From the National Review online:
As for the horserace, multiple GOP sources say that the contest for Min Leader isn’t much of a contest at all. They say current Maj Leader John Boehner has solid backing in the conference and will win with ease this Friday morning when the secret ballots are cast. Many acknowledge that there is a hunger for change after last Tuesday’s losses, but they say RSC chair/Rep. Mike Pence (R., Ind.) is not a popular alternative. Few give Energy & Commerce Committee chair Joe Barton (R., Tex.) much of a shot, though he could pick up backing from fellow Texans and members of his committee.Holed up in his Capitol office, Boehner is devoting his time to member contacts, not media appearances. Key Boehner allies in the effort include Rep’s Pat Tiberi (R., Ohio), Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), and Dave Reichert (R., Wash.).
So… Reichert has quickly emerged as a “key ally” of Boehner and the corrupt, K Street-controlled, Republican establishment. That didn’t take long.
So much for Reichert’s alleged “conscience-driven independent” streak. (The Seattle Times’ new motto: “All the news that fits our way of thinking.”)
David, regarding The Seattle Times, let’s eliminate the state sales tax exempition for newspapers.
Like all good Democrats and Republicans you want all the ballots counted. Now the Socialist Democrats are in charge they have a different view on counting ballots. Who really won the election and King County does not want to instill trust with the Voters. You are a typical left wing optician Ron Sims.
Bags of ballots still uncounted: Canvassing Board wants more information before clearing 44 election bags
By Dean A. Radford
Journal Reporter
Last week’s election has spawned more questionable ballots in King County.
Elections officials said Tuesday they want more information on how 44 bags were handled before clearing the ballots inside for signature verification and finally counting.
Those bags are among 118 bags of ballots that were set aside after the Nov. 7 election because they were potentially mishandled. The absentee ballots inside most of them will get counted without question.
The county’s Canvassing Board will meet again today to consider what to do with the remaining 44 bags.
Elections officials still don’t know how many ballots are inside the bags, but each one holds about 200 envelopes, so potentially, nearly 24,000 ballots remain to be counted.
The three-member board at its meeting seemed inclined to count all the ballots, because any errors were made by election workers and not the voters themselves.
“It is not unusual for polling places to have an excess number of absentee ballots turned in and have some issue with bags,” said Natasha Jones, an elections office spokeswoman.
What’s different in this election, she said, is the unusually large number of absentee ballots turned in at polling places. One possible reason, she said, is the extra postage that was required on the envelope.
Dealing with the heavy rainfall and flooding on Election Day also may have played a role at some polling places, she said.
Elections workers won’t begin processing the ballots inside the bags until today. That will give them further clues about where the bags originated and what races might be affected by the counts.
There’s more than passing interest in the close 8th Congressional District. Although U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert has declared victory and his challenger, Darcy Burner, conceded Tuesday, the Burner camp is still watching closely to ensure every ballot is counted.
County elections officials have maintained that the bags remained under the control of election workers at all times.
One of the 118 bags was left inside the trunk of a car owned by a poll worker in northern King County, where it had been overlooked when other bags were dropped off at a depot. The board will talk to that poll worker in person to question him about the bag’s chain of custody.
In every election, the county drops off a blue bag at each of its 518 polling places where absentee ballots are placed for transport to the interim elections facility at Boeing Field, after an initial stop at a transfer point.
However, because of the unusually large number of absentee ballots dropped off at polling places, some of those bags were overstuffed. Some zippers broke and some security seals didn’t hold.
Nine large plastic bags with zip locks were pressed into service at some polling places when the regular bags simply wouldn’t hold any more envelopes.
In some cases those plastic bags were separated from the regular bags, according to Jones, the elections spokeswoman.
The Canvassing Board wants to consider the fate of each of those bags individually.
That, along with the bag in the trunk, leaves 34 bags where there is some missing information about the ballots inside, including which ones were spoiled by a voter.
The county’s elections office has undergone intensive scrutiny following problem-plagued elections in recent years, including the 2004 gubernatorial election. Errors in King County contributed to the closest race in state history.
Absentee ballots seem to persist as the biggest source of those problems, going back to earlier this decade when some ballots weren’t mailed on time.
Now even the most routine of problems gets magnified because some in the public and even some elected officials wonder whether the elections office has solved all its problems.
Boehner has to reach down to a sophomore rep. who barely was re-elected in a traditionally GOP district to find “key” allies? What does Reich(salute)ert have on this guy? Or is it just the case that Boner doesn’t really have any allies to begin with?
3 klake
So the canvassing board does what it is supposed to do: nvestigate issues around accepting ballots when any question arises, and your conclusion is…what? That following the election laws is “a different view on counting ballots?” Well, it IS different from the Republican view of counting ballots.
I gotta say I loved the part where Ron Sims is an optician, though.
4 Proud
What, Dave’s just about the only Republican who was re-elected.
What the hell, why don’t we just have a revote?
David, regarding The Seattle Times, let’s eliminate the state sales tax exempition for newspapers. Commentby Luigi Giovanni— 11/15/06@ 9:35 am
No need to involve government in this; let’s eliminate The Seattle Times with a Heart buyout.
Reichert is a pliable dim-bulb who “does what the leaders tell him” so this comes as little surprise. If the Seattle media does its job better in two years, he won’t be able to skate through on his hair-do in 2008.
klake, these problems are NOTHING compared to the irregularities in Ohio in 2004. Why aren’t you posting about that?
