There are so many things I’m itching to write about, but a quote the other day from Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Sheriff’s Department) keeps sticking in my craw. The Seattle Times’ David Postman asked Reichert about his unwavering support for the president’s strategy in Iraq, and the congressman’s choice of words was telling.
Reichert still firmly supports President Bush. The congressman is a former sheriff. When he talks about the war he frequently relates it to police work.
Of course, Reichert always relates everything to his police work. I’m told a waiter once asked him if he needed a few more minutes to decide, and he snapped back something about “looking Gary Ridgeway straight in the eyes.” (Did I mention Reichert is a former sheriff?) But I digress…
And in this case he sees parallels between the criticism aimed at Bush and his most famous case, the hunt for the Green River Killer.
“During Green River we were just hammered on by the press and the community and I got hammered by people and criticized and I just feel some of the same pressures are being applied to the president.”
So, um, what the congressman is really telling us about the war in Iraq is that President Bush is the real victim here? … Just like Reichert was during the 18 years of the Green River Killer investigation?
How incredibly narcissistic. Dozens of young women were brutally strangled by Gary Ridgeway — some, years after Reichert personally dismissed Ridgeway as a suspect, early in the investigation — but ultimately it was Reichert who was the victim, hammered and criticized by an unfeeling press and an impatient community. How did he ever survive the pressure?
Likewise, it is not the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis or the 3,600 slain American troops and their families who are the victims of the president’s military misadventures… but Bush himself.
I have repeatedly ridiculed the Times for praising Reichert’s “conscience-driven independent streak,” when in fact he has displayed little independence at all. Now I’m not so sure he even has a conscience.
Must be tough sliming a good man who has spent more years, serving the public and literally taking shots, than Little Miss Darcy has been alive. You’re trying to beat something with less than nothing.
Oh, wait: that’s really not fair to the little dumpling who, although she’s run nothing more consequential than her big mouth, was surely the smartest geek in 7th Grade. So I take back the Little Miss Sunshine allusion. Darcy’s Little Miss Know-It-All, Michael Medved in drag.
Bring her on, wingnutta.
You mean Darcy’s the know-it-all little nerd that normal kids used to beat up at recess?
I am sure the two nutcases that commented above reeeeealllly envy nerdy people with brains. They believe our leaders should all be retarded, and only capable of repeating thinktank tested talking points, and claiming executive privilege to hide their crimes.
At age 3 Darcy could probably be a better congressperson than the most (close) useless member of congress Reichert.
He’s a putz and always has been. He was only elected Sheriff because he ran against a total wackjob. The KCSD was a mess under him, and we’re still picking up the pieces from THAT. Not forgetting of course how he at times led and otherwise participated in the bungled GRK investigation.
His resume is one of GWBush-like bungling and incompetence. Heck, Dave Ross almost beat him, and then with all the advantages of incumbency he did worse against a political first-timer that he did running for the open seat.
Can you say “toast?”
I’d horsewhip him if I had a horse…
You mean Darcy’s the know-it-all little nerd that Dave and the other future Republicans used to beat up at recess…
I just don’t see how someone as smart as Darcy would want to represent people as stupid as the 50 1/2% of 8th ld voters that voted for Reichert.
Instead of voting for Cons, they should be being committed.
Reichert’s a bug-eyed twit — a grey bouffant hairdo for rich, middle aged slat-assed Republican fashion X-ray women to quiver over and vote for.
Reichert’s got a trophy wife. She just didn’t win first place.
Hmm….somebody has an issue with smart people. Maybe next time you have surgery, troll, you’d like to skip the drugs, because, you know, they were developed by SMART people. In fact, the surgeon is most likely smarter than you, and you don’t trust SMART people….so go ahead and let that nasty growth fester, woncha?
While you’re at it, why renounce all the other achievements of SMART people? Like, ferinstance, computers and the Internet?
Damn, but I HATE anti-intellectual asshats!
