The race is tight, so the DCCC has extended its deadline on its “Candidate for Change” poll:
Only a handful of votes are separating the ten great candidates at the top of the list right now — Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Tammy Duckworth, Patty Wetterling, Lois Murphy, Ron Klein, Mary Jo Kilroy, Darcy Burner and Zack Space — but others are well within reach.
So if you haven’t already done so please vote Darcy Burner now… and while you’re there, it certainly couldn’t hurt to write in Peter Goldmark. (That’s what I did.)
The top three finishers will receive the following extra support:
- A fundraising email from Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi or DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel to our list;
- A phone bank run out of the Democratic National Headquarters for their campaign;
- The feature spot on our Web site to get their message out, with a link to their campaign contribution page;
- An online chat with the DCCC community to exchange ideas on the campaign and the future of our country.
This will be a tight race, and every extra little bit of support helps. Plus, this is a great opportunity to show once again that Washington state has one of the strongest netroots movements in the nation.
Speaking of which, the MyDD/DailyKos/Swing State Project August fundraising drive is in full swing, and look which Netroots Endorsed congressional candidate has raised the most money over the past 48 hours. Way to go.
I don’t understand why the DCCC couldn’t give parts of the prize to, oh, every candidate (the e-mail is basically free, as is the chat.)
I have some rope!
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………That rope belongs to Mrs. Grossman. Tookie enjoyed using it to ” 4 corner” Mrs. Grossman………..Get it?
CALPULALPAN, Mexico – Skeletons found at an unearthed site in Mexico show Aztecs captured, ritually sacrificed and partially ate several hundred people traveling with invading Spanish forces in 1520. Skulls and bones from the Tecuaque archeological site near Mexico City show about 550 victims had their hearts ripped out by Aztec priests in ritual offerings, and were dismembered or had their bones boiled or scraped clean, experts say. [………………………………………………………………………Carl Grossmanstein, Would you care to “do lunch”? I have some friends who would love to meet you!]
Wow….spam by Nancy Pelosi…where can I sign up
MARX WA RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
WAS :-)
WAS :-)
How Jesus Led to Hitler and Hitler Led to Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter was Hitlers baby sister!!!! It’s TRUE
Ann Coulter was Hitlers baby brother !!!!! sorry :-/
Finally, a picture of Roger Rabbit. You can no longer hide bunny ears….
Finnally a picture of Doctor JCH Kennedy
Also, today’s the last day of the filing period for Washington federal candidates. So if you’re going to give to Darcy or Peter, today is better than tomorrow.
Ann Coulter was Hitlers baby sister!!!! It’s TRUE
Commentby The Socialist […….GBS, You’re a riot!!!!]
Ann Coulter was Hitlers baby brother you bOOb
Also, today’s the last day of the filing period for Washington federal candidates. So if you’re going to give to Darcy or Peter, today is better than tomorrow.
Nick, I was not able to find the information on Washington federal candidate filing periods in a quick web search. Could you post a link? It’s not that I don’t believe you; I simply would like to take a look at the calendar.
Also, for those who might wonder why the filing period makes a difference, it influences the media narrative. The $50 you give today will be part of the “Darcy Burner (or Peter Goldmark) raised $XXX,XXX in this round” stories. If you give tomorrow, it won’t be noted by the media for some time.
“The Socialist”, Was not Hitler a “National Socialist”? Are you a “Socialist”? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????
“Late Quarterly SEC Filings Hits Record
“WASHINGTON (Aug. 23) – In the second quarter, a record 138 companies with market capitalization of at least $75 million were late in filing their financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, partly due to a brewing stock-options scandal ….
“The previous record was set just a quarter ago, when 120 companies filed late first-quarter reports …. Compared with last year’s second quarter … the number of late filers was up 52 percent ….
“Regulators are investigating the possibility that many companies are backdating options to give employees a more favorable award, but failing to use proper accounting methods to record the award. … ”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit comment: Company execs are STEALING from their shareholders. Why? Because the SEC is run by people who don’t believe in regulating “the market,” i.e., corporate thieves can do whatever they want. Because the GOP corruption in D.C. has created a permissive environment within the business community, too. But above all, because these crooked businessmen are all REPUBLICANS, who as we all know, are totally lacking in any MORAL VALUES whatsoever.
Do unregulated “free markets” work? Not really, because the average investor is simply baitfish for the sharks constantly cruising the financial markets. Theoretically, these things are self-correcting — when the excesses go too far, investors walk away until the abuses stop. But over the last 30 years, small investors have been slammed that many have walked away for good. Why put your money into a bank, if the bank is not paying you interest, and is still your principal? Yet, that is fundamentally what is going on in Wall Street today. The ways to steal from shareholders are endless, it seems:
options backdating
CEO salaries
accounting fraud
analyst conflicts of interest
hidden fees
profit skimming
restating earnings
… to name just a few. Enron. WorldCom. Adelphia. Tyco. Freddie Mac. Global Crossing. HealthSouth. The list goes on and on …
Bottom line: “Free market” advocates who oppose all government regulation are wrong. UNREGULATED CAPITALISM DOESN’T WORK. Greed, dishonesty, and ever-greater concentration of wealth will destroy unregulated markets every time, leaving a few people with a gangster mentality fabulously wealthy — and everyone else poorer.