Just a reminder folks — there’s still over 20,000 ballots to count in King County, and while it’s unlikely Burner will win, the bell-shaped probability curve has ends as well as a middle …
… but suppose Burner DOES win. You know what’ll happen. The Shrill Shriekers of the Insane Right will cry “fraud!” They’ll say the Democrats must have cheated because the odds were against it. Well let’s try this analogy. When you buy a lotto ticket, the odds against your winning are millions-to-one. But suppose you do win — does that mean you cheated? Or does it mean you beat the odds?
Wingnut = illogical liar
Stock market’s up AGAIN today! Wall Street continues to ratify the Democratic takeover of Congress. When Bush is impeached, our stock portfolios will soar!
Mark the Deadbeat keeps bleating about how great the economy is. Sorry Mark, but 2% growth doesn’t even keep up with population growth, even if you overlook the fact most of that 2% is going to only a few people while the rest bleed. The 91,000 jobs created last month are less than the 156,000 jobs a month needed just to absorb new entrants to the job market, which means unemployment is getting worse. And the trend is clear — the economy is slowing and now seems likely to fall into recession before the 2008 election. So how much MORE money will Bush borrow to “prime the pump” before the election to save his party’s ass from another “thumping?”
My stocks did nothing all year until the Democrats won and now they’re finally moving upward. Roger Rabbit will be rolling in clover again if Bush is impeached! (singing) Happy days are here again … :D :D :D
Roger, the scurrilous rumor is that Cheney is preparing to have ” a medical event” so the Chimpster can appoint Neal as the veep as a form of insulation from impeachment. . . .
So if Cheney walks in front of a microwave does Bush become president?
The ethics allegation against Murtha never turned into an indictment or prosecution in the Abscam sting a quarter-century ago for a simple reason: Murtha turned down the bribe by the undercover FBI agent.
The Republicans have tried to make hay because he was “implicated”, and because he didn’t stongly indicate that he wouldn’t consider a bribe in the future, but the fact is there is no evidence he ever took a bribe in return for, well, anything.
In contrast, we have Trent Lott, recently selected as the Republican’s # 2 guy in the Senate, who only four years ago indicated that Strong Thurman should have been elected President during his 1948 bid for the Presidency under the “Dixicrat” ticket strongly affirming segregation and rejecting any civil rights for non-white Americans. Lott said that if Thurman had been elected then, the U.S. wouldn’t have had “these problems”, an apparant reference to movement for voting rights, civil rights, and affirmative action by the “uppity” black folks.
Lott represents a move even further to the right by the Republicans, back to their base of white, anglo-saxon southern conservative voters. They hope to re-energize by again stirring up fear of an overwhelming tide of illegal immigration. The problem for the Republicans is that this policy will be a failure in the long run. Demographically, this “Republican base” is shrinking, while non-whites are increasing in number. Even if the illegal immigrants can’t vote, their legal brethern can, and their children who were born in this country can vote also. I believe the Republicans will have a hard time courting those voters a quarter-century from now after bashing their parents and their race for years in an attempt to curry votes from those that fear them.
More on the subject at Northwest Forum for Politics and Policy
19: “Strong” should read “Strom”. Dang spell check creates as many errors as I can make on my own.
Checking the crying towel column of the fish wrapper, I see the apopletic wingnuts are still having convulsions:
“(T)he outcome of destroying the credibility of a good ruler eradicates both the willing submission of the people and the much-needed safety of a nation. It has the added effect of removing any restraining fear an enemy may have and the respect for that ruler and his people. The open and blatant mocking of our current president by the enemies of our nation is a direct result of the ridiculing and undermining of his authority by the liberal Democrats for political ‘control.'” — Alan Huber, Sultan
Quoted under Fair Use; for original see
Memo to Mr. Huber: We don’t have a ruler; we’re a democracy.
“Rep. Dave Reichert … can’t understand why the election was so close …. Even if he can’t figure it out, I hope after winning by such a narrow margin that he will start to put the needs of his constituents before the demands of his party.
“But I won’t hold my breath. The fact that he continues to disparage opponent Darcy Burner even after her concession, is not a good sign. Take the hint, Mr. Reichert — your district is moderate and independent, and you only escaped an embarrassing loss by the skin of your teeth.” — Bill Gembala, Renton
(same Fair Use; same link)
That whine you hear isn’t a jet warming its engines at Boeing Field; it’s the wingnut sorelosers decrying the fact we have democratic elections in this country instead of a dictatorship.
From the Vancouver Columbian’s crying towel:
“I find it ironic that two days after the Democrats take over both the House and Senate, The Columbian’s Nov. 9 headline read, ‘County weighs two new taxes.'” — Chris Davidson, Vancouver
Quoted under Fair use from
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They shore do grow ’em smart down thar in Wingnut Country!
“As Democrats gloat over their gains, it should be pointed out that, on average, Republicans are healthier, live longer, and are more likely to marry, remain faithful to their spouses, stay happily married, and have more children — who will grow up and vote Republican.
“Although Republicans are less likely, I believe, than Democrats to do jail time, it is Democrats who routinely accuse Republicans of cheating in elections. Is there something inconsistent here?
