Darcy Burner called Dave Reichert last night to concede the 8th CD race, and apart from Darcy and her family there are few people more disappointed than I am. As Dino Rossi’s most ardent supporters know, it can be terribly frustrating to come so close to an upset victory and lose.
About his victory, Reichert claims that “the key is listening, and being in touch with the community…” yet I’m not so sure he really heard a word voters were saying:
“I am a little surprised it was as tough as it was, because of the inexperience of my opponent,” Reichert said. “The national environment played significantly higher role, and had more of an impact, than I expected it to play.”
What a dick. Totally incapable of any type of introspection.
In a district that has never sent a Democrat to Congress, Reichert nearly lost to an unknown political novice, and he blames it solely on the national climate. He couldn’t even find the grace to bring himself to give Darcy some credit without accusing her of being “nasty.”
But you wanna know the real reason why Reichert won? All you need to do is read this morning’s paper:
Reichert, a former King County sheriff known for helping to capture the Green River Killer…
That’s the main reason why Darcy didn’t trounce Reichert in King County… a lot of people voted for the beloved sheriff who caught the Green River killer. Of course, Reichert didn’t really catch the Green River killer — in fact, he so fucked up the investigation that Gary Ridgeway was allowed to continue to kill for 18 years after he first became a suspect. And the fact that most voters don’t know this…? Well… I blame the media.
And I also blame myself.
No doubt us bloggers played a huge role in building the buzz that led the media and political establishment to recognize Darcy as a viable candidate, but we failed to do the one thing that would have assured her victory: tear Reichert down. Both campaigns were typically negative, and neither was particularly nasty by modern standards. The main difference was, Darcy attacked Reichert on the issues and on his allegiance to President Bush, whereas Reichert attempted to diminish Darcy as a person.
The Seattle Times editorial board’s self-righteous bullshit aside, the truth is, this campaign just wasn’t negative enough. If voters understood the truth about Reichert’s job as sheriff, and about the way he bungled the Green River killer investigation, and then claimed all the credit for himself two decades and dozens of dead women later… Darcy would have won. And with the local media mostly unwilling to reexamine the hero myth they created around Reichert, that type of truth telling fell on the shoulders of us bloggers. And in that, we failed.
That’s one of the two unfortunate lessons I’ve learned from this race. 1) Don’t be afraid to go medieval on a candidate’s ass, if that’s what it takes to win. And 2) the Seattle Times editorial board cannot be trusted to truthfully represent and promote the interests of our community.
I intend to address both these issues in the future.
But… as personally disappointed as I am with the apparent outcome of this race, I fully understand on an intellectual level that both Darcy’s and Peter Goldmark’s campaigns were an integral part of a HUGE victory for the Democratic Party… and particularly for us netroots activists who embraced the 50-state strategy first enunciated by DNC chair Howard Dean. Darcy and Peter threw themselves into races the political and media establishment considered GOP gimmes, forcing the Republicans to draw money and resources away from races elsewhere.
And by fielding hardworking candidates who ran tough campaigns in races everybody expected them to lose, the Democrats showed local voters the type of respect that is absolutely necessary for the party to build towards victory in the future. Whoever the Democratic nominees are in 2008, their races will be made incredibly easier by the hard work Darcy and Peter put into 2006. That’s why I come away from this election with absolute confidence that every last ounce of passion and effort the netroots put into these races, and every last dime we raised, was totally worth it. We helped the Democrats take back Congress, and that after all, was the ultimate prize. The GOP may have successfully defended these seats — this year — but at a great cost.
And so to those in my comment threads who seek solace by mocking me over Darcy’s loss, I ask you: How are you enjoying that Democratic majority in the US House and US Senate, or our near super-majority in the Washington state Legislature? What role did you play in losing three Supreme Court races, and all three statewide initiatives? And hey… how about Mike McGavick’s twenty-point loss to the Dem’s “most vulnerable” Senate incumbent? If all you have to celebrate from last week’s election is the thought that Darcy and Peter and a handful of bloggers might be having a bad day, well then, you really have nothing to celebrate at all.
The truth is, we didn’t get behind Darcy and Peter because we thought they would win, we threw our all into these races because we thought they could win, and because we knew with absolute certainty that making these races close would help other Democrats win elsewhere. And on both counts we were proven right.
Did we shoot for the moon? You betcha. But then, to quote Jack Kennedy:
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.
And so to all of you who volunteered for Darcy and Peter, and who contributed money through my Act Blue page or elsewhere, I want to thank you for a job well done. We may have lost these two races, but overall, we kicked ass, and you all deserve credit.
Now let’s get back to work.
Marcy attacked Reichert not on the issues of the 8th, but the issues of the President. She never stated a stance or opinion. She only offered lib talking points. Next time, put up a candidate that can form his/her own opinion(s) and has one iota of experience that is relevant. Hell, a Repub got more votes in King county than a Dem during a time when dems dominated the national elections. What does that say about her?
Hell, a Repub got more votes in King county than a Dem
That should read: “Hell, a Repub got more votes in part of King county than a Dem…”
I don’t know how to search for the answer to this – was Reichart’s win an unusual event this year? Reichart is a) a Republican, b) a freshman c) elected in 2004 by a small margin and d) from a district that voted for Kerry in 04. How many such people won re-election in 2006?
One Down; Two to Go
The tide is slowly turning in America. Things that seemed completely immutable just days before the Nov. 7 (2006) elections are no more so, as more and more people open their eyes to the grim reality. Even days ago, ‘the Decider’ professed not to have to listen to anybody and that he was not going to part with his Secretary of Defense. Now, the sovereign people have reminded him and everybody else who is the final decider in a democracy
Thanks for your efforts, and thanks for the Kennedy quote. Sorensen and Kennedy were quite a speechwriting duo.
Donald Rumsfeld accused of torturing Guantanamo prisoners
Hardly had the US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld been dismissed from his position when the former head of the Pentagon had to deal with another trouble. The Center for Constitutional Rights sued Rumsfeld over the alleged tortures of 12 prisoners of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons.
Russia and China spend billions on lunar exploration
Russian governmental delegation headed by Vice Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov has arrived in China. The preparations for a state visit to China by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov are under way. Fradkov’s visit should commence later this week. According to information obtained by Izvestia, Russia and China agreed on a large-scale joint effort in Moon exploration project. The plans are expected to be formally confirmed during Fradkov’s upcoming visit to China. Russia, the United States and China are still the only three nations capable of launching a manned spacecraft independently. China has spent about $4 billion on its space program since the early 1990s though it has only two taikonauts. Russia remains the only country with which China maintains cooperation in the field of space exploration.
Good to read this post. I had the same reaction to Reichert’s comments in the paper. What was clear to me in the debates was that Reichert’s much-touted experience as sheriff, although it lent him a vague element of gravitas as a candidate, didn’t make his positions on the various issues any more reasonable or insightful. Even if I had known nothing about his disastrous voting record, he was thoroughly unimpressive as a candidate in the debates, even on issues that were supposedly his specialties as ex-sheriff.
I’m not sure that I agree with you that a more negative campaign per se is going to work next time, but I think you’re right that Reichert has been getting a pass on the value of his experience as sheriff.
Saddam’s trial in context: Episode of victors’ injustice
American and European official and public opinion reactions to Saddam Hussein’s guilty verdict on Sunday artificially removed both the trial and the death sentence out of context and focused instead on “flaws” in the legal technicalities of a fair trial and on death penalty as a punishment, which exposed the trials in Baghdad as merely another episode in the U.S.-British so far unsuccessful efforts to establish their occupation of Iraq and to develop the current status quo there as the new order.