Hey, commie lib idiot Democrats!! [GBS, My Left Foot, Carl Grossman, Roger Rabbit, Harry, and JDB], Did you know that if you feel you are not paying enough tax you can simply send a check to Uncle Sam? To say thank you for all of the blessings that have been showered upon your grateful and smiling countenance? Why force others to pay more when you can step up and show us the way? There is soooo much need!! Democrats on HA. ORG, Show us that you care!!! Show us that you are more than “guvment” hack parasites!!! Do it for “da chillin”!!!!! Indeed you can and the address is here:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6D37
Hyattsville, MD 20782
24, Concur. Invest in Hawaiian real estate, and retire early!!!
You’re confusing a Republican for a rabbit. You linked to a photo of a Republican. This is what Roger Rabbit looks like:
ooooo … that must hurt!!!
hey JCH are you a holocaust denier?
I down loaded this home made documentary off of usenet. That went threw the numbers and stuff and it made a lot sense to me. It really made me think maybe it wasn’t as bad as we have been lead to believe.
I know that is kind of a horrible thing to say. Especially sense goldy is a jew.
I have never seen there argument agents the holocaust. And I have to say it was very interesting.
I would really like to see someone go threw the points this guy makes in his video and refute them.
I really can’t bring my self to totally believe none of it was true. The guy makes some really good point’s though.
here is were anyone can find this video alt.binaries.documentaries or alt.binaries.multimedia.documentaries it’s in the news groups on usenet.
here is the title Subject: One Third of the Holocaust [02/32] – “02_water_well.wmv” yEnc (*/44) and the name of poster Author
He posted it in avi files cut up in sections so u can download them and watch them with out having to join rar files and pars. But he did post the full video to in a Win rar file. with pars . If you don’t know what rar and pars are just down load the small avi movie files It would take me a year to teach you what rar and pars files are and what and how to use them and decode them.
Any ways I hope some one will go down load this and watch it and get back to me about what you think about it.
The Socialist”, Was not Hitler a “National Socialist”? Are you a “Socialist”? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??
Hitler was not a Socialist . I know you know this . He was just using Socialist in his parties name to fool people . Kind of like the Washington Republicans putting up blue campaign signs to make people think there democrats and not the hated republicans butt nuts they are.
Finnally a picture of Doctor JCH Kennedy
Subject: One Third of the Holocaust compiled into 1 wmv[001/118] – “One Third of the Holocaust.nfo” yEnc (1/1)
From: (
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 05:15:58 -0700
Lines: 86
here is the first line in the full move file
Socialist at 29: I run into Holocaust Deniers frequently in discussions on WWII history boards. Generally, they start with a conclusion (the Holocaust Did Not Happen, or was a minor event), and latch onto any evidence or critique of other evidence which supports that view, and ignores the overwhelming quantity and quality of evidence which proved the Holocaust did exist, to an extent which is mind-numbing.
The reason we have so much evidence that the Holocaust did exist is that the Allied military which overrun the death and labor camps were so appalled that they odered immediate documentation, including witness statements, photographs, and film. They were concerned that the facts were so horrific, it would be difficult to believe without clear evidence.
Deniers tend to avoid this evidence by simply claiming that it is manufactured as part of a Jewish consipiracy. It is awfully convenient to simply dismiss all evidence to the contrary by such a claim, it limits saves them the trouble of trying to refute all of it.
Instead, they try to chip at the edges. They find a witness statement from someone who confused the name of one camp for another, and then argue it proves all witness statements were false. They argue that the millions of jews, gypsies, et al who all were lost actually died from disease, or immigrated prior to the war and for some reason never wanted to contact their relatives afterwards. They try to argue that the cremation ovens were for benign purposes, or that they were built after the war by the Allies. But all of these arguments fail, because despite orders from the top to keep the “final solution” out of the public record, the Germans were fantical record-keepers, and we have records of millions transported by train to the camps, but none transported away from them (except to other camps for slave-labor purposes).
I used to try to refute the allegations made by neo-Nazis, but I finally decided it just wasn’t worth my time. They would never believe the evidence if it bit them in the ass, and have no intention in engaging in an honest debate. For every point they make that you knock down, they come up with another one which is even further in left field. Finally they just claim that you are either part of the Jewish conspiracy, or you have been brain-washed by them. As I said, its just a waste of time.
So, in short, I’ve examined the evidence previously, in depth, and I am completely convinced that the holocaust occured more or less upon the lines commonly understood. I’m not going to watch the film clips because I no longer have time to re-visit this issue everytime somebody tries to come up with a new angle to refute the obvioius.