“I also believe Republicans are less likely to smoke, do drugs, or contract AIDS and venereal diseases. Moreover, Republicans pay a greater percent of their earnings in taxes, and are more likely to attend church regularly.
“Conversely, in my opinion Democrats enjoy an enormous advantage in that — directly or indirectly — they receive immense monetary support from super-rich billionaires (like George Soros), and left-wing Hollywood moguls, and are supported by the drive-by media’s influential propaganda complex of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and most of the big city newspapers, and by the powerful left-wing National Education Association.” — Robert Wassman, Vancouver
Same Fair Use; same link.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Manchurian Wingnut being held in a bamboo cage in Jesusland …
Keeping in mind how crazy the GOP “base” is, there’s no chance the Republicans will engage in constructive bipartisanship or nominate a moderate candidate in ’08. The majority just repudiated these fruitcakes, and will do so again in ’08. The White House and Congress are as good as ours.
The 8th deserves the incompetent big haired sheriff. In the Dem majority, 8th District voters won’t have the benefit of a rep who has juice. So let them have what they voted for, an incompetent, asskissing, culture of corruption-lovin asshole.
Meanwhile, most of the rest of us will sit back and enjoy the fruits of knocking the rethugs out of power.
“Trooper kills gunman on Highway 2
“Jody Lawrence-Turner and Sara Leaming
“Staff writers
“November 15, 2006
“A 54-year-old motorist, armed with an assault rifle, was shot to death by a Washington State Patrol trooper Tuesday afternoon north of Spokane, authorities said.
“Andre C. Laurent, of Hope, Idaho, was described by WSP spokesman Jeff Sevigney as a convicted felon …”
The ethics allegation against Murtha never turned into an indictment or prosecution in the Abscam sting a quarter-century ago for a simple reason: Murtha turned down the bribe by the undercover FBI agent.
Commentby rhp6033— 11/15/06@ 10:52 am
There’s also the flak last June that was kicked up when Murtha gave the speech about withdrawing troops from Iraq. Only, I can’t find any quality sources for those accusations. The best I can find were the statements in the LA Times article quoting GOP lawmakers speaking under the condition of anyonymity. Looks like a smear job to me.
Time to end the adventure in Iraq. And Korea, and Europe, the Middle East, and the rest of the world.
“Political motives suspected as jobs on bench go unfilled
“By David Bowermaster
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“Despite a process designed to keep politics out of judicial selections, some in the local legal community are wondering whether politics is behind a delay by the White House in filling two vacancies on the U.S. District Court in Western Washington. …
“In both cases, a bipartisan panel of local attorneys screened applicants and sent three recommendations to the White House; since 1997, the president has picked his nominee from among three names chosen by such panels.
“But the White House, in an unprecedented move, rejected all three candidates for the Tacoma vacancy. The office of White House Counsel Harriet Miers told the bipartisan panel that none of the candidates was sufficiently qualified and asked for three more nominees.
“The decision troubled many local lawyers and judges who know the three spurned finalists. Sources close to the selection process, speaking on condition of anonymity, called the White House decision ‘appalling,’ ‘outrageous’ and a ‘travesty,’ and suspect the White House already has a replacement in mind who was not on the list.
“Republicans and Democrats alike said the candidates rejected by the White House were eminently qualified. …
“The delay has raised questions in local legal circles about whether the White House might again reject a merit panel’s recommendations, or choose its own nominee.
“The questions intensified when rumors surfaced that John McKay, the U.S. Attorney for Western Washington, was also interviewed by the White House Counsel’s Office. … If President Bush nominates McKay rather than one of the three judges selected by the bipartisan merit panel, it would be the second significant snub of the process by the White House in less than a year, judicial observers said. …
“A letter from former White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to Murray in March 2002 made it clear the Bush administration reserved the right to go its own way with judicial nominations. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the late 1990s, Republican obstructionists in the Senate rejected over 100 Clinton nominees and left a third of the nation’s federal district judgeships vacant while cases piled up and it took years for litigants to get a court date. After Bush took office, Democrats objected to 3 or 4 extremists nominated by Bush for judicial opinions and the Republicans said cried “obstructionists!” Fucking hypocrites.
I have an idea — let’s bypass the ideologues in the White House and the GOP obstructionists in Congress and ELECT our federal judges. Yeah the GOPers will say “that’s what the Constitution says.” Since when have they ever cared what the Constitution says? They disregard the Constitution whenever it suits their whim or purpose! But if we can’t ELECT our federal judges, then I say leave ’em vacant until a Democrat takes over the White House in Jan. 2009. Then, if Senate Republicans block her nominess, use the “nuclear option.” What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. I say treat ’em like they treated us.
So the White House is ignoring the bipartisan merit selection process and trying to show rightwing ideologues onto Western Washington’s federal bench. Fuck ’em! Democrats will control the Senate in January, and they should block any White House nominee who wasn’t chosen from the merit list. If we have to wait two or three years to fill these vacancies, it’s worth it to get quality instead of ideology. This is our state and we have to live with these judges until they retire or die; no way should our state let Bush shove wingnuts down our throads. Fuck ’em!
If we have to wait two or three years to fill these vacancies, it’s worth it to get quality instead of ideology.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/15/06@ 12:11 pm
We’ll always be getting one idealogue or another in those positions.
This is our state and we have to live with these judges until they retire or die; no way should our state let Bush shove wingnuts down our throads.