Heather Wilson, NM-01, though she isn’;t a freshman, won a close race in a D district both in 2004 and 2006. Who beat the State AG of New Mexico, Patricia Madrid.
And Goldy, I gotta take exception to this:
Darcy and Peter threw themselves into races the political and media establishment considered GOP gimmes, forcing the Republicans to draw money and resources away from races elsewhere.
WA-05, yeah (though the 6th LD and the results in the Okanogan gives me some hope). WA-08, no way. That district is NEVER going to be safe for a Republican incumbent. A district that votes for D Presidents and D state legislators? It may take 2,3,4 bites at the apple, but it’s GOING to flip at some point (the demographic trends are a complete fight against the tide for the Rs), given consistent effort and strong D candidates- after 1994 it took a few elections to boot out Randy Tate in the 9th, another one for Rick White in the 1st, another one for Linda Smith in the 3rd and Jack Metcalf in the 2nd, but they went away eventually and those CDs came home to the Ds, and the 8th will too, eventually.
Both Goldmark and Burner went down in flames….
You picked losers in a sure fire race
They lost, get over it.
I think that tying Reichert to Ron Sims would have been a strategy that may have weakened his support amongst the faithful. He is a Ron Sims appointee. Risky to throw an ally on the fire though.
don’t worrie we’ll get Reichert next time Commrades!!!
Actually, what could have worked is if the Dems put up anybody but an inexperienced, unknown candidate.
A little more forethought early on would have sealed the deal.
Maybe Reichert will switch parties?
Ortega set to align with Chavez as well as to leave his Marxist past behind
Nicaraguan President-elect Daniel Ortega seems to have left his revolutionary past behind, according to his first public appearance after winning Sunday presidential vote. In a speech aired on Wednesday, the leader of the Sandinista Front for the National Liberation, said he would not push for radical reforms, as promised to make efforts to keep alive the economical stability reached after 16 years of austerity programs fuelled by the US-backed conservative administrations.
“I am a little surprised it was as tough as it was, because of the inexperience of my opponent,” Reichert said.
Burner is graceful in defeat, Reichert is graceless in victory.
An alien who just disembarked from a UFO would have no trouble figuring out which is the Democrat and which is the Republican.
Maybe one of these days Reichert will get around to telling us what HIS experience is. Two years in Congress voting the way his party leaders tell him to hardly counts as “experience.” In that respect, Burner is just as experienced as he is.
U.S. Republicans Return to Earth
By Robert Bridge The Moscow News
Like a bubble in the marketplace that was fated to burst, the U.S. Republicans speculated too much on the war in Iraq and suffered a massive default in their power base
U.S. Democrats – in a stinging rebuke to the policies of the Bush administration – bulldozed their way through top Republican real estate, taking control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years, while appearing to have seized control of the Senate as well. CNN reported that the Democrats will enjoy a 234-201 advantage in the House, while the Associated Press was the first media horse out of the gates with the news that the Democrats had taken over control of the Senate.
Actually, what could have worked is if the Dems put up anybody but an inexperienced, unknown candidate.
Well, to be blunt, no, that’s not any guarantee at all. Experienced D woman candidates lost close races in NM-01 (NM State AG Patricia Madrid), CO-04 (Angie Paccione was elected to the CO State House twice).
here is a little fun fact for you
For the sixth consecutive year, Norway, with a per capita GDP of $38,454 and an average life span of nearly 80 years, was ranked the world’s best country live in. Iceland came in at No. 2, followed by Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Canada, Japan and the United States.
Regarding The Seattle Times, let’s eliminate the sales tax exemption for newspapers.
Not Missing Rumsfeld — Yet
By Ira Straus
People are so happy U.S. Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld is leaving that they are overlooking the dark side of the man nominated to replace him, Robert Gates.Now that U.S. President George W. Bush and Rumsfeld have undermined relations with nearly every other country in the world, Gates may finish it off by wrecking relations with the one country they haven’t alienated too badly yet: Russia.
Yes, Gates came from the cautious presidential administration under Bush’s father, where he was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Gates was the source of some of the worst mistakes by the administration under Bush the elder. He got his main beat — the Soviet Union, and then Russia — wrong, time after time
Hey Socialist, you’ll enjoy this:
Rubber stamp Reichert…..
The local liberals just helped him rubber stamp into his 2nd term
Seriously, Thanks Goldy for all your help, he could not have done it without you.
Don’t worry, Reichert is going down in 08.
Good luck with that K-town.
in fcat, start contributing to Goldy right now, he’ll waste your money and your vote quicker than you could possibly imagine
And he’s going to be so terribly effective in ’07. He won’t have Baby Bush’s agenda to push and he won’t have the Bugman telling him how to vote. His rubber stamp will just be sitting there, doing nothing . . . yep, gonna be real effective, he is.
You lost, get over it
Yep, I lost the majority in the House, the Senate, the governorships and most of the state houses.
Oh wait, no, that was YOU.
Hey, Goldy, remember when you said “the candidate with the best ads wins”?
(Jim Brunner doing a guest spot on Postman’s blog)
So what happened late in the race to cement Reichert’s victory? A couple possibilities come quickly to mind. First, Reichert ran what I thought was a pretty effective ad – the “job interview” piece – mocking Burner’s lack of experience. He also ran an ad quoting state newspapers on the race.
He has a point. I thought it was a good ad- negative without being Willie Horton-slimy.
That being said- that can be fixed.
That being said, I’m not in the “Darcy deserves another shot” camp per se- I’d like to see some of the elected D’s in the 8th give it a shot, too. There’s no reason why we can’t run an elected official against Reichert instead of the Beherens-Benedicts, Rosses and Burners of the world. But I think contested primaries among Democrats are GOOD, as long as they don’t turn into circular firing squads (see: California governor’s race), and I wouldn’t be sobbing in my beer if Darcy wins, either.
Re: Maybe one of these days Reichert will get around to telling us what HIS experience is. Two years in Congress voting the way his party leaders tell him to hardly counts as “experience.” In that respect, Burner is just as experienced as he is.
Bullshit. Even if you ignore his last 2 years in congress, which should count for something, Sherrif Hairspray had 30 years of local experience. Darcy did not have 3. Darcy had to point to high school extracurricular activities to try to find SOMETHING. How bad is that? The Sherrif had 30 years of consistent dedication. Darcy jumped and quit and moved around and fled and…was a complete unknown. Charm isn’t the same experience….
Strange how the wingnuts don’t mention McGavick’s total lack of experience in elective office. Apparently they didn’t have any problem with “lack of qualifications” when it came to their own candidate for U.S. Senate.
Well, the Democrats in the 8th just need to start looking around to see who they’d like to have represent them in ’08. No reason at all for them to wait for Pelz or the DCCC or whoever tell them who they have to run. They know who they’re running against, after all.
Actually, what could have worked is if the Dems put up anybody but an inexperienced, unknown candidate. Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 11/14/06@ 10:52 am
We can only speculate whether the Repubs might have done better in their Senate race if they had put up anybody but an inexperienced, too well known candidate.
Let’s see …
Burner got 49% in her race …
McGavick got 39% in his race …
McGavick probably would have done better if he had spent the entire campaign on a deserted island in the Caribbean.
