King County to get it sent in time and I do not trust the Post Office to deliever it on time. And no one not one member of the council not even Dean Logan, who I have exchanged e-mails with, could promise 100% thta it would not happen again. So until they can make that promise it should not even be considered.
You’ll have to talk to your buddy George W. Bush about the US Post Office. Ever since the intial foul ups, I think king county has gotten good press for submitting ballots to the post office on time.
OK if it is much better, how come no one can ensure me that it wont happen again.