(I assume you meant “throats” instead of “throads.”) Maybe Washington should leave the union?
The woman is doing a fine job “house cleaning”.
Supporting a fucking criminal for majority leader. Great. Shows real sharp political instincts.
And Hoyer is gonna win. She has zero clout within her own group of fucking kooks.
Good start.
Libertarian @ 33
“We’ll always be getting one idealogue or another in those positions.”
With regard to federal district court judges in the state of Washington, your comment is simply untrue. For several years now, Washington has relied on a bipartisan judicial selection committee to forward the names of judicial candidates to the White House. Republicans certainly did not complain about this arrangement during the Clinton years, and Clinton appropriately selected nominees from the names the committee provided him. This process, of which–to his credit–Slade Gorton was am architect, has worked well in producing a trial court bench which is widely respected among attorneys of all stripes because the judges are appointed on the basis of professional accomplishment rather than ideological bias. Our state’s bipartisan process for selecting federal judges should be a model for other states. Bush, however, always incapable of doing right when doing something partisan is an option, snubs his nose at what works.
With regard to federal district court judges in the state of Washington…
Yes, there all paragons of virtue. Right.
33 “You go to court with the judges you have…”
Give me an example of a federal district court judge in this state who is somehow stained. They are all, of course, human, but they are honorable people who do not deserve sarcastic references to being less than “paragons of virtue.” Even Bush has put two good judges on the bench here in the Western District of Washington–Ron Leighton and James Robart. I won’t say that for him elsewhere. You must be having a bad day, as you generally show a bit more responsibility.
Indubitably despicable candy coated marmalade.
Your cute little darling Darcy lost!
Of course, that’s because she wasn’t left enough, right guys?
Maybe Goldstein should run her campaign next time!
Actually, why don’t you just make him State Party Chairman? I’d vote for him if I could.
Cliff – How the fuck could someone who’s main accomplishment is being a mother lose? That and being on her homeowner’s association board. Shit, just makes no sense.
RR at 31: I’ve never been a proponant of direct judicial elections. Too many voters know too little about the judges, and a well-funded interest group can overwhelm the average judicial race. This month’s state supreme court races seemed the exception to that rule (I was pretty worried at the time, though).
Remember, an elected federal judiciary in the the 1950’s and 1960’s would never have enforced the Constitution, the Voting Rights Act, and the Civil Rights Act to end segregation in the South. The story of the courage of those federal judges is inspiring. Of course, the Republicans attacked these judges in political campaigns as being “activist” judges.
How the fuck could someone who’s main accomplishment is being a mother lose? That and being on her homeowner’s association board. Shit, just makes no sense.
Well, let’s see: Burner 48%
McGavick: 39%
Seems like being a lobbyist, CEO and one of Senator Skeletor’s flunkies makes you even LESS qualified for public office than Darcy Burner.
Shit, I had no idea McGavick was running against Burner. No wonder he lost; the ballots musta been fucked up.
I thought he ran against LiarFuckingCantwell with her “deep understanding” of energy issues.
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Hey Redneck,
Why do you hate women so much? I’m sure that being a drunken, conceited, foul-mouthed, hate-filled, dull twerp gets you rejected whenever you go skirt-chasing, but sexual rejection hardly seems an adequate explanation for your deep-seated mysogyny. I’m thinking your mother, sisters, aunts, grandmothers all must have treated you poorly. I’d say my heart goes out to you, but that would be a lie, you arrogant piece of shit.
We’ll always be getting one idealogue or another in those positions. — Commentby Libertarian— 11/15/06@ 12:36 pm
What is your basis for this absurd statement? Are you a lawyer? Do you know anything about (a) law, (b) the job description of a federal judge, (c) federal court decisions, (d) the selection process, (e) the nominees and their backgrounds?
The bipartisan merit selection process tends to recommend potential nominees who are top achievers in the legal profession, have a record of accomplishment, have held responsible positions, often have judicial experience in the state court system, and have the qualities and skills desirable in a judge: judicial temperament, impartiality, fidelity to the law, competence, communication skills, and understanding of the community they live in.
No one in the legal profession — whether Republican or Democrat — would argue that displacing that system for a system of appointments based on political party loyalty or ideological orientation is a good thing.
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Commentby klake— 11/15/06@ 9:43 am
“Bags of ballots still uncounted: Canvassing Board wants more information before clearing 44 election bags”
Ok, a number of others have asked, in various ways, “what, exactly, is your problem with this?” As you do not seem to have answered, you may consider the question asked once again.
If you are congratulating King County’s Canvassing Board for exercising due diligence in determining whether the ballots in question are legitimate, then you should simply say so.
Are you criticizing the poll workers that could not manage to stuff more ballots into the bags than they were designed to hold? I should point out that the relatively small size and limited number of bags was envisioned as a security measure. We didn’t want unaccountable bags of votes just showing up. Hopefully, we’ll have a “lessons learned” from this and make some further modifications to equipment and procedures.
Perhaps you’re criticizing the trend towards vote-by-mail in general, with many absentee ballots that might tend to lend themselves to potential fraud. If so, you may find that many Democrats, including yours truly, agree. You may also want to write a nice letter the the state and national Republican party leadership, as they have been strong proponents of absentee voting.
So, exactly what is your point?