That’s what I have always thought . But this guy made his own documentary and went threw each point bye point and showed pretty convincingly they couldn’t be right. .
It was really interesting . He used the maps from museums and book that people wrote. I don’t know it was just very interesting to see the other side of the argument. I try to see both sides of all arguments .
And I use to be a republicans until 1994 when the republicans took control of congress and I could see every thing they sead was a pack of lies . I use to listen to Art Bell back when he did politics and Rash Limpba. I use to listen to kvi all the time. Watch what politician do not what they say . Like the republicans are all ways saying they support the troops but they consistently cut founding for the VA hospital systems. I think they needed 19 million this year and the republicans only authorized 7 million for the VA.
I wish you would go check out the video he really does a good job. hehehee he even takes a 25 pound leg of lamb out on the beach and tries to cremate it and show how much wood it would take to do it . And then he adds up the amount of people killed and cremated and how much wood the germans would have had to use to do this and it is such an astronomical amount it really makes you think . He does that with a couple hundred points and knocks them down . He really made a good documentary .
Any way it was kewl to see how a person can make there own documentary bye just using there computer and avi files and web pages :-)
Well, it seems that going “off-topic” is hardly a sin here..
I’m giving Darcy more money, BTW. But I think that Jerome at MyDD was right: say Iraq, say Bush, and say that if elected she’ll make them accountable! And say it again and again!
Speaking of polls….
NY Times poll:
Americans increasingly see the war in Iraq as distinct from the fight against terrorism, and nearly half believe President Bush has focused too much on Iraq to the exclusion of other threats, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
The finding that 51 percent of those surveyed see no link between the war in Iraq and the broader antiterror effort was a jump of 10 percentage points since June.
I am sure that Republicans are paying no attention to this poll, as unreliable and erratic as they are. Question: Am I referring to polls or Republicans here?
Again, that was:
51 percent of those surveyed see no link between the war in Iraq and the broader antiterror effort.
How sweet it is…
there are a bunch of anti jew documentaries poking up on usenet sense the Lebanese war broke out .
There was one about how the jews were still sacrificing gentile christian babes in secrete ceremonies. Were they puncture them all over there bodies and drink there blood .
That one was pretty lame :-) heheheee
I thought the topic was how Doctor JCH Kennedy
needs some preparation H :-(
thats a good outline of whats in the movies.
Sorry I didn’t mean to get off topic from Doctor JCH Kennedy
needs some preparation H :-(
The Socialist……. Hope, Hitler killed 6 -8 million people. BTW, Didn’t Joe “Socialist” Stalin kill 40 million Soviet citizens? Didn’t Chairman Mao kill 30 million in his “March To Socialism”? How about “Socialists” Pol Pot and the “socialists” of the Kemer Rouge in South East Asia? BTW, how many people did “socialist” Kim Il Jong’s daddy kill “socializing” North Korea? And Fidel? You “socialists” sure do a lot of killing while you are “redistributing the wealth”!!!!
we only kill rich people
Those countries really are not Socialist any ways. Like were really not a democricsy. Butt breath
Im praying for Doctor JCH Kennedy luxury SUV to be liberated ……..
And I am not saying the holicost didn’t happen I am just saying the kid made some good points.
I have actually never questioned it untill I watch his vidio .
It actually disturbed me so much I was going to send an e-mail to the history channel and ask then to watch it and refute his points
I just don’t think they would be able to get the video because they probably don’t even no what news groups are :-/
I might send then what’s in the nfo file though I didn’t know it had so much information on it though.
DAY TWO 8/23: WHERE’S GOLDY ???????????????????
Tim Eyman came out in opposition to the property tax that never ends. Will Goldy open up his wallet to the greed of Seattle gummint, or get on Tim’s team to oppose the largest tax hike in Seattle’s history?
Im sorry I didn’t mean to mess up the blog. That vidio has kind of been bothering me for a couple of days now and I just needed to talk about it some place. :-/
I think property owners should be the only ones paying taxes.
I think we should add up the war in Iraq and tax all republicans to pay for it
we only kill rich people
Commentby The Socialist [……..Try me!!]
Im praying for Doctor JCH Kennedy luxury SUV to be liberated ……..
Commentby The Socialist […………………….It’s under the carport as we speak! Come try to “liberate” it!!!]
Hey Daddy Luv you asked Puddy about fudge packing. I guess he missed it. Anyway you should return to the other Darcy thread. Over 308,000 entries for fudge packing and it’s not about chocolate candy workers!
I think property owners should be the only ones paying taxes.
