As I’ve previously suggested, after filing a PDC complaint that cost his party $40,000 in fines, HA regular Richard Pope isn’t the most popular Republican at KCGOP headquarters these days. So it came as no surprise when Richard forwarded a piece of fan mail from former Republican candidate for King County Executive, David Irons.
Mr. Pope
Some people see an injured person or a problem and lend a hand to fix what is broken. These people can take pride in their accomplishments and are frequently thanked by strangers who witness their unselfish act of kindness.
Other people see a problem and throw gas on a smoldering ember thus damaging and/or destroying everything nearby. These people normally live cold and lonely lives.
In your effort to damage others I fear you have destroyed what little reputation you had remaining. It must be lonely sitting on that pedestal you built for yourself.
I personally forgive you for your actions and the manor in which you have so aggressively attack good people. As for your hate, I sorry to say that is likely to continue to consume you for now until eternity.
Thank You
David Irons
How, um… ironic.
Of course, Richard informed the KCRCC of their disclosure violations way back in August of 2006, and only reported them to the PDC three months later, after they continued uncorrected and unabated. And again, in November, he informed them of additional problems, and didn’t report these to the PDC until March, 2007.
To Irons, the fact that his own party was violating the law seems unimportant — Richard went public with a family secret, an apparently unforgivable offense.
I personally forgive you for your actions and the manor in which you have so aggressively attack good people. As for your hate, I sorry to say that is likely to continue to consume you for now until eternity.
Was he trying to set a record for assaults on the english language with these two sentences?
I’m no fan of Richard Pope, but this letter (and the manner of its expression) is pretty pathetic.
One would not have thought that David Irons could create such hilarity with a mere little finger-pointing memo to Richard Pope — but he has– and I thank him for it.
Little does Mr. Irons know that, if heeded, the Boy Scout honesty of the likes of Richard Pope and others like him could yet save the Republican Party.
“I personally forgive you for your actions and the manor in which you have so aggressively attack good people.”
The question for David Irons Jr. is whether or not he has forgiven his mother for pissing him off so.
I feel for Mr. Pope. It’s like the kid who calls the police to report a murder, only to have everyone in his school treat him like a pariah.
Reporting wrongdoing isn’t ‘cool’. Especially in groups that are playacting at being the mafia.
2 Harry, you’ve hit the nail squarely on the head. Some of us old geezers remember when people who marched under the banner of conservatism seriously promoted individual and institutional responsibility.
Mr. Irons shows us a picture of a partisan that goes to the extreme of believing that anything the party does should be supported by all party members. Party loyalty is more important than honesty, honor or ethics.
Let’s not laugh too hard, because we have some of them too.
Certainly I have criticized Mr. Pope on more than one occasion, and will almost certainly do so again. But one thing is clear. If the Republicans are ever going to reclaim their position as a major player in Washington politics, they need him.
We also need to be careful not to ostracize our “Richard Popes”. People who believe in the core values of our party, but refuse to believe that any means to achieve those ends are acceptable.
Read some of the posts around here. You’ll find people that not only believe we should use any means, honest or dishonest, to win.
Of course, we should also realize that those same people really don’t represent the goals of the Democratic party. They’re trying to trick us into supporting candidates and issues that most Democrats would not knowingly support.
They’re just as willing to lie to the rest of us as they are willing to lie to the Republicans.
I’m not going to thank Mr. Pope for his actions. They didn’t really benefit me or my party.
That should be done by someone from the Republican party. If you folks are going to survive as a major party, you need folks like Mr. Pope.
Oh, and Richard. If the Republicans cannot see that, you might want to switch. Lots of former Republicans are voting Democratic these days. Remember, Republicans promise smaller government and balanced budgets.
Democrats deliver them.
As a child I heard an old Irish folktale about the The Tinker of Tamlyn, who captured the Angel of Death and wouldn’t let him go, and captured the Angel Gabriel and tied him up too.
He pretty much pissed off everyone and when it came time to die, couldn’t get into Heaven, and had the Gates of Hell shut against him.
I believe he was the origin of the saying: Heaven won’t have him, and Hell’s afraid he’ll take over!
Richard Pope seems well on his way toward completing his apprenticeship as a Tinker. . . . .
Comes as no surprise to me that Motherbeater Irons, who runs a pretty good race against Roadkill McGavick and cigaret smoke in local popularity contests, can’t spell a common two-syllable word like “manner.”
Y’know it’s good in a way that Republicans are so fucking bad, because it wouldn’t be so easy to make fun of them if they were intelligent and responsible people.
Roger @ 8: Yoo don’t smook mainy ‘cigarets'(sic), I sea.
Mother-abuser Irons probably won’t be sending Dickie Pope any more fan mail, either.
David Irons….to the manor born. How he managed to master Communist apparatchekese is no mystery…he is one of the true believers.
Now that Richard is kicked out of the GOP, he’ll have to become a Democrat (especially considering his unreliability on some issues, such as gun control, near and dear to GOP hearts) — but I’m not sure we want a clumsy oaf like him.
Man it sucks to be a Publican and it REALLY sucks to be that loooooooser Pope.
Another Republican Hopes For Terrorist Attack
It wasn’t very surprising when failed legislative candidate Mark Griswold (aka “FullContactPolitics”), who got stomped by Frank Chopp to the tune of 85%-15%, advocated killing Americans as a way to boost GOP electoral prospects:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
After all, Griswold is a dork and dumber than a brick. Not to mention insensitive to the hopes, aspirations, and needs of his prospective constituents, which may explain his 15% showing. One can’t help but wonder if he would have gotten more than 4%,* if the jackasses who voted for him knew he wants them dead.