33 (continued)
Maybe Washington should leave the union? — Commentby Libertarian— 11/15/06@ 12:36 pm
I have a better idea — how about if YOU leave the union? Go away, and let us live in peace. Take your screwball ideas somewhere else.
BunnyBoy @ 31: “Then, if Senate Republicans block her nominess, use the ‘nuclear option.’ What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. I say treat ‘em like they treated us.”
More pearls of addled “wisdom” from everyone’s favorite Sylivilagus Dementiae.
Perhaps you can do a bit of research and tell us the original name for the “nuclear option?” You don’t know? Try the “Byrd Option”. Yep, it was you kids that first tried the shenanigans. So, quit whining!
Are you still ranting about Murtha being a “criminal” Redneck? Apart from the sheer hypocrisy of ANY Republican complaining about “criminals” … Murtha did nothing chargeable, was not charged, was not convicted, was not censured by the House Ethics Committee … nothing. He did nothing, and you’ve got nothing on him. Nothing. Yet you call him a “criminal.” You’re nothing but a fucking blowhard. P.S., pay your gambling debt, you fucking welsher.
Yes, there all paragons of virtue. Right. — Commentby Libertarian— 11/15/06@ 12:52 pm
Another wingnut dog howling at the moon.
Your cute little darling Darcy lost! — Commentby Cliff— 11/15/06@ 1:28 pm
Sad day for wingnuts — they can’t claim KCRE “stole” the election for the Democrat. They’ll have to find something else to whine about.
“RR at 31: I’ve never been a proponant of direct judicial elections. Commentby rhp6033— 11/15/06@ 1:46 pm
Given a choice between electing federal judges or having Bush pick ’em, which would you prefer?
Are you still ranting about Murtha being a “criminal” Redneck?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/15/06@ 2:32 pm
Of course he is. According to wingnut ideology, all Democrats are “criminals.” Since wingnuts can’t actually beat Democrats based on the issues, their only option is to resort to trying to criminalize anyone who holds an opposing point of view.
Redneck is struggling to grapple with the ugly fact that his lover Mike!? McGavick did only 1 point better than Motherbeater Irons against a candidate who is unpopular in her own party.
But McGavick can take satisfaction in knowing he did better than Low Tax Looper, who got only 4% of the vote even though he was the only candidate on the ballot. (Yes, Looper was a Republican; did you need to ask?)
I’m thinking your mother, sisters, aunts, grandmothers all must have treated you poorly. — Commentby proud leftist— 11/15/06@ 2:28 pm
I’ll bet they rejected his advances, too.
Hey Redneck, bet you wish now that you’d been born a rabbit! Rabbits have no problem getting laid. I get laid 250 times on a good day. :D
Perhaps you can … tell us the original name for the “nuclear option?” … Try the “Byrd Option”. Yep, it was you kids that first tried the shenanigans. — Commentby The Real Mark— 11/15/06@ 2:31 pm
Indulging in a little revisionist history, are we? The “Byrd Option” had NOTHING to do with judicial appoinments:
“The parliamentary maneuver now dubbed the ‘nuclear option’ has been used in the past, most notably by then-Democratic majority leader Robert Byrd in 1977, 1979, 1980, and 1987, when he employed it to end various dilatory tactics which Republican minorities were using to block legislation.”
Legislation. Got that? Legislation. Not judicial appointees. The so-called Byrd Option has never been used to push through appointments to lifetime judicial positions. By anyone. At any time. Get your facts straight.
True enough.
But those were other wingnuts. Not you guys. You guys got your ass kicked on the only race you guys devoted any energy to.
Wait, I take that back, you also were involved with the Goldmark campaign. How did that one turn out again?
I repeat: LOL!!!
Washington Wingnuts: We’re not only dumb, we’re incompetent!
Cliff – How the fuck could someone who’s main accomplishment is being a mother lose? That and being on her homeowner’s association board. Shit, just makes no sense.
That’s what I was thinking. I mean, geeze, how much more qualified do you want? She even went to law school for a year before she dropped out!
“Clinton Appointments: 1993-2000
“In 1995, Democrats held the White House. The New York Times editorialized, ‘The U.S. Senate likes to call itself the world’s greatest deliberative body. The greatest obstructive body is more like it. In the last session of Congress, the Republican minority invoked an endless string of filibusters to frustrate the will of the majority. This (is a) relentless abuse of a time-honored Senate tradition . . . . Once a rarely used tactic reserved for issues on which senators held passionate convictions, the filibuster has become the tool of the sore loser, dooming any measure that cannot command the 60 required votes.’ There was no attempt to rewrite Senate rules for confirmation at that time.”
“Bush Appointments: 2001-2006
“When George W. Bush took office there were dozens of federal court vacancies, which Democrats contend Clinton had been unable to fill due to Republican obstruction. Republicans held a majority in the Senate during the last six years of the Clinton administration and controlled who would be voted on. Democrats assert that, for the most part, Republicans did not raise objections to those judicial candidates, but simply refused to hold hearings on the nominations. Further, that the Republicans’ record in the confirmation of Clinton’s nominees was far worse that what happened during any previous Republican presidency with a Democrat-controlled Senate.