Commentby The Socialist [……………………………………………………………………………GBS, You are such a “redistribute other’s wealth” kind of guy!!!]
ok whats your address
56….. you guys are soooooo gross
Hey, commie lib idiot Democrats!! [GBS, My Left Foot, Carl Grossman, Roger Rabbit, Harry, and JDB, “The Socialist, if he is “employable” and has ANY income], Did you know that if you feel you are not paying enough tax you can simply send a check to Uncle Sam? To say thank you for all of the blessings that have been showered upon your grateful and smiling countenance? Why force others to pay more when you can step up and show us the way? Show us that you care!!! The Kerrys pay at 12%. YOU CAN DO BETTER!!!! Do it for “da chillin”!!!!! Indeed you can and the address is here:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6D37
Hyattsville, MD 20782
you rich ashole don’t really deserve all the wealth you have any ways. You only have it because of your lying cheating and stealing .
I give all my extra money to Opra
12 million people died because of Hitler and the rest of the world who waited way too long to stop the madman and his terror campaign.
To claim that it never happened is totally ridiculous. But then anything fucking goes in Academia la-la land these days. And every moonbat in the world has a new conspiracy theory.
63 yes you are probibly right
I guess with numbers and maps you can make anything look plausible
I know the republican do it every day any ways. There is so much propaganda now a days it makes it hard to believe any thing any more.
I wish there was a Walter Cronkit or Murrow to look to for the truth . :-/
I wish there was a way to sue the news agency that are propagandizing us so much I.E.: Fox News mostly . But the rest of the cable news and big 3 news too.
They are the only industry that is mentioned in the Constitution. They should be required to report the truth. And not flat out lie to use.
We supposedly are suppose to be the Government. And how are we to no who to vote for or agents when there is so many lies out there and spinning everything so much you don’t no who to believe or not to believe. :-(
There sure is a whole bunch of silence here on seattle’s proposal to jack up prop taxes with no end. Seems like a blog founded on the idea of hatred for taxpayer protection would have something to say about this. I’d sure like to know from seattle moonbats like Roger Rabbit if they’re gonna open up their wallets or get on Tim’s team.
Socialist – I think it’s best if you just sit out the whole voting thing. Leave it to the adults..
Im sure you do mark hehehehee :-)
That seams to be the republican plan to only allow republicans to vote
Oh you can watch all the vidios on this link you don’t have to download them off of usenet
I think I will send the NFO file to the history channel or maybe Thom Hartman
the video scares me kind of because he makes such a good case. It is really unnerving…..
you rich ashole don’t really deserve all the wealth you have any ways. You only have it because of your lying cheating and stealing .
Commentby The Socialist [……………………………..GBS, You’re killing me!! “Ashole”??? Stop it!! I’m dying!!!!]
That seams to be the republican plan to only allow republicans to vote
Commentby The Socialist […………………………………………..Yes, It “seams” to be!!! “Socialist”, How old are you? Do you ever post under the name “GBS”??]
The last of three men who held about 20 illegal immigrants in a Far Southside apartment pleaded guilty this morning to one charge of criminal confinement. Rolando Marcial-Hernandez, 25, will spend three years in community corrections programs, starting at the Marion County Jail annex. But the other two men, who pleaded guilty to the same charge last week, were released from jail on probation. [………………………………………………..20 new Democrat votes on NOV 06!!! Just bus them to where they are needed!!!!!!]
A 32-year-old illegal immigrant from Mauritania, an Islamic republic in north Africa, was detained by Detroit police Tuesday after officers found his car full of maps of the Midwest, license plates from different states and several driver’s licenses. As Detroit police investigate the man for possible links to criminal activity, federal authorities are investigating him for possible ties to terrorism. The FBI and the U.S. Department of Immigration, Customs and Enforcement are among the investigating agencies. [………………………………………………………………………..Just another POS mother fucker illegal “Democrat-to-be”], ready to do the Democrat terrorist work that welfare Democrats are to lazy to do!!!]
Dear Socialist, before you torture us and embarrass yourself any further, PLEASE go here and/or here.
Thank you.
HCYBPTBAK – Maybe he could see Zoolander and learn about “The Institute for children who don’t read good.”
Another comedy classic from Pam at Atlas Shrugs:
Right you are…. which reminds me:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
“… Hitler killed 6 -8 million people …” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/23/06@ 4:54 pm
You’re leaving out a few. As Hitler started WW2, you could argue he’s responsible for the war’s 50 million deaths. But even if you exclude the people killed by the allies, at a minimum, Hitler’s armies killed 20 million Russians in addition to the 6-8 million murdered in his concentration camps.
42 (continued)
Once again JCH demonstrates his abysmal ignorance of history.
I don’t pay property taxes. I live in a hole in the ground in a public park.
Since you asked me about property taxes, though, I’ll give you my opinion. If Nickels wants to spend an extra billion for a tunnel, I think it should be paid for by:
a) creating a special taxing district to collect enhanced property taxes from downtown property owners who will enjoy enhanced property values because of the tunnel;
b) tolls; and
c) revenue from selling the air space above the tunnel to developers. Why should taxpayers and motorists shell out a billion bucks so people working in downtown office towers can have pretty views?