Hell… I voted for Cantwell and that’s not the subject.
Concentrate you demented old child molestor. Darcy Burner rand against Dave Reichert, NOT Mike Mcgavick
Seriously, Thanks Goldy for all your help, he could not have done it without you. Commentby Shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:26 am
A 51% showing in a district that has never gone Democratic doesn’t look like a very strong candidate to me. And yes, we liberals probably helped Reichert achieve this stunning result, but unquestionably Bush did far more than we did to help Reichert almost lose.
this is a good u tube clip to
in fcat, start contributing to Goldy right now, he’ll waste your money and your vote quicker than you could possibly imagine Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:33 am
Why don’t YOU contribute to Goldy? You use this site. Or are you another one of those wingnut FREELOADERS who uses public services he refuses to help pay for, pretends to “support” troops he refuses to contribute to http://www.operation-helmet.org/ for, and aspires to live off the labor of others so he doesn’t have to work himself?
You lost, get over it Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:34 am
Uh no, we won the House and Senate, and Reichert is now powerless and irrelevant, and the district that just re-elected him has no say in Congress.
Sherrif Hairspray had 30 years of local experience. Commentby tom— 11/14/06@ 11:38 am
Doing what?
That could be said about the Democratic Swing in the house.
The Democrats actually had very little to do with winning an election as oposed to the Republicans losing one.
Therefore, I would not get too keyed up on the 2008 elections and a continued swing to the left. You have two years to actually prove you can accomplish something and for a Democrat, that is an impossible task.
I’d expect to see heavy wins for Independants in 2008 as Republican are untrustworthy and we’ll soon find out what screw ups the Democrats are.
With Pelosi, Reid and Murray in the 1,2,3 seats, you can expect far left decisions that will cause peole to vote just as aggressively as they just did.
32 (continued)
Should I dredge up the links to the newspaper articles about what an inept, corrupt Sheriff’s Department he ran? Nah, everybody already knows that, so it’s not worth my time.
Well, the Democrats in the 8th just need to start looking around to see who they’d like to have represent them in ‘08. No reason at all for them to wait for Pelz or the DCCC or whoever tell them who they have to run. They know who they’re running against, after all. Commentby Yer Killin Me— 11/14/06@ 11:39 am
Shouldn’t be too hard, given that nearly every legislative office in the 8th is now occupied by a Democrat. :D
In the news today, Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash)was just elected to the fourth most powerful position in the Senate (Conference Secretary).
Maria Cantwell will probably get some good sub-committee posts, she’s still a bit junior by Senate standards (only starting her second term in January) to get the biggest plum assignments.
But lets compare what would have happened if McGavick had beat Cantwell in this year’s Senate race. We would have had a freshman junior Senator from a party in the minority, who was heavily beholden to the senator from Alaska for his job. McGavick complained about Cantwell not being “effective”, but if McGavick had been elected, his seat might as well have been empty as far as any benefit it held for Washington voters.
Anyway, congrats to Patty Murray. Not bad for a mom who used tennis shoes as her initial campaign theme!
Hell… I voted for Cantwell and that’s not the subject. Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:43 am
Ah, but that IS the subject … because YOU pig fuckers made an issue of “experience” and YOUR candidate for U.S. Senate has “experience” exactly equal to Burner’s. Can you say “hypocrisy?” Wingnut hypocrisy is ALWAYS fair game, and there’s lots of wingnut hypocrisy, so that’s something we can ALWAYS talk about in relation to ANY subject you bring up.
Fucking hypocrites.
Working Class Strategy in the Era of Capitalist Globalization
by Scott Marshall, CPUSA Vice Chair and Chair, CPUSA Labor Commission, 10/04/2006 01:14
A qualitatively new form of transnational capital has clearly emerged. Its features include enormous new concentrations of finance capital, new forms of transnational monopoly, huge changes in the technology of mass production and manufacturing, a new global division of labor, and increasing poverty and decline for workers of the world in a global race to the bottom. Some individuals now own wealth greater than that of smaller countries.
We lost a red district in a blue state by 2%. Okay, so what? Go ahead, rejoice as much as you wish.
We have two more years for Reichert to show his incompetency and hey, he is going down in 08.
Why the Bush/Republican Medicare Drug Plan in Just Plain Wrong
A crisis has arisen in health care for senior and disabled Americans. The Bush Administration and Republican Congressional leaders pushed through a bill that they promised would bring relief from the rising costs of prescription drugs. The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (Public Law 109-173), also known as “MMA legislation,” is in fact a Trojan horse. In reality, Bush and his associates are trying to induce Medicare recipients to leave their traditional Medicare program and enroll in private managed care plans. The method for doing this is to offer disproportionate federal subsidies to private managed care plans so they can offer more attractive benefits, such as prescription drugs, than traditional Medicare. This will, in the end, be ruinous for those the plan promised to help, and hugely profitable for the private health care sector. This blatant sell-out of Medicare for profit is not only ruinously expensive, it threatens the very fabric of Medicare – one of the best, most socially responsible pieces of legislation ever passed in the United States.
The Democrats actually had very little to do with winning an election as oposed to the Republicans losing one. Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:51 am
The Democrats actually had a LOT to do with winning this election. To win it, they had to …
1) Organize and execute a 50-state strategy, which they did successfully;
2) Raise millions of dollars in campaign funds, which they did successfully;
3) Recruit and support attractive candidates, which they did in dozens of congressional districts in every part of the country;
4) Overcome Republican dirty tricks, false advertising, and voter suppression tactics, which they did in state after state;
5) Win districts that haven’t gone Republicans in years, which they did all over the country;
6) And, above all, be in touch with the people and represent their interests, which the Republicans utterly failed to do, and which the Democrats are going to do in the 110th Congress and many future Congresses to come.
Suck on it, looooooooooser. Or, better yet, suck on a fluffy bunny tail! For a good time, call 1-800-KISS-MY-BUNNY-ASS.
Yeah, but whether you agree with the ideology or not you gotta love a clip that uses Underdog, Betty Boop, Bullwinkle J. Moose and Yogi Bear to explain the underlying philosophy behind Marxism.
(Heh heh . . . I just noticed that the automatic spell checker in Firefox 2.0 flags “Boop” but it doesn’t flag “Bullwinkle.”)
“The Democrats actually had very little to do with winning an election as oposed [sic] to the Republicans losing one.” shut up Roger
Were you born stupid or did you just grow up that way? This Republican talking point that you’ve coopted is most curious. I guess Republicans believe there is some political gain in trumpeting that they lost, rather than that the Democrats won. I think the distinction they propose is absolutely meaningless. The voters pulled the levers for Democrats, and anyone who offers with any opinion approaching certainty concerning the voters’ motivations in so doing is foolish. The only thing we know for sure is the vote tallies. And, in that regard, you rightwing Cro Magnons got your asses kicked.
A Liberal’s Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives
To My Conservative Brothers and Sisters,
I know you are dismayed and disheartened at the results of last week’s election. You’re worried that the country is heading toward a very bad place you don’t want it to go. Your 12-year Republican Revolution has ended with so much yet to do, so many promises left unfulfilled. You are in a funk, and I understand.
Well, cheer up, my friends! Do not despair. I have good news for you. I, and the millions of others who are now in charge with our Democratic Congress, have a pledge we would like to make to you, a list of promises that we offer you because we value you as our fellow Americans. You deserve to know what we plan to do with our newfound power — and, to be specific, what we will do to you and for you.
