Yesterday we learned that the NRCC illegally obtained an $8 million loan in October 2006 based on fabricated audits and other financial documents, at the same time it was dumping money into tight races like WA-08. So how much did Rep. Dave Reichert benefit from his party’s shady financial doings?
Between October 9, 2006 and election day, the NRCC reported $2,268,255.08 of independent expenditures on behalf of Reichert, the bulk of it in the form of attack ads on challenger Darcy Burner. That’s $2.3 million they might not have had available to spend, if they hadn’t falsified their books. Every document, every loan, every transfer and every expenditure was signed for by Christopher J. Ward.
All those TV ads portraying Burner as a fiscally irresponsible liberal who couldn’t be trusted with taxpayer money…? They were authorized with the signature of an embezzler who was cooking the books to fraudulently obtain loans.
I’m just sayin’.
Old news
@ 1:
Yeah, nothing to see here. Move along.
LOOK!! SHINY KEYS!! 9/11!! 9/11!
The right wingers don’t want people knowing, thinking about, sharing or broadcasting the truth about the crooks that completely dominate the GOP. Can’t say as I blame em’ given that if people actually took time to see how crooked the GOP and Big Hair really are – there’d be no possibility of winning elections for republican candidates.
Given the number of endangered House seats the NRCC has to defend this year, Reichert will be lucky to get 20 cents from them.
For months the righty trolls have been telling us “Darcy Who” and ridiculing her as someone with no resume. Well, that someone-with-no-resume made that go out and commit financial fraud to save Reichert’s ass. Not bad for a nobody with no resume.
made them
Great job on this Goldy. Keep it up.
Wow! With this kind of legal and financial analysis, HRC ought to bottom-bunk in the same cell as Norman Hsu!
And the real estate transactions – Home Sweet Home – of BHO and his good pal Tony Rezko ought to have the congregant and spiritual advisee of Rev. Jeremiah Wright breakin’ rocks down at Joliet with Elwood and Jake.
BREAKING NEWS: Dave Reichert found in possession of overdue library book; fine said to exceed 75¢ – Goldy urges death penalty!
The Piper
You mean like Dwayne Dobbins?
The Piper
Does Piper teach his children that it’s okay to rob a bank as long as they can point to someone else and say “Well they did it too?”
I’m just saying…
Republicans can project like no one else.
Besides, this is a Reichert thread. Aren’t the constant attempts to change the subject against the “rules?”
9 PS
So how does the Democratic party working hard to keep felons out of office even when they have a D by their name related to Reichert benefiting from $3 million in fraudulently obtained loans?
Seems like this reinforces the point that Democrats are cleaning up their party while Republicans enable and cover for their crooks.
8 PS
There is no Rezko story. The couple who sold Obama the house have said publicly that they didn’t cut their asking price because Rezko bought an adjoining plot, but rather that the Obamas’ $1.65 million bid “was the best offer.”
But thanks for playing “smear the candidate.” You will receive a prize of fewer electoral votes than Barack Obama.
And did you teach your children guilt by association and how to tar all with the brush of one?
If you want to snark about alleged improprieties in the GOP, be willing to own up to those in the Democratic Party. Or risk demonstrating yourself as both shallow and a hypocrite.
Of course, when it comes to flogging The Darcy and hyperventilating over Dave Reichert, Goldy knows no limits. Trying to make big news out of a dog-bites-man story such as the one heading up this thread is a real yawner, especially since there’s no allegation of improrpiety on the part of anyone in the Reichert organization.
Should I disclose the hidden truth about The Darcy that equates to this story? Here goes:
– The Darcy was once considered for a spot on Eliot Spitzer’s Hanukkah card list…
– The Darcy was seen driving by a bank that was cased, but not actually robbed, four and one-half weeks after she drove by it…
– The Darcy was once undercharged at the grocery store; the “buy one, get one free” sale had expired the day before…
– The Darcy wore white shoes after Labor Day…
– The Darcy once listened to a Dino Rossi press conference without rolling her eyes, an HA Happy Hooligan orthodox requirement…
– The Darcy, like all D.C. Dems, will look at putting her kid in a private school if she’s elected…
– The Darcy neither knows nor cares nor cares to know anything about Leo Lassen…
– The Darcy doesn’t shop at exclusively zero-carbon-footprint green stores…
– The Darcy might possibly get upset at Goldy were he to use customary HA vocabulary in front of her youngster…
Spin – total spin. All it does is make the The Whirling Darcyvishes dizzy with delight.
But the sky isn’t falling over at GOP HQ, Chicken Goldy, despite your best efforts to make it so.
The Piper
I’d like to reiterate, as long as we can talk about whatever the fuck we want anywhere in here, that Barack Obama is winning and will win the nomination, and it is only the recalcitrance of Hillary Clinton, who instead of reading the “you can’t catch up, dumbshit” writing on the wall, is spinning out an increasingly unbelievable fantasy in which her nomination is possible, that blocks us from getting on with the business of telling America what a dickhead John McCain really is. I’ve never seen such disregard for a party one claims to value. Except in Republicans.
