Roads were fine. Lots of people took the West Seattle Water Taxi (thanks Dow) or figured out an alternative method of getting to work. It looks like people, gasp, managed just fine. Although, it looks like the Walk the Viaduct event was a lot of fun.
Actually, my bus commute north on 3rd was slowed by the additional buses diverted from 99 in the afternoon
What, you mean people changed their plans in response to different conditions on the ground? People changed? Impossible!
what world do you guys live in? Traffic was fucked this morning. rain, accidents, vaiduct, etc….
didnt bother my commute, but it sounded nasty on the radio this morning.
oh…and GO RANGERS!
The TV stations on Sunday night were sophomoric. Viadooom! Carmageddon! The world is coming to an end! The horror!
Channel four said they were going to have choppers in the air at 4:30 a.m. to report on the disaster in the making with “live coverage”. Switching to channel 5, they said THEY were going to have THEIR chopper in the air at 4:00 a.m.! Tune in, otherwise you won’t know how you are going to get to work!
Gee, you would have thought they were predicting a half inch of snow or something….
We didn’t get the word about the opportunity to walk the Viaduct until we’d made other plans. I would have loved to take a camera and enjoy that unique view for one last time. We have a friend who’s in Rat City Rollergirls (who along with the Cossacks motorcycle drill team won the drawing for a “private session” on the top deck). I’m sure they had a blast.
Does anyone know if Dan Evans managed to show up?
howz that crow tasting carle? you still wanna say closing the viafuct is no big deal?
wow…dipshit carl ran away form this thread like it was the plague.