Thus, here is our Liberal’s Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives:
Yer Killin Me did you see this Socialist clip on the u tube.
I love this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyuICq04_Vc
Yer Killin Me Think I will post the cartoon you posted to the Socialist Party messages board to share with my comrades.
Thank you for shareing it with me. You are trully helping American move forward to a true Social Democricy.
Idiotic comments continue flowing unabated to the “Letters From Liars” column of The Seattle Whine:
“I am so happy to be a Republican in these post-election days. My party [representatives] lost with dignity; they did not scream about bad voting machines, being locked out of polling places, etc., etc. The only squawking and whining going on now is from the Democrats complaining about some overstuffed ballot bags in King County …. ” — Mike Morrell, La Conner
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Huh? Whooo is squawking and whining about overstuffed ballot bags in King County?
Let’s do a reality check:
“What is this drivel about conservatives and Republicans doing the right thing and conceding when they lost? Have these people making these claims lost their memory? Which party does … Dino Rossi belong to? … Al Gore and Sen. John Kerry conceded in 2000 and 2004 …, so where do these whiners come off claiming their cronies are more noble in some way?” — Michael Barr, Sammamish
Roger Rabbit Commentary: None, because I couldn’t say it better myself.
” Liberals are … clueless … once a nuke goes off in our cities, or some terrorists start blowing up our elementary schools, maybe America will finally realize what it means to be a coward, versus living a life of courage.” — Tim Clark, Bellevue
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Get your rabies shots updated, Tim, and don’t bite me before you do. After you’ve seen the vet, you can bite me all you want! For a good time, call 1-800-EAT-BUNNY.
In the final analysis, this guy nailed it:
“Presidential adviser Karl Rove’s analysis of the recent mid-term elections … is spot-on: If the Republicans hadn’t lost so many votes, they would have won.” — Rod Carlisle, Woodinville
The above letters are quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; to read the entire letters page and/or for copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/yybawh
Keep it up, Republicans — keep sending hate mail to the newspapers and prove to the world that you’re complete total jerks.
Ok I got it up there on the sp message board that really is a good cartoon clip.
And don’t forget Richard Wright – who managed to get 40% against Doc H in very red WA-04. The best the GOP could do in very blue Seattle was 16% against Rep. McDermott.
In a previous thread Mark1 called me “juvenile and immature.” Because I mimic wingnuts (to show them what THEY look like), I supposed I come across that way at times (naturally), but it’s hard to compete with this:
“You had your faggy little drinking liberal parties … Goldy’s 15 minutes are up, cancel his shitty little radio hour. Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of loud mouthed assholes that normal people in Seattle have learned to ignore. Commentby Shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 11:22 am”
All I can say — and will say — is … when they stop, I’ll stop. Until then, all wingnuts are invited to call my toll-free number, 1-800-SUCK-ROG, to set up an appointment to kiss my ass.
And don’t forget Richard Wright – who managed to get 40% against Doc H in very red WA-04. The best the GOP could do in very blue Seattle was 16% against Rep. McDermott. Commentby uptown— 11/14/06@ 12:28 pm
That’s better than McGavick, who got only 39% … probably because of McGavick’s inexperience.
Glad you liked it. Yeah I noticed that clip when you posted it earlier. Who does the music?
Stock market’s up another 87 points (Dow) this morning … guess Wall Street likes the idea of Democrats running Congress.
“Wall Street Tosses Support to Democrats
“By David Weidner
“NEW YORK (Nov. 14) – Wall Street, led by Goldman Sachs Group Inc., ended a 12-year run of Republican support by giving 51% of its donations to Democrats in this year’s midterm elections.
“Securities and investment firms donated $24.8 million to Democrats through Oct. 10, compares to $22.5 million, or 47% of all funds, to the GOP, according to Federal Election Commission data compiled by the Center for Responsive politics.
” … Goldman threw its support behind Democrats even though its chief executive, Hank Paulson, was tapped by President Bush as a nominee for Treasury Secretary. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/wux46
Why did Burner and Goldmark fail?
The were supported by Goldy, they were his pet project and were doomed for failure.
Darcy was especially damned as she hugged Roger Rabbit… From that point on she could not get the stench of a loser off of her.
I have been e-mailing your Diznee toon around the world . Pretty soon it will be more famuse then Britney Spiers. :-)
In other news, the Bush administration’s answer to bird flu — Tamiflu, in which some top Republicans have financial interests — is causing people to have psychotic episodes and jump off buildings.
Another GOP failure …
Roger, I think that story has the facts wrong. In fact I think people are taking Tamiflu, developing Napoleon complexes, and calling themselves Republican, and the doctors who are diagnosing the situation can’t tell the difference.
Speaking of drugs, I checked the local pro-terrorism blog* around 10:30 this morning and saw that Eric Earling is exhorting his fellow wingnuts to oppose the Democratic plan to require the federal government to negotiate better prices with drug makers for the Medicare program — but SP commenters aren’t buying it! Eric’s call for government-sponsored price protection for Big Pharma isn’t playing well with the free market crowd. Let’s hope and pray that Eric is the GOP’s next U.S. Senate candidate in our state …
* The blog in question recently published a message advocating terrorism against American citizens as a means to regain political advantage for the GOP, to wit:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Roger, I think that story has the facts wrong. In fact I think people are taking Tamiflu, developing Napoleon complexes, and calling themselves Republican, and the doctors who are diagnosing the situation can’t tell the difference. Commentby Yer Killin Me— 11/14/06@ 12:49 pm
I’m not a doctor or pharmacist, so I can’t really comment on this, except to say that if Republicans are jumping off buildings that’s a positive side effect.
Hey just kidding! I don’t really want to see Republicans jump off buildings. It’s merely a devious way to get out of serving their jail sentences.
Coulter makes death jokes, so why can’t I? I want to be just like her.
Darcy was especially damned as she hugged Roger Rabbit… Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 12:44 pm
Yup, the red-meat Repukes in the 8th C.D. just couldn’t stand her defiant act of veganism.
Republicans don’t care about experience, just ideology. Look at who they put in charge of FEMA and the Iraq reconstruction — ideology and cronyism.
The only experience you need to be a Republican is how to accept graft and let industry lobbyists write the laws for you.
Jonah Goldberg’s article from a few days ago is a case in point. Basically what he was saying is that although Republicans are corrupt and incompetent, that doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with their ideology. Their ideology is just fine, thank tou! They just happen to be a bunch of incompetent nincompoops with a great ideology. Jonah Goldberg needs to resd his stuff out loud to himself before having it put in print — but there it is — he’s got a great ideology, he’s just an incompetent writer.
Yer Killin Me I sent your toon link over to Pravda to :-)
How about talking about McGavick’s DUI?
Why did Burner and Goldmark, both political novices with no party or big-contributor backing, almost unseat two incumbents deep in the heart of Washington State’s Republican homeland?
Because the Republicans not only are out of touch with average citizens, they’ve increasingly lost the confidence and support of their own base, many of whom voted with their asses on Tuesday by not leaving their couches to go vote.
Because a Washington State congressman played a leading role in the GOP’s “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” approach to evil in their own ranks.
Because … well, because … they’re stupid, unthinking clones of a stupid, unthinking national party that has done too many stupid, unthinking things that hurt average citizens.
How about talking about McGavick’s inexperience?