“In the 2005 Senate, … Democrats had blocked the nomination of 10 of George W. Bush’s nominees, saying they were too conservative and that Republicans had blocked many of their nominees back in the 1990s. Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) then threatened to use the nuclear option in response to what he called Democratic ‘obstructionism’. …
“It’s been reported that a Congressional Research Service report ‘leaves little doubt’ that the nuclear option would not be based on previous precedents of the Senate.”
As the history of the “nuclear option” makes clear, the “Byrd Option” was used to break legislation logjams, was never intended to be used and was never used to confirm judicial appointees even when Republican obstructionists prevented President Clinton from appointing ANYONE to federal courts, and that Republicans’ threatened use of this parliamentary maneuver to confirm federal judges with a simple majority vote is unprecedented in U.S. history.
Moreover, the cynically scheming Republicans thwarted the will of the people, who elected Bill Clinton president with both popular and electoral college pluralities, by obstructing his judicial appointments to keep dozens of federal court vacancies open to be filled by a future Republican president.
Now explain to me why the fuck the Democrats who will control the Senate in January shouldn’t block EVERY SINGLE ONE of Bush’s judicial appointments for the rest of his term of office, and keep those positions open for the next president to fill? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
You guys got your ass kicked on the only race you guys devoted any energy to yada yada yada … Commentby Cliff— 11/15/06@ 3:29 pm
I wouldn’t call Reichert’s 51%-49% scare in a district that has never gone Republican an ass-kicking. A GOP incumbent in a GOP district nearly got taken down by a 35-year-old novice. Take what little comfort you can from that, wingnut, because we’ll be back in ’08 to take that district away from you.
As for the McMorris – Goldmark race, it wasn’t quite as close a scare for the GOP but the 5th C.D. — another “safe” GOP seat — also was in play. And these two races diverted millions of dollars of GOP campaign funds from other, critical races.
But the big picture is that all the gloating in the world over the outcome of these two races can’t paper over the fact you guys lost BOTH houses of Congress, the Democrats now have near-supermajorities in BOTH houses of the Legislature, your party did not take a single seat away from a Democratic incumbent anywhere in the country, and Bush can no longer pass any legislation or confirm any judicial appointees.
I’d rather be us than you. Suck on it.
But those were other wingnuts. Not you guys. You guys got your ass kicked on the only race you guys devoted any energy to.
Commentby Cliff— 11/15/06@ 3:29 pm
Fascinating. So if the HA denizens got our “ass kicked” over WA-08, then what adjective would you use to describe what happend to McGavick?
Oh and did I mention that you also lost SIX governors and nearly 300 seats in state legislatures? You couldn’t even re-elect your dogcatchers! It sucks to be you.
Fascinating. So if the HA denizens got our “ass kicked” over WA-08, then what adjective would you use to describe what happend to McGavick? — Commentby Don Joe— 11/15/06@ 3:38 pm
How about “road kill?”
From now on, let’s all call him “Roadkill McGavick.”
Funny from elsewhere:
“Trent Lott selected as Senate Minority Whip, because if there’s one thing that Trent Lott likes, it’s whipping minorities.”
Of course, the Republicans also lost all three initiatives that they supported here. The scope of the spanking that they took is truly breathtaking, yet they act as if winning the 8th was all that mattered to them. They should be so embarrassed about their performance that they’d keep their mouths shut for at least 6 months. These wretches, however, lack the essential traits that mark us as human–traits such as the capacity to feel humiliation.
I’ve finally decided what I think. Given the choice, I think Jack Murtha should be Majority Leader and not Steny Hoyer.
– He’s Pelosi’s ally, while Hoyer is alied against her. I want Nancy Pelosi to have loyal subordinates.
– Abscam is nothing, and his wheeling and ddealing is what gets done in the House. It’s certainly not bribe-taking like Ney and Cunningham.
– Murtha is a conservative Democratic hawk, but Pelosi’s the boss and he’ll do what he’s told.
73 PL
Darcy Burner’s narrow loss is ALL THEY HAVE.
The loser Republicans take solace in their small victories. Why would anyone take pride in Rubberstamp as their congressman.
12 – Roger
Have you ever been through a SOX audit? If so you would know that every conclusion must be supported by verifiable evidence that the process is functioning. That is the level of scrutiny that the election offices need to undergo to ensure the we have had an authentic election. Every step and decision must have a verifiable process with evidence that the process actually occurred as it should have.
Can King County or other election offices meet that requirement?
Can King County or other election offices meet that requirement?
More on the subject at Northwest Forum for Politics and Policy Commentby rhp6033— 11/15/06@ 10:52 am
Hey Dingbat Moonbat!, your hero George Soros is AGAINST his ascension!
Are you still ranting about Murtha being a “criminal” Redneck? Apart from the sheer hypocrisy of ANY Republican complaining about “criminals” … Murtha did nothing chargeable, was not charged, was not convicted, was not censured by the House Ethics Committee … nothing. He did nothing, and you’ve got nothing on him. Nothing. Yet you call him a “criminal.” You’re nothing but a fucking blowhard. P.S., pay your gambling debt, you fucking welsher. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/15/06@ 2:32 pm
No Goerge Soros is dumb Furball.
Clueless is that you? I have one coming up just for you!
CERT is extremist wingnut? It’s funded by George Soros!
Ah, listening to the Republicans debate which Democrat will become the next Majority Leader. What is it they say in the credit card ad? “Priceless!”