I’m sure you must realize by now, Redneck, that a big part of my schtick is “cost transference.” Republicans’ idea is to take all the profits while transferring as many of the risks and costs to others as possible. Any time a Republican is rooting around, you can assume he’s looking for a free ride at someone else’s expense. I’m against FREELOADING. Freeloading is the GOP party anthem.
You’re leaving out a few. As Hitler started WW2, you could argue he’s responsible for the war’s 50 million deaths. But even if you exclude the people killed by the allies, at a minimum, Hitler’s armies killed 20 million Russians in addition to the 6-8 million murdered in his concentration camps.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………..Concur. I was only counting the Jews that Hitler killed for “The Socialist”. Add in the gypies, Poles, Slovocs, and 20 million Russians, and “National Socialist” Hitler comes close to “progressive” communists Mao and Stalin.]
86 that sounds like a good plan to me. I would put a weight tax on Doctor JCH Kennedy luxury SUV too………
So can we arrest Bush now for starting this war like Hitler did?
you can mess around with numbers and make everyone look bad. Like if you count up all the American Indians , Blacks Slaves, Mexicans. And all the people that Reagon and bush killed in the 80s im sure you could come up with a pretty impressive number.
So can we arrest Bush now for starting this war like Hitler did?
Commentby The Socialist— 8/23/06@ 9:22 pm
As soon as 20 million Iraqis and 7 million Jews are killed sure. Of course the only Jews that the US have killed recently were from Seattle liberals.
Doctor JCH Kennedy whats your address so I can come barrow your Suv
Doctor JCH Kennedy whats your address so I can come barrow your Suv
Commentby The Socialist [ How does one “barrow” an SUV? Just one question: Have you graduated from junior high school yet?]
Rabbit 87 – I know you’re big on cost tranfers. Most libruls are.
But I still don’t understand if you are fer or agin Mayor Nikels prop tax hike with no end. Open up your wallet or get on board with Eyman. Which is it?
well you know those Seattle liberals are a wild bunch……. That’s why I live up here in Everett were it’s safe.
you can mess around with numbers and make everyone look bad. Like if you count up all the American Indians , Blacks Slaves, Mexicans. And all the people that Reagon and bush killed in the 80s im sure you could come up with a pretty impressive number.
Commentby The Socialist […….How many people do you think “Reagon” killed in the 80s? Just “axing”…………
“The Socialist”, Are you old enough to vote? Even if you are only 12, do you still vote Democrat?
well go ask the nicerogins and the Iraneans and kerds that were killed with the weapons of mass distruction Ragon gave his budie Sadum. The are pictures and film coverage of Doniel Rummsfield Shaking Sadums hand right after he gasses the kurdess in 83. That Sadum is on trial for right now I think. The one that just started.
Oh heres the picture buttnutz
Ok here is one on Nicaragua’s
you can mess around with numbers and make everyone look bad. Like if you count up all the American Indians , Blacks Slaves,….
Commentby The Socialist— 8/23/06@ 9:26 pm
Since most of those deaths were before 1860 they have to chalked up as democrat deaths. It took the first republican in 1860 to free the slaves.
It must be very upsetting to you to have 12 year old be way smarter then your old dumb hemorrhoided infested arse
Doctor JCH Kennedy
I was chalking them up to Europeans in general not republicans or democrats BUtt Breath.
And actually in 1860 the demarcates were the party of the south and the races and the new republican party was the progressive party so Lincon would have been a liberal you b(o)(o)b ………
Eoropeans, liberals, what the fuck is the difference. Why do you think Europe is such a screwed up shit hole. Liberals.
Im sure you remember that all the Blacks use to be republican until 1960 when President Kennedy and the Democratic Party was pushing for civil right and the end to Jim Cow then all the raciest took over the republican party.
I think you remember this Strom Thurman switched parties from Dem. to republican . I know you can’t be as dumb as you seam you are just doing this on purpose to confuse the issue. Kind of like all the republicans using blue democratic colors on there signs this years trying to hide from there crimes and confuses some people ………
Eoropeans, liberals, what the fuck is the difference. Why do you think Europe is such a screwed up shit hole. Liberals.
Commentby Dan -Whats the frequency-Ken— 8/23/06@ 9:57 pm
Maybe you are as DUMB as you seam
Your I am guessing are of European decent Dr DipShit so does that make you a liberal to?
Christian Coalition losing chapters
I guess people are wising up
“well go ask the nicerogins and the Iraneans and kerds that were killed with the weapons of mass distruction Ragon gave his budie Sadum.”
Commentby The Socialist […………………………………………………………No amount of taxpayer provided “guvment” funds can educate today’s young Democrats.]
And actually in 1860 the demarcates were the party of the south and the races and the new republican party was the progressive party so Lincon would have been a liberal you b(o)(o)b ………
Commentby The Socialist […………………….Roger Rabbit, Is this your son?]