Why I Became a Socialist
Aug 31, 2006
By Ryan Timlin – Minneapolis, MN, Hardware Store Worker
I worked for Wal-Mart for two and a half years. It was an eye-opener to see and finally understand the class struggle here in the U.S., and how one company can affect so many people around the world. I became a socialist because I experienced the abusive behavior of corporations firsthand.
Once, when many of my coworkers were going to quit Wal-Mart to get jobs at another store opening in our town, Wal-Mart managers told them they would give raises if they stayed, but in the end the raises amounted to pennies. They deceived us into staying on the job.
During this time, I was growing tired of the Democrats not doing anything to help out. They were supposed to be the alternative to the Republicans, but both have done nothing but support Big Business. The only way to make change is to have a party for the working class.
It’s time that the exploitation and horrible labor practices and inequality in our society come to an end. But capitalism will not provide us with an end to these horrible problems. Capitalism lives off of these problems and will only create a larger gap between the rich and the poor.
Burner: Graceful in defeat
Reichert: Graceless in victory
I feel sorry for the 49% of 8th District voters who DIDN’T want this turd representing them in Congress.
Hey Sosh — don’t forget to talk about the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES.
” Always look for the dirt on a Republican. If you can’t find it, just keep looking. I’ve never known one that wasn’t tainted.” Rahm Emmanuel
I, and many like me, are going to be applying that philosophy to Rubberstamp until it yields results.
Roger are you going to be drinking liberaly tonight?
Another reason McGavick lost is because voters don’t like people who steal from the waitress tip jar.
Roger are you going to be drinking liberaly tonight? Commentby The Socialist— 11/14/06@ 1:07 pm
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL and never announces his appearances in advance due to traffic problems caused by crowds of admiring fans, papparazzi, Homeland Security agents, process servers, and assassins lining up to catch a glimpse of me, possibly my autograph, and a fistful of my fur.*
If you decide to attend DL on any given night, you have approximately a 1-in-15 chance of meeting me there, as I typically attend DL 3 or 4 times a year.
* The Animal Control Dep’t fascists have offered a $50 bounty for my pelt.
Roger are you going to be drinking liberaly tonight? Commentby The Socialist— 11/14/06@ 1:07 pm
I guess I should have answered this question “no.” Roger Rabbit never drinks liberally, or at all. Roger is a teetotaller. Roger came back from Vietnam with fucked up intestines from the unsanitary living conditions there, and can’t tolerate alcohol, which makes him very sick.
Well it is mostly Conservitives that are the problem but demercrats have not been really helping the works very much ether.
Demercrats need to get back to there roots in laber unions and working for fair trade and a living wage. And I support securing the borders and deporting illigals that do not have so many family roots here. the onse that have been here for 20 years all ready and have childreen that are americans should be allowed to become americans.
To end cheap laber you have to restict the pool of laberers then the wages will go up.
The Republicans are spamming the comment thread with porn to inhibit free speech.
Oh Dear God,
Not another whiny “I came back from nam” and my excuse for not being able to get on with life is……
why do I have a feeling Roger, you were an asshole before nam, asshole durig and we all know the effects after the fact.
Being out here in Everett I am not sure I could find the drinking liberaly bar down there.
It is very confusing to find anything down there I have found.
And trying to find a freeway exit out of Seattle is all most imposible. I am convised that your populations growth is mainly from people who can’t find there way back to a free way exit and finnaly give up and just rent an apartment and stay there.
Sosh: With NAFTA and CAFTA the Republicans can have their cake and eat it too. They can have cheap labor in Mexico and import cheap labor here. The only thing that’s going to topple them are the internal contadictions inherent in capitalism. For instance: The more money that we have to spend on gas , the less we will have to spend at WalMart. And they work overtime to keep our wages low, so they are killing themselves. When it reqches flash point, buh-bye capitalism.
Unless billionnaires buy a lot of flat screen TV’s and boom boxes.
The Judy Miller Show are you related to The Stephanie Miller Show?
shut up Roger,
Please keep giving Roger Rabbit a hard time. He really deserves it.
Yes I know and Clinton passed cafta that is why I am not real happy with demercrats.
I would like to go to publicly founding of elections and take all the money out of politic’s So reguler people could be elected to office and they wouldn’t be beholden to anyone but the people so maybe they would do the peoples work for a change instead of the big corperations
What is your excuse for your inability to grasp basic principles of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure? I would guess that your inability to express yourself clearly in writing is a reflection of your inability to produce a coherent thought. People like you underscore why dialogue with the rightwing is pointless.
Commentby rhp6033— 11/14/06@ 11:53 am
“But lets compare what would have happened if McGavick had beat Cantwell in this year’s Senate race. We would have had a freshman junior Senator from a party in the minority”
While I agree with the basic gist of your post, if McGavick won the Republicans would be in the majority. So he would be a freshman Senator in the majority party. In either case, I think you are over emphasizing McGavick’s debt to Stevens.
I think Cantwell is as beholden to Sen. Clinton for her help in fundraising to pay off Cantwell’s debt from the 2002 campaign.
What would be hard for Democrats to do over the next two years would be to screw the pooch as badly as the Republicans.
Democrats are going to have it easy. They already have a laundry list of popular, no, wait, REALLY popular items that they willb e passing in this Congrees, such as fixing the abominable Republicans/BigPharma MEdicare prescription drug plan, raising the minimum wage, enact the 9/11 commission recommendations, secure our ports and other vulnerable infrastructure, and ride herd on an out-of-control executive. Piece of cake.
Gosh, I forgot to mention passing the wildly popular federal funding for stem cell research.
Democrats popular in 2008? You bet!
98 Yossarian
Yes, what we need in here are more personal attacks. I jsut can’t get enough.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/14/06@ 12:56 pm
“Coulter makes death jokes, so why can’t I? I want to be just like her.”
You want a bunch of horny male conservative with no lives to lust after you?
egads thats the most discusting thing i have read in a long time.
Aug 31, 2006
By Katie Quarles
Is the unemployment rate among 16 to 19 year olds. That is more than three times higher than the official unemployment rate for all workers (16 and older) of 4.8%.
Are the median weekly earnings of full-time women aged 16 to 24. That’s considerably lower than the $771 that men aged 25 or older make each week. Young men aren’t doing much better, earning $409 per week. Women aged 25 and older take home $612 weekly.
Are the median weekly earnings of a woman – any age – who works in the service sector. For men, that number is $492. Compare that to the $1,254 that a man earns working in a management, business, or financial operations occupation. Young people work in the service sector in disproportionate numbers. Sixty percent of workers aged 16 to 24 work in the retail or service sector, compared to 36% of workers overall.
Of service sector employees receive healthcare benefits from their employer. Eighteen to 24 year olds are the least likely age bracket to have health coverage and make up over one fourth of the nation’s 45 million uninsured.
Of all temp workers have health coverage. They are paid 16.5% less than the national average. Half of all temp workers are under the age of 35.
Just the facts — A grim future for young workers
Is the hourly minimum wage for employees under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer – 90 cents less than the federal minimum wage of $5.15 per hour.
Is the unionization rate amongst workers ages 16 to 24 – the lowest unionization rate of any age group in the U.S. The highest membership rate is found among workers aged 45 to 64, with 16.5%.
It took 40 years for the people to forget how incompetent the repubnicans were. So think it will probibly be looking pretty good in 08 and beyond for a long time .
“President Bush and Tony Blair met Monday with the Iraq Study Group. The group so far determined that we should have had an Iraq study group before we invaded Iraq.”