Personally, I think that either Mr. Hoyer or Mr. Murtha will do a fine job as Majority Leader, with Ms. Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
Speaker Pelosi (I just like the sound of that) will be able to work with either of them to effectively push through legislation that will undo much of the damage to our Constitutional rights that has been done over the last six years.
Still, I wonder if the Republicans can understand the big grin that comes over most of us as we listen to them venting about which Democrat will be the next Majority Leader?
I also wonder if they have yet realized that they will get absolutely no say in the matter of who will be the next Majority Leader?
Yes, we should (and I believe, will) work with the Republicans in Congress to push forward legislation that is in the best interests of the country. The minority party has an important role to play, even if the Republicans ignored that principle during their tenure as the majority party.
But… In this one area, the choosing of our leaders in Congress, you don’t get any input whatsoever. Get over it. You lost.
Ann Coulter
Desperate Congresswomen of Hysteria Lane
by Ann Coulter Posted Nov 15, 2006
Historic Victory for Diebold!
Jihad Is Fun! Vote Democrat!
Dems’ Favorite Halloween Costume: Patriot
O.J. Trials for Terrorists
In the past week, there are 476 documents on Nexis heralding the magnificent achievement of Nancy Pelosi becoming the FIRST WOMAN speaker of the House.
I thought we had moved beyond such multicultural milestones.
The media yawned when Condoleezza Rice became the first black woman secretary of state (and when Lincoln Chaffee became the first developmentally disabled senator).
There were only 77 documents noting that Rice was the first black woman to be the secretary of state, and half of them were issues of Jet, Essence, Ebony or Black Entrepreneur magazine.
A New York Times profile of Rice at the time waited until the last sentence to note in passing that Rice was “only the second woman, and the first black woman, to hold the job.” (In a separate column by me, it was noted that Rice was the “first competent woman” to hold the job.)
Not everyone ignored Secretary Rice’s achievement. Gore’s campaign manager, Donna Brazile—the last black person to hold a prominent role in any Democratic presidential campaign—told Newsweek that when she watched President Bush nominate Rice, “I had chills up and down my spine.” Brazile said: “I never thought in my lifetime I’d see an African-American woman being nominated as secretary of state. George Bush made that happen.”
On MSNBC’s “Hardball,” even Al Sharpton said of Rice’s appointment, “I don’t think you can sneeze at the fact that she has made a tremendous achievement as the first black woman in history to be a State Department head.”
Rice was not the first black secretary of state because Bush had already made Colin Powell the first black secretary of state. That was back during Bush’s first term, when Rice was the first female national security adviser.
Bush also named Alberto Gonzales the first Hispanic attorney general. He made an Arab-American, Spencer Abraham, secretary of energy; a Cuban-American, Carlos Gutierrez, secretary of commerce; an Asian-American, Elaine Chao, secretary of labor; and a retarded-American, Norman Mineta, secretary of transportation. It was as if Mariah Carey and Tiger Woods had children and they all joined the Bush Cabinet.
The whole place has been lousy with women since the first Bush term, including Gale Ann Norton, secretary of the interior, Ann Veneman, secretary of agriculture, and Margaret Spellings, secretary of education. For a while there, it looked as if Bush might become the first president whose entire Cabinet’s menstrual cycles were synchronized.
In a rare article taking note of Bush’s “Benetton-ad presidency,” Time magazine’s Joe Klein said of Bush’s second-term appointments: “It took Bush a month before he named a standard-issue white male.”
By contrast, John Kerry hired only white males for top positions in his presidential campaign, a fact so embarrassing that even the media eventually took notice. In Kerry’s defense, almost all of his and Teresa’s domestic servants appear to have been people of color, although we still don’t have a final head count on the place in Aspen.
But when Nancy Pelosi—another Democrat who married a multimillionaire—achieves the minor distinction of becoming the first female speaker of the House, The New York Times acts like she’s invented cold fusion.
There were two major articles breathlessly reporting Pelosi’s magnificent achievement as first female speaker and an op-ed by Bob Herbert, titled “Ms. Speaker and Other Trends.” Beatifying Pelosi as “the most powerful woman ever to sit in Congress,” Herbert began: “Sometimes you can actually feel the winds of history blowing.” There was a major Times profile of Pelosi, gushing that Pelosi was “on the brink of becoming the first female speaker.” (Isn’t she just the most independent little gal?)
So in addition to bringing back a cut-and-run national security strategy, tax-and-spend domestic policy and a no-enforcement immigration policy, the new Democratic Congress is apparently ushering in a return to feminist milestones.
I warned you people about what might happen if “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” ever caught on, and now you’ve got no one but yourselves to blame. Happy now?
Wingnut Daily is only used by Clueless. So his “retirement” was short lived? Naaah, he NEVER left!
That’s about all Sucky-Clown-Conservative can do: cut-n-paste. Anything like thought is beyond his paltry mental faculties.
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 11/15/06@ 5:28 pm
Ah, Mr. Sucks. Thank you. You know how much I enjoy taking apart an Ann Coulter article. It’s pretty easy, but it really is a lot of fun.
“The media yawned when Condoleezza Rice became the first black woman secretary of state”
Front page headlines in every major paper in the country, featured stories on every network news program. Wow. Could we get the media to yawn at the genocide in Darfur? Maybe they could then yawn at the gutting of our civil rights under the Bush administration.