Wow! First time visitor to the site. What sucky trolls you get.
Reichert was a lousy sheriff, and only got reelected because of support from PWT and not so PWT in the exurbs of King and Pierce County. He actually lost to Darcy in areas where people have more than JH educations and no 5th-wheelers parked in their front yards as “guest houses.”
I wouldn’t have voted for Sheriff Dumbass if they’d paid me to……oh wait a minute. I lived in the Third, and voted for Brian Baird……speaking of which, it IS getting harder to find good Republicans these days. One of my old bosses at the the McD in Tumwater that I worked at between gigs (gotta eat, y’know) somehow found himself the GOP nominee to run against Adam Smith in the Ninth in ’04. He gave it a good run (I apologized to him in advance for not voting for him because I lived in the Third), but lost 65%-35%. The day after the election, I congratulated him for his effort (at least he got his name in USA Today), and asked him if he’d considered running again. He told me ‘never again’. Just no sense in doing it, he said…….
And back to the topic – yes, this was incredibly insensitive of Reichert. He should apologize.
But then again, he made his ‘reputation’ as a law-and-order guy on the Green River Killer story. Wow, the longer Gary was out to keep on killing, the bigger the payoff for Dave when they finally hauled his ass in! How did they manage to get him JUST before Reichert retired? Oh, I know – because the rest of the Task Force suspected Gary from 1983!!!!
Shame about the collateral damage, eh, Dave?
I’m also guessing that by “know-it-all little nerd” you mean smart-as-a-whip, head-of-the-class achiever.
I can’t wait for to hear Darcy HOA Burner rip Congressman Reichert on his record. All he needs to respond with is, ” with all do respect to the Ames Lake HOA, at least I have one…..”
Darcy Burner, a gift to the Republicans IF she wins the nomination.
Yeah, but please refer to Exhibit A: Darcy:
– shitty student for a long time at Harvard, taking, what, 8 years to graduate?
– shitty, poorly ranked low level manager at MS for, thankfully, a very short time
– Mommy
– And that’s about it….job-hopped from job to job…
What has she ever stuck with long enough to succeed at? Begging for money? At least Reichert has a resume…
15 RS
Yeah, he beat her so bad last time. What was it, 90-10? No? 80-20? no? 70-30? No?
No, I think it was more like 51.4601% – 48.5399%
A stunning victory for one so superior in every way.
She didn’t run against Congressman Reichert.
She was basically the only democrat NOT to win in 2006
Wrong. Many incumbent Republicans held their seats on 2008. But many of the ones who DIDN’T lose held on by only a thread–like Davey Boy here.
Not a good sign. 2008 will make 2006 look like 1994.
Many incumbent Republicans
Well if that were the case, the R’s would still be the majority…
Fact is, even when the Democrat “wave” of running against George Bush won them the majority in 2006, Burner failed to win against a 1 term, 2 year junior congressman.
Even with all the money the National Party spent on her, she couldn’t close the deal.
I hope like crazy she is the nominee….
I mean we can look forward to these right?
******BREAKING NEWS*********
Carnation Washington
RS News source.
RS – Today the Ames Lake HOA decided that the flowers in the culdesac circles should in fact be carnations. Club President Darcy Burner, recently defeated democrat for congress, delivered a brief statement. “Today we made great progess for the Ames Lake HOA and set an example for other HOA’s in keeping with the traditions of our founders…Carnations are a great choice for the Ames Lake HOA and I’m proud to sign this notification to the HOA making it official.”
The DB for Congress campaign had this statement.
“After conferring with Democrat leaders, and extensive polling on the matter, today’s decision and signing show the kind of experience and leadership that the 8th district can expect from Ms Burner if she is ever elected.”
How many Republicans are there in the House of Representatives? How many of them were incumbents in 2006?
Daddy Love said: “Many incumbent Republicans held their seats on 2008.”
Wrong Stuff replies “Well if that were the case, the R’s would still be the majority…”
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. You lose Wrong Stuff. Wingnut reality doesn’t hold up.