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Quoted under “Fair Use” doctrine, and all that.
A conversation between Bush I and II, as recounted by a fly on the wall:
Bush 43: Gee, Dad, how were you able to avoid getting stuck in Iraq?
Bush 41: We didn’t invade Iraq.
Bush 43: How come, Dad? Didn’t they deserve it? Wasn’t Saddamm a bad guy?
Bush 41: We didn’t invade Irag for several reasons.
First, There was no compelling need to do so, Iraq no longer posed a threat to their neighbors.
Second, it would have exposed our troops to an urban warfare environment, where our advantage in technology and firepower did not apply.
Third, Iraq is a hodge-podge of competing ethnic groups loosly arranged in a country who’s borders were set by the British, with no history or culture of Democracy, and subject to strong-man rule and tribalism for centuries, making control and governence practically impossible for a democratic society.
Fourth: American troops are ill-suited as an occupation army, not being able to use heavy-handed tactics such as torture to compel fear and obedience.
Fifth: Iraq has a long history of hatred and resistence toward foreign occupiers. They will fight each other to the death, until a foreigner appears in their country, at which time they will then fight each other and the foreigner simultaniously, until the foreigner leaves.
Sixth: Our allies in Saudi Arabia and Turkey did not want us to invade. The Saudis didn’t want to be implicated in the deaths of thousands of fellow Muslims, and they feared the influence of an Iranian-dominated Shiite state to their north. The Turks feared an independent Kurdish state to their South. Among the alternatives, and Iraq controlled by Saddam was preferable to them, as long as he posed no real threat to their borders.
Seventh: although Saddam badly wanted a nuclear and chemical program, we were able to contain that threat through U.N. Sanctions and Inspections at the end of the first Gulf War.
Bush 43: Oh. Gee. Why didn’t anyone tell me that in advance? Rummy promised me that the Iraqis would greet us with kisses and rose petals!
Bush 41: Lots of people were warning you in advance. I guess you weren’t listening.
Yesterday Bush met with the team which will be studying Iraq situation and issuing a report sometime in the ensuing months.
All Bush could say was that he was “impressed with their credentials”.
So, this is the first time Bush learned of who was appointed to the study group?
#93, so then shut up what is your story of your being an asshole? Were you an asshole before you left the womb? If it happened after you were born what was the guiding factor that led you to become an award winning asshole? And one last question I hope you can answer for me: Does stupid hurt? If it in fact does please accept my deepest sympathy because no one should have to endure the pain you are subjected to, not even a loser like you. Have a nice day.
Actually Rossi supporters have a bit bigger gripe as the Governor’s Race was stolen….or let’s put it this way:
Democrat Activist within and outside of King County Elections used loopholes in Washington Election Laws to get away with stuffing ballot boxes with Gregoire votes and unstuffing ballots in Rossi Precindts. There never was a reconciliation between Votes & Voters. Burner cannot make that complaint.
Aren’t you guys blaming Diebold and Rove for this loss??
let me answer your questions.
1. To a blind liberal democrat, Yes, I am a complete asshole. I come from a long line of Assholes. You know, those scumbag independant motherfuckers who employ people, pay taxes, support charities and don’t excepct the Government to support them. Gasp, we even pay for our kids schooling!!! Can you imagine that?
When it comes time for voting, we even listen to what candidates have to say (My God, the humanity).
2. Does being stupid hurt? I guess that depends, you tell me. Did being duped into financially supporting Darcy Burner Hurt? Did you volunteer for her campaign? Did you listen to her and say, wait a second, she was never an executive. I feel hurt! Did she ever make one point about representing the 8th? when you checked her name on the ballot did you think, wait a second, this plump little porkchop really has never COMPLETED anything in her life!
I’m guessing the news that the one candidate that you idiots rallied around could not succeed had to just kill you. The fact that in this election cycle, where pretty much any candidate witha D next to their name was a shoe in, had to just kill.
I guess the truly sad part is that your ring leader Goldy, could not get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of 20’s. Then again we ‘ve seen the drinking liberally photo’s on the newspaper and it all makes sense why a bunch of geeky poiltical guys all gather on Tuesday evenings. who the hell else would want you around?
#116, please whatever you do shut up do not do anything to add to your child’s schooling, obviously anyone who does not even know how to spell independent correctly did not take advantage of the education they received. Good luck on your life’s ambition to being an annoying troll, you are off to quite a good start on that. So sorry to burst your bubble but I did not get a chance to vote for Ms. Burner since I do not live in her district. I had the chance to vote for Mr. Larsen who trounced the pathetic Republican candidate Doug Roulstone.
PS I do not hold your bitterness against you though, it must have been quite painfull watching the election results rolling in, for now you can just wallow in your self pity knowing that I am ROFLMAOBMGRMS at you.
Win some lose some.
Life goes on…………..
Yes, I am a complete asshole. I come from a long line of Assholes.
This is off topic, but the rabid comments by the wingnut trolls indicates that a few of them might actually be paying attention. I am particularly calling out those who have failed my little critical thinking test (yes, WOS, that includes you). This is what happens when you start with a conclusion, and go out looking for facts to support that conclusion:
“It is the story of this administration, of course: the inability to adjust prefixed ideas to reality, embodied in an incurious president who is unable to get on top of a problem because he doesn’t follow up on details.”
The full article is
Sorry, full article is here:
re 96: No. I’m an 8 year old Brownie and my name is really Gilda Radner. I’m not being snide. You could look it up!
A rabbit eats carrots in our garden.
It’s OK. We have a lot of carrots.
Burner could have won easily; perhaps she listened to some dumb consultants. I gave her a fair amount of money and in one of her pitches she told me that all she needed, compared to Dave Ross, was to do better in Pierce County. She didn’t do that, of course, but more importantly it isn’t at all what she needed. She needed to get a few thousand more votes, regardless of where they came from, and to do that she had to attack Reichert. He was running as an experienced public servant, a hero, and an independent-minded legislator. She was running with a nice face, a good way of speaking, and being a Democrat. She couldn’t do better based on resumes because hers was so thin for any candidate for this high an office, so she had to attack Reichert. Her only attack was on Bush really, and on Reichert for being in the same political party. That was obviously not going to be enough; she had to attack his resume. As Rove says, make the other side’s strengths into its weaknesses. Here that did not require the level of creativity the Republicans use in their negative ads. Reichert was a really poor manager, allowing extremely bad conduct to go unpunished, even rewarded, in the Sheriff’s office. His whole “hero” thing was nonsense. He let Ridgeway go on doing his thing for years after Reichert had the DNA evidence needed to convict him, but Reichert just didn’t send it in for testing. If Burner or the Democratic party had gone on the attack, Reichert would have got 46%, not 51%. She wasted a good opportunity, which may not come again for many years.
Thanks for the ammo , Steve. How can I verify the fact that Reichert sat on the DNA evidence for years? Another mode of attack on Reichert would be that since they were fairly certain Ridgeway was their man they should have charged him anyway , thereby alerting the community as to who this criminal was.
Would have saved a lot of lives. But they were just whores, right? This way we have a fake hero and a bunch of dead whores.
Jeez “Shut up Roger” you really have a hard-on for the rabbit. Take a pill and quit your whining. If you don’t like it here, why the fuck do you stick around. What a loser.