“But when Nancy Pelosi—another Democrat who married a multimillionaire—achieves the minor distinction of becoming the first female speaker of the House, The New York Times acts like she’s invented cold fusion.”
Ms. Pelosi achieved the “minor distinction” of becoming the third highest elected leader of the most powerful nation in the world? I wonder what Ms. Coulter considers a major distinction?
“The whole place has been lousy with women since the first Bush term, including Gale Ann Norton, secretary of the interior, Ann Veneman, secretary of agriculture, and Margaret Spellings, secretary of education. For a while there, it looked as if Bush might become the first president whose entire Cabinet’s menstrual cycles were synchronized.”
Words escape me here. This quote just speaks for itself. Perhaps Ms. Coulter should consider some therapy for this apparent self-loathing.
“I warned you people about what might happen if “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” ever caught on, and now you’ve got no one but yourselves to blame.”
Ah, yes. Ms. Coulter seems to be of the belief that women don’t belong in the work force. It would really be a shame if she applied those same standards to herself. It would deprive us liberals of so much entertaining reading.
“Happy now?”
Yes, quite happy, thank you.
John_Barelli@88 I suppose I could add a snarky comment like: Coulter isn’t expressing self-loathing so much as gender-envy!
John Barelli: Clueless wanted a wingnut daily posting. I obliged him! Clear and simple even most MOONBATS! can understand that!
Wonderful pages! Keep up the grat work.
Roger let me fill you in….
Reichert has leadership and “gravitas”
Burner has not led anything but a “D”
Sorry to say….He won…Kinda like “Gregoire”, except by 5k+ more votes…
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 11/15/06@ 6:07 pm
No complaint from me. I really do enjoy taking apart Ann Coulter’s articles. What puzzles me is why some folks seem to think she’s such a good spokesperson for the conservatives.
There are a number of intelligent, thoughtful conservatives. George Will comes to mind immediately, but there are others.
Ann Coulter just isn’t in the same league. She’s just a far-right pundit that doesn’t seem to bother checking on her facts.
“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts” – Daniel Patrick Moynihan
You speak from what you do not know as you have no idea of my political ideology. Every election office should be held to the same standard. As I asked Roger ‘Can King County or other election offices meet that requirement?’ which included all other offices.
MWS – THANKS FOR CALLIN’ A SPADE A SPADE. Commentby YOS LIB BRO— 11/15/06@ 6:18 pm
Yes, you are clueless!
“sillyguy says: 12 – Roger
Have you ever been through a SOX audit? If so you would know that every conclusion must be supported by verifiable evidence that the process is functioning. That is the level of scrutiny that the election offices need to undergo to ensure the we have had an authentic election. Every step and decision must have a verifiable process with evidence that the process actually occurred as it should have. Can King County or other election offices meet that requirement?”
First of all, jackass, Sarbanes-Oxley doesn’t apply. Point number two, if you want that level of verification, then pay taxes for it. Finally, in every court of law, the burden of proving an allegation is on the party making it; consequently, if you claim King County Elections is stuffing the ballot box — prove it! You’re nuthin’ but a wingnutter full of hot air blowing smoke out of his ass, and no respectable SOX auditor would give you the time of day. Go fuck yourself.
Does anybody know if Ann Coulter was able to find her precinct in this election? She couldn’t last time.
then what adjective would you use to describe what happend to McGavick?
He got crushed.
But it was no thanks to you a$$hats. You guys hated Can’twell almost as much as we did. You can hardly then take credit for her victory when you didn’t really put any energy behind her and hated her almost as much as those who wanted to defeat her.
Like I said, you guys are hilariously incompentent.
GS — how’s it feel to hang onto a “safe” GOP district by 2 points against a 35-year-old novice? Not that it matters, we’ve got the House anyway, so go to your tailor and get measured for a pinstriped suit!
This is gonna be fuuuuunnnn!!! :D
sillyguy says:
78 YOS LIB BRO You speak from what you do not know as you have no idea of my political ideology. Every election office should be held to the same standard. As I asked Roger ‘Can King County or other election offices meet that requirement?’ which included all other offices.
Roger Rabbit says:
Until you pony up the increased taxes to pay for it, it’s nothing but cheap talk.
96 (continued)
sillyguy says: 78 YOS LIB BRO You speak from what you do not know as you have no idea of my political ideology.
Roger Rabbit says: I would guess your political ideology is waaaaaay to the right of common sense.
Heyyyyy sillyguy, how’s that revote bullshit of yours coming along? Got Karl Rove’s approval for that yet? Nope, didn’t think so.
It might have merit in certain cases, though. For example, the Reichert-Burner race was close, so maybe we should do a revote in that one. The 8th C.D. voters might want to reconsider whether they’d like to be represented by a minority party backbencher who won’t bring any more earmarks into the district.
98 Roger
The point that I was making was that if all election offices had that level of scrutiny then it would be very difficult to prove any mis-doing. This was an initial discussion point not a be-all do-all solution.
And yes you state the obvious that Sarbanes-Oxley does not apply and yes it would cost money. Even though you consider yourself a rabbit that does not make me a Jackass. So why be so negative? Oops – I’m sorry you are always negative to everyone. So be it. Roger is now on ignore because he is an anti-social partisan rabbit.
BunnyBoy @ 63
Engaging in a bit of “hare splitting,” are we? BOTH are attempts to circumvent the process.