Im sure you remember that all the Blacks use to be republican until 1960 when President Kennedy and the Democratic Party was pushing for civil right and the end to Jim Cow then all the raciest took over the republican party.
Commentby The Socialist […..”Jim Cow”…..?]
Good points? Like this?
“If you’re going to get off a train, and get gassed within the hour, and then thrown into a pit; what is the point of a haircut?”
Roger Rabbit’s theory: They might give you a haircut so you won’t think you’ll be gassed and thrown in a pit within the hour. (It’s easier to do that to people who don’t know it’s coming.)
Will Redneck ever open up his wallet and pay the $100 he owes Goldy?
“Hitler comes close to ‘progressive’ communists Mao and Stalin.” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/23/06@ 9:15 pm
Not really. Stalin is in a class by himself. Add Stalin and Mao together, and you’ve got a death toll approaching that of, say, the 1918 flu epidemic. Commies are almost as bad as the flu. Not quite, but almost. That’s one of the reasons why I hate commies. There are other reasons, too.
you need to watch the vidio Roger. they suosedly cut people hair and gassed them and cleand the bodys up in less then a minute. In a room the size of a small bed room. And killed 750,000. people like thiat in ayear or so in 6 small gas chambers like that.
Go watch the vidio please
he make a lot of really good points
And why cut there hair the hair is the one think that would actually burn well.
And they have all that piles of hair at the Auschwitz camp . and they say they used the hair for mattresses in germany but no hair mattresses have ever been found . And there is no hair at any other camp.
I am a documentary nut espeasualy WW2 ones and I have never seen any hair mattresses in any documentary.
I hate defending this guy . But he does make some very interesting point
And I would be proud to be Roger Rabbit son………. I don’t know if he would be proud to be my father though rofl :-)
Actually I never ever ever thought I would be defending a holocaust deniers points . EGAD I am a liberal for heavens sake.
But the guy does make some very interesting points. That is what is so disturbing about it. I can’t automatically refute them like a Dr Kennedy asinine point .
Seattle has a $500 million backlog of road and bridge repairs. You expect the city to do fix them free?
But a $500 million backlog should cost $500 million, not $1.8 billion. When Nickels strips off the $1.3 billion of Christmas ornaments and raises property taxes $65 instead of $195 a year, I’ll be a “yes” vote. Until then, fuck him!*
* This is not an endorsement of Tim Eyman. I don’t like Tim Eyman. I don’t like Greg Nickels either. Eyman and Nickels do have one thing in common: I don’t like either of them. So I think they should get married.
“It took the first republican in 1860 to free the slaves.” Commentby Dan -Whats the frequency-Ken— 8/23/06@ 9:48 pm
GOP’s been going downhill ever since.
Name one (1) Republican who isn’t a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE.
Abraham Lincoln.
Well, that was easy. Let’s make it a little tougher:
Name another one.
I can’t stand Tim Eyman. But I did vote for the tabs thing twice. I did so because I thought it was to high and I would like to be able to afford to drive something other then my 63 ford Fairlane that I use to own . I have a very nice ford 1990 f150 now but if the tabs were the way they use to be I would not be able to afford to drive it. The tabs would be around 2 hundred a year on I think. I just can’t afford that . Im not a rich asshole like Dr Kennedy…………
It took the first republican in 1860 to free the slaves.” Commentby Dan -Whats the frequency-Ken— 8/23/06@ 9:48 pm
GOP’s been going downhill ever since.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/23/06@ 11:55 pm
boy that is the truth :-/
Well, that was easy. Let’s make it a little tougher:
Name another one.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/23/06@ 11:56 pm
Teddy Roosevelt
Doesn’t Seattle get money from the State via the gas tax to pay for roads and maintenance? I could have sworn when I was looking at the law that a percentage of it goes to the cities and counties…………..
Probably Ike to … I know he started the whole mexican guest worker program. But he supported unions to .
The one he had was mostly for farms. Actually only farms I think .
Doesn’t Seattle get money from the State via the gas tax to pay for roads and maintenance?
Yes it does
It is for the whole state though Im sure Seattle needs more money then it would provide
That may take all night … perhaps all eternity. Meanwhile, for those of you who don’t know what a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE is, this web site offers a succinct explanation:
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’.
“That’s their whole philosophy … cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America whose fortunes depend on labor. … The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work …. If you are a wealthy elite … your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool forced to work cheap.
” … (L)et’s apply this … and see how many right-wing positions become instantly understandable. Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘safety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing. You see, they want you ‘over a barrel’ and (forced) to ‘work cheap or starve’. Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage or other improvements in wages and working conditions. … (They) like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … (b)ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world who are ‘over a barrel’ and will work cheap. … (They) don’t like unions … (b)ecause when labor ‘sticks together’ wages go up. …
Cheap-labor conservatives constantly bray about ‘morality’, … ‘hard work’ and other ‘values’ … (s)o they can blame your being ‘over a barrel’ on your own … ‘poor choices’. (They) encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry … (because) bigotry among wage earners distracts them and keeps them from recognizing their common interests as wage earners.”