Although I did think that Ted Kennedy in 1980 saying he would kick Jimmy Carter’s ass was pretty damn funny.
The sky is falling at Reichert headquarters every time they read the fundraising numbers. The guy who cheated to get them campaign money last time around was sadly exposed as a fraud and embezzler. Now Dave has to do it on his own, and he’s not real good at that (or at answering questions or speaking in public, for that matter). Ask the Green River Killer whether Darcy should worry.
If Dave Reichert’s Green River record is any indication, he’ll finaly outraise Darcy in 2028.
@18: Daddy
No, if we take the Green river record of Reichert into account, then Dave will lose the check in the top of his desk drawer for 18 years – where it will sit under his nose – but he won’t figure out how to cash it.
If you want to snark about alleged improprieties in the GOP, be willing to own up to those in the Democratic Party.
You mean like the way the Arkansas Democrats are working to block Dwayne Dobbins from retaking his seat in the Arkansas legislature? Or, the way Spitzer resigned from office while Vitter and Craig are still ensconced in theirs?
Republicans = Corrupt
How many of the top republicans have been involved in illegal vote buying, lobbyist connections and bribery???
It is so hard to keep track – and Abramoff (allied with Rove) is still bringing them down….not to mention the entire Alaska delegation to Washinton and the ex-governor’s main aide.
Safavian of the GAO – then there are the unindicted memory loss (early alzheimers) group like Gonzalez, the woman at the GAO and others.
How about Harriet Miers for the supreme court? Did we forget that?
And finally the simply incompetent – like the cronies hired that can’t do the job (Bronie and the whole host at Justice who went to the same two bit law school).
Pooper is spinning so hard, he must be dizzy!
The FBI is investigating the NRCC, I would imagine that makes Boehner and at least a few others at least a little bit nervous. And they might be sweating the fact that they have a vanishing amount of money to spend to try to hold on to a large number of open seats this fall.
But you won’t hear the Scooper admit to these basic facts!
News stories I read today say that a substantial amount of the missing money went to “other committees” controlled by Ward, some of which were inactive. It also says some of the money went to Ward’s personal and business accounts.
What it didn’t say is what ultimately happened to the money. Isn’t it possible that Ward was engaging in a shell game, moving the money around so that it’s true source and ultimate destination are difficult to determine? That might be consistent with embezzelment for personal gain, or it could also be consistent with attempts to launder money for purposes which you might not want to report on an FCC document which is publically available.
Like “Deep Throat” to Woodward and Bernstein: “Follow the Money….”
Moonbat!s love to bring up the Green River Killer Gary Ridgway and the alleged incompetence of David Reichert.
So let me ask the same questions again since no libtard will be honest in their arguments…
Without looking it up liberals when did Reichert become Sheriff?
Without looking it up liberals, who was Reichert’s boss during the Green River killings?
Without looking it up how many other law enforcement people worked on the case?
Without looking it up liberals what was missing from their investigation?
Without looking it up Pelletizer how many lie detector tests did non-sheriff Reichert give Gary Ridgway?
Without looking it up liberals how did they catch Gary Ridgway?
Piper, remember we don’t talk about Vitter or Craig anymore. Clueless Idiot said that would be taking orders. We don’t take orders.
Correctnotright: Let’s bring you up to date. Norman Hsu and his mysterious way of raising money for Heilary. – you know if the Hsu fits?
Piper, we know Clueless Idiot is the mouthpiece for HorsesASSholes being one of the biggest ones here.
Oh… did I say that was his mouth? I guess I did.
Piper – I hate to say it but Reichert is done. Too old, too corrupt, too Dem-lite for a district that would prefer a real Democrat.
@8 Stealing library books is a serious offense.
@14 Funny how people who criticize Obama for buying a house (at market price) from a crook have nothing to say about Rossi eagerly working for a broker who went to prison for stealing from widows and orphans. And guess who was waiting at the front door, employment application in hand, when the crooked broker got out of jail?
Late, responding to #1:
This seems to be one straight from the Republican playbook. First, refuse to answer questions because “the matter is under investigation”. Then, when the investigation is concluded, try to pass it off as old news.
me thinks goldy wants a job on darcys staff since he cant find a job he will take a hand out.just sayin
Piper no I didn’t teach my kids guilt by association. That’s a GOP value. There’s no guilt by association here. Davie took a loan that was illegal. That’s not association – that’s participation. And it looks like the answer to my question was yes – you teach your kids that it’s okay to lie, cheat and steal as long as someone else has.
As for your claim that we can go toe – to toe on GOP v. Dem scandals – I’ll take you on. No problem. Just in the last eight years – the GOP has five times as many scandals.
Republicans are against big government – except when they’re not.
Why not call on Sheriff Dave to return the ill gotten funds?
He is an honest guy, don’t you think he will want to give it back?
Whew! That’s a big money to steal! This is very alarming, we must be aware of this!