Objective Reality: In the 2006 election, Republicans retained 202 of 232 seats they occupied through the end of 2006. (Consequently Democrats gained 31 seats.)
Clearly, Republicans retained a majority of the Republican seats through the election—just not enough to retain a majority in the House.
Man…you Wingnuts will pull ANY bullshit statement out of you asses, no matter how illogical or contradicted by empirical evidence it is.
20 RS
Wrong again. Do you get tired of being wrong? Get ready for lots more.
Here’s the deal, in case arithmentic was taught that day you stayed home. There are 435 seats in the House, and they are ALL up for re-election every two years. There were 229 Republican seats in the House in September 2006. Democrats that year picked up 31 seats (but one was from an incumbent Independent and not an incumbent Republican) and the Republicans picked up none. There are other complicating circumstances: there were four open seats, there were seats in which the incumbent lost a primary, and so on. The upshot is, Republicans gained no seats and ended up with 202. That means roughly 200 Republican incumbents in the House won re-election (I didn’t check to see how many Republican seats were won by a primary challenger instead of the incumbent, but we both know it’s not many).
And in the Senate, one-third of its 100 seats are up for re-election every two years. Last cycle (2006) it was 33 seats. But 9 of the 15 Republican seats up for re-election were retained. Let’s see, DeWine, Santorum, Talent (MO), Burns (MT), Chafee, and George Allen (sweet!) were defeated. Then again Corker won in Tennesee after Frist stepped down, and Lyl, Lugar, Snowe, Lott, Ensign (NV), Hutchison (TX), Hatch, and Thomas (WY) were re-elected.
Really? You see, incumbents WINNING is the norm, even in 2006 (see above). What you’re avoiding thinking about is that our incumbent Congressman in the 8th (in the majority party yet, who did everything they could to shore him up)could eke out ONLY a 2% margin of victory against an unknown challenger who MATCHED his fundraising. That is unheard of. Good luck, Dave.
It’s voters that win elections, not money. She was within a hair last time, and this time Dave has fewer advantages.
That’s Kyl who was re-elected in AZ
Right-on right as usual, Big Daddy. You must have learned everything you know from Facts Support My Positions, who learned everything she knows from Darcy’s 7th Grade Home-Ec teacher.
How incredibly narcissistic.
25 LD
You’d be surprised where I learned what I know.
Looks like Puffybutt wants to love on his daddy? Hm? No wonder his wife sucks my dick every night.
I somehow imagine Republicans wishing for a terrorist attack in the US that will make a frightened public turn back to their big scary daddies in the GOP.
re 20: You are absolutely correct. Republicans are huge losers.
What is so funny is the fact that the cons can never admit to the truth. The GOP poured resources into this district like there was no tomorrow to keep it. I saw an article on all the phone calling they did to GOTV and it was so much more than any other area it was scary. Darcy lost, but because of the millions upon millions the cons spent to save useless Dave’s seat, another 3 or 4 Dems won in other district. They all owe Darcy big time.
The cons also know that if Darcy won, the utterly useless pampered witch from the 5th, and look the other way Doc Hastings would be next to be kicked out.
I think McMorris is one of the only congresspeople more worthless than sheriff hairspray.
What’s so unusual about character assasination?
Won’t work with Republicans. You have to HAVE character before it can be assassinated. Repulsicans don’t even understand the CONCEPT of character.
Proof: MTR, Hyena Rather, Puddysuperxtiansapphirethrone, and several more psychoflies…..
“I somehow imagine Republicans wishing for a terrorist attack in the US that will make a frightened public turn back to their big scary daddies in the GOP.”
Strange days, indeed. Rush recently said something similar about the Donk Cong. Said fat-cat ‘Crats like Goldy are subliminably (copyright GWB) hoping for another attack that can be blamed on Bush. They’ll say that, despite shredding civil liberties and torturing mere terrorists, he didn’t do enough.