“They Don’t Really Like Prosperity
” … (C)heap-labor conservatives like unemployment, poverty and ‘cheap labor’. Consider these facts. Unemployment was 23 percent when FDR took office in 1933. It dropped to 2.5 percent by time the next Republican was in the White House in 1953. It climbed back to 6.5 percent by the end of the Eisenhower administration. It dropped to 3.5 percent by the time LBJ left office. It climbed over 5 percent shortly after Nixon took office, and stayed there for 27 years, until Clinton brought it down to 4.5 percent early in his second term.
“That same period – especially from the late forties into the early seventies – was the ‘golden age’ of the United States. We sent men to the moon. We built our Interstate Highway system. We ended segregation in the South and established Medicare. In those days, a single wage earner could support an entire family on his wages. …
“These facts provide a nice background to evaluate cheap-labor conservative claims like ‘liberals are destroying America.’ … Cheap-labor conservatives opposed virtually all of the New Deal, including every improvement in wages and working conditions. …(They) have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception. (They) … opposed universal public education in its early days. … (They) hate the progressive income tax … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt … (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ‘social spending’ ….
“The ugly truth is that cheap-labor conservatives just don’t like working people. They don’t like ‘bottom up’ prosperity, and the reason for it is very simple. Lords have a harder time kicking them around. Once you understand this about the cheap-labor conservatives, the real motivation for their policies makes perfect sense. Remember, cheap-labor conservatives believe in social hierarchy and privilege, so the only prosperity they want is limited to them. They want to see absolutely nothing that benefits the guy – or more often the woman – who works for an hourly wage. …
“See how easy it is to understand these cheap-labor conservatives. The more ignorant and destitute people there are – desperate for any job they can get – the cheaper the cheap-labor conservatives can get them to work. …
“Less Government And Cheap Labor
“’Less Government’ is the central defining right-wing slogan. And yes, it’s all about ‘cheap labor’. Included within the slogan ‘less government’ is the whole conservative set of assumptions about the nature of the ‘free market’ and government’s role in that market.
“In fact, the whole ‘public sector/private sector’ distinction is an invention of the cheap-labor conservatives. They say that the ‘private sector’ exists outside and independently of the ‘public sector’. The public sector, according to cheap-labor ideology, can only ‘interfere’ with the ‘private sector’, and that such ‘interference’ is ‘inefficient’ and ‘unprincipled.’ Using this ideology, the cheap-labor ideologue paints himself as a defender of ‘freedom’ against ‘big government tyranny’. In fact, the whole idea that the ‘private sector” is independent of the public sector is totally bogus … ‘the market’ is created by public laws, public institutions and public infrastructure.
“But the cheap-labor conservative isn’t really interested in ‘freedom’. What the he wants is the ‘privatized tyranny’ of industrial serfdom, the main characteristic of which is – you guessed it – ‘cheap labor’. For proof, you need only look at exactly what constitutes ‘big government tyranny’ and what doesn’t. It turns out that cheap-labor conservatives are BIG supporters of the most oppressive and heavy handed actions the government takes.
“(They) are consistent supporters of the generous use of capital punishment. … (They) complain about … ‘handcuffing the police’ …. (They) support the ‘get tough’ and ‘lock ‘em up’ approach to virtually every social problem …. (They) want all the military force we can stand to pay for … (and) support every right-wing authoritarian hoodlum in the third world. (They) support foreign assassinations, covert intervention in foreign countries, and every other ‘black bag’ operation the CIA can dream up … (they) support ‘domestic surveillance’ against … ‘everybody but them’. Cheap-labor believers in ‘freedom’ think it’s the government’s business if you smoke a joint or sleep with somebody of your own gender. (They) support our new concentration camp down at Guantanamo Bay (and) ‘secret tribunals’ with ‘secret evidence’ and virtually no judicial review of the trials and sentences. Then they say that liberals are ‘Stalinists’. … Sounds to me like the cheap-labor conservatives have a peculiar definition of ‘freedom’. I mean, just what do these guys consider to be ‘tyranny’.
“That’s easy. Take a look. ‘Social spending’ otherwise known as ‘redistribution’. While they don’t mind tax dollars being used for killing people, using their taxes to feed people is ‘stealing’. Minimum wage laws. Every piece of legislation ever proposed to improve working conditions, including the eight hour day, OSHA regulations, and even Child Labor laws. Labor unions, who ‘extort’ employers by collectively bargaining. Environmental regulations and the EPA. Federal support and federal standards for public education. Civil rights legislation. … Public broadcasting – which is virtually the only source for classical music, opera, traditional theatre … (t)his from the people constantly braying about the decay of ‘the culture’. …
“See the pattern? Cheap-labor conservatives support every coercive and oppressive function of government, but call it ‘tyranny’ if government does something for you …. Is the pattern becoming clearer? These cheap-labor Republicans have no problem at all opening the public purse for corporate interests. It’s ‘social spending’ on people who actually need assistance that they just ‘can’t tolerate’ … (because) (d)estitute people work cheaper, while a harsh police state keeps them suitably terrorized.”