(*My theory that there’s always 4% who will vote for terrorists no matter what is based on the fact Low Tax Looper got 4% against a write-in candidate after murdering his opponent.)
(Needless to say, Looper, like Griswold, is a Republican. Did you even have to wonder?)
But now, no less a personage than a GOP congressman is getting into the same squalid act:
“Rep. Rohrabacher: ‘I Hope It’s Your Families That Suffer’ From A Terrorist Attack
“Last week, a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing on the Bush administration’s practice of extraordinary rendition …. Throughout the hearing, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) … attacked the witnesses, three members of the European parliament, who testified that rendition actually hinders prosecutions of terrorists. …
“At one point, Rohrabacher argued that imprisoning and torturing one innocent person was a fair price to pay for locking up 50 terrorists who would ‘go out and plant a bomb…and kill 20,000 people.’ When members of the audience groaned, Rohrabacher said, ‘Well, I hope it’s your families … that suffer the consequences.'”
What the fuck is it with these GOP sociopaths? Did their mothers horsewhip them for fun? Did they all sit in their college frat houses watching snuff films for kicks? But more to the point — what the fuck is wrong with the jackass voters in Rohrabacher’s district who elected this nutcase to Congress in the first place?
Maybe they were expressing their contempt for Congress when they did so. It’s the only explanation that could possibly make any sense.
GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel reportedly is weighing an independent run for the presidency.
While he wouldn’t draw off many moderate Republican votes, for the simple reason there aren’t many moderate Republicans left, he might succeed in knocking down the GOP standard bearer’s popular vote from 28% to, say, 26%.
It’s looking more and more like anybody the Democrats feel like nominating is going to win the biggest blowout landslide in history, possibly even breaking 70%. And that’s AFTER the Republicans suppress the minority vote and rig the voting machines … !!
Re:publicans don’t believe in sintacks either, evidently.
I wonder how long it’s been since Irons smacked his mother around?
Kudos to Mr. Pope, for holding their feet to the fire.
And yes, we need to be just as persistent with Dems. Transparency and accountability will make better government for everyone.
Roger @15, still many moons away, didn’t know rabbits counted unhatched chickens.
Democrat as President in 2008 is likely, but it’s early to let the guard down or start drinking kool-aid….
Guess I need to do more reading and researching. Yes, tonight I read the previous “Family Secret” thread, including EVERY ONE of the “252 Comments to “Raging Bullshitter: the sad twisted tale of the Irons family feud”:
Very well written, BTW, Goldy!
Curious that, at the time, Richard Pope tried to actually defend Mr. Irons or offer possible explanations to reject the story & situation – more than once. I had no CLUE all this was going on behind the scenes WHEW! of that election. I remember though, I actually had to pinch my nose to vote for freespending & irresponsible Sims (in my opinion), to be honest. I just couldn’t vote for Irons (even without reading those juicy IronFamily&HA allegations!)
But it’s very clear, from THIS recent letter to Richard Pope, that Mr. Irons still DOES HAVE anger issues and an apparent lack of self control. Unprofessional. Irons’s wording adds credence to the fact that there MUST have been some truth to the sordid story Goldy reported back then in 2005. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.
Like I said, I have more to research, but it seems like if Richard hadn’t forced the issue with the PDC complaint – it would have looked more like an attempt to cover-up malfeasance and the fines would have been greater. Considering all the dirty details crawling out of the woodwork for the Republicans back in the Other Washington, seems like Pope did them a major FAVOR, getting the train back on the track! Scratching my head here.
Off topic, but THANK YOU for your comments the other day in regards to my broken water heater Richard Pope! I had price checked but just plain didn’t have the $$, was hoping I could limp along until my brother comes up in 2mos to replace then. My Sister had offered, but she’s already taking me on a cruise to Alaska this summer; being a TOTAL charity case just stinks. 3 nights ago, my big (& only) brother called and said those magic words:
“BIGTIME water/sewer bills”, if it blows out in the night.
“Potential Mold” issues.
“Get your a$$ down to Sears!”
So I hoofed it down early the next morning and they replaced it yesterday. The repairman said, yup it was 18 yrs on a 10 yr warrantee – and ready to whoosh. So, thanks again for the advice Richard!
One good thing. I figure, after Mayor Nickels does his punch-drunk Levy Lobbing this Sept and Nov elections, I’m going to be priced out of my house like many folks. Now that the new H2Oheater is up to the newer codes (& cost a BUNDLE to get there, with the 18inch stand, expansion tank, all those extra goodies reqd) – at least I won’t have to buy that when I’m forced to sell. Sure wish Nickels would just skip over the water & move in with his old buddy, Paul Allen, and stop inflicting more “World Class” BS on us unfortunates!
I support what Richard did and it lends credibility to one Republican in a party where morals really are tantamount to gross hypocrisy as noted in David Irons pathetic letter.
David Irons has made it clear that this is a party which has become a group of thugs without any regard for what is ethically or morally correct. They’re scumbags and Richard Pope has made a clear delineation here and clearly demonstrated that he knows right from wrong and is one Republican hwo can walk the talk. Good for Richard.
This is like watching OBL engage in a nail studded baseball bat duel with Kim Jong Il.
I’ve got no dog in this fight.
But I would like it to continue until they both drop dead.
And yes, it is still brisk and dusty in here.