And for those morons who insist the Dems didn’t win but that the Rebubs lost, think about this:
George Bush didn’t win in 2000, Al Gore lost. Wait a minute. No, he had it stolen from him.
Please keep giving Roger Rabbit a hard time. He really deserves it. Commentby Yossarian— 11/14/06@ 1:23 pm
Coming from a wingnut like Y’o,* this comment is equivalent to a Jefferson Award or President’s Medal for Community Service.
* Yo is a contraction of the word “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo) and is properly spelled Y’o, but Y’o always spells it “Yo,” i.e. like most wingfucks he can’t spell his own fucking name!
The next two years will be fun to watch. The Dems don’t have a clue how to govern, only how to snipe from the sidelines. First mistake from Pelosi – backing political hack and corrupt politician Jack Murtha. So much for cleaning house. But he has put money in her back pocket, so she kind of owed him.
Same thing with dumping Jane Harman so an impeached judge could possibly chair the House Intelligence Committee. How bright is that? But favors are favors, and she owes big ones to the Congressional Black Caucus.
Legislation? Minimum wage and stem cell research are easy – short term wins, no one will remember in 2008. Immigration reform? Possibly, but Bush will take credit for whatever is passed. Beyond that? Probably non-starters. Too many conservative Dems in the congress to get too carried away.
And the Senate? Look for Lieberman to keept things in check, like no cut and run in Iraq, by threatening to change parties.
Should be fun to watch the next two years.
why do I have a feeling Roger, you were an asshole before nam, asshole durig and we all know the effects after the fact. Commentby shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 1:18 pm
I became an asshole when I was a teenage Goldwater Republican and I’ve been an asshole ever since.
You want a bunch of horny male conservative with no lives to lust after you? Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/14/06@ 1:34 pm
Not you.
You want a bunch of horny male conservative with no lives to lust after you? Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/14/06@ 1:34 pm
However, I don’t mind if you tape my picture on your bedroom ceiling and jerk off to it.
Actually Rossi supporters have a bit bigger gripe as the Governor’s Race was stolen…. Commentby LeftOut(of their minds!)— 11/14/06@ 2:49 pm
Tell us again how the GOP’s handpicked Republican judge in a handpicked Republican county awarded the election to Rossi …
Jeez “Shut up Roger” you really have a hard-on for the rabbit.
Commentby treasonous pickle— 11/14/06@ 4:12 pm
I feel honored, to be sure! :D
Looks like I’m really getting on some wingfuck traitor’s nerves. The question is, whooooooo is having a nervouuuuus breakdown because of lil ol’ brer rabbit? Below is a list of the usual gang of suspects; pick your favorite, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
“Shut Up Roger” is …
[ ] 1. Proud Ass
[ ] 2. Anonymous
[ ] 3. Fascist Fuck
[ ] 4. klake is a nazi
[ ] 5. Y’o
[ ] 6. Stefan incognito
[ ] 7. Write in candidate ____________
Commentby YellowPup— 11/14/06@ 10:48 am
Your post isn’t even worth the pixels to recopy it. I could say the same on Maria Moonbat! Shit, I am saying the same on Maria Moonbat!
I’m going to go with a write-in candidate, George Allen. He seems to have some unplanned time on his hands recently.
I’m going to go with a write-in candidate, George Allen. He seems to have some unplanned time on his hands recently. Commentby proud leftist— 11/14/06@ 5:13 pm
I’m well traveled, but not THAT well traveled! I don’t think George Allen has ever heard of me. Low Tax Looper has a lot of time on HIS hands …
Perhaps some of your progeny, of whom I presume there are multitudes, have traveled east and pissed off the good senator.
Reichert’s fate may already been sealed. A politician of extremely modest intellectual attainments, like sheriff good-hair, who has a stone ear is unlikely to have an extended tenure in a district trending democratic. If he walks down the street, every other person he meets has just told him that they do not want him in Congress. Like the chimpster, he just doesn’t get it. . . .
Come on you whiners. Burner had no grasp of local or national issues. Not once did she argue issues in a cogent matter. She was wholly unqaulified to represent anybody, even Seattleites. And considering Jim McDermott Seattle has about as low of standards as you can get.
#140 Did you type something? For a Republican you can rant quite well, too bad you make as much sense as an average Republican would. But I can forgive you for projecting your faults on people you envy.
#141 Wow, not only do you not know how the caps lock key works you don’t even know how to spell umemployed. With all due respect to Bill Engvall, “Here’s your sign”.
One of these days, you wingnuts will figure out that reality doesn’t give a shit about your ideology. Reality just keeps on happening despite what you’ve managed to convince yourself to believe to be true. I just hope you manage to figure this out before you get back into some semblence of power in this country. Commentby Don Joe— 11/14/06@ 3:34 pm
First I will apologize to the original owner of this term. Don Joe you stupid fuck bubble? We lost because we got greedy. Look what Dick Morris says!
“Why the rout? President Bush let Iraq be the major issue of the election. He could have raised worries about North Korea and homeland security to the same level, but he insisted on focusing on Iraq, making changes in tactics and trying to sell them to a cynical America. Thus, he was left defending a failure rather than trumpeting his key successes.
Plus, the war in Iraq has divided the Republicans – the isolationist Pat Buchanans are abandoning an internationalist president.
But the GOP majority itself has to shoulder a lot of the blame for a session of total inaction on tax reform and Social Security, and just small steps on immigration and Medicare reform. With Republicans controlling Congress and the White House, voters were entitled to expect a whole lot more.
In the end, though, it was corruption that did the GOP in. In the ’90s, Republican legislators were lean, ascetic and ideological – Reagan Republicans. Now they’ve grown self-indulgent and pecuniary.
Speaker Dennis Hastert’s son left his music store in Illinois to move to Washington to become the lobbyist for Google. Hastert himself used his position to fund a highway project that had a lot to do with a big profit on a land deal nearby. Then-Majority Leader Tom Delay put his wife was on his PAC’s payroll; she made $300,000. Voters may expect this kind of corruption from Democrats (Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid has four lobbyist sons) but not from Republicans.
First the Republicans lost their virtue; now they’ll lose their majority, at least in the House. What’s ahead for the next two years? Not new legislation so much as investigations, subpoenas, hearings etc. Washington will be as effectively paralyzed as it was during President Clinton’s impeachment trial. And, let us remember that it was in that incubator that Osama bin Laden was able to plan the 9/11 attacks.”
Washington will be as effectively paralyzed as it was during President Clinton’s impeachment trial. And, let us remember that it was in that incubator that Osama bin Laden was able to plan the 9/11 attacks.
In a historic “Democrat Wave” the pathetic nutroots couldn’t pull it off. They outspent Reichert even by their own figures. In a year in which Republicans were being tossed out left and right, and in a deep blue state, the pathetic nutroots couldn’t even manage this one. Damn that is pathetic.
Maybe Reichert will switch parties
Libertarian party maybe? He is not welcome in our party. We were good to Rodney Tom, but we would not trust Dave Reichert as a Democrat. To tell the truth there is zero chance of that happening.
Now the traitorous liberal scum are going to ge their first civics lesson in how government works. Chapter one: Presidential VETO authority. ;)
She kept thinking that she was running against President Bush.
“Burner, the former head of her homeowners association and who ran a few meetings during the year….,”
Mike Barer, obviously you’re not aware that not that long ago when Reichert was Sheriff, he was approached by the Democrat party to run as one of their candidates. Feelin’ silly?
#12 Both Goldmark and Burner went down in flames….