Yes, but local taxes also are necessary — unless you live in an underpopulated, poor, rural, Republican county — in which case Seattle motorists pay for your roads and bridges.
Good work, Sosh.
Your property taxes are getting ready to shoot through the roof. The next session of the legislature is going to pass a law increasing them to 2 or 3%……
Seattle isn’t the only town with green grass and vegetable gardens, maybe you should check out Olympia, they are quite liberal down here. Do watch out for racoons though, they are on a killing rampage in Olympia.
Well it’s almost 12:30 a.m., and as many of you know, I work the graveyard shift. Time for me to hop up the hill to Keystone Place and see what’s growing in Stefan’s garden. His lawn needs fertilizing, too. Later, unpatriotic America-hating fascist traitors — I’ll see you when I see you, unless they hang you first.
I have been listening to a new radio station lately KUOW 94.9 they are really good they have news shows on all the time no music woo hoo………
Do watch out for racoons though, they are on a killing rampage in Olympia.
There was a show on cbc about your racoons today :-)
Later, unpatriotic America-hating fascist traitors – I’ll see you when I see you, unless they hang you first.
I love that rabbit
Newsweek magazine reports that GOP senate candidate John Spencer is “linking Hillary Clinton to Osama (bin Laden) in a television ad that attacks Clinton for voting against the Patriot Act and speaking out against the administration’s unauthorized wiretapping.”
Also from Newsweek (same link):
“Bush once vowed to capture bin Laden dead or alive. Now he and Karl Rove only haul him out when he’s politically useful.”
Under classic conservative economic theory, government intervention is unnecessary because market imbalances are self-correcting. Let’s see how this is working in the real world:
“Health-care debts typically play a role in about half of the approximately 1.5 million bankruptcies filed in the United States each year, according to Harvard researchers Elizabeth Warren and David U. Himmelstein. And … 75 percent of those who declare medical bankruptcy have health insurance at the onset of the illness that failed to prevent them from being pushed over the financial edge, according to the Harvard research.”
Let’s recap. Half of all personal bankruptcies in the U.S. involve medical bills. And three-fourths of those had health insurance. Obviously something isn’t working here, as the numbers of uninsured and bankruptcies keep growing.
Wingnut solution: Tougher bankruptcy laws, maybe even debtor’s prisons
Liberal solution: Regulate the market, protect consumers, and devise a system of government-mediated universal coverage.
here’s the link
DAY THREE 8/24: WHERE’S GOLDY ???????????????????
Tim Eyman came out in opposition to the property tax that never ends. Will Goldy open up his wallet to the greed of Seattle gummint, or get on Tim’s team to oppose the largest tax hike in Seattle’s history?
Socialist, I see you are still fixated on the holocaust-denier’s videos. If you want, you can indeed go to The History Channel’s Discusson Boards, and go to the WWII site, and post it for them to refute. There are quite a few knowledgable people on that board, many of them WWII veterans, and you may even find a few who personally liberated some of the camps. There is even one fellow who posts there from time to time that was a code-breaker in the Army at the start of WWII, and when people try to claim that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor because we had “broken the Japanese Codes”, sometimes he will give a detailed explanation of why that wasn’t true. Of course, there are also a few whackos, like on every other board.
But be prepared for the fact that there will not be a lot of patience for this subject. It comes up several times a year, usually by neo-nazis looking for new recruits, and a lot of the posters, like myself, have grown tired of dealing with them.
On second thought, if you want a response, you should probably be careful in how you word the post. For example, simply posting a link to a site with lots of arguments against the Holocaust might be considered an attempt to convince others as well, and you won’t get much of a response. But if you you say you heard the argument that there wasn’t enough wood availble to cremate as many victims as were claimed, and ask the posters to explain how it was possible, you might get more help.
Short answer: crematoriums have been in use for quite some time, and are used even today. If they were that inefficient, then they would never been constructed for any reason. It takes some work to get them to the right temperature, but once there, they can process a lot of bodies relatively quickly, with only minimal additional fuel required to keep them at the optimum temperature. And wood wouldn’t be the only fuel to be used. My guess is that coal would have been a more efficient fuel.
By the way, for all those arguments who say that the Holocaust didn’t happen because it was not feasable (not enough wood, trains, etc.), I have to reply that it did happen (there is overwhelming evidence), so the analysis of “how” must be wrong. Scientists have proved that a bumblebee cannot possibly fly based upon aernautical scientific principles, so does that prove that bumblebee we see are due to some government conspiracy to fool us?
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i hope the DCCC feels this generous after the primary!
Vote for Richard Wright, Dem hopeful in the WA 4th Congressional district.
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