Man… I need to spend more time reading those Eastern Washington blogs.
Way back on Tuesday, reported that the DCCC has added the 5th Congressional District (Peter Goldmark vs. Cathy McMorris) to its short list of targeted campaigns around the nation.
Achim Bergmann, the Western regional director for the DCCC said that they made the choice because new poll numbers showed Goldmark just two points away from McMorris.
“A targeted race is the party’s designation that a candidate is showing potential for winning an opposition seat”
Why is the DCCC taking interest in a race the sleepy Spokane media has apparently written off? Well it could be the surprising weakness McMorris has shown in recent polls. Or it could be the shocker that Goldmark outraised the incumbent in the previous quarter, despite his late start. Or perhaps it’s McMorris’s close identification with the President in a supposedly red district where Bush is remarkably unpopular.
Whatever the reason this is good news for Goldmark that maybe — just maybe — might provoke Eastern WA journalists to start paying attention… before bloggers and the Seattle media grab all the glory.
Yup, he is a rock star. It was inevitable that the national orginization would come to see Goldmark as the real deal that he is. I think Goldy said it before and was correct in doing so, Chuck could win in any district in this state.
Just returned from a week-long vacation in Easern Wa. They love Goldmark…his signs are everywhere, and his appeal is across the board.
Was disappointed that there was no mention at all of Cantwell. She’s going to have to work it over there to win this thing.
If it would get Democrat votes, would the DNC help the Islamic terrorists by limiting our ability to listen to their cellphone calls to Muslimland or by limiting our ability to follow thie “wire transfers”? Why, yes, the Dems have tried both!! Democrats: Friends Of Islamic Terrorists!
Famous Democrat Quotes: “J….E..W….S!!!” [REP Cynthia “BitchSlap” McKinney’s, DEMOCRAT, GA father], “FUCKING JEW BASTARD!” [to Dick Morris, from HILLARY!] “Hymietown, NY” [Jesse Shakedown” Jacksooooon], “Black women don’t lie about this!” [Al “Suits” Sharpton, discussing Tawana Brawley,], “WOP!” [Roger Rabbit] hehe, JCH
If it would get Democrat votes, would the DNC help the Islamic terrorists by limiting our ability to listen to their cellphone calls to Muslimland or by limiting our ability to follow thie “wire transfers”? Why, yes, the Dems have tried both!! Democrats: Friends Of Islamic Terrorists!
Whoo-hoo – so glad a candidate and man of his calibre are finally getting national attention. Get a load of this article on Peter hot off the press:
Goldmark will get the thoughtful votes. McMorris will get the yahoo vote.
I lived in the fifth district for nearly 30 years, and that district isn’t as red as it might seem to be… Let us not forget that the one-time Speaker of the House was Tom Foley who came from that district. I’ll never understand how or why Nethercutt got elected, but were it not for Newt Gingrich, that seat may never have gone red because Foley could have worked to groom a successor like Goldmark.
I visited Spokane this week and saw some of Peter Goldmark’s tv ads. On first impression, I have to say that he comes across as a great fit for the district. He’s well enough connected in the farm community that some of those people that Foley had in his back pocket just might come around and help out. He’s far better connected in the old money of Eastern Washington than McMorris. That he outraised McMorris even with her incumbent advantage doesn’t surprise me a great deal. In my mind, she has been vulnerable all along… but if Washington can bounce Reichert and McMorris, that would be a great step in retaking the house.
Thanks for posting that link, paco and taco. I’d heard about the article in The Inlander, but hadn’t seen it.
I must say that its content surprised me — it’s nothing like a puff piece, nothing like a standard candidate bio piece. No, it’s a pained and painful discussion of longstanding economic inequities, issues that shouldn’t be partisan, problems that need to be solved by forward-thinking leaders.
It’s clear that Cathy McMorris is nothing of the sort; she neither has ideas about how to work through Eastern Washington agriculture’s problems, nor (it seems) cares much about them. Whether Goldmark’s ideas can lead to workable solutions is uncertain, but at least he has ideas. And it’s evident that he cares about finding solutions … deeply, in his very bones.
Final note — it’s intriguing to see how adroitly Patty Murray addresses the needs of her Eastern Washington constituents.
Yes, let’s please bring in the DCCC. They and their Republican counterparts came in with a bunch of attack and counter attack ads that turned what had been a pretty clean issues based race into a mud slinging contest. I don’t know if Barbieri would have managed to win the seat, given the mistakes that were made by the campaign, but the margin would have been smaller without the barrage of attack ads from both sides.
Peter Goldmark is a great fit for the 5He is a long time racher and farmer in Okanogan County.
He is a former long term Regent at Washington State University in Pullman. His own education includes a PhD in Molecular Biology.
Check him out at
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