You picked losers in a sure fire race
They lost, get over it.
Commentby Shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 10:51 am
You know there are still people in America stupid enough to think that Republicans are not pure scum.
I have relatives that call themselves “Republicans” and they all have one thing in common. They know nothing about what Republicans do in D.C. As long as Republicans make it harder for people to get welfare they get their votes. They know NOTHING about what is going on in our country.
My relatives should not be allowed to vote. They are truly mentally retarded, and only want to change the subject when politics comes up. Nice people otherwise……
Hey “Relatves explain my retardedness…”-
You retarded relatives go a long way explaining you. Nuts don’t fall too far from the tree, numbnuts.
#112 Actually Rossi supporters have a bit bigger gripe as the Governor’s Race was stolen….or let’s put it this way:
Democrat Activist within and outside of King County Elections used loopholes in Washington Election Laws to get away with stuffing ballot boxes with Gregoire votes and unstuffing ballots in Rossi Precindts. There never was a reconciliation between Votes & Voters. Burner cannot make that complaint.
Aren’t you guys blaming Diebold and Rove for this loss??
Commentby LeftOut(of their minds!)— 11/14/06@ 2:49 pm
So that is why the case was thrown out of court?
Yeah the Dems pulled so much shit in 2004 the only reason Rossi couldn’t prove it in court is because the GOP lawyers are no good.
Oh lookee! This is gonna be fun!
“1. … don’t excepct the Government to support them.”
Ah, but as a businessman, you DO expect the government to support you and your economic activity … with roads, infrastructure, educating your workforce, protecting your business property with police and fire services, providing courts to enforce your contracts and receivables, etc. Puh-lussss, if you’re paying your workers minimum wage, the government is also subsidizing half of your labor costs.
“Gasp, we even pay for our kids schooling!!! Can you imagine that?”
Not voluntarily, from the amount of bitching you and your ilk do about paying the taxes that pay for your kids’ schooling; I would bet money* that if you could get your kids’ schooling free by freeloading on other taxpayers, you would.
* All bets by Republicans must be placed in escrow, due to the lousy payment record of Republican bettors on this board.
“When it comes time for voting, we even listen to what candidates have to say (My God, the humanity).”
I prefer candidates who listen to what voters have to say. That’s why my candidates won and yours lost.
“2. … plump little porkchop … ”
So you voted for Reichert because you like his ass?
“I’m guessing the news that the one candidate that you idiots rallied around could not succeed had to just kill you. The fact that in this election cycle, where pretty much any candidate witha D next to their name was a shoe in, had to just kill.”
Actually, we’re quite pleased that we got within 2 points of unseating your boy with a novice in a district that has never gone Democrat … not to mention that we sucked several million dollars of GOP campaign funds out of other races.
” … your ring leader Goldy, could not get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of 20’s … ”
Please feel free to campaign on this platform in 2008 … HAR HAR HAR
“Commentby Shut up Roger— 11/14/06@ 2:53 pm”
Make me. My burrow. Anytime. Bring a gun and dog tags (so they can identify your remains). Pigfucker …
Win some lose some. Life goes on………….. Commentby Jack Burton— 11/14/06@ 3:10 pm
It’s refreshing to see we’ve got one pragmatic troll here. The rest are trying to spin their electoral disaster into some kind victory.
120, 121
YUMMY!!! I LOVE CARROTS!!! :D :D :D Where is this garden?
Steve, there’s all kinds of people who run for Congress with less credentials than Burner has.
122 (continued)
Burner did run a tough campaign. She attacked Reichert for being a Bush rubberstamp, which is true, and was the proper focus. She lost because this is a Republican district, not because she needed a better resume or more attack ads.
The Dems don’t have a clue how to govern, only how to snipe from the sidelines. Commentby Janet S— 11/14/06@ 4:52 pm
For those of you new to this blog, yes, Janet Stupid really is this stupid.
Hey Janet — tell us again what a great job the Pukes are doing running the government! They can’t even deliver bottled water to hurricane victims in Louisiana or our troops in Iraq.
I sure hope the GOP runs on their “management” record in ’08!
Strange how the wingnuts don’t mention McGavick’s total lack of experience in elective office. Apparently they didn’t have any problem with “lack of qualifications” when it came to their own candidate for U.S. Senate. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/14/06@ 11:38 am
I don’t see any connection between my post @33 and your response @141. Care to enlighten?
We lost because we got greedy. Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 11/14/06@ 7:59 pm
Actually it goes deeper. First you got stupid, then you got greedy, then you got stupider.
Now the traitorous liberal scum are going to ge their first civics lesson in how government works. Chapter one: Presidential VETO authority. Commentby Truth2006— 11/14/06@ 10:01 pm
Oh yes! Puh-leeze veto everything the Democrat congress passes! In particular, please please please veto …
1) Increase in minimum wage
2) Requiring government to negotiate for better Medicare drug prices
3) Reigning in lobbyists
Yes, by all means, run on vetoes in ’08!
Let’s realize who lost the most here. Steffy. Steffy was praying that this would spin down into a recount so he could try to earn a few pennies by becoming the GOP talking head that represents the batshit crazy right.
Now the right wing turds have no issue, nothing to cling to. No failed hope to count on.
The reality sets in. They can’t play their usual tricks…can’t claim that there was voter fraud. No one will care.
So they have to live with the fact that they lost nine Governors, the House, the Senate and eight state legislatures and that right here in Wash, they’re facing almost a super majority.
Add to that the fact that there all fucking ugly sisters or cousins and you realize how much it sucks to be a rethug.
My relatives should not be allowed to vote. They are truly mentally retarded, and only want to change the subject when politics comes up. Nice people otherwise…… Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 11/14/06@ 10:38 pm
Maybe they think the same of you. Maybe they think you are as worthless as them. We know you are worthless here!
What Goldy won’t report MWS will:
I wonder if this is true? Remember this is the same reported that brought you Mark Foley!!!
Abramoff Reports to Prison Tomorrow; Offers Testimony on Democratic Senators
Win some lose some. Life goes on………….. Commentby Jack Burton— 11/14/06@ 3:10 pm It’s refreshing to see we’ve got one pragmatic troll here. The rest are trying to spin their electoral disaster into some kind victory. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/15/06@ 1:14 am
Jack Burton is a Moonbat! Furball. Such an ass. Oops… Such an ASS! Such an ASSHOLE!
You guys ran Darcy Burner and we dumb Eastsiders clearly saw you putting lipstick on a pig!
You are so hiliarious!
“In a district that has never sent a Democrat to Congress, Reichert nearly lost to an unknown political novice, and he blames it solely on the national climate. He couldn’t even find the grace to bring himself to give Darcy some credit without accusing her of being “nasty.””
Both Kerry and Gore, and a slate of Democratic legislative candidates, have carried the 8th in the past and did so this year. Face it, in a blue Tsunami your candidate sucked. Doies anyone doubt Ross Hunter would be our new Congressman if he had run? Or if Burner had even five minutes of public service to put in an ad instead of embarassingly profiling everyone she was married to or related to who served in the military?!
Let’s hope for the sake of the Democrats that Miss Darcy learns she’s not up to the job and starts by running for PCO.
Only one comment: You could have been a little nicer and instead of calling Reichert a “DICK” You could have called him a “Richard head”.
Facts Support My Positions says:
#12 Both Goldmark and Burner went down in flames….
You picked losers in a sure fire race
They lost, get over it.